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Sancatto Serra: Closer ties to AO 'needed'
Posted: Dec 6 2005, 02:55 PM
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Sancatto Serra presses for 'closer ties' to AO region

TIMIOCATO (PPA) -- Pacitalian Agustinate of International Relations Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra has called for an immediate improvement of ties to the nations of Atlantian Oceania after the Democratic Capitalist Republic's move to the region from Gholgoth earlier this month.

Pacitalia's exit from arguably the most militarily fearsome region has not been seen as defection as much as it is seen as a difference in foreign policy and diplomatic belief between the region's controller, Automagfreek and La Repubblica. However, the separation of attitudes became publicly apparent last week when Pacitalia and the Almighty People's Republic of Samtonia outrightly condemned Automagfreek for the brutal slaughter of Kahanistani civilians. AMF protested and his supporters cawed for punishment of "betrayal". In return, Pacitalian and Samtonian officials criticised those nations as "trying to cull favour in the eyes of [Automagfreek]".

Meanwhile, Sancatto Serra is organising a multi-nation state visit to officially set up diplomatic relations between Pacitalia and nations the Republic has interacted with positively in the past. "There are many nations in Atlantian Oceania we have long been friendly with, and we feel the next step, a furthering and cementing of our relations, is important for the permanence of Pacitalia in this region. We would be honoured to cement relations with all AO nations if the desire of those nations existed."

Starblaydia, Nedalia, Vilita, Commerce Heights, Lamoni, Hypocria, Hockey Canada, Bedistan and Fmjphoenix are among the nations Dr. Sancatto Serra wishes to visit in his planned state tour. So far, Bedistan, Nedalia and Starblaydia have been the only one to show a reciprocated interest in improving relations, but Dr. Sancatto Serra says he is confident "the improvement in relations he plans with all AO nations will be a huge success, and the region will accordingly welcome us with open arms."
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Posted: Dec 6 2005, 03:27 PM
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Patriarch Khara sat in his luxurious office in the palace in Archon City, enjoying a nice meal and some rum when his aide, Johnathan Cair, came in with a folder. Saluting the Patriarch, he sat down in front on the other side of the Patriarch's desk and pushed the folder forward. "The nation of Pacitalia is seeking to further develop its relations with nations in AO, including Lamoni, Nedalia and Hockey Canada. Seeing as how he is contacting three of our fellow SDL members, I thought you might want to take a look at this info we compiled on them and then decide what to do."

The Patriarch nodded, not saying a word as he wiped his mouth, placing the napkin next to his plate, then reaching forward and grabbing the folder containing the pertinent data on Pacitalia. After flipping through it and reading for several minutes, Patriarch Khara closed the folder and placed it in his lap. "I think we need to make a good showing to our new neighbor, don't you? I'll draft a letter to be sent to them immediately."

Johnathan looked a little suprised. "Are you sure Highness? I could get Danielle to do it. I'm sure you've got more..." Before he could finish his sentence, Khara raised his right hand and cut him off. "No, that's quite alright. I've been wanting to get back to work since returning from Nedalia. This will help get me started." Johnathan nodded.

An hour later the letter was finished and Johnathan made sure it was sent through the right channels so that it would arrive at the Pacitalia capital as quick as possible.

TO:Prime Minister Timothy Ell, Pacitalia
FROM:Office of the Patriarch, Khazaron

On behalf of the entire Dominion, I would like to welcome you to Atlantian Oceania. I hope that you find your new home here to be to your liking and would like to offer you any assitance the people of Khazaron can muster in getting you situated to your new surroundings.

Furthermore, if you would be so kind, I would also like to engage in an exchange of ambassadors with you, so that our nations might become more knowledgeable about each other. I can assure you an excellent home awaits your ambassador in Embassy Row here in Archon City if you agree to the exchange.

Finally, we have been made aware of the fact that a member of your administration, Dr.Sera, is wishing to conduct a tour of several nations in AO, most notably several of Khazron's own allies and fellow members of the Strategic Defense League. If he so wishes to do the same here, he is more than welcome to and we will have a runway at Khazaron Internation Airport reserved exclusively for him and his associated party.


James Khara
Dominion of Khazaron
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Posted: Dec 6 2005, 05:21 PM
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To:  Dr. Sancatto Serra, Agustinate of International Relations, Pacitalia

Re:  Proposed State Visit

Dr Serra,

First let me on behalf of the Autokrator and the entire Autocracy add our own greeting to the regional welcomes you no doubt have already received.

It has recently been brought to my attention that in an effort to improve relations between your own fine nation and other countries within the region you have proposed a multi-nation state visit.  Let me assure you that we are always interested in improving our associations with other nations and would be delighted and honoured to receive yourself and your delegation.   


Maximilian Borada
Minister of Foreign Affairs
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Posted: Dec 6 2005, 06:50 PM
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To: Prime Minister Timothy Ell, Pacitalia
From: President Matthew Stone, Lamoni

It has come to our attention that your nation wishes to increase it's ties with various AO nations, including the Free Republic.  We believe that good relations with our neighbors is a must, so not only do we welcome you to AO, but we also reciprocate your interest in visiting each other's nations.  We will gladly hold a runway at Government AFB for Dr. Serra and his party during their trip to the Free Republic.  We are also interested in an exchange of ambassador's if you will agree.


Matthew Stone
Free Republic of Lamoni
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Posted: Dec 6 2005, 07:11 PM
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Nedalia would like to make it known on behalf of the SDL, as well on behalf of our own country, that we view Pacitalia as an ally. We believe Serra and President Bren would have much to talk about pending the visit to Kafra, where Serra shall be provided a room in the Presidential mansion.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Dec 6 2005, 08:41 PM
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To: Dr. Sancatto Serra, Agustinate of International Relations, Pacitalia
Fr: Foreign Office, Everton City, Krytenia

Dr Serra,

Any friend of Starblaydia is a friend of ours. Welcome to Atlantian Oceania - we trust you wil find the climate and international interrelations to your liking.

Our nation would be pleased to welcome a delegation to Everton City. We feel that even though you would not be eligible for membership to the SAAS, a friendly relationship between our peoples would be most prosperous. If you are unable to send anyone, I would be only to happy to make a visit to your nation.


Peter Belmondo
Minister of Foreign Affairs

PS: May I suggest a cautious approach to the Lamonians. They feel that certain nations are a threat and may not take kindly to those who wish to open dialogue with nations such as ours.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Dec 7 2005, 12:08 AM
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To: Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra (Pacitalian Agustinate of International Relations)
From: Harry Livingston (Liverpool England Advisor for Chacoran External Affairs)
CC: Yuri Noble (Chacor Secretary to the Advisor for External Affairs)

Dear Dr. Sancatto Serra,
It has come to my, and my Chacoran colleague's attention that you are planning a state visit to nations around the region. I am extending you an invitation to visit Hubana City on your trip around the region. You may choose to stay overnight, or just spend a few hours taking in the wonderful scenery of the lush green forests west of Hubana.

We understand if you would like to decline our invitation, but look forward to hearing a positive response. Let me, in closing, welcome you in advance to the region, and wish you a happy stay.

Harry Livingston
Liverpool England Advisor for Chacoran External Affairs

This post has been edited by Chacor on Dec 7 2005, 12:08 AM
Senator in Training
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Posted: Dec 7 2005, 02:17 PM
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To: Harry Livingston (Liverpool England Advisor for Chacoran External Affairs), Peter Belmondo (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Krytenia), President Bren (Nedalia), President Matthew Stone (Lamoni), Maximilian Borada (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hypocria), Patriarch James Khara (Khazaron)
From: Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra (Ministry of International Relations and Foreign Affairs, Pacitalia)

Dear sirs -

It has been a true honour to witness the outpouring of welcome among our new regionmates, especially of the six of you. I would be humbled to visit your nations as part of my long tour and am honoured by the genuine desire to welcome my delegation and I upon our arrival.

My ministry (MIRFA) and I will be setting a tentative timetable for visits to each nation and I believe that I will be able to make respectable-length visits to all Atlantian Oceanian nations.

Once again, thank you for the wonderful welcomes. The Pacitalian government and I look very much forward to improving and cementing multilateral relations with the members of this region.

Sincera in domina bene,

Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra, MPP, RPAg
Agustinate of International Relations
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Dec 7 2005, 02:18 PM
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Posted: Dec 9 2005, 02:40 PM
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No other takers?
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Posted: Dec 9 2005, 02:51 PM
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We're not on your list tongue.gif
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Posted: Dec 9 2005, 07:59 PM
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QUOTE (Latao @ Dec 9 2005, 12:51 PM)
We're not on your list tongue.gif

OOC: Doesn't mean that you can't say anything.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 10 2005, 05:49 AM
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FROM: Minister of State, Aleksander Jovanovich
TO: Dr. Sancatto Serra, Agustinate of International Relations, Pacitalia

We would like to extend our warmest greetings to the region of Atlantian Oceania.

While our nation is neutral and isolationist in most international affairs, we would like to extend an invitation for a delegation from your nation to visit the capital, Graham City, to conduct negotiations on various potential trade agreements and the establishment of diplomatic exchanges in our respective countries.

As a friendly warning, watch out for the intraregional alliance lobbying, and enjoy your new region.

Aleksander Jovanovich

This post has been edited by The Lowland Clans on Dec 10 2005, 05:58 AM
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Dec 10 2005, 08:42 PM
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From: Branden Stout, CEO, Unified Capitalizt States of Commerce Heights
To: Dr. Sancatto Serra, Agustinate of International Relations, Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

First of all, welcome to Atlantian Oceania. I hope the move went smoothly. Having recently moved our own land, we understand the difficulties involved and do not consider your nation responsible for the resulting oceanic disturbances that caused minor damage to some buildings in southern Tarraconesis and Lukeonia.

We understand that you are planning a diplomatic visit to a number of nations in your new region. Though the Unified Capitalizt States are generally apathetic towards building diplomatic relations, we welcome you to stay as many days as you like in our nation. Although most of our foreign policy efforts are directed towards the unstable situation in the former Lontorican state of Königeland, our Chief Diplomatic Officer, Καρατζάς Νίκος (Karatzás Níkos) will try to make himself available to you during your visit.
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Dec 11 2005, 06:34 PM
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Sarzo noticed first the condemnation of Automagfreek by Pacitalia and Samtonia and then Pacitalia's move to Atlantian Oceania. He saw Haffner walk in with a somber look on his face as he fingered the pages with the official report from the Office of Intelligence.

Damn Packies are now up our cracks, Haffner thought.

"Mike, what do we make of Pacitalia's move to the region?"

Sarzo looked with a smirk at Haffner.

"Grant, it's pretty obvious, like the nose on your face." Haffner scowled as he touched his nose in a move that just screamed defensiveness, but Sarzo smiled.

"I'm joking Grant. About your nose, at least. It's rather obvious what Pacitalia's intentions are. They're making a move to smooth over diplomatic relations between us and them after what happened in the wake of PIW's merger."

"By condemning Automagfreek?"

"Yes. And by leaving Gholgoth to join Atlantian Oceania. Remember they originally joined Gholgoth in the first place as a means of protest against our stance in the Gholgoth Wars. Now they've reversed that."

"Are you sure that's what their intent is?"

"Just because relations with Pacitalia aren't what they once were doesn't mean I don't know them well," Sarzo said. "That's one of the things that made our diplomatic tangle with Pacitalia so painful. We know each other very well. That's why I can see the intent behind this move from a nautical mile away."

"Now what do we do about it?"

"We've got that conference in Praeton with now Prime Minister Tiberius Polax. I'd say we hammer out a deal there. I'll go myself or send Nicole."

"Hope you know what you're doing Mike."

So do I.
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Posted: Dec 14 2005, 08:27 PM
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[[ OOC: I think I should make a Wiki article about the meaning of "Serra" since I have to explain so much. Eh, no worries - anyway, Serra is the equivalent of de or van in a Dutch person's last name. It's aristocratic, a leftover from the pre-Republic days, so his last name is actually Sancatto Serra, not just Serra. It'd be like calling him Rabastano van Sancatto, for example, or if you just said Dr Serra - Rabastano van. Which sounds funny, but Pacitalians get irritated. And we're second-most irritable on the UN rankings or something? So yeah. Get out of the way. tongue.gif [/$0.02] ]]

To: All nations concerned

The Ministry of International Relations and Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce a tentative schedule for the visit of Agustinate of International Relations Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra to fellow AO nations. If you have any conflicts which will lead you to require a rescheduling of Sancatto Serra's visit to your nation, please do not hesitate to reply. Note as well that as more nations request a visit by Sancatto Serra, the list will grow. Thank you in advance!

Sincera in domina bene,

Luireggia Panzostatta
Senior Undersecretary to the Agustinate
Ministry of International Relations and Foreign Affairs
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

Tentative state visit schedule
Tour length: 21 days (incl. travel time)
Nations covered: 9
  1. Hypocria (3rd & 4th January)
  2. Nedalia (5th & 6th January)
  3. Krytenia (7th & 8th January)
  4. Lamoni (9th & 10th January)
  5. Khazaron (12th & 13th January)
  6. Starblaydia (15th & 16th January)
  7. The Lowland Clans (17th & 18th January)
  8. Chacor (19th & 20th January)
  9. Commerce Heights (22nd & 23rd January)
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