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AOKCC Results/RP thread
Posted: Aug 24 2006, 11:14 PM
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Lumber StrongMouse continues his perfect run dominating the Dwarf from Starblaydia, no draws, no losses, just wins. The lead was never clearly established but as Lumber StrongMouse approached the target the Starblaydi took a wrong turn essentially giving the target to Lumber, the Starblaydi never recovered having trouble re-orienting himself within the maze. Lumber was never really challenged in this race and won it fairly easily. Lumber will face another Starblaydi, Nurri Tezbaktahir. Lumber is expected to dominate once more.

Andreas SteepleMouse was in his element, Maze races was his forte but mazes weren't his opponents, the strategy was to memorise the dirctions to the target quickly then run the coures without refering to the map once. Combinging speed and his technique abilities to overcome the traps Andreas was the maze specialist, beating his Winchestian opponent. Andreas will face Alfred St-Jacques from QuakMyBush in the Round of 16, this match will be difficult and no one is quite sure how this match will end up

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Posted: Aug 25 2006, 05:55 PM
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He was out Marian Luppers had exited. After 4 strait losses he was back to the Milchamian or in going to qualifying on the Az-Cz tour to try and get into some events. He wasn't sure what to do but he did know one thing, he needed change.

A new coach, a new strategy for being successful, a new everything. He took off his legendary green and black uniform, that would be thrown away. Something new was neccesary and Luppers was going to deliver. He was going to compete on the tour.


Kochenon had done it, and he was the only one, the only Milchamian to advance. Heck and he was the one who didn't need it, he would have gladly lost to let one of the other go ahead, aw well, he was in octos and now just needed one more win, on a speed course, to get the bid.

He looked at his opponent again, he was -explicitive removed-ing Vilitan. Well now it was time to study the map, a good run and he would win, because he was only against a -explicitive removed-ing Vilitan.

The nation of Milchama was cheering for him, come on Marty!


Schreider Martin had blown it. He was mad and he decided to forget about it immediately, not talk about it at all, just live with the loss. He lived with it and there was some more happiness in his life.


Kinch had to get better at speed courses. He knew it, everybody knew it. So he was going to do it.
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 12:10 AM
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Congratulations to the eight chasers that have qualified for the tour. Here are the results.

Lumber StrongMouse  Miceland    
Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia   Win  
Alfred St-Jacques  Quakmybush   Win  
Andreas SteepleMouse  Miceland    
Runner SprintMouse  Miceland   Win  
Khazrar Meterrzibarn  Starblaydia    
Ioalali Morai  Vilita   Win  
Levi Jonasson  Winchestia    
Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia   Draw Draw Win
Yabai Tomoai Vilita    
Ootaniz Riiatzor  Vilita    
Marty Kochenon  Milchama   Draw Win
Andrew Rather  Bazalonia   Win  
Martin Wilson  Winchesita    
Viliama Riistamii Vilita    
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush   Win  

And here are the matchups for the quarterfinals:

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia
Alfred St-Jacques  Quakmybush

Runner SprintMouse  Miceland
Ioalali Morai  Vilita

Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia
Marty Kochenon  Milchama

Andrew Rather  Bazalonia
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 08:51 AM
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ooc: how the heck do i have two guys left tongue.gif

Two Kleptochaserers Left

Alfred St-Jacques and Vladimir Petrovič have both advacned to the quaterfinals in the AOKCC. St-Jacques advanced by defeating a perculiar opponent in Andreas Steeplemouse. While Petrovič defeated Viliama Riistamii of Vilitia. St-Jacques will take on Nurri Tezbaktahir of Starblaydia in his match and Petrovič will take on Andrew Rather of Bazalonia.

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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 02:19 PM
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Kochenon couldn't believe it! The bid it was his, screw his auto-qual he had earned it after beating Vilitan Ootaniz Riiatzor. Now he had worse worries as he had to fact Josh Trengrove, AGAIN! This was the 3rd time but it didn't matter as much now as the whole point why he came to the tournament anyway had happened, he had qualified for the tour.

Now he was on a strength course, his weakest event, and he needed a win big time. Well he studied the map one more time, if I go there, and then there and then HOLY S--- there it is! If I go that way I can do it. Marty was happy and with that he wrote down the path to victory
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 07:23 PM
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The real suprise is that Starblaydia has any racers left. That was the upset of the round of 16 by far.
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 10:33 PM
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Morai Advances to Quarter Final

While all four Vilitan chasers won their opening matches in the Round of 32, only the surprising Ioalali Morai was able to advance from the Round of 16 to the Quarter Final Stage. Morai was under much criticism for his performance in the opening matches of the group stage, and many experts were calling for the debutant chaser to be replaced on the squad before the Nationstatal champions later this season. However, Morai has taken the criticism constructively and used it as a catalyst for a run of results that now sees the youngster considered a potential upset away from the semi final stage of the competition. Morai will have the entire Vilitan chasing squad in his corner when he goes up against Miceland's Runner SprintMouse in the Quarters, after a convincing win over Winchestia's Levi Jonasson in the Round of 16. After Morai's dissapointing group stage performance, few expected much from the Vilitan. However, after a win in the Round of 32, It became clear that the Morai-Jonasson would be one of the best of the round. An uncharacteristic slip from Jonasson on the start gave Morai the advantage, and he never looked back taking the target and succesfully evading Jonasson to advance in one go. Only one other Vilitan, Viliama Riistamii, had their match decided in one go in the Round of 16, albeit a losing effort, as Yabai Tomoai and Ootaniz Riiatzor both forced draws before their exit in the same stage of the competition.

While Kleptochasing has not yet taken amongst the upper echelon of Vilitan society, youngsters accross the nation have taken interest, and it is believed that should Morai advance to the Semi Finals of this regional competition, it is entirely possible that the Vilitan media will look to cover the event live, and possibly create the start of a potential migration of professional kleptochasing into the Tropics of Vilita.
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 10:54 PM
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Andrew Rather and Joshua Trengrove, through to the quarter finals. The two Bazalonians having a strong rivalry but a friendly one, The Bazalonians using each other to train in between the course days. The training was to increase his upper body muscle mass so he could hold the increased mass and move with speed.

This was after Andrew Rather reached the target before Martin Wilson, the Winchestian just was not fast enough and had not taken the corners as efficiently as the Bazalonian. In the end he decided just to walk the last metre home just because he could. In the upcoming Strength course Andrew faced Vladamir from QuakMyBush. It is unknown just how well Andrew could do but Vladamir will be certianly able to use his advantage up against the Bazalonian and no one is quite sure just who will make the next round

Joshua Trengrove on the otherhand seemed to be calm and confident, Strength course was his forte and it was like he was unstopable. Winning all six of his group matches and with his win in the Maze and Speed courses in the rounds of 32 and 16. He faced the familiar foe of Marty Kochenon, A man who could be very dangerous but failed in his strength. He faced in the Speed course Vilitian,Yabai Tomoai. In the first run Joshua failed to reach the target in time with the vilitian just reaching it the moment before Joshua reached it. Joshua managed to get the vilitian the moment after the collecting of the fluffy gnome. The next draw it was the other way around, the vilitian just getting Joshua seconds before the exit loomed up before him. This was where the Bazalonian's endurance kicked in, while the Vilitian was still recovering from the previous runs the Bazalonian was fighting fit. Joshua teared through the 3rd run and the vilitian quickly started to drop off. Apparently the Vilitian peaked too early.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 11:27 PM
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Quarterfinals RP cutoff

Here are the results for the quarterfinals.

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia   Win
Alfred St-Jacques  Quakmybush    
Runner SprintMouse  Miceland    
Ioalali Morai  Vilita   Win
Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia   Win
Marty Kochenon  Milchama    
Andrew Rather  Bazalonia    
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush   Draw Win

And here are the matches for the semifinals:

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia
Ioalali Morai  Vilita

Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush

This post has been edited by Az-cz on Aug 26 2006, 11:38 PM
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Posted: Aug 27 2006, 10:08 PM
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Morai topples Sprintmouse in Quarters

The magical run of Vilita's Ioalali Morai continued against favored Mice of Miceland chaser Runner Sprintmouse in the quarter final stage of the competition. Morai, who was on the verge of being kicked off the Vilitan team after a poor start to the group stages, has now arose as the top challenger from the cove nation, outlasting his more experienced and skillfull counterparts on the way to a place in the Semi Final Stage of the tournament. Just four chasers remain from four different nations, with Starblaydia, Bazalonia and Quakmybush also represented in the final four. Morai will come up against Starblaydias Nurri Tezbaktahir. Like Morai, Tezbaktahir has also had an impressive run through the knockout stages, and it is certain that whichever the two advances to the final will have a tough task against either Joshuan Trengrove or the always dangerous Vladimir Petrovic of Quakmybush.
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Posted: Aug 27 2006, 10:54 PM
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Semifinals RP Cutoff
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Posted: Aug 27 2006, 10:59 PM
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Here are the results:

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia   Win
Ioalali Morai  Vilita  
Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia  
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush   Win

Which sets up a finals between Nurri Tezbaktahir of Starblaydia and Vladimir Petrovic of Quakmybush. Good luck to the two contestants as they compete for title of Atlantian Oceania Kleptochase Champion.
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 01:57 AM
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As Joshua emerged out of the maze he knew that he had lost, the target had gone when he reached there and he had yet to actually see Vladamir. And in the end he walked out of the course to see Vladamir and the rest of the QuakMyBush delegating celebrating.

"****, I won 6 out of 6 chases and HE get's it." Joshua waved acknowledging the crowd as he mumbled underhis breath. "To loose in a stupid technique course, well, I suppose I better get training on my technique." He said as he left the course and the stadium with no fanfare. He soon found out that the Starblaydi Nurri whatever his name was had won. "You know what?" he asked himself "The sad thing is that I predicted this. Well, at least I got knocked out by the man that will most likely win this thing. Despite the Starblaydi being a dwarf I doubt he'll do well in the strength course ahead."

And with that he soon was on his way back to Bazalonia to train.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 10:47 AM
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Vladimir Petrovič advances to Final

Vladimir Petrovič defeated Joshua Trengrove of Bazalonia. This came as a shock to everyone on Quakmybush as Trengrove was heavily favoured. Now Petrovič will take on Nurri Tezbaktahir of Starblaydia who defeated Ioalali Morai of Vilitia. The finals should be a very good match. Here is his response when asked about his chances. "I think they are very good, I just have to try really hard and maybe I might win."
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 10:02 PM
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And in the final match of the AOKCC here are the results:

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia    
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush   Draw Win

Congratulations to Vladimir Petrovic as the first Atlantian Oceania Kleptochase Champion.

As a recap here are the 8 members who are automatically qualified for the Kleptochase tour:

Nurri Tezbaktahir  Starblaydia
Alfred St-Jacques  Quakmybush
Runner SprintMouse  Miceland
Ioalali Morai  Vilita
Joshua Trengrove  Bazalonia
Marty Kochenon  Milchama
Andrew Rather  Bazalonia
Vladimir Petrovič  Quakmybush

And the eight chasers who are into the majors:


Lumber StrongMouse  Miceland
Andreas SteepleMouse  Miceland
Khazrar Meterrzibarn  Starblaydia
Levi Jonasson  Winchestia
Yabai Tomoai Vilita
Ootaniz Riiatzor  Vilita
Martin Wilson  Winchesita
Viliama Riistamii Vilita

Good luck to all AO chasers competing in the NSKCC.
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