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Pirates Patrol Eastern Waters
Posted: Apr 13 2005, 10:49 PM
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Ki'atra sat back and relaxed, then again pushed the button to start the dictation program again. Once again, with her beautiful voice, she spoke aloud commands to send a message informing nations of her Fleets arrival to the area.

"Encryption Method: None"
"Delivery Method: Electronic"
"Delivery Locations: Sarzonia, Chacor, Crystilakere, Diamindokere, Ryloss, and Falcania"

The Doujin Navy has been dispatched to erradicate the pirate threat from your particular area(s). The Fleet Command Aegir will cooperate with all nations, and it would make erradication of this pirate threat easier if Doujin were granted limited access to your nations territorial waters. The Fleet Command will seperate once in the region into three parties, covering a vast amount of territory in order to swiftly and effectively deal with thesee pirates. If other nations choose to assist, we will be more than willing to coordinate our efforts in this mission.

Empress Ki'atra,
Empyrean Elder
The Empyrean Society of Doujin"
"End message and send to all locations given."

OOC: How deep is the waterway that borders Xile?
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 02:08 AM
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(OOC: Doujin's largest deployment in years and its to catch a wood-and-sail pirate Ship. Y'arr.)
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 02:50 AM
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Ships, that enter Latin sea territory without permission, must except that they are plunged by the Latin Border Patrol or Military after a warning.
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 09:01 AM
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General Hael looked at the beep of the incoming message at Xilean command. It appeared to be of Doujin origin, the first such message recieved from that nation. He quickly scanned it, and put in a call to the newly rebuilt Presidential Palace. "Sir, have the 'pirate ships' cleared the channel yet?"

"Yes, General Hael. Why do you ask?"

"A transmission was just recieved from the nation of Doujin asking permission to pass through the channel."

"By all means, let them through General. We don't want to do anything to miff one of the more powerful nations of the region..."

"Yes, sir."

A click signified that the interim-President had ended the call.

Hael sent short transmissions to the few ships patrolling the channel to let all Doujin vessels pass, followed by an ever shorter message to the Doujin fleet concerning their free entry into and through the channel.


OOC: The channel was man-made a while back to allow ships of all sized to pass through. So deep enough, yes.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 09:39 AM
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[OOC: Star, Crystilakere didn't necessarily establish that the pirates were using wooden sailing ships. Unless his use of a picture of one was his way of establishing it.]

"They want what?"

"Doujin is requesting permission to enter our waters on the hunt for pirate ships."

"Over my dead body!"

Sarzo angrily slammed his fist onto his desk when he heard the request. Doujin was the last country whose warships he wanted patrolling soverign Sarzonian waters. He fixed a scowl on Vice President for Defence John Newman and Vice President for Naval Operations Kathy Bunhall to punctuate his point.

"If a single Doujinishi warship so much as takes a powder in our waters, it's an act of war," Sarzo said.

"They seem to be operating in a spirit of cooperation," Bunhall said.

"Yeah, but what are they going to want in exchange for this 'cooperation'? I don't trust Doujin any more than I can throw them."

"Mike, look, they're coming out of a long civil war and an isolationist period," Bunhall said.

"They could be coming out of World War VII for all I care. It doesn't matter who their leadership is, it's six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. Out of the question."

"I have an idea that might kill two birds with one stone," Newman offered. "It would let them perform their 'gesture of cooperation' and it would allay our concerns about our soverignty if they agree to it."

"What the hell are you smoking, John?"

"Hear me out. Offer to let their ships travel in Sarzonian waters, but only under escort by Sarzonian naval ships, and they would be instructed not to fire unless authorised by Sarzonian ship commanders."

"What the hell difference would that make?"

"It would let Doujin send their ships in cooperation with us and it would let them demonstrate that they really mean business and that they can be trusted. It would let us keep an eye on our soverign waters without worrying about interference from them."

"All right," Sarzo said wearily. "Now what about Xile?"

"We'll deal with those bastards when the time comes. But right now, you have Doujin to deal with."

"They're both headaches."

"That's why you're President, Mike." Sarzo rolled his eyes, then got on the computer.

Sarzonia agrees to allow Doujinishi ships to travel in her waters for a limited period of time until the piratical threat is eliminated under the following conditions: One, her ships must agree to be escorted by a larger contingent of Sarzonian ships at all times while in Sarzonian waters; Two, at no time may a Doujinishi ship open fire while in Sarzonian territorial waters unless under the explicit authorisation of Sarzonian naval command.

Sarzo clicked SEND and wondered what he'd gotten himself and his country in to.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 10:12 AM
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OOC: Guess our football rivalry is beginning to reach past sports, Sarz?
The group of ships approached the Lamoni merchant vessel and fanned out to contain its maneuverings. A few shiphands came on deck as the the pirate crews pulled alongside the ship.

"What business do you have with a Lamoni cargo ship?"

The captain of the merchant ship had already adopted the supercilious tone that Admiral Kien hated so much. Without a second thought, he produced a pistol from inside his jacket and fired at the captain. The man staggered against the ship's railing halted for a moment, and then fell off into the sea.

The remaining deck hands began to scatter, but the crews of the pirate ships were to quick. They began using their short scimitars when they were in close range, and hacked down all resistance.

About an hour later, almost all worthwhile cargo was being loaded into one of the ships. A few strange boxes contained objects that the higher echelons of government might be interested in. Admiral Kien had these placed on his own ship. He had lost a few men, he was not sure how many at the moment. Casualties of the merchant ship were minimal, mainly just the captain and the few men on board who had weapons.

The rest, he was forcing to walk the plank. Kien had never dreamed he would have been able to fulfill this fantasy in conventional times, but he was exalted because of it. The men were forced off one-by-one, and plastic explosives were placed around the merchant ship. It began taking on water, and the pirate ships began to move away, looking for further exploits.

As the ship went down, Admiral Kien noticed a few long yellow objects floating to the surface.

"Ah hell..." he muttered. He did not change his course.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 10:14 AM
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"All I know, Mr. President, is that these "pirates" have become a nuisance in the eastern waters, so much so that Doujin have deployed a large fleet to wipe them out!" exclaimed Nedalian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dewars Strand.

"How are the Sarzonians taking all of this?" President Bren of Nedalia replied.

"Not good, from what the NIA (Nedalia Intelligence Agency) tells me. Apparently, they are willing to let them in their waters but only under very limiting conditions."

"Hmm. Well, as you know, we have been isolationists till just 2 years ago, so all this is basically gossip to me, I cant do much. I know nothing of Doujin and the only thing I know about Sarzonia is that we defeated them in the U21 World Cup semi-final. Great match it was..."

"Oh yes, remember it very clearly. 3-2, it was. That Nene goal was spectacular..."

"Anyway, Mr. Strand, I do have a soft spot for the Sarzonians because of that great football game. Please dispatch a note telling them of our willingness to help them if they face any problems."

"Right away, Mr. President."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 10:43 AM
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Ki'atra was reading books on Kabbalah when a pleasant noise was heard coming from the powerful computer. With a simple push of a button, a screen popped out of her desk and powered on, displaying copies of messages sent to Doujin in response to her last diplomatic requests.

The first message displayed was rather short, sent to the Fleet Command Aegir that was waiting to pass through the channel. Even though it was short, it was a good message - the ships were proceeding to enter the channel with Xilean permission. Ki'atra thought to herself with a chuckle, "The commanders over in Xile must know what's good for them.."

The second message, however, was not as positive. Nevertheless, for the true mission that is at hand a Sarzonian escort would not be detrimental, at least in the beginning. She wrote down a note and gave it to an aid to send to the Fleet Command detailing the agreement that has been made between Sarzonia and Doujin. The fact that an agreement was made still surprised Ki'atra, given Doujin and Sarzonias past history. And the amount of vessels that were sent to the area.

Ki'atra quickly pushed a few more buttons on her desk, and a war map of the region displayed from the wall, showing various troop and ship positions of many of the nations within the region. After looking at the map for a few minutes, she decided more was needed.

She looked over to an aide at the door, who was looking down at the ground in fear of the Empress. Around the palace, Ki'atra was someone that government employees tried to stay away from as much as they could because of her cunning and dare say evil nature.

"You, get Abshier from down the hall."

The aide only nodded and dashed out of the Empress' working chambers before she could do something else. Admiral of the Navies Abshier was in his office in the Palace, making plans for the possible invasion. The aide entered his office and informed Abshier that the Empyrean Elder requested his presence, and he became worried. The last Admiral who entered the fair Lady's chambers was blown apart by a remote controlled hand grenade that the Empress personally shoved up his... a__. It wasn't a pleasant sight. He quickly rushed over to the Empress, hoping he wasn't going to meet the same fate as the late Durham.

The Admiral entered her chambers and she glanced over at him from the regional war map. Smiling, she beckoned him over and inquired about the invasion plans.

Abshier: "Yes, Empress, the plans are going well. Two, maybe three weeks tops, and our mission shall be in full swing."

Ki'atra: "Good.. I need you to dispatch the Hrafn Warband with 5 more Battlefleets to the region. This time by way up north, go around Calania and down the side. Also activate the defense fleet and put the other 4 on standby. I want regular patrols of all waters, and full underwater anti-submarine defense activated. Also inform Oceanus Hesperos to make sure that the base along with Anatole, Boreal, and Notos are all fully activated and put in a defensive mode. I want no surprises."

Abshier: "Yes, my Empress. Right away."

Xile, some of the ships that are going down that way have a draft of over 95ft, so are you -sure- that it is deep enough?
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 11:11 AM
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OOC: Yes, yes. The channel was constructed some time ago when Tachbe was still a major player... Ahh, a good laugh.... but it is definitely deep enough.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 12:06 PM
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QUOTE (Xile @ Apr 14 2005, 11:11 AM)
OOC: Yes, yes. The channel was constructed some time ago when Tachbe was still a major player... Ahh, a good laugh.... but it is definitely deep enough.


Ok, just making sure smile.gif
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 01:06 PM
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QUOTE (Doujin @ Apr 14 2005, 05:06 PM)
QUOTE (Xile @ Apr 14 2005, 11:11 AM)
OOC: Yes, yes.  The channel was constructed some time ago when Tachbe was still a major player... Ahh, a good laugh.... but it is definitely deep enough.


Ok, just making sure smile.gif

(OOC: It'd be rather amusing to see a Doujin-Class get grounded. "Ninety-five feet you say? Dammit, that's no more than fifteen!")
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 03:02 PM
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As King Falcon II stepped off his T-1 executive jet, he was handed a report. "Pirates?" He murmured, as he read the documents in his limo. "This is dangerous." He picked up his laptop and began to compose an email.

To: Foreign Office, War Office
CC: Cmmr Michael Hack
Subject: Pirates

I have recently recieved a report detailing sightings of pirates around our region. My orders are thus: Foreign Office, I would like you to ascertain whether or not the pirates are from Terranea. War office: Break off a section of the blockade and set it to patrol the area for Terri Corsairs.

OOC: You may note that there is a naval blockade of the Falcanian Straits, the area of sea inbetween the two regions of my nation.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 06:48 PM
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"Y'arr, it be a gud life o' plunderin the high seas," the Dwarf said, adjusting his Sarzonian-flag bandana, "shiver me timbers, y'arr."

"Will you shut up?" Admiral Kien grinned at the dwarf. "That pirate talk isn't necessary now, Tulkuddin."

"Arr," the Dwarf looked dejected, "I be gettin' into character. Don"t ye knows Method Acting when ye be seeing it?"

"Do pirates always talk in the present tense?" the Admiral asked.

"Aye. We always be talking in t'present tense. No past nor plu-perfect tenses be a-spouting from my mouth."

"And why the Sarzonian bandana?"

"I be liking the colour scheme, matey," Tulkuddin said, adjusting the bandana again, "plus they be famous fer Naval supremacy in these thar parts."

"Lucky we didn't kill all of those Lamonians."

"Y'arr, when word is spread to the Lamoni coast by them thar swimming plank-walkers," he gestured with his bloddy-edged cutlass over the stern, "all o't' Free Republicans be quakin' in their bootses."

"Y'arr indeed," the Admiral replied.
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 10:08 PM
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"Course heading, Admiral?"

"Lay in an course for the channel. Flanking speed."

"Aye, sir."

The Third Fleet began to take up its position as the ships began to steam toward the channel. Some of the fleet's old foreign-built warships were slowly along for the ride. As the ships approached the channel, Newman turned to his tactical officer.

"Status of the Doujinishi ships?"

"They should be here within a few hours."

"Understood. Prepare the drill I was telling you about when we arrive at the channel."


"We've got a problem with our targeting mechanism and we need to realign it. Not only that, but we're under strict orders to scrap these old hulks we've got from the RSIN Corp."

"But sir," Commander Neil Benson said sharply. "We never got those orders."

"Yes we did," Newman said. He lowered his voice. "We were supposed to do the target practice three weeks from now. We could always say we misunderstood the orders. Better yet, we could also say that the pirates sank these ships and we're investigating."

"But sir?"

"For a pirate sailing in a wooden ship, Doujin's mobilising a HUGE number of ships. With our being the other major naval power in the region, you'd think we could handle this little matter ourselves."

Benson still looked skeptical, so Newman continued. "Why do you think brass is ordering them to send their ships under our escort? And only allowing them to fire if we give the orders? They don't trust Doujin. Never have. A large deployment like that is highly suspicious."

"So you mean to say you're willing to defy orders because you don't trust Doujin?"

"Command decision," Newman said. "Sometimes, you've got to go with your gut."

Newman turned on the intercom and set it to maximum encryption.

"Attention all hands, this is Admiral Newman. Wer'e about to disobey a direct order from the President by asking Doujin to submit to an inspection of his ships. If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace." When no one responded, Newman gave an order.

"Weapons officer, are the hulks in position?"

"Affirmative, sir."

"Accquire targets."

"Aye, sir. Targets accquired."


The guns on several ships in the fleet opened up and battered the aging ships, which slowly began to sink into the channel. With the ships sinking, the fleet began to assemble in position and play the waiting game.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 10:22 PM
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"This is Tango Epsilon Victor 3-1-3-7 Heavy Transport Convoy of the Rylossian Free Merchant Guild to Sarzonia Third Fleet ISS Euroslavia, requesting navigational instructions." Radioed the flag of the convoy.
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