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Once Upon a Time... (A Historical RP - Closed Lam)
Posted: May 16 2007, 03:38 AM
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"There is a difference between working long hours to support a family, and working yourself to death. If you exclude religion, then the highest amount of income goes to those who have the most education, or are the most experienced at what they do. I don't mean to be impolite, but I am going to take a guess and say that your father was in an occupation that didn't pay all that well. I'm sure that you'll let me know if that was wrong, but it seems correct.

Religion does not determine the amount of pay that a job dispenses to the employee that holds the job. It also can't determine the amount of hours that one works, unless one wants it to do so. A thinking man knows that if a particular religion is doing something wrong, one has the option of leaving; except for some cults that I probably won't have to explain. The so-called power of religion is only in how much one believes in it, and the people involved in it.

Every person, thing, and place carries some sort of lesson; whether it is good or evil. Religion was originally developed as a means of seperating right and wrong. It also taught that man was worth more than a dog.

It is not the words of a particular religion that harms people so much as the people who corrupt and twist it to their own ends."

Markus was trying to stay a mental step or more ahead of his captors, and conversation about intellectual matters beat being isolated for long periods of time.


This Lamonian might occasionally not know when to keep his mouth shut, but he knew a clue when he saw it. Taking out his cell phone, he was pleased to see that it got service out here. It was designed to scan the cell phone frequencies, and use the strongest signal in a given area. There was even an encryption device that he could turn on or off as he wished.

He (Ted Sandstrom) dialed his superior, and reported what he had found. Ted's superior told the nearest Bazalonian forensics tech in turn.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 16 2007, 09:35 AM
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"You don't know the vice-like grip that.. these people (He said that with utter contempt and you would think that he would of spat on the ground if he was so inclined however he didn't he used the tone to convey more than any action could.) They removed all other options from him he was forced into getting a low paying job not because he believed or didn't beleive they made him. It was them who kept forcing down the idea that he wasn't making enough money, it was them that kept my father fueled on guilt and it was them that set it all up. All they do is remove options, they shut down ideas, keep things hidden, stop proper scientific experimentation. It's all their fault and when they are gone. A glorious day it will be."

He seemed unphased by Marcus' attempts to show that religion wasn't 'bad' he was determined and set that it was the fault of this global conspiracy for practically everything.


The photo's from the crash site had narrowed down the car to a certain make and model of car. Te car was short-lived model from Verona Inc. a large Bazalonian car firm that only run this model for a few years before recalling it. When linked with the type of tyres the had managed to shorten the list of owners down even further. However of the 40 names on the list 2 stick out. Both are members of the ALB, one was "out of town" as described by his landlord who didn't know when he'd return but glad he was away but the second one confirmed that he owned the car but his car was 'missing' could of his car been used as the vehicle to drive Marcus away? It certainly looked like it.

He volunteered to answer questions but refused to answer any questions put to him by the Bazalonians nor any question suggested by a Bazalonian, The Lamonians would have to be on their own when asking the question but walk that fine line between getting the information they want and risk the man leaving, because indeed the only evidence they have at the moment would not be enough for an arrest, however it was barely enough for a search warrant to be executed on his house and garage. though not anything in the yard, home and garage only.


The key was carefully examined... "This... looks familiar. I'm sure I've seen key's like this before." Engraved into the key where 5 characters 'FS101' however the Bazalonian couldn't quite place the key he was sure he had seen a key very much like this and would immediately remember once the synapses of his brain made the appropriate connection.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 17 2007, 04:10 AM
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"Okay," Markus said. "If there is a global religious conspiracy, then how do you explain the fact that there are more non-religious people running companies, and more than a few in government. Surely, THEY can't be yoked under a repressive religious leash. Also, there are many different religions, with the same number of different viewpoints. It is a little much to accuse them ALL of joining into a worldwide conspiracy, particularly one which no one knows about. Think of all the 'religious' people in the world. Do you really think that THAT many people would be able to keep the secret of a worldwide conspiracy?"


The Lamonians did everything they could to make this witness/suspect feel comfortable before they began questioning him. First, they took out a photo of Markus, and asked the man if he'd ever seen the person before.


Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 17 2007, 08:08 PM
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"They're working around that... even the so called non-religious are trapped by the religions influence on their society, Ever heard of phrases like 'Oh, my God' and using Jesus as a swear word? The relgions don't make that a sin because they respect their so called god. They do it so it would be attractive to the non-religious to use the words. 'Thank God' is another common one.

Though you don't have to know you are working for the conspiracy to be doing so. I'd guess that the vast majority of religious folk have been blinded and are following the wishes of this global conspiracy willingly but without any knowledge of the conspiracy itself. They are just pawns in the conspiracy leaders sick minds, playing on people that is why we have to do this. To shut down the conspiracy and make these people that are unwitting pawns into controllers of their own destiny."

After he answered there was a knock on the door before it opened... "He wants to see our Visitor." A voice said, though no one could be seen. footsteps going away from the door could also be seen.

"We better get you ready then, Charles... We are going to meet the great lion. The man that opened my eyes to the truth." he said as he started to untie the Lamonian and then started to lead him through the open door.


He looked at the photo... taking his time, he started to shake his head. "Nope, I've never seen him before." which with the Lamonians current understanding of what happened could very well be true.


Another Bazalonian looked at the key... "That's a key to a locker at Fauxhan Central train station. I have one and use it to store books and stuff that I use during my commute. It would locker number 101..." he said.

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on May 17 2007, 08:10 PM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 18 2007, 12:55 AM
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As he was being untied, Markus had to admit to himself that there were a lot of phrases commonly used that used religious symbols in them.

Still, there was a lingering unease as he was being led to this "Great Lion" person. He was obviously the one in charge of this group, and he had to admit that he was afraid of the potential devestation that these people could unleash. They probably wouldn't achieve their goals, but they could still cause a lot of damage. He was still thinking along these lines as he entered the room where the Great Lion was.


Looking for any sign of deceit, the Lamonian in charge of the questioning said, "Then we are sorry to have taken up your time. Although, I feel that I should inform you that there is a 5 million Rushana reward to whoever brings that man back to Lamonian hands. Also, don't plan on leaving town for at least a week." The Lamonians left.


When the Lamonians heard this, they thought that someone would be going to Fauxhan Central train station soon.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 19 2007, 01:03 AM
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Marcus arrived to find a tastefully decorated modern looking office... No windows or doors apart from the one they entered, the only light coming from a flourescent light on the roof in the centre, but there was also a desk lamp, though it was currently turned off.

"I've been wanting to see you for a while... Charles." something about his tone seemingly recognises that Charles is not his proper name

"I understand that you have been talking with Sparrow here, *indicating the man that had brought him here and who he had been talking with before. "What are your ideas on what Sparrow has told you?"

The Great Lion was sitting at the desk, he had the demeanor of someone that you could actually like.. If he wasn't the leader of a terrorist organisation that was.


"Is that it? You just wanted to ask me if I had seen this butt ugly looking guy before?" (Not that Marcus was particularily or unusually ugly the man was just trying to push some buttons.)

"But perhaps something could ... trigger my memory as to other events you might be interested in."


And so someone did... about 20 minutes later they returned with 2 sets of blueprints...

The first set they where able to easily identify as the house they were looking through, but the second set seemed to belong to another house entirely... Though looking at the blue prints. They seemed to be saying they where the same place.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 19 2007, 02:55 AM
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"What are your ideas on what Sparrow has told you?" The Great Lion asked.

Gathering his thoughts, Markus replied, "He has an 'interesting' viewpoint, to say the least. I'm not entirely sure yet if I agree with it all, but he does raise some valid points." Markus figured that it would be better to stay on this man's good side, if the shotgun wielding man from earlier was any indication.


"What do you have to offer us?," the lead Lamonian questioner asked. They had done this tactic any number of times, and it never failed to amaze them just how often that it worked. It confused the subject's "Societal Conditioning" to receive an official visit, and then just be walked away from after one answer. Thus, it was a tool of influence. They had just influenced the man into talking.


One of the Lamonians was looking at the two sets of blueprints. There was only two ways that they made any sense.

"There are only two ways that these blueprints make any sense," he said. "Either one of the blueprints is older than the other, or one of them are the plans for what is underneath the visible house. We might have to go over the place again."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 20 2007, 12:06 AM
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"Ooooh, So what did you find interesting and what where some of the valid points that he made?" he asked as if he had no idea what Sparrow had said and was truly interested for himself, even though in truth he was testing 'Charles' to see if indeed he was being truthful and to what extent.


"How much exactly is '5 Million Rushana' It's not like a few Baz or something is it?"

He responded to the Lamonians... having even never heard of Lamoni before he had no idea just exactly how much a Rushana was worth and thought he better find out just how much money he would be getting before saying anything more.


As they went over the place again, there was a slight unusual give in one spot on the floor. Only very slight but noticable, examining closer he found that he couldn't find any directly obvious way to open it without causing destruction to the floor.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 20 2007, 02:32 AM
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"First, there is the use of religious imagery in seemingly normal conversaton. 'Oh my God,' and things like that. While I wouldn't characterize that as a sign of any real conspiracy, it is interesting.

Then there is the whole conspiracy itself. I'm still not certain that I entirely believe that there is a worldwide conspiracy, but more like many disjointed attempts by local people trying to exert dominion of some kind over others. It is in human nature to want to rule over others; to see them as lazy, shiftless, less than intelligent... I could go on. It is the same impulse that creates dictatorships. Need I say more?


"I checked the exchange rate this morning, and 5 million Rushanas translates to approximately 5,040,345 Baz. A noteworthy sum, I think." The lead Lamonian questioner thought that he was on to something here.

Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 20 2007, 05:55 AM
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"no, no. That's plenty enough, though perhaps I should give you some evidence of why we think this is a world-wide conspiracy... Here are some documents that we have managed to collect through various means. They detail a number of things. Communication logs make up the vast part of it. Just how deep the conspiracy goes."

He opens a draw and pulls out a stack of paper, a large stack of paper.

"Here is everything we have... That should give you all the evidence you need to indeed see that all the activity of the religious is being run by a secret cabal."

He puts them on his desk and pushes them forward for 'Charles', "If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you... Also, I really should give you a proper name, Choose an animal that best suits your personality...

Oh, And Sparrow I don't think the rope will be necessary anymore. "

The conversation had seemed to be finished though there was an opportunity for Marcus to ask or do something first... It at least seemed he had a certain amount of freedom.


"Well, I want something in writing before I start remembering anything..."


Further research and in local council records the place was built new around 10 years ago after the place in the second blue prints had been demolished... Apparently to save costs the old foundations where used, which included a cellar. Exactly where this cellar was isn't indicated on the blue prints however. A Bazalonian forensic person nearby betted one of his colleagues that the cellar would be found underneath... He was taken up on that bet.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 21 2007, 01:57 PM
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Markus was mumbling a bit as he was reading the 'documentation' that he had been provided. One word that came out loudly enough to be heard was HAWK.

"I don't have any further questions right now, but I might after I read through these documents."

While reading the documents, he saw something big, possibly about the Great Lion himself. He unobtrusively placed THAT document in a hidden spot while the others were doing something else to keep themselves from boredom, promising to himself to see if it was really true.


The Lamonian questioners had been expecting that, and one of them signed a computer printed letter which was upon the Letterhead of the Lamonian Foreign Ministry. It promised the holder of the letter the reward for supplying information on Markus' whereabouts. That letter, coupled with statements from the questioners, would be enough to give the man the reward, provided the he gave useful information.


A Lamonian forensics tech watched the bet, and smirked. While betting on such things wasn't professional, he would turn a blind eye to this one.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 22 2007, 09:48 PM
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"Hawk, nice name..." said Sparrow after they had left the office. "I'll leave you alone to do your reading... There is a Library down there or there's a nice relaxing water feature with a table over there. It's a nice place, I like it." he said... "Oh, and if you need me here, Use that." Sparrow threw Marcus a walky talky before showing off his own before heading off to some unknown destination.


"Well, they didn't tell me much but I do know that they drove 342 kilometers, to a farm somewhere this side of Fulton. There where saying something about breaking him and then remolding the broken pieces, they also got hay in it."

"My cars missing you are probably thinking how I know that. Well, they borrowed my car once before, they absolutely trashed it... I had to spend ages getting it back to what is was, anyway. I installed a satellite tracking device in it. The ****ers ripped it out but here's the co-ordinates of their last position."

He pulled a piece of paper that had the longitude and latitude of the last known position.

"I suppose I'll have to wait to get my money... *sigh*


It wasn't easy but with lots of help and alot of butter knives they managed to lift an area of the floor off. If this was how they disappeared though surely they would have an easier way of getting into it.

The forensics team found the Cellar beneath the floor, underneath was some sort of safe, it looked really old and probably easily crackable, there was also alot of other junk. Cupboards, chest of drawers and strangely a disconnected fireplace... All of these where right up against the wall and could hide a passage or something else.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 28 2007, 01:31 AM
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Some time after he was certain that he was as alone as he was going to get, Markus took the piece of paper that he'd been hiding out of it's spot. He began to read it, until he realized that he only knew enough Latin to be certain that this was the language that he was dealing with.

A look through the books of the library was all that was required to find a Latin-English dictionary, for which he was thankful. Markus collected a pencil and piece of paper, and started translating the document.

About an hour later, he had finished, and started to read the translated version of the document. He gasped in astonishment as he saw that the Latin document proclaimed a "Marcus Hampstead" to be a Roman Catholic Priest. Once Markus got over his shock, he used the walkie talkie to summon Sparrow. He would know what to do about what he had just discovered.


The Lamonians took the co-ordinates, and suggested that the man get some protection. They would ensure that he would have the protection even if he didn't want it; but it would be easier if he wanted it.

Meanwhile, one of the Lamonians had called the Bazalonians, and was giving them the co-ordinates.


Once the preliminary inspection of the cellar was complete, one of the Lamonians used an explosive lock pick to open the safe. The explosion was set to be just enough to crack the safe without injuring anyone. Inside the safe were some documents, and they looked old and fragile.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 28 2007, 04:03 AM
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"Okay, I'll be there soon." Sparrow replied, a couple of minutes later he appeared in the doorway of the library. He looked to have been running and was out of breath despite not actually running the last 10 or so metres.

"Hi, Hawk. So what have you found?" he said as he pulled a seat up next to Hawk and sat down."


"Well, if you must but I haven't heard hide nor hair of them since they took my car the second time. I think they have gone underground somewhere, waiting in the shadows for their next attack. And no I don't know what that might be."

He said getting up and ready to go with whoever.


The documents in the safe and the co-ordinates that where given to them both pointed to one place a farm out in the middle of no-where. No one else around for miles. Great place to hide things.

The property, more like a station than anything else.

Driving in 4x4's would be the only real way to get to the location though the Bazalonian government had enough cars, the forensics still had to work out how they got out of Cellar, if that was indeed how they escaped.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 29 2007, 04:35 AM
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Hawk handed Sparrow the two documents. "One of those documents that I just handed you is the original, and written in Latin. The other one is the English translation that I accomplished with the Latin-English dictionary that is on the desk. The interesting thing is that the English translation states that Marcus Hampstead is a Roman Catholic Priest!"


The Lamonians took the man with them to their Bazalonain counterparts. At least their informant would be safe there, they hoped.


Some of the more inexperienced Lamonians stayed to look over the cellar some more while the rest went with their Bazalonian counterparts to look over the Ranch.
Democratic Maniac
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