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Behind the white wall of snow (open)
Posted: Aug 23 2007, 08:15 PM
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Onboard the FNS Feather, the logistic departments were abuzz with statistifying the recent battle. The entire complement of defending troops had been killed on the battlefield where they stood. Of the flight of ten fighters, one had received minor damage to a wing due to a stray bullet and the leader had a destroyed nosecone due to a landing accident caused by lack of concentration. Of the fifteen landing craft, one had crashed after disgorging its troop complement and would have to spend two weeks in maintenance. 300 Falcanian troops fought in the battle, of whom 12 were killed by machine-gun fire; 16 were injured slightly due to shots in the wing, and injuries resulting from "complicated" landings. One man had an arm in a sling, after becoming a victim of so-called "Friendly Stab." All in all, a marvellous success.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 25 2007, 10:25 PM
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The yell came from Field Marshall Evgeni Zherdev, assigned personally by Prime Minister Ondrea Di Lorenzi, upon learning Hallow's Corner had been a massacre.

"These numbers, it's like they were sleeping out there at that intersection! How can this be? It is almost unbelievable, these numbers."

Zherdev stopped to think for a moment and looked up. What he saw before him was a ruddy little tent surrounded with maps, plans and other high-ranking officers of the Hockey Canadian army. Taking a slow, lazy drag from his cigarette, he exhaled the smoke ok the map where the crimson that indicated the Hockey Canadian advance had one small jut on the eastern end of Oliverry. Generals Yukulov and Kuzkin had easily wasted Oliverrian forces at their assigned cities when they left Hallow's Corner, but the supply depot town they had departed to do so was in shambles.

"Do you know WHY I assigned you idiots to take the eastern plains of Oliverry?"

The officers didn't budge, either stiff with fear or clueless to answer.

"Because... We need a flatland route to -explicitive removed-ing hammer Marshalliston the moment the Pontville objective is carried out. A quick, simple rush on the city to take and defend it. But NOOO, you -explicitive removed-ers can't defend a god forsaken speck on a highway intersection!"

Pontville was still burned into the officer's minds as a great victory. The Lamonian troops had been forced into the city as planned and from then on bombs and artillery strikes levelled every last building. Thousands of civilians had been killed, hundreds of Lamonian troops sure to be as well. 5 million Hockey Canadian troops were now secure on Oliverrian soil with plenty more to come. The SDL was in it's own war with Starblaydia and the SAAS, back turned to the threat in the north. They had missed the size of the Pontville invasion and would pay dearly the following day. Airfields cleared of any resistance, a weapon had been prepared many would think unimaginable.

"I want 750,000 flanking Marshallison from the East, Yukulov can lead his tank squad to sweep left of the main force to clear any other resistance that divides our flank force from Hockey Canada and our western invasion of 5 million. Tomorrow will be a day to remember."

Pontville had been a massive success as any Lamonian soldiers not killed in the blast found alive were shot. Civilians had been taken on transports back to Hockey Canada and eventually face hard labour working in the Irkutsk wastelands. Tanks, planes, artillery and assault troops were in full position to attack at the given time to rush northeast at Marshalliston. Almost blitzing any city, town or obstacle that got in the force's path. The airfield forementioned had been cleared and ready, as Hockey Canada's mountains would be almost impossible to clear for the kind of weapon planned.

The Yakushev-Arkayd Nuclear Missile (YANM) was prepared to make 2 firsts in Atlantian Oceania: the first missile to be fired onto enemy territory with intent to kill, and the first missile to be fired above-ground and not from a silo. The target was one an elementary school student could've guessed. It was all leading down to this. The invasion, the blitzing forces to strike at Marshalliston, the massive army ready to descend on Oliverry like a tidal wave. With a steady launch, thousands of troops watched with awe as the weapon of mass destruction faded into the distance with Marshalliston a ready target. In the sea of faces, and perhaps wise to remain obscure, Ondrea Di Lorenzi watched the launch with a huge grin.

"That has got to be one of the most beautiful sights in history." she whispered to herself.
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Aug 26 2007, 11:05 AM
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The messenger had gotten stuck behind a civilian traffic jam. 'And this in an area that was supposed to clear of civilians,' he grumped. Something was seriously wrong with the Oliverrian government, but he still didn't know what. It appeared that the Oliverrian police and military forces that he had found didn't know what was going on either. The messenger felt like bashing his head into a wall because of what he assumed to be a massive case of willful stupidity on the part of the Oliverrians. He was getting closer to Marshalliston, though. Maybe he would find out what was going on there.


The Combined forces were still making raids on the Canuck forces; while the 300 man Oliverrian resistance contingent that was 'left behind' was attacking Canuck supply runs. Slightly over half of the Combined Forces had fallen back on Marshalliston, where even a kindergartner would expect an attack. The mission to bleed the Canucks was still running "smoothly."

Here, a three tank platoon of Oliverrian tanks made a surprise attack on a Canuck armored column before withdrawing; there, was an infantry attack on Canuck frontline troops by Lamonian infantry before they too seemed to melt into the countryside like ghosts. Everywhere they went, they inflicted casualties.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 26 2007, 08:47 PM
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Skies above Marshalliston

"FNS Khan, this is Hawkeye 6, reporting in. Marshalliston airspace is clear, no hostiles." Flight Lieutenant Robert Cedarwood yawned and lazily swooped around. "Returning to dock with FNS Rose Hill, over. Have someone pour me a drink, I'd kill for some Lamonian vodka."

"Hawkeye 6, this is FNS Khan, get your own damn drink, over" came the jovial reply. Cedarwood laughed as he put his com aside. There was an alarm in his ear, and a bright red dot on the HUD. Before he knew it, warning signs were buzzing all over the cockpit. Hastily he reset the com. "FNS Khan this is Hawkeye 6, unidentified object closing fast, heading 169 mark 58. It looks like a missile-" Realising the implications, he set a heading and accelerated to full afterburner.

Behind him, the missile pointed its big red nose at the city, and slammed into the pavement.

Behind him, everything went white.

His plane's controls fell dead and Cedarwood realised the weapon's EMP had knocked out his plane. Fortunately the canopy release was mechanical. He pulled the canopy release lever, but it jammed. Desperately he unsheathed his claws and prised at the mechanism, trying to force it. With a surge of adrenaline brought on by his proximity to death, he wedged it open, and the canopy slid backwards, buffeting Cedarwood as he sheathed his claws and reached down for the seat eject lever, praying it wouldn't jam like the canopy. It didn't. Flight Lieutenant Robert Cedarwood and his trusty pilot's seat were launched skyward. As he approached the peak of his ascent, he slapped the belt release and propelled himself from his chair. Currently he was 10,000 metres above sea level, and freefalling. Cedarwood ripped two cords on his chest and flaps at the back of his flight suit tore away, allowing his rippling tawny wings freedom. As he lowered into his dive he couldn't help but grin. Now he was just following nature's orders. At a more appropriate altitude he slowed his descent, braking with his wings, before levelling off into a glide. With mighty flaps he bore himself on the currents, reaching for his com. "FNS Rose Hill, this is Flight Lieutenant Cedarwood, I have ejected, and request a pickup near my location."

"Cedarwood, this is the FNS Rose Hill, we are sending out a helicopter to pick you up, expect a full debrief and a bottle of Lamonian vodka upon your return to the FNS Khan. Don't worry, we've got you."

FNA Khan

Cedarwood drank heavily from the bottle as his superior paced up and down the conference room. "It was definitely a nuclear missile, Cedarwood?"

"All due respect, sir, there's not a lot else it could have been. White flash, EMP, and in case you hadn't noticed, Marshalliston appears to have been nuked, sir. It could have been another nuclear missile that we weren't paying attention to, but seeing as I was very nearly fried crispier than Bick-Lick* in my own damn plane, I do believe that it was indeed that particular nuclear bloody missile."

* Bick-Lick is a popular fried falcon fast food franchise in Falcania. Lots of alliteration is involved.

"Any other day I'd have you court-martialed for inpertinence, Cedarwood, but quite frankly, there are more important things on my mind. Like the fact the Hocanucks have just detonated a thermonuclear device in the capital of Oliverry. I'll contact the King at once."

This post has been edited by Falcania on Aug 26 2007, 08:49 PM
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 19 2007, 11:51 PM
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The courier had passed the last of the Lamonian units two hours ago, and was near the outskirts of Marshalliston when he saw a white streak in the sky. As he headed into the city, he noticed that the white streak was heading for the city as well. While attempting to get out of the way, he saw a white flash that blinded him, and then he was killed when the shock wave threw him into a semi.


The Combined Forces HQ noticed the complete lack of radio traffic in Marshalliston. Not that there had been all that much before... mostly children playing with HAM radios, but even those had just cut off in mid sentence; not coming back.

A Oliverrian fighter was dispatched to take a look, and saw only a big wasteland where Marshalliston used to be. Knowing that only one type of weapon could cause this much devastation, he radioed back to base that Marshalliston had been hit by a nuclear weapon, and that his plane would likely need decontamination upon landing. Word of this reached the Combined Forces HQ via a link with the radio net that the fighter was on. The mood was grim as the THIRD nuclear crisis in AO history had just begun.

The fight against the Canuck forces would not end until the last Canucks were driven out of the now nationless territory.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 10 2007, 01:24 PM
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"How was the Marshalliston situation?" General Yukulov asked his advisors at Camp Tykgol 50 kilometres away that was the rubble of Marshalliston.

"Completely obliterated sir." one said

"Like a second Stalingrad sir" another blurted.

"Perfect for the onset of winter sir." the first one said again.

"Perfect. We advance on the city in 0030 hours." Yukulov said smirking with what was sure to be a walkover on the Oliverrian capital.

The radio situation in Marshalliston had been all but hopeless for SDL nations. Hockey Canadian contacts had been trying to intercept any and all attempted communications in or out of the city but there had been nothing. Satellite readings using infrared scanning had shown little to no life within 5 kilometres of the original blast site just a few hundred feet from the city centre. The problem was there was thunder approaching... the artillery and infantry of the Hockey canadian forces.

The bombs and artillery strikes pummelled the rubble of Marshalliston just hundreds of feet ahead of Hockey Canadian advancing troops, told to not take any prisoners and in the event of seeing a wounded Oliverrian to kill on site as a form of mercy. The radiation and severity given would be too much for any help to get to the Oliverrians, sad as it was... it was the humane thing to do.

Yukulov sent one final commique to a known SDL channel of communication that would need to be translated from Hockey Canadian to English:

"Strategic Defense League members. Give up while you can or the result of any more conflict with us will only spell disaster. We are protecting our own beleifs by making ourselves known as a powerful presence in Atlantian Oceania. You had the chance to accept us as an ally and good use to the region but have not. You will pay for not learning from your conflict with Starblaydia, and also from not accepting Hockey Canada as an equal."
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Oct 11 2007, 03:35 PM
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Lamonian forces that had seen combat in TLC were being rushed to the Hockey Canadian front. When it had become apparent that Marshalliston had been wiped off of the map, combined Lamonian and Oliverrian forces had converged on a location which protected them from the radioactive fallout.

When the message came from the Hockey Canadians, the Lamonians scoffed at it. All they had to do (thanks to the excellent transport system in those parts of TLC not damaged by the war) was to hold out for a week; and then Lamonian reinforcements would arrive. It was assumed that Falcanian reinforcements might show up before then as well.

Using a known Hockey Canadian frequency, a response was sent:

"Hockey Canadian occupiers of SDL land: We have no intention of giving up. As long as one soldier of your occupying forces encroaches on SDL land, we will fight you to the last man. Our forces have defeated the Starblaydi army, and we will defeat yours as well."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 12:11 AM
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Bazalonian Forces in The Lowland Clans wouls soon find themselves with new orders, to converge with Lamonian and Oliverrian forces (who would ever thought Bazalonians would be fighting not only along side those damned frenchies but in their defense.)

The Bazalonians decided to make it public in Bazalonia as well as with the Bazalonian response.

"Bazalonia when it first arrived in this region signed up to be a apart of an organisation, the Strategic Defense League, an organisation that would provide defense against imperialistic aggression from states involved in the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States. Hockey Canada too signed up to be apart of SDL, but that was a long time ago, Hockey Canada for a long time had it sights set against Footballia in an aggressive move and had campaigned for an aggressive action against that nation, however it was taken down repeatible as being inappropriate action and might I say full of hypocracy. It wasn't the SDL that shunned Hockey Canada but Hockey Canada that shunned the SDL and all that it stands for.

Bazalonia will not stand by and watch as a nation which according to latest intelligence sources used nuclear weapons against Oliverrian citizens, particularily the city of Marshallton. We had defeated The Great Lion and his forces, Viannor and her reign of terror is now over and it's now time for Hockey Canada to learn that it has met it's match."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 11:22 AM
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The following message was sent through every possible frequency:


To everyone:

We would like to tell everyone that Marshalliston has never been destroyed. Right, many people left the city because of the war, but the city is still standing. We almost got hit by a nuclear weapon, but it failed to explode. After an investigation by the government in exile in Rubbermade, the weapon was countered by an unknown source. It is known that this source is not Oliverrian. In fact, a city has been destroyed. It was destroyed after a siege that lasted 1093 hours, in which the Oliverrians fought until the end. That city was really Indépendance, which was emptied when the Inteligence Agencies found out something was going on

We condemn this act and wish to tell everyone that the Oliverrian government has been planning an effective reply to the Hockey Canadians and that they should regret their decision to attack our proud nation.

President Dionne was able to send this message to everyone in the world. An army of 2,000,000 Oliverrians was waiting to be launched after the Hockey Canadians, with many other men being trained to beat them. As well, he was able to spark a Communist uprising in Sud-Françie. Those communists have always respected the Oliverrian central government and they were sparked against the Hockey Canadian military, as a militia. The Oliverrian government was able to give them arms and everything they needed subtedly, without the Hockey Canadians noticing it. All these militia and the army are actually waiting for a signal. But that, neither the SDL officials, neither the Hockey Canadians knew it. In fact, only a handful of Oliverrians knew about it.

Bertrand Dionne then decided to send the SDL officials a coded message, so that the Hockey Canadians couldn't get it:

To the leaders of the SDL:

We decided to finally fight with the Hockey Canadians. We are now ready and decided to beat them. May we convene in a secret place to discuss of strategy? It shall be appreciated.


Now, we have a couple of things to settle:
1) I NEVER accepted to have one of my cities nuked. Therefore, I consider it as Godmod and it never happened
2) Please, RP your invasion of Île-Royale. Until it's not RPed, consider it as still controlled by the Oliverrian government.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 12:23 PM
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1) Marshalliston is a wreck, not obliterated.
2) I did roleplay the invasion if you recall.

I would like to make it clear that a few SDL nations and I agreed that Marshalliston would be the Stalingrad of this war. Forces of equal number on both sides scrap it out in a wrecked city and Hockey Canadian forces would be defeated... starting a long, antagonizing retreat back to the Hockey canadian mountains/border. Just making this clear.

With the onset if winter IRL (Baz excepted) I'm planning for possibly a winter-like city scenario where we both have our victories and losses. But in the long run I am defeated and you guys beat the big, bad commies... for now tongue.gif

I will submit a roleplay once I return from work later on tonight or tomorrow.
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 01:17 PM
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Vehicles bearing down on the wrecked city of Marshalliston, the region's eyes on one city, and the intent to spread communism full-bore into Oliverry. It was a glorious day for Hockey Canada and her forces. Autoroutes Interprovinciales 30 and 35 towards Marshalliston were clogged in all 8 lanes with Hockey Canadian tanks, transports and artillery machinery.

The newest product of the Anadyr Drive Yards was the T-10K Tank. Protected with 275 mm thick armour, 129 mm D-25TA Gun, and 2 12.7 mm DShKM machine guns (could be replaced with coxial anti-aircraft guns to handle Falcanians) it was rushed to the front lines of the oncoming conflict with SDL forces.

The bombardment of Marshalliston still had not ceased since the initial strike. Even as forces approached the hammered city, radio and GPS had ensured that there would be no friendly fire on this day. From what Hockey Canadian forces knew, it was best to play it safe than sorry while moving in and establishing a hold on Marshalliston than just jump into things.

Back at Camp Tykgol, Yukulov looked over his documents sent to him estimating the number of forces each SDL nation had placed to defend Oli.

"Not bad. Not a bad turnout at all. Out of the 40 some odd million we have available to us, I won't exasperate 10 million to attack one god forsaken rock of a city. Looks like sending 5.25 million should do more than overwhealm the city and SDL forces catching them off guard."

Just then his advisor Chernikov entered the room.

"Sir, we have some resistance in the South of Oliverry. A few little skirmishes with locals between occupying forces are stirring up some concern back in Otnorot. Di Lorenzi is leaving this all up to your call sir."

"Imprison any suspected resistance members. If that is not possible, simply execute them and anyone affiliated to them. Family, friends, the whole bit."

"Aye sir".

Hockey Canada
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 06:03 PM
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OOC: I never agreed to have a nuke launched on MY OWN nation. This is not the SDL's nation, this is mine. And I can claim that the nuke never exploded. After all, I never said that no city was destroyed, I simply implied that you destroyed the wrong one, thinking it was Marshalliston. After all, it's pretty easy to change every sign indicating it's Marshalliston when 3/4 of the city's population is gone.

"Operation Loophole. Soyez prêt à la contre-attaque"

That was the long awaited message from the Sud-Francie "revolutionaries". They were dressed like Soviet revolutionaries and were ready to fight until the last man. Their leader, Nikolaï Larionov, was a former Hockey Canadian who emigrated in the 2020s. He hated "pussy dictator", as she'd call her, with so much passion that he was ready to kill her by himself. He had quite a troop. In fact, there were about 20,000,000 workers with him. They were people from all around Oliverry, but mainly from Sud-Francie, especially Saint-François and the City-State of Communiste. The Government of Oliverry, officially, condemned the revolutionaries, but informally, gave them support, both financial and military. It was estimated that 500,000 Oliverrian soldiers were able to reach the centre of the uprising.

Nikolaï Larionov: The President just gave us the signal to begin. Everybody is ready to fight?

Militians: Yes, Sir!

Nikolaï Larionov: Good! Now, I only have to press a button to start uprisings in every town of the province. Of the province? Wait... Now that I remember, there's also a militia in Waterloo. Yes, you understood: a militia in Hockey Canada. They might get defeated, but if we are able to spark some uprisings there, we might be able to divert them. I heard that 200,000 people were enough to cause some problems, because of the regime's secureness. Anyway... 3, 2, 1 *presses button*. There we go. In about an hour, we should control all of Sud-Françie's cities. It's now time to establish a real communist province in Oliverry!

*In Rubbermade*

Bertrand Dionne: Great! Now, they have launched the attack. We can now counter-attack, But first, I'll let our allies come in here to discuss about some things...
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 06:43 PM
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It didn't take very long at all for the Bazalonian military commander responsible for the Oliverrian situation and the other of his staff to come to discuss talks.

Where it was it must be very secret, for even he didn't know where they were going.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 06:58 PM
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The Government of the United Commonwealth of Delesa is now willing to push back the soviet invaders. Prime Minister Lester Geddie is willing to commit a Divison of 20,000 men under the command of Major General William H. Stone. We are also willing to provide a carrier task force, on which the ground force will arrive. The United Commonwealth looks forward to a responce from the Oliverry government.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 12 2007, 08:16 PM
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To: Members of the SDL willing to attend the meeting
From: Bertrand Dionne, President of Oliverry

Here are the instructions to get to the meeting:
1) Get to Parliament Building, in Rubbermade
2) Once there, an Oliverrian official will tell you exactly where the meeting is going to be held. Sorry to be so secretive, but there are chances that the Hockey Canadians might intercept this message.

To: Prime Minister Lester Geddie of Delesa
Cc: Major General William H. Stone
From: Bertrand Dionne, President of Oliverry

We will welcome the troops with pleasure. Any help from our allies is needed in this time of crisis and the troops may now enter Oliverry from the north.

This post has been edited by Oliverry on Oct 12 2007, 08:16 PM
Royal Scribe
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