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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 12:04 AM
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Lamoni wins again

(Karakan Box)

With a heave, and a ho, and a mighty good throw, the Hawks convincingly defeated Az-Cz 3-1 today in Karakan. The win, coupled with a Miceland draw, allows the Hawks to retain their second place ranking in Group A.

The game started out well for Lamoni, with reserve forward Shofner scoring at twenty minutes in on a deke to the right. The only Az-Cz goal came at twenty three minutes in, and it was all Hawks after that. Lamoni ran the ball up and down the field with little resistance, and most of that was disorganized. Lamoni went on to score two more goals, effectively putting this game out of Az-Cz's reach; and giving the extraterrestrials some hard won experience.

Lamoni plays ASMV next, and this should be a very interesting match. It pits the 'leader' of boy band ASPIRE against the 'leader' of the SDL. You know that this match is going to get politically heated. We wouldn't be surprised if there was a fight or two in the stands no matter who wins this one. With the loss of Geisenfried from ASPIRE, ASMV has something to prove. We won't be underestimating ASMV, but we won't underestimate ourselves, either.

The shocking upset of the day was when SAAS 'leader' Starblaydia lost 0-2 to fellow SAAS member Nojika in a match that most expected Starblaydia to win. This leaves the top of Group A open to the winner of the Lamoni-ASMV match, as well as the surprisingly well performing Miceland. We have our eye on that top slot as a matter of course, but we feel that it would be ironic if Miceland were to hold on to that top spot at the end of the group stages.

Lamoni - 3 Shofner (20), Tomes (45), Ludlow (50)
Az-Cz - 1 (23)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 01:26 AM
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Necromacers Ready For Hyppos

The Necromancers had never watched so much film. WC, DI, AOCAF and all showing the Hyppos over, and over , and over…………It was common belief that the entire squad would dream of the Hyppos - And every play they had made since the very beginning of their somewhat illustrious career.

The squad understood why that was, of course. The Hyppos had easily scored 10 goals in just two matches in AOCAF XVI. That 5 goal per match average was something they could not afford to forget. And even with the improved defensive play, stopping the Hyppos seemed just a bit of a stretch. That left only one option - Score. The Necromancers were capable of doing just that and the hours of film study had focused more on the holes in the Hyppo defense rather than how to stop the formidable attack they had. The Necromancers would try to play the Hyppos game - and beat them at it.

But in addition to the 10 goals scored, Hypocria had allowed just 2. The Necromancers would need a bit of the magic their namesake implied if they wanted to win this one.

But the Necromancers have also found a new approach to how to win the match - Prayer - and lots of it. Discussions between the Sylvanaes Kingdom and The Archregimancy had shown how valuable Divine help could be. And the Necromancers needed any and all help they could get.

Necromancers praying? What is this world coming to?

The Necromancers and Hyppos were off today but there was Group B action to be seen.
Bazalonia struggled in a 2-2 draw with Aurendia and Bettia looked very Hyppo-like in a 5-1 thrashing of Neu Amerika. If there is a way to slow down Bettia like we did on MD1 perhaps we can do the same tomorrow against Hypocria.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 01:38 AM
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Presidente Commandante Viastormin Vega was furious. What in the Hell was everyone thinking trying to turn the AOCAF into something political? It was a sporting event! Nothing political about the whole damn thing!

It seemed as if everyone were throwing out the whole SAAS vs. SDL vs. ASPIRE card, when there wasn’t any reason for anyone to do so. This whole thing had taken on a life of its own.

And the comment of the “Boy-band” ASPIRE. Better that than a group of egotistical maniacs like the SAAS or the Hypocritical two-faced SDL members. They each thought themselves so much better than the other. And in all reality the similarities between the two were to numerable to count.

And now dragging up the fact that Geisenfried had withdrawn from ASPIRE. That shouldn’t have surprised anyone. Geisenfried pulled out of damn near everything they entered. The loss of Hypocria was more disconcerting, but could be handled well enough. The rest remained, even if everyone seemed to be quiet for the most part. But then again there was no reason to blow hot air when it was not needed. Other alliances forget that point.

But back to the AOCAF. This was football. And on the pitch, ASMV would face the host squad from Lamoni. This has the promise of a great match even without all the political nonsense. And the Nyriad test group would be looking to prove Erosis a definite success over a more skilled and respected opponent. Starblaydia was another matter. At least the test group did not have to face them the day after a defeat.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 01:50 AM
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Southport News
“We don’t need a slogan. We’re just boring like that.”

Raptors start off play with loss to Dorian and Sonya

LAMONI – Team Aurendia opened up AOCAF play the same way they ended World Cup qualifying-with a loss. Following an opening day bye, Dorian and Sonya’s Necromancers welcomed the Raptors to the tournament with a 3-1 thrashing.

The opening bye date hurt Team Aurendia early on against Dorian and Sonya. The Raptors played sluggishly from the opening whistle, and the Necromancers took advantage. In the span of just two minutes the score became 2-0 Necromancers, off goals from Lupe Tatu and Melonie Gaffer in the 14th and 15th. Raptors goalie Liza Kohl lived up to her nickname “the Lemur”, as her leaping, acrobatic saves were all that kept D&S from really blowing open the match. Kohl got no help from the rest of the Raptors, as the ball spent almost the entire half in Aurendia’s end, while no shots challenged Necromancer keeper Cierra Samantha.

The second half went slightly better for the Raptors, thanks to Dorian and Sonya resting their starters. Relieve wasn’t immediate though, as Dorian and Sonya’s second team would strike again, as Diamond Cummer scored in the 67th. The shutout was barely avoided when Ashley Campbell scored off a Matt Sanchez rebound in the 73rd.

1. D&S (L. Tatu) 14th
2. D&S (M. Gaffer) 15th
3. D&S (D. Cummer) 67th
4. A (A. Campbell 1) 73rd (Assist: M. Sanchez)

Etoka Journal-Tribune
“Now with larger print for those hung-over mornings”

Raptors gain first point in standings after 2-2 draw with Bazalonia

LAMONI - For much of the Raptors’ second game it looked like the result would be the same as the opener. Instead of starting off sluggish, the Raptor defense came out too aggressively, giving up an early goal to Bazalonia’s BazaB team off a 9th minute penalty kick. Defender Rachel Brady was the culprit, putting too much into a tackle of Jason Kents. The defense was able to settle down after this, but the offense didn’t come alive until the 40th minute. Regina Dunlop netted the equalizer, off a beauty of a pass from Cassandra Campbell.

Bazalonia reclaimed the lead 14 minutes into the second half. Michaela Dent gained control of the ball at midfield and found an open Richard Elete for the goal. The 2-1 lead was enough to make Bazalonia play defensively, holding off the Raptors until an attack gained a corner kick in the 87th. The kick was taken by captain Cassandra Campbell, who found Jessica Colenti for the goal.

1. B (J. Kents) 9th PK
2. A (R. Dunlop 1) 40th (Assist: C. Campbell)
3. B (R. Elete) 59th (Assist: M. Dent)
4. A (J. Colenti 1) 87th (Assist: C. Campbell)
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 02:33 AM
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Victory! Dryads Down Krytenia, On Top of Group D for One Day!!

SPOKANE ROUND in Lamoni - With a new offense, no hot-head striker headbutting people, and a huge contingent of fans, the Myrtannia Dryads side is faring very well in AOCAF XVI. The close proximity to home is not ignored either, as it helped save on airfare, which always helps. After drawing even with Vilita 1-1 on Day 1, and a bye date full of focused practicing, the Dryads took to the pitch to do battle with Krytenia on Day 3.

Coming into the match, Krytenia looked to be a slight favorite, having the #4 regional ranking and all. Yet, for the second time in this AOCAF, the Dryads refused to be awed or mesmerized by that sort of lofty ranking. If anything, it served more to put a target on Krytenia than anything, and the offense would certainly take its fair share of shots at the opposing goal. The Dryads Army was present as always, and far outnumbered the fans wearing the colors of Krytenia. That meant Sun Bursts, Orange replica jerseys, singing/shouting of the national anthem, shouting during the match, and completely outcheering the opposing nation's section of the stadium.

It wouldn't take very long for the game's ultimate result to show itself, as the offensive prowess of the Dryads cut through the Krytenian defense like butter. All five forwards touched the ball while passing it between themselves, advancing on the Jacks' goal like sharks drawn to blood in the water. Captain Dania Figary finally put it in with a scissor kick off of a beautiful pass from Roz Gabino, putting Myrtannia up 1-0. The show didn't stop there.

Later on in the same half, Myrtannia pushed through again, and with another round of crafty passing managed to set up a good-looking shot. Once again, it was Figary scoring, this time off a header that sailed into the net past the Krytenian goalie. The score 2-0 in favor of Myrtannia, the Dryads went into the half quite satisfied with their first half performance, but hungry for more goals. The Krytenians, on the other hand, headed to the locker room with cheers of 'Overrated! Overrated!' from the rowdier elements of the Dryads Army.

"It's all well and good to go up by one goal, but two goals gives you some breathing space. Now three is perfect, but two will do. That's the golden rule - Three is nice, but Two will do," explained assistant coach Tocarra Khat.

The Dryads may have been a little lax as the second half got underway, as the Jacks managed to slip through and nearly score just minutes after kickoff. Flo Krabel knocked it out of bounds, setting up a corner. Krytenia took advantage of this and landed the perfect corner, which turned into a perfect header, and a goal as it slipped just beyond Krabel's reach.

"That one surprised us, to be sure," said defender Orpha Mega, "But we weren't about to let them come back into this one. No sir. When we slam the door shut on someone, it stays shut."

To ensure this, the Dryads' defense locked up, as Orpha and Co. stuck to the Jacks like super glue. Finally, the defensive stand paid off when Orpha got the ball back and booted it back onto the Krytenian half of the pitch. From there on, the Dryads were in the driver's seat, pressing the attack for the remainder of the match. As they say, something had to give, and that something in this match was the Krytenian defense.

At one point, it just seemed that they had given up, granting Myrtannia some daylight near the penalty box. Not ones to squander such an opportunity, the Dryads surged in, led by (who else?) Figary, who faked a shot, then passed it off to Roz Gabino, who eagerly put it into the net. With the score standing at 3-1, Myrtannia finished the game out by playing keep-away with the Krytenians, passing it between orange shirts until the final gun sounded.

As can be expected, the crowd went wild - a deafening roar rang out as the Dryads secured a convincing victory against the #4 team in AO. Just two days after drawing with Vilita/Turori, it was a remarkble feeling. One draw and one win, a very promising start to AOCAF XVI. So far, this side looks more like the one that reached the semis in AOCAF XIV, rather than the one that sputtered through the group stage before dying against Nedalia.

"We're in a good position right now - 1-1-0 is a great start for us. Now, we've got to focus on the Lowland Clans, and look for a way to finally do something against them," coach Gabino stated after the match, "Toppling Krytenia was just the start - we've got some crucial matches coming up, and we've got momentum on our side. If we keep ourselves focused, and don't let our temporary position at the top of the group get to our heads, we can finish pretty well in this group."

On a side note, Dania Figary's two goals give her a career total of 8 in AOCAF play, second all-time behind Deeann Massetti (9 goals between AOCAFs XIII-XV) in Myrtannian goal-scoring. Now, she sits in good position to surpass Massetti to become Myrtannia's all-time top AOCAF scorer. You can be sure fans back home and in Lamoni will be pulling for the cool-headed Figary to move into the top place, too.

"Right now, I'm not really thinking about that so much. Deeann's a great player, who lets things get to her sometimes when she shouldn't. My main goal is to go out onto the pitch every match and keep my teammates focused on the task at hand. We've got three matches left, and from here it just doesn't get any easier," Figary responded to an AIR 4 reporter's question on the matter.

Next up for Myrtannia (1-1-0) is the Lowland Clans (1-0-1), who after a close loss in their first match recorded a solid 4-1 win today. Myrtannia has never defeated the Clans, but time can change a lot of things. The Dryads seem much improved over the AOCAF XV side, and they may just surprise us again with determined play against the BStars. Whatever the result, you can be sure of two things: 1) Myrtannia will practice hard and play hard on the pitch come match time, and 2) the Dryads Army will be there in large numbers to cheer on the team in orange.

The final score from Spokane Round:

Myrtannia 3 - 1 Krytenia
(Figary 10' & 40', Gabino 71') (53')

This post has been edited by Myrtannia on Sep 10 2006, 02:43 AM
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 04:21 AM
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Az-cz Scroll

Lamoni slips away with a two goal victory

Lamoni took advantage of their role as hosts to earn a victory over the Gnomes in a game that could have gone either way. The final was 3-1, but things were in doubt for most of the match.
With Kazakov in the lineup for the Gnomes things got off to a quick start. Both teams made good attacks but withstood. Lamoni broke the scoring first in the 20th minute with Shofner putting Lamoni ahead.
However Az-cz quickly struck back quickly. Bub-Rub was set up nicely by a pass from If-Wt to equalize the score in the 23rd minute.
After that Az-cz took control of the game. The Lamoni players looked rattled and didn't play very well and relied on the crowd to get them back in the game. Az-cz was the better team for the rest of the half right up until the end of the half when Lamoni made a nice pass and took the ball in for a score to move ahead at the half.
Menegroth refused to change his lineup in the second half and the Gnomes paid for it. They couldn't quite break down the Lamoni defense and they gave up a goal in the middle of the second half, although Lamoni looked to be offsides on the play. Menegroth brought on Ans-Ar for Kazakov to try to push things forward but they couldn't break the Az-cz attack.
In other important news from the group Starblaydia was beaten 2-0 by Nojika, which makes the Pink & Green's chances for qualification even more remote. Up next is Tocapa. If the Robbers are to fight back they'll need the full three points.

Az-cz Scorers 23 Bub-Rub
Possession Az-cz 46% Lamoni 54%
Shots Az-cz 9 Lamoni 14
Corners Az-cz 0 Lamoni 0
Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 05:15 AM
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Necromancers Nervous?

Stephen Murtagh reporting from Richland Field,

It was a fairly relaxed scene at the Hyppos’ training camp during the matchday 3 day off. There was laughter all around and smiles on the faces of the players as they went through passing routines and then as the attack went up against the defence in some set piece situations. It’s the kind of relaxed and confidence atmosphere that comes from good performances. And those performances have not gone entirely unnoticed elsewhere. Group rivals, and the Hyppos next opponents, Dorian and Sonya have been seemingly studying almost thirty years worth of football footage in an effort to gain an edge. Although we’re not sure how much of an edge that would be as the tactical mess that was the Hyppos under Starblaydi Guylain N’Dumbu-Nsungu and the conservative play adopted by Sarzonian Dave Wilson are a world away from the fluid attacking play of “System Santoro”. Perhaps the Necromancers should stick to their other plan, an Archregimancy style prayer session. Given the Hyppos appalling record against the Monks of the Dreamed Realm it could well work wonders.

But before we look forward lets take a quick look back to the events on the pitch of matchdays 2 & 3.

BazaB’s Beaten

After the demolition of Neu Amerika it was important to keep the run going against much tougher opposition in the form of Bazalonia. And the men in blue and white did just that, albeit with a little bit of help from the referee.

The decisive action of the match came in the 26th minute. Razin drilled the ball into the box and Molinari went up with the keeper. Both Paul Kanga and the ball ended up in the back of the net. The goal was given despite Bazalonian protests and Kanga left the field on a stretcher. The protests continued long and hard and defender Hector Ralph received two yellow cards in quick succession and followed his goalie back to the dressing rooms. A second goal followed five minutes later. Morinas latched on to Bassano’s throughball, a defender slid in to make the challenge but the ball run to Molinari who tucked it away.

At 2 - 0 against ten men the game looked dead and buried but there was plenty of fight left in the BazaBs. And they showed it on 41 minutes when Kents fired low past Lomaia after a slick passing move. From the restart Sousa gifted the ball to Richard Elete and the BazaB striker scored the goal of the game, skipping past a couple of challenges before belting the ball into the top corner from twenty yards. The halftime whistle went and the look on the coach’s face told the Hyppos all they needed to know about their upcoming teamtalk.

Whatever Baxter said during the interval it certainly did the trick as the Autocracy’s finest came out in the second half and showed the same ruthlessness they had shown against Neu Amerika. The BazaB’s had done so well to get back on level terms but against the resurgent Hyppos they had no answer and conceded three goals in the second half without reply. Sousa put the Hyppos in front and Razin extended the lead. And in truth the game was over as a contest long before Morinas bagged the fifth. Six points out of a possible six, ten goals scored in two games. It was all looking good for Marcus Baxter’s side.

Hypocria 5 - 2 Bazalonia
Molinari (2)

In the other Group B game on matchday 2 Dorian and Sonya took apart Aurendia 3 - 1. And on matchday 3 Aurendia and Bazalonia fought out a 2 - 2 stalemate while the Aroras got back into gear with a 5 - 1 demolition of clueless Neu Amerika.

The HyperSport Upset of the Round

Group A - Starblaydia 0 - 2 Nojika
Wow. Just wow. If you’d mentioned this scoreline before the match the men in white coats would have carted you off to that nice padded room where you could gibber quietly to yourself for the rest of your natural days. But it’s true, the Blaydis actually lost. Perhaps they were just going easy on their SAAS allies. Or maybe, with this defeat and the unconvincing win over Tocapa, just maybe the juggernaut is finally slowing down.

Next . . .

Hypocria (8) v Dorian and Sonya (24)

It will be a new experience on matchday 4 as Hyppos face Necromancers for the first time ever. Ranking shows Hypocria as the favourites but D&S have started well with a narrow defeat to the AOCAF holders followed by a solid win against Aurendia. And Nojika’s upset of Starblaydia has just gone to prove that no result is ever certain.

This post has been edited by Hypocria on Sep 10 2006, 05:16 AM
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 08:12 AM
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MC: Here we are today with Menegroth and Zax-Im.

Menegroth: We just didn't finish today. The level between the two teams wasn't that difference. But their homecrowd and experience was the difference maker.

[translated from "Cudnae hit cow's arse we a banjo, laddie. Crapper all'roond, em an us. "]

Az-cz reporter 1: I'd like to read you a quote from the Lamoni report and get your thoughts. "Lamoni ran the ball up and down the field with little resistance, and most of that was disorganized".

Menegroth: Lamoni's taken after our Starblaydi example of over estimating everything related to them. That's why they're trying to conflate this tournament as some sort of huge political event and that's why they called a close game dominant in their favor. They've lost all perspective. But that doesn't really concern us.

[translated from "Aye tay ken tay t'puppy bollocks, try'a akin Starblitzihn, s'nay football, s'politics, tay nay ken eet."]

Az-cz reporter 2: Is this results going to lead to any changes in the Az-cz starting lineup for Tocapa?

Menegroth: It is. I'm going to drop into a 4-4-2. Our defense is clearly being overrun. Dugl-Bugl's a good defender and we'll drop Kazakov instead.

[translated from "Fur Fur fecking tay, cannae defend t'rescue ye grannys."]

Az-cz reporter 3: How important is the Tocapa match?

Menegroth: Big. For the development of the squad they need the win. And anything less than that kills qualification chances, so it's quite important.

[translated from "Meh, s'crap team, donnae frash em, ne'er gon qualee."]

Az-cz reporter 4: Any thoughts on the Starblaydia match?

Menegroth: Yeah. I'm as suprised as everyone else. The Starblaydian team should be better than that.

[translated from "Lamoan fooker refs."]

Az-cz reporter 5: Zax-Im, what are your thoughts at this point.

Zax-Im: I just want to enjoy it. The Az-cz players are great and it's a good time. It would be nice to make at least some statements of skill from here.

Az-cz reporter 6: How can you spead the scoring around?

Zax-Im: We can't really. Bub-Rub is making the plays. The rest of us have to step up and do it too. That's what it comes down to.

MC: Alright, last question.

Az-cz reporter 7: Any predictions for Tocapa?

Menegroth: We're going to win.

[translated from "Bastids."]
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 05:53 PM
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New blog entry: Oh Sh*t unsure.gif

What the -explicitive removed- happened? You could have played that match 100 times and Nojika wouldn't have beaten us by two goals in any one of them. That was one in a million chance usually, but there's only one reason why it happened today: It was once upon a time in Lamoni.

-explicitive removed-ers.

Most of those calls weren't bad, they were outright cheating. Dar [Darijo Cravex] and I were pissed as hell, even Noble [Paul Noble, Captain] was peeved, and he's usually cool as a cucumber. Lamonian referees - we hate em now, and always will do. If we need a win in our last group match to ensure qualification, expect it to be a bloodbath in Lamoni.

CG sad.gif mad.gif sad.gif

Claudio González is a nineteen year-old defender, playing at attacking left full-back or occasionally centre-back. He is currently the owner of the #3 AOCAF shirt and plays for Tribe Urjali ( in Liga Starblaydia. - N.B. Claudio will be dropped for the Miceland match and replaced by right-back Aleksandr Rekeseski, with Adimurti Drazarim switching to left-back.
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 06:07 PM
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"Those punks," said aged bar customer Jon Pitirs, seconds after the transmission ceased. "How can they say that about our football team? Every time ve've played them ve've beaten them!" nearly yelled the man, slamming his soon-to-be empty mug on the bar.

"Actually, we've only played them once, and it was a two-to-nothing loss," said a nearby computer monitor.

"Aw, vhat do you know?" asked the irate Pitirs.

"I'm Wikipedia, I know everything. Did you know that water is actually red? No, green. No, red. Now it's blue again," said the monitor.

"I've told you before, *********, stop harassing my customers!"

"The previous unsigned comment was added by Joel Unvar," declared the monitor.

Elsewhere in the room, two pool players had also heard the transmission and began their own commentary. "Vhat do you think? Ve gotta chance?" said the cue-holding player, Gari Solee.

"At vhat? Football's the one vith the balls, right?" asked his opponent, Kenn Tolja.

"Actually, I think it's the one vith the puck," interjected a nearby bargoer.

"Hey, I'm not gay, I don't do that ****" said Tolja.

"I think he said puck," replied Solee.

"Excuse me," said a woman holding an infant in her arms, "I came to this bar to drink, not to hear your foul tongue scathing my child's ears."

"All he said was puck," replied Tolja.

"That's it, I'm reporting you both to the owner of this bar!" screamed the woman, flailing her arms about and leaving.

"Ma'am, I think you dropped your baby!"
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 06:42 PM
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Demot Daily ~ Power Outage

Well not much can be said about the offense of the squad following the Oliverry match except that it was efficient. One shot, one goal. However that lone goal would prove not enough as Oliverry got two past the backline and Whitehurse, and slid by the team 2-1. Black got the score in the 18th minute off a through ball from Lucas. She feigned a shot, and then spun criss crossed her defender to open up just enough space to get a shot off from the corner of the box. The shot curled and dipped right into the right side of the netting to the cheers of the small Demot gathering. However their elation would be shortlived as an Oliverry counter attack in the 31st minute to draw even before half. The second half turned into a grudge match in the midfield. Masteron was on the unfortunate end of a red card in the 58th minute when he went sliding in on a charging midfielder but only came in contact with their cleats. However the ref believed Masteron was deliberty trying to injure the player, and shoved the red card in his face dispite protest from him and Black. Short handed, the team curled up into a shell that seemed inpeneratable. When one defender would lose thier mark, another would be right there to stall the oppisiton long enough for team to get back into proper defensive position. As well as this formation performed, as the game wound down, the team was showing major fatigue, with players barely able to lift their legs in the last minutes of regulation, and the Oliverrian side took advantage of it to disect their way through and tuck one behind Whitehurse in the 89th minute.

Things don't get any easier for the squad as Pactilia and Nedilia remain. Both teams are veteran sides who should have the clear advantage over ours. So Dogood will have to perform some magic ticks if the team does hope to get the results needed to qualify, espicially with Masteron suspended for the next match. The one bit of good news is that Footballia also remains on the schedule, a much more even side with Demot than the formers.

Article by Jasmine Olyvander
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 09:43 PM
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"Sir, I have good news," said Endru Vage, one of the Delightfullest Grim's aides.

"The communists are all dead?" asked Josiph Tallon, ruler of Tocapa.

"No, not quite yet, sir, but I assure you ve're vorking on it," replied the aide.

"Then vhat could it possibly be?" demanded Tallon.

"Our football team drew against Miceland, sir."

"Really? I didn't even know ve had a football team, let alone one that could draw."

"Indeed, sir. Next ve'll be playing Az-Cz. They beat us last time but this time I have a feeling ve're going to take it."

"Yes, I suppose. Vhich one is football again?"

"I think it's the one with the bats, sir."

"Hmm... could ve use these bats to rid our nation of communists?"

"I'll have to check on that, sir." With that, Vage left the office of the Delightfullest Grim.
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 10:55 PM
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Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 11:32 PM
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D&S Come on Down! You're the Next Contestant On Hyppo Steamroller!

Queen Sonya could only shake her head in disgust. Hypocria. 1-5 score. The whole day was ruined.

The Necromancers had thought themselves to be ready for the clash with the Hyppos. Instead, the Necromancers should have elected to go for coffee and hand Hypocria the 3-0 result for a forfeit. The goal differential sure would have been better that way.

But be that as it may, the match did take place and one side actually played in it. Can you guess which one that was? The Necromancers only real appearance in the match was the celebration after a Hyppo “Own Goal”. I guess they felt sorry for us after 89 minutes of pure out ass kicking.

Tons and tons of film study wasted. If the Hyppos had played like this in the World Cup they would not have quit. They would now be ranked #1 in the world. And everyone says Starblaydia is the best. Hmmmffff. The Hyppo show is in full effect.

Next up is a date with Neu Amerika. At least they aren’t capable of 5 goals against us - we don’t think. The pitch is much different than the hardwood.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted: Sep 10 2006, 11:35 PM
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Lamoni on top of things

(Karakan Box)

The game itself might have been a draw, but that and a Miceland loss to Starblaydia was all that was needed to put Lamoni on top of things; group standings wise. Not only is this hailed as a minor political victory over a furious ASMV/ "Boy band ASPIRE" side, but it would appear that the Hawks used the press to outwit the ASMV side as well. In using the press to make the ASMV squad angry, they caused the Vegans to have one brief burst of rage fueled energy with which to score (at ten minutes in). Once that energy was used up, the Hawks took advantage and scored against a tired looking ASMV side at thirty minutes in. The Vegans looked sluggish during the rest of the first half, and not even the halftime strategy session did not do them much good, as neither side could figure out the others defense in the second half.

Lamoni faces Miceland next, and this will be the game to determine who gets first, and who gets the third (unless Starblaydia loses to ASMV, of course, but we don't think that likely) spots in group A. Miceland has been a very pleasant surprise for the Hawks so far; clearing out the competition so that Lamoni could fare well. For a team in their first AOCAF, they are doing very well indeed. Their victory against ASMV in the first matchday means that we can't take a win against them for granted, so we must and will be on gaurd. The Hawks would love to feast on Mice steaks.

As for the surprise result of matchday four, it would be Bettia losing to Aurendia 2-1. Bettia is easily ranked in the top ten AO football teams, and thus this match is a shocker compareable (at the least) to Starblaydia's loss to Nojika in matchday three.

With matchday five upcoming, Lamoni looks to be in excellent position, and will work hard to stay there.

Lamoni - 1 Mccawley (30)
ASMV - 1 (20)
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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