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Influx of refugees to Khazaron
Posted: Aug 17 2006, 01:00 PM
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Khara sat in his office, across from him sat his Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, and Defense. He stared at them for several minutes, his hands steepled and the look in his eyes intent. Finally his gaze broke to look down at his desk at the news paper that lay just in front of him. On the front page of the paper was the title "Refugees flock to Khazaron". Finally he looked back up to his ministers and folded his hands on top of the paper on the desk.

"Well" he started. "How are we handling this so far?"

Danielle Uram, his Minister of Foreign Affairs, cleared her throat and spoke up. "Well, we were initially taken by suprise when the government in Nova Roma appeared to collapse. It has for the longest time remained rather isolated, but it never showed any real signs of political or economic troubles. The best we can say now is that it just happened. However, this collapse caused many new groups to seek refuge in foreign lands, away from marauding warlords that have sprung up in the aftermath."

"Yes, yes, get to the point. How are we going to deal with these refugees? What have you thought of?" Khara snapped.

Looking a little take aback, Danielle continued. "Well, in conjunction with the Minsitry of Internal Affairs..." She gestured to her colleague, Laurence Amar, who was sitting to her right. "...we have begun setting up camps and refugee centers in parts of the major metropolitan areas, until as such time we figure out a long term solution."

Khara nodded and turned his attention to Minister Amar. "So Laurence, what news do you have for me on the homefront of this little incident?"

The greying red-haired man with a goatee straightened up in his seat. "Well highness, news is still spreading across the Dominion about what is going on. While many of our citizens are supporting the effort to help those in need, there is a vocal minority that has already pledge to protest any actions to allow these people into Khazaron."

"Can we expect any trouble from such groups?" Khara asked.

Minister Amar shrugged. "We don't know yet, could be no more than some protests and the usual write-in campaigns to the Assembly, or it could be full-blown riots. We just don't have an idea yet as to how far this will go. Although I know one of the concerns from even those supporting refugee aide is the outbreak of the plague here in Khazaron."

"I thought we had already begun distributing the vaccine to the populace?"

"We have highness, but it has yet to reach some areas, and there is of course the concerns that it could mutate into something worse."

Khara let out a sigh. "Very well. Here's what I want done for the time being until we can get a better idea of this situation and how it will pan out. Minister Arani, I want you to get the army on security at these camps and make sure that neither the refugees or the protestors cause any trouble. I have enough concerns right now. Keep everyone safe and notify the refugees that we have nothing but their best interests at heart."

Minister Arani nodded and the meeting was dismissed. After the last Minister left, and Khara was alone in his office, he opened a drawer in his desk and brought out a crystal bottle with a stopper on the top, and a glass. Taking the stopper out, he poured himself a drink of rum and toke a sip. "It's going to be a long day." he mumbled.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 12:50 AM
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From the desk of Ug-Mt, Robber Captain of Az-cz
To: Danielle Uram Minister of Foreign Affairs

Az-cz is willing to help relieve the influx of refugees to Khazaron. Although we are far from the area, any refugees willing to relocate southwards are welcome in our country. We can provide medical and other services to people in need.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 03:23 AM
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To: Danielle Uram, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron
From: Tanya Ley, Foreign Minister, Lamoni

Greetings Minister Uram,

The Free Republic notes without grief the fall of Nova Roma.  This is the nation that escaped to a location near you after their failed invasion attempt on Lamoni. 

We won't dwell on that little spot of unpleasantness, however.  The fall of such a large state will, and already has created a large number of refugees.  The Free Republic would be willing to house some refugees (a concrete number to be determined later) in the deserts of the eastern half of our country.  This area has large unpopulated areas, and are easily defended in case either Lamonian citizens, or the refugees themselves start something hostile.  From the takeover of former Dartace, we have experience with rebuilding fallen nations, and we feel that we can put this into use with these refugees.


Tanya Ley,
Foreign Minister,
Free Republic of Lamoni

Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 07:05 AM
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Khara was sitting at a desk in the palace library, quietly reading through a medium-sized leather bound book, when Minister Arani appeared between to bookcases. He cleared his throat to get the Patriarch's attention. Khara looked up and smiled, closing the book and placing it on the desk.

"You wanted to see me highness?" said Minister Arani.

"That I did Mike, I've finally figured out what to do in regards with the refugees." Khara smiled almost mischievously as he crossed his arms. This caused Minister Arani to stare curiosly at the Patriarch as he walked over and toke a seat across from him at the table.

"So what is it that has got you grinning like the proverbial cat that caught the equally proverbial bird?" replied Arani.

"What do you know about Nova Roman technology?" Khara said, leaning in and proping his elbows up on the table.

"Not much specifically, only that it is some of the most advanced in the region."

Khara snapped his fingers. "Exactly!, and with their government gone, and the rise of the warlords all over the place, there's not much of a government left to stop anyone who would say, like to have a peek at some of their schematics?"

Arani nodded, a realization coming over his face. "So your saying we should send some people into the former Imperivm on a tech-finding mission?"

Khara shoke his head. "That's only part of it. What we are going to do is to start setting up a process for these Nova Roman refugees to become citizens, but on the side we will also be looking to recruit their scientists and researchers from them. Once in Khazaron we will offer them lucrative deals to come and work for us.

Furthermore, under the guise of helping to make the evacuation of refugees to the Dominion a bit more orderly, I want you to send over troops to the costal areas that are nearest to Khazaron and begin setting up "evacuation points". Although in truth, we will be using them to funnel some covert teams into the greater heart of the former Imperivm to search out and bring back any technology they can find. Not to much as the whole region will notice, but enough to help us on our way."

Minister Arani nodded, smilling broadly this time himself. "I see. That is indeed an opportunity we can't afford to miss. I'll get our coast guard units and reserves on this right away. Do we want to use regular army or Crimson Guard for the tech retrieval though?"

Khara furrowed his brow as he was temporarily lost in thought, then replied. "Make it Crimson Guard. I want to make sure this gets done, and done correctly. Tell them to be quick about it as well. There's no telling when other nations, specifically the remaining members of the SAAS will come asking questions."

Arani nodded in agreement. "What about the offers of help to relieve the refugee situation here in Khazaron? What should we tell them?"

"Tell Az-cz and Lamoni that we are greatful for any help they will bring to the table and will gladly start funneling some refugees their way. This should help relieve some of the tensions here, and prepare the way for the refugees that we are actually looking forward too."

"I'll tell Danielle about the decision then" said Minister Arani as he got up to leave. "However, what will we do once we get this technology here?"

"I was thinking we would send it, and whatever scientists we manage to snag, out east to our research facility to begin reverse egineering what we don't understand, and send to our production factories what we do. If all goes according to plan, this could be a great day for the Dominion." Khara smiled gleefully.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 11:51 AM
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It was a clear day, the sun shown down on what was a normally quiet and gentle looking port town. Waves could be heard roaring in the distance, lapping against the rocks and sand of the shore. Where one might have normally scene townspeople fishing and carrying on in quiet conversations however, one saw soldiers in military fatigues marching through the docks and into the town proper. Several landing craft had parked themselves at the small piers and where unloading their cargo of armed personell.

Most of the villagers stayed inside their homes, a few ventured out to take a look at the soldiers as they marched past their homes. Those that did found them setting up some sort of station in the middle of the town, with one of the soldiers, who looked to be an important individual judging from the markings on his shoulders, began barking out orders on a megaphone to his men.

This whole set up process toke about two hours or so, after which it was announced to the townspeople that those who wished to seek asylum from the growing unrest in their land could register with the Khazaronian government here and go through the process to board one of the transports that was anchored just a mile or so out to sea. He made it clear to them that their only purpose their was to ensure an orderly evacuation for those who wanted it and promised to pay back the elders of the town for the use of their space.

All along the southeastern coast of the former Imperivm of Nova Roma several other centers where being set up by Khazaronian forces. It was slow going at first, as several of the people seemed very distrustful of foreigners, especially those from an SDL nation, but once word became widely circulated, people began to flood the checkpoints, hoping to get a chance at a new life.

Meanwhile, on the pretense of going out into the more dangerous parts of the warlords territory under suspicion that they had been keeping refugees from reaching the checkpoints, the covert Crimson Guard members began dispersing themselves throughout the former Imperivm, more specifically in areas that had been known to be centers of technology and military bases. They would have to work quickly if they wished to maintain their veil of secrecy.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 02:47 PM
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A caravan of camo-colored humvees rolled down a increasingly pock-marked concrete road that lay between two rather striking Roman cities of glass and steel. Like gigantic blades of metal and glass the Roman skyscrapers pierced the sky and provided and intimidating look into just how advanced these mostly insular people had been. Now with the arrival of Khazaronian military personell, many Roman citizens where getting their first true look at outsiders, and if what the average soldier had seen on their face was any clue, they where scared to death.

The convoy continued for several more minutes, going through various twists and turns on the road and through one massive mix-master mesh of roads at one point. Finally, off in the distance, a rather large looking complex appeared to sprawl out on the horizon, sporting what appeared to be a metal wall with towers at regular intervals, and a large set of steel doors where the road met the complex. The wall was tall enough to obscure any sight of what lay inside and the caravan approached more cautiously.

Word had been recieved by one of the ranking officers in the expedition that several groups of civillians were being held captive in this makeshift prison. The anonymous source had stated that the people had attempted to flee their province, which was now under the control of a brutal warlord, only to have themselves rounded up and put into a gulag.

The convoy finally came to a stop about a mile from the gate and soldiers began to unload from the vehicles. Several could be seen making use of binoculars to find out what kinds of defenses the complex had in those towers. Just as the last of the began to finish unloading however, a screeching, whirring sound was heard, just a fraction of a second before the lead and rear humvees in the convoy exploded in a plume of flames and smoke.

They where followed in quick succession by the next two in line, while the remaining three, and their soldiers, attempted to flee to the cover of nearby rubble while escaping the fires. The explosions stopped, but where followed up by rapid fire shots that sounded as if they came from machine gun nests. Screams could be heard in the distance. It wasn't until they managed to secure makeshift cover behind piles of asphalt and concrete that the Khazaronian soldiers could hear exaclty what was being screamed at them.

"Roma Invicta!!" came the shouts, almost in unison at times. Quickly the soldiers began to return fire in the direction of the battle cries, only hearing their adversaries and still not seeing them, mostly due to the smoke that clouded the road and surrounding area now. Shots rang out, but the cries continued. The soldiers did not flinch, placing their volleys of bullets as strategically as they could.

All of sudden, as quickly as there had beens shots and battle-cries, there was silence. Slowly the gunfire died down and the soldiers looked at one another, this time a bit of nervous tension filling the air between them. A stampeed sound was hear, like thunder almost, and all around them the soldiers saw figure appearing out of the mist, rushing forwards and brandishing some form of swords, others still holding what looked to be rifles. The battle-cries returned with a vengeance, and before they could mount an effective defense against the charge, most of the Khazaronian soldiers where cut down.

Five minutes was all it toke to make the remainder of the small convoy into grim puppets draped against the backdrop of exploded, twisted metal, and blazing bonfires. Several of the bodies where being dragged off by the attackers. Some ended up hanging from the facilities walls, dangling in the sun. The others found their final resting place in the most dishonorable of ways, on a Roman cross, hanging as a warning to others who would come this way.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 19 2006, 11:46 AM
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Archon City, Khazaron

The plushly adorned conference room in the palace was a buzz with chatter of all kinds. Generals, and other high-ranking military commanders, sat on other side of the long table. Alongside them also sat multiple intelligence officers and several members of the Directorate for Foreign Intelligence. They all seemed absorbed in their own conversations, that is until the doors to the room opened and Khara stepped in, quickly making his way to the head of the table and sitting down.

"Alright gentleman, let's get this meeting started. We've not much time with which to do our planning." he stated as he looked across the room at all of the individuals. Standing behind him was Minister Michael Arani and Minister Danielle Uram.

A man half-way down the table, wearing a military dress uniform and sporting three stars on his shoulders, raised his hand. Khara acknowledged him and waved for him to proceed.

"Well highness, in the past several days we have seen an increasing amount of attacks on our efforts in the former Imperivm to evacuate the refugees. We've even had attempts where agents have sneaked into the camps and attempted to destroy them from the inside-out. On top of this all, any attempts made to go further into the Imperivm than the coast results in our forces meeting considerable resistance."

Khara nodded and turned to someone sitting directly on his left. It was Jordan Pash, the Director of Foreign Intelligence. "What intel do we have on whoever is leading these commando raids against us?" Khara asked.

Director Pash, who was rather short, but still possesing an incredible presence about him due to a piercing gaze he could effect with his eyes, cleared his throat. "Well highness, from what we can tell so far, it is not a singular leader that we are fighting. It is in actuality, multiple warlords that are organizing a unified front against our incursion into their land. They have, in effect, ceased their own squabbles and pledged to drive us from their land. The most prominent among them appears to be a Marcus Ancius Brutus, who is the warlord that currently controls the capital, Nova Roma."

Khara nodded. "So we need to find a way to put a wedge in between them and their united front. Make them start to fight again while we accomplish what we are there for. Is assasination a possibility, perhaps we can plant evidence that one of his fellow warlords did it?"

Director Pash shoke his head. "Highly doubtful. Marcus Brutus retains control over what is left of the Praetorian Guard. They guard him practically all day and night and hardly let even his own advisors in to see him."

"So then we must find another way. Very well then." Khara turned to Danielle behind him. "Any news yet from the international front?"

She shoke her head. "None so far highness. Either the other nations don't yet know, or more likely, they don't care what happens. Not even Starblaydia or the other SAAS nations have made a peep about what is going on."

"I don't know what concerns me more, when I cant see them moving, or when I can't." Khara remarked as he turned back towards the table. Several more commanders and aides at the table seemed to be trying to get his attention, but he ignored them. "Here's what we are going to do. First off, we are increasing our forces in the region to an actual expeditonary size force. No more playing around with these warlords. They want a war, they'll get one."

One general down towards the end of the table raised his hand. "Highness, we still have some of our forces over in the area of Atheistic Right and abroad in other places on training missions."

Khara stared the man down until the general seemed to quietly sink back down into his chair. "I was just getting to that. I want all of our forces, at home and abroad, to be recalled and prepped for action. We cannot allow such insecurity so close to home, and cannot allow the travesty of our soldiers bodies being desecrated to be taken so lightly."

Turning his attention to a gentleman in a white Navy uniform, Khara contiued. "I want the Homeguard Fleet to be repositioned in the bay between Nova Roma and our western districts. As soon as you are able, begin bombing campaigns against the warlord's centers of resistance."

The admiral nodded solemnly.

"Our naval forces should be able to buy us some time while we prepare for the ground incursion."

"How will we deal with the advanced weapons of the Romans?" asked one Colonel standing on the right side of the room.

"We'll make use of the EMP warheads that we procured from the Lamonians several years ago. They should prove useful in the short-term. In the meantime however, I want our intel focused on procuring, desciphering, and replicating those Roman weapons so that we can counter them, and make some of our own."

The intel officers at the table nodded almost in unison.

Khara toke one last look around the room. "Alright then gentlemen, let's get to it. Dismissed."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 22 2006, 11:46 AM
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Nova Capua, former Imperivm of Nova Roma

Transport craft began the mass-unloading of Khazaronian soldiers early in the morning, before the sun had even risen over the horizon, and continued well on into the midday. What had once been a somewhat tense atmosphere amongst the inhabitants of the towns and cities along the eastern coast of the former Nova Roma, had now broken out into ever increasing shows of outright hostility. Protests where the most common shows of anger, followed at times by the people throwing various forms of rotten fruit and vegetables at the passing men. Once enough soldiers had unloaded, a portion of them where allocated to crowd-control via the use of rubber bullets, tear gas, and other non-harmful techniques.

With the crowds under control, and the city placed under martial law for the forseeable future, the heavy artillery started to be unloaded from the larger ships that docked at the ports that where normally reserved for large bulk commercial crafts. For the rest of the day tanks and howitzers where unloaded from the large vessels, given a final look-over by their crews and technicians and then immediately deployed towards the hotspots that had been popping out further west. The tanks would serve as an advance guard against the insurgent forces while the infantry was gathered. They would hold the line, just over 75 miles from the port city, and wait for the infantry before advancing as the vanguard of the expeditionary force.

Fly-overs from aircraft carriers already parked in the Roman Gulf to the south where being conducted daily. Aside from intelligence photos, they also conducted daily bombing raids on key industrial facilities that had been linked to local warlords. For the most part they where brutally effective due to the disorganized nature of the warlords. Each strike usually toke out a facility that was vital to one specific would-be despot.

Towards the end of the day, as the defensive perimeter around the city had been secured with tanks, AA guns, and howitzers placements, the leader of the Khazaronian expedtionary force, General Thomas Skaro, finally made his appearence. General Skaro gave a brief speech to his men, encouraging them to due their duty in protecting the innocent refugees of the region from vile despots, while also avenging their fallen brothers who had been so brutally desecrated in the recent events. He then withdrew himself to city hall, which was being commadeered for the HQ of the Khazaronian forces for the time being.

Inside the Romulus Hotel, Nova Capua

General Skaro walked quickly into the council room, choosing to stand at the head of the table, rather than sitting in the chair that awaited him.

"Let's make this quick. We've got alot of catching up to do. These insurgents already know of our presence and probably have an idea of our intentions. So now we've got to move faster than they are expecting, and hope to get them at least a little off-guard. What can you tell me about their forces?" He looked around the table at the various officers.

"Well sir," spoke up one blonde haired colonel towards the middle of the table. "From what we can tell, we have been doing remarkably well in our strikes against enemy positions towards the north-east and center of the area. However, further intelligence states that these where the areas of greatest instability following the collapse of the central government. It would be best not to get to optimistic at this point, until we push further towards the city of Nova Roma at first."

A grey-haired colonel raised his hand and spoke up. "It should be noted that even though it still serves as a focal point for the area's insurgents, Nova Roma is hardly still the true center of power. Everything has dispersed since the collapse. We would be best if we just moved for taking out the major players and holding the others in check through force of arms. Otherwise it would take forever for us to pacify the area."

General Skaro nodded. "Alright then, who exactly are the "major players" in this area?"

A folder was placed in front of the general. He flipped it open and saw three pictures attached by paper-clip to accompanying reports. He turned to the gentleman to his left who had placed the folder in front of him. "These are currently the three most potent players here." Explained the man. He pointed to the right photograph, revealing an olive-skinned man with dark, almost black, hair and a tatoo under his left eye. "That's Octavianus Tiberius Ancius, he controls most of the industrial center of the north. The man in center photograph" he said pointing to a picture of a man with white hair, who was balding. "That's Antonius Invictus, a.k.a Antony the Uncoquerable, he's the one providing the most harrasment to our forces, and the one we believe who's responsible for the desecration of our men's bodies. The last one..." he pointed to the picture on the far left of a man who was bald. "That's Marcus Brutus, the current leader, or as close as these insurgents can get to one. The other two seem to be working in conjunction with him."

General Skaro toke several minutes to take in the phot and information given to him before turning his eyes back to those at the table. "Here's what where going to do. We'll take the bulk of our forces and push north, towards the industrial centers. I want to take out this Octavianus and cripple the war-making capabilites. Once that's done, the others should be easier pickings. Plus, it will gives us a stronger base from which to launch our attacks. We move out at first light."

The men nodded in acknoweldgement before dispersing to dispatch the general's orders to the various divisions.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 23 2006, 11:18 AM
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Somewhere in Northern Nova Roma...

The staccato sounds of gunfire saturated the area, only interrupted by the occasional explosion of artillery as their deadly ordinance struck ground. Numerous shouts of human origin could also be made out, although they where drowned out for the most part by the sounds of battle around them.

Until this day, the town had been an unremarkable, mostly used as a farming community that supplied the more urban areas at the center. From what Khazaron Military Intelligence had relayed, it was under the control of the main warlord, Marcus Brutus, who was using it, along with numerous others like it, to suplly his Praetorian Guard and elite Legionaires. It was thought to be lightly guarded, and that it would provide a perfect launch point for their strike into the industrial centers of the north.

Sadly, as the Khazaronian tanks showed up they ran into Roman defenders, already in the process of setting up ad-hoc defense positions made of rubble, cars, and bits of steel and conrete. While the initial part of the battle spelled well for the attackers, the quick arrival of Roman artillery fire quickly decimated the tank division and forced them into full retreat. An attempt at softening up the position with aerial bombardment met with heavy flak and caused three bombers and five fighters to be lost, crashing into the nearby fields and the town in bright orange balls of flame and metal.

The infantry themselves, many advancing on foot, with APC's following behind, toke fire from Roman Artillery and toke cover behind the vehicles. The tanks that remained toke up flanking positions on either side of the infantry and continued to provide what support fire they could offer. A lucky shot managed to take out two of the Roman artillery devices and place a large gap in the front defenses.

Seizing the opportunity, the tanks advanced rapidly on the flanks of the enemy, attempting to put more pressure on the enemies sides as half of the troops loaded up into the APCs, the other half providing cover fire and support. Quickly the APCs followed behind the tanks. Just as the tanks began their barrage on the enemy flanks, the APCs plowed through the enemies center under a hail of gunfire and artillery fire. Quickly the load ramps dropped and the soldiers ran out screaming and firing.

Within the hour, what had once been an ordered site of combat, with clearly defined sides for each group, had destabilized into a mesh of something that could be described as nothing less that chaos personified. Block by block the Khazaronian and Romans fought, bullets flying through practically every corner of the town. Grenades and mortar shells eviscerated buildings, sending concrete and steel flying into the air. Secondary explosions where triggered when the fires reached an underground fuel line in the area that provided vital sustenance to the farming machines. Flames ruptured out of every concieveable sewer drain.

This caused many of the men on both sides to begin falling back to their previous poistions, realizing that it was becoming a liability to stay within the town. Soon shots ceased all together and those that remained, many covered with burnt clothing and skin, met their main forces and set up stationary positions where they had begun.

What the local Roman forces, and the warlord of the area had failed to see, was that the attack had been intended to be leaked to the enemy forces. It was meant to appear that the Khazaronians where taking a direct approach via a major road that passed near the farming town. In truth General Skaro had planned on sending that force as a diversion, while his main battle group hugged the coastline and planned on coming up on the northern industrial cities from the east. The plan would be to catch them initially off-guard and use that initial momentum to overwhelm them before the reinforcements could arrive.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 29 2006, 04:43 PM
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Province of Etruria, Former Nova Roma

The combination of shelling and bombing was intense, and almost non-stop it seemed. Although the Khazaronians did not possess an impressive air force, it seemed like they where throwing everything they had into the airbombarment of the city. What resistance that proved a threat to the bombers would be taken out by the shelling from the howitzers that were positioned in cardinal directions outside of the city.

No infantry had yet been sent into the city. Given the heavy industrial nature of it, and the large number of reserve Legionaires that had been positioned their to guard the city, the Khazaronians were taking a cautious approach before committing to taking the city. Tanks stood ready next to the howitzers nests, letting loose with some covering fire when they had the artillery had to reload.

In the middle of the bombardment, several bombers could be seen being escorted by fighters deeper into the city than the others had been going. These planes had been equipped with new experimental EMP warheads that had been purchased from Lamoni several years ago. It was only during their current conflict that they finally were able to find some use. Due to the dangerous effect they could have on not only the Nova Roma tech, but also the Khazaronians, the yield of the weapons had been reduced to much smaller areas than normal, until further testing on the battlefield. Their focus now was to take out the factory areas deep in the city, as well as radar and comms centers.

It appeared to meet with some success, as three hours after their use, defender tactics became a bit more erratic in certain fronts, most notably on the northwestern quarter of the city. It was at that time the Khazaronians chose to press the attack and started off with a hard tank assault, followed quickly by ground troops to clean up anything that was left standing.

With the tanks as the vanguard, the troops would go through the city, sector by secotr and secure it.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Sep 1 2006, 05:05 PM
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Roman Peninsula, south of Rhiam, Aldam, and Rhoss districts of Khazaron

Despite the fact that Khazaronian forces had managed to succesfully put the Roman forces on the defensive in the northern industrial sectors of the former Imperivm, they where now slowly falling back to their original landing zones in the peninsula just south of the western districts of Khazaron. Due to mounting civil unrest in said districts, many soldiers where needed in the area to help quell the uprising and secure the peace.

Meanwhile, as the soldiers fell back, others began erecting defensive barriers between them and the innevitable advancing Roman troops. Tanks, concrete walls, howitzers, and bombers patrols where all out in as much forces as could be spared to help secure a line between the Khazaronian evacuee zones and the area of the Roman warlords. So far none of the warlords had done such a thing, but common perception among the troops stationed on the front said that they would be moving out within a week or so.

To make matters worse, news was coming in from the central provinces of the Roman lands that the three warlords had put aside their differences and opted to form a united front against the Khazaronians. In an unprecedented move, all three of the major players in the former Imperivm had opted to form a triumverate government, sharing power and forming the closest thing to a ruling body since the collapse of the old Roman government.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 11:43 AM
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(OOC: Since I retconned the whole assasination thread, the previous post in this one should be considered null and void. This one is going to take its' place.)

Nova Carthago, Etruria

The first major city in the northern industrial provinces had fallen. Khazaronian infantry quickly secured the area and began construction of fortifications around it. Machine gun placements and anti-aircraft guns where place every few miles around the perimeter of the city, as well as spread generously throughout. What gaps where left between the nests of the fortifications, tanks would be there to fill up.

Normally such heavy efforts into holding an enemy city would not be conducted unless the Khazaronians intended to keep the area. Since the plan was to use the city as a launching point for the campaign in the north, every effort was being put into its' defense against possible reprisals from the Nova Romans.

Already General Skaro was planning the next phase of the action. Calling for the air force contigent granted to him to begin the bombing of all major roadways surrounding the major Roman base, which was 150 miles west of the city, General Skaro planned to cut them off from all supplies and reinforcenments. This "scorched earth" approach was intended to be brutal and hopefully force the enemy forces into negotiating for a surrender. As much as 20 percent of the warlords forces and warmaking capabilities where said to be placed at the base complex. If taken out, it would provide a serious blow to morale and show the Khazaronians meant business.

The major problem was that the base complex, like most of the military facilites in the former Nova Roma, was heavily guarded against most possible attacks. Add that to the factor of the Romans already being on high alert at their bases for any possible Khazaronian assault, and it was becoming quickly apparent that any attack on the complex would cost dearly in human life.

Standing inisde of his war-room in the old city council hall of Nova Carthago, General Skaro overlooked a map of Nova Roma and several surveillance photos that had already been taken of the roads between his forces and their next objective. What it showed was that while they had managed to deal a good blow against the Romans, they had all fallen back towards the base complex.

"What are the estimates of their numbers in light of this retreat?" asked General Skaro to an aide of his that was standing to the far-right side of him.

The aide flipped through a folder, checking the numbers, then replied. "It seems that we can expect to face up to fifteen percent more men in the area, due to the retreat from our victory here. That's not including the reinforcements from other areas that may already be on the way. With those it could go as high as thirty."

Skaro nodded, still eyeing the pictures and map. "What about cutting off their roads and isolating them from surrounding areas. Is that still a viable option?"

"It's becoming less so by each passing hour." replied the aide. "With the reinforcements from here and eslewhere, they will also be getting a fair ammount of supplies. We estimate they could survive as much as a month or so with their major roadways and rails destroyed."

General Skaro let out a loud curse and turned his attention towards the troops marching past the window.

"There is also this..." said the aide as he handed the general a piece of paper.

After looking at it for a few minutes, he laughed and turned to the aide, holding the piece of paper. "Is this for real?" The aide nodded yes.

"They're planning on forming a triumverate government centered around the old capital city. In theory they will each share power equally and will stand united against all foreign threats."

Skaro toke a seat at the table and became lost in thought. After several minutes of reflection he finally stirred. "What's the state of the relations between the warlords?"

"From what we understand, still very unstable. The only reason they are united like this is because they are concerned we will spoil their fun." said the aide.

"So if we could widen the rift, or convince one of them that we are better allies than their fellow Romans..." Skaro trailed off, his aide looking at him perplexed.

"What are you suggesting sir?" he asked.

"Who's the weakest politically among the triumverate?" Skaro asked without even answering the previous question.

"Antonius Invictus, he has the least clout amongst the triumverate as he brings the least ammount of resources and men to the table. However, Octavianus Tiberius Ancius has the most to loose from this conflict right now. So he may be more apt to change sides if given the right incentive."

Skaro stode up from the chair. "This will take some time to consider. For now we proceed as planned. Continue the preparations for the bombing campaign and make ready our armored divisions to depart as soon as we are done securing the surrounding land."

The aide nodded, gave a crisp salute, and quickly departed to carry out the orders.

This post has been edited by Khazaron on Sep 19 2006, 11:54 AM
The Red Devil
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