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New Babylonia Construction
Posted: Jun 1 2004, 10:06 AM
PMEmail Poster
Work was going at a furious pace on the new city, as millions became part of the construction effort. They hoped to have the city in a habitable stage within 3 years, and back to the prestige of old Babylonia within 10, but work was slow despite the vigor of the workers.

Plans were discussed at the Senate over electing a new leader, and construction information was relayed to the members. They looked grimly at the projected completion time of the city, 8 years for habitation, 30 to become as glorious as the old city once was.

The Novus Atlantican delegate entered the room, his eyes narrowed.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jun 1 2004, 10:23 AM
PMEmail Poster
"Due to your failure to respond to our messages, we have but one course of action to take. I apologize that this must be done, but alas, it is what you deserve."

The delegate opened his data pad, tapped in something and put it away.

"Good day gentlemen..." With that he left the building and entered the Scarab shuttle, the four Sardaukar with him looked around to ensure safety and then followed. The doors closed, engines powered up, and the shuttle shot off toward Orichalc.

In the Alexandria Plains, 9 radar-like dishes turned 30 degrees upward and began to glow. Several minutes later they all fired an energy beam at the sky, the 9 beams converged high above the atmosphere and fired on a satellite with some type of metallic shield. The beam struck the shield and was idmediately deflected down back toward the earth. It ripped down through the air and dissipated on a construction beam in New Babylonia.

The Senate of Xile, having witnessed this via a video feed gasped... A senator spoke.

"Novus Atlantica has betrayed us! The LUCIFER PROJECT! They are firing at us!"

The workers in New Babylonia closed their eyes, fearing the end... A burst of white light erupted and all was quiet...

A worker opened his eyes and began to weep, for he was alive! He screamed to his fellow workers and jumped. It was then that they all realized what had happened, as he jumped he soared many meters in the air and then came back down slowly. The LUCIFER system had indeed been used, but to decrease, not increase, the gravitational field in New Bablyonia!

In no time the workers began realizing how easily they could lift metal beams without the use of machinery.

Imperator Nonus Virius Revan Uvirithae chuckled at the visual link... He shut it off and continued with his daily work.

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on Jun 1 2004, 10:24 AM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jun 1 2004, 11:36 AM
PMEmail Poster
Three days after working at breakneck speeds, the time-frame for completion of the city had been retracted greatly, it even stood at a year in more pessimistic opinions.

Workers dashed about, seeing the fruits of their labor almost instantaneously. It had a very revitalizing affect on their labor throughout the days. The dock worker who had realized what had happened once Lucifer had fired was carrying a beam nearly effortlessly towards the new Senate building. A wave rippled through the air, and the beam came falling down on him before he had time to react, killing him instantly.

Confusion set in among the workers, and labor came to an abrupt halt.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jun 1 2004, 11:43 AM
PMEmail Poster
The research center 45 levels below Orichalc was bustling with scientists looking over data and frantically trying to find out what had happened.

The research team leader stepped forward to the Imperator...

"The effects of the LUCIFER system last approximately three days, the distortion then stops and the gravitational fields instantly return to their normal levels..."

"Intriguing.... Charge up the system and prepare to fire again, send a message to Xile concerning the effect duration, that way we don't have any more casualties. And Consul, send the family of the lost worker some compensation."

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on Jun 1 2004, 11:45 AM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jun 2 2004, 04:00 PM
PMEmail Poster
Five doves raise the two-ton gilded seal of Xile to the top of the Senate building, a tribute to Novus Atlantican technological achievement. The event marks the beginning of a new Xile in New Babylonia, as the first and second tiers of the city are completed.
Three-fourths of the population has already relocated to the lavish, if not overly large residencies upon the second tier. Another 300 million are still in the process of moving, while the rest of the population will remain in the devestated territories that were once the great nation of Xile.
Construction has begun on the third and fourth tiers, which are mainly to be allocated for services and vegetation, while the extravagent cleansing system at the sub-level below the industrial tier is already in place to prevent another disaster in the Xilian ecosystem. Construction of the third and fourth tiers is planned to be completed within the next few years.
Businesses have flocked over this time period to take advantage of the Lucifer system while it was still available, cutting labor costs and production time drastically. The economy remains strong, despite the move and a more government intervention in corporation policies dealing with emissions and the environment.
The harbor is quite a spectacle, as the entire Xilian navy is docked there to regroup and recieve orders. Trading ships are still arriving, bringing needed supplies to the city, and taking the various exports to the markets.

The city is still not as an imposing figure as old Babylonia, but has quite a bit of potential.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jun 2 2004, 06:14 PM
PMEmail Poster
Imerator Revarius Silvanus stood at the ceremony, surrounded by his nine Elite Praetorians, gazing at the doves as they so effortlessly lifted the seal into place.

As the doves set the seal into place Revarius walked over to President Adonis Lauir, he grasped the President's hand and spoke firmly.

"Adonis, this represents a new age between our two nations. The forging of a great alliance. The gods will remember this day and together we shall soon bring great peace and prosperity unto Atlantian Oceania. I will be returning to Orichalc at the end of the day, if there is anything you need, anytime before then would be the best time to ask me."

Adonis nodded his head and mumbled something to the Imperator and then waved his hand to a guard captain. He mumbled something to the captain and proceeded off.

Revarius climbed aboard his shuttle and sped off towards his base camp just north of New Babylonia, when he got there he idmediately noticed the increased security (courtesy of Xilian military forces) around his base.

"Damn rebels, wishing to remain in the original Xilian land. What do they think attacking me will do about it?"

The commander of the Praetorian responded.

"It matters not Imperator, the fact is they will do it, the nine of us would be no match against two hundred of them in an ambush, we should be thankful for this security."

"Yes, you are right Falxius... I suppose that is why I chose you as the commander of my Guard. May the gods be with you forever and always!"
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jun 2 2004, 06:41 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Dear gods! Imperator! The situation here is escalating beyond our control, it is advised that we get out of this area NOW! The military of Bullet Wounds is making aggresive acts against Xile, we must take you back to Orichalc idmediately!"

Falxius Maximus, commander of the Praetorian Guard rushed to the Imperator's side, he called his men into place and they formed a defensive circle around the Imperator as they approached the Goliath shuttle. Once the Imperator and the Guard got on, the shuttle bay hatch secured and the shuttle lifted off.

"Avoid Soul Expression and Bullet Wounds air space at all costs pilot." Falxius ordered. He tapped a key on his data pad and the base camp detonated in a ball of flame consuming all of the supplies and tents left behind.

Revarius sighed.

"Put the defense systems of Praetextia on full alert. All other defense systems switch to orange alert beta. Mobilize the legions in the case that Xile calls on our aid."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jun 2 2004, 08:44 PM
PMEmail Poster
THS can offer drop ships, etc, and use of THS airspace for transfer of equipment and so on.

~ Restructured Diplomatic Corps of THS.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jun 2 2004, 11:18 PM
PMEmail Poster
::Transmission: Adonis Lauir - THS Embassy::

Thank you for this badly needed support. If we are forced to call upon your graciously appreciated aid, we will do so, but we will not bring your nation into this dispute except as an act of desperation. We will remain in contact.

::Transmission Ended::

::Transmission: Adonis Lauir - Imperator Revarius Silvanus::

It appears as if we might need to call on your aid earlier than we first anticipated Imperator. We will keep you posted on the escalation of hostility in the land, and will remain in contact. Thank you for your assistance in this time of need.

::Transmission Ended::

Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jun 5 2004, 09:55 AM
PMEmail Poster
Abattoir will protect your new area due to its close proximity to the region. If any help is needed in the former homeland, let us know.
Pinprick of Apathy
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