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A New Dawn Breaks
Posted: Feb 16 2005, 07:55 AM
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The messages had been sent out and replied to. It was not often that dictators- Autocrats, Tiberius reminded himself, can't go around calling them Dictators any more. It was not often that Autocrats R.S.V.P'd so quickly to each other.

Tiberius had called the leaders of Xile, Abbatoir and Novvs Atlantis, or is it now just Nova Roma?, to his mountain fortress in the mountainous Hallad region of Starblaydia. He looked up from his balcony, seeing massive, impenetrable, snow-capped mountains rising all around him. There was barely even a breeze on this frosty morning; the skies were clear and blue as far as they eye could see as the Sun made its acsent above the peaks.

Far off in the distance was the tell-tale screech of a pair of Harrier Jets as they cut their way through the thin mountain air. Nothing was manoeuvrable like a Harrier, just what you needed to dive between the peaks, and its vertical abilities made it supremely useful for this area. But there was another sound in the air, the steady whump-whump-whump of military helicopters.

It would begin soon, a new alliance would bestride the Region like a colossus.
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 08:11 AM
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Adonis Lauir stepped out of his helicopter, stooping slightly. The location of the meeting place had been withheld even from him. Approaching any location with uncertainty never really appealed to him, too many memories of the Xile/Krytenia peace-talks still haunted his dreams.

He quietly scanned the terrain before he began walking. The majesty of the location was eclipsed only by its seclusion and safety. He saw Tiberius Starblayde examining him from the distance.

"Might as well get on with it," he thought to himself.

He broke into his brisk military stride towards the man.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 08:18 AM
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President Antoine Tariskany arrived just in time to see Tiberius and Adonis greeting one another. He stumbled out of the helicopter almost dropping the cumbersome load he was carrying.

Antoine walked up to the two somber looking leaders, placing a hand on the top of the case he had shouldered. Giving a moment for suspense he uncovered the top, revealing a fairly large load of Abattoirian Whiskey.

"HOHO!" They exclaimed with delight.

Great way to get the meeting going a little quicker the President thought.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Feb 16 2005, 08:46 AM
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 08:44 AM
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"Welcome Adonis, Antoine," Tiberius said, "this is the most secret installation in all of Starblaydia. One of my men will take that oh-so-heavy burden from you, Antoine, I'm sure we can rustle up some glasses."

A Starblaydi soldier took the case of Abattoirian Whiskey and quickly went inside.

"I have the meeting room prepared," Tiberius went on, showing them the way, "we just need to finalise this alliance between our four nations, and we might as well have the drinks ready for when the Imperator gets here."

Tiberius led the way through the open double-doors, closing the frosty morning air behind them.
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 08:52 AM
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Tariskany sat down in his seat and grabbed one of the bottles. One of the guards handed him a short glass with a few chunks of ice settled at the bottom. He unscrewed the top and poured himself a generous flow of the liquor.

He then took a nice gulp of his national drink without even a twitch from him lips. Abattoirians were known for the high alcohol tolerance, but he had brought along enough whiskey to get everyone at the meeting drunk for two weeks.

He smirked when he looked at the goofy looking penguin label, and looked at the Starbaydi leader as he grabbed a bottle. "So why exactly are we here Tiberius?"

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Feb 16 2005, 08:53 AM
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 09:14 AM
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Tiberius raised his eyebrows, putting his glass back on the table. He was more used to the Starblaydi vodkas, but this Abattoiran whiskey's reputation was well-deserved.

"Strong stuff, Antoine," he smiled, "we are here to forge the most powerful alliance this Region has ever seen. None of this poxy squabbling amongst AORDO members, with public opinions and the whiny policitans." He waved his hands dismissively. "None of us can abide with having Parliaments, Senates, Opinion Polls. We all see the UN reports, we know the type of nation that each of us holds in an iron grip. We are the four men who can decide the fate of Atlantian Oceania, but, only if we stand together.

"If an Imperator, a Lord-Protector and two Life-Presidents can stand together in this region we can dominate it now and forever. Economically, Militarily, Politically and Technologically we shall hold all the trump cards to Atlantian Oceania.

"Gentlemen, and for when the Imperator gets here, I propose we unite our nations in a new allignment: the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States. Abattoir, Novvs Atlanis/Nova Roma, Starblaydia and Xile. We can have the UN Delegate, the AORDO cheif and... We. Can. Rule."
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 09:34 AM
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"Very interesting proposal you have there Tiberius. We haven't secured the delegacy yet, but we currently lead with the polls. I think I will appoint former Prime Minister Herring to the job, he is a strong party supporter...." he trailed off in thought.

"But yes, with UN Delegate, AORDO President, and two other strong nations in cooperation, we will definately shape the future of Atlantian Oceania."

He turned to Adonis and inquired, "You've been rather quiet Lauir, what do you think about this alliance? Think the Imperator will be in favor?"
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 09:45 AM
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Adonis had been sipping from his glass thoughtfully. It had been a while since he had tasted Abattoiran whiskey, and he did not want to lose the opportunity.

"Ah yes, I'm sure the Imperator will be on board. His nation has recently been ravaged, and he has never seen any harm in a little quid pro quo."

The President took another sip.

"It's about time we started getting things in order here..."

Adonis looked into his glass and was silent again.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 09:53 AM
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"Ah yes, I suppose we could at least arrange some of the essentials before the Imperators arrival. Save him the trouble of having to sit through the boring stuff. My people still have some reservations about you Adonis, after the Lavinsky incident. However a little propaganda could change that. We'll say that it was actually the Lamoni official who murdered our revered Prime Minister...We've recently made Lavinsky a national holiday, it's wonderful." he trailed off again.

"Anywho, I am supposing we will all share equal power throughout this arrangement? Even though our countries don't allow elections I believe it would be easy enough for us four to vote on a few key issues. Our people's wants won't necessarily need to be...yes..."

He had grown tired of being proper and unscrewed another bottle of spirits. He began to gulp straight from the source. Tasty stuff...
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 10:04 AM
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"Good idea, Antoine." Tiberius sat back in his seat. "a simple consensus between the four of us. My proposal is, simply, a full Alliance between our nations. No trade barriers, Military co-operation, voting en masse in certain... regional polls. The ability to meet whenever we need to, away from the prying eyes of the VOIA or anyone else, for that matter."

He put his glass back on the table and leaned forward.

"And," he said with a glint in his eye and half a grin on his face, "no blowing each other away with Desert Eagles when the other ones aren't looking."

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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 10:12 AM
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"HEAR HEAR!" Tariskany toasted looking a bit flushed. At this rate he was going to be drunk when the Imperator arrived.

Without trade barriers and with a simple consensus between four men, it would undoubtedly rapidly advance their nations.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 03:03 PM
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The VH-3D made a steep descent as the landing pad appeared suddenly in front of the pilot. He touched down with little problem and opened the side bay doors.

A small staircase lowered down to the ground and 4 Praetorians rushed out, covering the area. The last Praetorian nodded to someone behind him and the Imperator and the other five Praetorians emerged.

A Starblaydian guard who had been watching the whole procedure rushed forward and was almost shot dead if he hadn't turned his arm to reveal his Starblaydian arm patch.

Shocked the man sputtered a response,

"Right this way Imper- Imperator; the others are wai- waiting for you."

The procession followed the man into a small chamber. Witnessing the drinking and good time the men were having, the Imperator spoke.

"So my friends, what have I missed?"
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 04:32 PM
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"Did you just try and gun down my valet, Imperator?" Tiberius asked, breaking off from the humourous anecdote he was telling, "who on earth did you think would be greeting you at a top-secret Starblaydi Military Installation, I ask you?"

Tiberius sat his glass down back on the table and went over to shake the hand of the leader of Novvs Atlantis.

"Welcome to a place in the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States, it's here if you want it."

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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 06:53 PM
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By now Tariskany was a little giggly with drink, but he tried not to let it show. He had to keep his composure in such a serious situation. With the current war going on, this alliance would undoubtedly hold some importance.

"To hell with the Lamonians!" he stood up and shouted. It wasn't supposed to come out that way, so he decided to take his seat, looking a little bit embarrassed.

"Umm...Adonis, Tiberius, you explain things. I want to hear it from another perspective, or something like that."
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Feb 16 2005, 07:07 PM
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Adonis rose from his seat, and steadied himself using his chair.

"Shello shimperatorsh. Shnice to shee ya."

He busted out laughing and returned to his seat. He had long before pushed his glass away, his drunkedness reaching dangerous levels.

"Shtiberiun... 'ya tell em."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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