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Death of a Bazalonian Statesmen
Posted: Sep 26 2006, 07:58 PM
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It was in an office, his office and you cannot say that anything alerted him to the events that where about to happen. Richard Menszae, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade looked over the incoming intelligence reports from BSIO, BSIS and analysis of them from BIAA.

Despite being relatively spritly for a man of his age, no one could say that he was in the prime of his health. And it was at 2:18pm local time (AOTC-2) when the unthinkable happened.

Suffering a sudden yet not entirely unexpected heart-attack, paramedics rushing the Bazalonian Minister from the Capitol building to the Fauxhan Mercy International, a hospital reputed to be the best Hospital in Bazalonia. Which has both Private and Public wings.

His condition is currently listed as critical and no one is sure whether he will make it or not.

The news hit the Bazalonian people hard, Richard Menszae had done an extremely good job at his portfolio and had given Bazalonia the international respect it had enjoyed in recent years, particularily with John MacKay being named as the regions UN Delegate and the position in the AORDO that comes with it. However no one was more impacted by the event than the Bazalonian Prime Minister. The two of them of had worked closely together for their entire political careers and where the closest of friends, even though they did occasionally differ on politics the never let business interfere with their friendship. Such relationships are rare in the field of politics.

The nation is in shock and the religious in the nation, which is nearly everyone, is praying for the recovery of the international face of Bazalonia.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Sep 26 2006, 10:09 PM
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To the people of Bazalonia,

Are thoughts and compassion are with you in the days after this sudden event. We hope that Minister Menszae will be able to make a complete and full recovery and continue on with the excellent work that he has done for Bazalonia.

Through his great efforts Az-cz and Bazalonia have become much closer as countries and both nations have benefitted greatly. We look forward to future encounters with both Minister Menszae and the Bazalonia People.


Robber Captain Ug-Mt, on behalf of the people of Az-cz
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Posted: Sep 26 2006, 11:20 PM
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To: The people of Bazalonia
From: The Lamonian government and nation

The thoughts of the Free Republic are currently with the family of Minister Menszae, as well as the government and people of our ally; Bazalonia.  We hope that the lack of stress will help Minister Menszae to fully recover, and again take his place among the Bazalonian government, if he so chooses. 

Through his efforts, the Free Republic and Bazalonia have become great friends, and we think that Minister Menszae would appreciate hearing that. 

Matthew Stone,
Free Republic of Lamoni

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Posted: Sep 27 2006, 12:00 AM
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The letters from Az-Cz and Lamoni reached Stephen Hawdon's office. As much as he wanted to be there for his friend affairs of state never ceased. Particularily now that he had temporarily taken over the Role of Minister of Foreign Affiars and trade. Not wanting to do a cabinet re-shuffle at the moment as it was still too close to the incident and Stephen had a great deal amount of hope that Richard would recover quickly.

He had his job to do and letters to write..


To Robber Captain Ug-Mt;

Indeed, Richard Menszae has worked hard to foster relationships between all those in our region. The Bazalonian relationship with the nation of Az-Cz was one of those he had taken a special interest in. Infact I doubt there would be the Baz-Cz team working together in the Tour De Qazox if it were not for him. I know that he will appreciate the wishes once he wakes up from the medically-induced coma that Doctors had put him under to help releive the stress his body is under.

I look forward to the strengthening of our relationship even further.

Yours Sincerly, Stephen Hawdon
Prime Minister of Bazalonia


To President Stone;

I would like to thank you, on behalf of Richard Menszae, myself personaly and the government and people of Bazalonia. It was at Khara, when he first cut his teeth in the politics of the region. The friendship and fellowship that where extended to us by the nations represented in the SDL, particularily yourself as well as a number of others, where greatly appreaciated by the Bazalonian government. And I know made quite an impression on Richard.

Richard is expected to wake up after an induced coma in the next few hours. After this the doctors will ne able to determine the extent of any possible damage. I know that Richard will appreciate this letter.

Thank you, Stephen Hawdon
Prime Minister of Bazalonia
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Sep 27 2006, 12:34 AM
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Hours later Stephen Hawdon managed to finally get away and see his friend. Richard Had woken up and had just been prodded and poked and perhaps sexually assaulted, well for all he knew. But had received a good result. There where some minor abnormalities in some of the tests but nothing that caused any of the doctors any concern. He was expected to make a full recovery, but it would be months before the doctors said that he should even consider going back to work.

Stephen agreed and he said that he would get someone to be the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade until he was strong enough and stress-free enough to return to work.

In a private moment between the two public figures, they managed to joke and laugh, Stephen told Richard about the letters, he told them what they had said about him and then made a "But your not all that" remark.

It was at that moment that he suddenly fell limp and the various beeping machines had gone crazy. His heart stopped. The nurses and a doctor rushed in, shooed Stephen away while they worked on him and finally got his heart started and breathing again. They took him down to radiography and took some CT scans..... which revealed.....
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Sep 27 2006, 06:54 AM
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The Starblaydi government is saddened to see yet another national leader falling gravely ill. In these times of despair, which many nations have endured recently, one must remember that such great nations as ours do carry on regardless, and that death is an inevitable part of the circle of life.

May Mister Menszae, a man who we have had many dealings with over the past few years, recover swfitly to full health and a long life to come.

- signed -

On behalf of Lady Viannor Starblayde,
The Inner Coucil of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Sep 27 2006, 07:47 PM
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"Geez, these Starblaydis jump the gun." Stephen told himself as he read the latest letter from another nation that Richard had had heavy involvement with. That's right he wanted to check up with Richard the nurses had shoved him out of his room while they worked on him and he was wisked away to a meeting by his security detail for a meeting. He needed to know what happened.

Dialing up the hospital he got onto Richard's doctor, "Everything is alright, he is breathing again and everything is fine. IT sometime happens to people that had a major heart-attack as he has but we expect a close to full recovery. He also wants to speak with you but is not quite yet strong enough. He should be strong enough tomorrow to talk, I think we wants to see you in person rather than talk over the phone."

Stephen wondered what it was that most important that he wanted to talk to him. And he cleared a place in his schedule to meet with Richard.

The next day Stephen came to the Hospital to visit his friend.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" asked Stephen.

"I'm going to have to leave politics. Consider this my resignation. And no don't try and change my mind, I have thought long and hard on this from every possible angle. And I need it, I need the break from dealing with international crisis and conflict day after day after day. If I continue i'll have another one and I won't be so lucky."

"Are you sure? Nothing I can do?"

"No, Stephen. I'll miss working with you."

"Same here."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Bazalonia will arrive in a moment and will read a brief statement before opening the floor up for questions. You've all got that?" The assembled Media outside the Parliment of Bazalonia nodded in agreement. And it was indeed only seconds before the PM appeared with no pomp or ceremony.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all I'd like to say the Richard seems to be recovering exceptionally well, even quicker than the best-case put forward by the doctors. He would like to thank all of the well wishing he had received since he arrived in hospital, especially those from his international contacts. If he keeps on recovering like this it should not be long until he is able to be sign himself out of Hospital and take time recovering at home."

At this there where loud applause and a very general and loud positive response

"However, it has been his decision to withdraw from the political scene of Bazalonia and our current acting Minister of Foreign Affiars and Trade, Travis Donnavan, will take the position full-time as of now. However I have also started the process to recognise Richard's many years of service to the nation. I have approached the Governor-General of Bazalonia and he agrees. Today in approximately 3 hours time a bill will be presented to a joint sitting of both the upper and lower houses of Bazalonia. The bill will grant Richard Menszae membership to the Order of Knights of the Bazalope. Our most prestigious honour for any citizen. As such should the bill be passed, Richard Menszae a great politician and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade as of 1:14pm will now be know as Sir Richard Menszae of Victorland. Thank you, does anyone have any questions?"

"Is there an expected date for his release from Hospital?"

"No, The doctors are taking it one day at a time, but it should not be long at the rate he is going now."

"Does the Peerage grant Richard Land or any government stipend?"

"No land, but Richard will be recieving a small stipend as our way of saying thank you."

"Where is Richard now?"

"He is in the Heart Monitoring ward of the hospital as a pre-caution, there have been no minor heart attacks and the doctors have just been saying it's stress, combined with an unhealthy diet. Let me re-iterate the importance of diet for living a healthy life style, and it also needs the accompanying exercise as well."

(OOC: If you have reporters that want to know more feel free to ask)
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Sep 28 2006, 09:54 PM
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After some time Sir Richard Menszae was discharged from hospital and went home, Bazalonia returned to normal and the work that was carried on by Travis Donnavan, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade kept up the good work of Richard while still managing to inject his own personality into the Job. And he started to build up strong personal ties that Richard had.

Days after being discharged Sir Richard was driving along the curvy Ocean Road that goes for approximately 100kms along the coast near Fauxhan. It is a beautiful drive with the sheer cliff and crock formations on one side and coastal heathland on the other. Driving at this stage was certainly against the doctors orders but he had never drove this road before and he had always wanted to. The Heart Attack made him think of all the stuff that he wised to do and that he hadn't done. No longer will he live for work but he will live as the next day would be his last.

Unfortunately this day would be his last.. suffering some-sort of heart-attack induced spasm and momentary unconciousness Sir Richard Found his car, plummeting down to the sea below, The only word he had time for is "-explicitive removed-", one not becomming of his status as a Sir but one that is never the less apt.


It was hours later that anyone knew what had happened. The first person was his wife, and the second person was the Prime Minister who immediately cleared his plate and visited the newly widowed Lady Menszae. He comforted her before returning and preparing a statement for the nation and the region.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," said the Prime Minister barely managing to keep his feelings in. "Sir Richard Menszae has just a few hours ago. Died on the Ocean Road in an apparent accident. It seems is car carreened off the road and into the ocean. It is exactly unclear what happened. An appropriate section of the Ocean Road has been closed off as the BFP investigates what happened. All Bazalonian flags in embassies and in government institutions have been lowered to half-mast and will stay that way for three days." A small tear forms and quickly wiped away. "I also ask every citizen that has a flag to put it down half mast ifor the same 3-day period to show respect for a great man, a great patriot, but most of all Bazalonia's only true statesmen."
Took a break from talking and managed to compose himself back again.

"However this will be my last public address as Prime Minister, when I walk back into the parliment doors I will be calling for an immeadiate general election and then step down as Prime Minister the nation deserves someone that can do the job properly and I feel that I can't in this situation. Oh, and finally I ask all media to respect Lady Menszae's privacy and the privacy of their children. Thank you."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Sep 29 2006, 10:39 PM
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Stephen Hawdon was clearing his desk it had been 6 months since he had called for elections, and finally the results where in. He had a week to get everything of his out of his office and the Prime Ministerial residence for the new Prime Minister. Alvin Reckno, a real Jerk of a man. He couldn't believe that the man got elected. The Conservative Alliance, a group of social conservatives, that wasn't the bad thing. They managed to get to power by politicking with the death of Sir Richard Menszae. They profited and Stephen even thought that they started the multitudes of conspiracy theories out there. The one of most note was involvement of Starblaydi KERES. Which Stephen thought was ludicrious. Why would Starblaydia want to kill of an Ex-Minister of anything? He thought as he wondered about local pet laws for Jo-Jo, Stephen's pet Dragon Demot sent to Bazalonia as a gift.

Travis Donnavan had sent a letter explaining that there is no evidence of any Starblaydi involvement, denouncing those conspiracy theories and explaining that all the evidence had lead to complications from the heart attack. And there where apologies indicating that the government thought there was no basis for such accusations and the conspiracy theories had no foundation in any fact.

Despite the truth that these conspiracy theories having no basis, they spreading through-out Bazalonia like wildfire. The Conservative Alliance made use of this, The CA didn't hide the fact that it thought Starblaydia was an evil regime, which it was. And that the government should do more to make use of it's position as UN Delegate. CA didn't like how the Hawdon Administration handled Starblaydia and called it Pandering. The Conservative Alliance where much more aggressive when it came to politics and he wondered just how much damage they would do to Bazalonia's respected position in the region.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 1 2006, 06:18 AM
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The First government sponsored bill entered lower house that had seen a dramatic shift from the previous neo-liberal balance of power to the Conservative Alliance, the bill proposed a number if things. First the immeadiate dissolution of the Atlantian Oceania Regional Free Trade Organisation. The previous government's only major failure on the regional scene.

Accompanied by this was the immediate declaration of all Starblaydi representatives of the AORFTO as Persona Non-Grata and established procedures for the speedy and unceremonial deportation of all the representatives back to Starblaydia.

The bill passed relatively easily consideration the failure of the AORFTO was pushed as a blight on Bazalonia's international reputation and that erasing it's existance would help restore the reputation of Bazalonia. Amazingly enough the smaller parties had taken in that tripe and it was only the neo-liberals that opposed the bill. This granted easy passage through the lower house, the House of Representatives and the upper house, the Senate.

However other bills soon followed.. the general tightning of trade policies, increased tarriffs, quotas particularily the the Automotive and Aircraft industries, even against strong allies such as Lamoni. However the tarrifs and other things where pretty much non-existant anyway. However Starblaydi imports received the harshest treatment. Almost double the tarrifs and in somecases half the quota's.

Not much later the further restrictions where placed on Visas for entering Bazalonia, as was the pattern createds by the protectionist measures no nation was left unscathed by these new Visa's but Starblaydia received the hardest punch from the new restrictions.

When asked about these new Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade "The Hawdon government pandered to the international community setting up this and joining that having no idea how such actions would affect honest, good working Bazalonians. We are doing what we see as the best thing for Bazalonia. Bazalonia needs to be in the international community but not be a slave to it and these changes over the recent months have in our minds restored the power to the Bazalonian people. We are currently satisfied and see no more changes to the way we deal with the international community in the near future"

When asked about the SDL the minister replies "Belonging to SDL is crucial to maintain the defense of this great nation of ours especially with a dark cloud of war looming on the horizon."

OOC: Btw, I have assumed that the of Richard had taken place soon after his death and before elections could be organised so Stephen was still in power. So I assume many nations came. Probably including Star, but he can leave a little OOC if he wanted to.

OOC2: Just wanted to let you know very little internally has changed with CA. Just CA are very well not as internationally minded as the Neo-liberals

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on Oct 1 2006, 06:45 AM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Oct 2 2006, 06:43 PM
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An open statement to Prime Minister Reckno of Bazalonia,

It has been noted with much sadness at your actions upon taking up the position of head of Bazalonia's government. The AORFTO treaty, in particular, could have been a cornerstone of regional co-operation, but your total dennouncement of the organisation has left Starblaydia as the only nation in Atlantian Oceania committed to free trade between all. In light of the various tariffs, quotas and restrictions placed on Starblaydia by your decisions, our policy of trade tariff mirroring has been put into effect immediately.

Should you wish to reverse your sudden decision to try and shut out one of the stronger economic nations in the region from your borders, we are willing, as ever, to mirror whatever practices you abide by. We hope you do not come to regret the decisions so recently taken.

On behalf of Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde,

- signed -

The Inner Coucil
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Oct 2 2006, 07:51 PM
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To: Inner Council of Starblaydia, representing Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde
From: Alvin Reckno, Prime Minister of Bazalonia

We thank you for concerning yourselves in matters that are purely internal matters within Bazalonia. While we agree that the AORFTO had great potential, the potential it did have was not realised. Particularily noting that the only members of the AORFTO that had signed up was the previous Bazalonian administration and your nation. As such the potential was not realised and we knowing that the AORFTO was extremely unlikely to gain any more members thought it would be better to cut the loses. Not to mention our party's philosophy Free-trade which is totally different to the previous governments.

As to tariff's on Bazalonian goods we where expecting that reaction and had taken that into account when deciding our policies. Our economy does not rely on access to Starblaydi markets and you seem to forget just how strong the Bazalonian economy is.

We have so far seen no reason to regret our recent decisions and we don't take threats and/or interferenance by nations such yourself lightly.


There was some activity between the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Prime Minister. They wanted to recall the Bazalonian Ambassador and expell the Starblaydi ambassador, however the Departments major public servants advised otherwise and the BSIO had started to monitor the actions of the Starblaydi embassy a bit more closely.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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