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Xilian Troops March On Lieno
Posted: Jul 28 2004, 05:43 PM
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After a 5 hour bombardment of Lieno, Xile marched into the place and met little resistance. Of course, the miltary excercises still had to be carried out, so the generals simply ordered the well trained soldiers to fire upon civilians as if they were enemy soldiers. This was carried out quite easily, and within minutes atleast 10,000 civilians within the city limits were massacred.

When asked about why the President decided to order the attack, he stated that the military had to get real life training somehow, and the simulations lacked the feeling a soldier gets while killing a real life human being.

The military plans on marching into the captiol building and killing or capturing members of Lieno's government.

Dispersing the nation seems to bring a gleam of happiness into many of the soldiers' eyes.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Jul 28 2004, 07:20 PM
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Excercise completed.

Orders are issued to torch the capitol city, and that all living citizens better run across the borders into neighboring lands. Not for the sake of mercy, but because we want moving targets.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Jul 28 2004, 08:44 PM
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(OOC: Nice, like to see a reply to this one)
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 05:06 AM
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The B2 Bomber was pracitcally out of the atmosphere, it was flying so high. All four military personnel on board had cold-weather gear and oxygen masks. Three were in the cockpit, one was in the bomb-bay. There was nothing else in the bay expect for retro-fitted extra fuel tanks, no bombs of any description. The man in the bay waited patiently for the command, feeling he was dressed up like some kind of sci-fi turkey.

"Post Office," he heard through his headphones, "this is Penfold, we are in position and ready to deliver."

<Roger, Penfold,> came the crackly reply from base, <let 'im loose.>

The bay doors beneath his feet began to swing open and the ground appeared below, it was dusk and even the cities looked like smudges below him. His mind went back to his briefing....

"Now look, Captain Fyreskar," his General said, "this is serious. We are going to drop you from a B2 bomber to make a HALO jump into Lieno to see what the hell is going on. We have nobody on the ground in there.

"You'll be kitted out with the latest aerodynamic bodywear so you'll look like a one-man plane. One you've landed, stow your flight gear and find out what the hell is going on in there!

"...Dangermouse is away." he said

All of his briefings suddenly faded away as he dropped out of the B2, like some kind of super-smart weapon. The air greeted him with all the kindness of a punch in the stomach as he shot down towards the ground like a bullet. His oxygen wouldn't be lasting much longer, just the ten minutes or so needed for this High Altitude, Low Opening jump. He really felt like he was flying, but for the spoiling of the illusion that the ground was rushing up to meet him at around ten metres per second squared as he accelerated to human terminal velocity.

Had he been able to look at himself without spiralling wildly our of control, he would have noticed he looked something like a Eurofighter Typhoon. Large carbon-fibre 'wings' sprouted from his calves, with smalled canards on his shoulders. He helmet was shaped like a cyclist on a time trial and his backpack aerodynamically perfect to help him to the ground.

As the ground approached to the point of stupidity, he opened his parachute and felt like a ton of bricks had been poured over his shoulders. The deceleration was immense and he crashed to the ground with a a commando-roll, tangling himself up in his 'chute. He lay there for a few seconds, mentally checking every boe in his body. Nothing hurt more than in a usual HALO jump, so he quickly got up and removed his chute and wings.

He stowed his gear under his chute near a small group of rocks. He squinted at his now-hidden stash. That kinda looks like a rock, he thought, from a distance, in the dark.

He shouldered his weapon and started jogging for the nearest settlement. For a moment he wondered if the B2 had managed to turn around and bug out, but he didn't have a frequency for them.

Now he would find out just what Xile was up to attacking Lieno.

OOC: They'll have to run pretty fast to get across the borders of Lieno, as its an Island!
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 06:52 AM
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QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Jul 29 2004, 05:06 AM)
They'll have to run pretty fast to get across the borders of Lieno, as its an Island!

OOC: Ignore the hell out of that statement, please, I had my personal regional map (which I added nation-names to before Vil made a legend for the map) completey wrong in regards to Lieno's location.

I had it to the island west of Dartace, for some random reason *shurgs*
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 01:52 PM
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(OOC: Heh, forgiven. By the way, this is the RP destruction of Lieno as they are quitting NS. Might as well have fun with it though.)

A soldier saluted smartly as General Dorian Hadilla stepped into the command tent. Still getting used to his newly found freedom, and gleefully issuing orders to massacre the running civilians, he was somewhat shocked by the sign of reverence. He quickly regained his composure and stood awaiting the soldier's message.

'Sir, we have picked up a bomber class airship flying high above our normal radar scans. It apparently interrupted a satellite signal and allowed us to pinpoint its location.'

'So it did not drop its payload?' questioned Hadilla.

'Well, not anything that caused us immediate harm. We did pick up fleeting images of something being dropped about 5 miles away, but we lost it as soon as it fell below our scanning range.'

'Get someone on it. I don't want any quirks in this operation. Everything must go according to plan. Dismissed.'

The soldier saluted once again and exited the tent. Hadilla was alone and began pacing around his quarters. He enjoyed excercising his newly found military freedom under his old friend Adonis. Perhaps after the current operation is completed, he can get back to his inital goals.

(OOC: The trial of Hadilla never got under way as the defense attorney and prosecuting attorney apparently went on a bad acid trip and swam to Antartica. For more information on him look into the archives, but for a quick summary - he ordered the attack on East Gate - Tachbe's puppet - and aided in the assassination of former President of Xile, Aidan Cannonite. Anyways, he's back.)
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 4 2004, 01:20 PM
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The Mines of Crystilakere have opened the southern shores of Diamindokere as a military retreat for all nations involved the the offensive against the Extinct Lands of Lieno.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 4 2004, 04:19 PM
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The Military Council of the Lord-Protector, deep and well-hidden within Starblaydia...

"Lord-Commander Fyreskar, you think you can win this Presidency?" the Lord Protector asked.

"I believe I can, my Lord."

"Good." Lord-Protector TIberius sat up and got down to business. "Now, to Lieno. What is going on. Lady-Quaestor?"

Lady Viannorr turned, flicking her long dark hair over the antique table, littered with hi-tech communications equipment embedded in it..

"The entire government has either fled or been massacred. I don't even think we can even class them as a 'Nationstate' any more."

"What are we doing about it?" Tiberius enquired.

"We have a Venator in country, Codename Dangermouse" she said, "which is who we're getting most of our on-the-ground information from."

"More," Tiberius demanded, instantly, "I want more in there, one man is not enough. Arrange for a patrol of Venators to join him. Lord-Commander, is there any call for more troops?"

"There may be if Xilian forces go on the rampage-"

"But they are already, aren't they?"

The Lord-Commander got up, raising his well-built miltary frame from the chair to walk over to the large screen. He pressed a few buttons and a Xilian General's picture came up on the screen.

"This is General Dorian Hadilla, a former General, now re-instated by his old friend Adonis, back in control of the nation, he's been ordering-"

"Kill him."

"Excuse me, my Lord?" Fyreskar knew, of all people, that the Lord-Protector did not like to be asked twice for his opinion.

"Kill. Him. Lord. Commander. Fyreskar. With. The. Venators."

That was all that needed to be said on that matter. Lord-Commander Fyreskar ordered his finest Venators to prepare for incursion and assassination. He also put in place the beginnings of a small Task Force build-up, with Army, Navy and Air Force all involved...

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Aug 4 2004, 04:20 PM
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Posted: Aug 4 2004, 04:33 PM
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All resistance to their efforts either dead or dispersed, Xilian troops scoured the hillsides of the country and rubble of Lieno's cities for any survivors. A few people were rounded up and executed, but mostly all that was left were goats. General Dorian Hadilla hates goats.

A celebration of the Xilian victory is to be held this very night. A goat barbeque for the troops along with a bit of light entertainment was to be prepared, and the general himself was to give a speech commending the strength of the Xilian military wing and the ease of their victory. President Adonis Laiur was set to attend via video-conference, and had set up the Hadilla's speech to be televised nationally on all networks and government screens within New Babylonia as an attempt to rectify Hadilla in the eyes of Xile's populace.

Hadilla stood in his tent searching for his best dress-uniform and working on the finer points of his speech. It was one hour to showtime, and he needed to mingle a little before he went on. His aides helped him dress quickly and he strode out of his tent proudly into the celebration. All eyes turned to see him at the height of his glory.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 4 2004, 05:04 PM
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One Hour to go before showtime Captain Jaehaerys Fyreskar thought, hunkered down in his hidey-hole. Did my Lord-Commander father select me for this mission? He always makes sure I get the most dangerous, dammit. Dangermouse indeed!

He was waiting for the other Venators to arrive. There was another squad joining him to help him out with his... recon? intelligence? What was it?

Wait, there it was. The pair of double-flashes from the hand-held signal light, over by that clump of trees. He signalled back with a triple-flash and made to move off. -explicitive removed-! there were a pair of Xilean soldiers wandering over! Jaehaerys crept forward, keeping low and making sure he didn't step on any Hollywood-style breakable twigs. The two were smoking and chatting about the upcoming broadcast.

Jaehaerys cursed his lack of a decent silencer and drew his combat knife. Three quick steps and he was behind the first man, bringing up his knife in a swift arc slicing open the throat of the unsuspecting soldier. He had to move quickly, but the other was swiftly dispatched. It wasn't the first Xilean he had killed over the past few days.

"Oh-Pee is over there guys. Couple of clicks." he said as the other Ventaors walked over.


About a mile away, the camp was almost ready for the celebrations to begin. Everything Jaehaerys saw was green, but that was a sniper rifle scope for you. In fact this was more like a sniper cannon, he thought, as he lay beside the massive weapon.

"Red Light." Said his binocular-equipped spotter beside him. "Hadilla's not out yet."

"Red Light." Jaehaerys agreed.

All they had to do was wait.
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Posted: Aug 5 2004, 05:26 PM
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All cameras arced to the platform, tracing the steps of General Hadilla. He slowly walked up to the podium and laid his notes out.

The caterers and bartenders stopped all their movement to the protests of a few drunk soldiers, who were hastily carried away by Hadilla's bodyguards. President Lauir sat down in front of his screen, eagerly awaiting his friend's speech. He would gain a powerful political ally this day.

Hadilla's wife, Ellen, sat at the table right before the stage beaming a smile as she sipped on her champagne and mingled with national figures. She saw the approach of her husband and a gleam of satisfaction could be seen behind her eyes. Redemption was at hand.

Soldiers all around stood and cheered their leader. Loud shouts and yells permeated the surrounding hills, and Hadilla quieted them by lowering his hands. He looked proudly about him and his eyes welled with tears. He wiped them softly.

Around New Babylonia people sat down before their televisions. They were somewhat cautious with their thoughts about this general once believed to be a traitor to the nation. Even so, it was hard not to like the amiable figure standing smartly in his clean uniform.

Hadilla stepped up to the microphone and cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to speak to an eagerly awaiting audience...
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 5 2004, 05:42 PM
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"Wind?" Jaehaerys asked, his palms getting sweatier as Hadilla moved towards the mic. He had to wait for him to stop moving, there was no real way for him to guess the lead he would have to put on the bullet as the range-o-meter was playing up. Damn foriegn rubbish.


There he was, standing still, waving for the crowd to be quiet. Wiping his eye. Stop moving dammit! he thought. There we are, the perfect moment. The target was aimed dead centre at Hadilla's forehead, and he was dead still, soon to be just plain dead.

"Green Light?" Captain Fyreskar asked.

"Green Light." His spotted confirmed.

Jaehaerys pulled the trigger back, applying around 4 pounds of pressure to it. He could feel bolts click and the action of the rifle swing into action. A small flash of light and a loud bang was all he needed. The slug sped toward its target as the casing flew out to the side. Jaehaerys changed his angle slightly and fired for a second time in around one-and-a-half seconds, aiming for the central mass of the man's chest, just in case the first didn't kill him.

"Let's move!" whispered his spotter, almost immediately

"Wait." Jaehaerys said. He had to make sure he'd got Hadilla, only then could they bail.

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Aug 5 2004, 05:48 PM
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Posted: Aug 6 2004, 03:08 PM
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The crowd jumped to its feet and began looking all around. A loud crash had interrupted the serenity of the event. Another crash sounded from the hills directly south of it. General Dorian Hadilla flew back from the impact. Confusion set in. A look of shock passed on the screen showing President Lauir's face, and the connection was abruptly terminated.

Soldiers ran onto the stage and glanced down at the remains of their fallen leader's face. Blood also began to stain the front of his shirt, and he was quickly picked up and carried away by a troop of medics. Ellen fainted.

Back at the Presidential Mansion, Adonis Lauir slumped into his seat. "What..." he began. He sat silently for another moment. "Is General Vertei within the vicinity?"

An aide solemnly nodded in response.

"Get him to cover the hills and find out who is responsible for this. Send about 5,000 more men as well. This could get messy. Contact the VOIA and see if they will look into this for us."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 6 2004, 04:04 PM
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Tiberius' head broke the surface of the warm water and he breathed in the air-conditioned atmosphere as his servant offered him the cellular phone. Well, it looked like a cellular phone, but it was in fact a sophisticated government communication device.


"My lord, General Hadilla was assassinated live on TV!"

"That'll replace 'Film at Eleven'," the Lord-Protector mused, "Is the team out?"

"Not yet, my Lord. They are exiting as we speak, hopefully.

"Help them, I'm not leaving Venators to be caught and exposed."

"Yes, my Lord."



The entire squad of Venators were hurtling down the far side of the hill, as far away from the late General Dorian Hadilla's camp as fast as humanly possible. Heavy, unweildy objects had been dispensed with as the elite troops beat a hasty retreat from the larger forces that would undoubtedly be looking for them.

"You got a boat, Lieutenant?" said Jaehaerys, trying not to shout

"Yessir," the man replied, "on the eastern shoreline."

"Are you kidding me, soldier?!"

"Nossir." the man replied.

The eastern coast of the island Lieno was situated on was a helluva distance way, at best. This would be evade and escape like none he'd experienced before.


"Get those choppers off my decks, Commander."

On board the SNS Icini a Shrike-Class Helicopter Assault ship and her two sister-ships, Apache Attack-, Kiowa Warrior Support- and Merlin Transport-Helicopters lifted off and headed south over the sea and towards the land of Lieno. They had men to save.

The Captain looked across the Renown and her Carrier Support Group, who just a day earlier had arrived in betwen Krytenia and Crystilakere for 'excersices'. This would be a good excercise if they could get those Special Forces out unharmed. He turned to the rear of the Group and he could just about see the Landing Craft in the rear, packed with the tanks, troops and vehicles of the 2nd Armoured Cav. He hoped they wouldn't be needed.
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Posted: Aug 6 2004, 04:24 PM
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"Sergeant! I think I've found something! It appears to be some type of ration package, but it's not one of ours sir!"

Sergeant Anderson walked over to the pile of ration packets littering the ground. He picked one up and examined it carefully. A chocolate biscuit fell to the ground. "This is quite peculiar...take it to the Lieutenant."


"Chocolate biscuits...Starblaydia. Contact the president."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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