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Xilean Scientific Venture
Posted: Oct 14 2004, 07:12 PM
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(OOC: Sorry for coming across as so hostile, but the fact that you are making assumptions about what is actually contained in this 'box' irked me. The fact that it was simply described as a large box, and that it had defense systems would basically let the fact be known that the contents were secret, and that simple analysis would not reveal any solid information. Also, in case noone else noticed, I did mention that more than one of these 'boxes' were released en route to the ice region. Please also take into account that this object may not be a sonar at all, and that releases from the government concerning them could be fabricated.)

Xile would like to make the fact known now that if Lamoni continues to investigate this device, we will take action against them. This is not to say that military action will be enacted immediately, but that already strained relations could reach a breaking point. Xile understands that the objects lay in international waters, but would like to reiterate that they are property of the Xilean government and any tampering with them could cause them irreprable damage.

Therefore monitoring of the devices will be continued, and nations should not be expected to act with impunity. On a more lighthearted note, does it not occour to you that it is hard to evaluate our data with countless Lamoni divers and ships around?
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 15 2004, 07:17 PM
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"Welcome to the Evening World News on LBC. I am Scott Mortat, and with me today is President Matt. Mr. President, Xile has laid a threat at Lamoni's door today. What is the government's reaction to that?"

"We wish to make it known that if Xile does somehow attack us, we WILL retaliate. Xile would do well to consider that Lamoni has the largest population in AO. We can also call up to 70 percent of our population to military service if the need ever arises. We do not wish to have a military conflict with Xile, but we won't cower, either. Xile says that these 'boxes' are in international waters. Still, we have our suspicions given the undeniably strained relationship between our two nations."

President Matt went on to say: "A plane from the government of Termaria has come to Government Air Force Base today. Before this, we've never really had much in the way of relations with that nation. We are hopeful to establish diplomatic ties."

Scott, somewhat surprised at the Termarian landing, said: "We will be back after these commercials."

When the cameras were turned off, President Matt thanked Scott, then left to meet up with the Ainorpispan envoy that was waiting for him in his office.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Oct 15 2004, 07:18 PM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 16 2004, 01:27 AM
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Upon the arrival of the Lamoni President, NIA agent Connery remained as serious as could be expected of a man of his stature. He was only an inch or so shorter than President Matt, and definitely looked as if his fists could be considered lethal weapons in the right set of circumstances. As soon as the door to the office closed, Agent Connery handed the report folder to the leader of the Free Republic.

"Mr. President, this is the most up-to-date information that Ainorpisp's National Intelligence Agency can provide you with regarding the Xilean venture. As of yet, there is no indication that the Xileans plan anything remotely malicious with this new sonar. So far as we can determine by analyzing our information, the defensive devices on the sonar are not for hostile purposes toward your nation or any other country. It appears to be a genuinely scientific venture," he informed his nation's greatest ally, "A training flight of F-32s from the ANS Excalibur photographed what appears to be a metal construct of some kind on the ice sheet. Given the reported locations of the sonar bouys, we assume that the metal construct was built by the Xileans. Most likely to help monitor their new scientific devices."

The Ainorpispian ambassador to Nephi, who was also present with Agent Connery, added, "Strong words out there for the Xileans, Mr. President. I should warn you on behalf of the Honored Leader, however, to be overly cautious in this situation. Our nation does not want to have to go to war over a mistake regarding the intentions of Xile. You know that we are not strategically located to assist you should hostile action be taken."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 16 2004, 05:06 AM
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OOC: Lamoni, bear in mind that you can probably call up 70 percent of your population for about 3 whole days before things start to go seriously wrong in your nation. Stop throwing your vastly over-estimated weight around, this isn't a schoolyard, its international relations.

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Oct 16 2004, 05:10 AM
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Posted: Oct 16 2004, 04:15 PM
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OOC: I know that this is not a playground. Besides which, we'd only call up THAT much of our population if we REALLY needed it. However, Xile needs to know that we will defend ourselves if required. We are not planning hostile actions toward Xile at this time.

IC: After he has listened politely to the Ainorpispan envoys, President Matt thought for a second, and said: "Lamoni is not planning to take ANY offensive action against Xile at this time. However, we will defend ourselves if need be. If anything untoward happens, it will be begun by Xile, and not us. We will cease our inspections of Xile's 'boxes,' but we will keep a close eye on them. We simply do not trust Xile. Please convey my good wishes to the Ainorpispan Honored Leader."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 17 2004, 07:27 PM
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Lord Virig sat behind his desk, running his fingers back and forth idly along the polished ironwood surface. He appreciated Lamoni’s offer, and was contemplating the best way to accept and establish firm diplomatic ties. With Lamoni’s aid, Termaria should be able to establish itself as a powerful nation with little resistance from any but the Xileans. He had already considered a number of options, including sending of a nice fruit basket to the Lamonian president Matt, perhaps with some chocolate truffles and a nice dessert wine. Then he had an idea—why didn’t he investigate the Xilean devices with a covert team? To give the Lamonians information would be an unmistakable expression of his good will.

He began composing the orders he would give to the covert team.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 17 2004, 09:01 PM
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OOC: This could get interesting. Thanks, Termaria.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 18 2004, 05:30 PM
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OOC: That would be the goal, Lamoni.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 18 2004, 05:35 PM
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Abattoir would like to display its belief in Xile's ability to use international waters within any reason that the nation may seem fit. In a resolution which this region supported, it was established that international waters be considered any distance 20 miles outside the coastal border of any nation. Therefore, any attempt to dishonor the said agreement would be considered hostile action, and can be dealt with accordingly. The boxes which Xile placed throughout the region were not concentrated around Lamoni, but in random areas which can be shown in the first post. Considering these "boxes" to be hostile at this moment in time would be considered irresponsible, and more of an offensive rather than defensive move. Tampering with these objects to find what secrets they may hide may make you a few powerful friends, but it will also gain you a few unfavorable terms as well. This I assure you.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Oct 18 2004, 05:41 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Oct 18 2004, 07:28 PM
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(OOC: Go from not wanting a war to wanting to incite one. I love this region!)


Confident after the show of Abattoir's support, President Lauir instructed the foreign affairs team to become more forceful in any communications with the now alienated nations. He also asked his generals to begin greater observation of the sonar equipment. He didn't like the way this was panning out. Every time he tried to do something that could benefit the region, he was met with hostility. Kind of late to break out of molds though, he had to concede. Atleast Anoirpisp is keeping a level-head throughout the proceedings.

Those Lamoni sure are some cocky bastards. Well, they could afford to be a little cockier. They had a new ally. The president didn't like that either.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 18 2004, 09:32 PM
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President Matt was in the middle of a cabinet meeting when he asked the question, "How can we expect Xile to react to our alliance with Termaria?"

Since this was the Foreign Minister's area of expertise, he responded with, "Xile will not like this development. I don't expect them to start hostilities over an alliance, but they most definetly will not like it. We don't really like Xile, and they don't seem to like us any better."

"We all know that they are going to have to apologize for killing our athletes before we will even BEGIN to renormalize relations with them. One amusing anecdote is Abattoir's support of Xile, but I don't expect anything concrete to come from that. They distrust each other too much for that. Don't forget the recent South Cove conflict." President Matt added.

"Now," President Matt added, "let's get back to business."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 19 2004, 02:07 PM
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Major General Whyte stood in front of the team, hands clasped behind his back. He knew that not one of them would back down from the mission--his program would never recruit men and women who would--but he had to ask them nonetheless.

"You all realize," he said, "that this mission will be extremely difficult and dangerous. There is a high probability that at least one of you will not return from this mission." His eyes moved slowly from one side of the room to the other, briefly pausing on each of the operatives. Their faces, without exception, were grim and focused, their eyes focused on him.

"As I realize that you all have families, I can not require that you go on this mission. Instead, you have all been offered the option to volunteer. If you choose not to go, no one will look down upon you, and your record will not be tarnished in the least." Their faces hadn't changed, but he sensed an eagerness to be done with this formality and completing last minute preparations for the mission itself. He paused, waiting for any response. None came.

"Very well, then. You will report at 2100 hours to commence the mission." As the operatives filed out of the room, Trevur Whyte reflected that they would need every ounce of grace they had stored for them in heaven to both survive the coming ordeal and to gather the necessary data. Xile would not be pleased by Termaria's actions, nor by their new alliance with Lamoni.
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Posted: Oct 19 2004, 05:23 PM
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Pleased to be back in his element, Judias Iscarion orders his crew to the location of the sonar device. The observation orders from the president were finally being carried out, although he did not quite grasp the man's intentions.

The international tension greatly intrigued him. His glory days in previous conflicts flicker for a moment in his memory, spectres of his now tarnished past.

The ship moves into position and stops. The crew prepares for an idle wait.

All across the sea ships are moving to positions similar to this, probably sharing the same thoughts. This was his position, and he was happy to have it.

This post has been edited by Xile on Oct 19 2004, 05:25 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 19 2004, 07:13 PM
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At NIA, the recon satelites showed the Xilean ships moving into various positions. When the ship positions were marked on a map, they noticed that the Xilean ships were in positions to gaurd their 'boxes.' The director was even getting reports on the Xilean ships closest to Lamoni. He realized that he had to take this information to President Matt, so he headed for the Presidential Palace.

President Matt was touring a nearby part of the country, so the NIA director had to wait.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 19 2004, 11:34 PM
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OOC::Man that was so funny! :D--I like that.
Scribe in Training
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