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Civil Disorder in 95X
Posted: Jan 17 2007, 09:42 PM
PMEmail Poster
from the Pacific City Courier:
No End in Sight
Business, lives, come to standstill

Violence continued on the streets of Pacific City for the close of a second consecutive week, as the former government - the 95X Board of Directors - lost control of national direction.
Every other city in 95X is suffering a similar revolt, after labor laws were further relaxed, and workers revolted against it.
Municipal police forces, which critics have said for years are underfunded, have been unable to break up strikes, clear city streets, or even remove dissidents from transit vehicle parking lots and schools.
"I've lost my job - my only way of making any money," says Milton Fenton, a former commission-based stock broker, who watched helplessly as the stocks he owned fell worthless since he was unable to get them traded in overseas markets.
To make matters worse, his daughters' school was ran-sacked and set on fire by a group calling themselves "Workers Liberation Group," which stated on a website they were trying to get back at "a capitalist fraud."
It goes on to say "schools are a brain-washing mechanism designed to proliferate a fraudulent scam of capitalism and commercialism."
As of press time, The Courier could not contact anyone associated with the group for clarification, as the school they attacked was actually a specialized school of arts, music, and science.
It has been said former Head of State Jason Barbur is in Scottfire, pleading with General O'Brien for additional contract military assistance in the matter, and to allow a new 95X government to be set up. Known friends and associates refused to comment, citing concern for their own safety, as well as Barbur's.

This was printed on a 4-page newsprint edition of the newspaper, which became the last edition printed before the newspaper presses were under fire from dissidents.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 17 2007, 10:58 PM
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"We need to know what is happening on the ground in 95X NOW!"

stated Alvin Reckno, the Bazalonian Prime Minister during hiis foreign affairs and intel briefing from the Ministry and BIAA (Bazalnian Inteligence Assessment Agency), the organisation responsible for collecting and pulling together all the pieces of intel collected. "Get BSIS in there

"What's the mission for BSIS?"

"Just gather information for now. We need reliable information for now.. though try and infiltrate this WLG. Just incase we need to deal with them."

"Sir, you know that if 95-X find out that BSIS agents are in WLG they will think that we are funding them."

"Tell them to be careful, do whatever preperations so that if they are captured it won't come back to us. "

"and don't forget to get BSID to use their interception facilitiy too. I want to know what the government and everyone is doing in there. Got it?"

"yes, okay got it." they said

"That's all I presume? ... Good now go."

And with that the people from BIAA and Foreign Affiars and Trade left.

"You know Stephen and Richard would of handled this totally differently." said one of the people in the group of BIAA - DFAT officials a general noise of agreement arose as they started to go their own way.

OOC: If this is alright can you just let me know what you think the agents and any electronic intercepts would find. If not... they'll just won't provide any non-public information.

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on Jan 17 2007, 11:02 PM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Jan 18 2007, 08:24 AM
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Official Communique from Robber Captain Ug-Mt

The nation of Az-cz would like to officially condemn the violence occurring in 95X. While we understand, and even support many of the causes of the 95X uprising, we encourage them to do so in a peaceful manner. Az-cz would be happy to insist in aiding the set up of viable labor laws, a strong education system, and a government responsive to the needs of it's citizens if the protestors of 95x return to a peaceful form of protest.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 18 2007, 03:58 PM
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The government of Manhattan Prime echoes the sentiments of the nation of Az-cz, and would be happy to offer any assistance the legitimate government of 95X feels is nessecery.

President Andrew Cuthbert

This post has been edited by Manhattan Prime on Jan 18 2007, 03:59 PM
Manhattan Prime
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Posts: 194
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Posted: Jan 20 2007, 01:56 AM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: Thanks everyone for the response, it's great. I almost figured this would be one of those threads were the person who starts it keeps posting to themselves...)

Somewhere, several miles off the coastline, 95X Head of State Jason Barbur and some advisors are on a floating bus...

"Sir," the driver says to Barbur, after two days at sea, "as I'm sure you're aware, this wasn't designed to sail the ocean forever. The solar panels can only keep up with so much. You have to tell me where we're going."

"We could go to Scottfire," suggests Carl Adams, one of the advisors.

"That's the last place I want to go," says Barbur. "We might have a defense agreement, but they hate it. If it wasn't for that, their soldiers would be marching in to create the 95X dictatorship."

Barbur continues one of his numerous and frequent rants. "I still don't know why it didn't work. For the most part, people were employed, made money, and enjoyed life."

"But, what about the 'little people?'" asked another advisor. "The ones that tried to tell you if they had a minimum wage they could afford to rent their own apartment, or if they had healthcare they'd keep from getting sick?"

"Take a look at other countries," Barbur replies. "They're probably no better than we were."

"Past tense, Jason," chimes in Amy Cranbrook. "You just referred to 95X in past tense."

"Yeah, but we were different. We had less people in government. We ran more efficiently," replied Barbur.

"Well, looking back, maybe there were too few of us," commented Walter Richerson, the former Finance Chairman.

"Uh, everyone, I hate to interrupt - " the driver yells, "but I need to know now - where are we going? We gotta start going there now, or we'll run out of power and sink."

"Do you realize who I am?" Richerson challenges. "If this goes down, I'll have you know-"

The driver cuts him off, "The power sources on this bus don't care who you are, and if we don't go back to land soon, we'll all be at the bottom of the ocean."

Barbur, visibly panicking, says "then let's go back to Pacific City."

"We're dead meat if we do that," says Adams.

"University City? An old base is there."

"Was there," corrects Richerson. "We sold that to a resort hotel group."


"That'd be risky," says the unnamed advisor. "lots of unfriendly territory."

Cranbrook gets back up and says, "Weeksberg has always been a strong supporter of our policies. And we've had no reports of hostility from there. It's also closer to the coast then the rest."

Everyone turns to that other advisor, who calmly says, "The only problem is getting there. We'd have to take the backroads. It's not right on the coast, and dissidents have taken over the closest port."

Everyone looks to Barbur, who has to decide.

"Then, let's head to Weeksberg."

The driver hears the selection, makes a turn and heads towards one of the most pro-business cities in 95X.

Just then, the unnamed advisor alerts Barbur of something:

"Sir, I'm picking up a radio signal. It's coming from an unidentified source, but very staticy. We don't have a way of broadcasting back to the sender on that frequency. Do you want me to try to find out what it is?"

"You're not the intelligence advisor for nothing," Barbur says. "Try to get it on the overhead speakers so we can hear it."

"Allright," says the advisor.
Senator in Training
Posts: 215
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Posted: Jan 20 2007, 09:31 AM
PMEmail Poster
"This is the MNS Serenity, of the Manhattan Navy. Please identify yourself, over."

<OOC: Obviously someone's gonna to be a bit confused at seeing a radar signal that small wink.gif >
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
Posts: 194
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Posted: Jan 22 2007, 06:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Scottfire @ Jan 20 2007, 06:56 AM)

"Sir, I'm picking up a radio signal.  It's coming from an unidentified source, but very staticy.  We don't have a way of broadcasting back to the sender on that frequency. 

Captain McCarthy turned to his communications officer, impatiently. "Any response yet?" he demanded.

"None sir" came the calm reply. "Sir, it's entirely possible that whatever it is is completely unmanned and derelict."

McCarthy however had a hunch that this was not so, that the unidentified radar signal was some kind of vessel in distress. Besides, they had finished their patrol and their return route took them through the waters in which the signal had been detected, just off the coast of 95X.

"Take us in for a closer look" he ordered the helmsman and instructed the comms officer to keep transmitting the radio call, as well as notifying control in New Sydney that they would be slightly delayed.
Manhattan Prime
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Posts: 194
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Posted: Jan 31 2007, 08:54 AM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: Time to put this puppy to bed. Would've done it sooner, but I was stuck in a real life moment that I couldn't get out of. It happens. So, I'll wrap this up as I thought of on the regional messages.)

The bus realizes it was not in international waters, turns around and lands at the closest port to Weeksberg, then makes the drive to the city.

There, Barbur meets with key officials, who reinstitute the previous government. All is as it was before.

(I know, not much substance, but I wanted to get this finished.)
Senator in Training
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Posted: Feb 2 2007, 11:07 AM
PMEmail Poster
It's hunt proving negative, and on a tight schedule, the Manhattanite destroyer abandons the search and returns to port.
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
Posts: 194
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Posted: Feb 14 2007, 05:50 AM
PMEmail Poster
"Perhaps we should just let it slide," comments Amy Cranbrook. "After all, the ordeal was over a month ago."

The discussion is taking place in Jason Barbur's newly refinished Pacific City office, which was ran-sacked by vandals during the brief uprising.

"You don't want answers?" he replies, while picking up the desk phone handset and starting to dial. "Well, I want at least one answer."

He tells the operator to send in the intelligence advisor, and puts the phone back down. Soon after, a man dressed in all black and wearing mirrored sunglasses walks into the room.

"Sir, we've determined the Manhattan Navy is from Manhattan Prime, another nation in the region."

"Whew," Barbur sighs, "at least we were still close. I was concerned we wandered off into some other region."

Cranbrook then speaks up, "Oh no, you're not going to ask Scottfire to declare war on them, are you?"

Barbur looks at her and says, "Why would I do that? Seriously, since we joined the region a few years ago, the only thing we've done is send some sports teams. We never were part of the international scene, even during our brief time as a UN delegate, back when we were all in school. Let's try something we haven't done before, and try to get to know the rest of the region."

"Sir," the intelligence advisor interrupts, "we don't know their intentions. For all we know, they could've thought we were a decoy for an ambush. Some of the other nations in the region have declared war with each other."

"But we won't know untill we call." Commands Barbur. "Mr. advisor, and Ms. Cranbrook, you're both dismissed from my office."

After they leave, Barbur gets back on the phone, and asks the operator to dial Manhattan Prime directory assistance, wishing to reach someone in their government to say they come in peace.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Feb 15 2007, 02:37 PM
PMEmail Poster
“Can you take this one Sarah?” her boss called. Muttering under her breath that he was probably going to the coffee machine for the fourth time today, Sarah sighed and picked up the phone.

“Hello, Directory Enquires, how may I help you?” she answered, switched to her cheery ‘customer service’ voice.

She soon forwarded the call to the Ministry of Foreign Relations to take care of, and went back to her game of Minesweeper.


Dr Carl Owens, the Manhattanite Minister for Foreign Relations, had had a very rough day. He looked warily at the mountain of papers in his in tray, and tried unsuccessfully to think of something he could be doing instead. It was late, and he just wanted to go home; another half hour of filing really didn’t appear. Today, he was in luck

His Secretary’s voice came over the intercom – “Phone call for you Minister, President Barbur of 95X”

“Thanks Sue. You can leave for today now, I’ll take care of it”

Hearing his secretary’s call of thanks, Owens sent a quick alert to the President that a possible diplomatic first contact was unfolding, and picked up the receiver,

“This is Dr Carl Owens, Minister for Foreign Relations. What can I do for you?”
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Feb 16 2007, 11:37 PM
PMEmail Poster
As Barbur begins the conversation, its worth noting that he doesn't know for sure who/what he's dealing with, except for the in-character stuff.

"H-Hi Dr. Owens," stutters Barbur, surprised he reached an actual live person.
"I'll make this short - I'm Jason Barbur, 95X Head of State. Last month, as my nation briefly fell into a state of rebellion, my personal craft was contacted by a naval vessel on a radio frequency we were unable to respond on, which we believe was from Manhattan Prime. Although in international relations we are a peaceful nation, and I apologize if this sounds sorta accusationary; I'm calling to confirm it was from Manhattan Prime, and if so, what its intentions were."
Senator in Training
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 02:48 PM
PMEmail Poster
“Thank you for bringing this to my intention” Owens stalled whilst calling up the details on his computer.

Damn, I hope this isn’t going to be an official complaint about the MN – that could be awkward… , he thought.

Finding the right information he replied, “Ah yes, I can confirm that the destroyer MNS Serenity was assigned to a patrol last month past your waters for the purposes of crew training. I can certainly confirm it was our vessel, and I apolagise if it caused you any inconvenience…”

OOC: Fancy finishing this with an exchange of embassies in a bit?
Manhattan Prime
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Posts: 194
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Posted: Feb 19 2007, 03:29 PM
PMEmail Poster
Reply to OOC comment: I was thinking something along those lines.

Barbur finishes the call: "nah, I just wanted to be sure that we weren't being considered to be causing any kind of trouble. If that's everything from your end, that's everything from mine."
Senator in Training
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Posted: Feb 19 2007, 09:20 PM
PMEmail Poster
“Not at all, we were merely responding to a vessel in distress. It’s pleasing to solve the mystery of just what that vessel was, to tell the truth! Thank you very much, we’ll be in touch” Owens finished as he hung up.


A few days later the following email arrived in Barbur’s inbox:


Name of Nation: The Imperial Republic of Manhattan Prime
Name of Ambassador: Ambassador Michael Smith
Number of staff: 27

1 Ambassador
1 Aide
1 Trade attaché
1 Cultural attaché
1 Defense attaché
12 General staff
10 Diplomatic Guard

The Imperial Republic of Manhattan Prime is interested in establishing closer relations with 95X, and our terms are listed above.

We would also be more than happy for you to open an embassy in our country; if you choose to do so then an embassy is free at 8 Embassy Square, in the capital Manhattan. We require only the name of your Ambassador, and any special details you may require.

We hope this proves acceptable, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Manhattan Prime Department of Foreign Affairs
Manhattan Prime
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