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The Autokrator visits Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
Posted: Apr 22 2006, 04:06 AM
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Many years ago a young Titus Drax, like countless other, had dreamt of wealth and power. Unlike countless others, he had gained both in vast quantities. Unfortunately the life of an autocrat was not the easy ride he had expected. The current turmoil in Starblaydia and subsequent protests against his own rule, the growing strength of the SDL, the descent of neighbouring Cockbill Street into anarchy and the stirrings of a new regional alliance to rival the big two all contributed to the rise of the Autokrator’s blood pressure. And the headache that now hammered inside his skull.

He gazed out of his office window, high up in the Imperial Palace, at the panoramic view of Hypocrium below. The dark clouds and the rain that battered the city matched his mood perfectly. A knock at the door broke the silence.


“You sent for me Excellency?”

“Ah Max, take a seat. What news of our friends in the SDL?”

Maximilian Borada, the Autocracy’s Foreign Minister, looked nervous as he sat down. Few felt comfortable in the presence of Hypocria’s supreme ruler.

“We know that their top brass are attending a high profile meeting in Kafra. We have tried more than once to infiltrate the SDL Headquarters but security there is watertight. Although I think it’s a fair guess that recent events in Starblaydia will feature on their agenda somewhere.”

“What of Bazalonia and Myrtannia?”

“Both nations are believed to be in talks with the SDL leadership although the status of these talks is at present unknown. But I can’t see the League turning down two new applicants.”

No, neither could Drax. Two new members for the SDL coupled with the fall of Ratlea and the unrest in Starblaydia had caused the pendulum of power to swing once again. And from the Autokrator’s point of view it was swinging in the wrong direction. Still, he had a plan.

“Tell me Max, what do you know of this potential new coalition?”

“Well Excellency it is little more than rumour and conjecture at the moment but there are those who claim that the growing tensions between the League and the Alliance has led to a number of nations to seek an alternative path.”

“Exactly. And before that happens somebody needs to set the record straight.”

“I don’t follow Excellency.”

“Of course you don’t. Let me spell it out to you. The members of the SDL have spent considerable time and effort to portray the SAAS as some kind of malevolent pantomime villain. Some naïve young nation could easily be taken in by that propaganda and view the Alliance as the greatest threat to regional stability since that idiot Omsec. If this prospective new group take that view we could have two coalitions ranged against us instead of just the one. That cannot happen.”

“What do you propose Excellency?”

The Autokrator pressed a button on his desk and the regional map that dominated one whole wall of his office lit up. He pressed a second button and every nation on the map darkened again, except for two islands in the far north.

“Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. A small but influential nation as yet unaffiliated with either regional alliance. A prime candidate for this new coalition. And a nation we already have good relations with. I think it’s time I paid the Presidente Commandante a visit.”

“You’re going to persuade him to join the SAAS?”

“I think it’s highly unlikely that he would. No, this will be a standard state visit. And if Presidente Vega happens to hear about the real nature of the SAAS and the SDL and if that information then happens to get back to certain well placed members of . . . say a new coalition, all the better. Besides, I could do with the change of scenery.”

To: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega
      Errion Vega
      Andossa Se Mitrin Vega

Presidente Vega,

For a long time now I have consider your fine nation to be a friend of the Autocracy.  My ambassador in Errion Vega has often remarked about the wonderful hospitality he has received in your country and has had nothing but praise for its leadership.

I feel the time is right to meet you face to face and, if you consent, I would very much like to make Andossa Se Mitrin Vega the destination of my next official visit.


Titus Drax
Autokrator of the Imperial Autocracy of Hypocria and the Colonies

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Posted: Apr 23 2006, 01:00 AM
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Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega sat alone in the small office of his summer estate just outside of Isla de Marte in northern ASMV. Certainly the day's corespondence from Hypocria had been unexpected.

For quite a long time now ASMV and Hypocria had considered theirselves friends in the eyes of football fans from each country and relations between the two nations had never been anything but good. But at the same time, there had been very little official relations to consider. Now it seemed as if that would change in a grand way.

Only hours before, the Presidente had recieved an official request for a state visit from Titus Drax, The Autokrator himself. This would be big news in the region. For one, The Autokrator seemed to rarely visit anyone. For another, ASMV has recently been one of the loudest voices calling for a change in regional policy - even voicing strong opinions on the formation of a third major alliance.

Storm walked over to the large window overlooking the ocean. So many things to consider. Rumors abounded concerning the meeting being held at present in Kafra. Starblaydia it seemed had issues of its own to deal with. Geisenfried and Pacitalia were rumored to be in talks concerning regional happenings as well. Even Xile was rumored to be coming awake again. But perhaps this visit could be one of just peaceful banter - a chance to solidify a friendship.

Whatever the reason, Storm decided that the visit would be a good idea. The talks of a new alliance had not progressed as fast as he would have liked and the SDL had openly mocked all nations that had given response to the idea of such an alliance as well. This visit would take place.

He quickly walked back to his desk and began to type a reply.


To: Titus Drax, Autokrator 
The Imperial Autocracy of Hypocria and the Colonies

It is decided that an official visit of state by yourself and your enterage would be welcome at any time you so choose to conduct such a visit. It is my personal opinion that better relations between our nations can only bring about good things for both of us. All prior actions concerning our ambassadors has been nothing but pleasant and fans of our prosective football squads have been friends for as long as we have participated in such events.

Preparations will be made at the Royal Palace in Errion Vega to welcome you when you choose to arrive. And in addition to any official business that we may conduct, I also invite you to join me on my yacht for some relaxation and pleasurable conversation, away from the scrutiny of watchful eyes and ears.

I will now humbly await your reply.

Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega
The Draggonnii Socialist Empire of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Apr 23 2006, 03:32 AM
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To: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega
      Errion Vega
      Andossa Se Mitrin Vega

Presidente Vega,

Thank you for your prompt response and kind invitation.  I will make the arrangements immediately.  I would estimate our arrival to be sometime tomorrow afternoon.  The full itinerary will be forwarded to our Ambassador in Errion Vega who will then pass on the necessary information to your representatives.  I look forward to meeting you Presidente and I would be delighted to join you on your yacht.
I hope that our talks will be more fruitful than the Hyppos’ two recent visits to your nation. 


Titus Drax


Titus took his seat aboard the plush Hypocrair jet that would take him north to Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. He sat right at the back of the cabin, ahead of him his entourage made themselves comfortable ahead of takeoff. It was a relatively small entourage. Elena Cervantes, his chief of staff, was there as always. As were the towering forms of Günter and Wolfgang, his bodyguards. Both men were way over 6 feet tall and were known as “the Twin Peaks”. If there was a killing method that those men didn’t know it wasn’t worth knowing. General Rathi completed the senior members of the Autokrator’s party.

The pilot’s voice crackled over the intercom.

“Welcome aboard Excellency. The flight time will be a little longer than expected due to the amended flight plan we have received but the weather is fine and we expect little turbulence. So settle back and enjoy the ride.”

Titus knew all about the amended flight plan as it was he who had amended it. They had been planning to fly in a simple straight line north from Hypocrium. But such a course would have taken the flight through Hockey Canada airspace and that was something the Autokrator was not prepared to do. Instead the plane would bank right over Druida and head across Lake Bekk and into Starblaydi territory. There it would head north again and follow the waters of the Nemyan Straight to their destination. He called it being cautious. Others called it paranoia.

He glanced out of the window as the jet taxied onto the runway of the private airfield. Next stop Errion Vega.
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Apr 23 2006, 10:45 PM
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Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega smiled to himself. Today was going to be a great day. Undoubtedly rumor of the day's events would have reached into the farthest reaches of the region by now. Of that fact he was sure. Everyone seemed to find out everyone's business pretty quickly around here. But more impotantly, this was the largest political event to happen in The Draggonni Socialist Empire since he himself had put an end to the antiquated Monarchy some years before.

This would be the first time that a foreign leader, aside from Queen Sonya of the Kingdom, had stepped foot on Vegan soil in some 12 years. A big day indeed.

Strom checked over the day's plans for what must have been the hundredth time that morning. All stops had been pulled out for the arrival of the Autokrator. Seemingly every possible political face would be there to welcome him in person when he arrived at the VDF airfield just outside Errion Vega. A welcome fit for any king. But Storm himself would not be there. He preferred instead to allow the Autoktrator time to settle in for a bit before the formalities of such a meeting would begin.

The Presidente would follow suit with the Autokrator and keep the enterage to a minimum. Only his personal guards, the Administator of the Interior, Lord Johnson Alledieu, and Joni Frauheime, his closest military advisor, would be present. The latter two had just left his office following the briefing over what was to be expected of them. So much ground to cover in so little a time.

He picked up the phone and quickly dialed the number he desired. The recording told him everything was still on schedule. Now he had to make a bee line to his private jet. A quick flight to Carrington for the Memorial Friendly with Bazalonia and then back before the welcoming ceremony for the Autokrator. Nice, simple and easy. But everyone knew those kinds of plans ended up being the hardest to stick to.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Apr 26 2006, 12:51 AM
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Viastormin Vega smiled to himself. So far so good. Everything was still on schedule. Now all he had to do was finish dressing for the official welcome of the Autokrator. Damn the media made everything difficult.

But at times they were useful. The Memorial match against Bazalonia in Carrington had been more than he had hoped for. Money had poured in from all over the globe to help the families of victim’s of the tragic bombing there. Unfortunately, his security detail had advised against the Presidente spending to much time on the pitch. After all, terrorists had already struck Carrington once.

But Storm had to smile when he thought about it. The surprise he had been able to give the fans there. An early arrival by the Autokrator, and the fact that he had brought his boots so he could play, had given Hypocrians and Vegans alike reason to cheer when both leaders too the pitch and then actually played. It had been a good day.

Now to finish putting on this infernal uniform.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Apr 28 2006, 02:03 PM
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The black limo carrying the Autokrator and his delegation pulled through the streets of Errion Vega. The blue and white flags shifting slightly in the gentle breeze. They were heading for the big one, the first meeting of the two leaders. Well, the first official meeting anyway. They had met briefly at a celebrity football match in aid of victims of the recent bombings but tonight’s function was the real deal.

Titus shifted in his padded seat. He always felt slightly uneasy outside of his own realm. Even more so outside SAAS controlled territory. But having spent the best part of two days in Andossa Se Mitrin Vega he had to admit the northern nation was a welcome break from the bleak Autocracy. He was accompanied by Elena Cervantes, his Chief of Staff, General Rathi and Tobias Venturin, the Autocracy’s ambassador in Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. He glanced at each in turn.

“Did you remember the gifts?”

“Of course Excellency”, was the reply from his chief of staff. Just as he had expected it would be. Elena never made mistakes. Which was why there was a case of finest Hypocrian Cognac and a Hyppos shirt signed by the national squad in the boot of the luxury car.

“Good. How long now driver?”

“About 15 minutes sir”, came the reply from up front.

“I think it‘s time to familiarise myself with our gracious host. So Ambassador, tell me about the Presidente-Commandante . . .
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Posted: Apr 28 2006, 08:35 PM
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The Presidente Commandante pulled at the collar of the VDF dress uniform he had been required to put on for tonight's meeting with the Autokrator. He had never liked all the formality that accompanied such events, and looked forward to less formal conversation that would follow later.

He saw the Limo flying the Hypocrian flags pull up in front of the Royal Palace and chuckled slightly. For some reason he had never comsidered changing the name of the place after he had made the governmental shift from a standard Principality to that of a more Socialist nature. Oh well, it was just a name.

Already the media buzz could be heard. That aweful sound was completely unmistakable. But it was not only the media from ASMV and Hypocria who would have an interest in the meeting. Most assuredly, other nations would have their links to this as well. Lord Johnson Alledieu would certainly already be in place directing the events below.

A roar of cheers arose from the courtyard below. That meant the Autokrator had exited the Limo. A poll on FNN had shown the Autokrator to be nearly as popular as the Presidente following the brief appearance in Carrington. That single event had secured the love of the Vegan people for this leader of what many referred to as "Home of the Hyppos".

A slight knock on the door let the presidente know it was time to face the cameras. Too many photo ops would certainly preclude this meeting. Nothing to be done for it now. He exited the room and found Joni Frauheime waiting for him.
"Are you ready, Sir?" was the only question. The two began to walk towards the designated meeting hall and the circus that would accompany it. "Blah." was the only response.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: May 28 2006, 01:25 AM
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Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega sat alone in his office. The visit with the Autokrator had been most enjoyable. More than he had guessed it would. And now he had plenty of things to consider.

He had spent a lot of energy trying to stand between the SAAS and the SDL for some time. Now that the visit was concluded, he wondered why he had done that. The Autocracy had always been great friends to the Draggonnii Socialist Empire, even if that friendship had mainly revolved around football and the shared love of each nation’s fans for the other’s national squads. The Hyppos and Sea Dragons were as close as rivals could be in such things. At any rate, the Vegan fans did cheer for the Hyppos most of the time.

And then there was the Autokrator himself, Titus Drax. The ruler of Hypocria had come to ASMV and played in the memorial match in Carrington. He had showed a lot of concern over the well being of the survivors and sadness over the loss of life that had occurred. That had made an immediate impression on Viastormin.

Then there was the visit itself. The Autokrator had answered any and all questions from the Vegan media without hesitation. He had been quite the dignitary. That had lasted a few days before the two, and their entourages had set sail on the Presidente’s private yacht. There the two men had much time to talk about things and not focus as much on diplomacy. That short venture, as well, had been most enjoyable and by its conclusion, Viastormin considered Titus to be a friend.

That should not have come as a surprise to the Presidente. The nations had been close in sporting events before this. The Autokrator had also brought up a very good point concerning Starblaydia that he had forgotten. During the first ever Draggonnii Inviyatii, a possible connection to the history of ASMV and Starblaydia had revealed itself. But for some unknown reason, Viastormin had never followed up on the possible historical links between the two nations.

All of that had given Viastormin something important to ponder. Why was his stance so vehemently in the middle between the SAAS and SDL? He realized that he could not answer that question when it seemed the two nations in the region that ASMV was closest to were members of the SAAS. He had some important decisions to make now, none of them easy. And none of them unimportant enough to ignore.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: May 28 2006, 10:46 AM
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Titus stared out of the window of the top floor of the Hypocrian embassy in Errion Vega. The dying light of the Vegan evening revealed ominous storm clouds gathering in the east.

The Autokrator was reflecting on an encouraging series of talks with his host. He poared himself a glass of vodka and sat on the bed. He was feeling the effects of a long day. Perhaps an early night was in order. The ring of the phone shattered his reverie.

“Unless this is an insanely attractive woman I’m hanging up.”

It wasn’t. The voice on the end was that of Ambassador Venturin.

“My apologies for disturbing your rest Excellency.”

Something in his tone made Titus sit up.

“Not at all Tobias. What seems to be the problem?”

“Turn to channel seven Excellency. I think you will want to see this.”

He took a sip of his drink and reached for the remote. A picture flashed into view on the screen. Titus recognised Lord Ricardo Gomez, the head of the Starblaydi PR machine.

"My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen. To the people of the Protectorate of Starblaydia, and to Atlantian Oceania and the World, I have the sad duty to announce to you all: The Lord-Protector is dead."

The picture vanished behind a spray of vodka.

Regaining something resembling his composure the Autokrator grabbed the phone and dialled.

“Have my car brought round and get the plane ready. We’re leaving.”

He hung up and walked to the window again. There was a storm building alright. One that could conceivably tear the entire region apart.
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