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Meeting of the Archons
Posted: Apr 28 2005, 06:45 PM
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The First Archon stode tall and solemnly before a set of three mirrors in the Fashionable Lion, Archon City's primier clothing store. First Archon Khara wore a white dress shirt with ruffles sticking out where the v-neck part was, black dress pants that where smoothed out to show not even the slightest rinkle, and over the last mirror on the right hung his black jacket.

A relatively small man man approached and smiled. "Is it to your liking Excellency?" he asked with hope in his eyes. The First Archon smilled and nodded. "Indeed it is Thomas, very good work as always." the First Archon replied. Thomas smiled. "How muc do I owe you?" the First Archon said as he grabbed the jacket hanging from the mirror and put it on, slowly buttoning it up as he awaited a reply.

Thomas shoke his head. "It's on the house Excellency. I'm just glad I could help in preparation for the big conference coming up." First Archon Khara nodded and patted Thomas on the shoulder. "I appreciate the gesture Thomas, but take this anyway." The First Archon nodded to a aide who had been standing over near the door. The aide walked over, reached inside his pocket and handed over a wad of bills and handed them to Thomas.

Thomas stode their, dumbstrock. This was at least twice the ammount of the suit. "Excellency...I...I can't take thi.." The First Archon raised his hand and chuckled. "Nonsense Thomas, consider it a gift for all the fine work you've done for us in the past. Now if you'll excuse me, I have affairs of state to attend to." Thomas nodded and dissappeared behind a red curtain in the back of the store.

First Archon Khara turned to his aide and clasped his hands at his waist. "So..."the First Archon said. "...are all the preparations made for our guests at the Glorious Dawn hotel?" The aide nodded, pulling out a notebook bound in leather and opened it. "Yes Excellency. We've also increased security throughout the capitol and have placed checkpoints at all exits leaving or entering the city. Also, the old-Senate house is being fitted to suit our meeting."

The First Archon nodded as he listened to his aide. "How does that leave us in the other provinces?" The aide skimmed through his notebook for a second and then replied. "We should have enough to maintain general law and order, provided a major disaster doesn't strike while the delegates are here." The First Archon smiled. "Excellent. Then when are our distinguished guests due to arrive at Archon City International Airport?" The aide flipped through a few more pages in his notebook. "The first delegation is due to arrive in about five hours or so Excellency. "

First Archon Khara nodded and was about to say something when another aide rushed into the store, panting and nearly exhausted. The First Archon, with a look of great concern on his face, walked over to the man. "What seems to be the problem?" The aide looked up, his face red. "I just ran all the way from the old Senate building a few blocks down. It's...the..." The exhausted aide stopped for a moment to catch his breath and then continued. "It's the members of the Provisional Council who walked out from your announcement a couple of days ago. They are announcing a formal protest against your actions are saying that if you do not restore elections, they will call for your resignation."

The First Archon's face went from a nice, almost tan, color to almost blood red in a matter of seconds. The two aides present stepped back a few feet, visibly scared of what may happen. First Archon Khara let out a frustrated sigh and looked at the aide who had just entered. "Where are these members now?" The exhausted aide, still panting, responded. "Right now they are in Metropole. It seems they plan to stay there until they get a response from you."

"Metropole..."the First Archon said as he thought to himself for a moment. 'So it's there they have chosen to make their stand have they? The last stronghold of the Loyalists to fall during the Six-Months War. It doesn't take a genius to understand what message they are sending' the First Archon thought to himself and then turned to his aide with the notebook. "Inform Minister of Security Sunin that I want that building surrounded and those disidents arrested. But give them a chance to see the error of their ways first, if they still persist, then arrest them." The aide nodded and shut his notebook, leaving the store in a hurry.

Turning to the exhausted aide, the First Archon's demeanor changed, smiling as he said. "Now let's makes sure everything is prepped and ready for our Welcoming Ceremony for our guests at the airport." The exhausted aide straightened out his ruffled clothes and nodded, opening the door for the First Archon as they left the store.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Apr 29 2005, 03:26 PM
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The First Archon sat at the very end of the limosine, pouring over a set of documents in vanilla folders as he and his aide where being transported to the hotel to the airport to prepare the welcoming commitee for the arrival of the first delegation. Showing a look of concern on his face the First Archon closed the folder and placed beside him, looking at his aide.

"So, the disidents have refused to recant, or listen to anything I have to say unless I restore elections to Khazaron immediately?" First Archon Khara said, visibly frustrated by the whole ordeal.

The aide nodded."Yes Excellency. They also don't seem to be bothered with the fact that we've blockaded all roads leading into, or out of, Metropole. It's almost as if they want us to hem them in there."

The First Archon crossed his arms and stared down at the floor. "No doubt to make us look like the aggressors and villains of this story, so that when the foreign delegation arrives, they will side with the dissidents because we appear to be bullying so-called 'helpless' politicians."

"Might I make a suggestion Excellency?" The aide said cautiously. First Archon Khara nodded and motioned for the man to continue. "Why not compromise with them? Why not find a way to ensure elections are had, but without compromising the iron law of the State?"

The First Archon looked up, his face expressionless. The aide waved his hands franticly. "It was just a suggestion Excellency. I am merely trying to make sure we look as good as possible to these foreigners." The First Archon nodded. "I know." the First Archon said. "It's just how can we compromise the will of the State with a bunch of Loyalists who want sell our country's soul away." Closing his eyes, the First Archon seemed to be deep in thought for several minutes as the limosine continued to snake through downtown Archon City.

Then, as if a bolt of lightening had struck him, the First Archon sat straight up in his seat, opened his eyes wide, and snapped his fingers. "That's it! I think I may have found a way to appease the disidents. It'll take some work though. Contact the Minister of Security and tell him to inform the disidents that I wish to invite them to this delegation meeting to offer them a compromise. Also, say that I give them my word that they will not be harmed or arrested, provided that they take me up on this offer. However, this is the only time it will be offered to them."

The aide furiously copied down what the First Archon was saying and then looked up from his notepad. "Are you sure they will trust us?" The First Archon smilled and chuckled. "Relax, you worry to much. They have to trust us in this situation. With several nations watching us, we wouldn't dare try anything against them." The aide raised an eyebrow at what the First Archon just said. "What I'm saying is that I genuinely want to open a dialogue with them, try and get this whole mess behind us. The sooner this conflict between the New and Old Regime is out of people's minds, the sooner we can get to truly building a great nation out of the ashes of the old."
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 04:03 PM
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"We are almost to Khazaron, sir." The co-pilot of the governmentally owned jet said over the intercom.

The Deputy Foreign Minister sighed, closed the folders of material that he had been reviewing, and looked out the window to see one of the escorting F-22H fighter bombers. 'I hate the early morning hours,' he thought to himself as he prepared to land on Khazaronian soil.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 05:38 PM
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Lord Chisoko stepped off the plane, though there was no over-fly by any Starblaydi fighters, he was only the Foreign Minister, after all. Only the face with which other nations were presented, so he obviously didn't deserve a military escort, did he? 'Too busy' they said.

Isaac tried to smile sweetly.
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