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Atheistic Right Missile Testing
Posted: Jun 7 2006, 06:49 PM
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"Sir, radar is picking up movement just off of our shore. Please advise."

General Hanshaton looked up from his desk, and put his eye glasses down. "Movement where?"

"Off of our western shores, sir."

"Headed to Nedalia?!"

"No sir. We were informed by intelligence earlier that a Starblaydi fleet was moving through this direction. It could be them."

"Well bloody make sure of it. Contact them now, I want to know what the hell their purpose here is!"

"Right away, sir."


"This is Rappor Naval Station, part of the Nedalian Navy. Please identify yourself and your purpose being so close to Nedalian shore. Over."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jun 7 2006, 07:15 PM
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The following aired on Bazalonian Television, A special announcement by the Bazalonian Prime Minister

"It has come to our attention that the nation of Atheistic Right, neighboured next to our ally Myrtannia has tested their first nuclear weapon. Diplomatic approaches have been made but it seems that Atheistic Right will not listen. We pledge our military support to any regional-based whether led or contains SAAS or SDL members against the nation of Atheistic Right should the continuing process of diplomacy fail. There is no way we can allow a bunch of godless nutjobs such as those in Atheistic Right access to nuclear weapons. No one in the region would be safe from their missiles. We have not given up hope of a diplomatic solution and will continue to make representations to the Atheistic Right government. Thank you.


The following message was sent to the Starblaydi Minister of Communications, Lord Ricardo Gomez.


Starblaydia's military prescence of our coast has not gone un-noticed. If these forces are present in relation to the situation in regards to Atheistic Right then we would like to contribute militarily to this endeavour in preperation if an invasion turned out to be necessary. However if not we request an immeadiate removal of all Starblaydi military prescence with an explanation of why they are here in the first place.

Yours Sincerly, Richard Mensza,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on Jun 7 2006, 07:17 PM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 03:50 AM
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The Battlefleet had lit up some of their their radar systems to show those around them clearly where they were. Not every piece of scanning technology was active - no sense in giving away secret information so close to the SDL heartland - but it was obvious a large fleet were coming through, consisting of Battlecruisers, Aircraft Carriers, Battleships and supporting vessels.

"Rappor Naval Station, this is Starblaydi Navy Battlefleet Pacifica. Be advised we are en route to Atheistic Right and are traversing the Xilean Channel fully within the bounds of International Law. Have a nice day. Out."


To: Richard Mensza, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Re: Naval Presence

Minister Menza, the fleet your nation has detected is Starblaydia's task force to facilitate the removal the scourge of nuclear weapons from Atheistic Right. Our forces have no quarrel with Bazalonia whatsoever.

Indeed, I would take this oppurtunity to invite you to Jhanna, our Capital, to meet with the Inner Council of Starblaydia as part of your tour of the Region.

Lord Ricardo Gomez
Minister for Communications
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 04:43 AM
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"Sir, it is indeed a Starblaydi fleet...Pacificia, to be exact."

"Well, what do they want?" asked General Hanshaton,

"They claim to be enroute to Atheistic Right. I think it has to do with that nuclear testing we picked up."

"I see. Well, we have no problem then. Send the suiveillance 'copters in anycase."


"Starblaydi Naval Fleet Pacifica, this Rappor Naval Station. Please be aware there will be helicopters flying over Nedalian waters as your fleet passes by. This is not a provocation or a sign of power, merely mandatory procedure by our Navy. Good luck. Out."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 05:44 AM
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Subject: Re: Invitation

The Prime Minister and I would be happy to come to Jhanna and meet with the Inner Council of Starblaydia about the situation in regard to the nuclear threat provided by Atheistic Right. As to the dates of the visit we have attached a list of dates in which we can make it. Please contact us back with confirmation of dates.

Yours Sincerly, Richard Menszae
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Star.. I'm just wondering exactly how we should handle the meeting.. Wether in the other thread or in this one... I don't really want to delay this until We finished with Oliverry... even then I don't really want to delay others just because it is expedient RP wise... We'll discuss this on IRC.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 09:32 AM
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Meanwhile, at the Geisenfried Coastal Defense Headquarters in Haimuller

"Vice Admiral."


"Dispatch from KS, confirming that a Starblaydi fleet will pass through the Bazgeis channel on its way to Atheistic Right."

"And when that fleet comes?"

"They say to confirm it's from Starblaydia, then offer any military support they request."

"Alright, then, carry on with your normal duties."

"Yes, sir."
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jun 8 2006, 03:38 PM
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The waters and land of the southern part of Lamoni was buzzing with military forces preparing for any potential conflict with either Atheistic Right or the Starblaydi Pacifica fleet. With the Starblaydi Pacifica fleet coming, an equal number of intelligence agents and ships were gathered in the area as well. Any electronic 'noise' was going to be recorded and analysed for use in later conflicts. After all, it was always useful to keep an eye on the enemy; even when he was doing you a favor. With Lamoni and Starblaydi being rivals; and even in opposing alliances, no chances were being taken.

Lance Corporal Timothy Thorvaldson was gaurding the southernmost LAF base (LAF Jomeston) when four squadrons of F-22 H fighter-bombers started landing and heading to their bunkers. He was awed by the raw power that he could feel coming off of the fighter planes in waves. He had wanted to be a pilot, but his less than perfect eyesight had led him to the security branch of the LAF when his mandatory military service came up. He already had an employment offer from the Nephi Police for when his service term was up, and he found himself looking forward to that.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 13 2006, 12:34 PM
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Passing, without incident, into the waters surrounding Atheistic Right's mysterious Island, the Pacifica fleet made ready for action. Atheistic Right had not opened their labs for AORDO inspectors, their nuclear program was still very much active, and still very dangerous. There were enough psychopaths with nuclear weapons in the region and the Great Lion was not about to be added to that list.

Fighters were in the air, fighter-bombers being warmed up, ready to unleash their deadly cargo. Battleship and Battlecrusier heavy guns swung into position, Cruise missle launchers were uncovered and the Battlefleet was ready for the command to attack.
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Posted: Jun 13 2006, 10:38 PM
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"We have stated again and again, we have a right to defend ourselves and a nuclear arsenal is just one aspect of that. Please remove All military forces away NOW."

Missile Testing was still went on and this time it hit it's target, though a nuclear warhead was yet to be attached, though from all accounts the missile seemed to be able to be able to carry the weight of a nuclear device.

One more successful test of a nuclear device occured on the island... now work was starting on fasioning a nuclear warhead for the new missiles that had just been successfully tested.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 06:05 AM
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Official Statement to the region of Atlantian Oceania
On behalf of Lady Viannor Starblayde, Protector of Starblaydia

The Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right have tested a second nuclear weapon even while a fleet bears down on them, with international pressure unanimous in calling for the halt of nuclear weapons production. The international community, AORDO and Starblaydia will not tolerate the Great Lion to possess such weapons. They have not been removed willingly, now a deadline for the removal will be set. Should this deadline not be met, Atheistic Right's weapons wil be removed.

Lord Ricardo Gomez
Minister for Communications
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 05:48 PM
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Official Statement to the Peoples of Atlantian Oceania
From the Office of the President, and the Ministries of State/Foreign Affairs and Defense

Nuclear weaponry has been tested on the half of the Second Island occupied by the Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right. The government of this nation has repeatedly and brashly ignored foreign pressure and insistance that they disarm. They have ignored the emminent threat of intervention by the armed forces of the Protectorate of Starblaydia.

The Allied States of Myrtannia cannot ignore this threat to our national security, and that of every nation in the South Cove region of Atlantian Oceania. So long as the Great Lion maintains nuclear weapons, there can be no safety for any nation. Members of the SDL and SAAS, as well as those unaligned as yet, must take action if these weapons are not destroyed by the government of Atheistic Right.

To that end, the Allied States has instituted full mobilization of the Myrtannian Navy, Air Force, and Defense Force, and placed them at the highest possible alert level. We support the insistance of Starblaydia that Athiestic Right disarm immediately. While we will not start an armed conflict, we will defend our islands if neccessary.

Sean Holton, President of the Allied States of Myrtannia
Mohammed Akbar-Maheed, Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
Tariq Sha'Kar, Minister of Defense
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 06:34 PM
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"For sometime now we have watched Atheistic Right test it's missiles and test nuclear devices. The government of Atheisitic Right assures us that that the nuclear weapon is only to be used as a defensive weapon. However our scientists have estimated that a nuke of the size they are testing is only useful for one thing. One for sending to another nation and blowing it up.

Such an act would be disasterous for Bazalonia and any other nation within the sphere of the delivery system, combined with Atheistic Right's notorous reputation and being resonsible for the Carrington bombing in Andossa Se Mitrin Vega, as far as our information goes, we can not rely upon the word of a two-bit dictator with adequacy issues.

As such we are mobilising our Navy, army and Airforce which will work with the armed forces of Starblaydia and Mrytannia to bring these, well, crazed lunatics, there are no other words for them, down before they can use this terrrible weapon on any one.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 09:06 PM
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To: Great Lion, Atheistic Right
From: President Stone, Lamoni

Unless Atheistic Right renounces nuclear weapons, the Free Republic WILL join Starblaydia, Myrtannia, and Bazalonia in taking away your ability to create nuclear weapons.  There will be no negotiating with a nation that follows the path of Latao into international condemnation unless you renounce nuclear weapons.  Lamonian troops are training for the initial forced assault landing of your coast as we speak.  This will be your final warning from the Free Republic.  You have until the Starblaydi time limit expires to remove the security threat to the entire region.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 10:21 PM
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To: The Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right
From: The Royal Federation of Geisenfried-State Department

Due to the physical proximity of the nation of Atheistic Right and the Royal Federation of Geisenfried and the underlying philosophical principles of the Atheistic Right government, the Royal Federation hereby demands the abandonment of Atheistic Right's nuclear missile program and is willing to commit military forces to the Starblaydi-led coalition in order to ensure the end of said program. You have until the time limit set by the Atlantian Oceanian Regional Defense Organization (AORDO) and our fellow regional nations.

In the Taaru Sea, an expanded carrier battle group, dubbed the Specialized Naval Tactical Strike Force or SNTSF, complete with a carrier, a couple of heavy missile battlecruisers and submarines, along with a few cruisers and various destroyers and frigates in support roles in defending the ships began moving towards the nation of Atheistic Right, while in various airbases around Geisenfried, strategic bombers and their escorts prepared for clearance to launch. In space, recon satellites began keeping an eye on the nation, and the Royal Federation's anti-ballistic missile system was put to alert as well, should the need arise.
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 06:25 AM
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Lord Carlito Orfosi, Minister for Defence of the Protectorate of Starblaydia, strode down the hallway with precise, regular, military steps. Beside him were his advisors and bodyguards, following his every move around the Lord-Protector's mansion. He checked his watch: the deadline would be over in less than a minute. Entering his office, he looked at one of his aides.

"Any word?" He asked, almost hoping for a particular answer.

"None," came the reply with a curt shake of the head. That was the word he'd wanted.

"Give the command. Go to war."


Less than sixty seconds later, the first of the nation's attack aircraft leapt off the front end of the Nimitz-class Carrier Repulse, CVN-41. Support fighters from her two sister Invincible-class Carriers - Indomitable and Indignation - were already in the air in the form of four pairs of FA-2 Sea Harriers.

Minutes later the air armada was ready, finishing its last circle around the Pacifica fleet before heading for Atheistic Right's island. The first wave of twelve F14-D Tomcats acted as the shield for an equal number of F/A-18E Super Hornets, with two electronic intelligence and four jamming aircraft supporting them.

But they would not be the first wave of attack. The Roydia-class Battleship Azure would have its say first. Firing its guns for the first time in anger, its targets were air-defence stations around the eastern coastline of the island. Slowly the massive guns* turned into position perpendicular to the line of the vessel. There was a short pause before several massive explosions, their immense projectiles hurled at mind-blowing speeds towards their targets. She was immediately joined by volley fire from the six heavy guns of the Oberyn Starblayde, Heavy Battlecrusier and flagship for the fleet, a Starblaydi-made Tivoli-class ship.

Cruise missiles, too, fired in great sweeping arcs of flame and smoke, fired by the score from the Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers. Attack and Transport Helicopters, too, took to the air, lifting their men and gear towards the island. Once the air defences were down, the aerial threat neutralised and the ground forces attacked from the air, the Special Forces would move in for the knife work.

Atheistic Right was under attack, and it was truly to be survival of the fittest.


Message from Admiral Yanosh Clarke, PSN Battlefleet Pacifica Commander
To: National Commanders of The Strategic Alliance, Bazalonia, Geisenfried, Lamoni and Myrtannia

Starblaydia's attack on Atheistic Right has begun. In my capacity as both an official and unoffical representative of Starblaydia and AORDO, I invite you to join in ridding the region of this terrible threat. As neighbouring nations, your troops and supply lines will be invaluable in this effort, as Starblaydia cannot fight a prolonged war on this side of the region without intensive mobilisation that would surely enflame the region futher.

Admiral Clarke

*OOC1: This battleship was one of two purchased (at $3.2 billion each) from Granzi, and I can't find any data on what size her guns are, partly because Granzi has ceased. The Roydia is by no means a large battleship, and I'd expect around six 18" guns. If anyone does happen to know, then do correct me. In the mean time, it's super-huge bombardment.
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