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SDL (Strategic Defense League)
Posted: Sep 30 2005, 05:33 PM
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Stack stepped out of the toilet, thanked the mistress for her "services" and noticed a new partner on board the plane. He quickly straightened his tie and approached the gentlemen, who was in fact the Sarzonian delegate.

"I hope I didnt make too much a fuss back there. I am Mr. Stack, the Nedalian representative. Rest assured that President Bren himself will be greeting us at the airport upon our arrival to Kafra. The SDL Headquarters just south of Kafra, I hope, will be to your liking."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 1 2005, 04:21 PM
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The Patriarch's personel plane shot down the runway, and in very short order was once again traversing the skies. This leg of the trip was to be relatively shorter than the first one. By the pilot's estimate it would take them no more than a couple of hours to reach Bettian airspace, then they'd land to pick up President Brooks and his delegation, and then finally make the trip to their final destination in Kafra, Nedalia.

Patriarch Khara passed the time on the flight by talking to both President Stone and Mr.Levine. He mostly seemed interesting in learning as much as he could about Sarzonia and its history and culture. "I must confess" Khara stated. "I'm somewhat of a history fanatic." He then let out a chuckle and smiled broadly. The flight went extremely smoothly, with only a slight delay when they had to make a detour in order to avoid a storm front that was moving south from Bedistan.

Finally the signal came for the passengers to once again take their seats as they where about to land in Banastra. Several minutes after that, the co-pilot came back from the cockpit and opened the door for Patriarch Khara and the others to step out.

Looking around as he stepped from the plane, Patriarch Khara spotted what appeared to be President Brooks off in the distance and smiled, waving as he walked down the stairs and across the runway. "Greetings Mr.President, your ride is here." Khara extended his right hand to the President. "I am Patriarch James Khara, it is an honor to finally meet you in person."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 2 2005, 04:40 AM
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Having fallen asleep on the journey to Bettia, Stack woke up as President Brooks made his way into the airplane. Ah Bettia!, he thought to himself, a Nedalian's home away from home!

He quickly approached Brooks extending his hand, "It is an honor to finally meet the man that leads what Nedalia considers the closest thing to us!"
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 2 2005, 05:52 PM
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Waiting inside of the plane, President Stone extended his hand to President Brooks, and said "Welcome. I'm President Stone, and it is an honor to meet you, sir. In these turbulent times for AO, our nations need to be able to work together on common goals; like keeping the SAAS from dictating policy to AO nations."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 01:30 AM
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Brooks, looking rather smart in his navy blue suit, white shirt and 'old school' style tie in the national colours of green and gold, shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with his esteemed SDL brothers (including a rather flushed-looking Mr Stack - what HAS he been up to?). Rather remarkably, he actually remembered the names of all of his counterparts without having to ask them again, although he manage to commit the names of the lower-ranking officials to oblivion.

Stepping on board Khara's plane, he took one look at the opulant surroundings and quipped "Now this is posh... no wonder it took you guys so long to get here!"
We don't do defence
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 01:48 AM
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Patriarch Khara smiled and let out a chuckle. "Indeed, we've been enjoying ourselves to much to be on time." He then motioned towards the seats at the front of the plane, inviting President Brooks, Mr.Stack, President Stone, Mr. Levine, and King Falcon to join him at a set of eight seats, four on each side of a nice table, that was just to his left. Taking a seat next to the window, Khara stretched his arms a bit and buckled his belt. "It's probably best to get buckled up as soon as possible gentlemen. From what the pilot told me, we appear to be running a bit late because of that storm we had to avoid. No need to worry though, I am told they have a very good meal prepared for us once we get airborne again." The attendants to the plane where already closing the door as soon as President Brooks and his delegation where on board the plane.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 01:04 PM
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Once all of the dignitaries where seated and buckled in, the plane toke off for it's final destination of this part of the trip, Kafra. After climbing to a comfortable height, the captain turned off the seatbelt sign and the gentlemen where free to move about as they pleased. Patriarch Khara remained seated, deciding to have some dinner as it had been quite awhile since their feast/drunken revelry at his palace back in Archon City. As the attendant walked up and asked what he would prefer, the Patriarch smiled and said "I would like some ravioli with alfredo sauce and a side of lasagna. Top that all off with a nice glass of rum and orange juice please." The attendant nodded as she jotted down the order, then turned to the others present. "What about you gentlemen?" she asked with a smile.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 08:59 PM
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Stone thought about what he felt like eating at the moment, and finally said "I would like some of what the Patriarch is having, with Lamonian Vodka, if you have some on board. If not, then Khazaronian Rum will do fine." Stone winked at the flight attendant, and noted her ready smile. wink.gif
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 09:33 PM
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Patriarch Khara looked at President Stone as he asked the question about the rail gun weapons for Khazaron. Finishing his bite of lasagna, he put his fork down and toke a sip from his drink then replied. "Sounds like a very fair idea to me Mr.President. While Nova Roma has been rather silent since Khazaron came onto the world stage, I would still like to be able to defend my people with the best available equipment." Khara smiled at bit. "Hence why my men are taking back the Latin military equipment to be reverse egineered in Archon City. We Khazaronians have alot of catching up to do, not just militarily, but in other areas as well. Which reminds me, I would like to thank you for Lamoni's help so far in trading equipment to our Armed Forces. Is there anything I can do to repay the favor?" As they where talking the attendant brought Stone his meal and a glass of Lamoni Vodka.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 10:02 PM
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Stone couldn't think of anything right away, so he replied "I really can't think of anything that we need just now... but i'll be sure to ask if we need something in the future, Patriarch."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 4 2005, 10:07 PM
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The Patriarch nodded at President Stone, finishing up his dinner and downing the rest of his drink, then excusing himself from the rest of the delegates. "Pardon me gentlemen, I'm a bit tired and would like to get some rest before we arrive in Kafra." Khara then walked towards the back where his bedroom on the plane was, stopping briefly to grab a beautiful, buxom, raven-haired beauty of a flight-attendant to go with him into his room.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 5 2005, 06:36 PM
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Stone finished his dinner before it went cold, then found the flight attendant that was flirting with him earlier, and punched his own mile high card. When he awoke from the sleep that he'd fallen into afterwards, he heard an annoucement that the plane was due to land in Kafra in a few minutes.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 5 2005, 07:10 PM
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Finally, Stack thought to himself, back in Nedalia! Home Sweet Home!

He looked out of the window, looking over the green rolling hills that were found outside the Kafra metropolitan area. So much work had been done on Kafra in recent years that it looked like absolute heaven, a wonderful fusion of the modern world with Nedalian history. He couldnt wait for the reaction of his new partners.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 5 2005, 07:19 PM
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Patriarch Khara finally stepped out of his bedroom, smiling ear to ear and saying something under his breath about it "Being good to be the Patriarch." He had heard the announcement about the landing and decided he should probably take his seat, not wanting to cause any undo injury to him and the flight attendant. Taking his seat he had had earlier, he looked out the window and whistled. "Quite a beautiful landscape Mr.Stack." he said as he straightened out his suit he was wearing. "I look forward to seeing as much of it as I can."

Several minutes later, once they where all seated and the clearence had been given, the plane landed in Nedalia, coming to a gentle halt and taxing to the gate area. After recieving the all clear from the pilot and flight attendants, Patriarch Khara unbuckled his belt and headed towards the door, which the raven-haired beauty he had been with earlier had already opened. Smiling at her, he toke her hand and kissed it and then made sure the pilots knew to send his belongings to the hotel he would be staying at. Finally, Khara turned and descended the stairs, shading his eyes from the sun and looking for President Bren and his party.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 6 2005, 08:52 AM
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President Bren stepped out of the Maybach 62 custom made limosine to greet his new partners. He already knew of the situation brewing behind the scenes between Falcania and Sarzonia, and his number one priority was to make sure that any tension died down as quickly as it had risen.

As for the SDL HQ to the south of Kafra, it was about 45 minutes from the Kafra International Airport, past the southernmost suburb of Jabsheet, nestled in between to green, rolling hills. Unbeknownst to his guests, they would not be staying in a hotel. Instead, they would be staying at their very own mansions built on the SDL HQ grounds. Every participating nation had its own 20 room mansion for its leader, and for all other members of the delegation, they would get their own 4 room bungalow in the compound on the site. There was 200 bungalows in all, so one could imagine the size of the HQ.

Also on the grounds were the 10 story, state of the art building that was known as the "The Heart" of the complex. Anything to do with security of the complex was situated in this futuristic building. Next to it was the grand and magestic meetings hall (most comparable to the Opera House in Sydney). Also on the grounds were exclusive 5 story buildings for each and everyone of the SDL nations to do as they wish with. It was their own personal property, so if they wished to set up their own security, wished to set up their intelligence agencies, wished to do whatever they want, they could.

Recreational facilities were also very common on the grounds. Ofcourse, every mansion came with a grand pool, complete with waterfall, but for the delegates, there was a massive area with 4 pools to enjoy themselves at. A world class golf course was set up, as was a state of the art lounge/bar/restaurant. For those who enjoyed serenity, a 33,000 sq. meter park was designed with lakes, streams, and trees from all over the AO. President Bren hoped that this would make an impression on his guests.

After greeting everyone of them and putting them in their limosines, he signalled Stack over, and began speaking, "Well done, Mr. Stack. You have done us all proud. I want to personally congratulate and assure you that the reward will be worth it. I also expect you to be at all of our events. I have put aside the Nedalian mansion at the SDL HQ for you. I will be staying at my residence in Kafra, although I doubt I will see much of it these coming days. Again well done."

Stack smiled, accepted the President's gesture, and got into the limo with Dewars Strand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and President Bren...heading towards the SDL Headquarters.
Emperor in Training
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