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Behind the white wall of snow (open)
Posted: Mar 16 2007, 08:54 PM
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Whoever said having a huge military was a good thing?

People were being recruited right out of university. Those who could not prove themselves worthy of combat were sent to manufacture weapons, tanks, planes and any other weaponry the Hockey Canadian government generated. Nobody said a word, and was right to. The population of the large, barren country was bleeding as offices and industry burned with overcrowding. Dictator Di Lorenzi would often look down on the Crimson Square at all the peope scurrying about in Otnorot and smile at what would become the heroes of Hockey Canada. Those that made up her cabinet were not the leaders of the country, the small specks that composed the society were.

In the Ysk province, hidden silos were running more tests on their precious contents. Hockey Canada had nukes, and had for years, they were just not stupid enough to flaunt them around like Athiestic Right and the disaster that insued afterwards. This was a time that Hockey Canada had to seize, and the nuclear arms would be a last resort if Di Lorenzi's plans failed. Hockey Canada was planning to go to war.

The Hockey Canadian Infantry was not the best in Atlantian Oceania, but the sheer size was enough to overwhealm and conquer whatever was in the force's path. The Air Force on the other hand was second only to Falcania. It would be hard to defeat Hockey Canadians in the air, but if there were to be a conflict in Hockey Canadian airspace, there would be hell to pay. The Navy could've used some work, but could hold it's own against an enemy force. Special Forces would not be needed for this operation.

Sights were set high as Hockey Canadian Generals prepared plans for an attack. A simple clue to help out Atlantian Oceania for the first target was issued to every major newscast in the region.

Strategic Defense League,

YOu had the chance to vaLue us as an ally in the SDL and AORDO and yet rejected us or shrugged us off as a sImple niusance. Let Hockey Canada reassure you that the region has eVery reason to give heed to HockEy Canada from now on. The first target is a weak nation, one that the SDL would think has a stRategic position on ouR barren nation. But relax, you have absolutelY nothing to fear... Unless you want the SDL to crumble, give up your conflict with SAAS immediately. The first nation will be made an example of what we can do.
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Mar 17 2007, 02:36 AM
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Olivierrian government closes border between Hockey Canada and Oliverry

Concerning the threat of an imminent invasion by Hockey Canadians, the Government of Oliverry decided an immediate and complete close of the Oliverro-Hockey Canadian border earler today. The president, Jacques Roger, said that it was to answer to an imminent invasion that might happen as soon as next week from the Hockey Canadian part.

As well, the government also announced that anyone with Hockey Canadian citizenship has to leave the nation until next week. But, as dual-citizenship is allowed in Oliverry, another choice will be given to those who got both nationalities: Either they renounce to their Hockey Canadian citizenship and can stay in Oliverry, or they can renounce to their Oliverrian nationality and move to Hockey Canada right away.

As if this was not enough, the Oliverrian Government also promulgated another law, about which the "Autonomous city of Communiste" will now be governed by themselves, as a Free City. It won't be part of Oliverry anymore, as a plebiscite done by the present municipal council, which already had the status of a province, while it was officially part of the province of Sud-Francie, had a 75% majority of people that accepted to secede from Oliverry. The poll also had a "Stay in Oliverry" option and a "Join Hockey Canada" option. The former had 23% vote for it and the later had a mere 2% vote for it. When in the streets, you can clearly see that the people in Communiste hate the Hockey Canadians, as about 75% are either considered as "Dissident" or as "Traitors" by the Hockey Canadian government. The only thing hoped by the Free City of Communiste is to stay neutral.

After all these measures, an approximated 26,000 people will leave, with about 2,000,000 people in Oliverry with Hockey Canadian citizenship. When questioned about why they're not leaving, the leader of the Hockey Canadian community of Marshalliston said: "We quit that country as soon as that crazy dictator came to power. We are dissident to her and, even though we are of the same nationality than her, she will consider us as -explicitive removed-ty as she would consider a Starblaydian. Anyway, I seriously feel Pussy Dictator is as crazy as Lady Viannor, and I'm sure the guys behind me will all agree with me." Comment to which everyone agreed.

These measures will also affect sports in Oliverry. The so-called Hockej Kanadyn SKK, member of the Première Ligue de Soccer Froggy Beer, was disbanded after the ban of the Hockey Canadians in Oliverry. As well, the four Hockey Canadian teams of the OHL will not be able to participate in any other matches and were expelled of the league because they couldn't fulfill their duty as a member club. Finally, about 30 players from Oliverrian teams will have to leave, as the Oliverrian government always refused to give the Oliverrian nationality to foreign players who were only coming for what they can win, not for the country.

Source: Article posted in Marshalliston Times of 25 June 2040 by Julianne Bernman titled "Oliverry sanctions Hockey Canadians instead of Hockey Canada"

Notice by Marshalliston Times: The feelings expressed by interviewed members do not necessarily share the point of view of the newspaper.

*In the office of President Roger*

President Roger was listening to music when a phone rang

Jacques Roger: Yea? Who's calling?

Agent 001: Roupeto Nimian Jonomisan Rutis

Jacques Roger: Ok... atleast you know the password to make it so that nobody may understand our conversation...

Agent 001: Yea... So why did you call me?

President Roger: I was wondering... as you're a member of the secret services, did you do the err... job I told you to do?

Agent 001: Why are you talking to me that way? Usually, you're direct... Anything wrong sir?

Roger: Yes... I feel there are Hockey Canadian spies outhere... Yesterday, I saw a microphone in my hamburger... 2 days ago, it was a camera in my toilet... A week ago, it was a mini-robot that stung me... Now, listen to me...

*From now, the conversation will be in Limbrogidlian*

Roger: Now, you will affect an unit of the Secret Services here and will clean this place... clear?

Agent 001: Yes! Sir! Anyway, about that job of spying the meetings of Pussy Dictator, it was easier than excepted. You know she spoke of an invasion of Oliverry right?

Roger: Yes... I heard it through the branches... I also heard it was because of the war against Starblaydia... Do you confirm?

Agent 001: You're right. But not only that... She also said she had the nuclear weapon and was ready to use it against us whenever possible.

Roger: WHAT? We will have to divert them from doing this... but how?

Agent 001: I guess you mean you will use us right?

Roger: How did you guess? Actually, what I want you to do is [part removed from the conversation. Will be told later as the story goes on]. You see what I mean?

Agent 001: Yes, I see. This might work or not. But, I guess we can work out something. I'm ready to pay of my life to defend our nation against such undemocratic bastards.

*From now, the conversation is back in French*

Agent 001: Did you read yesterday's Bernman's article in the Marshalliston Times?

Roger: Yes... She seems to know something that we don't know...

Agent 001: Actually... I discovered a secret message in her article.

Roger: Really? Care to share with me?

Agent 001: I will go straight forward: The message said that she discovered something that could lead to Di Lorenzi's destitution. But for that, you'd need to meet her... She did actually call me today and told me these instructions. She told me you'd understand: "The west wing you'll follow. Once inside, you'll want to go away, scared, but you won't. Go forward, straight, and you'll see a monster so big that you will respect him. The key to the mystery is past the door of the monster."

Roger: I get it! Thanks for the precisions about this... Bye!

Agent 001: Bye!

This post has been edited by Oliverry on Mar 17 2007, 02:37 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 18 2007, 12:25 AM
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President Stinson was reviewing the situation in the Octagonal Office with Foreign Minister Tanya Ley, NIA Director Scott Johanssen, and Defense Minister Joachim Shank.

The NIA Director was speaking. "A nation with the population size of Hockey Canada could field an army the size of 451,000,000... for a few days. After that, they would experience a massive shutdown of their economy. I would expect them to field about 51,000,000 in their total armed forces. Obviously, this is still a formidable force, but Oliverry could field a roughly comparably sized force. I think that Hockey Canada will find that they are about to bite off more than they can chew. Hockey Canada has one hell of an air force, but the big question for them is the quality of their army. We are talking about an army that has yet to be blooded within the confines of AO, and it is entirely possible that they have NEVER been blooded. The true measure of an army is what they do when things are going badly for them. We have yet to see that with the Hockey Canadian Army."

After agreeing with the NIA Director, the Defense Minister proposed sending Lamonian troops over to help their Oliverrian brothers. This sent the four debating for about two hours, with topics like whether this would affect strategic plans for sending Lamonian troops to the AO War zone, how many troops would be available to send, how the logistics would work out, and the other sundry topics that one would expect when talking about such a operation.

Finally, a comprimise was reached. President Stinson directed the Foreign Minister to send three messages. One message would be sent to SDL and AO War neutrals to gauge regional responses to the Hockey Canadian agression, another would be sent to the Oliverrian government in order to offer Lamonian assistance; and a final message would be sent to the crazy Hockey Canadian dictator herself.

From: President Stinson, Lamoni
TO: SDL and neutral AO nations

We see now that Hockey Canada is making diplomatic noises about invading a nation that must obviously be Oliverry.  We also see that the Hockey Canadian despot is insane; and any warplans that she might have must be cut off at the pass.  Therefore, we are asking your governments what your responses to this Hockey Canadian insanity will be.  We look forward to hearing back from you.

From: President Stinson, Lamoni
To: President Jacques Roger, Oliverry

Greetings, President Roger.  The Free Republic can not fail to note the recent agressive moves made by Hockey Canada against your nation (OOC: Oli, feel free to talk to me OOCly about this).  We feel that a Hockey Canadian invasion of Oliverry would be AS great a crime as the one that Lady Viannor of Starblaydia has commited with her invasion of the Alliance of Nine States.  The Free Republic hereby pledges it's support to our Oliverrian allies, and (with your permission) we will be willing to send Lamonian troops to stand side by side with your forces against the Hockey Canadian threat.  It is our hope that if the Hockey Canadian Dictator knows that she is up against more than just Oliverrian forces, that she may back off.  Still, we will be there with you if the war starts.

From: President Stinson, Lamoni
To: Dictator Di Lorenzi, Hockey Canada

The Free Republic notes; with concern, your recent agressive moves against the nation of Oliverry.  We state in no uncertain terms that we would view such a move as a crime as great as that of which Lady Viannor of Starblaydia is guilty of; with her invasion of the Alliance of Nine States.  We have contacted the Oliverrian government; and will send Lamonian troops to help Oliverry defend their territory if your armed forces do not back off immediately.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Mar 18 2007, 12:26 AM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 18 2007, 03:02 AM
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To all nations of Atlantian Oceania,

It seems as if once again nations in this region have decided for reasons unbeknownst to us that a military adventure is once again necessary. As for our standard position of peace, we deplore all such actions and urge the nation of Hockey Canada to stand down. There is simply no need for such actions to be occurring. We should all remember what this great region is truly about, dominating the rest of the world on the athletic battlefield, not dominating each other on the real battlefield.

Az-cz Robber Captain
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Posted: Mar 18 2007, 05:32 AM
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The border was a stalemate, and it did not appear that any Abattoirian forces were making any attempt to push forward. There was much fierce debate amongst the Battlegroup Commanding Officer Council as to whether or not they should continue the patrol or just leave a skeleton sentry force to repel an initial defence. The way King Falcon saw it, they just needed a reason to leave. That reason came.

Conference Room - FNA Feather - Above TLC/Abattoirian Border

"Goddamn it, Captain Summers! We bloody NEED a presence here - we can't let the Butchers just stroll over into the Lowlands!"

"I've told you, Captain Webster, there is absolutely nothing happening here! We're wasting time and resources floating here doing bugger all!"

"And I've told you, Captain - "

He was cut short by King Falcon pushing in the door. "Gentlemen. Leave behind the Howard and its escorts as a nominal monitor group. Send the rest of the fleet to Oliverry. Commander Hack will remain here, as my direct representative onboard this ship and therefore the fleet. I shall take the Starling and its escort back to Mathdon, where I shall commandeer a second battlegroup. We shall rendezvous at these co-ordinates. Am I understood?" Everybody in the room, including the rather nervous tea-ladies, nodded emphatically. "Very good." He saluted, and left.

Transit Airspace

The Starling and its Royal Escort squadron blasted through the air at Mach 2.02 under afterburner. This situation would be remedied.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 19 2007, 12:36 AM
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From: President Roger, Oliverry
To: President Stinson, Lamoni

We hereby thank you for your offer. Let them enter the nation as soon as possible. My government has pledged that there would be no war, but now that the population is aware of the Hockey Canadian problem, we will need to protect us as soon as possible. As well, remember they got the nuclear weapon. When it comes to the characters, I feel Di Lorenzi is as crazy as Viannor, if not more. So, the sooner we can organize our defense, the sooner we will be able to defend.

Our army has about 30 million regular people in it, with a capacity of 60 million more people in our reserve. Sadly, our army is not well trained, especially as it hasn't got the opportunity to fight in any war yet.

Thank you for your offer and, as I said, our nation welcomes it with pleasure

(OOC: could you tell me in a PM what are these aggressive moves?)


From: President Roger, Oliverry
To: Head of State and of Government of the member nations of the SDL

As you might know, the Oliverrian government is now facing a threat from the Hockey Canadian government. We don't urge you to stop that war against a dictatorship such as Starblaydia. Instead, we ask you for your help at facing another dictatorship. Any kind of help will be accepted: Military, economically, arms, etc. Anything will be accepted. Now, we've got evidence that Hockey Canada wants war against [B]real[/B] democracy and we should force them to retract their threat or for them to face the army of freedom, of the SDL.

Oh! I was almost forgetting: Please note that Hockey Canada has the nuclear weapon. This might seem scary, but our secret services told us that they are the same model that they showed us when they were in the SDL. So, this is not something to be scared about.

I also call for a meeting of the SDL leaders. Anywhere, as long as we meet each other.

The bitch will have to pay one day or the other

This post has been edited by Oliverry on Mar 19 2007, 12:36 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 19 2007, 02:12 PM
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With the acceptance of Oliverry, troops could be seen boarding Lamonian freighters for the trip. Lamoni would be sending twenty million active and Civil Gaurd troops, so a lot of freighters would be needed, and they would be making round trips.

President Stinson was watching the troop loading along with the Defense Minister, who was holding a copy of the messages that had been sent their way from Oliverry.

"President Roger of Oliverry has requested a emergency meeting of the SDL council; location to be determined. Hockey Canada has been quiet, just the continued mobilization. Finally, we have nowhere for our troopships to land when they get to Oliverry." said the Defense Minister.

Stinson nodded, and continued to watch the loading process.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 19 2007, 03:50 PM
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"Oh this is great...this is great....this is JUST FREAKING GREAT!" came the obviously infuriated voice of Minister Uram from inside here office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Archon City. Sitting at her desk she had been going over the various folders her aides had given her for the day's work. The first few hadn't been much, just the normal status reports on embassies and the development of the war-effort against Starblaydia. About five folders she came across one that was marked urgent and flagged as regarding the SDL. She toke a moment to wonder why if it was urgent it wasn't at the top of the pile, she would have to fire someone for that, then proceeded to read the report.

It gave all the pertinent details of the Hocky Canada announcement, as well as the responses from Oliverry and Lamoni. Closing the folder, Minister Uram then pressed down her intercom button.

A beep and then a voice from the other end. "Yes, Minsiter?"

"Contact Minister Arani and let him know I'll want to have a meeting to discuss a potential SDL development."

"Right away Minister."

Minsiter Uram let go of the intercom button and then tapped in a few buttons to her keypad on the desk. A monitor popped up a few seconds later. In the absence of the Patriarch the individual cabinet members had been given authority to govern their spheres of influence as best they could on his behalf. Naturally he was always given an update on what was going on, but this was something that couldn't wait right now and Minister Uram was sure this was the course that he would want taken.

She waited for the screen to light up and the device to come online.

"Call Lamoni." she stated, then waited as the vid-phone dialed across the region.

It picked up, but before the other person on the line could respond, she began speaking.

"This is Minister Danielle Uram, speaking on behalf of His Highness, Patriarch Khara. We are regretted to hear about the recent developments in Hockey Canada. If it were still feasible, we would push for a diplomatic sit-down in neutral territory. However, judging from the tone in their announcement, it seems the Hockey Canadians are set on antagonizing the League and all her member nations. Once I am able to get in touch with the Minister of Defense, I will propose sending some of our forces to the Oliverrian border to help defend them should the Hockey Canadians decide to go ahead with their un-provoked agression."

Minister Uram then paused, realizing she had shot her mouth off somewhat, smiled at the screen, and then toke a breath. "My apologies, I did not mean to be rude."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Mar 20 2007, 02:47 AM
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After making sure that the line was encrypted (it was), Lamonian Foreign Minister Tanya Ley took great pains to make her face look as if she weren't perturbed at the mini-lecture.

"Greetings, Minister Uram," she stated "It does not appear likely that Hockey Canada will back down. They might well think that since the SDL is at war with the SAAS, we won't be able to spare forces to hit them back.

Either way, we have already begun to deploy twenty million troops to help Oliverry defend themselves. We are hopeful that the addition of these troops might convince Di Lorenzi to back down, but we honestly do not think that she will do so. We also don't think that she'll listen to reason."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 20 2007, 01:36 PM
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High, High above the Oliverry Capital.

One quick series of supersonic cruises later, and the Starling found itself being clamped to the FNA Feather again. The entire active carrier fleet, sans a patrol left at Abattoir, was present, numbering 2,200 airships in all. This was split up into 200 squadrons each consisting of a capital and ten escorts, which in turn held a full fighter and bomber wing per group. In addition, each squadron was the home to a whole brigade of 5,000 of The Falcon's Finest. All in all, that made a rather sexy million Falcanian soldiers. Perhaps this could be considered meagre compared to Lamoni's twenty million deploying alongside, until you realise that compared to the sheer zergrush of Lamonian flesh, Falcanian military doctrine is totally different. As Hockey Canada would soon discover.

Falcon was pacing inside the bridge. He had to get Lamoni and Khazaron's perspective on this. He got a lackey to type up a message.



From: King Falcon II
To: Lamoni; Khazaron; Oliverry
Subject: Conference

Hello. I am led to believe that a conference is to occur. I'll host it. The FNA Rington will be at sea level at the coordinates appended. It will take Khara and Stinson to the FNA Feather, flagship of this gaff, where I am. There we can discuss matters in peace. For President Roger, on the other hand, the FNA Kate's Bay will be at an altitude suitable for his private helicopter. It'll be the big airship-shaped thing, you can't miss it.

Thankyou. KFII


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Posted: Mar 20 2007, 02:38 PM
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Despite a full force being activated to deal a lethal blow to all Starblaydi plans in southern Atlantian Oceania, there was no possible way Dala'a could stand and watch as SDL breathren were threatened. By a former SDL ally, nonetheless.

Truth be told, Nedalia had always had a sort of mutual neutral-ness with Hockey Canada. We never step on your toes, you haven't on ours, we're fine type of deal. No more. Oliverry had called, much like The Lowland Clans did, and Nedalia would answer, ofcourse.

Dala'a got on the phone with one of her closest allies.

"King Falcon...How are you? I'm going to need one those starship thingies to come and pick me up."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Mar 20 2007, 02:43 PM
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Falcon had gone one better, and sent his own personal plane to jet down to one of his closest allies. The Starling touched down on the runway, as Dala waited patiently. The door opened. Falcon leaned out of the portal and gave the Falcanian salute. "Anytime you like, Presidente. The meter's running on this thing." He grinned.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 05:56 AM
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President Stinson boarded his private plane, which then took a circuitous route to make it to the rendevous with the Falcanians. Once inside the patrol range of the Falcanian PT F-4 BOP fighters, the Lamonian presidential plane was safe from attack.

After the communications formalities were over with, the plane was granted clearance to land inside the FNA Rington. President Stinson looked out of one of the windows in complete fascination. He'd never been inside of the Falcanian airships, but he wasn't going to miss this show for the world. The Lamonian plane landed safely inside the hangar, and President Stinson came out the plane's door after the security people had deemed it safe.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 10:18 AM
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As Patriarch Khara was away on "business" in the Lowland Clans, Minister Uram would be taking his place at the meeting. She gave notice to her office to have Minister Arani contact her on her cell once he got her message, and she immediately left for the airport. It was quite a several hour flight, during which the minister decided to review her files on Hockey Canada and Oliverry to better prep for the situation ahead. Once the pilots gave her the signal that they where on final approach to the Falcanian airship, she packed up her notes in her briefcase and readied herself for the meeting ahead.

After landing she stepped out of the plane, nodding at the security and smiling as she saw that the Lamonians had already arrived. She walked over to President Stinson and offered her hand. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. President. I am Danielle Uram, Minister of Foreign affairs to His Highness Patriarch Khara."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 11:39 AM
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The Sky

Status Aran, faithful lackey to The Falcon, was waiting on the FNA Rington to greet the leaders. He shook Stinson by the hand as he stepped off the plane. "President Stinson, it's a pleasure to meet you, and Minister Uram? The Rington is on course to rendezvous with the FNA Feather promptly. In the meantime if you'd accompany to the lounge..?"
Winging It Since 2004
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