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The Latao Conflict
Posted: Aug 10 2005, 07:50 AM
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OOC: Instead of posting in what seems like 18 different threads, lets just make this the one thread for the Latao Conflict.

IC: The Nedalian Navy had already made moves, leaving their respective ports and stationing just behind the Starblaydi Navy. With a full out assault on Latao inevitable, Nedalia were not going to risk anything this time and instead were going to take care of the nuclear warhead problem once and for all.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 10:18 AM
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*Meanwhile in a Lamoni conference room*

The First Archon was flipping through some papers and finalizing an economic deal with President Stone, whe one of his aides cell-phones rang. Turning to the aide and giving him a rather nasty look, the aide smiled sheepishly, taking the phone and quickly leaving the room to answer the call. Just as the First Archon was about to ask a question about one of the fine points of their new alliance, the aide came running back in, his face red and the phone still attached to his hand.

"Yes? What's so important that you had to interrupt these talks?" The First Archon asked. The aide finally caught his breath. "Latao has declared war on Starblaydia after Starblaydia killed their delegation to here. Also, they say their nuclear weapons are going nowhere. However, Latao contends that they are now acting in self-defense." The First Archon slowly closed his folder and placed it on the table and then motioned for the aide to come close. "Notify General Hamar to begin some troop movements and exercises. Get our men read in case we need to enter this conflict. Also, get me the Director of the Special Service." The First Archon whispered to his aide. The aide nodded and quickly ran out of the room again.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 12:13 PM
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Now that Lamoni had declared war on Latao, (OOC: in the IC Latao-Starblaydia talks thread) the long warm ups had proved well worth it. Lamonian troops were boarding troop ships, and the Navy was out in force, searching for any Latin ships dumb enough to be near Lamoni.

*In the conference room with Khazaron*

"First Archon," President Stone made it sound more like a question. "the Free Republic has officialy declared war on Latao. We have indications that Latao might have kidnapped our nuclear weapons experts, and retained their nukes for use against Starblaydia. Nedalia has already joined in the conflict, and my troops are almost all in their troopships. We're ready. Can we count on Khazaronian support in this conflict?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 12:23 PM
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The First Archon simply smiled in reply and leaned over to his aide Johnathan. "Notify General Hamar that there has been a change of plans. Due to Latao's hoarding of nuclear weapons, and it's state of war with our allies, we are now at war with the Confederacy of Latao. Furthermore, tell him to gather 200,000 of his best men and join up with Admiral Calen in the port city of Aska. Give them explicit instructions to join up with the Starblaydian, Nedalian and Lamonian forces in Latao." Johnathan nodded as he got up out of his chair and prepared to go call back home to deliver the message. The First Archon raised his hand, grabbing Johnathan by the arm to stop him. "One more thing, tell the Director of the Special Service to add about, oh 200 or so of his best to those troops as well. I'll have need of their services." Johnathan's eyes seemed to widen for a moment, and then he nodded and quickly exited the room.

The First Archon turned to President Stone and nodded. "I believe our first course of action should be to soften their defenses, as well as come up with a plan on rescuing your team of experts Mr.President. What say you?"
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 12:28 PM
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"I think that that would be a wonderful idea, First Archon." President Stone went on with, "I'm going to give the order to have Lamonian forces move south towards Latao; and your forces can meet up with them. In the meantime, we can have our militaries determine where Latao put their hostages, and how to get them out."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 12:54 PM
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Port City of Aska, Khazaron
Thousands of troops began boarding the multiple battleships that had been lined up in the Askan harbor. Loved ones had gathered just outside of the loading ramps to the ships to wish the soldiers a farewell and to return home safely. Towards the back of the fleet, large carriers where being loaded up by military personell with tanks and artillery. Overseeing the loading process was a grey-haired man dressed in a red uniform, with four stars on the shoulders. "Be careful with that stuff men, those beauties cost our government a pretty penny to make." Somebody tapped the man on his shoulder and he turned around to be greeted by a much younger looking man with a brown goatee, balding head, and dressed in a white naval uniform. Smiling the man slapped his right handed fist over his heart in the traditional Khazaronian salute.

"Peace through Power General Hamar." The man in white said. "Peace through power Admiral Calen." The man in red said as he returned the salute. "How go our loading procedures?" Admiral Calen asked. General Hamar nodded with a stern look on his face as he watched the men board yet another tank. "Very good, we should be done before ngithfall. Your men ready to set sail by then?" Hamar asked. Admiral Calen nodded. "We could set sail now if you slow-pokes would just hurry up." Calen chuckled a bit as he said that. The General turned to him and grinned, then turned his attention back to his men loading the tanks. "You here that you sorry sons of curs?! Go faster!!!" A few of the men looked like they where about ready to collapse as they ran back to get the next one ready for loading.

The next morning

The Khazaronian Expeditionary Force had already made it out to international waters on where well on their way to joining up with the allied forces around Latao. On the deck of the flagship of the fleet, The Invictus, General Hamar and Admiral Calen stode watching out over the fleet. Admiral Calen turned to one of his men at the comm station. "Notify the Starblaydi, Nedalian, and Lamonian Generals that we are on our way."

Meanwhile, below deck, several soldiers where chatting with each other in the mess hall as several men in non-descript clothing walked by them and toke a seat together at the far end of the hall. "Is that who I think it is?" One of the soldiers asked. "I heard rumors." Another replied.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 01:13 PM
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The Lamonian-built Destroyers and Air Craft Carriers flying under Nedalia's banner had began their push towards Latao, and the Southern Forces (approximately 250,000 men) were already on call, awaiting only the final desicion to push ahead for a full ground invasion of Latao. Commander Horacio had ordered heavy bombardment of Latin soil before such an invasion took place, but the Nedalian Forces were awaiting the arrival of Lamonian and Khazaronian troops, as well as the confirmation for attack from Starblaydia, before heading in.

Battle tanks, 4X4 Jeeps, Infantry Movement Vehicles, and all types of artillery was being set up on the 3 port cities of Honsfield, Frenna, and Brenelle. All were set up and ready to go, barring any major set backs. In the horizon, the "Red Sun" began to rise...
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 05:26 PM
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The Lamonian invasion force steamed south towards Latao. While underway, they recieved word that Latao's leaders had fled their nation, but that didn't bother them one bit. It would just make the invasion easier.

Finally reaching the area around Latao, Gen. Smythe (who had helicoptered to the command ship as the ships were leaving their bases) was awaiting word from Lamonian High Command for when to strike.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 08:45 PM
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"Commander, word from Nedalia is that Latao's leaders have fled the country," called out the second-in-command.

"Then we will waste no time. I know Starblaydia hasn't moved its troops yet, but the word from the Lamonians is that they are racing towards Latao's northern shore. We shall land to the Northeast of the country and move in from there. Mobilize the troops and move out!"

With that command, the Nedalian Navy began loading up the 200,000 strong troops, while the aircraft carriers began making their moves into the sea. Pretty soon, the Nedalians would advance past the Starblaydi fleet and move right into Latao.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 11 2005, 04:38 PM
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The F/A-80s lifted off from the carrier decks as the troopships steamed towards the Latin shores. Naval warships fired Tomahawks and five inch guns at Latin anti-air installations. The invasion of Latao had begun at dawn. As the first Lamonian shock troops landed on the Latin beaches, the Latin return fire seemed to slack off for a moment, as if the defenders couldn't believe what was going on.

Aboard the command ship, General Smythe, Admiral Torban, and the planning staff were reviewing their plans after the first units had secured their beacheads. "Where are allied forces?" asked General Smythe. Pointing at one spot on the holographic projection, the Generals aide; Colonel Shane said "Here are the Khazaronians. Depending on how fast they move, they'll be here within a day or so. The Nedalians are currently here through here, and the Starblaydis are here. We seem to be the first ones to actually invade Latao this time around, sir."

(OOC: I think that i'll leave this half finished for now)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 12 2005, 12:16 PM
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The word was spreading throughout the Nedalian ranks that the Lamonians had landed on Latin soil and were facing little resistance in their march to the capital. This was good news and the exact motivation the soldiers needed as they began their final run towards Latao's shore. The Adejaani-built aircrafts had already done a few rounds over the landing site and bombed the little pockets of Latin defences around the area. Commander Horacio could see the shore coming up. Behind, a voice cried out.

"Sir, we've landed. Our invasion has begun. The early signs suggest that the Latins are not going to put up too much of a fight."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 13 2005, 01:48 AM
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There had been little resistance to the joint invasion forces so far, leaving General Smythe to wonder if this weren't some Latin trick, or the real thing.

When the lead Lamonian forces started to reach the foothills of the mountains, they encountered more resistance. It had been the first seeming organized resistance that the Lamonian expeditionary force had faced since they landed in Latao with 500,000 troops, and 200 special forces soldiers. As the Lamonians faced the enemy, aerial recon established that the lead battalion of tanks was facing at least a Latin Heavy Mechanized Infantry Division. With this in mind, General Smythe had the tanks pull back as Lamonian G5 howitzers pounded the enemy positions from 39km away. The Free Republic had used the money from the nuclear weapons sales to Latao in order to purchase the weapons and it was a worthy purchase. Smythe chuckled when he thought of this, saying, "Quite ironic that we are using Latin money to buy weapons to kill them with, eh?"

(EDIT: Lamoni, please don't make it out like you invented the G5 in six months, the Starblaydi Armaments Corp was producing those 'under license' before you even came to AO - Star)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 14 2005, 08:50 AM
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"Over the last few days, naval and ground forces from the nations of Lamoni, Nadalia, Khazaron, and Starblaydia have been working to crush the despotic regime of Latao. This morning, we officially declare war on Latao, and send the KNS Secklow and a squadron of the KAF to join our existing fleet in the oceans east of Latao."

These were the words of Chairman Andrew Hessenthaler yesterday morning. This morning, Captain James Devereux of the KNS Secklow spoke on the ship's arrival to the disputed area.

"Krytenia expects, gentlemen, so let's get out there and t**t it!"
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 14 2005, 10:46 AM
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Advancement was going as planned, with most of the resistance coming in the hills just off the northeast coast of Nedalia. So far, the total Nedalian deaths has amounted to somewhere near 550 troops, a relatively low number considering the amount of ground covered. None of the teams had met up with Lamonian forces yet, and with the news that Krytenia had sent back up as well gave the troops an extra motivational push. The march to the capital was going to be over in a matter of days rather than the originally expected weeks, and the cost in lives looked like it was going to be minimal.

Back in Nedalia, President Bren addressed the nation and reassured everyone that the "March to Peace" was going well, promising the return of the troops before the years end.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 14 2005, 03:21 PM
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It seemed that the farther into the mountains that the Lamonian forces got, the more resistance was put up by Latin forces. In a way, this made sense, since it was ideal defensive terrain, forcing their enemies to dig them out of their positions, and (hopefully) causing massive enemy casualties. The Lamonian forces responded with ground observers directing aircraft and artillery into areas controlled by the Latins. As the shells and bombs hit their targets, Lamonian infantry advanced up the mountains, and attempted to root out surviving Latin forces. At the same time, the Lamonian special forces troops had been parachuted deep into Latao, and were generally making life miserable for the Latin forces in their rear areas.

Back on the FRLS Nova (the Lamonian command ship), word had come to General Smythe that Krytenia had declared war on Latao, and was sending forces to join in the fight. The combined firepower of the Lamonian, Starblaydi, Nedalian, and Khazaronian forces were already estimated to be FAR too much for the Latin remnants to handle, so the entry of Krytenia into the war was seen to be like beating a dead horse. Either way, the Lamonian troops continued to advance as best they could.
Democratic Maniac
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