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AO on the brink of War?
Posted: May 6 2005, 05:30 PM
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Is the AO on the Brink of War?

Tensions Escalate as Chacor-Sarzonia Situation Intensifies

- These days, if one wants to travel within the AO, one has to check whether he is even allowed in that country, due to his/her nationality. What happened to the days when a Starblaydi could wander into Lamoni and be greeted with nothing but hospitality? Or how about when Latao was actually liked by somebody? Those days, it seems, have temporarily abandoned us, and already they are being missed. Incident after incident has led to a deterioration in relations between AO nations, and its gotten to the point that, if you ask a normal Nedalian on the street, he wouldn't know if he should like a Legalesian or not. Perhaps a quick recap of how this current situation came to be would be useful. We will, ofcourse, start with the Battle of the Southern Islands.

One thing that everyone in Nedalia seems to share the same opinion on is that Holy Saintians are brutalistic people with no sense remorse and the Latins are backstabbing, imperialist wannabes who hide behind the FLMS for every squeek they make. But how did this happen? Every Nedalian knows about the battle that took place on East Island and Temple Island, but it appeared to have been a regional matter. Let me shed some light: THS invaded the two islands, the Nedalian government felt threathened and sent their own troops in. A 2 day battle ensued, mostly on East Island, costing the Nedalians about 700 casualities (and a few SAM artillery) and THS about 500 casaulties (and a few heavy assault aircrafts). In the end, a compromise was reached, with THS keeping the islands in return for what became known as the Lieno region of Nedalia. However, before the compromise was reached, Latao offered to send in peacekeepers to diffuse the situation, but alas, it was a horribly failed ploy to win some land from THS.

Towards the end of the incident, when Nedalia had successfully removed itself from the confict, the Latins and the Starblaydis went at it with a few choice words. Which brings us to Starblaydia: having dealt with a few internal problems (demonstrations), they seemed to be aggrevated, and when they heard of Nedalia's acquisition of Lamonian made ships, they took it upon themselves to denounce the sale and demand sanctions on the Lamonians, who responded with a request for all non-SAAS states to stop importing Starblaydian goods and products. But all this has been a shadow for the near-war that threatens to involve most, if not all, of the AO.

With nearly everyone effectively taking sides in the Chacor-Sarzonia conflict and only a choice choosing to find diplomatic means to defuse the situation, the tension in eastern AO could be cut with a knife. There is no need for me to repeat the story to everyone, as I'm sure it has been told over and over at this point. What is important to point out is the consequences that have come, such as the campaign, led by Starblaydia, to kick Latao out of the AORDO. Ryloss, meanwhile, has all sorts of rumors going on about the way its been treating the Chacorians, and Sarzonia ofcourse has had a few threatening words to the FLMS. All this has culminated to a seemingly FLMS vs. Starblaydian led coalition showdown, with Bedistan denouncing the Starblaydian leaders for their choice of words towards the FLMS. Giustizalia, in the meantime, has been desperately trying to host talks, obviously with the fear that the tensions might spill over to their nations.

Now that there seems to be a Charcorian rebellion in northern Sarzonia, the flames have already been lit and are getting increasingly difficult to put out. If all these respective nations, Nedalia included, cannot put aside their squabbles and differences, a full out war, involving all of them, will erupt, and who knows what could stop that.

OOC: This isn't mean to be an accurate recount of the situation. Im taking on the role of a Nedalian journalist, and everyone knows that journalist get facts wrong, purposely or not, while having a flair for the dramatic. This isn't an official stance by the Nedalian government either, as The Kafra Daily is a private paper. I hope no one takes any offense to this, as nothing is meant by it.

This post has been edited by Nedalia on May 6 2005, 05:34 PM
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Posted: May 6 2005, 06:03 PM
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"Oh," Lord-Protector Tiberius Starblayde laughed, "this is brilliant! Where has this guy been hiding his talents? What a piece of journalism!"

He put down the newspaper clipping, prepared for him, as they were, every day by his staff, giving him pieces of interest from around the region.

"What happened to the days when a Starblaydi could wander into Lamoni and be greeted with nothing but hospitality?" he quoted, "An absolute classic. We should get this guy to write for the Jhanna Chronicle, he's fantasic."

He chuckled for a few moments more, then picked up the sports articles to see what the Chronicle's reporters had made of the Starblaydia-Nojika match.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 07:12 PM
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After selling out at least twice in most areas of Ryloss, and winning a few awards, the Sehltahn okh Gahro-Hevtee, the best-selling, most popular, and generally considered to be the most accurate source of news in Ryloss, decides to hire the writer of the article, Grad Cristuff, to write for them.

After brief negotiations, the Sehltahn okh Gahro-Hevtee offers him a salary of $37,000 for a position on the international affairs writing staff.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 07:16 PM
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Upon hearing of the hiring of Grad Cristuff by a Rylossian paper, President Bren has given a small announcement:

While it may suprise some that I am giving an announcement on the hiring of Grad Cristuff by Sehltahn okh Gahro-Hevtee, it is no small incident. It pleases me, as I'm sure it pleases all Nedalians, to see us doing so well on the international stage. We have been a success in sports thus far, we have developed meaningful friendships, we've even been able to impress on the battlefield, and this marks another significant chapter in the history of our developing country. We wish Grad all the best, and may he become the most famous write Ryloss has ever seen.
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Posted: May 7 2005, 03:57 AM
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OCC: I attach to this "news-read", consider it as a new article

Starblaydi Ambassador expelled from Latao
The Latin government reacted on the repeating anti-Latao-statements from the lips of the Starblaydi embassy in Luciaria.
The Kafra Daily could get an exclusive copy of the original letter sent from the Latao Foreign Ministry to the Starblaydi embassy:

Ambassador of Starblaydia
Clear your office and pack your luggage. You will leave Latao within 12 years. Your diplomatic passport has been set void, which means your classified PNG (persona non-grata)

Witness report an angry group shouted "The crab shall leave its bucket or gets smoked out" - which probably encourage the Starblaydi embassy personal to leave the building via helicopter.
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Posted: May 7 2005, 07:30 AM
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One final article from The Kafra Daily had been circled for the Lord-Protector's interest.

'Starblaydi Ambassador expelled from Latao' said the headline.

"Now there's eight-year olds' politics for you," he muttered to himself, composing a short message to send to Lord Orfosi on his sales 'mission' to the Confederacy, "let's see how the Latin's like anti-Confederacy demonstrations outside their embassy day and night."

He tapped a few more buttons and awaited the arrival of some 'problem-solvers'.
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Posted: May 7 2005, 02:31 PM
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The world shall never forget, that Latao doesn't want the war. If we're forced in it, it's not our fault - it's destiny.
One thing is for sure: This would be a war of existance, of be or not to be. There's only one option: fight, victory or death. But we will never live in slavery of foreign powers!

Latao over all!

This post has been edited by Latao on May 7 2005, 02:32 PM
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Posted: May 11 2005, 04:55 AM
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International Community of Atlantian Oceania

Starblaydia and its synchronized poodles decided to treat the Confederacy of Latao in an unholy, affronting way, which increased the chance of chaos and mischief throghout the region.

Latao is ready and bound and determined to go its way straight.

Latao above everything - Blood and Glory!
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Posted: May 11 2005, 06:23 AM
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Why is Latao The Only Nation in the Region Spouting Pro-War Rhetoric?

Consider the following background: Latao, no longer a 'Confederacy', but a 'Reich', is buying nuclear weapons from Lamoni, rather controversially at that. Consider also that Latao is saying that Latao fighting a war would be 'destiny'.

This obvious display of 'power' by the Reich of Latao is a blatant attempt to cover up their innate inadequacies.

Latato Unter Alles.
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Posted: May 11 2005, 06:59 AM
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The latest act of these so-called Lords in Starblaydia is to denounce Latao as baiter and war monger, while forgetting about the fact, that Starblaydia was highly interessted in sensitive trades of military goods, incl. Weapons of Mass Destruction before turning into self-rightous daemons.

We do not comment internal issues such organization and administratives of Latao outside. Take it as a fact, Latao however keeps the character of a Federal Confederacy State.

The simple answer to Starblaydias latest provocation is that they are trying to put us down.

Displaying power and decidedness obviously is the only way to ensure our freedom and Latin interessts.

We have stated, it's Starblaydia and its willing helpers that precipitate the region into chaos - there's nothing on earth that can stop Latao going its way - we are bound and determined to overrun our enemies and haters.

We urge the international community therefore to stop its Anti-Latao agressions against our sovereign, proud folks.

This post has been edited by Latao on May 11 2005, 07:00 AM
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Posted: May 11 2005, 08:54 AM
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Senior Vice President for External Affairs Mark Lorber shook his head in exasperation as he saw consistent verbal jousting from the Latin government. Sarzonia had just gone through a war of words with them surrounding the status of their citizens, which were now en route to Latao after they were briefly detained.

"They don't know when to shut up, do they," he said to AORDO delegate Mack Martin over the secure phone lines.

"They sure as hell don't," Martin replied. "What do you think we're going to do?"

"Hard to tell. But now that they've been expelled from AORDO, if they have so much as one armed soldier on our territory, it's tantamount to an act of war."

"Wait a minute, Mark. You don't want to rush us off to war. Not until they've had a chance to withdraw from the disputed territories, provided they even sent a single soldier."

"Whatever." Lorber rolled his eyes, then typed out a message.

"With Latao's lawful ejection from the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation, the presence of any Latin troops or weapons on Sarzonian soil, in Sarzonian territorial waters or airspace shall be considered an act of hostility on the part of the Reich. Any troops, ships, or aircraft currently in Sarzonian territory or in the disputed lands must be removed within 72 hours or they will be taken prisoner.

"We find the Latin government to be highly irresponsible in their verbal provocations of war. One more ill-timed diatribe from them could result in the utter devastation throughout the region. We advise them to choose their words more carefully."
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