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Atlantian Oceania Champions League 4
Posted: Jun 11 2007, 04:44 PM
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Bletchley City FC
Wolverton Wanderers FC
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Posted: Jun 13 2007, 12:32 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
And I'm dumb... because before we vote on anything, everybody who's submitted a hosting bid should post their planned format for the cup, the scorinator they'll use, the stadiums that will be used, and et cetera. That way we will actually have something to vote on... once again, I'm dumb.
Western Afghanistan
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Posted: Jun 13 2007, 03:02 PM
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Capitalizt SLANI bid to host the fourth Atlantian Oceania Champions League and first UAOFA Cup

Ideal number of teams: 48 in the AOCL, 24 in the UAOFA Cup
Number of teams per nation: Each nation will be permitted up to 4 teams in the AOCL and 3 in the UAOFA Cup. Not all teams entered will necessarily participate (though the format will be altered if needed to accomodate additional teams).

If possible, the top-seeded entry (the first team listed, if no order is specified) from each nation will directly enter the group stage. The placement of other teams will depend on the number of signups, and may be based on AOCAF ranks.

Ideal Schedule:
Day 1: AOCL Qualifying Round First Leg (32 teams enter here)
Day 2: AOCL Qualifying Round Second Leg (losers enter UAOFA Cup Group Stage)

(the AOCL group stage consists of eight groups of four; the UAOFA Cup has eight groups of five)
Day 3: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 1 (16 teams enter here)
Day 3: UAOFA Cup Group Stage Matchday 1 (all 24 teams + 16 from AOCL enter here)
Day 4: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 2
Day 4: UAOFA Cup Group Stage Matchday 2
Day 5: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 3
Day 6: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 4
Day 6: UAOFA Cup Group Stage Matchday 3
Day 7: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 5
Day 7: UAOFA Cup Group Stage Matchday 4
Day 8: AOCL Group Stage Matchday 6 (top two teams from each group advance, third-place team enters UAOFA Cup First Round)
Day 8: UAOFA Cup Group Stage Matchday 5 (top three teams from each group advance)

Day 9: UAOFA Cup First Round First Leg (8 teams from AOCL enter here)
Day 10: UAOFA Cup First Round Second Leg

Day 11: UAOFA Cup Second Round First Leg
Day 11: AOCL First Round First Leg
Day 12: UAOFA Cup Second Round Second Leg
Day 12: AOCL First Round Second Leg

Day 13: UAOFA Cup Quarterfinals First Leg
Day 13: AOCL Quarterfinals First Leg
Day 14: UAOFA Cup Quarterfinals Second Leg
Day 14: AOCL Quarterfinals Second Leg

Day 15: UAOFA Cup Semifinals First Leg
Day 15: AOCL Semifinals First Leg
Day 16: UAOFA Cup Semifinals Second Leg
Day 16: AOCL Semifinals Second Leg

Day 17: UAOFA Cup Final
Day 18: AOCL Final

Results will be generated using the Schiavone International Scorinator formula, used in World Cup 30.

The AOCL final will be held at the Sokojito Überdome in 소코지토 도시, 소코지토 (Sokojito Dosi, Sokojito), which has a capacity of 400 552.
The UAOFA Cup final will be held at Esther Marchese Memorial Stadium in Sonoma City, Bedistan, with a capacity of 271 828.
All other matches will be played at the home venues of the participating teams.
Commerce Heights
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jun 13 2007, 08:02 PM
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United Commonwealth Bid for the IV Atlantian Oceania Champions League

Will be using the system given to me over MSN. It’s a web based-internet address. There will be RP bonuses. Teams must range their offensive/defence stance -5(all out defence) to +5(all out offence).

28 teams - four groups of seven. First groups drawn random. Top four teams move on.

Group Stage Fixtures:

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

MD 1
Team 6 vs. Team 2
Team 4 vs. Team 5
Team 1 vs. Team 3

MD 2
Team 2 vs. Team 3
Team 1 vs. Team 7
Team 6 vs. Team 5

MD 3
Team 7 vs. Team 4
Team 3 vs. Team 6
Team 5 vs. Team 1

MD 4
Team 5 vs. Team 7
Team 2 vs. Team 1
Team 3 vs. Team 4

MD 5
Team 1 vs. Team 6
Team 7 vs. Team 3
Team 4 vs. Team 2

MD 6
Team 3 vs. Team 5
Team 6 vs. Team 4
Team 2 vs. Team 7

MD 7
Team 4 vs. Team 1
Team 5 vs. Team 2
Team 7 vs. Team 6


OF1: A1 vs.B4 (DWT (Delesa West Trading) Co. Stadium)
OF2: C2 vs.D3 (Rangers Park)
OF3: B1 vs.A4 (King’s Park)
OF4: D2 vs.C3 (United Grounds)
OF5: C1 vs.D4 (Celtic Stadium)
OF6: A2 vs.B3 (Vancouver Sky-dome )
OF7: D1 vs. C4 (Athletics’ Centre)
OF8: B2 vs.A3 (Saints Stadium/National Football Centre)


QF1: OF1 vs.OF2 (Saints Stadium/National Football Centre)
QF2: OF3 vs.OF4 (Rangers Park)
QF3: OF5 vs. OF6 (United Grounds)
QF4: OF7 vs.OF8 (King’s Park)


SF1: QF1 vs.QF2 (King’s Park)
SF2: QF3 vs.QF4 (Saints Stadium/National Football Centre)


SF1 vs. SF2 (Saints Stadium/National Football Centre)


Saints Stadium or known as National Football Centre
Location: St. Myhre
Home Team: St. Myhre Saints FC
Capacity: 120 000

DWT (Delesa West Trading) Co. Stadium
Location: Quebec City
Clubs: Quebec City
Capacity: 83 160

Rangers Park
Location: Montreal
Home Team: Montreal Rangers
Capacity: 69 901

King’s Park
Location: Port Hustlings
Clubs: Port Hustlings FC
Capacity: 120 000

United Grounds
Location: Russograd
Clubs: Russograd United
Capacity: 103 045

Celtic Stadium
Location: Calgary
Home Teams: Calgary Celtics
Capacity: 81 264

Athletics’ Centre
Location: Oxville
Clubs: Oxville Athletics
Capacity: 76 065

Vancouver Sky-dome
Location: Vancover
Clubs: Vancover Rush
Capacity: 64 677

Borrowing Bettia's Format tongue.gif
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Jun 13 2007, 09:33 PM
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QUOTE (Delesa)
Will be using the system given to me over MSN. It’s a web based-internet address.

So…uh…what is this system?
Commerce Heights
Royal Scribe
Posts: 191
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Posted: Jun 14 2007, 02:35 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Commerce Heights @ Jun 13 2007, 07:33 PM)
QUOTE (Delesa)
Will be using the system given to me over MSN. It’s a web based-internet address.

So…uh…what is this system?

/me bets that it is VSSFREE.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 14 2007, 11:03 PM
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bingo, couldn't remember
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Jun 19 2007, 02:37 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Western Afghanistan's AOCL 4 Hosting Bid


Every participating nation will be invited to bring 2 club sides. Any nation ranked in the top 10 of the KpB World Ranking will be invited to bring 2 extra for a total of 4 club sides, and any nation ranked in the top 20 but not the top 10 will be invited to bring 1 extra for a total of 3 sides. With Bettia, Commerce Heights, and Milchama in the top ten and bringing 4 clubs, and Demot and Bazalonia bringing 3, the total comes out to 36 teams.

Nations will be asked to distribute 10 x the number of clubs they are sending points amongst their teams, in any way they wish. For example, if Bigtopia sends 4 nations, he may assign 28 points to Rex FC, 6 points to Temple Athletic, 5 points to Wright Road, and 1 point to Hubert’s Gentlemen, but the total points he hands out must not exceed 40. A team sending only two clubs would only be able to divvy out 20 total points. These point assignments will be taken into effect in the scorinator as though they were KpB rankings; e.g. the more points a team has, the better chance it has of winning.

The teams will be drawn, unseeded, into 9 groups of 4. The only stipulation of the opening draw is that no two teams from the same nation may occupy the same group. This opening group stage will consist of a one-game round robin in each group, with the top team in each group advancing automatically.

The top five runners-up from all the groups will also advance automatically. The bottom 4 will be drawn against each other in two one-match playoffs. The winners of these ties also advance.

The next round then of course is made up of 16 teams. In seven of the octofinals, a first place team will be drawn against a second-place team. However, with 9 first place teams, one octofinal will be played between two first place sides. No two teams from the same group may play one another, and no two teams from the same nation may play one another.

The eight teams advancing will then be drawn completely unseeded against one another; this will be the final draw of the tournament. (Note the general similarities between the draw system here and the RL Champion’s League.)


I will be using the SIS that was used for World Cup 30, and will be used by Commerce Heights and Cafundeu for World Cup 36.


Q’an Coliseum – 70,000 seated, 92,000 with terracing – A massive, new stadium located in northern Herat, the Q’an is used for home matches by both Nine Columns and Nine Stars, as well as the West Afghan national team. It is a technologically advanced stadium with a fiberglass retractable roof and conditioned environment. The only complaint one can make about the Q’an is the scoreboard which hangs directly over the pitch, some say far too low, as once or twice high clearances have hit it, angering coaches and players. The stadium will be used for the final.

The Bar Khush – 33,000 all seated – A relatively new stadium in a far western suburb of Herat, the Khush is the home of Daru Khuneh Athletic, a lower-quality APL squad. The park in enclosed in a small commercial district, and is known for its superb dining opportunities on its upper levels. The pitch is extremely small, catering to Daru Khuneh’s counterattacking style.

Laheenakhi Sport Complex – 57,000 mostly terracing – A very popular stadium with a wonderful atmosphere, the Laheenakhi is known for having stands on only the sides of the pitch – the ends are open and look out on a very wealthy neighborhood of western Herat. The stadium plays host to the home matches for Ghavvasa FC, an APL club known for its expensive kits and flashy attacking style.

New F’ah and Old Pride Industries Stadium – 48,000 mostly terracing – Though NFOP Industries bought the naming rights to the then-new stadium 20 years ago, since then the south-central Herat club which calls the stadium home, Herat Jadid, has fallen upon hard times financially. As such, the park is in general disrepair, and the pitch is extremely dry and uncooperative. However, it is still considered one of the best places to watch West Afghan football.

WonderField – 51,000 all seated – The cheesy name of Mardom Yek’s home stadium betrays the truly unique and architecturally interesting qualities of the park; the round and simple coliseum-like stands are protected by a mostly asphalt retractable roof which has immensely powerful machinery than hinges the roof off to one side. Consequently, when the roof is up, a remarkable (and some say fearful) black disc dominates the skyline of central Herat. When the roof is down, however, conditions in the stadium can be extremely hot, even when it is not particularly sunny, and as a result Mardom Yek is not known for having loyal fans.

Xanto Vaughan Stadium – 28,000 seated, 34,000 with terracing – The namesake of east Herat club Pesarast Xanto is readily apparent in the name of the side’s stadium; Xanto Vaughan was a wealthy businessman who poured money into creating a club that could compete with Nine Columns. Though the park is small, it is very well-equipped, as on hot matchdays fans can swim in a pool build into the stands on the southern edge of the pitch.

The Zizelahud – 54,000 mostly terracing – Though the Zizelahud is the home of until-only-recently 2nd division underachievers Sagaye, it is still quite a marvel to behold. The stadium, while built mostly out of merely concrete, is very large for its club’s quality, and stands out plainly in the very, very poor eastern Herat neighborhood it resides in. The stadium is not known for being comfortable (it does not even have electricity) but visiting fans will find that it is a wonderful venue for its atmosphere.

Shi, Shi, and Khrid Investments Stadium – 56,000 seated, 62,000 with terracing – Another dilapidated field used by an underachieving team in Raqaz FC, SSKI Stadium makes its name by being located in a rural area. In fact, the stadium is cleverly built into a rocky hillside in southern Western Afghanistan, just west of the city of Shindand. Raqaz FC are notable for being easily the most popular non-Herat club in Western Afghanistan.

The Great Aluminium Abomination – 130,000 all terracing – This “stadium” is no longer used by any club team in Western Afghanistan. It is today mostly used only for buzkashi (the national sport of Western Afghanistan), which requires a much bigger pitch than football does. As a result, visiting players can expect to be running what may feel like miles from end to end. As for the stadium itself, it will be clear to visiting fans why the stadium is not in use anymore; aside from being effectively nothing more than a hole dug in the ground, the stadium earned its name because of the absolutely massive angular roof structure that effectively ruins the Towraghondi skyline. It was selected for use in the Champion’s League only because of its huge capacity, which it should be obvious no other stadium in Western Afghanistan can offer.

Anise-Flavored Bathroom Fixtures Corporation Field – 29,000 all seated – The smallest stadium that will be used for the tournament, this miniscule but very comfortable and technologically advanced stadium is the home of 2nd division club Andkhoy Jadid. Not far from the Nojikan border, the stadium’s foundation is deliberately built into a sand dune. While entirely safe, the motion that sometime rocks the pitch and the stands can make for an interesting experience.

Match Schedule:

This post has been edited by Western Afghanistan on Jun 19 2007, 02:43 AM
Western Afghanistan
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 64
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Posted: Jun 19 2007, 10:53 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I've started the poll - submit your votes!
Western Afghanistan
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 64
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Posted: Jun 28 2007, 10:33 PM
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I know I'm late but, eh! I'm a moderator here tongue.gif

CA Ville-Royale and RFC Père-Durant will represent la Première Ligue Froggy Beer de Soccer

Love City FC and Ennemy City East will represent the Soccer Association of Limbrogidlian Teams League (SALT: The League)

I think we should make a National Cup Winners' Cup as well wink.gif
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jul 1 2007, 05:23 PM
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Revena Ruckus, QSX United
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Posted: Jul 2 2007, 12:42 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Because Quak's two sides bring the total to 40, I'm going to add two more teams for Western Afghanistan, because I'd rather deal with 44 than 42 teams. smile.gif

So, SIGNUPS CLOSED. Group draw and new match schedule to be released soon.

This post has been edited by Western Afghanistan on Jul 2 2007, 12:52 AM
Western Afghanistan
Dedicated Scribe
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