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Carrarion Dictator Assassinated-Details Hazy
Posted: Aug 27 2006, 07:51 AM
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The Nordaun smiled “I see you like Seren Dar Palace, feel free to look around the room while I talk. The Council of Carrarion? They were originally formed to placate the Tai-arn (cryptic civilization mentioned above and natives of Carrar) and give them more power in our country but over the years the council has changed because of certain scandals, and arguments between Carrarion citizens and Tai-arnians but mainly because of the destruction of Seren Dar.

Where was I, ahh yes, Carrar would finnaly be able to prosper and it did. Carrarion reigned for twelve years, in that time he soothed the natives by inventing the council of Carrarion (originally a council made up of only Tai-arnians and used to point out their peoples views to Carrarion), convinced the Tai-arns to rebuild the ruins of Archar (what is now the city of Davnon) the Tai-arns also built Seren Dar Palace as a sign of goodwill but most importantly he brought stability to Carrar.

Darin would not be forgotten though. During those 12 years he had been rebuilding his army, it would never be what it once was and he would never wield the power he once had over these people but he would not let anything deter him for he was crazed, possessed by the very thought that he could rule Carrar, no matter the consequences.

By your years it was October 7 1249, our first existing recorded date and a most horrible day…well night for us. Darin led his followers torching and defacing everything they came within sight of, libraries, houses, monuments and finally Seren Dar Palace was set ablaze. Like so many hero stories Carrarion came out the Golden Doors Sword in hand, mounted on his steed and charged Darin, alone (most of Carrarion’s soldiers had been killed by the inferno that engulfed the city). He did not get far as he was shot with 67 arrows in the chest by Darins archers.

Daun had come to visit his father when this had taken place and like his father so many years earlier he rallied the citizens and with them and his personal guards overtook Darin’s forces. So overcome with anger was Daun that he strangled Darin and threw his corpse into the fire, the damage had been done and it was time to rebuild. What happened to Seren? No one knows, most likely she went into hiding but lets continue.

With his father dead Daun came into the public eye and was crowned Nordaun. Davnon was not completely destroyed (probably because of the genius of Tai-arn architecture) but the fire had destroyed most of our records and history. Daun worked furiously to recover what he could but considering that this is all from people’s memories and scraps of information, it will never be what it once was.

After this the Tai-arnians refused to help usor even to talk to us and they withdrew from the council. They choose hiding, living in their mountain city of Nornan (Nornan was declared it’s own independent province by the 4th in the line of Daun, they basically govern themselves but still have to listen to some of the rule of Nordaun).

Two new types of warriors were made for the defense of the Nordaun; The Shadow Sentinel and The Archar. The Shadow Sentinel were more of a weapon then a defense, they were sabotage and assassination experts, trained since the age of 4. They were trained in groups of 30 and each group had their own banner and purpose (they were disbanded in 1998). The other force the Archar are the personal guards to the Nordaun and are there whether he knows it or not. They train using Tai-arn techniques and the Battle circle. *the battle circle is a 6 meter ring with 3 other rings inside it. It is not meant to kill your opponent or harm but to force them out of the circle using any means necessary (beside killing or seriously injuring them). You can fight in the circle with hands, feet and teeth or fight using wooden swords. Beginners are able to use all circles and as you become more skilled you can fight only in the inner 3 rings, ect until you reach the final ring which is only a meter and a half in diameter.*

It took 400 more years to reach and surpass what we once were and when we reached there the final Darin war was waiting for us. It ended 4 years later with little bloodshed. This marked the defeat of the Darin ideology thus the government declaring the religion unholy and any form of reading or following the religion was considered treason punishable by death.

In 1719 a man called Ian Hion came up with a brilliant plan to murder the (6th ) Nordaun and then bribe the Council of Carrarion to elect him as dictator. A wealthy businessman Richard Sanders learned of this plot and instead of stopping it let Hion murder the Norduan and simply paid the council more to elect him. He killed Hion and anyone else who knew of this plot (that included the council of Carrarion) and then revised the council and its powers so that such a scandal could never happen to him.

After that not much of importance happened; no wars, no plots, not for 3 generations of Sanders did something important happen. 1992 was our first contact with another nation and our first war outside of Carrar. David Sanders was the first leader truly interested in exploration and was just starting to explore the region when one of our ships was attacked, A Untied Meridian ship had attacked our ship thinking it was pirate. Sanders saw this as an act of war and the rest well as they say was history. At the end of the 7 year war 3 good things came out of it; the Carrar-UM treaty, our advanced and vast navy and” Daun paused as if considering to tell President Stone “Our first attempt and part successes with an everlasting energy source, after that you know how everything plays out, that’s pretty much it. Well besides Tai-arnian history, which I am held under oath that I can tell no living soul save under one exception, that’s our history. Now you showed an interest for our art, come with me”

The Nordaun opened another set of doors in his room which were guarded by Archars as well, leading President Stone down a hallway which split right and left, Daun once again chose left which led him to a small door with only one guard. After punching a couple numbers in the pad the door swung open, Daun flicked on the lights.

The room was large in it was a vast collection of history, culture and art, paintings hung on every available space of the wall, books were stacked on the ground, on bookshelves anywhere there was space for them, statues loomed out of the corners of the room and an epic battle stood frozen in time etched in the ceiling. In the middle of the room stood a giant statue made of brass. It was a man with light armor, a sword stabbed through the right side of his chest and scratching the tree he was leaning heavily on. It was done with such detail and skill that you could count his eyebrow hair if you wanted to; you could see the rain droplets on his polished armor and his foot bruised and batted that was stuck in the mud, his face was raised skyward and he was screaming at it. A skylight had been positioned so that at a certain time of day sunlight would cover the figure. Etched in each side of the tree was writing, each side was a different language Tai-arnian, Carrarion and English. The writing was a journal of the last 12 days of the final Tai-arnian warlord at some battle of Carsen.

“Take your time and when your finished here is there anything else you want to see or discuss?”
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Aug 27 2006, 10:35 PM
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Stone stood there and took it all in. He was sure that not even Viannor had such an art collection. Not that she would care that much, he reminded himself.

Finally turning to talk to the Nordaun, Stone finally managed to speak. "I could spend a lifetime here and STILL not see everything, I think. Alas, the business of international relations calls. The Free Republic is very interested in diplomatic and trade relations with Carrar.

We would like to see what this 'everlasting energy source' is, as well. If it truly works, Carrar could become so wealthy that your economy could collapse from the inflation. I must say that if Starblaydia were to learn of your successes with an everlasting energy source; Viannor's forces would be overrunning Carrar. Whoever controls this energy source would reinvent the modern world in which we all live, whether for good or evil."

After taking a moment to think, Stone continued. "Nordaun, the Free Republic would be very interested in a defense pact with your nation if your everlasting energy source pans out. I know that your politely declined the offer to join the SDL, but such an advance requires serious protection from those who would steal it."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 06:53 AM
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This wasn't going to be a hard one, thought Foreign Minister Dewars Strand to himself. He already had knowledge of President Stone's visit to Carrar, and an agreement had been patched up between the ever-friendly Lamonians and Nedalians to stay at a constant communication while the Lamonian President was visiting, as he was officially serving as the Nedalian and SDL ambassador while in Carrar.

Word had just arrived through a message dispatch from the Lamonians in Carrar that President Stone was currently discussing establishing trade relations with The Nordaun, and also some information was released about the Carrarian "everlasting energy source."

Upon recommendation from the Lamonians, Strand was being asked to directly communicate with Carrar about the subjects being brought up.


Greetings from Kafra, and we hope this message finds you in good health. I trust that President Stone has made quite the impression on you, as he always does. He has brought us to speed on the events surrounding his visit to your fabulous country, and has mentioned to us your quest to find an everlasting energy source.

His idea to present you with a defensive pact is fully supported by us, and will be 100% backed by the Nedalian government should you choose to accept it. As Im sure President Stone has already informed you, the AO is not the safest of places in its current form, and we certainly wouldn't want such a discovery falling into the wrong hands.

On a lighter note, the Nedalian government would also like to establish direct relations with Carrar, noting that an embassy ground could quickly be worked out here in Kafra.

Our foreign trade continues to grow, with CBC of Allenea recently opening about 10,000 branches of its fast food chain here in Nedalia. On the flip side, Nedalian retail giants (such as Palace Department Stores), some of the largest in the entire region, expanded to Sarzonia not so long ago and have requested to start market studies in Carrar. As such, we certainly would allow any Carrarian industries or businesses into Nedalia, pending any information you might send us about them

Again, we would like to officially say hello, and do hope this could the beginning of a long and lasting relationship between our two countries.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 07:14 PM
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Daun paused looking around at the room, he slowly answered “I am also very interested and would like to start diplomatic and trade relations with your country as soon as possible and think that it is only a win-win situation, though we have few large corporations we do have major industries in agriculture, fishing and recently mining, some of the metals we found don’t even have names.

Your other request I’m afraid is impossible for all the research and information is held at Nornan the one place forbidden to most people and the most secure location in all of Carrar but I can explain it somewhat. It was discovered by mistake, basically it uses the two things we need to survive water and oxygen. Water is placed into a box with two chemicals mixed in; one harmless, the other not so harmless, then certain particles are drawn from oxygen and forced into the mixture. All of this is exposed to flashes of different types of light, normally the air particles if exposed to these lights in the air would only give a small pop and then float by unnoticed but in the formula it causes them to become extremely….excited and causes the liquid around it to well give off an intense amount of light and heat, hence energy. Actually one of these boxes gives off enough energy to power an entire city block. But even with that information it is impossible to get it to work without the particulars, trust me don’t try it, nothing will happen. Oh there’s one catch. As a result it gives off a new and…well deadly gas that we have to find some way to filter or negate before it is ready for public use, that’s the one thing stopping us.

I don’t want anything that could potentially drag my country into this war that’s coming, so I’m going to have to politely decline again. Also Nornan is impossible to enter without my permission and then the Tai-arnians, and if they do somehow manage to enter Nornan, I’ll know about it and be able to destroy everything there before they get to it.”

Scribe in Training
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 07:48 PM
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To: Dewars Strand Foreign Minister, Nedalia
From: Chandler Fortn Foreign Minister, Carrarion

        We in Carrar send you our Best wishes and as we mentioned to President Stone we don’t want anything that could potentially drag our country into the war that’s coming and unless something drastic happens we are going to have to regretfully decline the defensive pact.

    We would however like to start an embassy exchange with Nedalia and have a place in our capital ready. We would also welcome Nedalia’s businesses into our country and have had several smaller businesses that have expressed interest expanding into your fine country ( Carrar has no major businesses to speak of ).

Also wishing for a long and lasting relationship between our countries.

Chandler Fortn,
Foreign Minister,
The Kingdom of Carrarion
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 10:33 PM
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Stone nodded graciously. "If Carrar is ever attacked by anyone, the Free Republic will still use it's armed forces to help defend Carrar if asked, Nordaun. Now, let's put that unpleasantness behind us. Do you have something that you would like to ask or know? Lamoni has been involved in AO affairs for some time now, and I can answer any questions that you might have."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 29 2006, 10:55 AM
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Daun nodded in thanks "And I am glad that you would be there to help us, if asked, I am most thankful. I don't really have any questions to ask i think i've managed to get the gist of whats going on and understand it well enough but i thank you again. Is there anything else you need to ask or do?" he finised politley.

This post has been edited by Carrar on Aug 29 2006, 10:57 AM
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Aug 29 2006, 07:21 PM
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"I can't think of any further business that we need to cover today, Nordaun. Thank you for the audience, and if there is ever something that you wish to discuss, then don't hesitate to call upon me." Stone shook hands with Daun, and then was escorted to the official limo for the flight home.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 29 2006, 09:36 PM
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The limo came to a stop again at the airport, where Daun once again shook hands with President Stone and said his goodbyes, wishing him a good flight. The Nordaun waved as the plane took off and then turned to one of his guards.

"get me a phone with Mr.Fortn on the other end" The cellphone quickly arrived.
"hello?...yes it me. I'm taking an emergency flight to Nornan and i need you to........yes, deal with anything that pops up, i'm sorry but.....yes thank you.
Oh! you need to make sure that Miss Thomas doesn't know.....just make sure she has something to do I DON"T KNOW think of something!" Daun was about to hang up when something Mr.Fortn said froze him in his tracks "Yes, i'm going to talk to........her, yes it's neccesarry, just do your job!" The Nordaun hung up and flung the phone to the guard.

"get my jet ready were going to Nornan"
Scribe in Training
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