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Crisis In Ainorpisp
Posted: Sep 1 2004, 12:11 AM
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"We interrupt NANN's coverage of the first AOlympiad to bring you breaking news. The High Council has released detailed information this evening that shows an alarming turn of events. In the city of Briseis, the largest city on the northeastern region of Ainorpisp, the unthinkable happened earlier this afternoon - armed elements of the Great Satan, PsiPronia, appeared and proceeded to engage in armed conflict with law enforcement. Amongst them are believed to be the leaders of the Oppressive Tush government that had been voted out by the High Council just weeks ago. The local National Guard was alerted and sent to engage the insurgents, but were pushed back by captured armor being used by the enemy," began news anchor Maurice Chavez, who had visibly paled at the shocking news.

Images of PsiPronian militia shouting at fleeing National Guardsmen, followed by the captured tanks, filled the screen as Chavez continued, "No official casualty list was released by the military, but sadly enough, several of our brave soldiers have fallen in defense of Ainorpisp today. Further action was reported far to the west of Briseis in Semaphore, where insurgents have reportedly secured the outer reaches of the city."

The footage switched to similar scenes in Semaphore, the third largest city in Ainorpisp, "Amongst the destruction observed from reconnaisance planes, more shocking news, the once state-of-the-art Athletics Complex, where Ainorpispian olympians trained, has fallen into insurgent's hands. It is feared that the Complex is being transformed into a military stronghold to face likely counter-attacks by the Army."

As the camera switched back to Chavez, the anchor tried to remain calm and collected, though with great difficulty, "Pending an official announcement by the High Council and Honored Leader, High Priestess Alexandria has released a statement on behalf of the government, in which she stresses the government's desire for a peaceful solution to the insurgency. However, she has also suggested that should Honored Leader Kain authorize it, the entire military could be mobilized to meet the insurgents in combat. Finally, she has expressed the government's wish at this time that no foreign military forces enter the crisis for the time being."

"We've been informed by the AAF that F-32 jets are patrolling Ainorpispian air space for any possible air power the insurgents may have..." Chavez continued, then sighed, "Proverbial dark clouds have gathered in droves over northern Ainopisp tonight, but we must trust the the Golden Path will lead us to a safe conclusion to this crisis..."
Royal Scribe
Posts: 106
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Posted: Sep 1 2004, 04:01 PM
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Being woken up from his sleep, President Matt watched the newscast and then called in the Foreign and Defense ministers.

"Andre (Foreign Minister), I want you to send a communication to the Ainorpispan governement, telling them that we will support them in any way that we possibly can. I want this message to be in their hands within the hour."

As the Foreign Minister ran out of the room in order to carry out his instructions, President Matt then turned to Alexander (Defense Minister), and said "All military units are to be on alert. If Ainorpisp requests our help; which I think that they might, then I don't want to be caught with our pants down."

As the Defense Minister left, Matt was thinking of how fortunate it was that the head of Lamoni's NIA happened to be attending a conference in Ainorpisp at the time. "He should have a basic idea of what to do," Matt thought.

Sure enough, the phone next to him started ringing, and he picked it up...
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 3 2004, 06:21 PM
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Deep inside the Hall of Government in Sarmatia, the heads of state of Ainorpisp were gathered in the war room. Upon the table before them was a large map of the island nation, with key areas in the north highlighted. Markers indicated Ainorpispan units already converging on Semaphore and Briseis, and identified pockets of PsiPronian resistance. Where the insurgents had come from was beginning to be more clear as information began flooding in from the NIS. Appearantly they had been hording weapons and supplies ever since the Great War of Liberation, waiting for the right moment to strike. With the nation's attention focused on the AOlympics, they'd seen fit to launch their small revolution. No one in the country really wanted the old rulers back, and thus the population of Ainorpisp was firmly behind their government.

"The insurgents have secured a barrier of sorts, however flimsy, around the perimeter of both cities. We have them outgunned, outnumbered, and soon they'll be outflanked. Most of their troops seem to be on the perimeters, in order to stave off an assault," General Quong Jhing Jhing, commander of the Ainorpispan Army, explained, then motioned to the ground forces that were moving into place to launch an assault, "At your command, Honored Leader, the Army will plow right through those insurgent lines and then mop up any pockets of resistance remaining. Just give the word and we'll tear them a new one, so to speak."

Elana Kain nodded and looked over to Air Marshal Harrington, asking, "What can the AAF do to perhaps convince these misguided people that fighting isn't the answer? If we can bring the insurgents to surrender, we can avoid spilling any more Pispan blood here."

Harrington, looking confident, pointed out an airbase near the center of the island, "We can launch two flights of F-32s and four of P-51s from Central Airbase to demonstrate our firepower to the insurgents immediately if you give the order. That should at least let them know what we are capable of."

Kain nodded again and now looked to Admiral Jack Sherman, commander of the Navy, "Is the naval blockade in place?'

"It certainly is, ma'am. One large naval blockade around the northern coast, as requested. We do have two carriers involved in the blockade: the Enterprise and the Excalibur. They can launch F-32s as well, if needed," Sherman answered.

"Alright, Air Marshal Harrington, launch your flights of aircraft. Admiral Sherman, have the Excalibur launch a few F-32s with orders to patrol the skies over Briseis, then to fly over Semaphore," Kain decided after glancing at High Priestess Alexandria, who merely nodded.

"Yes ma'am," the two commanders agreed in unison, while General Quong asked, "What would you have me do?"

"Wait until the AAF's completed its mission and see if any insurgents surrender. After six hours, I want you to launch a full-scale attack on the lines of defense around both cities. Try your best not to damage the cities themselves," Kain informed her, then watched as the High Priestess had picked up a phone, and had called the president of Lamoni.

"Mister President? This is the High Priestess of the Golden Path," Alexandria said once the other end of the line had been picked up, "We recieved your gracious offer of assistance, and we thank you for being so ready to help. Our forces are about to launch an attack on the insurgents, but we would gladly accept a contingent of peacekeeping forces once the proverbial dust has cleared. We may also require assistance in rebuilding any destruction that occurs."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 4 2004, 04:23 PM
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After listening to what the High Priestess had said, President Matt thought for a second, and stated, "Lamoni will gladly send the assistance that you need. We can have light peacekeeping forces there in a day if we send them by plane. Say... all 5 divisions of our Rapid Deployment Force (RDF). I can also send an engineer division if you want them. Will that be satisfactory?"
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 6 2004, 02:56 AM
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Nodding at the other end of things, High Priestess Alexandria agreed, "Those forces should be more than enough, Mr. President. We appreciate your genorosity, and it will not go unrecognized, I can gaurantee you. Together with our troops, the north should be well-gaurded and rehabilitated by the peacekeepers. May the Golden Path be with you, Mr. President."

Meanwhile, Honored Leader Kain watched in earnest as the AAF's demonstration of power began over Semaphore and Briseis. One flight of F-32s and two of P-51s were to 'demonstrate' in each of the two cities. The hope of the government was that such a display of firepower would bring the insurgents to their senses. As the aircraft began their assault, Elana Kain bowed her head in prayer for a peaceful solution for a moment. While the F-32s released their rockets, the P-51s flew behind, strafing insurgent positions occasionally. Once the jets had delivered their payload, which caused severe damage to buildings in which the insurgents were believed to be holed up in, they flew back over the city once more before returning to Central Airbase. A moment later, the P-51s followed suit, flying over the city and returning to central.

"All we can do now is wait..." Kain spoke quietly, watching the results of the air attack.

***Six Hours Later***

"General Quong, what's the status report on enemy surrenders?" Honored Leader Kain asked her army chief of staff.

"Well... I'll put it this way, ma'am. It's not near what we'd hoped for, but a few did choose to surrender," Quong responded hesitantly, "Intell reports perhaps a few dozen have come out under the white flag of peace to surrender to our troops. They've heard from the new POWs that there's still quite a few fighters in the cities, including those tanks that were captured."

"Ma'am, if I may..." Air Marshal Harrington spoke up, "When the AAF fighters landed back at Central, there were two P-51s not accounted for. Now we assumed at first that they'd gone back to engage an enemy strongpoint, but we believe differently now. The P-51s are belived to have been shot down over Briseis, and the insurgents taken prisoner nearby claim their forces have both pilots captured."

"We've no choice... the enemy has rejected the olive branch of peace, and with a heavy heart, I must do what I swore to do in order to protect my people. General Quong, you have my permission to begin Operation Deadly Path," Kain finally decided, and with that committed her nation's troops to battle...


"Breaking news in regards to the uprising of PsiPronian and Tush loyalists. NANN has just recieved reports from both Semaphore and Briseis, where the insurgents took control earlier today. After an air raid by the AAF on enemy ground positions, the military gave insurgents a six hour window in which to surrender. Those who did not accept the offer would face a ground assault by the Army. An estimated 37 insurgents took the opportunity."

"A few hours ago, the window of opportunity closed and the Army moved forward, engaging the enemies in open conflict. Without strong defenses to fall back to, the insurgents were quickly forced into smaller and smaller pockets of resistance. In a matter of a few hours, the Army had recaptured both cities, and just a half hour ago, the insurgent leaders sent out a messenger under a flag of truce. Talks have reportedly begun between the federal government and the remaining leaders of the enemy forces. Two pilots, shot down over Briseis, were rescued by a platoon from the 5th Infantry Division as well, more on their story later."

"The ringleaders of the insurgents, including former self-proclaimed 'Holy Emperor' Tush are believed to have fled to an island to the northeast of Ainorpisp, which has since been blockaded by the Navy. As the dust settles, and peace talks begin, reports have additional peacekeeping troops arriving from the Free Republic of Lamoni within a day's time."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 6 2004, 09:24 PM
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(Zhukova 1 AFB - Lamoni)

Watching the troops of the RDF and the engineer division board the supersonic transports that would take them to Ainorpisp, President Matt was in the tower with Air Force Lt. General Peter Uys.

"General, has everything been cleared with the Ainorpispans? We don't want these planes turned back because of 'loose ends.'," President Matt asked.

"Sir, everything is cleared and ready. The peacekeeping force will arrive in Ainorpisp in 24 hours. They'll have our troops landing at Central Airbase. It's their largest.," the General reported.

Just then, the first of the supersonic STR-5 Supersonic Transports took off and headed toward Ainorpisp...

Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 14 2004, 09:40 PM
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***Before the bombing of the AOlympic buildings***

The federal government today announced total victory of the remaining Pispronian insurgents. Most of the enemy forces formally surrendered and have since been taken as Prisoners of War. Those who fled for the islands to the north-east were rounded up by the Navy earlier today. Amongst them was former 'Holy Emperor' Tush, who is now incarcerated at an undisclosed location. Peacekeeping forces from Lamoni arrived at Central Airbase to begin assisting the rebuilding process.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 106
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