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Nojikian Spies Captured In Orichalc....
Posted: May 14 2004, 03:40 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Crystilakere Government will wait to hear all sources of information at the next AORDO meeting prior to issuing a stance on the Nojikan Spy Affair. No forces are planned for internal investigation from Crystilakere until this point.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: May 14 2004, 05:12 PM
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General Manjunas slammed his fist down on the prime ministers table jumping everyone in the room. "These reports show that their military has devised an advanced form of offensive weaponry, one that will likely be used against the Nojikans. And may I remind you that that country is preparing to go to war with them on spurious allegations of espionage and remote links to terrorism!"

The prime minister removed his glasses and looked up from the documents strewn across his desk. "They claim to have evidence that the terrorist incident is related to the Nojikan government. If they can back that up then they could be said to be defending the technology from aggressors."

"Or defending their own technology for nationalist reasons. We have seen the reports they have been wanting a war before the spies were captured, their relations haven?t been perfect you know." The general replied taking his seat again.

"I am afraid I have to agree with the general sir" interrupted Minister Logan, "We had programs into that technology years back but stopped because they're use would inevitably be military. You must take this to the council and demand a ban on this technology, or at least international observation. The project could be moved to a neutral site under AORDO observation, or at least have council inspectors permanently stationed there."

The prime minister leaned back in his chair and gazed around the fine decor room. "I need more detail before I can act decisively. I need to know how far along in development they are, systems of control and uses, the sites, everything. If you can't get it through official channels I want it from secret intelligence. I agree that this is a threat, one way or another this is going to be resolved. Minister Logan, dispatch a communiqué to the council, I want another team assembled to go to the project site to get more information on the project, the stuff they didn't tell us before."

"What about the Nojikans?"

"I want a representative brought before the council, don't let them think they're off the hook, there are several hundred people dead."

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 14 2004, 05:14 PM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 16 2004, 11:03 AM
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Consul Deviath Fyr walked down the ramp of the Scarab* shuttle and proceeded toward the Council building from the helipad. He got to the door and nodded to his four Sardaukar*.

"I can handle it from here."

"Are you sure Consul?"

"That I am, if anything goes wrong, you'll see my beacon light up. When and only when it does light up are you authorized to enter this building."

"Of course Consul, we will be awaiting your return."

The Consul opened the door and stepped into the Council building. Fortunately it was quiet, there wasn't the bustling and noise of the many aides and ambassadors of the nations of Atlantian Oceania. But sitting at a lone table in a corner of the building was the Tachbe representative.

Fyr walked toward him and took from his pocket a small box, he dialed a four digit code and it popped open. He took a small rectangular piece of crystal from it and handed it to the rep.

"This is the evidence of the Nojikan government involvement in the recent terrorist attacks in Novus Atlantica. This is 100% authentic, you can analyze it all you want, but rest assured we made no alterations to the content of this memory card."

"Thank you, I will present this to ... Higher levels of authority and they will present it to the Council."

The Consul walked through the room and out the door, his Sardaukar followed. They boarded the Scarab craft, powered up and headed back to Orichalc.

Fyr rested his head against the wall of the craft and drifted to sleep.

*Scarab shuttle craft:

*Sardaukar: The elite fighting force of Novus Atlantica.

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This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on May 16 2004, 11:13 AM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 16 2004, 12:52 PM
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The Tachbian ambassador stood at the council room window looking out at the Novus Atlantica delegation leaving. "The fact they had the nerve to bring a military vessel to the council building? The ambassador said with one hand on the glass, his gaze now switching down to the ground with the birds flying amongst the trees.
"They are just paranoid about protection sir" Replied his aid, setting out the reports for the representatives.
"Protection! They are about to start the first war in the history of this region. Have that evidence checked out and ready by the next meeting."
"If it's real, what then"
"The governments made itself clear. We won't invade Nojika. Especially as they are complying with the council. The very fact that they revealed the Lucifer project to the rest of the region has made them heroes in some eyes, but links to terrorism certainly doesn't."
"You saying we will invade N.A?"
"Of course not, as long as they comply with the council, no military action will be taken. Any conflict in the south cove states we intend to stay out of. But the Lucifer project will be a sticking point I fear. Before the meeting starts contact the ambassadors, send the 'evidence' to them ASAP."

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 16 2004, 12:54 PM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 16 2004, 04:18 PM
PMEmail Poster
Private Office in Casa Spartica. Paddyton, capital of Samonina

After navigating the maze of baroque corridors the Tachbian Ambassador arrived at the meeting room. After being welcomed and usurer in by a secretary he approached the desk and offered his hand to the Sammonian official in front of him. "Mr Helmas, Tachbian Embassy. your expecting me?"

The room is spacious and well lit, and the large windows are south facing, looking out over a grand courtyard with water features and fruit trees. Government officials are in the grounds, enjoying the lunchtime sunshine, but the business taking place in the Presidents office on the first floor would not wait for such trifles as lunch.
The meeting was private. There was to be no note taker present here, all notes taken either by the Tachbian or Samoninian official.
'Of course, of course.' The Samoninian official took the proffered hand and shook it warmly. She indicated to a comfortably designed and carefully positioned armchair on the other side of the desk.
The day was warm. Too warm for official beverages such as tea and coffee. A large pitcher of punch, ice cold and made using the finest fruits, stood on the table, two glasses already poured.
'Can I interest you....?' offered the Samoninian official, indicating the punch.

The Tahcbian rested his papers on the edge of the desk. "Thank you. I would be most grateful. Fine City you have here."

'Thank you. Yes, I trust you will take the time to enjoy it before you depart from Samonina?'

"I will, I only just arrived a few days ago due to the council opening." His gaze shifted round the room at the intricately decorated room. The antiquated décor and wood panelling reminded him of the old pre-unification buildings of Tachbe with the gold leaf frames around classical portraits handing in the towering walls surrounding them.

'Now. Down to business.'

"Of course. My government wishes to get some common ground between our nations before the upcoming council meeting on the situation in the south cove states. We believe both nations should face action by the council. Firstly of course Nojkia and the espionage and terrorism charges. I trust you have received the evidence presented by NA linking Nojika to the attacks, and there's no doubt of the espionage now."

'Yes of course. I was hoping that could be achieved.'
'To be fair, I don?t really see how the council could disagree with what we are proposing. Of course, they are entitled to and have every right to if they see fit, but really this is the best course of action.'

"As for the espionage charges, that is an affair between the states and there's no doubting that Nojika has done us a favour in revealing the Lucifer project. The terrorism however is far serious, my government believes they should face economic sanctions. The NTFTA should but embargos on all items to and from their country and encourage other nations to do the same. Also an international team should be permanently stationed in the country."

'Unless, of course, we can prove involvement in the attacks by citizens of other nations in the region. It may well not be a Nojikian Government ordered attack, rather a separatist group acting of their own accord. This is a matter for investigation further.'

"We have had some reports that there was help inside the NA government, a separatist group. But nothing to back such a claim up with. But there has been a link to the Nojikan government. Some form of international punishment upon the country for supporting terrorism would be needed unless some counter evidence is brought up fast."

'Yes. Agreed. Well let us give Nojika a grace period of a set number of days to provide us with a statement. Until such time, however, they should be considered responsible.'
Having said that, however, Nojika has had plenty opportunity to issue a statement. It is doing nothing in their defence to remain silent on this pressing issue.'

"Well the council should have a chance to question the Nojikan government to establish the facts. Perhaps we should leave it till then?"

Yes lets. We cannot act outside the will of the council, only establish our joint position. I do, however suggest, that the Nojikan government be informed it will be expected to issue an official statement and face questioning from the council.'

"On the subject of Novus Atlantica though, you've read the report on the project and my government is deeply concerned about the affect of these weapons. The countries record isn't perfect. They threatened invasion after catching a few spies, god knows how many civilians that government were willing to sacrifice, and with a weapon of such scale, it is far to dangers to be in the hands of a single government unobserved."

'Yes. In that respect, the espionage charges have resulted in something much more serious being uncovered. I propose that in the meantime, the Lucifer project be disabled. We may be able to benefit from it as a region at a later date.'
'In the meantime however, something must be done about Novus Atlantica. I suggest a full investigation into what the government was planning to use the Lucifer project for, and why it felt the need to keep it secret.'

"Though I agree with you on the latter investigation side. It is an offensive military weapon, the only morally right benefit we would get is forming a defence. Even with the best intentions the technology would be used for wrong doing. We should really get an all out ban on this technology from the council."

'Of course, you are right. It just seemed like a very well thought out project, with a lot of intelligence behind it. Really, it just seemed a shame to put it to waste. But that should not get in the way of peace.'

"My people have seen what that technology can do. We can put all this forward at the council meeting. We should be able to get people to back these proposals. We need to secure peace down there, hopefully we can arrange something during the meeting."

A warm glow was now lighting the room, replacing the brilliant sunshine from earlier in the day. The pitcher of punch was empty, the courtyard deserted.
'Well that's us all sorted then. I hope to see you around soon, and I hope this good feeling between our nations will extend for many long years. Can I interest you in dinner tonight, courtesy of our government?'

He retrieved his papers and stood up, straightening his shirt "I would be delighted to accept your gracious invitation.? He said with a slight bow."

The notes were securely locked away in a concealed desk drawer, and the officials left the room, now lit only by an orange glow from the horizon.'

This post has been edited by Samonina on May 16 2004, 04:34 PM
Experienced Senator
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Posted: May 16 2004, 07:07 PM
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Inside the Citadel in Orichalc there is a room. This room is essentially a sphere cut out of the Citadel with a bridge spanning from the door to the central point of the spherical room where there is a computer desk and a writing desk. It is here that Imperator Revan Uvirith accomplishes much of his work, in solitude.

Deviath Fyr paced the red carpet in front of the desks, eyeing the obsidian walls...

"Imperator, it is the belief of our Intelligence that the nations of the Council are not too fond of the LUCIFER PROJECT. It may be in our best interests to commence the STARGATE PROJECT and relocate the LUCIFER PROJECT. If you don't mind me using the word PROJECT too much."

"What of the STARGATE PROJECT itself? Is it even possible to get anywhere? Is it even safe?

"The answer to your second question is 'yes'. The answer to your third question is... 'Unsure'. We are developing a probe to send through the Gate that will determine such a thing for us."

"We will NOT give up the LUCIFER PROJECT, by all means it must be protected. We spent too many damn years on that thing to let it all go to waste. The evidence of the Nojikan government sponsoring these terrorist activities should be enough to let us wage war against those Nojikans. Obviously it is not. Remind me again as to why we want to commence war."

"In order for our nation to be glorious we must quickly expand. These pitiful rules set by the Council regarding colonization are too restricting. If we wait until our population grows to the required amount it will be too late for colonization, our home land will be desecrated. We must acquire land and expand our glorious nation and then when we are large enough we stop our expansion and focus our priorities internally."

"Mmm hmm.... It is for the good of the people of Novus Atlantica then. We will wait for the completion of the Obelisk fighter wing then we will begin to make... attack plans... I am hoping this will be a quick battle, but I don't want to eliminate the Nojikan government, we just want their land. So maybe we can arrange for a relocation deal after we have crushed their military. I don't want to come off as a bad kind of guy, I really like those Nojikans but they should blame the restrictive "Rules of Expansion" of the Council before they blame me. Of course we must be wary of these larger nations such as Xile... But then again they seem to be more concerned with internal affairs than the affairs of the region."

"Indeed. Perhaps Saryn can contact Atlantian Outcasts and request a deal on the manufacturing rights of the Obelisk fighters so we may produce them ourselves..."

"An excellent idea, with those fighters I doubt our expansion would be questioned. I doubt the ground forces of all of Atlantian Oceania would be a match for my Sardaukar, but we would need Air Superiority before we could take the fight to the ground... But I must be going now Consul, I have an important meeting with the citizens of the town of Baetauri. Fare well."

With that the Imperator got up and strode out the door, the two Sardaukar at the entrance followed him to the shuttle exit of the Citadel, two more Sardaukar at that entrance joined the entourage and they boarded the shuttle. Its engines powered up, the cloaking device engaged and the only thing that confirmed it was gone was the sonic boom that followed shortly as the shuttle sped toward Baetauri.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 18 2004, 04:28 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC-New Map in the event war breaks out. Flags indicate forces of course, their positions at present are just examples. As AORDO dosn't have a flag I used the 3 colours of the protectorate nations.

user posted image

They grey lines connecting the dots are the national waters.

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 18 2004, 06:57 AM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 18 2004, 06:44 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
VOIA Intelligence Report:

The Nojikan government appears to be cooperating in no way with AORDO or the Novus Atlantican government. When asked questions, they ignore and change the subject. When pressed with evidence the respond circumstancially.

More details to follow...
Posts: 1300
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Posted: May 19 2004, 05:54 AM
PMEmail Poster
OFC: Well if they don't comply they will be left to the mercy of N.A.
I will contact them and try to get a yes or no out of them.

Flagship - Tachbe Naval Group, Lopinka Harbour

The admiral left the bridge of the TNS Tabla and strolled around the balcony looking at the city as the ship pulled into the dock, the fleet following behind. In the distance Tachbes AORDO taskforce with its flag, the Valliant, docked outside the AORDO headquarters building.

"Admiral, our planes landed an hour ago and are awaiting commands." The ships commander said meeting him outside."=

"Good. The force is almost assembled." The admiral replied while staring out over the fleet docking in the bay, may not be the largest or most powerful but the admiral had always considered it the finest, built up over the many years of experience, a quality of navy threatened though by budgets cuts and of course by war, though the latter was hardly going to defeat them. "Get the rest of AORDO in position round the area, if it?s worth it. We have come all this way I hope we get some action. How about some weapons testing later in the afternoon?"

"In the harbour sir?"

"Little gun fire never hurt anyone. As long as they weren?t hit by it." He paused slight as he noticed a cargo vessel trying to enter the harbour being swarmed by patrol boats. "What?s that ship commander?"

"That?s a refugee ship sir. For the past day or two they have been trying to get into Vilita, I hear Aethyrea I shaving a similar problem with them."

"God knows how many spies are lurking among them."

"I think they would find a better way in than a refugee ship."

"You never know with these people, sneaky buggers."

"Do you actually like anyone sir?"

"Of course not, I wouldn?t be an Admiral if I started to like foreign nations. Now, we need to work on the invasion strategy."

"Defence strategy sir"

"Same thing. Were fighting the buggers"

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 19 2004, 06:25 AM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 19 2004, 02:47 PM
PMEmail Poster
'Sir, shall we send forces to the Nojikan border?'
'Yes, do so at once. Send the 132nd Heath Division and the 60th Airborne Division'

132nd Heath Division:
45 Leopard III MBTs
700 Armor Personell and Armor Support Personell.
260 High Ranking Officers and Special Operations Personell.
16,000 Regular Infantry
2,400 Engineers
1,700 Support Technicians
15 Black Hawk Military Assault Helos
25 Cobra Military Attack Helos
500 Airborne Support Personell
1,800 Airborne Assault Specialists

60th Airborne Division
120 Stryker LAVs
30 Assorted LAVs
1,500 LAV Support Personell
140 High Ranking Officers
360 Special Operations Personell
7,000 Airborne Assault Specialists
40 Black Hawk Military Assault Helos
60 Cobra Military Attack Helos
3 Comet Heavy Paradrop Jets
14 F-35 JSF Fighters
2,400 Airborne Support Personell
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: May 19 2004, 02:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
OFC-If you wish to deply your own troops thats fine but I remind you that Nojika has not signaled their agreement to the conditions of AORDO aid and by offering help you are jepodising change of them facing justice to the council on the terrorism charges which evidence has been produced connecting them to. AORDO forces should remain based at the AORDO HQ in Vilita till an agreement has been reached.

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 19 2004, 02:58 PM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 19 2004, 06:44 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Isn't it OOC (Out Of Character)?


Imperator Revan Uvirith looked at a battle map and pointed at one of the Nojikan fronts. "It appears the nation of the Holy Saints is mobilizing several attack forces along the Nojikan border. Odd that they are so quick to do such a thing when they know they can only defend Nojika when it has accepted the terms. I wish them good luck in finding suitable military bases for their many troops and equipment."

Deviath Fyr nodded his head in agreement and pulled out a data pad, inserted a crystal and began to speak...

"PROJECT LUCIFER is being moved to Alpha-Site, the Obelisk fighter wing has finished testing and they are ready for combat. Their ablative armor should protect them from one... MAYBE two missile hits... After that it's up to the pilot's skill to survive death. Fortunately an Obelisk can out-maneuver most planes and their refit with gauss rifles and Destructor missile pods has lowered the amount of power required to supply the weapons systems meaning more power for the engines. Our defensive gauss rifles are currently being entrenched as we speak along our eastern coast. As soon as any Nojikan ship reaches our waters they are going to get one hell of a surprise. I must also say that the new X1 man-portable infantry gauss rifle is very popular among your Sardaukar."

The Imperator turned from the battle screen and faced the Consul, his cloak soaking up most of the light...

"That's a lot of good news... But surely something is not in our favor."

The Consul cleared his throat.

"You are correct, defensive gauss rifles while completed in the eastern region are still under construction in the northern region. If Nojika complies with the terms set before them... And A.O.R.D.O moves in on us from the north... We would be completely defenseless. The only thing that be inbetween them and Orichalc would be the 1st, 4th, 6th, and of course the 9th Legions, as well as the five gauss rifles in Orichalc itself but those wouldn't be able to fire until enemy forces were well within Novus Atlantica. The other problem is that despite our advanced technology we simply don't have enough military personel to repel both Nojikan AND A.O.R.D.O forces. Keep in mind this is us on the defense. There is also that plan to take Nojika. The only way we could do that would be for A.O.R.D.O not to intervene. But by the looks of it, Nojika won't be complying any time soon."

"Indeed... We must prepare for A.O.R.D.O to intervene however... Switch to Combat Alert Omega. It is time to prepare for war..."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: May 19 2004, 06:56 PM
PMEmail Poster
Aidan Canonite sat at his desk, his hands covering his face.

"I never thought we would have to see a war of this scale again, especially since the Great Invasion."

His Minister of Military Affairs, Luke Gentilian sat across from him, looking on stoically as he presented the tactics of either decision. He then waited for the president to confer with his Minister of Diplomatic Affairs.

Kayla Jerican presented graphs, polls, and her expectations of the response. She gave an exasperated sigh, and continued in her revelations...

Aidan listened, slowly nodding his head. Finally, he stood up. "Novus Atlantica's imperialistic attitude must be checked before their thirst for power and land consumes the entire region. The terrorist attacks were tragic, but I sense they were simply a ploy used by a nation waiting to display dominance throughout Atlantian Oceania. Their recent propulsion of such pro-war instruments as the "Lucifer Project" are simply a warning sign of such. Send an all points bulletin out to anyone who will assist us in the defense of Nojika. Prepare the troops for deployment. Until we are allowed entry by the Nojikians, commence a build up in territory 2 just south of Novus Atlantica, and west of Nojika. Keep me posted on all developments."

With that, the room full of delegates and generals was cleared. Only Gentilian remained. "We will await authorization of the Nojikian government and any assistance that might be garnered from other nations. Either way, we have nearly an entire region to oppose us."

Aidan sat down and once again buried his head in his hands. "I know. I know damn it, but we can't just let this stand." With that, the minister left the room.

This post has been edited by Xile on May 19 2004, 07:09 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 19 2004, 07:35 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Tachbe @ May 19 2004, 07:57 PM)
OFC-If you wish to deply your own troops thats fine but I remind you that Nojika has not signaled their agreement to the conditions of AORDO aid and by offering help you are jepodising change of them facing justice to the council on the terrorism charges which evidence has been produced connecting them to. AORDO forces should remain based at the AORDO HQ in Vilita till an agreement has been reached.

ooc: and at the same time, if i wish to keep my own intrests secure, i can, so defending his link to my nation is rather a selfish act than a AORDO force act. sorry to say, but the only thing it will jepordize is my relationship with his nation, nothing more.

'Sir, the troops are in position. Shall the special Corps be sent in, sir?'
'yes, station them in the land at the border... they'll know what to do from there, they have their civil war experience. let them be and they will make their own administrative decisions, just set up a supply checkpoint for them.'
'at once, sir!

An unidentified group of about 1,500 men and armor move out from Lubeck at 0300 the next day...
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: May 19 2004, 08:45 PM
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A young woman knocks on the door to an enormous office, filled with numerous antiques and artifacts, with a large table located in the center, obviously a meeting room of some sort.

At the head of the table sits Aron Lavinsky, Abattoir's current leader, if that's what you'd call him, hastily looking over some notes.

"Sir, we've recieved an urgent message from the Xilian President, Aidan Canonite, sir" exlaims the exhausted and scared looking messenger.

The proclaimed "Prime Minister" simply curls his lip and laughs.

"I'll be damned if I'll have to get into this after all, I was hoping this could be avoided, thank you."

Reading the telegram, the prime minister can do nothing but shake his head, and call his secretary.

"Could you please alert my advisors that I expect them here within six hours, and to prepare for a long night."

Slowly the advisors stalk into the room, obviously tired from a quick reviewing of the situation currently going on within the region.

Abattoir's chief Military Officer, and General of Abattoir's naval forces, Jason Salvon is the first to speak.

"Sir, I believe we must assert all our abilities to assist the nation of Xile, and those
inhabiting Nojika within our power at this moment. I have set our Military Alert to Level 3, of hostile intent recognized, and am awaiting orders to deploy a defending force to the nearby areas."

"I agree that the actions being presented by Novus Atlantica and the AORDO are a little dramatic, but aren't their feelings of anguish and revenge towards Nojika well deserved?" comments Lavinsky.

"It is my belief that the government of Nojika has had nothing to do with these attacks, and have merely forwarned us of plans of regional take-over planned by Novus Atlantica. It has been 100% confirmed that the terrorist incident was completed by a Nojikian group, but we have seen any evidence to support that the government had any involvement in financing or organizing the group," the General retorts.

With this Lavinsky laughs and cracks a uneasy smile, "Supposing your right, Jason, and that the Novus Imperator has plans to develop new, unheard of weapons, how can we defend such an attack?"

Secretary of Internal Affairs Austin Herring gives a low cough and begins, "The anti-ballistic missle system has been up and operating for three years now, and we have set up Satellite missle silo's in case we must destroy any incoming warheads. I think we are adequately protected from any missle attack, and our military is stronger than ever with more than 10 million enrolled in the navy alone."

The Prime Minister simply replies, "And what reasons would you have us to assist Xile? Have our past hostilites not shaken you enough?"

The Minister of Finance and Economy decides it is his turn to pipe in, and replies, "Sir, I must simply say that these hostilities were years ago under when Xile was under a far more 'supremist' government. Since Aidan has taken over there have been no signs of any actions being prepared against us, and after opening up the trade restrictions set in 1992, both of our economies have prospered. If for nothing else, we would be securing our nation from a near economical suicide."

"But is it worth war?"

After a long silence, the advisor states, "If it is asked of us. Novus Atlantica and the AORDO must stay within the bounds of diplomacy or we will be forced to act."

"Very well, send a message to Mr. Canonite and inform him that I would like a personal meeting via satellite phone with him and a Nojika diplomat within the next 24 hours. Also inform my contacts in Stars that I would like to speak with April Pelasty of Rendition about preparing their airlifts, we may need to call on them for help in this situation. That will be all gentlemen."

The advisors silently exit the room, leaving the Prime Minister to himself.

He mutters to himself, "Damn it all" and begins to indulge himself in numerous sheets of statistics and proposals.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on May 19 2004, 09:15 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
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