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A new life
Posted: Aug 24 2006, 12:14 PM
PMEmail Poster
Elizabeth Dominier sat in her office pondering exactly how she should open diplomatic negotations with the nations of the region. She had heard how some sent bottles of alcoholic beverages along with a letter showing their intent to open up relations. However that did not sit well with Elzabeth, she always had despised alcohol and it's effects. She reached out and petted Alexander, her pet dragon. Alexander was but a few months old, yet he was the size of a large cat, but that was normal for black dragons. It was then that she finnaly decided on what to do, she would send everyone a dargon egg for them to hatch and raise. Black dragons made great pets and then guards when they reached maturity. She called in one of her aides and addressed them.

"I need you to go collect as many dragon eggs as you can from the infirmry. We're going to be sending them off to the various leaders of the region, so we must take care that they are not within days of hatching. Now hurry!"

The aid gave Elizabeth a low bow, and then rushed off to do his duty. Meanwhile she turned her attention to her computer and started to type up a letter to her respected neighbors.

Dear _ of _

Demot has been an isolationist nation for much of its' history, keeping to itself and minding its' own business, but that time is now over, and we desire to expand our world. As a show of our good nature, along with this letter will be a rather large egg. This egg is very special, for within it is a baby black dragon, our national animal. If you raise it well, it will be one of your most trusted companions, and will guard you from whatever danger with its life.

However back to the discussion of opening up Demot to the world. We have cleared a decent sized sector in the eastern portion of Skyhaven for the building of foreign embassies. If you desire to build one, then simply mark off the amount of space you need, and propose it to the Foriegn Relations Office. I am sincerely hoping you take up this offer and help bring Demot to your status in the world.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier

Upon completion, several copies were made, and sent to every nation in AO along with the dragon egg. Elizabeth now waited with anticipation to what responce the leaders of the region would have.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Aug 24 2006, 12:22 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
To: Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier, Demot
From: Tanya Ley, Foreign Minister, Lamoni

Greetings from the Free Republic, Matriarch.  President Stone is attending to matters of State in the nation of Carrar at the moment, but he sends his greetings. 

We have received your dragon egg, and will promise to take care of the dragon once it hatches. 

The Free Republic is always interested in embassy and cultural exchanges with nations new to the region of Atlantian Oceania.  At the end of this message, a picture of a proposed embassy building for your nation in our capitol of Nephi will be attached.  Let us know if this building will work out for you, or if you would prefer to build your embassy from scratch.  In any case, we would request a building of simular size as an embassy in Demot, if available.

user posted image
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 24 2006, 05:37 PM
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Dear Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier,

We, the government of Bazalonia, thank you for the gift of the dragon egg, we will be sure to do our best and look after it. It has been decided that our Prime Minister will receive the dragon as a pet and will be jointly responsible for raising it along with a skilled animal nuturer, from the appropriate government department. In addition to this we'd be honoured to set up an embassy exchange, we offer a site in the embassy quarter of our capital, we will provide attached to the embassy building, a residential complex to house the ambassador and staff, if you have any specific requirements please let us know.

We have also decided to give you a look into Bazalonian wild-life. And as such we would like to send you a Bazacub, a newly born Bazalope. They make good pet's as well however don't provide as good a defense as a dragon would.

Yours Sincerly, Richard Menszae
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Aug 25 2006, 12:29 AM
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From the desk of Robber Captain Ug-Mt

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier,

We are pleased with your offer of friendship. We are more than happy to establish an exchange of embassies with your country. We encourage your exploration and further commitment to peaceful relations with other countries. As with all nations we encourage your peoples to explore the blossoming sport of Kleptochase. Along with Kleptoball, Kleptodance, and Capture The Flag, it is a national sport of Az-cz. We have recently started the AOKCC and NSKCC. Although it is too late for this years event, we encourage you to participate in both the upcoming NSKCC and future years of the AOKCC.

As for your kind offer of a dragon, we are interested but dubious. Legendarily the history between our kind and dragons is not a good one. According to the legends, Az-cz slayed hundreds of evil dragons plaguing his planet. Therefore we are curious about the ability for people of Az-cz to cohabitate with dragons. We are therefore conflicted about your present of a dragon egg.

With respects,


PS. What does the title of matriach mean?
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 25 2006, 01:14 PM
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To: Tanya Ley , Lamoni
From: Elizabeth Dominier , Demot

Tell Presiedent Stone that his greetings are welcome and returned in enthusiasm. We are glad to hear that you have recieved your egg in tact and will nuture it.

The proposed embassy looks exactly what we desire and we will be happy to oblige in helping construct a similar one here in Skyhaven. I've already have landscapers surveying the land and laying down the foundation for your building.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier


To: Richard Menszae

I hope that your prime minsiter shall enjoy the company of such a majestic creature. We have no specific requirements for the embassy as you are already fufilled the one with a residential complex.

We accept this offer with open arms. My finest breeder and animal advocate shall take responcibility for the Bazacub. I too will do my best to raise the creature.

Matriarch Elizabethe Dominier


To: Ug-mt

We are equailly please with the extended arm of friendship and the reception that many a nation have given us thus far. Perhaps in the near future we will pick up this sport, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. The nation is currently obsessed with football, escpiailly with how well the nation is doing in its' first WC.

In that case then, when our ambassador arrives, perhaps he can keep it in the embassy. Knowing him, he would surely like a daily reminder of home with him, and the dragon would do just the trick. However if this is not acceptable, we understand and are happy to recieve the egg back if you desire that course.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier

P.s. - Matriarch means a female ruler of the country. Demot is ruled by a royal family who operates with Parliment to govern the country. Whenever a male is the head of the royal family, then he is the Patriarch of the nation, and it is Matriarch when a female is at the head. I hope I have lessened your confusion.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Aug 25 2006, 01:46 PM
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Dear Elizabeth Dominier, Matriarch of Demot,

I received your egg and promise to take care of it. We usually won't accept exotic animals, but, as it's what I consider a diplomatic gift, I will keep it personally and ask for a decent place for the dragon to live when I quit office (we got elections here, so I might be hated and not be reelected.

Considering your embassy exchage idea, my cabinet is willing to accept such a thing. I'm gonna tell you that me and my party are more isolationist, but my cabinet, which is not from my party, is very internationalist. So, I'm gonna accept an embassy exchange. Place my embassy wherever you want. If you want a specific place for your embassy, just tell me in your next reply.

President Johanne Durocher
Royal Scribe
Posts: 139
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 01:33 AM
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Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier,

Aurendia has also recently opened relations with other nations, and we accept your offer of an embassy exchange.  We can offer space in our capital Three Rivers for a Demot embassy, and Anna McCann has been selected to serve as our ambassador in Skyhaven.  Our only request for our embassy itself is that all embassy buildings meet the same strict environmental sustainability standards that all of our own buildings are held to.

We greatly appreciate the gift of the dragon egg, but there was much initial apprehension as to whether the dragon could potentially pose a risk of becoming an exotic invasive species.  Additionally, elections are a regular occurrence in Aurendia, and any individual official who received the dragon as a pet may be just a regular civilian in a few years.  We accept the gift, but the dragon egg will be entrusted to one of our professional football teams.  For the first time in their long storied history, the Ossipee Dragons will have a real live dragon to serve as a mascot!

It has come to my attention that you are not fond of alcoholic beverages.  Therefore, as a gift, we have sent you a selection of our various fruits.  We hope that you find them enjoyable.

Anya Symondsi, Minister of State
Scribe in Training
Posts: 37
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Posted: Aug 27 2006, 09:06 AM
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Chandler Fortn Carrar’s foreign minister had been over worked the past few days and swamped by the press due to the visit of Lamoni’s President. He had just sat down behind his desk and was preparing to head home when someone knocked on his door. Sighing Chandler answered

“come in.”

“Sir we have this message from someplace called Demot” Chandler snatched the paper out of the mans hands.

“A dragon egg!??”

“yes sir”

“well we can’t send the alcohol so….do we still have some Sentinel Blades?”

“yes sir”

“wonderful send that” Chandler quickly left the room before something else was found for him to do.

To: Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier, Demot
From: Chandler Fortn, Foriegn Minister

We would like to thank you for Dragon egg and assure you that we will take good care of it, we would also like to welcome you to Atlantian Oceania and in the absence of alcohol send you a ceremonial sword that was given to members of the shadow sentinel when they finished their duty. It represents a long and peaceful life as we hope to have long and peaceful relations with your country.

We are also interested in starting an embassy exchange; we have space in our capital Davnon for you to choose from.

Chandler Fortn, Foriegn Minister
The Kingdom of Carrarion
Scribe in Training
Posts: 31
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Posted: Aug 29 2006, 11:02 PM
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To: President Johanne Durocher

I completely understand the wish to be isiolationist, with Demot being so for much of its' history. However we are quite pleased that you have decided to exchange embassies with us. Know that the construction of the facility is already underway, with lavish living quaters attached. This quaters include an olympic sized pool, a hot tub in every room, and a grand selection of wine. Although we don't drink the cursed beverage, we know our guests do, and what good host would not cater to their guests needs? I will leave you on this note, and wish you well.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier

To: Minister Anya Symondsi

The fruits were delicious, as we hope to sample many a more from your embassy. You were granted an unused old firehouse as to turn into an embassy.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominie

To: Minister Chandler Fortn

Like many other nations, we thank you for this exchange, and for recieiving our gift with a return gift. The blades shall hang from the mantleplace of my house for as long as time can tell or until our frienship breaks.

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Aug 30 2006, 07:06 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: Demot, you have just given me the oppurtunity for some incredible RPs in the far-off future with this little egg, so here's an RP hopefully worthy of the possibilities this will give Lady Viannor in the future - Star

"One identical sealed box."

"You're a moron."

"One prize of an amazing Black Dragon egg."

"You do this every morning, Joeii" the secretary said, "and it's not impressing me."

"And just one question, Cleo:"

She sighed. Cleo was there to write the official communiques to foreign diplomats on behalf of either Lord Chisoko or Lord Gomez. Watching Joeii the Proofreader go through an episode of 'Deal or No Deal' every day with the box from Demot was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Deal, or no deal?" As ever, his face was full of fake anticipation. He hovered over the ornate box, fingertips pressed del I am please dicately against the side of the lid. He was even doing the heartbeat-style sound effects.

"Dun-dun. Dun-dun. Dun-dun."

This went on for a good forty-five seconds. Cleo just couldn't take it any more.

"Oh, for crying out loud," she said, "I give up! Deal." Joeii lifted up the lid of the box with a flourish.

"Congratulations!" he said, a little too loudly for late on a wednesday evening at the office, with both of them working overtime for the Foreign Office and it's new drive for diplomatic exchanges. The sun had even gone down. "You've won yourself... this... piece of egg-shaped tat!"

Cloe froze.

"The egg," she said, "it moved."

Joeii looked down at the open box. Nothing happened for a few moments, then, suddenly, the egg wobbled a little.

"I think it's hatching," Cleo said, reaching for the intercom, "I thought it was a fake."


"Um, my Lord Gomez?" Cleo had pressed the button for direct communication.

<What is it, Cleo?>

"The, umm, Dragon's Egg appears to be hatching, my Lord."

There was a short silence.

<What Dragon's Egg?>

There was no mistaking that voice. Cleo had interrupted a meeting between Lord Gomez and Lady Viannor herself. This was bad, very bad, as she sounded in a bad mood.

"The Dragon's Egg that the Matriarch of Demot sent us, my Lady."

<Why do you idiots never inform me of these things? I'm on my way>


Some minutes later the door to the office was opened and Lady Viannor strode in. She must have been working late, too, Close thought, as it was well into the evening, even night-time outside. The street lamps were on already, as the nights were closing in. The sun had set, and with the appearance of her nation's leader, Cleo's heart sank. Lady Viannor wore a long black trenchcoat over a a black fleece with a zip down the front. Black trousers and boots were de rigueur for her too.

Viannor walked briskly to the box, laid on a desk in the centre of the office, and inspected it. The egg was moving, more intently than before; something was definitely trying to get out. Viannor extended her hand, ready to snatch the letter from Matriarch Dominier should it not be forthcoming immediately. However, it was, Cleo instantly presented it to her Lady-Protector. Viannor took the letter delicately, making a mental note that this secretary knew her place.

Her eyes flicked across the well-thumbed letter faster than most would have managed and she placed it down on the table beside the box. There was a barely audible scratching noise and Viannor, quick as a snake, crouched down to be at eye level with the egg. She started intently at it, tilting her head to the side slightly. She blinked slowly and smiled.

A scratch. A wobble. A crack.

"Here he comes," she said.

Then, there it was, a claw poking up through the side of the egg. Viannor smiled broadly as the egg began to apart. First a nose appeared, then a whole snout, then two big, wide, black eyes. The creature let out a tiny lizard-like cry, it's first noise in a world new and terrible.

"Come on, little one," Viannor willed on the tiny creature, no bigger than a kitten, as it clawed it's way to freedom from the egg. Soon it was free of the sheel, laying on its back and wriggling slowly, crying into the air. The baby dragon looked up at Viannor and swung its four legs around, rolling into its belly. At the moment it appeared to be nothing but a fat, stubby, little black lizard, a short neck and tail accompanied by an oversized head and torso. Four little legs with what already looked like sharp obsidian claws soon held the creature upright.

Viannor held out her hand slowly to the Dragon and it looked at her with large, blinking black eyes. So black they seemed to drink in the light around them. The Dragon took a shaky step forward, then another til it was ready to climb onto her hand. Viannor willed it on and, a few tentative steps later, it was sitting in the palm of her hand.

Four sets of claws held on tightly to the bare flesh of her hand and Viannor sucked in her breath sharply through her teeth. She smiled at the creature as it looked back up at her, two pairs of eyes intently staring at each other. The Dragon stretched its shoulders and suddenly two tiny dwarf wings appeared from where they had been folded.

"Send a letter to the Matriarch," Viannor said, never taking her eyes off the new creature, "conveying my personal, near-limitless gratitude for this gift. Give them the full diplomatic treatment and send a bottle, no, wait, a crate of Orcinus... hell, send her shares in the company for all I care."

"My lady," Lord Gomez spoke, "Matriarch Dominier abhors alcohol."

"Send her," Viannor thought for a moment, "a White Lion cub for her most prominent zoo. Send two. Send a whole -explicitive removed-ing pride if you need to. Show her that this gift is truly appreciated."

"At once, my Lady."

Matriarch Dominier,

Firstly may I convey my utmost gratitude to you for the gift I received recently accompanying your letter. I am pleased to report that the egg has hatched and there is a black Dragon in Starblaydia, alive and well. I have named him Nightwing, born as he was a few nights ago before my very eyes.

Please welcome, on the first available flight to Demot, our nation's most famous naturalist Jules De Brionne as he carries with him two White Lion cubs, Starblaydia's own national animal. These two cubs, a male and a female, are some small way of repaying your gift to me. May the new pride of Demot grow strong and noble.

An embassy has been reserved for your Ambassador in pride of place at number 10 Phoenix Square, Jhanna, at the head of the street, while we would like to have our embassy built in your city of Skyhaven. We will, of course, incurr any and all construction costs in the building of this establishment, in order to reflect how highly we value our new friends.

May our nations move forward in friendship and unity.

- signed -

Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde of the Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant

Also available in purple
Posts: 1877
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Posted: Aug 30 2006, 04:17 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Milady, we've just recieved a letter from Starblaydia. I think you should read this."

Elzabeth groaned, rolled out of bed, yawning as she reached to turn on the light.

"This had better be good, I hate being disturbed in my sleep." Elizabeth scolded the maid as she began to thumb throw the letter. She stood there silent, and in awe of what she had just read. Quickly she reread it to make sure it wasn't just a dream. One of the major powers of the region just opened up potential very good relations between themselves and Demot, a nation still trying to find where it fit in the world, and was even sending over two exotic and wonderful creatures. She turned her attention to the aid, and with a sly smile she said.

"Who knew someone would take so kindly to an dragon? They are commonplace here, pets for many. And now, one might of just bought us good positon in the region. Phone Dr. Umberg and have him prepare the Skyhaven National Zoo for the arrival of these magnificent creatures. Hopefully we can eventually release a few into the wild, and allow them to live happily and naturally in our country."

The maid gave a slight curtsy as Elizabeth went over to her closet to change. If she was up, she was at least going to look the part of a leader. Typing up important documents in your pajamas was simply unheard of, and she was not going to be one to change that. So she picked out a light blue dress, and changed into it before heading over to her desk and sending Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde her responce.

To: Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde

I am very happy that you have taken so kindly to your dragon, and that you have given the young creature an appopiate name. It is quite a good thing you were there when the hatchling entered the world, for they usually form a strong bond with the first creature they see. Their companionship over the years is always something out of a story, only to be matched with their prowess in combat.

I have already taken the neccassary steps to ensure that these noble creatures and the good doctor will have an elaborate place to stay. It is my hope that through breeding, that we will be able to create a pride of our own.

As for the cost of constructing an embassy, though the offer to pay for the construction is generous, it is not needed. Over the last several years, the nation has made profit after profit after profit, and can easily pay the minor costs of building embassies for those who desire them in our country.  Your embassy adress is as follows:

7 West Fortson Ave.
Skyhaven, Demot

I shall also be sending over Dr. Slyvester Oniu and his family to be the ambissador for Demot in Starblaydia. He and his family shall be arriving at the end of the week along with other neccassary staff for the embassy.

Let this be the start of a long and unified friendship

Matriarch Elizabeth Dominier
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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