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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Feb 11 2005, 04:55 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Imperator, we have finished uploading the Caelestis AI into our Ivpiter and Mars defense grids. Improved accuracy and coordination should be seen shortly."

"The legions that have broken though in Lamoni?"

"If Lamoni didn't know they were there they should by now. Reports confirm the downing of several scout aircraft but we're sure they got off messages before they went down."

"Inform the Eqvites Singvlares that they have a go for the blitzkrieg. Capture those cities and round up the civilians. Send them back here. We'll hold them hostage. Any resistance must be crushed. After the legionaries have secured the cities send in the Cohors Vrbanvs to eliminate guerilla fighters and the such."

"As you wish. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, get our allies on the line and find out where in the name of the gods their reinforcements are at."

Consvl Marivs saluted the Imperator and scurried out of the chamber.

Nearest Mars defense station to Lamoni incursion.

"Maybe we can see what this AI can do today, eh Silanvs?"

The technican's assistant laughed and cleaned the targetting computer, a red light blinked.

"Ha! Those Lamonian bastards are back for another pass! Target acquired, transmitting coordinates to Mars defense server! Ready when you are sir!"

"Copy that, initiating automated control... now!"

Outside the room, a large, magnetically charged barrel swiveled about its base and fired a super dense tungsten shell. The shell soared over the NA fortifications and cut the air like some sort of hot knife through butter.

"System reloading!"

A clip like mechanism fed another tungsten shell into the barrel and it fired again. A mile away another defense station opened fire. Soon some 20 stations were opening fire on the Lamonian forces attempting to overrun NA fortifications.

Infernvs Bomber squadron over NA/Lamoni channel

"Infernvs to air command, do you copy? Over."

"Infernvs this is air command and we're reading you loud and clear. You have a go for bombing run. Over."

"Copy that air command, breaking into formation and initiating radio silence. Over."

The 10 B-2 bombers cruised just above the rainclouds; the Imperator had chosen a particularly miserable day to attack, perfect for disrupting monitoring systems.

As the bombers entered Lamoni airspace, several SAM sites opened fire. One of the missiles found their mark and brought a bomber tumbling into the ground, the others were poorly locked and missed. The bombers broke off and flew towards their targets: fuel depots, ammo stores, barracks, factories, etc.

Those bombers that had to go deeper into Lamoni to find their targets either didn't make it there or didn't make it back, SAM fire being to heavy. The other bombers faired better, bombing their targets with over 40,000 pounds of explosives, enough to turn any factory or fuel station into a crater.

Only 6 bombers returned home.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Feb 12 2005, 03:23 PM
PMEmail Poster

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Feb 12 2005, 03:24 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Feb 12 2005, 03:25 PM
PMEmail Poster
President Lauir spun around in his chair. Things were looking good for the new life-long ruler of Xile. He glanced down at his desk and read over the Novvs Atlantian data burst.

"Begin deploying reinforcements to the front lines. I want another 250,000 troops there by the weeks end."

General Leland gave a smart salute and walked out of the room.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Feb 13 2005, 02:32 PM
PMEmail Poster
*A small assault force approaching the area around the NA tunnel dug several days prior.*
A bullet came out of the barrel with a muffled 'bang' from the silencer, and 2000 yards away a low gurgle came from the man's throat as he collapsed. 15 more muffled shots were thrown on the outer guards of the base in the pitch black of the moonless night. The snipers silently reloaded and sent another volley taking out more guards and other soldiers running to the site of their collapsing friends. A low rumble was heard as 3 Panther XXIV Heavy Wheeled Attack Vehicles started up and a low metallic clash rang out as their 105 mm guns loaded for the attack. Another volley of shots from the forward snipers felled another 16 enemy combatants. One enemy soldier was seen running back to the command post, or what intel thought was the command post. 3 of the snipers shot his head, neck, and upper spine to shreds.
A low rumble resounded 6 miles away, and a whine from 36, 400 lb, incendiary shells came from several thousand yards above the strike force. the shells pummelled the outer edges of the enemy encampment and the 4 High Explosive shells fired blew apart the fortifications previously spotted and targetted. The incendiary shells turned the rest of the base to hell in one huge firestorm and screams were heard everywhere. Another 40 whines were heard from above and the ground shook as 40 more shells pummelled the base. 2 LAVs with 4 heavy chainguns mounted on top rumbled to life and the auto targetting computers locked onto hundreds of heat signiatures from NA soldiers running for their lives all around the base. The Panther XXIV HWAVs began moving forward and so did 1,000 Assault Specialized soldiers alongside of them. The 105 mm guns rang out again and again, and the constant drone of the chainguns was taxing at the minimum for every soldier there, but mainly for the enemies that were getting cut down by them. The artillery ceased fire and the Strike Team stormed the base taking out any remaining resistance as the incendiary fires began to die down. The Strike Team captured 50 enemy combatants and killed an approximate 2,000 others. THS casualties consisted of 1 run flat tire getting a piece of shrapnel in it, 4 soldiers lightly wounded, 2 heavily wounded and rushed by medical vehicles to the medical center 10 miles behind the attack. 7 soldiers were killed, 2 by fires still raging from the inceniaries, and the other 5 by enemy fire.
THS command was content and counted the attack as a total success. There were 4 similar attacks occuring around the defense perimeter set up by the NA forces, and there was still 4 miles to go before the Allied attack forces would reach the tunnel site.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Feb 13 2005, 03:06 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I appreciate you RP'ing my losses. Really makes it much easier and extremely fun seeing that my battle-hardened forces could only kill five of your guys? Please.

Despite the fact that I had already issued a blitzkrieg, so the chances of catching those men off guard (they were preparing for an attack so they would be at an extremely heightened state of alert) would be pretty slim. As for incendiary shells, that's cool, except for the fact that the chainguns locking onto HEAT signatures would have a hell of a time doing so if fires were raging around everywhere.

All I'm asking is that if you attack, don't carry through with the losses portion. Stop the RP somewhere at the part where the tanks, bombers, infantry, etc. get around, over, or near the target and let your enemy take over from there. If it's a sincere RP, they're going to RP real losses. If it's not a sincere RP then you get 2000 of your guys dead and only 10 of the enemy dead.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Feb 13 2005, 05:11 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Novvs Atlantis @ Feb 13 2005, 08:06 PM)
OOC: I appreciate you RP'ing my losses. Really makes it much easier and extremely fun seeing that my battle-hardened forces could only kill five of your guys? Please.

Despite the fact that I had already issued a blitzkrieg, so the chances of catching those men off guard (they were preparing for an attack so they would be at an extremely heightened state of alert) would be pretty slim. As for incendiary shells, that's cool, except for the fact that the chainguns locking onto HEAT signatures would have a hell of a time doing so if fires were raging around everywhere.

All I'm asking is that if you attack, don't carry through with the losses portion. Stop the RP somewhere at the part where the tanks, bombers, infantry, etc. get around, over, or near the target and let your enemy take over from there. If it's a sincere RP, they're going to RP real losses. If it's not a sincere RP then you get 2000 of your guys dead and only 10 of the enemy dead.

ooc: i didnt say things went well in the other parts of my attack. i just said similar attacks were occuring. christ you people dont rp a whole front and then when someone types something up you complain.
If several hundred shells smash into an encampment and 2000 spec ops storm in, your bound to be desomated.
Heat signiatures- outside of the base, running away, on fire.
ok, take the losses out of it completely. you say how many you lost.
off guard- middle of the night, no light, silenced snipers taking out your outer patrols, huge amounts of shelling moments later.... yeah, no amount of alertness would do much to that.
anyways, ill edit to take into account your views.
crap, cant edit.... ill just repost and change it around so it works for you.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Feb 13 2005, 05:12 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Feb 13 2005, 05:20 PM
PMEmail Poster
*A small assault force approaching the area around the NA tunnel dug several days prior.*
A bullet came out of the barrel with a muffled 'bang' from the silencer, and 2000 yards away a low gurgle came from the man's throat as he collapsed. 15 more muffled shots were thrown on the outer guards of the base in the pitch black of the moonless night. The snipers silently reloaded and sent another volley taking out more guards and other soldiers running to the site of their collapsing friends. A low rumble was heard as 3 Panther XXIV Heavy Wheeled Attack Vehicles started up and a low metallic clash rang out as their 105 mm guns loaded for the attack. Another volley of shots from the forward snipers felled another 16 enemy combatants. One enemy soldier was seen running back to the command post, or what intel thought was the command post. 3 of the snipers shot his head, neck, and upper spine to shreds.
A low rumble resounded 6 miles away, and a whine from 36, 400 lb, incendiary shells came from several thousand yards above the strike force. the shells pummelled the outer edges of the enemy encampment and the 4 High Explosive shells fired blew apart the fortifications previously spotted and targetted. The incendiary shells turned the rest of the base to hell in one huge firestorm and screams were heard everywhere. Another 40 whines were heard from above and the ground shook as 40 more shells pummelled the base. 2 LAVs with 4 heavy chainguns mounted on top rumbled to life and the auto targetting computers locked onto hundreds of heat signiatures from NA soldiers running for their lives out of the 4 holes in the defensive perimeter. At least some of the enemy was caught by surprise, and were scared sh!tless. The Panther XXIV HWAVs began moving forward and so did 1,000 Assault Specialized soldiers alongside of them. The 105 mm guns rang out again and again, and the constant drone of the chainguns was taxing at the minimum for every soldier there, but mainly for the enemies that were getting cut down by them. The artillery ceased fire and the Strike Team stormed the base with the armor following close behind, dropping thousands of spent cartriges all over the ground. The 4 areas on the outside of the encampment where the High Explosive shells hit had hundreds of THS infantry pouring into them, spraying bullets into anything that moved. A core of the best NA troops was bound to be waiting for them and the battle would be taxing for both sides.
Similar attacks were occuring at 4 other spots in the enemy defense perimeter, and one was already routed due to a delay of 4 minutes in which communications had gone off and they attacked the Strike Force out in the open with their own artillery supporting them. The 3 other somewhat succesful Strike Forces were encountering heavy barrages of fire from the enemy and the Heavy Armor Group was called in, with 2,000 Heavy Attack Tracked Vehicles, dispersed amon the 3 attack areas. Now the General's council was just hoping the 4th base would not attempt to flank them but kept a small reserve of conscripts just in case.

(that better?)
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Feb 15 2005, 08:33 PM
PMEmail Poster
Awakened by the explosion of artillery and the screams of those dying, groups of men positioned in higher and hidden vantage points around the attacked bases assembled for action. They were the Roman Arcani.

The Arcani were completely different from any other unit in the Roman legions. The only unit that was even remotely similar to them was the Praetorians, and only because they were both elite and could be classified as special operations forces. However, the similarities ended there.

Praetorians were raised from birth. Their loyalties lied with the Imperator and Nova Roma, no doubt influenced by the environment they were raised in. Their job was to defend the Imperator (or any other high-ranking official) with their lives and at any cost. They were efficient and ruthless, capable of annihilating entire units of men without taking any casualties and without being seen. However, this was the problem. The enemy was dead before it could know what happened. The enemy troops didn't spread fear among their army because they were dead before they could even think. Praetorians were also extremely few in numbers compared to other units in the legions, and rarely (if ever) went to the front lines, acting mainly as defensive units within Nova Roma or in times of dire need.

Arcani on the other hand were those men who signed up to be trained in special operations. They made up for what the Praetorians lacked, tactical finesse and the ability to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy without doing that much. Their job was to disrupt enemy formations; to take out supply lines, fuel depots, ammo stores, etc.; destroy an enemy armor unit while it was on the move; capture enemy leaders; or repel an enemy attack.

Arcani set up their tents in higher and hidden places than where the legion camps were located. The first reason to this was to ensure that the legions weren't completely destroyed in an attack and the second reason was the simple fact that the legions and Arcani never got along quite well.

The higher vantage points allowed Arcani to scout ahead and plan the route of attack or where the perimeter should be established. It also kept the Arcani hidden, usually allowing them to strike an engaged enemy who was too pre-occupied with the bright lights and noise of the main encampment.

These surprise attacks were where Arcani excelled. Usually their methods involved killing outer guards and stealing their uniforms and then causing havoc from within. They weren't as efficient as Praetorians but they were more than capable of giving the legionaries time to retreat or to fight back. And so we return to the Arcani who had just awakened...

They were quiet, extremely quiet, but they paid no heed to being detected and ran full speed to the enemy lines. Other Arcani were doing the same, some teams being more cautious than others. However, this group knew they had to do something and they had to do it quick. Just as the attack began, a priority message was sent to the legions that they should find an allied base to return to and stay there until further orders. The Arcani didn't need a CO to give them orders; their mission was simple: Distract and disrupt THS forces long enough for the legions to retreat into the tunnel and detonate behind them.

Forest edge, just above a perimeter Roman encampment

The THS spotter turned around and looked through the woods behind him.

"What is it?"

His sniper was anxious to get some kills; radio chatter had confirmed that other sniper teams were having a party, killing plenty of Roman soldiers.

Setting his scope back up, the spotter turned back around and found a target, a Roman Centvrion giving his troops orders.

"Nothing. Target! Sector A, from TRP I right 50, add 50."

"Roger, Sector A, from TRP I right 50, add 50."

"Lone soldier, black fatigues, rifle on back, hands in air and giving orders."

"Copy, lone soldier, black fatigues, rifle on back, hands in air and giving orders. Target identified. I've got 3 mils crotch to head."

"Confirmed, 3 mils crotch to head. Wind from left to rig-"

A silenced bullet pierced the spotter's skull and blood sprayed his partner's scope and face.

"What the he-"

Another bullet exploded down the barrel of the pistol and soon the two dead men found themselves naked as an Arcani pair took their uniforms and moved into the enemy lines. A guard on the perimeter stopped them.

"Who's there?"

The Arcani looked at the patches on their uniforms and replied,

"Bravo Team, we're coming back in to get some grub. We've killed enough Romans today."

"You can never kill enough of those scum, come on in and get your grub. I'll let the CO know your back."

"No, don't bother; we'll be heading back out after we eat, Lamoni high command sent us priority transmission to get our asses back to... uh... what city is it now?"

The Arcani in the spotter's uniform answered,

"Kazatlan, if I'm not mistaken."

The guard scratched his head and moved on. The pair waited for him to leave their line of sight and moved to the cover of a tent and some crates. The noise coming from the tent would indicate it as the mess hall; the sniper Arcani opened the crate nearest the tent. Grenades and ammo resided inside. He placed a charge of CV on it and the pair continued to navigate the camp, looking out for any more patrols but trying to find some vacant vehicles. Bingo. A Panther HWAV and a chain gun LAV.

"Get the team here now!"

The spotter took out his radio and sent the agreed upon message. An SOS through Morse code. 20 minutes later the rest of the Arcani emerged and scanned the camp.

"What's the plan Maximvs?"

"We plant some more CV around the camp, and then we take the HWAV and the LAV, detonate the CV and try to do as much damage to the enemy lines as we can. The tribvnes should know what to do from there."

"All right then, let's get started."

An hour and several dead guards later the Arcani team regrouped at the vehicles and started to get in. A guard shot at the HWAV and bullets pinged off of its armor.

"You there! Sto-"

His words were cut short as shrapnel shredded his body and explosions engulfed the camp. The two vehicles rolled through the ruined camp and headed towards the main lines...

THS line outside of destroyed perimeter camps.

The LAVs' chain guns whirred to life as they approached the smoldering ruins of a camp; countless Roman and THS soldiers were engaged in firefights all over the camp. Several rockets whizzed by the heads of THS commanders, detonating far off into the night sky behind them.

"Damn those soldiers, issue a retreat so we can use the LAVs to take care of those Romans."

"Yes sir."

As soon as the order was issued by the commander the Arcani controlled vehicles pulled up and began opening fire on the retreating THS soldiers. However, the THS LAV commanders believed the fire to be opening up on the Romans and they too opened fire; the retreating AS soldiers, unfortunately, were caught in the terrific crossfire.

Roman Tribvnes witnessing the carnage ordered a retreat and the Roman troops began falling back to the main camp, getting in Humvees, fuel trucks, whatever they could find to escape the THS lines.

The Arcani on the other hand had a different plan. The programmer in the team successfully automated the LAV to open fire on THS forces after about five minutes. The inside of the LAV was also rigged with explosives so that as soon as the hatch was opened the vehicle would explode. The four Arcani in the LAV got out and hid under it and began shooting at whoever they could. The Roman controlled HWAV however began inching out of the line and soon zoomed out of the area.

"Where the hell does that HWAV think he's going?"

"I don't know sir but it appears th-"

An explosion rocked the THS line and knocked just about every infantryman to his feet as the LAV burst into a ball of flame, covering the retreat of the Roman HWAV which was on its way to assist the other camps in their retreat.

Only remaining perimeter camp

"What in the name of the gods is going on Centvrion?"

"THS forces attempted to destroy this camp but they were engulfed by their own artillery strike. They were, however, successful in destroying the other three camps."

"Do we have coordinates of the enemy armor?"

"No, sir, no units were..."

The centvrion's data unit flashed as enemy armor coordinates were uploaded into it.

"The Arcani are uploading armor coordinates as we speak sir!"

"Well order the retreat and call in a damn tank buster air strike on those bastards!"

"Yes sir!"

15 minutes later the sound of an A-10 Warthog squadron could be heard overhead...

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Feb 17 2005, 10:34 AM
PMEmail Poster
The low drone of the A-10 engines was barely heard over the continuing explosions all over the THS line, extremely disarrayed in some cases because of the surprise counterattack by several small enemy groups.

As the chainguns on the A-10s began opening up, 2 Chaingun LAVs scoped looked to the sky and opened fire, but were quickly desomated by the Depleted Uranium shells from the Warthogs. One small fire was seen as an engine on a Warthog was hit by several AP shells from one of the now destroyed LAVs. Warthogs were resilient and it kept going, shooting up HWAVs further down the line. One whole Armored Squad was destroyed in seconds as the Warthogs opened up with 2 missiles each and strategically aimed shots toward the fuel tanks.

The AA guns 200 metres behind the lines were quickly powerd up and began firing at the destructive enemy aircraft. Soon a squadron of FI 35 aircraft was in the midst of the fighting and began attacking the Warthogs.

One by one the Warthogs went down to the immense amount of fire, but inflicted enough damage that the Offensive Commanders called for 2 Battalions of Reserve Armor to be pulled in and an additional Light Attack Division for the heavier resistance expected ahead. It would be at least another 2 hours until these units arrived, and 1 hour until they could organize to pierce through the perimeter base that was not breached.

The additional 45.000 men called up in these 2 battalions and 1 division were the best reserves availiable in the area and had combat experience from 4 seperate wars in the past. If these failed to break through, another 6 divisions, or approximately 200.000 men, were ready to overwhelm the NA lines.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Feb 17 2005, 11:35 AM
PMEmail Poster
Abattoir's long term delay in establishing reinforcements would soon be ending. Three massive armies consiting of an overall 300,000 troops was in route to collect any lost NA encampments and military bases that would still be operable.

Men would remain behind the operate and protect the reclaimed bases, while the rest would arrive at the line in a hope to push back Lamoni and THS forces.

A shipment of supplies would be in protection of the battalions, and would be followed by an additional 100,000 Xilian infantrymen. Temporary air bases would be set up in the meantime to enable quick air support to Societan troops.
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Mar 1 2005, 05:47 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
The Lamonian forces scrambled to defend the area of the enemy incursion had finished their fortifications, and were ready to fight.

B-1B's of the LAF were loading up on Precision Guided Munitions (PGM), which were going to be used to fill up the enemy's hole, and cut off their supplies, with the remaining weapons being used on whatever enemy targets could be found. Lamonian supersonic bombers (OOC: these were used to ferry troops to Ainorpisp during their civil war) were going to drop paratroopers and special ops troops behind enemy lines at the same time.

In Novvs Atlantis, the units of the first front had met up with the units of the second front at last. Though they were taking shots from NA artillery, they had pretty well taken the mainland part of NA, and a (NA created) special ops mission had penetrated NA and spread 'special weapons' (nukes, not bio) all over that nation. The locations were picked so that minimal casualties and maximal psychological effects would be achieved.

As the enemy got closer in the Northwestern part of Lamoni, the Lamonian units were already locking up targets, and waiting to fire until they could see 'the whites of the enemy's eyes.'
Democratic Maniac
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