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Winds of Change in the region(semiclosed)
Posted: Jun 4 2006, 01:03 AM
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Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega stood at the window to his office. He had been doing so a lot since the Autokrator had departed for Hypocria and the news from Starblaydia had surfaced. Things were drastically changing in the region. Krytenia had just made an official announcement announcing their resignation from the S.A.A.S. And rumors as to their future circulated at every available place. More disturbing were the rumors from Olivery that seemed to show that nation as ready to join the already powerful S.D.L.

The S.D.L. Too much power in one place. That had been confirmed with Bazalonia’s membership and the continued talks with Myrtannia. And if that was not enough, four of the S.D.L. nations now had solid relationships with the Sylvanaes Kingdom. Too much power in one place. That fact kept popping its ugly head into view.

The time for a decision had come. And Viastormin had decided that the S.A.A.S. was not the best path for the Draggonnii Socialist Empire. That left only one other option - the third alliance that had spawned discussion on numerous occasions without anything meaningful coming of it. It was time to make something happen. Others would be ready to do so as well.

Viastormin carefully considered his options. Milchama and Casari would definitely receive invitations to attend a meeting to discuss these matters. Both nations stood much as his own - in the middle with little or no support. With the two nations as allies, a great core for future endeavors would be born. Pacitalia would also probably receive an invite as well. They were looking for something substantial as well.

And Hypocria. Viastormin would send The Autocracy an invite as well. With Krytenia defecting and Starblaydia a complete mess, perhaps Hypocria would be looking for something new as well. At least he could hope so.

QUOTE (Presidente Commandante of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega)

To: The leaders of Milchama, Casari, Pacitalia, and Hypocria
From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega

The concept of a third regional alliance has been bounced around for long enough without any results. With the S.D.L. rising to great heights in strength and the downturn of the S.A.A.S. , we must address the fact that we need an alliance that protects our own interests and serves our own purposes. Alone, each of us must play to the whims of either side, but united we will have the opportunity to rise to new greatness for each of us.

I invite each of you to send dignitaries to Errion Vega so that discussions of this third alliance can be held and terms decided and finalized. I do hope to see each of you there.

That would get things started. Viastormin called for an aide to make sure the letters were sent. He wondered for a moment if he had forgotten anyone. They could be added quickly enough, he decided.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Jun 4 2006, 05:39 AM
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The winds of change were blowing a gale through Atlantian Oceania. Actually it was more of a hurricane, capable of destroying everything in its path. Such were the dark thoughts circulating through the mind of the Autokrator as he watched President Domesca’s press conference.

The events of the last few weeks had changed everything. It was Tiberius who had held the SAAS together and with him gone the cracks weren’t just visible, they were gaping. The silence from Xile, Abattoir and Nova Roma was deafening.. And now Krytenia was all set to jump ship to the SDL. Which of course was not a path Titus could follow having already betrayed them once. He managed a smile, even he could appreciate the irony. How long ago was it? When he had been all set to sign the Autocracy up to the SDL only to switch sides right at the death. And now it had all gone to pieces.

Titus had never met Starblaydia’s new Lady Protector in the flesh but what he had seen of her in the media inexplicable sent a chill right through him. There was something there, in the eyes. Something not quite right. Something . . . dark. And now she was the driving force behind the SAAS. A fact that had prompted Krytenia’s President to seek a way out.

And here on his desk, starring him in the face, was his own way out.

He reached for his phone and dialled.

“Max I want you to send a reply to Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. Thank the Presidente Commandante for his invitation and confirm that the Autocracy will be sending a representative.”
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Posted: Jun 4 2006, 11:09 PM
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((OOC: The third alliance pops its head up yet again! I'm still waiting for Pacitalia on 'To Preserve Peace', but if this topic gets going, send me an invite.))
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Posted: Jun 5 2006, 12:26 AM
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QUOTE (Geisenfried @ Jun 4 2006, 08:09 PM)
((OOC: The third alliance pops its head up yet again! I'm still waiting for Pacitalia on 'To Preserve Peace', but if this topic gets going, send me an invite.))

OOC: Consider that taken care of. wink.gif
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Posted: Jun 5 2006, 01:00 AM
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Dear Signore Presidente Comandante Vega,

I personally will attend your conference in Errion Vega. My government is disappointed that you did not ask us to host the conference considering this was a Pacitalian idea from the beginning, but to speak candidly, with the current domestic political change that appears imminent here in the Democratic Capitalist Republic it may be a better idea not to do so.

That said, I look very much forward to meeting you and hope that this conference is successful in cementing the creation of a third alliance in the region to counterbalance both the authority of the two present alliances and to prevent war from spreading across the region.

My very best to you and yours,

Albinanda Serodini
Agustinate of Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

Telephone: +2 010 1357 990 357, ext. 6270

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Jun 5 2006, 01:02 AM
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Posted: Jun 5 2006, 06:46 PM
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QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Jun 4 2006, 01:03 AM)

QUOTE (Presidente Commandante of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega)

To: The leaders of Milchama, Casari, Pacitalia, and Hypocria
From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega

The concept of a third regional alliance has been bounced around for long enough without any results. With the S.D.L. rising to great heights in strength and the downturn of the S.A.A.S. , we must address the fact that we need an alliance that protects our own interests and serves our own purposes. Alone, each of us must play to the whims of either side, but united we will have the opportunity to rise to new greatness for each of us.

I invite each of you to send dignitaries to Errion Vega so that discussions of this third alliance can be held and terms decided and finalized. I do hope to see each of you there.

"Well will you look at that another letter."

"Let's get this one quick to Gonnenberg."

"Great Leader Gonnenberg, you gotta see this," *shows him note*

"Wow! thanks for showing me that we better respond quickly to make sure that we're in this thing."

Dear Presidente Commandante,

We would love to join a new alliance to balance out the SDL. I will go to ASMV as soon as the Bazalonian Prime Minister comes here. Instead I will send my defense minister, Moshe Rabin, to come out and speak on behalf of our interests. Also I would like to know if there is anything that I should discuss with the Bazalonian PM.

Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg

Head of the Communist International Party.
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Posted: Jun 5 2006, 10:43 PM
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Ari Elisar leaned back in his chair, looking at the sheet of paper on the desk in front of him. There would be meetings and sessions of the Assembly about this for months if word of the note actually left the room. Winter would be calling for his head as soon as he mentioned it to the assembly in the first place.

Sitting up, he reached out and pressed the button on the intercom. "Rebecca?"

"Yes, Prime Minister?"

"Please notify the Cabinet, I'm going to have to make a diplomatic visit abroad."


"A... situation is brewing, and I would prefer to be on the ground floor." He said, releasing the button.

Before long, a reply was racing back through the communications channels back to the government offices of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega.

Dear Presidente Comandante Viastormin Vega-

The Administration of the Confederation of Casari considers it vital that the balance of power within the region be kept, and arrangements are being made to depart for the conference at the earlyest possible oppertunity.

Ari Elisar,
Prime Minister,
Confederated Colonies of Casari
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Posted: Jun 6 2006, 12:36 AM
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QUOTE (Presidente Commandante of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega)

To: The leaders of Milchama, Casari, Pacitalia, and Hypocria
From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega

It is with great pleasure that I will await the arrival of dignitaries from each of your great nations. We have much to discuss and little time to handle affairs considering the current state of the region. I am sure that things will progress well and we can reach an accord that is suitable to each of us.

Arrangements have been made for each of your dignitaries and their entourages to stay at the Presidential Palace to accommodate swifter completion of the discussions and debates that I am sure will arise. I thank each of you for your swift responses to this request.

Also to be discussed will be the location of the headquarters for the new alliance once it has been finalized and becomes a necessity.


To: The Leadership of the Nation of Geisenfried
From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega

I offer my humble apologies for not having sent an invite to your great nation, and now wish to rectify things by issuing an invite to discuss a new regional alliance here in Errion Vega.



To: Albinanda Serodini
Agustinate of Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega

No slight was intended when choosing Errion Vega for these meetings. It had not been deemed a certainty that your great nation would even send representation or even if it would accept such an offer. It is an honor to know that you will be represented here.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Jun 6 2006, 08:18 PM
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Ari Elisar's government vehicle slowed to a stop on the tarmac. Bodyguards piled out of vehicles in front and behind before the door was opened for him. Climbing out of the car, he quickly climbed the steps to the waiting jet. Chatter on the Air Traffic channels quickly subsided as the jet climbed and met it's escort before flying in the general direction of Andossa Si Mitrin Vega.

Accompanying Elisar on the trip was someone of a more confrontational nature- Casaran General Edward Ylori.

"Do you really think this will do any good, sir?" The General said, unbuckling his seat belt and standing up, streching.

"Well, we have to try." Elisar said, looking at a box full of files. "What are those?"

"Oh... just some in-flight reading."

Behind him, Elisar could hear one of his bodyguards setting a heavy metal case on a tray table and opening it. He looked out the window at the ocean and sighed just a bit. The pilot announced that the plane would be starting it's descent as a sergeant offered the General a sidearm.

This wasn't the best way to go about a diplomatic mission.

This post has been edited by Casari on Jun 6 2006, 08:22 PM
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Posted: Jun 7 2006, 02:11 PM
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As the waters of the Crystilakere channel past far below the plane Andrius Vyntra took advantage of the slight lull in his busy schedule to reflect. It had been rather a good couple of weeks for him. First he was appointed as First Minister of the Autocracy, making him the second most important man in the nation, and now he was off to Andossa Se Mitrin Vega to attend a high level meeting. Not bad for a lad from the poor side of Drissa.

The Autokrator had intended to make the trip himself but he had a prior engagement in Starblaydia followed by a stop over in Nedalia to pay his respects to the late President Bren. Atlantian Oceania’s leaders were seemingly dropping like flies. Vyntra couldn’t help but wonder who would be next.
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Posted: Jun 7 2006, 07:42 PM
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Moshe Rabin stepped out onto Errion Vegan airport. He had just come here after a red eye from Milchama. After the 6 hour flight he looked dazed as the Vegan ambassador came to drive him to his hotel. He barely heard what the man said about the schedule for the meeting, he was sure that packet thingy he got would tell him everything.

After that short meeting he went to sleep. He knew that tommorow was to be an important day in Milchamian and Atlantian Oceanian history.
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Posted: Jun 7 2006, 08:42 PM
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It was a cloudy, dull morning in Timiocato, the type of day that was in the minority in the yearly climate chart. Albinanda Serodini, Pacitalia's Agustinate of Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs, watched as the sea, the Port of Timiocato and the skyscrapers of the CBD fell away beneath her, the Aeronexus B70 corporate jet streaking upwards into the sky on its way to Errion Vega.

She was slightly nervous; it was her first trip abroad since being named the successor to Dr Rabastano Sancatto Serra - the man renowned as a "consummate diplomat" but sacked under accusations by the prime minister that he was the leader of the rumoured cabinet revolt. On top of adjusting to her new leadership position, she was trying to regain control of the third alliance movement. Sorantanali didn't have anything against President Comandante Vega but this was a Pacitalian idea and the Pacitalian armed forces would be taking a leading role regardless, being, together with Hypocria, the two largest components of a potential dealbreaker/dealmaker alliance.

Plus, PNN had reported Bedistan was going to choose a side soon as well, and Serodini dearly hoped President Buelga would choose the pro-stability option and join Pacitalia on the "third side" of the regional table. Atlantian Oceania was in tumult with leaders passing away or being killed, nations allying or defecting.

The orange folder she clutched in her hand slowly fell into her lap as her grip loosened, the Agustinate falling into an uneasy stupor. Eight hours and four uncomfortable "naps" later she was on the ground in Errion Vega, her hair and sharp-looking business suit crisply smoothened out for a highly professional, highly commanding look. Albinanda put on a confident mask though she was feeling far from that in regards to the Pacitalian position in the alliance.

As she got in the polished limousine she looked up and swore saw a face in the clouds. Stunned only momentarily, she regained her composure, genuflected and kissed the cross pendant around her neck and faced forward, pressed back in the leather seat as the car drove along the narrow lanes and wide boulevards to the meeting place.
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 12:51 AM
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To:    President Buëlga of Bedistan

From: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega
          Royal Prince of The Draggonnii Socialist Empire
          Andossa Se Mitrin Vega

Most esteemed President Buëlga,

I would like to extend a personal invitation to you and your great nation to attend talks of a proposed third alliance in Atlantian Oceania. I do not know your personal stance in regards to the S.A.A.S. or the S.D.L. , but my advisors assure me that your nation has remained neutral in the affairs of the region.

I also know what that position will mean in the future as most nations have now chosen their sides - alliances broken and remade. Others, who have also always stood as neutral are now ready to engage in the discussions of a proposed third alliance. I think that I can safely speak for all who will be represented here by stating that your presence would be more than welcome.

I do hope you take the time to give this humble offer some consideration.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 12:52 AM
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Viastormin Vega looked carefully in the mirror. The brass polished to a high shine on his military uniform. Today was a very big day for ASMV and the rest of the region. Leaders and dignitaries from Casari, Milchama, Hypocria, and Pacitalia had already arrived for the conference that would finally decide the fate of the long-proposed third alliance. No word had been received from Geisenfried, and his final invite had just been issued. Hopefully a positive word would be returned from both in the very near future.

Responses from Hypocria, Casari, and Milchama had been upbeat in nature, and Pacitalia was here as well, even if they had seemed a bit frustrated by the Presidente Commandante’s decision to expedite the matter. But that was an issue that would have to be worked through now. No time to worry over the decision. Time was of the essence in this matter. Especially now that it had become know that The Lowland Clans were joining the S.D.L. That alliance was quickly growing in power and was looking now to become the sole dominant force of Atlantian Oceania. Things were shifting quickly and Viastormin did not like the way they were shaping up.

He looked for a moment longer, and then left his room. Prepared now to address the conference, he made his way towards the designated room with quick, purposeful strides. The time had come for action.

He paused a moment at the door. Taking a deep breath, he thought one more time about the reasons for this conference and the people who waited on the other side. This was to easily be the most important issue of his rule. His defining moment, others would say. But he did not see it quite in that light. He was only facilitating something that must be done. Others could have the glory. He only wanted the measure of peace and stability that these efforts could produce. He turned the knob and entered the room.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to welcome you to Errion Vega and to The Draggonnii Socialist Empire. Each of you already knows the importance of this conference, so I will spare my comments on the need for such to take place. As I do not have a desire to dominate these proceedings, I will turn the floor now to whomever would take the first opportunity to speak. But please, let us conduct these proceeding as friends and without the formality that is needed outside of this room. In here we do need to be candid with one another and there is little place for the kissing of asses. Now, who wants to go first?”
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 09:59 AM
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To: Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega
From: King Alexander Seifert IV

The Royal Federation considers the prospect of the creation of a third Atlantian Oceanian Alliance to be a necessary step in preserving the peace within our region, and so, I would like to confirm that we will be sending a representative to the conference concerning that matter in Errion Vega.

I should be used to these things by now, but somehow, I'm not.

Archduke Andreas Seifert simply sighed as he thought about these things while his CJA-714 jet landed on the runway of the international airport of Errion Vega. Being the brother of the king, he was called on to do important delegations if Alexander was tied up with other important subjects. And with him flying to Nedalia and Starblaydia to tend to the funerals of Tiberius Starblayde and Andrew Bren, the conference in Errion Vega fell to him.

Soon after landing, he and his small squad of security guards leave in a limousine towards the building in which the conference was taking place. Once through the security, the Archduke entered into the conference room, only to find the pairs of eyes from the other delegates fall on him, as he had arrived slightly late. Wordlessly, he simply sat down in one of the seats and waited for someone else to speak, as he wasn't sure how far they had gotten.

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