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OOC: How I intend to start this allianceness stuff
Posted: Oct 31 2012, 05:28 PM
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Alright, the reason I have been posting so much is mainly because, well, it is too early for any major intervention from outside sources, and once I get to where I have some protection on my first naval port, this thing will be open for as much intervention as you guys want.
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Posted: Nov 16 2012, 06:58 PM
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Alright, well now it is up too you guys, your nations may respond and get involved without "special permission" and even start building some storylines. It is now open.
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 04:48 PM
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Okay, this mainly is aimed at Warkus.

Please elaborate on this "Gold Army" you have ordered to attempt to occupy one of my colonies, because I do infact have a small naval and ground force stationed on the island, so there might be a small conflict before they can occupy the area. If you could go into detail about this new faction, then it would be much easier for me to RP a response, because from what I have now, I would have to make many assumptions to roleplay an attempted resistance, which unless you can persuade me that this force is strong enough to capture a city(and maybe put a good roleplay behind it too), then I would probally say that my small military and navy would fend it off, and it would just cause more agents to focus on Warkus terrorists cells. Any information about my current units stationed there is at your request OOCly speaking, and I will provide you with any OOC help you request.

(Also guys, you can use this as an OOC for the whole thread)

Valanora, I still need some sort of reply to my captain's messege if you want to move the blockade thing through.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 27 2012, 04:51 PM
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 04:59 PM
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(OOC for the thread?! Alrighty then! Leorudo, this RP has been fantastic. I'm loving it so far. Now, don't know if you remember, but I let slip I have some spies in Leorudo, the Wellstood Initiative. Yeah. Do what you want with them [if you find them, that is]. It'll be interesting.)
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:15 PM
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Having now RPed as wary but otherwise uninvolved in the main thread for the [strike]Falcanian[/strike] Leorudan expansion, I have a suggestion for those who plan on being involved in some way or another, especially since the mode of the majority of the recent RPing (I'll try not to name names) gives me the impression that it's basically the kiddies playing around until Papa Rawrcrush and Momma Falcon come home and get involved.*

With that in mind, may I suggest that those who do wish to play around for a bit consider following the lead of this thread, and start putting some more realistic numbers, as well as some thoughts/aims/goals for what they plan to get out of this. It might help make some of the issues re: the blockade, as well as the recent RPs by Warkus go a little more smoothly, and also see if Leorudo can give us some numbers for his troops that are both realistic and plausible.

I also encourage all participants to read both this and this before going into more detail. Both threads provide some great commentary from a well-respected RPer who is largely responsible for the vast majority of Galactica, which IMO is AO's best non-sporting work - which btw, would be a nice thing to see the next few months aspire to.

*Apologies to those who I've just marginalized unnecessarily - you probably know who you are, and it was solely for sake of getting a point across - as well as to everyone for the potentially disturbing mental image the above terms create.
Back in Black
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:25 PM
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QUOTE (Legalese @ Nov 27 2012, 10:15 PM)
...especially since the mode of the majority of the recent RPing (I'll try not to name names) gives me the impression that it's basically the kiddies playing around until Papa Rawrcrush and Momma Falcon come home and get involved.*

...and start putting some more realistic numbers, as well as some thoughts/aims/goals for what they plan to get out of this.

I see exactly what you mean here, and I have to say that the primary reason I've not done anything yet is purely because I've yet to finalize my military prowess. I'm getting there, though! I've got a spreadsheet! That said, I do appreciate you posting this, and I hope that whatever happens in the coming [time frame] is something awesome.
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:46 PM
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QUOTE (Inevitable @ Nov 27 2012, 06:25 PM)
QUOTE (Legalese @ Nov 27 2012, 10:15 PM)
...especially since the mode of the majority of the recent RPing (I'll try not to name names) gives me the impression that it's basically the kiddies playing around until Papa Rawrcrush and Momma Falcon come home and get involved.*

...and start putting some more realistic numbers, as well as some thoughts/aims/goals for what they plan to get out of this.

I see exactly what you mean here, and I have to say that the primary reason I've not done anything yet is purely because I've yet to finalize my military prowess. I'm getting there, though! I've got a spreadsheet! That said, I do appreciate you posting this, and I hope that whatever happens in the coming [time frame] is something awesome.

I'm quite hopeful as well. Even though I was able to read Galactica, the portion of it that admittedly interested me most was the portion over what was then my former land - thus making my ability to be directly involved minimal (though I know they would've made it happen somehow, regardless of the status of Legalese).

As my above post was a lot of commentary and no actual action on my part, allow me to start with some info:

Government situation: Legalese is a multi-branch government, with a technically 'federal' structure. The federal government is split into three primary groups: The Civil Service, headed by the Director-General; the Military General Staff, co-headed by the Chiefs-of-Staff of the Legalese Army, Navy, and Air Force (with General Felix Connell, Legalese Army, as the current chair of the group); and the High Court, the final court of appeal in Legalese, and technically the body that's considered the true leadership, though in a very shadowy way. Civil Service employees largely come out of the military, owing to the time spent in as part of a strongly-encouraged but technically volunteer Federal Service. The Director-General, appointed by a triparte concurrence of the High Court, the General Staff, and the remaining Agency Directors in the Civil Service, is treated as the head of government by the military, but the upcoming conflicts provide the first true conflict between the two. The federal government is also entirely unelected, despite the presence of more democratic elements at the local levels.

Foreign Relations Position: Since the occupation of Legalese by Starblaydia during Operation Galactica, Legalese has stayed quiet on foreign affairs, opting to re-build and emerge from the ashes. There are elements within the current government that are ready to emerge, Galactica being now a memory only for the elderly (the D-G being one of them). That said, expect a very cautious view, owing to both historic reasons, as well as a main priority of protecting the mainland and the Karin Islands.

Military Strength: Whilst I have no numbers at the moment, the following things can be assumed:
1) Legalese's strength is in numbers. As this army was composed with defence in mind first, it is probably most analogous with the Soviet Army - sheer manpower is its biggest advantage. While we have a Strong economy (literally), most of the military spending goes into staffing this army, as well as to feeding/clothing trainees going through the Federal Service period (2 years in the military being a semi-popular choice for those with middling secondary-school grades).

2) The Navy is designed with that in mind, hence Connell's comment about them being "more like a Coastal Defence". The idea is that they hover between being a real Navy and a Coast Guard - so don't expect much more patrolling than between the Nemyan Straight, or maybe as far as Aquilana, the Djonos, etc.

3) Similarly, the Air Force is meant to be on the small side, focusing more on monitoring than on invasion. There could be a case made that the economy would allow for a buildup, but I'm not making that at the moment.

Intentions: At this point, the intention is to not get involved with anything that I have to. Nagitype might try to lure me out with the recent consideration of invading New Toruedo, however I don't invision a Legal force there except as a "peacekeeping" force.
Back in Black
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:50 PM
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Pretty important messege detailing the future of the RP.

Well here it is.

After reading up on Star's Galatica OOC(as listed above), I think I intend on uses that as a guide to the next part of this RP.(As you might have noticed, the Leorudian Expanision Thread has a "Part 1" added to the end of it.) So, how I intend to draw this first part of the RP to a close is:
Part One) Have Balone screw something up, and if you have been watching my last two posts, then you know I have a canidate to overtake him in the quartly election.
Part Two) New President sets up peace talks, and Leorudo might give up some colonies in return for help paying off the Falcanian loan, or something along those lines. In addition, more port deals could be made and it could seem like a "Yay! Everyone prospers!" sorta end to the RP.(Now remember guys, this is always up for debate, if you want to conclude this part of the RP with a different sort of style, say it, we can't do this alone.)The start to the second part of this whole RP would include someone getting greedy in one of the ports(maybe a raid of some kind) and the true colors of the nations would be revealed.(support the expanision or fight agianst the expanision sorta deal) By then, the OOC would be filled with loads of information on everyone's military, geography, culture, and so on so that an indepth roleplay where it is easy to understand the plotline would be in order, and we could all run with it, hopefully creating another chapter in the history of the AO.

Also, that ASMV revolution going on looks cool too.

A good time for nations to jump in would be during the beginning of the Second Thread, as I intend on closing out the main thread pretty soon, just waiting on that Gold Army thing, the naval blockade battle that is probally going to emerge(which might also help implode my current President's reputation) and conclude with my new President getting elected, and peace talks being called.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 27 2012, 05:54 PM
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:57 PM
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QUOTE (Inevitable @ Nov 27 2012, 04:59 PM)
(OOC for the thread?! Alrighty then! Leorudo, this RP has been fantastic. I'm loving it so far. Now, don't know if you remember, but I let slip I have some spies in Leorudo, the Wellstood Initiative. Yeah. Do what you want with them [if you find them, that is]. It'll be interesting.)

(Thanks, its good to know that not all people who dislike your nation IC don't loathe you OOCly)
About the spies, this would be a great way to start the Second Thread, as I have spies of my own in Wight, and one or two lodging near my ambassodor in my embassy in your homefront. A little candlestine warfare might not be bad, so feel free to run with it.
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 10:58 PM
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By the way, I thought I would make a reasonable estimate on my navy so I could organise it into fleets and such, and based on the Starblaydii Navy this is what I got based on rough estimates(assuming every ship cost the same, which I know it doesn't):
Starblayida Navy Defense Budget: 24,245,659,819,256
Starblaydia Ships:3,718
Leorudian Navy Defense Budget: 335,973,252,951
Leorudian Ships: 51

Go team.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 27 2012, 10:58 PM
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 02:23 AM
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QUOTE (Leorudo @ Nov 27 2012, 04:48 PM)
Okay, this mainly is aimed at Warkus.

Please elaborate on this "Gold Army" you have ordered to attempt to occupy one of my colonies, because I do infact have a small naval and ground force stationed on the island, so there might be a small conflict before they can occupy the area. If you could go into detail about this new faction, then it would be much easier for me to RP a response, because from what I have now, I would have to make many assumptions to roleplay an attempted resistance, which unless you can persuade me that this force is strong enough to capture a city(and maybe put a good roleplay behind it too), then I would probally say that my small military and navy would fend it off, and it would just cause more agents to focus on Warkus terrorists cells. Any information about my current units stationed there is at your request OOCly speaking, and I will provide you with any OOC help you request.

(Also guys, you can use this as an OOC for the whole thread)

Valanora, I still need some sort of reply to my captain's messege if you want to move the blockade thing through.

The Gold Army won't be able to fully occupy Jerojane, nor would they be able to capture more than a town or two. They're pretty much there to harass your forces and do some minor damage.

That pretty much sums them up in a nutshell.

EDIT: I'd like to into further detail regarding statistics, but typing with one arm while trying to chat with your girlfriend is pretty hard. (No, that wasn't an innuendo. After reading that back, it sounded a bit odd tongue.gif )

This post has been edited by Warkus on Nov 28 2012, 02:29 AM
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 02:54 AM
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I guess my main question is this...

When building my military, are we (as a group) content to use the poulation numbers from NS and the defense budget numbers from NSEconomy?

The military numbers then become as astronomical a our populations but it does keep things believable across the board.

As an example

Starblaydia Population 18.862 Billion Def. Budget 50.038 Trillion
Falcania 17.609 Billion 25.454 Trillion
ASMV 9.127 Billion 65.409 Trillion

The budget numbers say that I should make up some military ground on Star and quite a bit more on Falc. though their militaries woul still be larger on population percentages alone.

Did make any sense with that?
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 03:08 AM
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Further complicating that, the NSEconomy values for "Valanora" will never be correct, since I only use it for RPing purposes. My "real" stats would be of a combination of Elves Security Forces, Vyinta, and Dark Templara, with Valanora just being the "face" for the Commonwealth. On top of that, I don't RP my populations as the NS ones, since they are way far and beyond anything that is remotely realistic.

This post has been edited by Valanora on Nov 28 2012, 03:12 AM
a.k.a Elves Security Forces
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 03:19 AM
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QUOTE (Valanora @ Nov 28 2012, 08:08 AM)
Further complicating that, the NSEconomy values for "Valanora" will never be correct, since I only use it for RPing purposes. My "real" stats would be of a combination of Elves Security Forces, Vyinta, and Dark Templara, with Valanora just being the "face" for the Commonwealth. On top of that, I don't RP my populations as the NS ones, since they are way far and beyond anything that is remotely realistic.

Like Valanora, I don't RP My population to be as big as it claims to be on NS. So I take my military budget and divide it by my NS population over my RP population (Which, as of today, is 1.412billion / 60.6million = 23.300330033.) This gives me a nice approximate figure to use when budgeting my military.

(On an unrelated note, does anyone know how much a quadrotor drone with a sub-machine gun attached to it would cost?)

This post has been edited by Inevitable on Nov 28 2012, 03:21 AM
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 08:28 AM
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QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Nov 28 2012, 08:54 AM)
When building my military, are we (as a group) content to use the poulation numbers from NS and the defense budget numbers from NSEconomy?

The military numbers then become as astronomical as our populations but it does

I'm fine with that.

Sorry I haven't been involved yet, but I'm still attempting to (find the time to) turn Starblaydia evil again, but hopefully this should come around in the AOCAF and the U21WC (if I stay in it that long). For now I am reading the posts and staying up to date, just looking for when to play any part of my hand.

As far as comparing our militaries goes, that's the hard part where we need to be flexible and, above all, have a realistic idea of our position within the region in terms of economic and military strength (which may not necessarily correlate, but often will).

With Valanora's Elves and our feathered friends in Falcania, obviously man-for-elf-for-bird we don't directly match up. Other nations should be around the same level, but that's where flexibility comes in. For instance: Leorudo's home location needs to be able to put up a long-lasting defence and not be RAWRCRUSHed in under five minutes as Starblaydi forces simply level the mountain and surrounding areas, while on the other hand any close-up air-to-air combat against Falcanians is likely going to end up very badly for whoever is facing them.

It should, really, be a case of power level according to the overriding plot, laid with a solid foundation of NS and NSEconomy numbers (or what we choose to make of them).

All looking excellent so far and, Legal, thank-you for the huge compliment.
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