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Operation Galactica
Posted: Oct 4 2006, 06:14 AM
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The phones in all sectors of the SDL HQ in Kafra were going crazy. A hastily called meeting was being put together, and no one was daring to use to use the skies. War had broken out, now all that was missing was the gunfire.

In the Presidential Palace, Dala'a was doing telling King Falcon that given the situation, neither Stone or Khara would be able to fly out. As they were speaking, a video call meeting was being arranged between all the SDL members, and on TV, Kingsley, the leader of The Lowland Clans, was giving his speech, his official reply to Viannor's new personal vendetta.

Commander Horacio was in the President's office briefly; it was clear what both were thinking. An order from here, an agreement from there, and in 4 minutes the leader of the Nedalian Army was back on his way to begin what he hoped would be nothing more than a precautionary mission; unfortunately, he knew better than that.

As President Dala'a got off the phone with King Falcon, she requested an immediate call to The Lowland Clans, releasing this message:

My Dear Kingsley,

I will keep this short, simple, and direct. You have requested for those who love freedom to stand by you. Nedalia stands by The Lowland Clans, from now till victory is declared against the Starblaydi tyrant. Tell me what you need; it will be done.

President Yasmine Dala'a

Jabbar Naval Port, Rappor, Southwestern Nedalia

Admiral Dan Cress looked over the glistening south seas. This would forever be known as the Red Morning in Nedalia, the morning that had plunged the entire region into war. Commander Horacio was making his calls, and Cress had already received his.

The entire navy was placed on high alert, and 8 PC-II Shark patrol craft, the newest model to roll out of the ship building yards in Nedalia, were swimming the waters around the area, a few miles off the coast. Similar situations were found in all the coastal cities, especially in the south of mainland Nedalia and the eastern coast of the Western Territories.

Recently, Starblaydia had stationed itself on one of the souther islands of Hypocria, something that had caused grave concern inside of Nedalia. The measures taken today ensured that the coast was heavily defended; not one inch was left untracked. The F-4 Bird of Prey plane would be ready to see its first real life combat scenario, with the NAF also placed on high alert.

Somehow, the Admiral didn't feel comfortable. Something wasn't right.

Homante Army Base, Verriere, northern Western Territories

The infantry was waiting for its orders. Earlier, almost 12,000 of the 16,000 stationed in Homante were requested to strap up and be ready to move out. Nobody knew to where, and calls made to inside of mainland Nedalia didn't reveal much.

TC-I transport carriers were already arriving, and BT-III Tiger battle tanks were preparing to be mobilized and shipped along with the troops. However, they were still waiting. From what was being said, similiar situations had befallen the Luftan Army Base in Buerne (eastern Western Territories) and Umberra Army Base in Andestranne, northern mainland Nedalia.

SDL Headquarters, south of Kafra

Anti-Aircraft artillery appeared out of the ground. Radar satellites could pick up anything within a few hundred miles. Surface-to-Air missiles were stationed nearly every meter from one another. On top of all that, there were 145 F-4s stationed in Verdena Air Force Base south of Kafra whose sole mission was to defend the SDL HQ in case of aerial attack. It was safe to say that the HQ was, well, safe.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 10:01 AM
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OOC: This all takes place at the very moment Viannor's tape is released to the region. So, for many of the RPs since my first post, this has already happened, or is going on at the time. No sense in giving TLC any more time to react to being shot at, after all.

Starblaydia was a hive of activity, but particularly in regard to the military. The Protectorate had eleven active armies, each comprising some three-quarters of a million men. There were also eighteen reserve divisions, yet to be called up to active service. Twenty-two million soliders in total were in the army, each one of them prepared to go into Legalese and then into the Lowland Clans itself.

The first objective was speed. Starblaydia had to shift their fighting men into Legalese as quickly as possible, to take as much ground as they could before being forced to engage the soliders of the Allied States. There were targets all across the border between Starblaydia and anarchy, targets that had been part of military plans for months and years:

First, the city of Snowcroft. Formerly part of Starblayd territory, it had been granted to Legalese and lay just south of the Starblaydi City of Archaeos. It lay a literal stone's throw from Starblaydia's lands. Beyond that lay Tiberia, a Legalite city named after Starblaydia's former Lord-Protector, a man so loved during the decade-long reign over Legalese that they named a city after him. Yet further into the centre of former-Legalese was the next prize: Iudica the former captial city. Down the western side of Legalese lay Port Dein, sitting quaintly on Bekkside, any movements further than that would be towards Sagdineo, now a part of The Lowland Clans. The eastern edge, on the Nemyan Straight, had the primary target of Francopolis, but before that Numalia needed to be captured.

In essence, everything Starblaydia had control of during the administration of their half of Legalese was to be re-taken, brought back under the rule of law. This time, however, it would not be done by the police, but by the army, the navy and the air force.

Thundering across the sky, hundereds of planes carrying paratroops sped their troopers towards each of the cities targeted by the army. Airports were their main objective, in manoeuvres practised time and again in Atheistic Right and Djacor-Rysonia. Behind those paratroops came the tanks, rolling along on rail carriages to save on fuel, wear and tear. Some troop transports took the road routes, faster over the shorter distances taken by the tarmac instead of the steel rails.

Fighter aircraft and helicopters guarded the planes, trains and automobiles along their routes to their destinations. Work already done with the New Anarchist Order, the Legalite uprising against the Lowland Clans in the Legal Republic, had now ensured there would be no misunderstandings along the way. The KERES agent had done her job well.

Elsewhere, fleets were moved into position. The Arctis fleet moved beyond ollieland to throw a defensive cordon from Nova Britannius northwards, Indris tracked eastwards, defending Aquiliana. Sunnis was already present in the south of the region, stationed on Hypocria's western-most island, Sinistra. Pacifica moved south down the Nemyan Straight past Casari, while Atlantica was held in reserve in the straights. Naval movement was not just confined to the open sea, however, as ships and aircraft moved to instant high-alert in the Bekk, with hundreds upon hundreds of landing craft taking troops and tanks over the water to Port Dein.

The Starblaydi war machine was moving swiftly, and The Lowland Clans was its destiny.
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 10:54 AM
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The Starling was cruising at Mach 1.5, 18 kilometres above Bettia. Six months ago Falcon would have been smiling, laughing, excited by the speed. Not today. He and Field Commander Michael Hack (slightly pleased at the professional-sounding "Field" that had been recently added to his job description) were sitting grim-faced discussing the situation. Hack spoke first. "So they're claiming that they captured the assassins?"

Falcon looked out of the window. "That's bull-explicitive removed-, Mike. A few months ago I sent in my own operative. Shade Slopes, may have heard of him?"

"What, the cat burglar?"

"Yep. Set him up, lured him into burgling the penthouse of Condor Point. Secret service guys everywhere, that's not important. Classic ultimatum, do this for your country or we'll shut you in prison with the male rapists-type deal. Basically he had to go and burgle Viannor's castle, assess the security, report back."


"He was shot before he got within ten metres of the castle. They fished his sodden corpse out of the moat. It was all over the Jhanna Chronicle, had to create three whole PR departments and a platoon of spin doctors to deny any involvement."

"What does that have to do with anything, sire?"

Falcon threw back a glass of whiskey. "He was killed, Mike. Shot on sight with automatic weapons. None of this 'being captured' crap." He sat down and cradled his head in his hands for a moment. "I'm getting too old for this. Why in the fifteen unholy hells would they capture five assassins, when their general policy is to shoot anything not Starblaydi that comes into the palace borders?"

Hack was silent for a moment. "It seems an awful lot like Viannor was just looking for an excuse for war. Looks like these five assassins was just the excuse she needed. And now we've got war. We haven't officially declared yet, but I took the liberty of mobilising a dozen of our aerial naval squadrons. They'll be drifting their way over to Sarzonian airspace right now, should get there by half three this morning."

Falcon steepled his fingers thoughtfully. The PA crackled gently into life. "We're within radar range of SDLHQ, sire. Requesting permission to land."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 11:47 AM
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Area 38, Lexington, New Manhattan

General Mitchell Mendoza: How far does this slani thing go down?

Benjamin Lebok: Just a hundred meters or so. If a bunch of slani Aquillans were telling you that they were going to n00k you, wouldn’t you be a little paranoid?

Gen. Mendoza: So, could you give me a hint about what TechConGroup’s donation is, or am I supposed to be surprised?

Lebok: We’ll be there any second now.

Gen. Mendoza: And how will I even know it when I see it? I haven’t actually been here before.

Lebok: Don’t worry, you can’t miss it.

Time passes.

Gen. Mendoza: Holy slani—

Lebok: See, what did I tell you? It’s the second-largest graphic display in the Unified Capitalizt States.

Gen. Mendoza: There’s a larger display?

Lebok: I take it you’re not a big fan of the Panthers, sir?

Gen. Mendoza: Ah, right, that screen. So, what could we possibly do with a giant glowing map of Atlantian Oceania?

Lebok: Well, we’ve been running all kinds of simulations—Milchama against Starblaydia, Starblaydia against Lamoni, Nótereth against Sirius D…I think this one is a Krytenian invasion of Pacitalia.

Gen. Mendoza: And why would we need to simulate that?

Lebok: Better to be safe than sorry.

Gen. Mendoza: Better to have troops than a gigantic toy.

The “SIMULATION” banner disappears from the top of the display. A number of purple dots blink red and very slowly move south.

Gen. Mendoza: What’s going on?

Jim Logan: Sir, Starblaydia has just declared war on the Lowland Clans and is moving troops into Legalese.

Gen. Mendoza: What?

Logan: Our simulations indicate that a large-scale conflict between the SAAS and SDL is imminent.

Gen. Mendoza: I don’t suppose TechConGroup has a return policy?

Lebok: It was a donation…

Gen. Mendoza: Never mind, I’ll head back to HQ and write some sort of stupid announcement like everyone else probably is.
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 03:00 PM
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Vyntra tried to massage some of the pain out of his temples. But still the dull throbbing remained. This was such a bad idea. But he had always known the true price of Viannor’s assistance.

“Ten seconds Excellency.”

The Autokrator sat upright behind his desk, the blue and white flag of the Autocracy adorned the wall above him. He’d keep this short and to the point. The technician finished his countdown . . .

“Citizens of the Autocracy, as I’m sure you are all aware, a grievous crime has been committed against one of our closest allies. A crime that cannot and will not be allowed to go unpunished. To that end, as of this moment there exists a state of war between the Imperial Autocracy and the Allied States of the Lowland Clans. Together we will prevail. For the Autocracy.”

In a matter of minutes that speech would be shown on every channel across the nation. Shortly thereafter his words would be transmitted throughout the region. Of that he was sure. After all, it wasn’t everyday that a tinpot southern dictator declared war on one of the greatest military powers in the region. This really was a bad idea.
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 03:01 PM
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The white marble hallways where a buzz with the chatter of the various Archons and their aides. Never in its existence had the Assembly Hall seen such commotion in its walls. To any observing the commotion, it becamse clear that the various people at the Hall where quickly converging into a buzzing river of humanity and heading straight for the main hall of the legislature. The aides and various other VIPs who had attended this special session of the National Assembly quickly made their way to the second level of the main hall, taking their seats there and still chattering amongst themselves.

Taking their seats in the semi-circular pattern of chairs and tables on the first floor, the various Archons began to settle themselves in. Finally, after several minutes of waiting, First Archon Tyler Anan made his way down to the podium that stode in the center of the semi-circle of the Archons chairs. Standing at the podium, he looked about the room, waiting for those assembled to recognize him and quiet down. When such a thing happened, he cleared his throat and began.

"Ladies and Gentleman of the National Assembly, and our esteemed guests that have been allowed here this day, I will get straight to the point of this special session."

He toke a long pause before continuing.

"As most of you know by now, the Alliance of Nine States and the Protectorate of Starblaydia have declared war on each other. The Alliance has called on its allies in the SDL to aid them in their struggle. To that end, we of the Assembly must decide what course should be taken by the Dominion."

A hand was raised in the back of the room and the First Archon pointed towards. "The chair recognizes the honorable Archon Walter Ibsen from Amaria."

The person who had raised their hand quickly stood up and bowed slightly to the room. They leaned forward and spoke into a microphone on their desk. "With all due respect to this Assembly and his excellency the First Archon, I fail to see the point of this vote. We all know the Patriarch is determined to drag us into yet another conflict and waste more lives, and that he can override our votes no matter what we wish. This is a mockery of democracy and should be dismissed immediately."

This caused a uproar from all sides of the hall as several Archons, both agreeing and disagreeing with what Archon Ibsen had just said, stood and began to shout and argue with one another. Having had enough stress on himself today, First Archon banged his gavel down on the podium.

"That's enough! I will have order in this assembly!" he shouted as the arguments subsided and all present began to sit down again.

When he felt he had control of the room, he continued with his speech. "Let us just get straight to the procedure. As is customary, we will here from both sides of the debate on the vote at hand before calling for a vote. First we will hear from Archon Richard Yorrick of Felcos for the reasoning behind why we should stay out of this conflict."

A tall man dressed in a black suit and white tie, sporting grey hair and a mustache, stood from his seat towards the front. Picking up the mic from his desk, he turned and faced the assembly. "My fellow Archons. This is really quite a simple matter. It is not out of cowardice or a simple isolationist ideology that we should stay out of this war, but if I may use such a term, out of simple logistics."

He paused and held up a sheet of papers in his left hand. "I have here in my hand a study of the current deployment of our armed forces. Right now a substantial portion of our resources are going towards the pacification and containment effort in Nova Roma. We cannot afford to, in good conscience, start ourselves in yet another conflict. To do such a thing would stretch us thin, damage our economy, and endager the security of the Dominion by spreading our security to thin across the region.

It is for security that we must stay out of this conflict. If we go in, it will be for the long haul and it will cost us more than just domins, but human lives. Peoples daughters, sons, nephews, nieces, grandaughters and grandsons. They would all be put at risk. If anything must be encouraged, I say we stand with the people of Pacitalia and work from the inside of the SDL to help push for a peaceful resolution to this all. Thank you."

He sat down, the room was errily silent. Even though it was law that no reactions such as clapping be giving during this part of the voting process, there was usually at least some murmuring going on. This time however, just quiet.

First Archon Anan stood back up from his chair behind the podium. "We will now here from Archon Kyle Raven of Sairion."

An man wearing a black suit, yellow tie, and sporting dirty blonde hair rose from a seat on the far left end of the front line of desks in the Assembly. He bowed to those present. "I agree with my honorable counterpart from the great district of Felcos. This conflict will cost a great many lives, and it will spread us thin. But only if we were going it alone and only if we rush headlong into it without preparation or thought. Contrary to what some may have you think, we wish no such thing to be had in this. It is only after much thought and consideration that we have even brought such a possibility up. This is the action that must be taken. It will not destroy the security of our nation, but help protect it.

Should our allies in the Lowland Clans and elsewhere fall to the SAAS war machine, should we stand idly by while Viannor and her cronies run rampant unchecked across the region, then we will have signed our freedoms awat by default. The only way to combat such evil is to stand against it. Our allies need us and honor and future generations demand that we do what is right.

United, the Dominion and the SDL have the power to strike once and for all this blight from the region and provide a safe and secure life for all. But only if we take a stand!"

With that the gentleman sat down and First Archon leaned back into the microphone at the podium. "We will now take a silent vote on the matter. And I have been told by the palace that Patriarch Khara has pledged to go along witht he will of the people, no matter the outcome of this vote." With that he stepped back from the podium and began the almost unbearable waiting process.

Hours crawled by, the doors shut tightly on the main hall. Nobody was to be allowed to leave until the vote came to an end. Several Archons could be seen pacing, other conversing among themselves. After a couple of hours a slow trickle of people came down to the front and placed their votes. Finally, after about six total hours, all 66 votes where accounted for. The counting didn't take nearly as long as the actual voting. Once it had finished, and First Archon Anan confirmed it, he stepped back up to the podium.

"Ladies and gentleman, by a vote of 42 to 24, the National Assembly has voted in favor of declaring a state of war between the people of the Dominion of Khazaron and the Protectorate of Starblaydia."

Back at the palace...

Khara sat in his office, nervously rapping his fingers against the desk as he awaited the news from the National Assembly. It was a risky business, pledging to go along with whatever was decided, but it was also the most politically sound for him to do. If he forced the issue, most would resent it out of principle and he'd face a harder homefront. The buzzer on his intercome rang and he pressed down on the button. "Yes?" he asked.

"It just came in." came the voice of Minister Arani. "They've voted in favor for it."

"Very well then, increase our defense force readiness to High Alert, notify the rest of the SDL of our decision."

"As you wish highness." With that the intercom clicked off. Khara pressed down on it again. "Johnathan, notify all major news outlets in the Dominion that I am preparing to address the nation." With that he sat down and began writting.

Several hours later...

Khara arranged the papers he held in his hands and cleared his throat. The cameraman gave the signal that told him he was now being broadcast live to the whole nation and whatever foreign outlets cared to carry the signal.

"My loyal subjects, my beloved people. I come to you today on the verge of a great contest. As most of you may have heard by now, the National Assembly, in response with what has been declared between Starblaydia and the Alliance, has voted in favor of coming to the aid of our allies in the Lowland Clans.

As you also may know, we are alos currently engaged in operations in the land formerly belonging to the nation of Nova Roma. While at a current standstill as far as armed conflict is concerned, little can be spared from the area due to concerns over containing the plague and securing the western districts from possible assault.

To that end, in order to faithfully and effectively prosecute this conflict and end it as quickly as possible, I am calling for a draft to help strengthen our forces and bring this conflict to a swift conculsion.

However, I would not ask those under me to do something that I myself would not readily do, therefore I am personally taking command of the Khazaronian forces and will lead them personally. Thank you for your time."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 03:58 PM
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"War." Prime Minister Tariskany was well familiar with the subject, but this was the first time he was having to deal with the issue while in power. The last conflict Abattoir had faced had cost Prime Minister Lavinsky his life, and the lives of countless Abattoirians.

He stood up and surveyed the room of his advisors and Generals, "Well, what do we do?"

A short balding man of a large build stood up, tugging on his green suit he cleared his throat, and began, "Sir, it seems that Starblaydia was just responding to the threat of agents that seem to have origins in the Lowland Clans. In his response to such actions, the entire SDL jumped on the war bandwagon and seem intent on the demise of our esteemed SAAS. When the Lavingrad Pact was written between our honorable nations, we swore to defend and protect our neighbors and friends whether it came to trading or dropping bombs. Unfortunately, this time we've fallen to the latter."

"Yes Stravenstatia, you're right. We are obliged to assist our brothers in Starbladyia in their struggle...but are our forces up to it?" Tariskany then turned his attention to a tall, clean cut man clearly in his early thirties.

"The men have been restless, sir, but they are more than ready to combat the foreign threat. It has been years since our last battles but our equipment and are troops have been well maintained and our populance is in dire need of a burst of patriotism. I believe that every aspect of the armed forces would be clearly behind us, and I believe the populance can be molded into the same. Besides, you know what a economic boost armed conflict brings to militarized nations."

Tariskany stared outside his window, catching glimpses of children chasing each other in the street...laughing. Was he willing to do this to his people? It was the right move, but was it worth it...

BOOM!!! The Prime Minister was hurled to the floor as an explosion crashed right outside his window, showering glass all over him. The room was a panic as guards rushed in. Tariskany struggle to his feet to see his secret police force, the streltsy overcome a man whom had apparently been running away. A few minutes later after the men had composed themselves and the small injuries taken care of, an officer entered the room and addressed him.

"Terrorists sir, apparently Nova Romans displeased with our inability to assist them in their past struggle."

Tariskany whiped the broken glass and mortar off his chair, sat down, and looked back at the young man, "Mobilize the army, navy, and air force...we must stop this."
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 04:22 PM
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"Sir! Sir!" a secretary screamed as she ran to Edward Nguyễn's office.

"What is it Shirley?" Nguyễn asked.

"Starblaydia has declared war against The Lowland Clans!" she replied.

"Why?" asked Nguyễn.

"5 members of the The Lowland Clans Department of Homeland security tried to assassinate Lady Viannor Starbladyde." she replied

"That would do it. Thank You." Nguyễn said as he pointed to the door. He sat back in his chair and let out a long sigh "And so it begins." he said. He picked up the phone and dialed up Barry Keller. "Barry did you hear the news?" he asked.

"What news?" asked Barry

"Starblaydia has declared war against The Lowland Clans." Nguyễn said.

"On what grounds?" Barry asked.

"It seems like The Lowland Clans government wanted Lady Viannor Starbladyde dead." Nguyễn replied. "What should we do sir? I say we join up with The Lowland Clans like our allies, Bazalonia have. Plus, I've never really liked the Starblaydis."

"We need to have our military ready. What are our numbers again?" Barry inquired.

"We, approximently have 1,479,000." Nguyễn said.

"We need more, if we go into combat with that few of people, we will get crushed. Any ideas?" Keller said

"Well..... we currently have and unemplyment rate of 3.49%, I say we conscript them all into the military, but we pay them a bit so they don't get too cheesed off." Nguyễn said. He then went to a calculator and started number-crunching. "That will give us an addiontal 34,411,400 troops, giving us 35,890,400 total. Nguyễn said.

"That will work." Barry said. "I will go announce it" he finshed.

The Prime Minister then hung-up. Nguyễn wasn't sure if this would go over well, but they needed to do what was the best for the country, and this was it.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 84
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 05:49 PM
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Barry Keller was sweating bullets, this was the biggest decision he had ever to make. He had decided to conscript the 3.49% unemployed Quakmybushians. "Five, Four, Three, you're on the air," the director said.

"Hello Quakmybush, I am sorry that I am having to talk to you under these conditions. As many of you probably know Starblaydia and The Lowland Clans are at war. Our main ally, Bazalonia, has joined in on this with the side of The Lowland Clans, and we have decided to join as well. Now to my point, we do not have a large military, so for all of the unemployed we are assigning you all to service in the military. Yes, technically we are conscripting you, however we will be paying you H 3,000 a month, and in a case of death or injury behond heal your family will be payed an amount of H 45,000. Yes, many of you probably disagree with this. However, I belive we are doing what is best for the country and the region. We all need to come together in this time of trouble. Thank You for your time, good night, and We Smell Good!" Keller said.

That was it, that was the speech. He sat and thought, what's the worst that could happen?
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 84
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 12:06 AM
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Things were quickly going from bad to worse for the Holton administration, as the situation between Starblaydia and the Lowland Clans was getting worse. In fact, it was rapidly spinning out of control. Certainly, it was out of the United Isles' control. Footballia and Hypocria had joined the SAAS side against the Alliance of Nine, with Bazalonia, Khazaron and Quakmybush joining the TLC/SDL side. Lamoni looked ready to jump in at any moment, and Nedalia would too. Sean Holton, the 25th President of the United Isles, was in a moral crisis. He had to do what was best for Myrtannia, but also had an obligation of sorts to support the SDL which he had allied the Isles to. His Vice President had finally convinced him of which way he wanted to go, but now Holton had to take it before the National Congress.

The emergency meeting of the Myrtannian National Congress had been called as reports of Starblaydi troop movements in the direction of the Lowland Clans had reached Intelligence sources. As if the situation wasn't bad enough, the meeting was being broadcast on national television. If Holton failed in his mission to sway the Congress, the whole country would know it immediately.

Holton entered the Congress chamber after being announced by his VP, and strode up to the podium at the front of the room to dead silence. No applause, just the members of Congress staring coldly at him. This wouldn't be pretty. Even members of his own Party had threatened to turn on him if he wanted war with the SAAS.

"Ladies and gentlemen... my fellow Myrtannians, today has been an extremely troubling one for the region of Atlantian Oceania. Not long ago, we learned that the Protectorate of Starblaydia, leader of the SAAS, had apparently foiled an assassination attempt made by the Lowland Clans. While the Alliance of Nine States denies this, Starblaydia has declared war upon them, and vice versa. The Empire of Footballia and the Imperial Autocracy of Hypocria joined them in the conflict. Other SAAS members are certain to follow this example. In response, Khazaron, Quakmybush, and Bazalonia have declared war on said SAAS nations. As a member nation of the Strategic Defense League, we have been called upon to assist our allies of the Lowland Clans in this dark hour," Holton began, "What we are now facing is a conflict the proportions of which has not been seen in our lifetimes. A complete regional war - an AO War. Our good friends Lamoni may well join the fight soon."

Murmurs from the Congress, and then the President continued, "What we face is no longer a spat between nations, but a confrontation of Democracy and Autocracy. The will of the people against the will of dictators. Freedom against oppression. If the Alliance of Nine States falls, will the SAAS stop there? No. They will move on to destroy any in their path. Only a united front of the SDL can stop them. As their warmongering is a threat to our national security, our soverignty, and our way of life, I ask that you vote to establish that a state of war exists between the United Isles of Myrtannia and Starblaydia, as well as Footballia and Hypocria."

The murmurs turned angry, and Holton stepped off the podium. Suddenly, another man - a member of Congress - stood and strode angrilly and purposefully to take his place before his countrymen and women. He was Porfirio Trahin, a member of the centrist Federal Party, and known opponent of several National Party policies.

"Good evening, my countrymen and women. I must begin by saying I am outraged that the President believes he can drag our beloved isles into a foreign conflict. This war will be far more destructive and horrific than anything we have ever experienced. If the major powers of the region wish to slaughter each other, there is nothing our United Isles can do. We must act in the interest of our own land, our own people," Trahin began, "And I for one see no reason to allow my beloved nation forced into an armed conflict in which we are not directly at risk. No member state of the SAAS has ever threatened the security or sovereignty of Myrtannia, and we are not a threat to them. While we are good friends with the Free Republic to the north and west, we have already notified them that Myrtannia will not follow the SDL into a catastrophic armed conflict."

"And that is what this will be: a catastrophic armed conflict. We participated in the war against Atheistic Right because they were a direct threat to our safety and security. My fellow Myrtannians, do you want your sons and daughters sent to a far off land to die in the name of war against nations that have never once threatened us? Nations that most likely have no interest in ever making war on the United Isles? I do not believe so," he went on, "I move that we vote down this war mongering proposal and focus on threats closer to home. Furthermore, I motion that it is high time that we remove one of those threats this evening. Sean Holton has put Myrtannia at risk simply by allying us on whim to the SDL. We have the power to remove him and prevent any further trouble he may get us into. Thank you."

Trahin's speech was responded to with nods and even some scattered applause.


When the vote came in, it wasn't as close as Holton had hoped: 63 against, 20 for, and 17 abstaining. Myrtannia would remain neutral in the conflict. Then, the second vote came, and it was even worse for him: on the question of whether to remove the President from office, the vote was 80 for, 20 against. Sean William Holton was the President to ever be removed from office by the Congress in Myrtannia's history. Robert Jett resigned his post on the spot, and that made the Speaker of Congress the next in line for the highest office in the land. That man was Porfirio Trahin. In a matter of moments, Trahin was sworn in as the 26th President of the United Isles of Myrtannia. Things would be happening differently now....
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 12:57 AM
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James Martin-Gibson watched the proceedings in Myrtannia live on his TV set, and sighed. This was not the time for internal crises to be happening. Chacor was one of the few nations that had friendly relations with Starblaydia but was not in either the SAAS or SDL, and he had no intention for the nation to be drawn into conflict.

Turning to an aide, he asked to call an emergency sitting of Parliament.

--- Parliament House, Chacoria ---
"Ladies and Gentlemen, as Speaker of the Parliament, I hereby call this emergency sitting of Parliament upon the wishes of Acting Prime Minister James Martin-Gibson, who joins us via satellite from the PM's office in Hubana."

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, as you all may well know, the region is descending into chaos. Starblaydia is at war with The Lowland Clans, and many nations have decided to hop on. Today, I recommend that the Parliament of Chacor backs the Government in our stance to remain neutral."

The opposition leader, Mark Wales, stood to address Parliament. "Ladies and gentlemen, Speaker, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister," he began to some cheers from his party, "the Government insists on being neutral, and yet we allow Starblaydi forces in our country! What is this shambles about?" More rapturous applause. "If we are really to remain neutral, all Starblaydi forces must be asked to leave at once."

Cries of "hear, hear" could be heard ringing out.

Gibson spoke again. "Well, Mr. Wales, to banish Starblaydi forces from this country would be taken as an act of war," with some sniggers from his own party directed at Wales. "There is zero chance we could ask tthe Starblaydis to leave and not harm our peaceful relations with them."

"DPM, may I remind you that these are the SAME people who came into Djacor-Rysonia and caused hundreds upon thousands of deaths!?"

"Mr. Wales, there never was any proof of that. Any such claim is ridiculous, as such. Chacor needs the friendly relations with Starblaydia; anything short of would put us at huge risk."

The Speaker stood. "All right. Those who motion for Bill 1014-A, declaring that Starblaydi forces have to leave the country, to be put to vote, please hit AYE on your pads."

On the screen it popped up 120 AYEs, of a Parliament of 250. "120 AYEs is not enough to put Bill 1014-A to a vote. Those who motion for Bill 1014-B, asking that Starblaydi forces be transferred out of the country at their own pace, to be put to vote, hit AYE."

190 AYEs.

"Very well. Those who motion for Bill 1014-C, reminding Starblaydia that it still has forces in Djacor-Rysonia, and that Chacor should not be used as a place to strategise against another member of the region, be put to vote, hit AYE."

Everyone hit AYE.

"And finally, those who motion for Bill 1015, reinforcing that Chacor will remain neutral in this miliatry conflict unless first attacked, be put to vote, please hit AYE."

Again, 250 AYEs.

"Very well. Bill 1014-B. Starblaydi forces should be, at their own pace, transferred out of Djacor-Rysonia and Chacor as soon as possible. Ruling coalition has 185 seats; opposition has 65 seats. A majority of 55% of the votes is necessary for Bill 1014-B to pass. If you vote for, please hit AYE. If you oppose 1014-B, please hit NO. If you abstain, please refrain from touching your pad."

Ruling Coalition AYE 84 NO 101
Opposition parties AYE 42 NO 23
Total ABSTAIN 0 AYE 126 NO 124

"Bill 1014-B fails with 50.4% support, short of the 55% needed. Bill 1014-C. The Starblaydi advisor in Chacor is reminded that Starblaydia still has forces in the nation, and that Chacor should not be used as a ground to strategise militarily in a war. Ruling coalition has 185 seats; opposition has 65 seats. A majority of 55% of the votes is necessary for Bill 1014-C to pass. If you vote for, please hit AYE. If you oppose 1014-C, please hit NO. If you abstain, please refrain from touching your pad."

Ruling Coalition AYE 99 NO 74
Opposition parties AYE 50 NO 15
Total ABSTAIN 12 AYE 149 NO 89

"Bill 1014-C passes with 62.6% support. The Starblaydi advisor should be summoned to the Prime Minister's office to be reminded that Starblaydia still has troops in Chacor, and that as we are remaining neutral, no military strategising should take place within our borders except on Starblaydi territory within the nation. Bill 1015. Chacor will remain neutral in this conflict unless first attacked. Ruling coalition has 185 seats; opposition has 65 seats. A simple majority of 50% of the votes is necessary for Bill 1015 to pass. If you vote for, please hit AYE. If you oppose 1015, please hit NO. If you abstain, please refrain from touching your pad.

Ruling Coalition AYE 185 NO 0
Opposition parties AYE 60 NO 0
Total ABSTAIN 5 AYE 245 NO 0

"Bill 1015 passes unanimously. Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes today's emergency session of Parliament. Thank you for your time."

Gibson watched on, a bit shocked that 1014-C had passed quite overwhelmingly. He definitely did not want to meet the Starblaydi envoy, this was certainly not the best time. Nonetheless, it had to be done. He picked up the phone.

"Starblaydi Envoy's Office, Hubana."

"Hello, James Martin-Gibson here. Parliament today passed a bill calling up the Starblaydi envoy. Please have him meet me in my office at the PM's residence at his convenience. Thank you."

This post has been edited by Chacor on Oct 5 2006, 01:03 AM
Senator in Training
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 09:37 AM
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The following statement was released to Atlantian Oceania from the Lord-Mayor of Nova Britannicus, leader of the Loose City-State Association of Nova Britannicus:


The parliament of Nova Britannicus, containing the six Mayors of the cities of Nova Britannicus, has debated over the terrible issue of war and wishes to remain neutral in this situation. Though our two great nations are closely intertwined, Nova Britannicus is a separate and sovereign state.

As such, Nova Britannicus will not be sending it's glorious troops to aid Starblaydia's war with the Alliance of Nine States and the larger entity of the Strategic Defence [sic] League. Neither, however, will the Association allow any troops of the SDL to cross into its land, or violate its international waters. Britannican troops have been mobilised to defensive positions around the nation and are prepared to repel any invader of our sovereignty, whatever allies they may possess.

Nova Britannicus will defend itself if required, but will take no offensive action unless directly provoked. This is the self-preservation society.

His honour Ian Asquith-Smythe-Hogg,
Lord-Mayor of Nova Britannicus
Nova Britannicus
The Self-Preservation Society
Posts: 34
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 11:26 AM
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"Are you out of your damn mind?!" came the shout from the Minister of Defense. "Personally leading the troops? This isn't the Middle Ages, doing crap like this is going to get you killed."

Khara stared back at Minister Arani from behind his desk and shoke his head. "I've made up my decision. I'm going and I will lead them. It's not like I'll be completely incommunicado the whole time. I can still dictate whatever needs dictating via satellite. Whatever else needs handling, I will leave to the respective ministers and the Assembly. Now if you don't mind, we have a war to plan, so lets get to it shall we?"

Minister Arani nodded reluctantly and sat down across from the desk, joining him where Director Jordan Pash, head of the Directorate of Foreign Intelligence; Fleet Admiral Robert Farris; and General Thomas Garrett, head of the Khazaronian Military Committee.

"Alright, first things first, what intel do we have on the Starblaydi war machine?" Khara said as he turned towards Director Pash. Opening black leather folder, he flipped through a few pages and then responded.

"To put it bluntly highness, they outnumber us somewhere around 2 to 1, give or take. They are also more experienced and better equipped than us. Our biggest concern, if we want to move towards Starblaydia or Lowland Clans, would be their Artics fleet stationed north of Nova Britannicus. As NB has declared its neutrality in the conflict, our only other way to get to Starblaydia would be to fight our way through their Artics fleet."

Khara nodded and then turned to Fleet Admiral Farris. "Well, what would our chances be?"

Farris shoke his head solemnly. "Virtually nil, at least by ourselves. As Director Pash said, they are just plan better equipped than we are. For something like trying to break through their fleet, we'd have to rely on a combined attack or be prepared to take heavy losses, if not a total defeat."

"The closest SDL ally we have in the area would be Oliverry. They've yet to declare their position in the conflict. I'll wait until such time to formulate a plan on possible movements towards Starblaydia through that route. For the time being keep the eastern fleet on highest alert and patrolling our waters to the east and northeast."

Farris nodded.

Khara then turned towards General Garrett. "Well general, how is the conscription going? How soon can we expect them to be battle-ready."

General Garrett was an elderly man in his mid-sixties, his age was starting to really show, even though he kept in rather good shape. He toke off his reading glasses and rubbed the ridge of his nose. "We'll need at least a few months before they are useable, and that's if we practically shove them through basic."

Minister Arani interjected at this point. "That may be true, but we expect that the draft and calling of of reserves could boost our armed forces from 25 to 35 percent."

"We don't need our ground pounders to do anything but hold their ground once it's been taken." said Khara. "Since we can't go toe-to-toe with the Starblaydi, we're going to have to rely on more covert methods. Quick strikes with special forces against key areas and individuals. That's the key to victory for us and the League." Khara said.

"I'm concerned about Abbatoir." said Minister Arani. "They've recently had a terrorist attack on their government by Nova Romans. That could motivate them towards moving themselves up north and closer towards us. Our current biggest advantage is that we don't have any major combatants that close to our doorstep, that could change very soon though if they decide to do that.

It would be especially bad if it happened before we were able to get our conscripts up and running."

Khara shoke his head. "No need to worry. Any way you slice it, SAAS nations would have to move through territory controlled to SDL nations to get to us. We have at least some time to work with. My greatest concern right now is trying to seize the initiative away from the SAAS and their Starblaydi puppet masters. Let's get working on that and I'll see if I can't start coordinating efforts with our allies."
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 03:54 PM
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"What?! This is bull-explicitive removed-! There is no way in hell I am going to join that mother -explicitive removed-ing army just because some suit told me too. Waht would he know! I'm gunna be the one getting shot at not him." A very angry Philip Ramírez screamed.

"Honey, it will help our country so much, plus you will get paid a tonne of money." His wife Vannessa Ramírez replied.

"Ya, I guess, I guess I will do it, but still, it's dumb, I still think there will be a tonne of people out there that won't change their mind like me." Philip said.

With that Ramírez hugged and kissed his wife and kids goodbye. Then he left for Xed City.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 84
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 05:41 PM
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"Any reports of fighting?"

"Not to our knowledge, Commander."

"And movements out of TLC?"

"Nothing yet, Commander."

"Thank you."

Commander Horacio gave out a long a sigh. Starblaydi forces had begun mobilizing and moving south of their border into former Legalese, with no response from TLC yet. He knew it would come, but the Purple Army had attacked and had done so quickly; in the first play of the war, they were on the offensive.

All morning, the Nedalian Army was preparing itself for war. To be fully honest, Nedalia had secretly been preparing for war since the last days of the Bren administration, and that was thrown into full gear by President Dala'a.

Commander Horacio was there for the Battle of the Southern Islands, the 2 day Holy Saints offensive onto the islands that were now known as Miceland. He led the Nedalian part of the invasion on Latao and the crazed Van Papen regime. This, however, was a whole other animal.

Ever since Dala'a had taken office, Horacio had a ridiculous amount of money thrown at him to do as he pleased, and he had turned the humble Nedalian Army to a very powerful one. One capable of standing toe-to-toe with any invading force should it come to that.

Word from TLC had yet to arrive, which meant the Army was still in limbo over whether it would send troops The Lowland Clans or not. It would arrive soon, Horacio thought, so that he could adjust and move on to Step 2: aerial and naval control over the southern seas between Nedalia, Spruitland, the Western Territories, Milchama, all the way east to Bettia.
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