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Presidential Palace Incinerated
Posted: Aug 12 2004, 06:40 PM
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(OOC: I probably put half of this in past-tense. I have a tendency to do that when I write alot.)

Due to his military background, ex-general and now President Adonis Lauir enjoyed news of militaristic value and instructed his aides to bring him news of new maneuvers as they took place. As he was finishing his work for the day and preparing to settle down for the night an aide approached him and announced that Abattoirian bombers had crossed the borders of the nation.

A bit taken aback, he asked if there was any preceeding news of the flight. When the aide could not answer his question, alarm found its way to his usually stoic features. He rushed to his war room, two flights down. He found commanders looking carefully at radar scans as the bombers approached the city. Squadron leaders looked up at him with expectant frowns. Now fearful, realization set in. 'SHOOT THE BASTARDS DOWN!' he exclaimed and ran out of the room.

A good portion of his fighting force was now in Lieno, waiting for things to come to a head with Starblaydia. Abattoir had pounced on the oppurtinity to raise itself to the forefront of international affairs. He issued orders for everyone to evacuate the building while he ran toward the elevator, frantically pressed the button on the wall that would propel him to his bunker underneath the palace. Generals and enlisted men alike stood numb as the steel door closed on them, forcing them into a certain demise.

Just as the door opened to the safety of his bunker, a deafening explosion rendered him senseless and the walls shook violently. Aides in waiting quickly pulled him to his feet and the commanders staring at the screens helplessly. They issued impotent orders and racked their brains for a way to bring the situation to a favorable conclusion. Only a few among the ranks realized that this was already an impossibility, nothing good could ever come from this. Eventually some of them fell to the floor in helpless despair. Adonis struggled to rectify the situation in his head. He had to remain calm. He had to remain calm when the pillars of his empire were cracked and his leadership becoming ragged at the edges. "BASTARDS!" he screamed suddenly.

Finally he inquired whether or not Xilian fighters had intercepted the unprotected bombers. He was told by an emotionless colonel that the last intermission recieved from any of the 8 fighters was... and played a taped recording. "Those are Krytenian planes boys. Looks like some help was already on the way!...WHAT IN THE HELL!" and then static. Adonis placed his hands over his face, tasting the sweat that had accumulated on them. He quickly threw off his expensive dress jacket, realizing its uselessness here. Diplomacy would not help him right now.

Then he realized diplomacy was the only thing that could help him at this point. He telegrammed Novus Atlantis, Starblaydia, Vilita, Crystilakere, Holy Saints, and anyone else that he could think of. The full extent of damage caused by the bombardment had not yet been speculated, but considering the number of bombers in formation he believed it had to have been immense.

"I bet it was that damn John Nwoko who did us in. The bastard stirred things up even in death. Damn Krytenia, damn Abattoir, and damn!...damn!..." he sputtered as he threw his tie in utter disgust. His subordinates approached him timidly awaiting orders. "Guage the damage we sustained first. We won't know how effectively we can respond until we know what we have to work with. See if we can rush delegates to ANYONE who will accept them. Don't send the usual brutes we use to intimidate people. Send the intellectual peaceniks I loathe so much. We will see what kind of alliances we can muster, and then we will respond." They all hurried away to complete his commands.

He reflected on his plight. Starblaydia killed his friend. Starblaydia might be the only one that could help him. He reached for his direct line to the Starblaydian government building and stopped for a moment. Only in a crisis could an enemy be an ally. An enemy be your only hope. He grabbed the phone and collected himself cooly.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 07:02 PM
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Reports littered the table in mounds of unorganized data. Generals, Advisors, and large group of their personal aides piled into the room. The Prime Minister sat at the head of the table, smiling.

"So Mr. Tralin, what's the damage?" he questioned of his External Relations secretary.

"Well, sir, the Presidential Palace was desimated, we knocked out power to three-fourths of the city, demolished two military outposts including an air field. Anywhere from one hundred-fifty to two hundred casualties have been suffered, and probably a considerable amount more injured" he retorted.

"What of the President? Did he make it out?"

"We believe so...countless transmissions were intercepted from a bunker underneath the palace. If he had enough warning, it is very possible that he escaped."

Lavinsky simply stated, "Damn" and continued his interrogations throughout the room.

General Stanton was the next to be questioned on the readiness of Abattoirian forces in case of a quick retaliation. Most of the room believed that the military was generously prepared for such an attack, and could ward off any attempt for the time being with little reorganizaiton.

Aron Lavinsky was pleased. His plan had went off without a hitch except, of course, for the survival of President Lauir. Oh well, he thought, he could work around that. The next couple of days would be very busy for his office, and loads of information kept pouring in.

Around one-thirty Austin Herring left to make his trip home, where he would get some rest for the day tomorrow. His usual eagerness to help the Prime Minister came from the fact that he disagreed with him over few issues, and usually of trite importance. He had let his leader know his opinion, but it had been of less consideration than he hoped. What was done, was done. Now, he had to help prepare his nation for possibly the most trying time of its history. As he entered the doorway, his phone began to ring.

Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 14 2004, 04:51 PM
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President Matt was enjoying some time in the spa (something that he rarely got to do), when the commander of the Lamoni Air Force, General Howard came up to him.

"What is it? Can't you see that I am trying to relax, General?, President Matt asked.

"Sir," the General replied, "Abattoir bombers have bombed the capitol of Xile. It appears that the Xilean President survived by being in a bunker underneath their Presidential Palace. Abattoir knocked out power to three-fourths of the city, demolished two military outposts including an air field. Anywhere from one hundred-fifty to two hundred casualties have been suffered, and probably a considerable amount more injured, sir."

"How did they get past the Xilean air defenses?"

"Confused reports indicate that the bombers might have been disguised as Krytenian bombers, sir."

Pondering this information, President Matt knew that the regional war wasn't going to be over anytime soon.

"Go on LBC's world broadcast, and reaffirm our neutral status in this conflict. We will not be drawn into this war until WE say so."

"Yes sir," the General stated, then left.

Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 14 2004, 05:36 PM
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Chairman Davis sat uncomfortably at the table, his military chiefs sat around with him.

"So, how large is the Xilian threat?"

"Considerable." Army chief General Michael Versatis replied. "If they decide to attack, they certainly have a greater infantry than us, and I'm sure my colleague will agree that our navy would be outgunned, too."

"Indeed," piped Admiral Johannes, "their naval forces would smother us for sure."

"We have to strike early." The voice came from Air Force chief Shaun Hessenthaler. "Our best bet is to strike tactically and lower the threat. Bombing campaigns must begin, and begin soon."

The Chairman rose. "I'm sure you can come up with a fitting solution. contact me as soon as you have something." He rose and left the room.

The three figures left seated chattered frantically among themselves. Something big was on the horizon, and they were in on the ground floor.
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 04:12 AM
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Honored Leader Elana Kain, still in her first week of office, was on her first trip outside the capitol in days. As part of her new job, she was the commander-in-chief of all Ainorpispian forces, which were sizeable and had been since the War of Liberation. The regular army and navy were modeled after basic tactics taught to them by those of the Free Republic of Lamoni, combined with strategies employed by the now non-existant Psipronian military. It was today's trip to an airfield that showed the truly unique branch of Ainorpisp's military. Accompanied by Air Marshal Iyuna Harrington, commander of the A.A.F., Kain was surprised at what she found.

"As you can see, ma'am, while the Air Force does have a good number of modern jets, a majority of our aircraft aren't as such. They use the old propellor engine, modified to use environmentally-safe alternative fuel. Namely, cooking oil," the Air Marshal exlained while approaching one such plane, "This is the main fighter of the A.A.F., modeled after the P-51 Mustang, armed with six 50 cal. machine guns. As you might've guessed, our Air Force is stricly for defensive purposes at the moment."

"We still use... prop fighters?" Honored Leader Kain inquired curiously, thinking this was a big disadvantage, "Why?"

"They've proven to be more fuel-efficient than the modern jets, they're smaller and thus easier to store larger numbers of them, and for our purposes, they've never failed to defend us. Keep in mind that we do have enough more modern interceptors to fend off any attack should anyone attempt to assault our Sacred Land," Harrington listed off proudly, then asked, "You heard about the bombing of the Xilean capitol, ma'am?"

"Yes, I was informed by the International Relations Minister before I arrived. Terrible that nations in our region can't avoid armed conflict," Kain shook her head, "But the war is between those fighting it, it does not concern us. Too many children of the Golden Path perished in the War of Liberation."

"So we're remaining neutral?" the Air Marshal nodded, knowing the answer already.

"Fervently so," Kain responded as expected, "The Golden Path teaches us that peace is one of the greatest treasures anyone can obtain. We will preserve that peace for ourselves, no matter how many neighbors are fighting each other."

With that, the Honored Leader turned to her aides and requested, "Tell NANN that I will be making a nationally broadcasted speech on the issue of our neutrality. Also, contact President Matt and see if they know anything more about the current situation than we do."

"Yes ma'am," the aides nodded in unison, then rushed off to perform the duties they had been given.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 06:59 AM
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"Your Direct Line to President Lauir is flashing, my Lord."

"You think I don't know that?" The Lord-Protector asked with a sneer. "Not two days ago we assassinated their top General and, to boot, he was the President's friend. Now Xile has been bombed by a combination of Abattoiran and Krytenian planes. He probably thinks its a Yellow-Continent conspiracy against him."

"But my Lord," the aide piped up, "What if Krushchev hadn't spoken to Kennedy in '62?"

"Then you might not be around to tell me what to do," he ansered drly, "I am not going to war with two continental rivals just because Xile want me to. You're right, though."

He looked at his aide, remembering the position of his Carrier Task Force just off the northern coast of Lieno.

"A helpful, interceptable radio transmission making sure Krytenia are aware of the Carrier, her task force and the Amoured Cavalry Regiment with them would be a good idea, i think."

Lord Tiberius put down the military intelligence report he had been reading and took a deep breath, trying not to laugh. He picked up the phone.

Propeller planes, indeed! he though with a chuckle, clearing his throat.

"Y'ello," he said informally, "ah, Mister President, sorry to keep you waiting..."
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 09:03 AM
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"Imperator! We have recieved a priority level data burst from the Xilian government. They require our assistance!"

Consvl Hybridvs burst through the chamber doors, data pad in hand and slammed it down on the Imperator's desk.

"The Senate convened over an hour ago, they support assisting our ally."

Siricvs sighed and entered a code into his data pad.

"Prepare a speech so that I may address the people. We must tell them we are moving to aid and defend our ally, Xile. Prepare the IInd, IIIrd, IVth, and Vth legions for insertion into Xile, along with the Ist, IInd, and Xth auxilaries. Ready the XIth, XIIth, and XIVth naval fleets and deploy them at the mouth of the canal, that way we can bombard Krytenia and Abattoir into submission. Get the Ist and IIIrd aerial legions into the air over Xile as soon as possible to screen against any further assault."

"Yes sir."

"Oh... And Hybridvs..."


"Inform our good friend Adonis that LUCIFER is ready to help."
Nova Roma
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 12:32 PM
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President Lauir looked around gloomily as his military preparedness came together once more. Legions were arriving from Novvs Atlantis constantly and the threat of another, more crippling attack was lessened. His main goal now was to get his military communications back up and ready for anything.

An aide approached him with a data crystal, undoubtably from Novvs Atlantis. "Lucifer?" he remarked. "Must be one of Aidan's old tricks. Request more information on this 'Lucifer'. I do not want to sanction it's use without further investigation."

The President walked away to supervise the construction of his new command center under the third level of the city.

This post has been edited by Xile on Aug 15 2004, 12:33 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 01:02 PM
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"Alright you sorry sacks of -explicitive removed-! Get moving and get to work!"

The centurion pulled a lever and the amphibious vehicle's doors dropped down onto the fine sand of the island, unfortunately crushing a few crabs. The same procedure followed suit for the rest of the hundred or so amphibious craft and soon 15,000 fresh auxiliary soldiers poured forth onto the island and began laying the foundation for a command center and clearing foliage for other military installations.

Trenches were being dug on the eastern cliffs facing the Abbatoir coast, these cliffs would be the ideal spot for the newest gauss batteries, though it would be a couple days before the specialized materials arrived from Atlantis.

Already the prefabricated barracks and medical facilities were being setup and the command center was slowly taking shape. Engineers hustled about complaining about dimensions and the softness of the ground.

Trees were being cut and hauled away to a debris pile to make way for the runways and roadways. The Legates anticipated a long war, and a few carrier groups off the enemy coast would just not be enough. A permanent or at least semi-permanent base of operations was necessary.

The head engineers predicted construction would take at least a week under optimal conditions. A soldier stood up straight and wiped the sweat from his brow and glanced to the horizon... a Leviathan dreadnought he did see, no doubt miles away, preparing to bombard the enemy shores.

This post has been edited by Novvs Atlantis on Aug 15 2004, 01:04 PM
Nova Roma
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 01:15 PM
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General Vertai, commander of the Xilian navy stood on the deck of the Rectifier and watched the approach of his fleet to Athryea island. NA auxiliary troops littered the beaches and he could already see the makings of a command center. Things were definately looking up.

He issued to command to the fleet to position themselves on the east coast of the island to act as a buffer between the fledgling base and any Abattoirian/Krytenian attacks.

This post has been edited by Xile on Aug 15 2004, 01:16 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 01:32 PM
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"...yes, Adonis, I know you're outgunned....look, you must listen to me. The Protectorate of Starblaydia cannot pick and choose Regional sides here, not now." The Lord Protector's face softned as President Lauir seemed to finally understand. "Yes. I will do something, of my own choosing.... You'll see, Starblaydia just wants stability within the region."

Tiberius put down the phone and pressed a button on his desk.

"Get Fyreskar in here, on the double."

It was not long before the Lord-Commander of Starblaydia's Military Forces and Prospective AORDO Presidential Candidate General Aerys Fyreskar walked through the door.

"Aerys," the Lord-Protector got down to business immediately, "how many Naval Units can we throw into this Xile/NA/Abattoir/Krytenia mess?"

"You want to join in this insanity?" The General was taken aback.

"No, Aerys, I want to stop it."

"Well, my Lord, We have a chunk of the Navy in between Krytenia and Crystilakere, the Renown and her task force. There's a lot just sitting there or around our waters."

"This is what I want:

"Send the Renown into the waters between Xile and Krytenia and Abattoir. Make sure everyone knows that we are the Thin Purple Line who are going to kick the ass of the next person to make an aggressive move. Send in some subs and at least one Battleship too. The more out-and-out firepower, the better.

"Send over some Blackbirds above Abbatoir, Krytenia, Xile and the island of Athyrea, where Novvs Atlantis are putting their men. I want people to see that we're looking at them, not just assume we're using satellites.

"And warm up the Tiberius, please. We might be taking her for a spin."

"Are you going to be there personally, my Lord?" The General asked, obviously not wanting to risk his Lord-Protector.

"No, Aerys. You are."

[OOC: For those with statwanking in mind, the Renown is a Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier with F-14s, F-18s and such like, plus a Naval Support Group for her. The Armoured Cav with them is made up of Challenger Tanks, Warrior APCs, Apaches and associated bits and bobs in Transport Vessels and Helicopter Assault Ships.

The SR-71 Blackbird is the cool-looking, soon to be disbanded spy plane that flies good-knows how many times the speed of sound and is practically out of the atmosphere, so you'll find it helluva difficult ot shoot down. On the plus side, it leaves a visible jet stream a metaphorical mile wide, so you can't miss it, even that high up

And the Tiberius? Just search for Doujin on International Incidents, it's one of their large-ish Carriers.]
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 04:57 PM
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Wing Commander Hessenthaler looked at the huge tarpaulin in front of him. He called over his second in command.

"Schultz! Get over here!"

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to see our little secret." Hessenthaler clicked his fingers, and the tarpaulin was rolled back. There, in front of the two officers, was a gun-metal grey LR1* bomber with purple decals, and what appeared to be an eagle insignia in gold.

Commander Schultz stood back aghast. "A Starblaydi plane?!? But I thought that the Starblaydis were neutral."

"They are. Leastways, it appears so." Hessenthaler smiled again. "That's the whole point. This is, in fact, a bomber from Bravo Squadron. It's just incognito. We've got six of them out back."

"Do you think it'll fool the Xilians?"

"Who said they were headed for Xile? We have reason to believe that Novus Atlantis are setting up camp at Aethryea. We cannot let this happen!"

"Scramble, sir?"

"Oh yes."

*OOC: The LR1 is the Krytenian equivalent of the F-16 Falcon, except it's 20% slower, with a 15% larger payload.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 05:01 PM
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OOC: Woah, woah! I cannot allow this travesty to continue! It's Novvs Atlantis!
Nova Roma
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 05:45 PM
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Wing Commander Hessenthaler looked at the huge tarpaulin in front of him. He called over his second in command.

"Schultz! Get over here!"

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to see our little secret." Hessenthaler clicked his fingers, and the tarpaulin was rolled back. There, in front of the two officers, was a gun-metal grey LR1* bomber with purple decals, and what appeared to be an eagle insignia in gold.

Commander Schultz stood back aghast. "A Starblaydi plane?!? But I thought that the Starblaydis were neutral."

"They are. Leastways, it appears so." Hessenthaler smiled again. "That's the whole point. This is, in fact, a bomber from Bravo Squadron. It's just incognito. We've got six of them out back."

"Do you think it'll fool the Xilians?"

"Who said they were headed for Xile? We have reason to believe that Novvs Atlantis are setting up camp at Aethryea. We cannot let this happen!"

"Scramble, sir?"

"Oh yes."

*OOC: The LR1 is the Krytenian equivalent of the F-16 Falcon, except it's 20% slower, with a 15% larger payload

This post has been edited by Krytenia on Aug 15 2004, 05:45 PM
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 15 2004, 06:05 PM
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"Get those Toms off the deck, now!"

"Aye, Sir"

Currently the highest-ranking Starblaydi Officer in the area, Admiral Janosh Clarke stood on the bridge of the Renown and watched as the two F-14 Tomcats leapt off the catapults to take up patrols around the Renown and her Group. Alert-five aircraft were waiting on the decks, and alert-thirty lay safely in the hangars below. Active patrols always meant losses, whether accidents or incoming fire.Was all this becuase Aerys wanted to be a 'President-Lord-Commander-General'? That man's always had delusions of grandeur, Yanosh thought, but somebody has to try and keep the peace 'round here. Might as well be us.

Around they came for a brief pass before lighting their 'burners and soaring high over the ships below. That's the life, Free and soaring. Better than ship-bound and slow.

"Have you started broadcasting that message yet?" he shouted into the bridge.

"Aye sir!" came the muffled reply.

Good. Clarke un-folded his arms and relaxed. If everyone knows we're here to keep the peace, then no-one better be shootin' at us. Those B-1 and -2 bombers we have in the air somewhere'll see to that.

[OOC: Just realised Kry's crazy double-post was to correct Novus to Novvs]

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Aug 15 2004, 06:06 PM
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