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Oh, The Political Games That We Play...
Posted: Aug 20 2006, 10:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
Andreas Seifert manuvered around the halls of the Royal Residence, heading over to the Office of the Crown, the office where his brother, King Alexander IV, worked running the Royal Federation. As he walked down the hallways, he held a couple pieces of paper in his right hand and continued reading and re-reading, while his feet guided him through the building from intuition.

Well, isn't this grand...

It was an odd time for sarcasm to pop up in his head, but in soon enough time he reached the door, and was let in to the room. There sat the King at his desk, which was covered in papers that were sprawled all about. Despite all these items, Alexander didn't appear to be looking at any of them, but simply remained hunched over the information, thinking intently.

"Have you heard about the comments from Ned..."

He hadn't finished when the sentence before Alexander had interrupted him.

"Yes, I have. And so the well-intentioned have failed to stop the gears of war and fate."

The King shook his head a bit and continued once more.

"And that's not all."

The Archduke's eyebrows raised. Some thoughts such as 'There's more? Wonderful.' crossed his mind before he asked the obvious question.

"And what else is there?"

"We've found that a few hours after Hypocria 'resigned' from the ASPIRE, a major political opponent of Andrius Vyntra, the person who both put Hypocria and withdrew Hypocria out, was brutally murdered. How coincidental, don't you think?"

"Are you implying..."

"There's only one organization I trust to be that efficient and that ruthless. The Starblaydi Inquistion."

"You mean Vyntra's signed them back up for the SAAS?"

"Yes, but I don't think Viannor just let them back in scotch-free. Vyntra probably sold us out."


"Same thing I said when they briefed me on it. There's still more concerning ASPIRE, though."

"What else? And from what nation?"

"Our own, actually. If you haven't been paying attention to the polls around here recently, most people have disagreed with our decision to join with ASPIRE. With elections coming up soon, a shifted Parliament might just pull us out."

"Let me guess, we'll probably get treated like Hypocria? I've seen the messages coming out from some of our allies concerning that little incident, and they're not the most pleasant comments I've read."

"Exactly. Which means we'll have some angry neighbors. Angry neighbors that have just been participating in an arms race with Nedalia."

Andreas gave a quick sigh.

"...why is that everything always seems to fall to s*** simultaneously?"

"I don't know, dear brother, I don't know..."

This post has been edited by Geisenfried on Aug 20 2006, 10:27 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 93
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Posted: Aug 23 2006, 10:19 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: You can scratch out all the Nedalia comments, that having been retconned, and with me being unable to change the post now. But the rest of the thread holds.


The long awaited elections were now almost over, and King Alexander IV now sat watching the television to see what would happen with his country. From the screen the political commentator announced the current status to all his viewers, including his important regal one.

As we get on the later stages of this election, it has become readily apparent that this will likely be the closest parliamentary election on record. In the Senate, the majority is currently tied between the LPP and SDP, both holding 30 seats, followed closely by the FCP at 28 seats, with 12 still up for grabs. In Congress, 32 seats remain open and the LPP holds a scarce majority, with 42 seats under wraps, along with the SDP taking 40 seats and FCP at 36 seats. If anybody can get a notable grab in the highly populated greater Haimuller area, it might seal the...

Though the commentator continued, the king's attention was drawn away by a young girl's voice in the background. Specifically, his almost-8 year old daughter Sophia, who proceeded to charge at her father with all the energy that could be held in within her petite frame. Snatching her off the ground and into his arms, Alexander was quickly pulled into an embrace and recieved a light kiss on the cheek from his darling daughter before he put her down again and crouching a bit to stay on her level.

"Daddy, whatcha watching?"

"Oh, just seeing who I have to deal with for the next couple of years, Sophie."

"Are they good people?"

"I'm sure they are."

Though I have some nagging doubts about some of them. Alexander completed his sentence in his mind, but didn't elaborate about it to his daughter.

"Oh, good then!"

Suddenly, both of their attentions were drawn once again to the TV as it made a loud noise to indicate it had something important to say.

And the Haimuller results are in! 2 Senate seats for the SDP and while the LPP and FCP gain 1 each! The LPP also gets 9 congressional seats and the SDP gets 8, while the FCP has to make do with 7 more, putting the Senate totals at SDP 32, LPP 31, FCP 29, and the Congress totals at LPP 51, SDP 48, and FCP 43.

After that latest blab from the television, the King looked at his darling Sophia and spoke in that subtle voice that parents use when their children are supposed to be doing something.

"Hmm... anyways, it's getting kind of late for you, isn't it?"

"But daddy!"

"Butting is what rams do to settle an argument."

Once again his mind subtlely added a note without actually saying it in front of his daughter.

Though I may be doing the same with Parliament in a little while...

"Oh, fine."

With a kiss the daughter departed off to bed and sleep. The King however, would stay up to see the end.

A while later

And the last results from the mountain regions are in. 3 more Senate seats for the SDP and the FCP, with the LPP getting the last two. However, slightly different results in Congress, with the SDP getting 4 seats and the LPP FCP splitting the final four evenly. This means that the SDP has minor majority control of the Senate in a 35-33-32 split, and the LPP has a equally small majority in the Congress with a 53-52-45 split. Even with these tiny victories, this means that the SDP gets to nominate the Chancellor and the LPP the Prime Minister.

After the announcement was made, Alexander clicked off the television and headed off to sleep himself. Tommorrow he'd have to help get the newly elected government back into place, meaning a very long day. As he left for his room, he mumbled a simple thought.

"Let's see how this turns out."

This post has been edited by Geisenfried on Aug 23 2006, 10:40 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 93
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 04:44 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: *realizes I never finished with this*


"Sigmund, you'll regret this later."

The man now dubbed as Chancellor and head of Geisenfried's Senate, Sigmund Velthomer sat in the chair opposite to the King in the Office of the Crown. Alexander was placed in his usual seat. The matter of discussion was a rather simple piece of legislation that would produce exceedingly noticeable shockwaves, as it would repeal the Geisenfried commitment to the Alliance for Stability, Peace and Inter Regional Entente, better known as ASPIRE.

"However, your Majesty, the people have shown that they disapprove of this previous decision. Do you really insist on dragging the people into a conflict that they wish no part in?"

"It's not so much that but the fact that this will most likely weaken an already hurting ASPIRE. Hypocria stabbing us in the back was bad enough for them, us departing will not fair them well either. Not to mention our political relations go down the tube. We'll be lucky if Andossa Se Mitrin Vega or Milchama ever speak to us again. Not so much for the others, but they'll be quite irked."

"Again, I only bring forth what the people want."

"Barely. You're Chancellor because of 2 seats. That's hardly a vindicating victory."

"A victory nonetheless."

The continuation of the argument caused Alexander to sigh heavily.

"...I'm not going to talk you out of this, am I?"

"I'm afraid not."

With that, a deep silence infected the room. Without word, Velthomer left the room, only making a polite bow before leaving.

A few days later, in the Federal Senate Chambers

Chancellor Velthomer now stood at a podium in front of the entire Senate. All 100 of the other members were in attendance, and even the King took a seat, in a special chair that he would use on occasions like these, when the subject matter at hand was important. The coverage of the event was also above normal, with more cameras and people now positioned to fix their gaze at Velthomer.

"Senators of the Royal Federation. We are now gathered here to cast our votes to make a very important decision for our nation. The debates have been presented, and now it is time for judgement."

The vote came and passed, and Velthomer's resolution passed by a margin as slim of his election victory. King Alexander could only watch on with a look of resignation plastered on his face, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it. As the discussions around the room began to begin, he pulled himself up and moved towards the podium. Velthomer silently and respectfully moved away.

"By the democratic processes that govern the laws of our nation, I must now officially declare that our nation, the Royal Federation of Geisenfried, hereby withdraws itself from the Alliance for Stability, Peace and Inter-Regional Entente."

Soon, this declaration would be copied onto headlines around the nation as well as messages to the leaders around the region of Atlantian Oceania.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 93
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