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Tariskany calls Strategic Alliance to Lavingrad
Posted: Apr 18 2005, 11:53 AM
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"Well," Tiberius said, "The Federation of Like-Minded Pansies have their own official treaty, so I thought we needed something to make this arrangement a little more... official. Quaestor Fursifio has the document in question. K'van, if you would,"

Tiberius motioned to K'van, who opened the breifcase and drew out the document.


Between the Nation of Abattoir, the Empire of Nova Roma, the Protectorate of Starblaydia and the Sacrosanct Realm of Xile.

The contracting parties,

Reaffirming their desire for the organisation of a system of collective security in Atlantian Oceania, with the participation of all the Atlantian states, irrespective of their social and state systems, which would make it possible to combine their efforts in the interests of securing peace in Atlantian Oceania,

Taking into consideration at the same tirne the situation obtaining in Atlantian Oceania as the result of ratification of the Federation of Like-Minded States' agreement, which provide for the formation of a new military grouping, which increases the threat of another war and creates a menace to the national security of the peaceloving states,

Convinced that, under these circumstances, the peaceloving states of Atlantian Oceania should take the necessary measures for safeguarding their security, and in the interests of maintaining peace in the region,

Guided by the purposes and principles we all hold self-evident,

In the interests of further strengthening and promoting friendship, co-opcration and mutual assistance, in accordance with the principles of respect for the independence and sovereignty of states, and also with the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs,

Have resolved to conclude this Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance . . .

Article 1. The contracting parties shall undertake to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force, and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means so as not to endanger international peace and security.

Article 2. The contracting parties declare their readiness to take part, in the spirit of sincere co-operation, in all international undertakings intended to safeguard international peace and security and they shall use all their energies for the realisation of these aims.

Moreover, the contracting parties shall work for the adoption, in agreement with other states desiring to co-operate in this matter, of effective measures towards a general reduction of armaments and prohibition of atomic, hydrogen and other weapons of mass destruction.

Article 3. The contracting parties shall take council among themselves on all important international questions relating to their common interests, guided by the interests of strengthening international peace and security.

They shall take council among themselves immediately, whenever, in the opinion of any of them, there has arisen the threat of an armed attack on one or several states that are signatories of the treaty, in the interests of organising their joint defence and of upholding peace and security.

Article 4. In the event of an armed attack in Atlantian Oceania on one or several states that are signatories of the treaty by any state or group of states, each state that is a party to this treaty shall, in the exercise of the right to individual or collective self-defence, render the state or states so attacked immediate assistance, individually and in agreement with other states that are parties to this treaty, by all the means it may consider necessary, including the use of armed force. The states that are parties to this treaty shall immediately take council among themselves concerning the necessary joint measures to be adopted for the purpose of restoring and upholding international peace and security.

In accordance with the principlesall hold self-evident, the Security Council shall be advised of the measures taken on the basis of the present article. These measures shall be stopped as soon as the Security Council has taken the necessary measures for restoring and upholding international peace and security.

Article 5. The contracting parties have agreed on the establishment of a joint command for their armed forces, which shall be placed, by agreement among these parties, under this command, which shall function on the basis of jointly defined principles. They shall also take other concerted measures necessary for strengthening their defence capacity, in order to safeguard the peaceful labour of their peoples, to guarantee the inviolability of their frontiers and territories and to provide safeguards against possible aggression.

Article 6. For the purpose of holding the consultations provided for in the present treaty among the states that are parties to the treaty, and for the purpose of considering problems arising in connection with the implementation of this treaty, a political consultative committee shall be formed in which each state that is a party to this treaty shall be represented by a member of the government, or any other specially appointed representative.

The committee may, form the auxiliary organs for which the need may arise.

Article 7. The contracting parties undertake not to participate in any coalitions and alliances, and not to conclude any agreements the purposes of which would be at variance with those of the present treaty.

The contracting parties declare that their obligations under existing international treaties are not at variance with the provisions of this treaty.

Article 8. The contracting parties declare that they will act in the spirit of friendship and co-operation with the object of furthering the development of, and strengthening the economic and cultural relations between them, adliering to the principles of mutual respect for their independence and sovereignty, and of non-interference in their internal affairs.

Article 9. The present treaty is open to be acceded to by other states-irrespective of their social and state systems-which may express their readiness to assist, through participation in the present treaty, in combining the efforts of the peaccloving states for the purpose of safeguarding the peace and security, of nations. This act of acceding to the treaty shall become effective, with the consent of the states that are parties to this treaty, after the instrument of accedence has been deposited with the government of the Nation of Abattoir.

Article 10. The present treaty is subject to ratification, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the government of the Nation of Abattoir.

The treaty shall take effect on the date on which the last ratification instrument is deposited. The government of the Nation of Abattoir shall advise the other states that are parties to the treaty of each ratification instrument deposited with it.

Article 11. The present treaty shall remain in force for 20 years. For the contracting parties which will not have submitted to the government of the Nation of Abattoir a statement denouncing the treaty a year before the expiration of its term, it shall remain in force throughout the following ten years.

In the event of the organisation of a system of collective security in all of Atlantian Oceania and the conclusion of a general Atlantian treaty of total collective security to that end, which the contracting parties shall unceasingly seek to bring about, the present treaty shall cease to be effective on the date the general Atlantian treaty comes into force.

Done in Lavingrad in the Nation of Abattoir. Certified copies of the present treaty shall be transmitted by the government of the Nation of Abattoir to all the parties to this treaty.

"Of course," Tiberius said after the reading-out of the document had finished, "we can add Krytenia, Doujin and Nojika to the opening paragraph. The more the merrier. And we can also iron out the typographical errors, which I am rather ashamed of. What do you all think?"

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Apr 18 2005, 11:56 AM
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 12:03 PM
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Tiresen's lawyer/aide had been in the back room with a copy of the pact for quite some time.

Karl thought about cracking a masturbation joke, but realized that it was probably not the correct time or place for such antics.

His lawyer came back after some time, and gave him the run-down.

Tiresen pulled a gold-plated pen from his pocket, enscribed with various mottos and icons from the nation of Xile. He looked down at the document and slowly etched his signature across the paper.

He leaned back and admired it for a moment. Regardless of whether he remained president or not, regardless of whether Adonis ever returned; here was something that he would go down in history for.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 12:09 PM
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Antoine stamped the national seal and slowly etched his name out on the document.

Antoine Mavisko Tariskany

All official looking. He smiled, and looked up at the other delegations and awaited their responses.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 12:30 PM
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Tiberius Starblayde

Signed by the Lord-Protector himself in his usual flowing script, his conception of a Regional Alliance between friendly nations had now come to fruition. The metallic-purple fountain pen, covered gold and filled with the finest ink Starblaydia had to offer was placed delicately back inside his jacket.

With a nod he turned to Quaestor Fursifio. The Inquisition agent pulled a bottle of Starblaydi Vodka out of his long robes, along with enough shot glasses for the leaders from his pockets.

This great day would be celebrated in the correct manner, after all.
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 02:10 PM
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Tiberivs Siricvs Tyrannvs

Tyrannvs never liked signing anything; his signature beamed a radiance of simplicity, not even cursive, just quickly penned with the air of authority. He looked to the other leaders.

"Very well gentlemen... I believe we can officially celebrate!"
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 02:55 PM
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As the news slowly reach the world outside the hidden offices of the 'autocatic states', the Latin leading feels curious about the new players in the global stage.

The Latin Federation congratulates to the achivement of forming a new allience of your nations. May it bring prosper and success to your countries and the people.

We would however like to know, if you are friendly-minded towards Latao and if I we may consider you as a stable element in the region.

Thank You
Sincerelly, National Executive Committee of Latao
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 03:19 PM
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While I don't speak for my friends here, I can assure you that the nation of Nova Roma regards Latao with the utmost respect. As a nation that endorses laissez-faire capitalism, you are a friend in the eyes of Romans.

;; Imperator Tiberivs Siricvs Tyrannvs ;;
; Nova Roma
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 08:05 PM
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(OOC: Doujin's gone, so we dont have to worry on him. Waiting on Nojika and Krytenia if they still want to join, or voice any concerns.)
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 08:29 PM
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Behind the doors stood the Nojikan representative as well as a goup of four personal gaurds. The first two gaurds, dressed in beautifull blue robes, opened the doors and in walked the Nojikan representative with the two more gaurds following.

The doors were shut and the representative looked up allowing his hood to fall off his head. The reasoning for royal gaurds now made sense. Lord Kahal had made this visit personally to ensure that the national leaders present knew that Nojika would be dedicated to this alliance.

He stepped forward, "My apologies for my late arrival. Grand Moff Kator was unable to attend this meeting due to some domestic affairs. The Emperor has expressed his desire for Nojika to be apart of the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States and my attendence was requested"

He moved forward to the document on the table. Aftering looking over the document for a moment, he asked, "On behalf of Emperor Brakiss of Nojika." And with that he signed the document.

Lord Kahal then looked up, nodded and moved away from the document saying only, "Nojika is indeed gratefull for your patience. And gratefull for this oppurtunity."

Lord Kahal of Nojika

This post has been edited by Nojika on Apr 18 2005, 08:31 PM
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Apr 19 2005, 06:27 AM
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"Left your pen in the car, eh?" Tiberius chuckled. "And so were are five."

He sipped his vodka slowly.

"Now," he asked, "where is the Krytenian representative? I'm sure I saw a Krytie Airlines plane on the tarmac..."

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Posted: Apr 19 2005, 11:19 AM
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Karl sipped from his glass. It was strong stuff, certainly jarring compared to the wines he usually indulged in. He was trying not to get drunk, but he had to drink for show at least. It was... however, some of the best vodka he'd ever had.

"I've heard nothing from the Krytenian representative. He might be worried that I have a gun."

With that, he broke into uncontrollable laughter.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 19 2005, 11:39 AM
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Tariskany smirked and took a sip of his vodka. "I'd like to remind you what city you're in, Karl. See that statue of Aron Lavinsky down there?"

He figured he'd made the man uncomfortable and was ready to see him squirm in his seat a little bit. The chariman still hadn't arrived, he was wondering if there was need for concern.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Apr 20 2005, 09:40 AM
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[OOC: Gun, eh?]

Chairman Warzycha sheepishly entered the room.

"Sorry I'm late," he said, brandishing what looked like an old service revolver from his jacket pocket, "they thought this was an offensive weapon."

He pulled a cigar from his other pocket, and lit it with the "gun".

"So, treaty you say? Let's have a look."

Warzycha took a free seat and pored over the parchment.

"Yes, this looks all in order."

He signed the paper.

Samuel Benedict Warzycha

"Suppose this means we'll have to start being nice to each other, eh Karl?" he chuckled.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Apr 20 2005, 11:33 AM
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"Gentlemen, these proceedings are cooncluded," Tiberius said, raising his glass, "may i propose a simple toast. To power!"
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Posted: Apr 20 2005, 12:21 PM
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Antoine threw his glass into the air and shouted along with the rest, "TO POWER!" Falling back in his seat he poured himself another helping of liquor and looked about the room. The five powerful men seated around him made him feel secure. This was the future of the region.
Pinprick of Apathy
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