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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 09:40 PM
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Determined Blues Led By Former Nationals
Alson and Amoa will manage the Panthers for this 18th running of the AOCAF

For the first time in many, many years, the Blues of Nojika have released a formal squad sheet for all to view. Also unlike previous competitions, two former international players will lead the squad from the bench - national heroes Jerrel Alson and Carlos Amoa will serve as the Manager and Assistant Manager for the squad this year, and their ambition and determination is sure to carry over to their players.

"This year is a year of change for Nojika. We will not go out in the group stage. Carlos [Amoa] and I have done a lot of work to find the best of the best in our country and have called up a mixture of young superstars and mature experienced players from home," said national manager Jerrel Alson when releasing the squad sheet today. Perhaps the biggest surprise came in the form of call ups for brothers Rudy and Preston Greeves. "Rudy is tremendous in the League, and I've seen him play along side Preston," said Alson, "When they are together, they achieve great things. They have that sort of bond with one another, and if they can bring that spark to the national team, then they will continue to surprise and surpass their opponents."

Other players that received a call up this year are Coral Cove FC keeper Potempa who has allowed just 17 goals last season, Rozier City captain Robbie Hedeen will captain the national team this year while starting at left back, and in the midfield Billet, Vanes, Samec and Betance will surely dominate possesion in each game and provide that experienced and creative edge the Panthers will need to get out of the group stage this year.

"This year is a year of change for Nojika." - Jerrel Alson
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 01:14 AM
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Hawks get ready for AOCAF XVIII

After their amazing title win in AOCAF XVII, you knew that Lamoni would attempt to defend their title. This team in now third in the region, just beneath the team that they destroyed to get the title... Vilita&Turori.

Our major opposition in Group C comes in the form of SDL allies Nedalia and Bazalonia. Mangager Riyall has a plan for these two teams, but it appears that only the team knows what the plan is. We shall get to see the plan against Bazalonia tommorow, as our first match of AOCAF XVIII kicks off. Whatever the plan is, we are certain that the Lamonian players will execute it in traditional Lamonian fashion. That is, diligently.

There have been unconfirmed rumors that Manager Riyall might retire at the end of this AOCAF, leaving the Managerial position open to a foreigner. As we do well know, only Lamonians have Coached the Hawks to date. With the Myrtannian decision to sign a Pacitalian as a Manager, it has left many in the LFA wondering if Lamoni should do the same. Certainly, there are other people in foreign lands to fill the position; but there are also those who say that we shouldn't mess with the Lamonian Managerial traditions, and ONLY have Lamonians as the AOCAF team's Manager. The rumors of a Riyall departure have only suceeded in adding fuel to the fires of this debate about the future of the Lamoni Hawks.

Either way, the team shall be concentrating on AOCAF XVIII first and foremost.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 09:11 AM
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RP Cutoff for Match Day One
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 10:36 AM
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Az-cz Scroll

Gnomes set goals low

After last AOCAF, where the Gnomes failed to record even a single point they have set their sights much lower. Last time, they used their full squad, coming off a successful world cup campaign, but still in havoc after the stabbing of their captain. This time with the AOCAF having returned to a concurrent schedule with the world cup and their main squad away, the Gnomes will be sending a very young squad.

Jo-Bgz has set the sights of the team relatively low. "We know how strong our opponents our", he explained. "We used our best players last cup and they couldn't advance. We know the strength of Atlantian Oceania. We just hope to gain experience and advance past Ereeland."

The players were more confident, but knew the task at hand was tough. "Lamoni are the defending champs and have made the finals in consecutive tournaments, so we know they are going to be incredibly difficult. And Nedalia and Bazalonia we've both faced plenty before. So there's no doubting their ability either. But we're a talented young squad and we can do damage." Those were the words of captain EE-Or, the only player on the squad who competed last AOCAF.

The team certainly has a tough path ahead of it, but they know that they can acchieve some results against the other teams and hopefully make a respectable showing.
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 10:54 AM
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Az-cz Scroll

Young players show no fear in upsetting Nedalia

The Gnomes players were given little shot. With a number of their older better players being left behind and the job being left to a quite young squad, little was expected of the team. Even their own coach wasn't putting too much pressure on them to succeed. However the Gnomes young players weren't awed and came out tough.

The gnomes showed none of the jitters that were expected as quickly the came out and turned the pitch into an up and down race. Both teams were making good plays and creating good shots. The first goal was created on a play that has Az-cz fans feeling much more confident about replacing Ml-Dni. La-Yu slipped up the side and crossed a beautiful ball in to EE-Or, which put the Gnomes ahead in the thirty third minute.

The Nedalians increased the pace even more but the Gnomes held firm at the back. Tm-Tm showed the skill that made him a top defender with the Slimes as he repeatedly broke up fruitful looking attacks. The Nedalians couldn't find an equalizer in the first half and continued to press hard at the start of the second.

Despite plenty of good chances the Nedalians couldn't break through. You could see them start to tire against the fresh legs of the young Az-cz players. Late in the match in the 83rd minute the Gnomes put the match away. This time it was the other striker Fe-Do who adjusted to a slightly of pass from Dn-Wl but still adjusted to curl home the goal.

The Gnomes weren't alone in pulling off upsets, as both of the top teams in Atlantian Oceania Starblaydia and Vilita & Turori were knocked off. Coming up the Gnomes have a chance at the defending champs Lamoni. While pundits are mostly expecting a multiple goal thrashing the young Pink & Green have shown they can perform when the pressure is on the other team.
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 11:59 AM
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Young'Uns Off To A Winning Start

Bettia 2 (A.Busilanta 22, P.Busilanta 75)
The Lowland Clans 1 (******* 87)

Despite the fact that none of the players had ever had any international experience, and despite the fact that the FAB were a day late in submitting their team-sheet, Bettia still managed to win their opening day matchup against The Lowland Clans against all the odds.

It has to be said that the Young'Uns looked decidedly ropey early on as the Clans started off the brighter of the two sides, forcing a succession of early corners that almost led the deadlock being broken as early as the fourth minute, were it not for a desperate goal-line clearance by Said bin Said Ismail. The corner that followed also produced a golden opportunity, with the Young'Uns only kept on level terms by the acrobatics of goalkeeper Akram Dewar.

Slowly but surely though, the Bettians found their way into the game and they soon got into the Takilan swing of things, putting together a string of passes in a number of sweeping attacks. It was thanks to one of these intricate passing plays that Bettia scored the first goal, courtesy of a thirteen-pass manouvre largely orchestrated by the Busilanta brothers and finished off the Andi, the eldest of the three by a mere forty minutes (top work by Mrs Busilanta there, we reckon!).

As the travelling support celebrated, the Young'Uns visibly grew in confidence and they continued their push forward. The Busilanta brothers in particular caused all sorts of havoc, combining well as only triplets could, but despite their best effort Bettia went into halftime with just the one goal.

The second half carried on in the same vein with Bettia's attacking style sometime threatening to overwhelm the opposition defence whilst at the same time looking vulnerable to the counter-attack. As any football fan would agree, this is a recipe for an entertaining match, and so it was with of chances at both ends.

Thankfully for the grene and gold army, Bettia were able to double their lead after half an hour as Jon Deverill's inswinging free-kick found the head of Peri Busilanta, who buried the ball into the top corner with his bonce with great aplomb to make it two-nil.

Game over? Not on your nelly dear reader as Bettia still found time to allow The Lowland Clans to grab a late consolation to st up a tense final few minutes, but thankfully they were able to hold on to gain all three points.

Next stop - the National Stadium in Halosen, where Bettia will face a Quakmybush side smarting from an equally thrilling defeat at the hands of our host Myrtannia. If both sides can continue their goalscoring (and conceding) exploits, viewers in the ground and around the world can be sure of a cracker!
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 05:30 PM
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"So, Lamoni Hawks, eh? How much did we lose" said Andrew Coulter, the Acting President of the BFSA, asking a hypothetical question.

"You know people will start to think you're crazy." said the secretary as she poked her head inside his office for a brief second before continueing what she does.

Andrew picked up the match report.... his eyes skimmed the page looking for the final score, you'd think the coach would actually make it easy to find. Ah there it is, Final score was 1-4.... The matchup was Lamoni - Bazalonia .. which meant!

A Bazalonian Win!... 3 goals of Lamoni. Andrew was ecstatic.... And then he started to read the report properly

"11:23 [0-1] -- Kellin Schmidt received the ball well into our half good midfield play set up a golden opportunity for him to strike at the goal. Which he did, Joshua Kanga managed to get his fingertips to it but he could not save it."

"Hmm... I don't remember a Kellin Schmidt on the team... And Kanga, that name seams familiar" Andrew thought as he continued on. reading the report

"17:48 [0-1] - Thomas Yunn injured, seems like he won't be able to play for the rest of the tournament. Harold Bishop to replace."

"21:09 [1-1] - GOAL! Ricky Yunn scored the first Bazalonian goal, seems in response to his brothers injury."

It was now that Andrew's mood changed as he realised..... that they had lost quite dramatically to the Lamoni Hawks. He ferreted around for the group tables... Here we go the official document from Halosen.... Yep and there Bazalonia is. On the bottom of the table. "Aww. Man" he said perhaps a bit to loudly

"I wondered why you where happy. Misread the report?" the secretary once again piped in as she passed the door once again.

"Yeah" said Andrew obviously disappointed and somewhat embarrased. "Don't worry. Each coach has their own idiosyncracies... you just have to learn them."

Andrew just now wondered what other idiosyncracies the Bazacubs coach had... and one other thing he wondered.... Why could he not find the coaches name on any paperwork.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 11:29 PM
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Upsets Abound On Day One, Dryads Narrowly Avoid Own Shocker

HALOSEN - It was the day so many people in the United Isles have dreamt of for going on eight years. AOCAF finally being held in Myrtannia; the longest standing sporting competition in the region had at last come to our stadiums. The notoriously loud and rowdy Dryads Army fans would finally have their chance to be the official home team. No more watching the broadcasts on AIR 4 - the matches can be seen live now.

The lavish opening ceremony at Halosen National Stadium two days ago was of the sort not seen in Myrtannia since the first AORBC. To a capacity crowd, representatives of the participant nations entered Halosen National to a generally welcoming crowd. Of course, the biggest ovation was given for the Myrtannian national side, but that should go without saying.

After the pomp and circumstance of Tuesday's opening affairs, which included a speech by the new MAFC chairman and the Myrtannian national anthem performed by the National Symphony and Choir of Halosen, it would have been easy for the Dryads to be overconfident going into their first match. After all, they were the home team, and ranked in the top ten - though somehow still ninth despite making their second semi-finals appearance ever four years ago. Their opponent was, as defenseman Lenny Ditucci said, "A no-name team from the lower half of the top twenty-five."

They certainly seemed full of confidence as they marched out onto the pitch for Day One's matchup against Quakmybush, encouraged by the deafening roar of the crowd. The Dryads Army was in fuller force than ever, reportedly claiming up to 80% of the seats at Halosen National for the match. It became even louder when the motley assembly of fans in orange and blue belted out 'Stand Strong, United Isles', then added an impromptu round of 'The Dryads Keep Rolling Along' - the rallying song for the Dryads from AOCAF XVI.

However, the confidence of the Dryads was broken in the first half, as Quakmybush took advantage of bad plays by inexperienced defenders to force shots on goal. Rosario Zlotnik landed akwardly after an acrobatic stop that sent the ball flying out of bounds, and had to be escorted off the field by assistant coach Orpha Mega. With Zlotnik down, the Dryads turned to untested Janey Lokan to try and keep the goal free of Quakmybush goals.

Unfortunately, she fell victim to the overconfidence too and made a bad lunge that allowed Quakmybush to put it in at the 11 minute mark. After that, things continued going downhill, despite repeated shoutings from the sideline by coach Lindifeu Zentrescu. Amado Ugaitafa tripped over Ditucci, and Lokan had a deer in the headlights look on her face as the same Quakmybush striker booted one into the net. Just 25 minutes in, it was the 'Bush up 2-0 against the hosts.

Myrtannia showed signs of life ten minutes later, when they broke free from a stingy Quakmybush defense and stormed into the opponents' back third. Zora Leckington took possession, then crossed it to Jettie Cassetty, whose diving header was deflected by the keeper. Veteran Dania Figary happened to be in the neighborhood too, and hammered it into the net with her signature scissor kick.

To a massive roar, the Dryads had clawed back within 1-2, but again the 'Bush wouldn't let up on the attack. A bit distracted by their goal, despite warnings from Figary and coach Zentrescu, the Dryads allowed another incursion into their back third. This time the defense played better, but the Quak-ers scored on a beautiful strike that seemed improbable even after watching the replay.

Myrtannia went into the lockers accompanied by boos from the crowd, down 1-3 to a distrubingly spirited Quakmybush side. Other nations had pulled off upsets earlier in the evening, and the 'Bush may well have been fired up by seeing such developments. In other groups, the Men in Muave fell to the Men on Horses, Vilita & Turori got upended by Aurendia, and Az-cz shut out Nedalia. Would Quakmybush add the Dryads to that list of upset victims?

"We didn't play well in the first half at all. The way we played then, we deserved to be behind like that," said midfielder Marti Gabeline, "Coach Z let us know he wasn't pleased at halftime, and challenged us to prove we really wanted this thing. That guy really knows how to get a team fired up."

Zentrescu reportedly made a fiery speech about how the Dryads' lacklustre first half perfomance wasn't near good enough, that he and the millions of fans watching across Myrtannia expected much more. He compared the performance to that of the infamous AOCAF XIII side that his Blue Foxes had trounced 5-0 in Krytenia in Myrtannia's first tournament. Then he challenged them to prove that comparison wrong.

Fired up by this, the Dryads looked like a completely different team in the second half. Storming out of the gate, they had one mission: destroy anything in their path. It didn't take long for the full-on blitz of the Myrtannian offense to break through a Quakmybush defense that was caught off guard. Ten minutes into the half, Figary took the ball from a Quakmybush midfielder, and led the charge. She passed it off to Cassetty, who found Hettie Miyagishima had broken through the last line of defenders.

One well placed pass later, Hettie faked out the keeper and booted it into the upper left corner of the net. Myrtannia had cut the lead to 2-3. Rather than celebrate the goal, the Dryads jogged back to their half of the field and awaited the next kickoff. Once again, Quakmybush lost possession, as Gabeline intercepted a pass meant for an opposing striker. Gabeline passed it to Sarita Longknife, who in turn found Sheron Caffoso open near the back of the penalty box. Caffoso got the pass and curled it in after some fancy footwork to get around the opposing defender. Suddenly it was all even, 3-3.

"We felt good at that moment, but we knew it wasn't enough - we needed to win this one. Only three points would be satisfying," stated team captain Dania Figary.

After the Caffosso goal, the Dryads continued to pour it on, taking several shots on goal. None went in for the next twenty minutes, but close calls had the fans ooing and awing the whole time. Finally, a Figary shot was just barely tapped out of bounds by the Quakmybush keeper, setting up a corner. Sarita Longknife took the corner, and couldn't have aimed it better. Amidst a cluster of Quakmybush jerseys, she found one orange one - Miyagishima.

The corner put into play, Miyagishima leapt over the defenders and headed it past the opposing kicker. Finally, the Dryads had their lead - 4-3. Miyagishima finally did celebrate with her teammates, as they felt a weight lifted off their shoulders after the uninspiring start of the match. By Zentrescu's order, they spent the rest of the match alternating between conservative ball control play and spurts of offensive attacking to keep the Quak-ers off balance.

It worked, as the energy Quakmybush had displayed in the first half was all but gone. With their opponents running on empty, the Dryads felt that confidence coming back. Presented with such an unexpected challenge, they'd managed to claw their way back into contention, and built a lead out of a two goal defecit. As the final gun sounded, the Dryads Army went into a frenzy. With countless Sun Burst upon Sun Burst waving, slightly off-key renditions of Myrtannia football songs rang out from the various sections of Halosen National. The national anthem and 'Dryads Rolling Along' were more common, though the 'Dryads Fight Song' was heard here and there.

"We knew we had to perform better in the second half, and we came out and did that. It's a good first win for the tournament, but we can't be satisfied with just this. Every three points is three points closer to a high seed in the Round of 16," coach Zentrescu commented after the match.

Myrtannia's victory put them just barely atop Group A, ranking above Bettia due to goals scored. The Aroras defeated the Stars of TLC in a 2-1 match, despite posting their roster list late and a decent showing by the Clans. When asked about his plans for the Bettia match, Zentrescu would say nothing other than, "We'll have a surprise for them."

For now, the Dryads will be focusing on Delesa, their Day Two opponent who had a bye on Day One. In their second AOCAF, Delesa will be looking to build on their limited expereince in a bid to make the knockouts for the first time. Like in AOCAF XVII, the Dryads' practices are being held as closed-door events, though in a more focused method than under former coach Rachell Gabino. Insiders say Zentrescu is getting more out of the Dryads' players than Gabino would have, which is heartening for Myrtannia fans.

In other news, rumors are abound about the future of Lamoni skipper Riyall, who may be retiring after this tournament. Lamonian sources indicate that the Hawks may look overseas for the next manager of their national team. Already tied to the rumors of potential replacements are two Myrtannians. MAFC legend and former Dryads coach America McNany has been mentioned, as well as current team captain Dania Figary. Figary figures to reitre after this AOCAF, and might well be a leading candidate for a coaching job if she does. More details when they become available.

The final from Halosen National:

Myrtannia 4 - 3 Quakmybush
(Figary 35', Miyagishima 55' & 79', Caffoso 59') (****A 11' & 25', *****B 40')
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Posted: Jan 11 2007, 11:44 PM
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Horrible kits take defeat blame

Vilita & Turori moved up to second in the AO Regional Rankings after two consecutive final appearances, and were looking to start off on the right foot towards being the first team since the Starblaydians 10 cups prior to make three consecutive finals appearances. However, what should have been a relatively easy match against Aurendia turned out to be anything but as Vilita & Turori were downed by a 2-1 scoreline.

Regional hero Kristofer Kilpter netted early for the Vilitans on a moment of individual brilliance, but the team looked jumbled the entire match, and two shoddy passes in the second half allowed the Aurendians to snatch three points.

It did not look like a typical Empire of Vilita team, and perhaps one clue was revealed in the post match press conference. Speaking to the media, a midfielder who's name currently escapes me was quoted as saying "I couldn't tell who the hell anyone was out there! These kits are a menace. I think they wanted to do some kind of combination crap of our historical kits, but the pattern they've got on them is an eyesore. Anytime i opened my eyes I felt as though a dragon was piercing me. My eyes were constantly distracted by the kits, I don't know how the Aurendians managed. I suppose the two goals they scored they only had to look at the keeper who, luckily for him, only has to wear a solid orange kit."

The kits, shown above, have been criticized by players and fans alike, however, the Football Association insists that they will be worn, at least throughout the qualifying stage.

user posted image

"We'll keep wearing them, the players are professionals and should be able to accomodate them in their vision. If there are still problems after the qualifying stage is over, perhaps we will consider a change in kit then."
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Posted: Jan 12 2007, 12:34 AM
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Lamoni starts things off right

In what has been rumored to be Manager Riyall's last AOCAF, his team managed to start things off right by flogging our Bazalonian allies 4-1. Lamonian forward Kellin Schmidt scored the first goal of the match on a backspin at 11 minutes, 23 seconds in. Bazalonian Ricky Yunn scored the next goal of the match, at 21 minutes, 9 seconds in. This would prove to be the last Bazalonian goal of the match; Schmidt scoring again at 30 minutes in. Lamonian Captain Drugah Farani would score the other two goals of the match, at 45 minutes, 42 seconds; and 74 minutes, 22 seconds. These goals would be more than enough to propel the Hawks to first place in Group C.

Their next matchup is against Az-Cz, who defeated Nedalia today; setting up a good chance for Lamoni to retain first place in Group C. All Lamoni will have to do is keep winning. You can bet that the Hawks are up to this kind of task.

Accordingly, the Hawks have kept up what has worked in the last AOCAF, and are holding a closed door training session designed to stop what looks to be a good team of youngsters from Az-Cz. It is also known that President Stinson has dispatched an offer to the leaders of Az-Cz and Milchama for an embassy and cultural exchange in hopes of increasing relations between the nations.

In other AOCAF news, Starblaydia lost to Milchama 2-3, and the V&T team with horrid eyesore kits lost to Aurendia. We congratulate both Milchama and Aurendia in their wins against the two best nations in the region. We also anticipate that the Starblaydi reaction (if any) will be massive, and severe. Just like how they do anything else.

In reaction to the rumors of Lamoni looking overseas for it's next AOCAF manager, the Lamonian Footballing Association (LFA) has received two applications from Myrtannia. One is from the Myrtannian legend America McNany, and another one is from current Dryad team captain Dania Figary. In response, the LFA has released a statement, part of which states that whichever AO or other citizen that wishes to apply for the job should do so. While this would seem to indicate that the retirement rumors surrounding Manager Riyall are true, we shall wait and see what happens.

Lamoni - 4 Kellin Schmidt (11:23, 30:00) , Drugah Farani (45:42, 74:22)

Bazalonia - 1 Ricky Yunn (21:09)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 12 2007, 01:33 AM
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Demot Daily ~ Upsetting Non-upset

In a matchday that saw severly upsets, the Dynamo were hoping to create one of their own against Hyprocia. Unfortunately for the orange,red, and black, it was not a fortune meant to be, as they fell victim to the expierenced Hyprocia squad a close one to nil. The squad showed the becomings of a power, and were just unable to get the lucky bounce to get the goals in this match, and will likely have another tough go of things in the next fixture against the Purple Peril of Starbladyia, who were upset victims of Milchama.

The game got underway well for the squad, stealing the opening kick, and dribbiling downfield, setting up shop in front of the keeper, and manufacturing a good attempt on net. However, the shot rattled the upright and went out for a goalkick. Thrilled about how easy it was to create such a easy oppurtunity, the squad pushed the attack hard once more, with Ysman breaking past Teale and Drago on a through ball. She was adjusting it to her strong foot when Lomaia flew out of nowhere and snatched the ball from her feet.

As both teams began to settle into the play about half an hour in, the Hyprocia side mounted a substantial attack. Lucas pressed Sousa when he recieved a cross from Vardanyan, but she slipped as he turned, and allowed him a free lane to the net. Taking a single stride, he then deftly put one over the shoulder of Orien and into back of the netting to give the "home" side the one goal advantage thrity minutes in.

The half ended in a blur of Dynamo attacks, of which only two resulted on shots on net thanks to the suberb tackling and blocking of the Hyprocia backline. Discouraged by the lack of good scoring chances, Dogood put in Edmund Vorca in place of Argonot at the start of the half to try and stimulate the offence. The youngster did help it create more pressure on the oppisition's backline, but they refused to crack. This was no more evident in the waning minutes, when the Dynamo pushed everybody forward in hopes of the equaliser. Sans dishing off to Masteron. He took it, and for a moment, saw a opening in the defence and charged at it, but it was soon replaced by Drago, and he whipped the ball away from the captain, clearing it as the ref whistle the end of the match.

The squad has no time to let this dissapoint wiegh on their minds, for the hardened squad of Starblaydia will be looking to dish out punishment on the Dynamo after their loss at the hands of the horses from dirty Milchama. The squad's offence will really have to undergo a terrific change if they hope to defeat the Purple Peril, and give the the oppurtunity to control their own destinies.

Hypocria - 1
Sousa (30)

Demot - 0
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jan 12 2007, 09:38 PM
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Foxes and Panthers draw to start tournament
Mascagnano equalises to salvage a point; Pacitalia surprised to find V&T below them in the table

-- Charles Dickens had it right, but in the wrong order. For the Blue Foxes' match against the Nojikan Panthers, really, it was the worst of times followed by the best of times after midfielder Michelangelo Mascagnano equalised to save Pacitalia from an opening-round loss to the underdog felines.

Preston Greeves put the Panthers ahead 37 minutes into the match on a superb free-kick from 29-year-old midfielder Jarrett Betance. Betance's ball curved flawlessly into the box, cutting through the Blue Foxes' defence like a diamond and deflecting off the foot of a stretching Greeves for the advantage goal.

Michelangelo Mascagnano put the Blue Foxes back in the match with just over half an hour remaining off an Andolfabio Vunghiasso corner. The man expected to fill the shoes of Veranace d'Amantano upon his departure from international football sometime next year or in 2009 performed admirably in the Pacitalians' first match of the tournament, and his goal was an outstanding chip past a scurrying Monte Potempa to equalise. And despite his best efforts, with two great chances late in the match, the Blue Foxes could not edge ahead for victory.

Mascagnano's goal was his 17th in international competition and came after a particularly nasty trademark rant, during the halftime team-talk, from interim Blue Foxes manager Sergei "The Bear" Saganyarov. A slightly greater emphasis on attacking first, defending second did not seem to change the Foxes' ways too much in this match, and Saganyarov was, of course, flirting dangerously with lividity after the Pacitalian squad hit the dressing room at halftime down by a goal.

"It was a gritty match from start to finish and I think it was less about either team winning and more about getting a feel for the pace and the atmosphere of the tournament, and about getting warmed up for other matches. We were just getting some of the pre-tournament jitters out of the way. A draw is fine by most of the players on the squad," captain Veranace d'Amantano said. The 35-year-old symbol of Pacitalian football added, "Sure, we would have liked three points, but if we can emerge from the round-robin stage with at least two wins I think we'll be on the right track to inflict some serious damage in the knockout phase."

d'Amantano made the comments before being informed that Vilita & Turori, the group's top seed ahead of the Blue Foxes, Panthers, Chippers and Raptors, had been upset by the Aurendians 2:1 in their opening match, leaving Pacitalia with a better shot of taking the group over the favoured Jungle Cats. Of course, that doesn't excuse the fact that the Blue Foxes still have to face the 'Cats in the round-robin stage. And it doesn't excuse the fact that critics are already saying the Foxes aren't trying hard enough.

"We're ready for each and every match, whatever the critics say," d'Amantano added. "You win some, you lose some. You just have to go out there with the mentality that you can win every match, and if you don't, the other team was better. It's as simple as that."

The Pacitalians now head to Lahar to face the rested Chippers from Manhattan Prime in their second match group.

From Salahadin City, Myrtannia:
Pacitalia 1 : 1 Nojika

PAC: Mascagnano 69'
NOJ: Greeves 37'

NEXT UP: PAC (0-1-0) v MPR (0-0-0), NOJ (0-1-0) v VNT (0-0-1)

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Jan 12 2007, 09:41 PM
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Posted: Jan 12 2007, 10:42 PM
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The Delesa National Newspaper

St. Myhre - Today, a new coach what brought to the attention of the United's Team Board. A coach from one of Delesa's closest allies, The United Kingdom of Oceania. All that has been released at this time is that the man was the coach of a top league team from Port Royal in Oceania. So that makes the race for the job all that much harder for the two local boys. The unknown coach is being flown in to meet the board and discuss future plans for the team if he were selected, and a contract. All part of the standard procedure for the board before picking the final choice. Now on the coach's information we do have, here's some small career bios on the possible coaches.

Coach Voncenzo Merlyn
Current Club: Russograd FC
Russograd FC has a total of 7 cup wins since the teams introduction in 1895, 1 which Voncenzo was head coach, 1 which he was a player. He also was head coach of Danilona Trojans when they won 1 of their 3 cup wins.
He plans for the club are strength on the forwards and the goal keeper. Putting more money on personal training, which requires the players to play less for their club teams, but for the benifit of the national team. He plans to play a constant attack strategy.

Coach Brooks Roman
Current Club: Cathibus FC
Cathibus FC has a total of 8 cup wins since the teams introduction in 1897, 2 which Brooks was head coach. The team is second only to the St. Myhre Saints. He also was asst. coach for Liverpool Raiders for 1 of their 7 cup wins. He played for Auglium United for 1 cup win. Was asst. coach for Coach Voncenzo Merlyn with Danilona Trojans cup win.
He plans for the club are fitness and more strength on defence, and planning for more of an attack then defend strategy. Using his defence as aggresive attackers.

Now what about former Coach Liam O'Rielly?
Current Club: St. Myhre Saints
Age: 58
St. Myhre Saints has a total 10 cup wins, the most of any team in the league. 3 Which saw Liam as head coach. He was also head coach of the Liverpool Raiders for 2 cup wins, which includes one with Brooks Roman. He was the first coach for the Delesa United, starting with a average record, almost making qualifing round for their first world cup. Made to quarter finals in the BoF.
He had planned for a well rounded team. One that did not focus more on attack then defence. He personally recruited Fernando Kellett and Jason Clare.

So the new coaches have room for improvement. Now we have the updated records from the last AOCAF;

GD1 vs. Milchama (2-1 L)
#18 Gerard Guillemot replaced injuried Joseph-Marie Turpin
#18 Gerard Guillemot Goal

GD2 vs. Bettia (2-1 L)
#11 Fernando Kellet Goal
#10 Dustin Lupton Red Card

GD3 vs. Pacitalia (4-1 L)
#4 Michael McShane Goal
#8 Patrick Keogh Yellow Card

GD4 vs. Demot (3-2 W)
#4 Michael McShane 2 Goals
#8 Patrick Keogh Goal

Hopes for the new AOCAF anyone?

Well we didn't see the United star played #4 Michael McShane turn on his game until the 3rd game, which was little to late. But after McShane showed the way out of an almost 4-Nil loss, the team gained spirit and beat Demot the next day. We hope to see a faster start from McShane, or the team should start to look up to a rising star like Fernando Kellet, although the stress from being a leader but prove too much for the little hero. But we hope to see more action from him. Also Patrick Keogh repaid for the goal caused from a yellow card in game #3 by scoring in the 4th day. Also a player not on the score board from last time, which was a let down was sweeper Jason Clare. We expect more from him, after being denied a goal in the first AOCAF for the team. Also Conor Kelly, a on and off player, that played in the BoF scoring two goals in the competition. We hope to see him more on then off, now that he has been placed as the offical replacement for Joseph-Marie Turpin, although a good question is why did they take off Gerard Guillemot? Guess Coach Liam will take it to his grave. But who knows, the new coach might just put Gerard Guillemot back in the game.

Until the next game, we'll be waiting in the stands for our team.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Jan 12 2007, 11:17 PM
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Az-cz Scroll

AOCAF has effects on Az-cz population both good and bad

For Az-cz people there have been strong effects on the population outside of the people who have interest in the sport itself. One effect will be good for the country and another was a national tragedy.

The good news situation is that Lamoni has finally decided to explore further friendly relations with Az-cz. While we have long had a Lamonian embassy in Az-cz, it seems as if the Lamonians are finally interested in returning the favor and creating an Az-czid embassy in Lamoni. As the Az-cz national policy is that friendly relations with all nations is for the best the government is very happy about this. Robber captain Ug-Mt reiterated that their nation will retain friend of all status and that being friends with nations opposed to each other, such as Lamoni and Starblaydia, is quite possible and the plan Az-cz intends to take.

As for the tragic news, the Vilitan & Turori kits have been determined to be responsible for the sudden death of 88 Az-czzers. Apparently the sight of the kits caused shock in many Az-czzers which lead to 88 deaths and many more hospitalizations. According to fashion expert Dk-Ny the kits are "the most horrific piece of football equipment I've seen." She further explains "while the Casari tiger kits are in many ways uglier, they at least our more acceptable to the Az-cz eye, as they are based on real world things. The new Vilita & Turori kits are just a travesty." Az-cz ambassador to Vilita, Mo-Prn is set to trave to Vilita to discuss whether reparations should be paid for the deaths of the Az-czzers.

As a precaution the Az-cz government has developed similarly ugly kits with similar color patterns that Az-czid citizens can view safely as a vaccine against the Vilita & Turori kits. All gnomish citizens are encouraged to view these before attempting to watch soccer highlights from other nations. All regular Az-cz broadcasts will show Turori highlights using special filters. The same broadcasts will be shown on a special channel with regular pictures, for those who are interested.
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jan 13 2007, 12:42 AM
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Errish Vanguard - Sporting Section/AO CAF Special

It's been a long while since anyone from our territories went to an AO CAF. The Socialist Union's only team in the tournament made the knockout round of sixteen last time, only to fall to more experienced competition. Now, our young Republic is sending its first team to attempt to make an impact upon the tournament.

This time will not be so easy, as Ereeland is one of only two new nations in AO CAF. Ereeland's group draw isn't so nice either, as our lads in green and white will be facing defending champion Lamoni as well as another top tier side in Nedalia. Our national team contrasts with all the group's teams as having only one truly tested player.

Scarlett Gorychka, at 22 years of age now, participated in the SUNA's Under 21 side, and proved to be an offensive force. Today she's the only girl on the Errish national team, and the only player on the team with ties to the Socialist Union. Joining her up front will be a popular young FA Ereeland striker, Tim Organ. Much attention will be focused on Groychka, who is expected to provide some form of leadership for the team.

Midfielder Wes Klausner has been named the team captain, and his performance in the FAE Cup title match was at least admirable. Whether any of this can contribute to a cohesive national side is uncertain.

Ereeland's first test will be the mighty Nedalia Lions. After a shocking 0-2 defeat to Az-cz, the Lions will likely be looking for someone to maul. We seem to fit the bill nicely in that department. However, if Nedalia is still staggering from the loss, Ereeland plays a perfect match, and a few Lions are blinded by looking at a Vilita and Turori kit, Ereeland might have a very slim chance of success.
Scribe in Training
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