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Xilean Scientific Venture
Posted: Oct 20 2004, 09:50 AM
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OOC: Huh?
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Oct 20 2004, 10:35 AM
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OOC: Nothing.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 20 2004, 04:18 PM
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OOC: Xile isn't the only one who's wondering what Termaria was talking about.


IC: When President Matt returned from 'meeting the people,' he found the NIA director waiting for him in his office. Without comment, the NIA director handed the President the Sat shots, which President Matt looked over.

"So," he said, "Xile is now watching his 'boxes.' Have the Navy watch the Xilean ships closest to Lamoni shores."

"Yes sir," the director said.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 20 2004, 05:08 PM
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OOC:I found something funny there. Forget about it.

Once securely underneath the waves, the team began to set up the high-tech tools they would use to determine the contents of the Xilean boxes. A set of multifrequency spectroscopes and spectroscopic recievers to determine both the composition of the interior as well as the exterior as the initial analysis had since been shown to be dubious in accuracy, an autonomous probe to identify the nature and effect of the box's defenses, and several secondary ones which they would use to attempt to actually identify the nature and function of the box's interior.

While the team rested secure in the knowledge that their presence could not be detected by any method of detection beyond a close visual, they nevertheless had lookouts posted who would send visual signals to the rest of the team if need be. It was imperative that they maintained radio silence--despite the dampening effects of water, minute signals could still be picked up by surface ships or nearby submarines.

Their variety of readings secured and the gear successfully packed away into the small vehicle they had brought with them, they began to slowly and cautiously ascend towards the surface. It occured that perhaps a better course of action would be to travel towards the shore a few miles before rising, but orders were orders, regardless of their intelligence.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 20 2004, 07:21 PM
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Tobias Vanion stood brooding over the ships railing. He was no high ranking official, and his thinking most definately did not reflect back upon his paycheck. However, the current situation perplexed him greatly and even disturbed him somewhat. He did not understand why they had been sitting here for three days for no apparent reason. What's more, he did not understand why there was no end in sight. He looked out again upon the water, his mind full of these thoughts. A peculiar looking black streak sped below him. Follower by another. Then another. Without thinking twice, he was running to the bridge to inform the admiral.


A yellow dot and a loud beep crashed the silence that had deadened the room over the past week. Cameron quickly switched off his television set and rolled his chair to the screen. Koren simply scoffed and fell back into his bed. "Probably just another damn fish swimming into it." He laughs. "Probably got a hell of a shock too."

Cameron isn't so quick to dismiss the alarm. He stares at the screen another moment before rolling his chair back to his television set. "You're probably right..." he mutters across to Koren as he reaches to switch the set back on. The yellow light returns. The extremely loud beep returns, this time becoming an annoying tone. The tone does not stop. All of the crew of the artic command center quickly jump up and rush to their various stations. Cameron snatches his direct line to military command off the wall and begins stammering orders furiously over the phone.


Admiral Iscarion rushes through the door with lightning speed. It nearly flattens Tobias against a wall. A steady stream of officers follows him out. He calls quickly, fearing his voice may be lost in a moment. "I saw something in the water admiral!" It was too late. Iscarion was already barking orders to his subordinates. "DEPTH CHARGES IN THE WATER NOW! GET DIVERS IN THE WATER AND SEND OUT RECON BOATS! I WANT SPECIAL FORCES STARING AT THAT WATER UNTIL THEIR EYES CHANGE COLORS!"


With a loud gurgling noise the depth charges are dropped into the water. Loud booms alert the crew to the occourances on deck. "If the explosions didn't kill them, the sound would probably shatter them." Judias Iscarion thought as he paced the deck. The black uniformed members of special forces trained their assault rifles on the water. The divers were lowered and began to search things out. The recon boats sped around outside the ship, three black uniformed men on each. Iscarion turns around, anxious of further news from command. He begins the long walk back to the communications room.

The tatter of rapid fire from an assault rifle breaks the silence of his walk. More and more rifles break into the cacophony. He rushed back on the deck. More work for public relations probably, but atleast the bases were covered from his end. The recon boats sped toward the scene as the black uniformed men continued to unload their guns into the water, in some places now shades of red. His own divers began chattering over their radios. Another reason to return to the communications room. He broke into a frantic run. Screw looking professional.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 21 2004, 02:45 PM
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"Oh, God," Colonel Venganza moaned to himself. He was suspended in a froth of his opererative's destroyed flesh, swimming through a sea of red. Every few seconds, another bullet would come streaking down through the water in his vicinity--he had already been hit by one, and several others had been extremely close calls. He still didn't radio for help--that would have been suicide--but he swam down as fast as he could--safety lay in the depths, or so he hoped. Eventually, he cleared the cloud of gore above him, and became aware of several more figures in the water below him--his men and women, also hiding from the carnage above them. He made his way down to them, and--using hand signals, because their ears were still ringing from the depth charge, which they had been far away enough from to have survived--communicated that they should swim a few miles towards Lamoni, then surface and radio the pick-up crew.

They made for the shore, traveling several miles--extremely difficult with the wounds they had sustained during the conflict. They were only 15 miles from shore when they decided to surface. One of them went up, and the other watched in horror as his body was shredded by Xilean bullets. Laden with fear, the others swam towards shore--it would be a long journey, but preferable to certain death. Venganza suspected that international tensions would flair over the incident—he didn’t realize how little he understood.

This was the end of a tenuous peace between Xile and Lamoni, albeit a peace always underscored by violent conflict. Xile had entered Lamonian territory—strictly in contravention of regional policy—and, what more, had actually attacked a Lamonian ally on Lamonian territory. What had begun as little more than forgivable and expected Xilean aggression would soon erupt into explosive conflict. The XiLamonian War had begun.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 21 2004, 10:59 PM
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The news was slow in coming, but when he heard it, President Matt demanded to see the Termarian crew that was presently in a Lamoni hospital. He wasn't mad at what the team had tried to do, but he was mad that Xile had broken international law, and shot up Lamonian allies IN LAMONIAN WATERS!!!!!!! He had already sent a message to the Xilean leadership demanding a public apology and investigation into the incident, but he knew that Xile would just laugh it off. If Xile did laugh it off, then there would be no choice. War would have to be declared. President Matt was sure that the right wing politicians would love the chance to get back at Xile for the murder of the AOlympic athletes, but had genuinely not wanted things to go to hell like this. The declaration of war was already written, all that would have to be done is to confirm it in the Senate.

President Matt was not looking forward to this war. It would be Lamoni, Termaria, Ainorpisp, and possibly Wapahkoneta against Xile, NA, and possibly Abbatoir. This would make the South Cove conflict look like a sand-table exercise. Lamoni forces were already at the border with Novvs Atlantis, and the rest of the military was ready to fight.

"Only Xile can stop this war from happening now." President Matt thought as he met the leader of the Termarian squad.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 01:18 AM
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Honored Leader Elana Kain had returned to a room in the national capital that she had come to know all too well - the war room. Once again, she and the commanders of the Ainorpispian military, along with Councilor Yrezinski of the International Affairs Department and High Priestess Alexandria, gathered at the table to discuss a potentially hostile situation. She had hoped dearly that neither side in the odd Xilean scientific venture would resort to using force. Now that Xile had reportedly fired on Termarian divers, Lamoni was likely considering war as a viable option. Kain shook her head and took another look at the map of Atlantian Oceania on the table before her.

"So it's boiling down to this again," she sighed, "Lamoni will want an official apology, Xile may not give them one - and most likely won't, and Lamoni may very well declare war. This puts us in a very stressful situation."

"Lamoni has always been our ally, ma'am, and to not support them now would be nigh treasonous," stated Air Marshal Harrington, "If they request our aid, we must be ready to join in their cause for better or worse. They have always been ready to do so when we required assistance, and we must live up to our end of the bargain. It's as simple as that."

"Begging your pardon, Air Marshal, but this is not our fight. The incident occured far off from our Motherland, albeit reportedly... and I stress reportedly... in Lamoni waters. I fail to see how any of this involves us," countered Councilor Yrezinski, who had lost most of his family in the War of Liberation, "Yes, we have a signed alliance with Lamoni and Wapahkoneta, but this nation Termaria is... another matter. Technically, since we have not officially signed an alliance with them, we can say that because it was Termarian divers who were attacked, this doesn't involve us."

"We don't need to be involved in an all-out war, to be harshly honest. Though we may want to be involved, we can not afford war, not with the likes of an alliance the caliber of Xile and Novvs Atlantis. Even with our Lamoni allies and their Termarian comrades, I am skeptical as to the likelyhood of victory. I know that we have never lost a war, but I will not in good conscience authorize our fighting men and women to commit to this conflict, likely sending many to their death, and for what? Revenge? I know that some of you are hungry for it after what happened at the AOlympics and the Peace Conference, but shall we sacrifice the safety of peace for a war that is not our own? Are you ready to deal with the great burden of informing countless Ainorpispian families that the High Council regretfully informs them that their son, daughter, sister, brother, father or mother died in this war?" Elana Kain concluded her own thoughts aloud as she looked to each of the people at the table, "For the time being at least, the Sacred Land of Ainorpisp is to remain neutral. We will see what both sides do before taking actions ourselves."

She turned to General Quong, the Ainorpispian Army's CinC, "Send a message to Starblaydia asking permission to send a naval force to the area under the banner of AORDO. If Lamoni and Xile intend to make war as things stand now, we will not let them shed blood for a petty disagreement that may end up being a misunderstanding anyhow. We must keep all of our options open."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 04:30 AM
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OOC: My reading of this is that Xile is guarding its 'boxes', which have been placed outside Lamoni's territorial waters. Termaria has somehow displaced them to inside the boundary, chasing after his divers, which I think is wrong.

Unless Xile has said he'll pursue you, which I don't think he has (correct me if I'm wrong), you can't drag his ships into Lamoni 's Waters, where he wouldn't want to go anyway, rendering the last three posts since Xile started firing absolutely useless.
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 08:28 AM
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(OOC: You are correct in this assumption, I never intended to enter Lamoni waters)

Adonis Lauir paced the room furiously. "This is nothing but propaganda from a nation trying to advance itself in an alliance with a more powerful one. Admiral Iscarion did not enter Lamoni's waters. We can back this up with not only his highly-esteemed testimony and the testimonies of numerous other officials on the ship, but also sattelite feeds that show the ship well beyond Lamoni's jurisdiction."

"Send this data to Lamoni immediately. We do not wish for a war right now, especially based on these unfounded accusations."

"Contact our allies, and inform them of the situation intimately. As for Termaria..." His voice trails off.

"We will not apologize. They tried to obtain data we deemed top-secret by clandestine and subversive means. We issued the statement that we would protect this data by force. We have done simply that, and they could by no means have not expected this result. They are trying to pull the region into a war it does not want, and this international occourance was just the vehicle they needed to do it."

He threw the reports in his hands violently upon the ground. Breathing heavily, he began to recompose himself. "Issue a statement to the same effect I just pronounced. Contact Ainorpisp and offer this explaination. This seems to be out of our hands for the moment. Let it be known if war does erupt, we did everything in our power to prevent it."

This post has been edited by Xile on Oct 22 2004, 08:31 AM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 11:42 AM
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As soon as the Xilean message was recieved, it was brought immediately to the Honored Leader's office in the Hall of Government and placed directly into the hands of Elana Kain. At first, Kain was skeptical about anything coming from Xile, especially their President (OOC: is he a President or something else? can't remember) Adonis Lauir, but she decided it was her duty to have an open mind about this. Unless you considered everyone's point of view, you don't really know what the motivations behind certain actions would be. It was not a mistake that Ainorpisp was going to make, especially right now in a time when peace had seemed to be settling.

Once she'd read it, Elana Kain turned to look out her office's window that overlooked the Plaza, just as rain continued to pour down from the sky. After a long moment of thought, Kain turned to High Priestess Alexandria I, who had also come to the office for another purpose entirely. The decision was there in Kain's questioning eyes, and a nod from Alexandria confirmed it.

"I know the Xileans may have been less than admirable in their actions during the recent past, and that many Ainorpispians still feel anger towards them. We may never entirely offer forgiveness, but we have begun to move on. Our country has put what happened in the past, and we are progressing as both a nation and a people. Holding a grudge would be taking a step back, and more importantly, cloud this potentially violent situation. Therefore, it is our duty to take the Xilean information into consideration," Kain stated to the aide who had brought her the message, as well as the High Priestess, "And in this case, the information that we have gathered matches up better with the Xilean case than the Termaria/Lamoni case. There's no proof that the devices were anything but scientific, Xilean ships never intruded upon Lamoni waters, and war would be pointless and bloody at this point. Tell Xile that we believe them - for now, and that unless circumstances change, we intend to remain neutral."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 12:11 PM
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OOC: Yes he is an elected President, although a former general. Traditionally, generals and other high ranking military officials rise to political power in Xile after a general - Aidan Cannonite - reformed the government.

I will respond in length after I see the responses of the other involved parties.

This post has been edited by Xile on Oct 22 2004, 12:12 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 01:38 PM
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Colonel Venganza, lying in his Lamonian hospital bed, reacted with outrage to the inquires of the reporters.

"What do you mean those weren't Xilean bullets? Who else would have shot my man? The truth is that he is now dead, and I have to write a letter to his family telling them that their father is dead. Those bullets came from somewhere--I ask you again. If Xile didn't shoot him, who did?"

The throng of reporters communicating with the Colonel via a closed circuit channel hummed with interest, furiously scratching away at their pads. Meanwhile, in Termaria,


"If you will notice, Xile said nothing about preventing operatives from countries other than Lamoni from inspecting the boxes," said the minister of law, Steven Occulto, protesting to Lord Virig and the rest of the council, "we were perfectly within our declared rights to perform the inspection!"

"It's no use picking at inane details." said Rafael Montanegro, the Termarian Minister of War, "What is done is done. The only option that remains to us is to protest the immediate Xilean use of extreme force, and to attempt to determine who attacked our operative, if it was not Xile." The rest of the council, with the exception of Lord Virig, nodded at this emphasis of the situation soon to be released in newspapers from around the world. Lord Virig sat and looked mildly perturbed, his brow wrinkled and his fists clenched.

"Soon," he said as he stood from his seat at the head of the table, "this conflict will need to be addressed. Hopefully we can do so without the use of force, but, if the situation requires that we respond, we will respond swiftly and without hesitation. Charles, make sure that the newspapers here about our decision." The minister of news, Charles DuGalle(of no relation to the Gaulic statesman), nodded and made a note on his pad.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 22 2004, 03:35 PM
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When the information from Xile was recieved, it was brought to the attention of President Matt.

After reviewing the Xilean data, and comparing it with Lamonian data (Lamoni doesn't trust Xile, but we do trust facts). It was discovered that the Termarian team COULD have been mistaken. As to who was shooting at the Termarian team, it was still thought that Xile was a likely candidate for that, but Xile would not want to start a war by entering Lamonian waters.

"Draw down the military alert to peacetime operations." President Matt ordered.
Democratic Maniac
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