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The First To Answer
Posted: Oct 19 2006, 09:56 AM
PMEmail Poster
"Good...Great people of Nedalia, lovers of freedom and all that is just, it with sadness I stand before you today, sadness none of us ever imagined experiencing in our lifetime. I stand before you, here in Honsfield, in the aftermath of what could only be described as the most horrific attack on our soil, and in a larger sense, freedom, that we have ever witnessed. Great people of Nedalia, I greet you today with the heaviest of hearts.

There is no need to recap the horror and turmoil of the last couple of days, as we have suffered enough. What you have been hearing, I will confirm to you now: It was, and could only have been, the work of the Starblaydi Army, the most oppressive force to have ever beseiged our fair region. It was the Starblaydi Army and its minnions in the Hypocrian government who planned this attack, who carried out this attack, and who ultimately cost Nedalia billion of kafraleons in damages, but much more importantly than that, cost Nedalia the lives of almost 3700 of its beloved sons and daughters.

We wept day and night for the last 2 days, not understanding what lead to such treachery and heartlessness, and we might never understand. We cried for our fallen innocent, for our fallen soldiers who sacrificed themselves to ensure that our beloved city of Honsfield did not feel the full brunt of the Starblaydi-Hypocrian attack. Indeed, they did not fall without a cause; my military leaders have confirmed that more than half the missiles that were intended for the city never reached their targets, and we have our martyrs to thank for that. They fell defending us, defending their mothers, their fathers, their brothers, their sisters, their cousins, nephews, nieces...defending them when they most needed defending. Nedalia will never forget October 9th, and we shall celebrate your bravery and mourn your loss every year.

When I stepped onto the podium and declared war on the Starblaydi Army, I did so because our word has meaning to us, and our honour is alive and well. Our allies cried for help, and I reiterate, we were the first to answer. It was a declaration of war on the aggressors, and NOT a declaration of invasion. Nor was it a declaration of ensuing attack on Starblaydi civilians. It was just what was stated; a declaration of war against the invading Starblaydi Army in order to aid our allies in defending their cherished lands.

What the Starblaydi Army did to Honsfield was without excuse, and our patience has run out. After 2 days of mourning, 2 days where time stopped, we have risen from the ashes, and we are ready to avenge our martyrs, our heroes, our sons and daughters who fell proudly in the face of oppression, ensuring that freedom would prevail. Lady Viannor, you have brought the war directly your forces!

As for Vyntra of Hypocria, know that your time is numbered. Know this, the Nedalian people care deeply for the plight of their Hypocrian brothers, and have always been troubled by the oppression you have blanketed them with. We always considered you a nuisance, and while we could dream about the day your heart failed you, we respected Hypocria's sovereignty simply because we wished no more problems for the Hypocrian people.

The minute you aided Viannor and her force of destruction in attacking Nedalia was the minute you signed your own death pact. You will never be forgiven for your crimes, and Nedalia will make sure you pay. As I speak, the Nedalian Army is mobilizing, and be forewarned: the Starblaydi base in the island of Sinistra will feel the full brunt of Nedalia's anger.

Let the people of the Western Territories speak up and have it known that the Nedalian Army does it utmost to protect civilians of any nationality, aiding them in whatever way it can. Let the people of the Western Territories testify that when the Nedalian Army invades, it respects the people who come under its occupation and considers them as the closest of friends. To the dear people of Hypocria, our battle is not with you. Our battle is with the person who has enslaved you, the one who takes his orders like a dog from his bitch in Starblaydia, the one that allowed the attack on Honsfield to happen.

From this day forth, Nedalia shall defend no more. Nedalia has been forced to attack in order to protect, and we shall do so with not only our people, but the security of the entire region in mind. Freedom shall not perish enflamed in sadistic Starblaydi purple or cowardly Hypocrian blue, but instead shall prevail in unity with the Starblaydi people's flamboyant purple and the Hypocrian people's royal blue. Freedom shall prevail because we will not allow it to fail. Freedom shall prevail....because we refuse to allow our martyrs to have died in vain. Freedom shall prevail because our fallen sacrificed themselves in ensure it did. Freedom shall prevail....because we want our heroes to smile down from the heavens when all this is over."

With that, Dala'a stepped off the podium amidst central Honsfield's rubble.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Dec 7 2006, 09:57 AM
PMEmail Poster
The huge blue and white flag of the Autocracy dominated the far wall of the Citadel’s audience chamber. In front of it stood the black marble podium from which the Autokrator would speak. The Nedalians had fired the first verbal salvo at his nation and now it was time to counter.

“Citizens of the Autocracy, today is a dark day. Today we have been threatened by a foreign aggressor. I am sure by now you are all aware of the threats made by President Dala’a towards our great nation. And I am sure you are all aware of the claims that the President is only looking to free you from your 'slavery'. It pains me that lies can come so easily to the tongue of another human being, it truly does. She claims that we were involved in the attack on her land. Lies. She claimed that the assault was an attack on her nation’s liberty. Lies.

“The Starblaydi attack on Honsfield was a military act against a military target. It is most unfortunate that innocent civilians suffered, as any civilian death is tragic, but the blood of every Nedalian who died that day is on the hands of President Dala’a. It was she after all who led her nation into open hostilities with Starblaydia. She is responsible for those deaths. And now she is using those deaths to threaten war against an innocent party. She says she cares for you but look how she cares for her own people. How many Nedalians must die before her lust for power is quenched?”

“And there you have the true motivation of President Dala’a. Power. Oh, she claims to be your saviour. She claims to only want to free you from 'tyranny'. I believe we have heard these claims before. We heard them just before the Nedalian army illegally annexed the southern islands. And we heard them prior to the 'liberation' of Latao. The Nedalian administration spoke long and loud about freedom for the Latin people. And now look at those people. They were not liberated, they were conquered. The Nedalian flag flies over their lands and their taxes swell Dala’a’s coffers.”

“And once more a Nedalian leader is searching for fresh conquests. Which is why she has turned to you. Why she has spread her poisonous lies to turn you, my beloved people, against me. But you know her talk of tyranny here is a myth. And deep down you know the full price of her 'liberation'. I simply ask you this, would you rather by free men in your own land or slaves to the Harpy of Kafra?”

“And to you President Dala’a I say this. Despite all that has been said there still exists a fragile peace between our nations. A lesser ruler may have used your lies as the justification for a declaration of hostilities but fortunately I am a humanitarian. But know this, should one of your ships enter our territorial waters, one of you planes violate our airspace or one of your soldiers even look in our direction it will be considered an act of war. And we will respond accordingly.”

“This nation was forged in battle. The Autocracy emerged from the fires of conflict stronger than ever before. And if you challenge us you will bring onto your people a level of suffering the likes of which they have never known. My citizens will never fold to your lies. Together they will stand with me against your aggression. And the Autocracy will prevail!”
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Dec 8 2006, 12:29 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Nothing around us for miles, sir."

"And the sonars and radars are all active this time? I don't want a disaster like Jiwad's."

"Yessur. Everything's up and running to their full capabilities."

"What have the PC-IIs infront of the fleet said?"

"The same thing, sir. We're clear to advance."

"Keep the helicopters in the air, and keep the submarines on full alert. I want a full and successful counter to any offensive we might face."

The Autokrator had spoken only a few hours before, knowing full well of the repricusions that was to envelope Hypocria should the Nedalian Army be successful in their attempt to destroy the Starblaydi base in Sinistra, effectively taking away its powerbase in southern Atlantian Oceania; something that would ease heavy concerns from SDL allies Bettia and Falcania, not to mention wiping out any chance Starblaydia would have of repeating its horrific attack on Honsfield.

None of this would be possible, as it was becoming more evident, with Vyntra still in power. Since Sinistra was part of Hypocrian land, he had basically announced that the Hypocrian Army would be fighting side by side with their Starblaydi masters. A worrying thought.

The Vulture fleet was the first line of the planned attack, led by Colonel Corantan. Behind the fleet, under full protection, were almost 300,000 troops that were due to land on Sinistra, being transported by ships. According to estimates, the fleet needed about 6 more hours to reach the island, about the time dawn was expected to break. The star of the fleet, the Sarzonian made "Attalla", a superdreadnought by all means, was riding in the direct center, surrounded by enough fire power to blow Sinistra 5 times over.

Its time would come soon enough.

"Push forward, and push forward quickly. I dont want our element of surprise compromised."
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Feb 27 2007, 10:11 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I don’t know if Hyp and Star are still interested in continuing this thread, but since I have a bit of extra time on my hands recuperating from my sickness (!!), I thought I might as well try to get this restarted.

They were big, they were bad, and they were expensive. Now, they were going to be tested for effectiveness. The Paladin Technologies Zimorodok missiles were set up on the Vulture fleet, and Colonel Corantan was to launch nearly 100 of them for the first wave of attack on the Starblaydi base on Sinistra.

The sun hadn’t begun to rise yet, but its glow was beginning to show on the horizon. After hours of anticipation, the fleet had finally arrived close enough to the island to launch the missiles. Whether they were seen on Starblaydi radar was not known yet, but thus far, the trip had been incident-free.

Col. Corantan took another look at his satellite image of the base, going over his targets one last time. He glanced over to his assistant, and nodded his head.

“Give the order for launch.”

Barely seconds later, the screeching sounds of the missiles signified the beginning of the assault on a country Nedalians loved, Hypocria.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Mar 24 2007, 01:23 PM
PMEmail Poster
The assembled members of the Autocracy’s military hierarchy rose obediently as the Autokrator entered the Citadel’s war room.

“Be seated gentlemen.”

Vyntra, replenished in the black military style uniform adopted by his predecessor, took his place and glanced around.

“Thank you for gathering so quickly at this unsociable hour. General Garviel, you may begin.”

On cue the general left his seat and took his place at the podium in front and to the right of the vast screen that dominated one wall of the war room. He was one of a number of new faces within the High Command. Since the Autokrator has assumed personal control of the nation’s military there had been changes. Those that had opposed the move were replaced by men more pliable to the new order. Likewise those who happened to question some even minor point of strategy or planning were found alternative tasks to fill their working days, often far away from the seat of power. Consequently, the High Command had become a collection of Vyntra’s cronies, sycophantic yes-men and those who simply knew to hold their tongues.

Garviel, a loyal supporter of the Autokrator and the High Command’s new Director of Strategy, cleared his throat.

“A short while ago we detected multiple missiles launches from the Secocia Sea or, to be specific, from the Nedalian fleet stationed there. Their target was the Starblaydi facilities on Sinistra. As yet we have been unable to establish contact with either our own forces or the Starblaydis on the island so we have no confirmation of the . . .”

He trailed off as the Autokrator stood.

“A cowardly and unprovoked attack gentlemen. A strike on our sovereign soil without any formal declaration of war. President Dala’a likes the view from atop her moral high ground but she’s clearly capable of slumming it when the need arises. Fortunately I have been prepared for just this occasion ever since the first rumour of conflict has been whispered.”

He touched a button of the conference table in front of him and the big screen burst into life, depicting a large map of the continent of Verdana and the southern seas.

“The Nedalian’s timing is terrible. The defensive lines along our border with Bettia have been under construction for months and now, when they are completed, Dala’a launches her attack. Folly gentlemen. Pure folly.”

A line had appeared on the map parallel to the border with Bettia indicating the location of the newly constructed defensive positions.

“Excellency, if I may.” The new speaker was General Korvel, one of the few remaining original members of the High Command who had survived Vyntra’s cull. And it was a statement, not a question.

“I’m not sure how useful the new defences will be should the Nedalians breach the islands and make their landings on the mainland.”

The Autokrator gave the General the sort of look a teacher may give a young child who was failing to grasp a fairly basic point.

“I’m surprised to hear such naivety from a member of my High Command. How can you be so taken in by a mere feint?”

Korvel’s jaw dropped. He was stung by the tone and simply staggered by the argument.

“A feint?”

“Of course. A feint designed to keep the Blaydis busy down south while the real assault comes through Bettia. It’s what I’d do in their place.

“But no one would commit that many troops for a mere feint. Their assault will come from the south and we have to prepare for it.”

“General, the Nedalians will not attempt an invasion from the sea while there’s a perfectly good land route open to them. Their forces in the south are there to keep the Starblaydis occupied and to draw our own forces away from the west where the real strike will come. They will attack through Bettia. And they will be defeated. The orders have already been issued. As we speak the Grand Army of the Autocracy is moving to take up pre-prepared positions on and in support of the Line. The Nedalians will come and they will be crushed. Then, while they are reeling, we strike into Bettia and then onto Nedalia itself. Where Dala’a herself will be dragged before me in chains and the war in the south will be won”

Korvel couldn’t quite believe what he had just heard. He tried again.

“The Nedalians have huge numbers in the south. They have more troops deployed in The Lowland Clans. And according to our recent intelligence they are likely to commit a force north to counter Hockey Canada’s aggression towards Oliverry. They will not open another front in Bettia. It would be madness.”

“The only madness General, is your clear desire to be taken in by such an obvious ruse. Does anyone else share General Korvel’s concerns?”

Silence. Even if they did disagree no one was willing contradict their master. Korvel’s head dropped, defeated.

“Then it is settled. General Korvel, as the south seems to worry you so you can have responsibility for it. Garviel. What forces have we down there?”

The grey uniformed General, still stood behind the podium, seemed shocked to have been addressed.

“Umm . . .” He fumbled through his notes. “The 7th and 8th armies are deployed between Kester and Linsk and the 9th is based around Drissa in support.”

“Excellent. Have the orders drawn up to place them under General Korvel’s control. Well Korvel? Do you accept your new command?”

Korvel nodded. What more could he do?

“I accept.”

“Good. You can watch while the rest of us end this conflict. I think that will do for now gentlemen. Garviel, concentrate on re-establishing contact with Sinistra. I want news within the hour. Now I have a national address to prepare.”
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Sep 26 2007, 08:29 AM
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A new day was slowly dawning as Brigadier Andreev took another swig of his coffee and winced, it was cold. Which just about summed up how things were going for him at the moment. Sinistra was his command but ever since the Starblaydis had arrived they’d been swaggering around as if they owned the place. And Admiral Hierro seemed to be going out of his way to keep Andreev out of the loop. The brigadier got the distinct impression he and his forces were considered as little more than lackeys by their allies.

“Unauthorised contacts sir.” The cry came from the other side of the Sinistra Command’s war room, snapping Andreev out of his reverie.

Damn Starblaydis. He had made a point of ensuring that the Admiral had every authorisation protocol and every standard patrol route used by the Autocracy's onw naval forces so that all would run smoothly with the deployment. But no. Instead Hierro had come up with his own deployment plans for the two hundred or so ships scattered throughout the Secocia Sea, from the Spruitland channel to the north and Vephrall to the south, and had clearly decided that his allies didn’t need to know the full details. Consequently on nearly a dozen separate occasions patrolling Starblaydi warships had been mistaken for incoming hostile forces solely because there was no communication between the two commands.

“Really. What’s new?”

“Sir, I really think you should see this.”

There was something in the man’s tone that Andreev didn’t like.

He looked over the operator’s shoulder at the radar picture beyond. Small red dots were visible on the left of the screen, indicating individual vessels approaching the island’s western coast. But beyond those dots more were appearing, lots more. So many that they appeared as a great mass of red moving from the left of the scope, as if a pool of blood was slowly sliding across the screen. This was no Starblaydi patrol.

The brigadier stared blankly at the monitor for a moment, doubting what his eyes were registering. The Starblaydis had caught a large proportion of Nedalia’s, for who else could it be, Ibis fleet napping at Honsfield and had defeated a retaliatory strike soon after. How could a force of this size have been assembled so quickly and gotten this far without any prior warning? Two questions that were fairly moot now. Nedalia’s military capacity and stomach for a fight had clearly been gravely underestimated.

Again a voice caught through his thoughs.

“Multiple lunches detected!”

“How many?”

The operator shook his head. “Dozens. Could be as many as a hundred.”

“How is this possible?”, was all he could manage. Yesterday he had received orders from High Command advising him to expect a Nedalian feint towards the islands in the coming days. A feint apparently designed to take focus away from a land thrust through Bettia and into the Autocracy itself. Well this was some feint.

Vibrations could be felt throughout the command centre, one after the other, as the missiles came crashing down on the west of the island. If the impacts were being felt this far inland the Nedalians must be using some serious ordnance.

“Get me Hierro, get me anyone on that base now!”

“No response.” Hardly surprising given the circumstances.

“Dammit! Take us to full alert. Advise the High Command that Sinistra is under attack. Request immediate support.”

“They must be interfering with our comms, I can’t get through to the mainland.”

Andreev’s blood ran cold. If this truly was a feint then they’d want attention, they’d want the mainland alerted. Communication disruption indicted something else entirely.

“Keep trying.” He yelled over his shoulder as ran from the room. Taking the steps three at a time he descended down to the lower levels and out of the building into the main parade ground. Hundreds of grey uniformed shoulders were forming ranks before him with even more piling out of barracks buildings around the facility, all alerted by the klaxons that were sounding all over the base. They looked formidable enough here but he needed to get them west to support the Starblaydis. They may have been caught off guard, but now it was time to punch back.
Experienced Senator
Posts: 287
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Posted: Sep 26 2007, 07:14 PM
PMEmail Poster
"From the looks of it, sir, we've have made quite a few direct hits," commented the aide with a smile on his face, to the tune of his cheering audience.

Colonel Corantan wanted to smile, as well, but he knew better. Instead, he looked at his staff and screamed, "What the f$%@ are you cheering about? If we dont have the entire Starblaydi fleet AND the Hypocrian Navy on our asses in less than 10 minutes, I'm going to pack up my s@$t and head home because I'd be the biggest idiot this world has seen. So buckle the f$@% up and let the others be fully aware we are going to have a big battle on our hands. Protect our troops, by ANY MEANS!"

His voice echoed through the main operations room on the "Attalla", star of Nedalia's Vulture Fleet. After finding that his aggressive tone had quickly simmered down any feelings of over-confidence, he knelt down towards his aide sitting infront of him.

"Now tell me, can we get a 2nd round of Zimorodok missiles launched without interfering with our defensive preparations as we approach the island?"

"Yes sir, I believe we can."

"Good. Give the order. I want the launch in under 2 minutes or else we're royally f*$@ed."

The Colonel eased up, looked back into sea, watching the island inch closer to him with every passing minute. He could make out atleast 7 different lines of smoking rising into the Hypocrian morning, and he could only imagine the chaos that must be befalling the base on Sinistra right now.

After President Yasmine Dala'a had gone on the air and issued her statement of war against the Starblaydis and Hypocrians, it was inevitable they knew what was coming to them. They just didn't know it was going to happen so quick. Still, Colonel Corantan was very surprised by the lack of enemy troops on his way over to the island. It was as if they were completely ignoring the incoming invasion and concentrating on something else...He wondered if he had missed something. His thoughts, however, were interrupted abruptly by the screaming of one of his aides.

"We're under attack, Colonel! Theyve launched surface to sea missiles, and we're picking up movement on our tail, possibly a fringe of the Starblaydi fleet."

"Did the missiles have any direct hits?"

"Yes sir. Two patrol boats have been directly hit. We are attempting to connect with them now."

"OK, tell me when you get through to them. And the Starblaydis?"

"They're a couple of miles, back, but they are catching up quick."

"I want the troops protected. Turn around the half the BC-Is, DC-Is, and FC-Is, and let them meet them head on. That will ensure our transport ships continue without operation. Our number one priority is to get our troops on the ground. I want our submarines to nail those sons of bitches as well."

"Order being given, Sir."

"Where are we on the 2nd launching of the Zimorodok?"

"We are ready, Colonel. Awaiting your command."

Colonel Corantan took a deep breathe, sighed, looked up and the island and said, "Blow that motherf$#%er to bits."

Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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