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AOCAF XIII Roleplay Thread
Posted: Apr 6 2006, 02:32 PM
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Belated AOCAF Preview

This year’s AOCAF has highlighted a change in priority for the HFA. Previously the full national squad would have made the short trip to Krytenia. But this time the first choice squad are in Spaam competing in the Cup of Harmony, leaving the AOCAF for the nation’s B side. That side remains a mystery to all those outside the Autocracy, and a good few within, after a careless temp at the HFA, after being given the team sheet, confused the fax machine with the shredder.

Anywho . . .

Hypocria (5) have been drawn in Group A, the smallest in the competition, against foes both old and new.

Krytenia (7)

The Jacks are always going to be difficult to beat, doubly so now as the host nation. We’ve faced them twice before. Both times at AOCAF 11. The Hyppos were turned over 3 - 1 in the group stage but crucially beat the men in cyan 3 - 0 in the semi final. A similar result in this tournament would be most welcome. But for obvious reasons the Jacks are favourites to advance.

Spruitland (20)

Where do we start? Hypocria enjoys friendly sporting rivalries with the likes of Bettia, Nedalia and Andossa Se Mitrin Vega but with Spruitland it’s more of a mutual loathing. Ever since the Baptism of Fire, in which the Wabbits dumped the Hyppos out on penalties in the semis, the nations have not liked each other. Look back through the record books and you’ll find matches littered with incidents, cards, brawls and plenty of goals. The last AOCAF meeting ended in a win for the Spruits, naturally it was on penalties. It must be our turn for a victory.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega (13)

We do like those Sea Dragons. When they first emerged on the world stage the side from ASMV were stricken with bad luck. But we said they were destined for great things and sure enough the Sea Dragons are improving on all fronts. They had a good run in the last Cup of Harmony, beat mighty Starblaydia in the AOCAF four years ago and host a friendly tournament that looks like becoming a fixture in the football calendar. And of course they recently went to the World Cup Finals, something the Hyppos are noticeably incapable of. Definitely a side to watch.

Bazalonia (32)

Who? A debutant nation who look slightly out of their depth. What they need is a generous higher ranked side (fifth for example) to gift them a win to boost their confidence and give them a better chance.

This post has been edited by Hypocria on Apr 6 2006, 02:34 PM
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Posted: Apr 6 2006, 04:12 PM
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Milchama News-Today-Tommorow-Chronicle-Telegraph-Journal-Update -Register-Sun-Enquirer-Post-Gazette-Times-Picayune-Herald

Sports Section

90th minute goal sinks Milchama

In a tough match the Milchama Warriors lost on a 90th minute to Vilita in matchday one. With some first team members on the team for the first time some thought that this AOCAF could be the best one ever for the Warriors but these dreams look to be unrealistic after this loss as we could not get a good offensive attack going against the Vilitan side that looked uninterested at points. Coach Patrice Thibault said, "We had a tough first opponent and we had an expected result. It's unfortunate that we lost yes but we can still come back and win a couple of games. I think we can beat Bettia next time."
Now onto the match report which will only be one paragraph today:

The match was a bore as both teams came out happy and determined but soon the match turned into a battle of midfields as both teams looked undetermined and uninterested in the game. Floren was huge in this part as he had a few good chances particularly in the 18th minute when he beat the Jungle Cat defender to the box before unleeshing a good shot that just missed beating the keeper and giving the Warriors the lead. Soon after the Jungle Cats attacked and almost scored through Vilkaous but Finton was up to the task. The game went to halftime knotted at nil-nil. The second half was more of the same of the first half with the game starting to open up in the 70th minute when Marin Keffer started to make some moves in the midfield for the Warriors his play was great as he led Floren to a shot but the Vilitan defender beat him to the ball. Then the counter attack started and Jungle Cats started to attack. For the last 10 minutes it was all Vilita as they had 5 shots on net and 8 goal attempts. Clay Finton though was excellent as he showed no ill effects from the World Cup as he made all the saves brilliantly. The game looked to end 0-0 but a mistake by Casey Stockholm allowed Vilkaous to slip by and score to give Vilita the 1-0 in the dying seconds of the game.

Final Score:
Milchama 0 (We score against Bettia guaranteed)
Vilita 1 (Vilkaous 90)

Vilita- A very good team that has won AOCAF multiple times. They will be tough to beat and I don't think we will beat them. But it will be very close look for a 90th minute goal.
Bettia- The aroras are another tough side and like us are known for their attacking flair. Expect a lot of goals in this shootout of a game. We expect a 4-4 or maybe even 5-5 tie.
The Lowland Clans- We get these jerks again. Not only will we win by 3 goals they will have half of their team sent off before the halftime whistle. We can't wait.
Legalese- We win. They might be the delegates but we are the better soccer players. It will be close though a 2-1 win though should be enough.
Iksonic- Who? enough said there another win for the Warriors.

As always our predictions will probably backfire except for that first one we guarantee the success of that one.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Apr 7 2006, 05:33 PM
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"Bazalopes Flounder against ASMV" by Nev Gould

Despite performing really well in their debutant match against 5th in the Region and handing them their behinds on a platter. The Bazalopes faced Andossa Se Mitrin Veg, ranked 13th in the region, much lower than the Hypocrian national team, but still the Bazalopes faulted loosing 2-0 to the Sea Dragons. Neil Kabants. Said in a press conference after the match "There where many possitive things that we can get out of todays match, The Sea Dragons where just a better side on the day."

On another matter it seems that the official Group A table has an Error in it, Using points then goal Diference the Bazalopes should be 2nd on the Table rather than 3rd. And I am sure that James Gaines will make sure something happens."


Back in the Bat Cave... I mean BFSA Headquarters...

James Hawdon was sitting at his office drafting a letter to be sent to the AOCAF President.

To Whom it may concern;

It has come to our attention that the table for Group A is wrong and has Hypocria in 2nd Place and the Bazalopes in 3rd place. However according to the rules of The teams are ordered on points then Goal Difference, The Bazalonian Bazalopes have a Goal Difference of 0 while the Hypocrian Hippos have a Goal Difference of -1. Please remedy this situation
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Apr 7 2006, 09:25 PM
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Dazed and Confused - Dryads Just Out There For the Exercise

Making a not-so-stunning AOCAF debut, the Myrtannia Dryads have floundered in their first two matchups. Already at a disadvantage due to being one of the tournament's youngest squads, Myrtannia have suffered another gigantic setback in their inagural AOCAF. The official matchday schedule did not list either of the Dryads' first two matches, which made it a devil of a time to find the right stadium and opponent.

"It was incredibly confusing, to say the least - we were thinking 'wait, we only get three games? What's that about?'," Dryads midfielder Daisey Martignago commented while scratching her head, "Woulda helped if the Krytenian AOCAF commission had thoguht to tell us who we were playing and where the first couple of days, but we managed. We figure this was just a prank pulled against one of the rookie teams in AOCAF XIII - heck, it is kinda funny."

In the first of the matches, Myrtannia (when they located the field) went up against Group D rival Bedistan. The Dryads' play is based on the style of AOCAF XII champion Sarzonia (after the team watched videotapes of the defending champs), but has none of the experience or talent, it seems. In a boring, defensive dominated match, the Dryads held Bedistan scoreless in the first half, and then just tired out late in the second. In the 84th minute, Bedistan scored the only goal of the game, handing the Dryads loss number one.

"Like we said, we don't expect to compete against guys like Bedistan, Lamoni, Pacitalia, and Starblaydia. We're here for the experience, that's about it - plus it is kind of a paid vacation - the Myrtannian government pays our accomodation costs, plus it provides airline service. For that, we just have to go out there and play a kids' game, hopelessly outmatched against some of AOCAF's middle and heavy weights," stated defender Ellsworth Alleruzzo.

If the first match was boring, the second wasn't - for the opponent. Again, the Dryads wasted three hours trying to find the stadium (luckily, they left the hotel very early) where they would be playing, and discovered they'd be playing neighbor Lamoni. Rumors have been flying around about Drayds forward Rachell Gabino being seen out on the town with an unnamed member of the Lamoni squad, but none have been confirmed as of yet. This might've disrtracted the team, or it might've been that the Dryads were simply outclassed against the Hawks. Either way, Lamoni took full advantage of Myrtannia's inexperience/inability to fight back. Almost literally running circles around Myrtannia, Lamoni took a convincing victory 3-0. To add insult to injury, the Dryads lost their most experienced forward (Gabino) to injury in the first half, as she injured her left leg severely after impacting the Lamonian defender. The Hawk was just fine, but Gabino had to be taken off the field on a stretcher.

"Yeah, we took a beating, just as everyone predicted we would. Coulda been worse, I guess," goalie Suellen Kiili shrugged, "Don't know how, but I'm sure it coulda been. Can't be helped."

The injury to Gabino thrusts the team's most inexperienced (and youngest) player into the starting rotation - 15 year old Deeann Massetti. She played well in her time in the Lamoni match, though the Dryads once again failed to score a goal.

"Shutting out Myrtannia's footbal team is like shooting squid in a barrel," reserve defender Francesco Buvens sighed, "We just don't have the ability to stop these other guys."

Next up for the hapless Dryads is the other newbie in Group D - Dorian & Sonya, losers of two straight as well. Only difference is, D & S have actually scored two goals in a game, as opposed to Myrtannia's none. At this rate, Myrtannia are likely to go winless and be the punching bag of the AOCAF.

This post has been edited by Myrtannia on Apr 7 2006, 09:27 PM
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Posted: Apr 7 2006, 09:40 PM
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Hawks thrash Myrtannia in unscheduled match

In a previously unscheduled match, the Hawks thrashed Myrtannia with a very convincing 3-0 victory. As the Myrtannian news reports stated, the Hawks "Almost literally ran circles around [the Myrtannian squad]."

All in all, we feel that the Myrtannian squad has a very bright future ahead of them, despite their inexperience and youth. We remember that the Hawks made it to the knockouts in our first AOCAF. At the time, we found that to be an astounding achievement. Indeed, our 13th place ranking is not something to sneeze at.

The determining factor in this match was the experience that we have, and Myrtannia does not. That is all. We'd like to see how the Myrtannian side would fare after a few AOCAFs; but one step at a time. Next up for the Hawks is Pacitalia, and this is a MUST WIN game for Lamoni if we hope to advance to the knockouts. While we are currently in first place in Group D, we can't count on staying there. Especially when we are facing a team that battled Starblaydia to a draw.

Lamoni - 3 Clinton Linwood (20), Ted Ruder (40), Lance Kemble (45)

Myrtannia - 0
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 8 2006, 01:01 AM
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Crucial match up next after Blue Fox victory
Pacitalia downs Bedistan in matchup of friendly rivals

NEW OSTERIA, KRYTENIA (PSN) -- The Blue Foxes came into New Osteria expecting a paddling at the hands of their friendly rivals in Bedistan.

But what they ended up with was the exact opposite, as Andreos Charisteas notched his second of the tournament while captain Veranace d'Amantano and midfielder Mario Cine Camoranesi followed up with goals of their own to down Bedistan 3-1.

The Bedistanis drew first blood as Craig Fields, captain of the Pacitalian top-flight club CF Pamagento, broke past Francesco Manzanotti and sent Cristianu Raduvani diving the opposite way as he sent the ball neatly into the net to break the deadlock early. Fields ran past the net and jumped up into the Bedistani section of the crowd to celebrate his early success.

That 18th minute score was under nearly exactly the same circumstances as the Starblaydi goal in the previous match (including the time of the goal), so while fans were disgruntled with the early giveaway, they felt optimistic recovery would soon be in the air -- Pacitalia's Andreos Charisteas equalised in the 24th in the first match to hold the Starblaydis to a draw.

And, indeed, Charisteas would equalise, but not until the 39th minute, when he slammed the ball home in a rocket-like strike to the top right corner. The majority Blue Fox-supportive crowd was delirious with the equaliser and were cheering all the way into the halftime period.

The second half seemed to pump more life into the Blue Foxes as captain d'Amantano led his team on three excellent attacks until a successful fourth when he headed the ball into the net off a perfectly-placed cross from fellow charging forward Ambrosino Giurimano in minute 55.

Fans cheered wildly as the Blue Foxes had their first lead and it was further cemented by an 84th minute goal by Fields' teammate at Pamagento, Mario Cine Camoranesi who found the ball at his feet and promptly knocked it past a spread-eagled and helpless Bedistani keeper for a 3-1 lead.

"We played a great game from start to finish, save for the accidental misplay [in the 18th minute]," d'Amantano remarked post-match. "It is the reason we are standing here with you celebrating this important victory. Every part of our squad performed today, and we ended up with a well-deserved win."

Suddenly, Pacitalia finds itself in a position to take the lead atop a tough Group D, probably the toughest in AOCAF13. If Pacitalia beats Lamoni on MD3 and Bedistan either draws or beats Starblaydia, the Blue Foxes will lead an AOCAF grouping for the first time since they joined the tournament. But that is a lot to happen before we see a Blue Fox team leading Group D - so the team is non-committal to that goal.

"We are just going to go out and play our style of football," Giurimano added. "We are playing prime football right now, and the results are visible. We will be playing full, fast and hard against Lamoni and if we emerge with a win over the Hawks we'll be in prime position to qualify for the knockouts. We're looking forward one game at a time and not concentrating on the other teams' results until we need to."

-- from New Osteria --
user posted image Pacitalia 3 : 1 Bedistan
BDS: Fields 18'
PAC: Charisteas 39', d'Amantano 55', Camoranesi 84'

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Apr 8 2006, 01:02 AM
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Posted: Apr 8 2006, 01:23 AM
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Starblaydia Proves To Be Purple Powerhouse

The match today between the Unicorns and the Purple Haze at Walton Gardens proved to be a great learning experience for the young Unicorns. Starblaydia thought that all they had to do was show up and the victory was theirs. The Unicorns had other ideas.

In the 14th minute D&S moved quickly down the field with little opposition from the squad in purple. Lupe Tatu found some room on the right side of the pitch and made a brilliant pass to Audry Susan near the penalty box. Susan easily beat the defender and found Melonie Gaffer alone to the right of the goal and the quick shot from Gaffer easily cleared the keeper for the goal. D&S had a 1-0 lead against Starblaydia.

Unfortunately that play woke the Starblaydi squad from their sleepwalking and the rest of the match was dominated by flashes of purple everywhere. When the final whistle blew, Starblaydia easily left the field with a 4-1 thrashing of the Unicorns.

"We all new this was going to be the result. Well Sort of." said Gaffer following the match. "We were expecting 4 or 5 to 0. A goal against this squad for us is a huge step forward. Holding a slight lead on this squad is a huge step for us as well. And after that we did get to see one of the best squads in the world in action up close and personal. It was a fun day for us."

Next up for the Unicorns is a match with fellow newcomer Myrtannia. We dont really know what to expect from them. But you can bet they will be ready to play so we have to be ready as well. Hopefully we can get the better of them. One thing we can guarantee - They will have a lot to say, and will draw that out as much as possible to seem even more.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted: Apr 8 2006, 01:40 AM
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Sea Dragons Gobble Up Bazalopes

All the talk coming into the match against Bazalonia centered around one Peter "Wolfie" Hobble. We said then that we had an answer for the Bazalonian superstar - and today we ved it. Micah Swift is the most physical and hard-nosed defender on a physiacal and hard-nosed defensive squad. Today Wolfie met Mr Swift and did not like the result.

The Sea dragons put bodies on every Bazalonian player that came close, pushing the limit of what is usually allowed. The Bazalopes wilted under the constant pressure. Only 2 shots even came close and Shaun Conarky was there to collect both of them.

On the other end the Bazalope keeper, in all actuality, did a great job. 15 shots on goal only resulted in 2 goals for ASMV. One from Porche Alexander in the 33rd minute and a brilliant play from Kirelenko on an Evan Evans corner kick in the 61st minute. As a result of the 2-0 win, ASMV sits atop Group A for the moment.

Next up for the Sea Dragons - Spruitland. All hope is for the great defensive play to continue and ASMV move to 2-0. But Spruitland may have other ideas.

Hyppo Watch
After a horrid performance against Bazalonia on MD1, Hypocria rebounded to hand Spruitland a 3-2 loss. That moves our purple friends to 1-1. Now if they can just keep it going.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Apr 8 2006, 06:30 AM
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GRAHAM CITY SUN - Sports Section

KRYTENIA - Well, things have gone worse for the B-Stars. Last time around, they finished fourth in a group with both Legalese, who was only one point behind us, and Hiiraan. Granted, the top two teams were Nedalia and Sarzonia, who went on to win their first AOCAF, cemeting their status as an elite football nation. But now, it looks like the B-Stars, nearly identical to their previous incarnation, have some serious football down. After beating the unknown Iksonic 2-0, which to be honest, was fairly shocking considering the Stars lackluster history against non-ranked opponents, they went out and defeat a Legalese squad that embarrased these guys last year.

Quite impressive.

Now, the B-Stars run up against these pesky Milchamans. Now, it's not like we have anything against them in particular, we just don't like braggers, which these guys tend to be. The last team we encountered like them was a young Vilitan squad, whom we soundly defeated in their first World Cup match. But that was many moons ago, when the Stars were a top ranked team and could easily be counted among the best with the likes of Rejistania, Bedistan and such. But now, this is a different story. The Milchamans qualified for the World Cup, while we did not. But here at AOCAF, we have a chance to make things right.

We chuckled when we first read their prediction. The B-Stars trademark is their calm, collected style of play, and only one player on the team has ever actually been sent off during a game, and only four at all. Also, the Milchamans are not quite as good as this B-Stars squad. While skill with the Stars tends not to make a difference as consistency is remakably difficult to come by, this time around the Stars may actually be able to perform. Already beating the two lower ranked teams, the Stars have confidence going in. With Bettia's underperformance, we could actually qualify for the next round, which would be a first at AOCAF.

The Markoff brothers have played astoundingly well, and newcomer Lucius Page has had an excellent two games, scoring once against both Iksonic and Legalese. Tomorrows game will most definitely be a grudge match. Will it be the overconfident, brazen Milchamans with ridiculously long newspaper titles? Or will it be the calm and hardworking Clanners? Let's find out.
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Apr 8 2006, 12:07 PM
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And they're off... whoops!

After an elaborate ceremony in which the Sarzonian second choice national team received its championship rings and a banner to be unfurled at Bryan Marshall Stadium in Woodstock was displayed for all in the crowd to see, it was a safe bet that many among the Stars B-teamers expected their opening match against Nojika to be merely an exercise en route to tougher matches ahead. They certainly looked the part in an entertaining, but poorly-played 2-2 draw that left Sarzonia trailing by two points in the race for the Group C honours.

Assistant coach Brett Hancock, serving as the selection's field boss for the third straight AOCAF tournament with Coach and Incorporated Football Federation Chairman Dave Wilson looking on from a luxury suite in the mezzanine of the stadium, set himself apart from his mentor and coaching idol as soon as the result went final. He immediately overturned a tray that held orange slices for the players and called for a 5 a.m. practice session the next day, even though the Stars had their bye for Matchday Two.

"We played like [expletive]," Hancock said, mincing no words. "Ettore Salivani [defender] played like he didn't even want to be there. He'd better get his act together or he'll find his behind kicked off this team."

"Where did he get that," an incredulous Salivani said after the match. "I'm insulted that Coach [Hancock] would question my motivation and my professionalism like that. I want him to apologise as soon as he gets his head out of his [rear end]."

He'll have to keep waiting if what Wilson said about Hancock is true. Hancock apologises "about once every 10,000 years," Wilson said after the match. "He obviously wants the entire team to play a lot harder than they did and he's going to ride herd on them until he gets the effort he expects from this side."

Wilson said Hancock's position as the tactician for the team was not in jeopardy, saying he wanted Hancock to handle the situation much as he did when the Stars beat Starblaydia in AOCAF play for the first time in their history.

"He got us over that hump, he's going to be responsible for getting us over this one," Wilson said. "I have full and complete confidence in him to do so."
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Posted: Apr 10 2006, 02:13 PM
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Shaken and stirred
Hawks rape Blue Foxes, match ends lopsided

SIMPSON, KRYTENIA (PSN) -- The Blue Foxes are officially shaken up after a 3-1 loss to the surging Hawks.

No, Lamoni's not really that good. Forgive our bias, but our team didn't really show up tonight. It's true. Really. We had subs on. Don't believe us? Check the roster. d'Amantano wasn't playing. Nesta wasn't playing. Raduvani was out with day-to-day injury status, so our backup keeper was in. Giurimano was the lone goalscorer. We tried. And failed, but hey, we're still in third spot despite the loss. So, it's all good.

Giurimano's goal came in the 75th minute after Lamoni was already up 3-0 on our mainly substitute squad. A comeback wasn't out of the question at that point and the goal appeared to spark some life into the Blue Foxes but they just could not capitalise on their attacks and now find themselves with their first loss of the tournament.

Pacitalia (1-1-1) drops a crucial match against Lamoni, which looks headed for a first-place finish unless Starblaydia can stop them, and now must down Myrtannia and Dorian and Sonya to qualify for the knockouts. Otherwise, we'll be on the outside looking in. Let's go, Blue Foxes. The best they can finish now is 3-1-1, which is still good, but hey, we could have been 4-1-0.


Bah. We're doomed.

4-1-0, man! Damn!

Wait, did we release this version of the report or the actual one? ... shh.
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Posted: Apr 10 2006, 03:14 PM
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We win?! Dryads Shoot Past D&S

Well, this is certainly a major surprise for any Mrytannian sports writer. The Dryads were supposed to finish dead last in Group D with a winless record by most accounts. It was clearly obvious that the Dryads were outgunned by almost everyone they were going to face in the round robin stage. So far, even scoring has been impossible. After a steamrolling at the hands of Lamoni, the Dryads definitely looked likely to fulfil those predictions. Yet, somehow, the Dryads managed to accomplish a miraculous feat - the actually won.

The day's match featured Group D's two AOCAF newcomers - Myrtannia and Dorian & Sonya. Both were winless, but D&S had scored three goals in its first two matches, which was three more than Myrtannia had scored. The Dryads went in missing one of their starting forwards, Rachell Gabino, who went down against Lamoni and has been confirmed to be out for the rest of AOCAF XIII. It looked like a certain Mystical Unicorns victory.

Yet, somehow the young and inexperienced Dryads pieced together a marvel of football performing, and a tantalizing glimpse of what might well be once they have a couple of AOCAF's under their belts. At first, it looked like it would be the same old hat and dance, as the Unicorns scored the first goal of the game at the 15' mark.

Out of nowhere, the Dryads bounced back and started connecting well-placed passes (something missing against Bedistan and Lamoni) as they found their way to the D&S goal. A shot by former reserve forward Deeann Massetti actually found its way into the net for the score. The reaction that followed was over the top - the Dryads mobbed Massetti as if she'd just won the AOCAF title for them, rather than scoring a goal. Getting a goal at all had been a struggle for the Dryads up to that point.

"We were surprised - it was like, Wait, we scored? How is that possible?" Daisey Martrignago told the press, "It felt pretty good just to be on the scoreboard."

The show wasn't over yet - the score at the half was 1-1, but the Dryads came out in the second ready to rumble. Massetti would set a Myrtannia record by scoring not one, but two more goals in the second. The first came on a diving kick that was supposed to be a pass but went in for the goal after bouncing off the side bar. Her next one came on a header off of a corner kick. These sent the small Myrtannian contingent of fans as well as the team into a mad celebration. Somehow, the doormat Dryads managed to score three times after being shut out twice. Massetti's three goals is a Myrtannian national record - the first hat trick in the history of ASM football.

"It's amazing... don't know what to say other than that. We didn't expect to win this game, but we pulled it off. One win's better than none, I guess. We're content with just the one, I think," Massetti said after the game with a shrug.

Next up for the suddenly 1-2 Dryads is the nightmare match - unbeaten purple powerhouse Starblaydia. It's a match Myrtannia doesn't expect or hope to win, as the Starblaydis are simply going to steamroll them. If the Dryads can score again, they'll be satisfied. The Starblaydis are coming off consecutive 4-1 wins over Dorian & Sonya and today Bedistan.

In other Group D action, Lamoni remained unbeaten with a 3-1 win over Pacitalia, and set up a big match with Starblaydia. A match of undefeated teams, though the Starblaydis definitely have the edge going into that match on day 5. First, though, they'll have to trounce the Dryads, which is no dificult feat.

Myrtannia 3 - Deeann Massetti ('22, 46', 50')

Dorian & Sonya 1 - Connie Klemens ('15)
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Apr 10 2006, 04:54 PM
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Milchama News-Today-Tommorow-Chronicle-Telegraph-Journal-Update -Register-Sun-Enquirer-Post-Gazette-Times-Picayune-Herald

Sports Section

Milchama get a win and a draw

The AOCAF team has done well since we last reported. They have gotten an exciting 4-2 win over Bettia and now got a dissapointing 2-2 draw against the Lowland Clans. Our arch and original rivals were very mischevious as they drew yellow cards from 9! different Milchama players in the first half before staging a dramatic comeback in the second half after going down 2-0 to get the point. These results bring the Milchamians to 4 points and in second place on goal difference. Coach Patrice Thibault says, "We have done well. I was particularly happy about our win over Bettia it was key to beat them and now we just have to have good results against Legalese and Iksonic, the two worst teams in our group ranking and point wise, to advance. This could be hard but I have a feeling it will happen and it will be easier than expected."
Now to the match report against the Lowland Clans:

The game started off like most TLC v. Milchama with violence as Marc J. Floren and Kellen Markoff got into a fight which resulted in both of them getting yellow cards. (OOC: TLC I didn't check with you first but I hope you're ok with it because we do have a pretty intense IC rivalry going) Then the goals started to go as Floren again showed why he was a brilliant striker as he went around Markoff and beat keeper Ilegochios for the goal and lead 1-0. That was Floren's 4th goal of the tournament after his first international hattrick against Bettia in the last game. Then a little bit later there was some more fighting as a couple of rough tackles by Pevington and Milckey both resulted in yellow cards. That led to some good Stars offense and Kevin Neighn almost scored after beating a nervous Milckey on the wing but Clay Finton was there to stop him in great fashion. Two minutes later though it was 2-0 Milchama as Aaron Kary found Matt Bantin in the box and he put it in to give the Warriors a 2-0 lead. The score at halftime was 2-0 with a total of 14 yellow cards being handed out, 9 on the Milchamian and 5 on the Clan side.

Second Half Report:
The 2-0 lead soon evaporated as the Clans started to attack on the wings to great effect. One of the few problems of the 3-3-4 is that a large midfield like the 3-5-2 employed by the Stars is hard to defend against and they took great advantage of their width advantage as Jeff Johnston found Illia Krosti whose shot was saved but the rebound fell to Lucius Page who did not miss from 12 yards to make it a 2-1 Warrior lead. Milchama tried to attack again as Zar Johnson made a nice pass to try to spring Darian Flinters but Flinters finish left something to be desired as it went high and wide. That would cost the Warriors dearly. In the 86th minute the Stars against went on the offensive with Johnston. Johnston crossed the ball in too Kevin Neighn whose shot went off the crossbar. The rebound went to Quentin Bellafonte whose shot was saved miracoulously by Finton to keep the Warriors in the lead. Finton's save did give TLC a corner kick which Martin Dubeckov swung in and went perfectly onto Chuck Foster's head. His header was good but it was saved by Casey Stockholm and cleared by Johnny Rintell. The clearance was only temporary though as central defender Kellen Markoff kept the ball on the offensive half and passed it too Johnston who put a perfect pass too Kevin Neighn whose shot went right over a charging Clay Finton and into the net for the tie.

Final Score:
Milchama 2 (Floren 25, Bantin 39)
Lowland Clans 2 (Page 62, Neighn 89)

Now a quick recap of the Bettia game. The Warriors came out strong scoring 2 times in the first half but the Aroras were right with them as they scored twice themselves. The second half was the deciding factor though as the Warriors dominated scoring two more times thru Marc J. Floren to take the game and the win 4-2.

Final Score:
Milchama 4 (Johnson 7, Floren 34, 57, 71)
Bettia 2 (York 14, Hutton 37)

This post has been edited by Milchama on Apr 10 2006, 04:55 PM
Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Apr 10 2006, 05:33 PM
PMEmail Poster
"The Bazalope Hope" by Nev Gould

The Bazalopes had a bye today, and instead of all the other teams racing a head, the top 2 in the group only have 4 points and everyone else has 3 points. Our next match would be against Krytenia which by all rights shoud be a white-wash and un-like our first Hypocrian match I think this will be a Whitewash.

Our only hope is against Spriutland, ranked 20th in the region. We should be able to put up a great challenge up against them and we are their next and only remaining competitor.

BYE Day Statistics

Hypocria, despite being the highest ranked team they are performing terribly.... prediction 4 pts

Krytenia, Almost certain winner of Group A. They are the hosts and will be the Bazalopes next opponets. Prediction: 10 pts

ASMV, ranked 13th in the region, probably will get 1 point from a Hypocrian draw and will loose against Krytenia. 4 points

Spruitland, Only us left, most likely a draw but also likely, a loss. 4 or 5

Bazalonia, us. We will lose to Krytenia and most likely draw or win against Spruitland. 4 or 6
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Apr 10 2006, 11:23 PM
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Hawks win the 'must win'

When Lamoni came out onto the field, they were expecting that this would be a real fight. Lamoni was fighting to maintain their so far perfect record, and their top spot in Group D. They were facing a team that also had a lot of AOCAF experience, which should have made it more 'interesting.' What happened instead made a lot of Pacitalians shake their heads in wonder.

The match started out well enough for both sides; turning into a defensive melee that no one seemed to have control of. This was the kind of game that Lamoni was expecting, and the Lamonian fans cheered when Forward Clinton Linwood scored on a bicycle kick twenty minutes in. When Ted Ruder and Mathew Lovering scored THEIR goals at thirty and forty minutes in, the fans started wondering where Pacitalia's offense was. The Pacitalian offense did indeed make a brief appearance with Giurimano scoring at 75 minutes, but then it seemed to relapse into lethargy, with the game reverting to the defensive melee that it started as. When the match ended, Lamoni came away with a HUGE 3-1 victory in a must win game.

The result improves Lamoni's record to 3-0. This means that Lamoni can lose it's next two matches (against Bedistan and Starblaydia) and STILL make it into the knockouts. We think that Lamoni will defeat Bedistan and fall to Starblaydia, however. Still, a potential 4-1 record will be a big boon to Lamoni's knockout chances; giving them a match against a third place team before trying their hand on a first place team. Even if Lamoni loses to said first place team, that will still be a better AOCAF showing than the Hawks have made in quite a while.

Lamoni - 3 Clinton Linwood (20), Ted Ruder (30), Mathew Lovering (40)

Pacitalia - 1 Giurimano (75)
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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