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Up in the frozen north... some lands?
Posted: Feb 14 2008, 09:11 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I'll RP this from an Oliverrian perspective, seeing as it's my former nation and everything.

Ministre de la Défense: "I know that this power has not been used for over 250 years, but I received reports from some people about there being a new island in the extreme north of the Atlantian Oceanian region. As the minister for defence, it is of my duty to discover new territories, especially in this time of turmoil in Oliverry."

Yes, turmoil. Oliverry has been in a civil war for the last 10 years, a civil war sparked by Communist uprisings against the supposedly bourgeois power of the elected Democratic Socialist government. The communists are controlling the province of Sud-Françie firmly, but they once almost got to the capital, Marshalliston. Luckily, the Oliverrian army was armed enough to prevent them from seizing the capital. In the north, Limbrogidlian are fighting for a completely independant country from Oliverry. So far, the Oliverrian army has won every battle, but the dissidents supposedly have lots of arms to fight. And the Oliverrian government needs a new land to send the population willing to escape these wars. Up to two million people registered to the "Registraire national pour la déportation des gens voulant la paix". The Oliverrian government has been trying to find a somewhere to land them, but most of them don't like Ariddia (they like their meat) or Sel Appa (turtles, ugh) and the government absolutely wants to send them to a place where the people speaks French.

That's when the government (read: the Ministre de la défense) received reports about a land at the north of the Atlantian Oceanian region. The Ministre des Affaires Étrangères, a scholar who has a Master of Arts in History of the Civilisations at Université de Marshalliston, decided to read a book about some legends and myths of the French establishment in Atlantian Oceania. It turns out that, according to the book, there would be an island at the north of the region that the French colonized about 300 years ago (we're in 2060 in Oliverry). There were also reports of people having seen the island, but it was nowhere to be found when official explorers explored it. The Ministre des Affaires Étrangères was kind of surprised that nobody had found it, as the location of said island is given clearly in the book. He then spoke of it to the Ministre de la défense, knowing that it was of his duties to take care of new lands. The later minister thought that it was a good idea and we're now back to present times, as the Ministre de la défense was explaining the situation to a cabinet meeting.

Ministre de la Défense: "So, with the help of the Ministre des affaires étrangères, we found the island, and a map of it, stored at the Bibliothèque Nationale. It is located north of the land codenamed "Unoccupied Land #13" by the AORDO. So I'd like to propose a motion to the House to get some explorers to this island and see if there are any people left on it. If so, we should make contact with them and see if they can speak French AND house some, if not all, of those willing to escape our nation. It's sad to say, but Oliverry might not be able to survive to the terrorists. They are getting increasingly strong, so our chances are overseas if we ever get to survive as a nation."

Premier Ministre: "That's a bold statement there. But if anyone else in here agrees to support the motion, I will as well. Who supports the motion?"

*Everybody raises their hand*

Premier Ministre: "Alright. Mr Jacques (Ministre de la défense), you may go ahead and propose the bill to the house tomorrow. I'm going to push to approve it the fastest we can, without going to committees. They will simply take too long to approve everything."

The next morning, Mr. Robert Jacques, Member for Indépendance-Londurand, Ministre de la Défense, proposed a bill to the House to send explorers to find the island. According to www.obc.ol , the bill has been approved by everyone. In the Senate, same thing. The President, Gérard de la Durantaye, also approved the Bill on the same day, which is a first in Oliverrian history. Later that night, the Cabinet met again, this time with two explorers...

Premier Ministre: "Let's open the 34th meeting of the Executive Council of the 55th Federal Government of Oliverry. This meeting is only for one reason: Mr. Robert Jacques, our ministre de la défense, wants to tell us about our two guests."

Ministre de la défense: "Thank you, sir. So, Ministers, I'd like to introduce to you two sailors: Messieurs Éric Levasseur et Normand Thériault. They will be the ones to try to find the island. Once they find it, they will have to tell us about it and its coordinates. Then, they'll establish diplomatic contacts with them."

Ministre du Commerce: "Yeah, but why sailors? Why not militia or planes?"

Ministre des transports: "Yeah? Why the choice of two unqualified people?"

Ministre de la défense: "They are not unqualified. In fact, they were part of the army before, so they know about what to do. As well, airplanes could be seen as an invasion and we don't want to invade them, if they still exist. Roland (Ministre des affaires étrangères), what's the supposed name of the land?"

Ministre des affaires étrangères: "Terra Septentrionalis"

Ministre de la défense: "So, sirs, you may go right now! The sooner, the better, as we say. Good luck and may you find this land. Oliverry's salute depends on it!"

Premier Ministre: "He is right. And to help you, I'm going to give you this artefact. It helped me when I was young and it should help you in your quest. I was going to give it to my son, but in this time of crisis, it's better to give it to you. Good luck! We need that place and, even if we lose power, at least, we will still be alive and free!"

OOC: I'm going to post the actual discovery later tonight or tomorrow (EST)
Royal Scribe
Posts: 139
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Posted: Feb 15 2008, 07:10 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: The following map will help you understand the story

After navigating for quite a few days, our sailors did not find the island. They were in the middle of nowhere... Wait... they are approaching a piece of ice.

Normand Thériault: "Do you think that this is the land?"

Éric Levasseur: "No... we are still far away from the location of the island"

Normand: "How far?"

Éric: "I'd say about 500 km"

Normand: "In which direction?"

Éric: "Why can't you look for it yourself? It's South-South-West, obviously..."

So they continued, but they finally found out why nobody was able to reach the island: the ocean current makes boats derive from their course and it's impossible to reach the island... unless...

Normand: "I might have found a way to go through the current!"

Éric: "How? It's impossible to do so, I tried so many times..."

Normand: "Well... we haven't tried to do that from Land #13..."

Éric: "LAND NUMBER 13! How did I forget about it! We could land on the most North island and get to the island from there! From my calculations, and maybe yours, there are no ocean current going north of these islands, so we could be able to access Terra Septentrionalis."

*Phone rings*

Éric: "Oui!"

Caporal Régent Bérubé: "Bonjour messieurs! It's been a week since we've heard of you. How is the search going?"

Éric: "Badly... We haven't found a way to go through an ocean current..."

Caporal: "Find it soon... the Communists have advanced to Oliver City and are preparing to invade Marshalliston."

Éric: "We'll do that very soon, Caporal!"

Caporal: "You better do! Anyway, I'm leaving you to your search guys"

*Hangs up phone*

Éric: "Alright, so we'll try to cross it tomorrow, now time for bed..."

Normand: "Éric... it's only 16:27..."

Éric: "WHAT? I could swear it was at least 20:00... look at how dark it is..."

Normand: "Sun tends to set much earlier in the north... anyway, how about going to the most northern island on Land #13?"

And for 4 hours, they tried to find the islands, without finding it. They would get into bed without finding it... On the next day...

Normand: "ÉRIC!! I guess we found it!"

Éric: "Terra Sep...?"

Normand: "No... That land we were speaking of! We should gather some provisions and then, get to Terra Septentrionalis"

Éric: "You've finally shown initiative spirit. Once we're back to Oliverry, I'm giving you a trophy"

Three days later, after gathering all they needed and a well deserved rest, they decided to try to go to Terra Septentrionalis, once again, After navigating for two days, they finally found something...

Éric: "I SEE THE LAND!!"

Normand: "That cannot be it... it's as empty as the amount of legally won trophies in a Capitalizt trophy case"

Éric: "We'll keep searching for some more land then..."

After a day navigating along the coast, they found nothing. But there was an island there! That was their discovery. They decided not to land and to drop anchor in the international waters. The following day, they kept navigating, until...

Normand: "Civilization on left! SEE-VEEL-HE-ZA-SEE-ON!!"

Éric: "Wait... that is incredible! Are you sure we are on Terra Septentrionalis?"

Normand: "According to the compass... YES!"

Éric: "So we just found a city... I wonder if we should coast"

Normand: "Let's try..."

So they coast and 1093 citizens come there, wondering what kind of boat that was...

Éric (speaking to Norman): Let's see if they understand us... Bonjour!"

A citizen: "Bonjour! Vous parlez français?"

Éric: "Of course we do! We are Oliverrian"

Some citizens: "Oliverrian? We heard about you, but never thought you actually existed..."

Normand: "So where are we, now?"

Another citizen: "You are in Bordemer"

Normand: "Bord de mer?"

Same citizen: "Yeah... in the city of Bordemer... part of the Plateau-de-l'Île Province."

Éric: "Bordemer? Plateau-de-l'Île? What is this country?"

Same Citizen: "La Septentrionie, obviously"

Normand: "Once known as Terra Septentrionalis?"

Same Citizen: "Terra Septentrionalis? You're surely speaking of the island's second biggest city, Septentrionalis, capital of the Septem-Triones province..."

Normand: "Alright... Could I get informations on where the capital is?"

Another Citizen: "It's at the south of the island. It's called Ourseville"

Normand: "Could somebody drive us down there?"

Bordemer's mayor: "I will, dear visitors from another former French colony"

Éric: "You know about our history?"

Bordemer's mayor: "Of course... we know about your history up until 1600... then, we totally lost contact with you..."

Éric: "So I'm assuming you are in year 2060, right?"

Mayor: "No... we are in 2006... Our calendar was brought back 54 years after an evil dictator took control of our nation for said 54 years. We wanted to get rid of him in our mind, but we couldn't, so we simply brought the calendar back 54 years."

Éric: "I see... well then, bring us to the capital, we want to speak to your Head of state"

Mayor: "Good: he's my brother."

Normand: "What? You know the Head of State personally?"

Mayor: "Of course. My name is Bruno Larivière if you wonder. My brother's, and president, name is Mario Larivière. I'm going to introduce you to him."

So they were taken to Ourseville by the president's brother, met him and received an assurance about housing the Oliverrian refugees. The sailors then contacted the Oliverrian government to tell them it was ok, told them the route to follow and the refugees and the government were able to escape right before being captured by the Communists. Oliverry, as a nation, stopped existing at that minute. (OOC: That means that Hockey Canada may get some part of Oliverry if she wants, considering the Communists would have united to that nation anyway)
Royal Scribe
Posts: 139
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Posted: Feb 27 2008, 03:07 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Could the Communists go hand-in-hand with the roleplay of unprovoked attack I launched 3 months earlier? It would make a fair story saying the Communists were funded and supported by the Hockey Canadians.
Hockey Canada
Royal Scribe
Posts: 109
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Posted: Feb 28 2008, 03:11 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I thought it was already understated, but yeah, you may. I'm not using Oliverry anymore, so do whatever you want wink.gif
Royal Scribe
Posts: 139
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