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New political party forms in Nedalia
Posted: Apr 30 2005, 10:36 AM
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Kafra, Nedalia

The Nedalia Liberal Party, the current political group that holds 100% of the government and which whom President Bren himself founded, now has a new opponent to contend with. Apparently, the NLP is not doing enough for the working class people of Nedalia, claims the new opposition (called Labor Party of Nedalia, or LPN) head Corros Osten, and it is time that they did.

With no one opposing them till now, the government have been accused by some of being too complacent. The formation of the LPN, only the second party to be organized in Nedalia, is viewed by a good thing, according to recent polls. In fact, 78% of Nedalian citizens think this is a step forward, but the most telling number is that 66% of NPL followers view it a step forward, citing that the government will have to do an even better job of managing the country now because of the new party. The LPN's support is unclear thus far.
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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 11:27 AM
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"What are you writing, Inquisitor?"

The intelligence officer immediately closed down his laptop and whirled around.

"Oh," he said, obviously relived, "it's you, Ambassador."

"Of course it's me," said Enrique Sandhurst, Starblaydi Ambassador to Nedalia, "now what are you doing?"

"Um," the Inquisitor looked around, "I'm writing a report on the new Nedalian Labour Party. They have an LPN and an NLP, now. Its a People's Front of Judea/Judean People's Front situation, isn't it?"

"Quite," Sandhurst said, not getting the reference, "oh well, I'll get back to work then."

"Bye, Ambassador," the Inquisitor waited until he left the room, "phew, that was close."

He turned back to his laptop and finished writing.

Nedalian One-Party State adds second, similar, political organisation to its make-up. Unknown effects so far.

Kafra Station Chief


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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 03:45 PM
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President Stone walked into the press room of the Presidential Palace, and saw that the room was abuzz. That was only natural. NONE of the press pool knew why he had called this press conference. As he reached the podium, the room quieted down, eagerly awaiting what he would say.

President Stone opened a folder (to give the impression that his remarks were prepared; even though they weren't), and got started:

"Members of the press and citizens of the Free Republic, I have three announcements to make today. First, I am happy to announce that Lamoni has won a contract from Nedalia to build 20 carriers, 100 cruisers, and 100 destroyers for their navy. Lamoni's profit has been estimated at 335 million Kafraleon. This lower than expected figure is due to the fact that almost no electronics have been fitted to these ships as yet. We have also given Nedalia an extra carrier, 5 extra cruisers, and five extra destroyers. All of these ships come with top of the line Lamonian export approved electronics installed.

Second, I am pleased to annouce the begining of a second political party in Nedalia. It is called the Labor Party of Nedalia. We do not know as yet whether it will be a true political opposition party, but it is a positive step towards democracy.

Third, the Free Republic extends an invitation to Nedalia to join the FLMS alliance. We feel that Nedalia can provide many services to the alliance, and that the FLMS members can provide Nedalia with whatever they may need.

Are there any questions?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 04:45 PM
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Lord-Protector Tiberius Starblayde picked himself up off the floor, though the slightly-embarrassed look on his face was tempered by the riotous laughter around the council chamber.

"Two-hundred," he said, between giggles, "and twenty. Surface Ships? Ha!"

The laughter only got louder.

"Twenty, c'mon, twenty Carriers? And its being built by, wait for it, Lamoni!"

The Lord-Protector sat back down into his newly-replaced chair. Tears of laughter were streaming from his eyes. He wiped them away with his knuckles and put the intelligence report back on the table.

"That was a good one," he said, "now, Kevan, where's the real update?"

"Um," Kevan Fursifio looked apprehensive, "that is the real thing, my Lord." The men around the council table fell quite silent at that statement. "No really, Lamoni must be putting all of its shipyards up to this, my Lord."

"Of all the places in the world to go and buy arms," Tiberius said, "particularly ships, why in the name of all that is holy would you go to Lamoni? Who have about as much naval history as Austria, for -explicitive removed-'s sake. I mean, Sarzonia's only the other side of the Region, and they make some of the best ships in the world! Never mind the fact that we're in the ship-building game, too."

"It's somewhat..." Lord Bruntos began, "unnerving that they'd sell them to such a small nation who couldn't possibly afford it. Perhaps Lamoni's fiscal planning in regard to other nations is as ad-hoc as for their own economy."

"Perhaps," Lord Mackey said, "they're trying to put the 150-million-man nation of Nedalia into some kind of debt, perhaps to do some kind of oversized hostile takeover later?"

"Gentlemen, this is all a fine piece of intellectual excercise," the Lord-Protector said, effectively finishing the conversation, " but we have the following facts at our disposal:

"One. Lamoni has one shipyard. Satellite images prove it. They'll be building these things for five-hundred years.

"Two. The so-called 'profit' that Lamoni will be 'making' is in the region of a hundred million Starblaydi Credits. Were we to take on an order of that size we'd make in the scores of billions of credits.

"Three. I've just about had enough of this, let's do something about it."
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Posted: May 2 2005, 08:09 AM
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OOC: According the the NSeconomy, the Lamonian currency is worth just about $0.05...and considering Lamoni presented their ships priced in Lamonian currency (i.e. 300 million for a carrier), then that does not amount to any type of debt at all, considering 300 million is worth just about $15 million.

IC: The Labor Party of Nedalia, ironically having the same 3 starting letters as the Nedalian Liberty Party, officially announced Corros Osten as their leader, stating that in 7 years time, he will run for presidential elections against 51 year old current president, Andrew Bren. According to latest surveys, the concentration of power the LPN holds revolves around the central state of Sellente, which is also the most industrialized state in the country. It has yet to announce where the head office of the party will be, but insiders say that it will either be placed in Sellente, or in the capital city of Kafra. There has still be no official word from the NLP over the formation of the LPN, except for the spokesperson saying that they were nothing but a "nuisance who just want to cause a scene". The LPN is also looking for international aid in order to fund the very first opposition party in Nedalian history.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: May 2 2005, 09:31 AM
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QUOTE (Nedalia @ May 2 2005, 01:09 PM)
OOC: According the the NSeconomy, the Lamonian currency is worth just about $0.05...and considering Lamoni presented their ships priced in Lamonian currency (i.e. 300 million for a carrier), then that does not amount to any type of debt at all, considering 300 million is worth just about $15 million.

OOC: Which is precisely the point, as not even the International Incidents forum would recognise this as a non-godmodded sale. Take in mind that even though his Grace-Class carriers are smaller than a Nimitz-Class, they cost around US$4 Billion, while you can barely get a third-generation fighter for US$15 Million.
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Posted: May 2 2005, 02:30 PM
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OOC: If the resources used to the develop these crafts and fighters are found in Lamoni, then technically the only cost they will endure is transforming those minerals/resources into their final form. And considering the Lamoni economy is in shambles, and considering that in Nationstates, from the best of my knowledge, there is no central, global economy like real life, then what is to stop a self sufficient country like Lamoni from selling any goods or products and cut throat prices as long as they can make it in their home state, which I am supposing they can.

Having said that, I am definitely no naval expert, nor would I ever pretend to be. I'm not a military man, and my knowledge of the subject is very limited. Lamoni presented me with an offer, I looked at my defense budget, did my calculations, and asked for what I could afford.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: May 2 2005, 04:23 PM
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That Lamoni has a fully funded and operational navy should be proof enough that we can make naval ships. Lamoni's knowledge of naval warfare also led to it becoming the AORDO naval commander.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 2 2005, 04:44 PM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ May 2 2005, 09:23 PM)
That Lamoni has a fully funded and operational navy should be proof enough that we can make naval ships.  Lamoni's knowledge of naval warfare also led to it becoming the AORDO naval commander.

Juan Bruntos went over the figures a little later on that day, to see just how much money the Free Republic had to throw around.

"Sixty-Four billion dollars, eighteen percent on defence," he said to himself, referring to the figures by the Commerce Heightsian experts he'd just had faxed to him, "sounds a lot, but it isnt. Nedalia itself spends over double Lamoni's, a hundred and fifty billion."

He looked back over an offically-stamped Starblaydi document.

"Try eleven trillion dollars' worth," he gloated after looking at his own nation's statistics, "how they manage a navy, nukes, SDI and anything other than peashooters is beyond me, and I'm a Minister for Finance, for crying out loud!"

He carried on with the report, then stared at on of its sentences for a moment. He frowned again and lifted the phone.

"Lord-Commander Fyreskar, please," he only had to wait less than a minute, "Lord-Commander? Lord Bruntos here, can you tell me about Lamoni's Naval prowess...?"

He frowned at the response down the line.

"No really, my Lord, I'm serious," he said, "please stop laughing and explain."

His listened closely for a few moments,.

"Uh-huh... yeah... ok... right... So Lamoni won by default after the Sarzonian delegation withdrew? And their entire naval prowess consisted of sailing towards the target and launching helicopters? Thankyou very much, my Lord."
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Posted: May 3 2005, 04:58 PM
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OOC: There's also the chem attacks on Novvs Atlantis from my naval ships.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 3 2005, 05:20 PM
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OOC: Firing chemical weapons off ships is extensive naval knowledge? Ooookay.
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Posted: May 4 2005, 05:03 PM
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I didn't say that it was knowledge. tongue.gif
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Posted: May 5 2005, 05:41 PM
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.:: Official Communique :: All Interested Parties ::.

The Protectorate of Starblaydia, in the ordinary citizens, the government and the Lord-Protector himself, completely abhor the use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in warfare and are today officially implementing economic sanctions on the Free Republic of Lamoni for their blase attitude to Chemical-based weapons.

Starblaydia will no longer allow the export or re-sale of any of its home-produced weapons to the Lamonian government, companies or individuals. Furthermore, Starblaydia will extend these sanctions to any nation that supplies the Free Republic with weapons or delivery systems capable of being armed with NBC-type weapons.

On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia,

Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister of Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 04:46 PM
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Official statement

"The Free Republic is not shocked by the Starblaydi sanctions. We do not have a 'blase' attitude as regards WMD. Furthermore, we believe that these sanctions are motivated by the petty political fact that Lamoni is not an SAAS member, but recognizes that corrupt alliance for what it really is; an excuse to hold the region of Atlantian Oceania in abject tyranny, despite their protestations to the contrary. We call on all non SAAS members of AO to boycott goods and services from SAAS member nations."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 6 2005, 05:21 PM
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.:: Official Communique :: All Interested Parties ::.

The Protectorate of Starblaydia will surely not be alone in seeing this latest peace- and trade-negative policy from the Free Republic as cutting off one's nose to spite one's face, at best.

While Starblaydia continues to promote peace by decreasing the availability of Nuclear-, Chemical- and Biological-capable delivery systems around the region and the world at large, Lamoni's petty politicians play their petty political games by calling for boycotts on Starblaydi- and other Strategic Alliance-made goods.

We hope that the people and leaders of Atlantian Oceania will see this latest move by the Free Republic for what it really is.

On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia,

Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister of Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia.
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