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Nation Name Origin
Posted: Oct 26 2005, 07:33 AM
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Well my nations histories are quite poor compared with most others ;-)

Nyssa is the name of the female vamipire in Blade (the first time I heard of a female vamipire ever...)

Latao is a genuien fantasy name - it actually seems to mean something in portugese or brazil, since google returns some weird pages in a language I don't understand

Omsec originally another fantasy name. I'm using this as nick name on IRC and some other web-activities since 1997. I had until some jerks wanted to sue me cuz theyr companies name is omnisec - so i put it off..

Luciaria is the ancient latin name of my home town "Luzern" and means "swampy area"

The other regional or character names are just crap from TV or simply mixed letters until they sound more or less nice with some mediteran touch ;-)

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Posted: Nov 22 2005, 06:27 PM
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Hi, I'm new here, not to RPing, just here.

And The Silver Sky came from me hearing about a japanese anime movie, "The Magician of The Silver Sky", I thought it fit my nation.
The Silver Sky
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Posted: Jun 17 2006, 06:04 PM
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The Official History of the Name and Nation of the Socialist Union

Neu Amerika was originally an uninhabited land, settled in the sparsely populated region of 'Strong Badia and Environs', founded by vaguely Germanic settlers from the Old Country (OC). At first, the people were happy to be part of the Old Country's Empire, but as a new generation of Neu Amerikans grew up, things began to change. Distance from the Old Country and the resulting long supply line forced them to become more self reliant in order to survive in this new land. As a result, the people became more independent as well, and saw less need for the Old Country as time went on.

Finally, the people, tired of draconic beauracracy of the Old Country and taxes imposed upon them by its Emperor, declared themselves self-sufficient, and thereby independent. Unwilling to allow the Neu Amerikan colonies to leave their fold, the Old Country sent troops of the Imperial Army to put down the First Revolution. However, these troops were summarily overwhelmed by the might of the people of Neu Amerika, and soundly defeated time and again. After four bittter years of war, the Imperials were finally forced to surrender at the battle of St. Pyotorsberg.

After the victory, the Neu Amerikan colonies (seven seperate settlements that had grown into larger colonies) banded together in the provincial capital of Hoskva. The treaty of Nivov had established independence, but the various colonial governers could not agree on a constitution. Some ideas were established, but nothing was written in stone. The First Republic was doomed before the colonial powers could establish a truly solidified country. Each colony then broke off and became its own mini-republic, including the republics of St. Pytorosberg, Hoskva, Krisnov, Yolgagorod, Slutskaya, Vialis, and Frankia.

Eventually, over the course of three decades, two factions formed, one supporting the establishment of a federal republic, the other with ties to the Old Country supporting the establishment of a new monarchy. Both sides clashed in the Internal War, lasting for six years before the Royalists ultimately won. The Second Republic (St. Pyotorsberg, Hoskva, Frankia, and Slutskaya) had suffered from low morale in their forces and untold corruption in their leadership, as capitalists made decisions for figurehead leaders.

Selecting a woman (Queen Katherine I) who had very distant ties to the Imperial family, they established the Kingdom of Neu Amerika, run mostly by the military and aristocratic officers thereof. A century of opression and unprecedented corruption commenced, as the Kingdom allied itself with the Old Country in continental wars not of concern to the Neu Amerikan people. Finally, during the reign of Alexei II, the people had had enough. Suffering crippling unemployment and poverty, and seeing their men sent off to a war that killed almost an entire generation, the people rose up again.

The Second Revolution, or People's Revolution, did not seek the establishment of a morally and financially corrupt republic, which had failed Neu Amerika in the past. Guided by the teachings of Marx, the people rose up against the Royalists to establish a communist state to serve the people. Morgan Mosser, the leader of the Revolution, enjoyed popular support for the cause, and soon was joined by a bulk of the military forces - enlisted men, mostly, with some lower ranking officers and one disenchanted general. Despite their best efforts, the Royalists' corrupt cause was demolished by the tide of the people. Inside the year, the People's Revolution had taken back Neu Amerika for the working man and common people.

Thus was born the Socialist Union of Neu Amerika, or simply the Socialist Union. Each republic voted to ratify the Constitution of the Socialist Union, joining themselves to the new, strong nation. Thirty years after the Union's founding, the Old Country attempted to invade and reconquer their former colonies, as part of a larger effort in their continent. Even in the new region, Neu Amerika was forced to defend itself from Imperial aggression. Early setbacks allowed the Imperials to reach the outskirts of Hoskva and Mosserberg (former St. Pyotorsberg), but the Crimson Army and other armed forces of the Socialist Union pushed them back after a crippling winter. Freezing to death already, the Imperials were utterly destroyed by the might of the Crimson Army. Finally, the Imperials were expelled completely, and the Old Country forced to surrender.

Now, sixty years after that great victory, the Socialist Union, in the interest of national survival and security, has chosen to move to a region farther from the Old Country. To shake off the chains of the past and move into a bright new future. A future of the people's might, led by the Premier of the Socialist Union, to prosper in Atlantian Oceania, home of many mighty nations.

(Basically, I took the name New America in German - Neu Amerika, and combined it with the Soviet Union to make Socialist Union of Neu Amerika. I posted the history here, because for some reason, I can reply to other peoples' threads, but not start a new thread of my own.)

This post has been edited by neu amerika on Jun 17 2006, 06:06 PM
Neu Amerika
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Posted: Jun 22 2006, 06:05 AM
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Mine was a bit easy, I choose Somaalia first but it did not sound Original so I looked at the Map of Hiiraan to see the state in which I was born. I found that I was born in the somalian state of Banadir, but I did not like that so I looked at the map of kenya, where I grew up, nothing sounded intresting until something caught my eye. Hiiraan is a Somalian State Next to Kenya, so I took that. It kinda connects Somalia, where I was born, to Kenya, where I grew up until 11. then I came to America and was addidcted to Nationestates. well I dont think I am as addicted as I used to be, I hardly visited NS for 6 months to 1 year now.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jul 27 2006, 08:30 AM
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A number of families have gone out camping. After they have finished their dinner an older man makes an announcement.

"Gather children, and I shall tell you the story of the name of Az-cz"

"Grampa, why do you have to tell that story? You tell it every year," cried one of the older children.

"Shush Dn-Yl. It's a good story plus some of the other children haven't heard it yet. Now where was I?" He paused for a moment, then continued, "ah yes, still at the beginning." He chuckled to himself. "You kids all know that Az-cz itself and all Az-czzers are famous for and proud of our dash. But why does our country have such a name and why is it such an important part of our tradition. You see, Az-cz was a real life person, just like you and I. He lived in a far away land and was a great hero."

One of the younger boys, who was wearing a jersey of the Darzog Mages, started to get restless. So the old man turned to him, "You like football, Vil-Na?"

"Do I ever grampa. It's my favorite thing in the whole world," the boy replied quite enthusiastically.

"I see. Do you know where the team names come from then?" the old man queried.

"No grampa."

"They all come from places in Az-cz's homeworld, and most have to do with monsters Az-cz had to protect the world from. Take the Vertigo Slimes. Vertigo was Az-cz's hometown and slimes were a type of creature brought their by a wicked buisnessman to scare the people of Vertigo. Or your Darzog Mages. They are named after the tower of a famous scholar from Az-Cz's country and a number of evil magicians who imprisoned poor Darzog, from which Az-cz and his companions had to rescue Darzog."

"Wow. Cool." Vil-na screeched out.

"Very much so. Now things were very hard for young Az-cz. The prophecy of his land spoke to a reunification between two halfs a planet that had been unnaturally separated."

"Uncle Op-Gp what does reunif.... that big word mean?" a small girl blurted out.

"Good question Jn-Bnt. It means when two things that go together get separated and then meet again. For example when mommy and daddy go to work when they meet at night they have reunification."

"Thanks, Uncle Op-Gp.", she pretended to understand, despite really only getting about half of what the old man had told her.

Op-Gp continued "But an evil person was at work, who was causing problems through out the land. He had become friends with the king chasing out the previous advisor. Using his power with the king he moved the kings goals to get the things he himself wanted while forgetting about the other people of the land. Eventually Az-cz and five friends came together to help the world and bring the reunification. They had many troubles but they were successful in their goal. They killed the evil man and for a while they lived as kings and queens. But in their blood they were all heroes. So after a while they got bored. Look up at the sky children."

All the children heads veared towards the sky. "Wait for a moment," the old man instructed. Like every year this camping trip was timed to coincide with the meteor showers. As the children were watching the sky eventually a meteored zoomed through the sky. This was followed by a chorus of oohs and ahs.

Again Jn-Bnt broke in with a question. "I don't understand uncle Op-Gp. What do the stars have to do with Az-Cz?"

"Do you know that what you saw was a star? One night when Az-cz's people saw two shooting stars, what they actually saw were two falling spaceships. In the course of their travels they discovered two of these ships. One night a third ship came to the planet. The first two were broken but this ship contained a man studying Az-cz's planet. He found nothing of importance and eventually left, but not before Az-cz and his five friends hid on the ship."

Jn-Bnt, blurted out, "but if six people were on the ship why are we Az-czzers, not one of the other people?"

"Patience child," the old man chided her. "I'm getting there. This ship was quite large and they went exploring. Like you kids do sometimes they got lost and each one ended up by themself. The man who own the ship eventually found them and he was quite angry. Although the heroes were quite strong they couldn't fight the man by themselves and he slowly killed the heroes one by one as he found them. However Az-cz was the only theif amongst the group. This meant that he could open doors and go places the others couldn't. When he found the dead body of a friend he realized that he was in danger. So he did what he did best and stayed hidden. It was like a game of hide and go seek. And Az-cz was the best player their ever was. Eventually his ship crashed on this planet. The man died, but Az-cz lived. He came to this planet and started a colony. That is why we are the country of Az-cz."

"But why is the dash so important?" Jn-Bnt asked?

"Even on his planet the dash was only his. It was his special thing. So we celebrate it today. And because he was a theif, but a hero we celebrate him through our sports of kleptoball, kleptochase, and kleptodance. So you see children, this is the history of our people."
Senator in Training
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Posted: Oct 2 2006, 02:56 PM
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(First post, yay!).

Adamica. Well, my name's Adam, and the 'ica' I took from Africa. So interesting, I know.
Two. Two.
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Posted: Jan 1 2009, 02:02 PM
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Edward City is called as this after Edvard Stadt, a former city-duchy located at the centre of what is now Edwardia, the territory that Edward City is. Edvard Stadt was named after the dutch explorer that discovered and named Edwardia, Edvard Van Ahrlen.

OOC: That was the IC reason of the name, but in reality I chose the name because it is the place where the videogame Dino Crisis 2 occurs.
Edward City
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Posted: Mar 23 2009, 06:56 AM
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Roger Norwell was the commander of the anarchist separatist movement in [the

country we split off from, to be named later when we're put on the map]. In

1968, the Norwell Column mobilized without warning to seize [a small state-

sized portion of the country/a small group of island territories] quickly in a

surprise attack and then defend it vigorously against reconquest, with no

intention of claiming further ground. After a long, bloody civil war, he appointed himself the ruler of his new nation, Norwellia, and then began the process of demilitarizing the rest of the nation's leadership. His anti-statist beliefs were tempered by the reality of living in the underbelly of a larger nation which wasn't too happy about losing the land, and his advisors convinced him to found a coöperative state rather than an apolitical anarchist entity. Norwell later infused the coöperative model with more overtly Democratic Socialist ideas, coming up with the idea of a House of Debate in the capital which would allow workers from anywhere in the country to establish law and even mold the political system itself--as long as they could achieve consensus among a sample of their peers.

Norwell was assassinated in 1972, the same year that he officially named the new country after itself, by [insert mother country here] loyalists while planning an election system with his top advisors. His deathbed wish was for the elections to go forward, and he pleaded with the military to avoid the tempations of interfering with the political freedom of the workers or avenging his death with more fighting. While Norwell is fondly remembered today for his devotion to true democracy and freedom, and for his eternal influence on the nation's politics, the story of his assassination is told as an object lesson in modesty. Today, it is considered taboo to name something after yourself in Norwellia.

(OOC: OK, I know this is -explicitive removed-ty, but it's 4:30 in the morning and I've been wanting to get the basic idea written down. Frankly, I came up with a lot of the details on the spot, although the political influence of the coöperative system, the anarchist background, and the influence of the Democratic Socialists were all part of the idea beforehand.

Also, the real OOC inspiration for the name was George Orwell, whose Nineteen Eighty-four and Homage to Catalonia are huge influences on my politics. Similarly, the capital city is Winston, after 1984 main character Winston Smith; seafood capital Port Julia is named after his love interest; and the nexus of the Norwellian art scene is in a city called Cataluña, or Catalonia in English.)
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Posted: Jul 20 2010, 09:22 PM
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Ayla Taksidi in Greek literally means "Intangible Journey", Taksidi from Taksit.

Originally I intended to make a nation trapped in some sort of limbo/time confusion, but I settled with one under a lake instead.

This post has been edited by Ayla Taksidi on Jul 20 2010, 09:22 PM
Ayla Taksidi
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Posted: Apr 15 2011, 04:35 AM
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Rhodesia is named after Cecil Rhodes, British explorer, Empire builder and colonist.

Originally named Southern Zambezia after its position lying south of the Zambezi river.
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Posted: Jan 6 2013, 12:51 PM
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My nation's name is "Lemurian Oceania."
Originally, the island was discovered by explorers from the distant nation the "Lemurian Islands", which was so named because of the lemur population there. The island the explorers found was located in Atlantian Oceania, and thus they named it "Lemurian Oceania" in honor of their homeland. Atlantian Oceania became a self-governing colony of the Lemurian Islands for many years, until it declared independence after the collapse of the Lemurian Islands' former government and the subsequent rise of the dictatorship there.
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Posted: Jan 6 2013, 01:39 PM
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The name "Leorudo" comes from the original journey made the war hero Jerojane and his settlers up the great mountain on their quest to start a fort. The journey was a harsh one and took the lives of more than 2/3's of the original crew. This was due to lack of food, lack of shelter, and the sheer duration of the trip. It is estimated that it took around two months by most scholars, and this was due to not only the height of the mountain but also Jerojane's lack of familiarity with the land. When the settlers finally reached the top, a large plain atop the summit was revealed to them. This is when the saw a loin with a red beard approach them. Frightened, many of the warriors readied their weapons, but the loin did not attack them, it simply looked at them, turned, and roared. Because of this, the settlers named their mountain "Leorudo" as it meant "loin's roar" in their form of Latin, and the name slowly spread to mean the mountain and the city. When the civilization as a whole was recognized by international community, the name given to them was "Leorudo" as it was the only major city, mountain, and fortress in their controlled land. So eventually, the term blanketed the nation and has been used even since.
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Posted: Jan 6 2013, 08:47 PM
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OOCly: Egyptian spelled backwards.

ICly: It's a corrupted spelling of Night and Page. Exactly what the meaning is, no one's sure.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jan 20 2013, 05:43 PM
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Aust = Australia
En = England
Ersey = Bailiwick of Jersey (Channel Islands)

(Mod, delete the thread I accidentally made please)
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Feb 1 2013, 02:53 AM
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In OOC terms I came up with the name after coming back from Germany, and the German word for flower is blume I decided to change the spelling so it wasn't obvious but still sound similar phonetically thus Bloum. I wanted to make it similar to Germany and so added the -any, thus Bloumany came about. As I wanted to RP it as an Empire similar to the Holy Roman Empire I made the name of the nation The Blouman Empire. I don't know why I chose Blume perhaps it sounded like a proper country when I added the -any

IC terms the term Blouman derives from an older language of the orginal Bloumans that migrated to the area and meant people's land.
Blouman Empire
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