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AOCAF Cup XXVII Roleplay Thread
Posted: Aug 10 2009, 08:35 PM
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Please post your RPs here.

Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 19 2009, 10:48 AM
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Unreal set to take on superstars in first AOCAF!

Well, Unreal229 is here at last, finally a chance for the team to prove their worth in the region of Atlantian Oceania. Unfortunately, due to this being the nation's first ever AOCAF, the draw hasn't been kind to us. Among our group stand Sorthern Northland, Valanora and current world cup holders Starblaydia. It is not going to be an easy first cup, but we here at the sports department of the Unreal Daily will be following the team all the way (and we will be sporting a nifty AOCAF27 logo on our pages, isn't that cool?).

So, the team are a mixed bunch of players from a small number to top flight teams. Not a particularly exciting team to watch during the last world cup qualifiers, but they now have some international experience on their backs.

First off the Unrealish team face Sarzonia. Easy? Probably not. At least we are her though right? Thank 229 for automatic qualification.

Our group then:

Sorthern Northland
Northern Bettia

Ouch! Maybe we can beat Northern Bettia. Either way, we know the players will work hard and we can get behind them. We only have to cross Starblaydia and a huge lake to get there. Maybe we can learn something from the five time world cup champions on the way.


Taken from the website of the Steryan Unity Party

No Steryans on the national team, what a surprise!

So, first there is nobody from Stereotypes in the national team for the world cup qualifiers (not any of them), but now there's none in the squad for the AOCAF cup in Krytenia. Why do we put up with this.

Here is the petition for a new national team for Unreal Stereotypes, one that will prove that we have the ability to perform. We are disregarded, cast out by the rest of the nation. We need to either be accepted or show our independence. I suggest the latter. Sign here for the creation of our own national team. We can do it, we can be at the next AOCAF. Sign below to join in our fight for freedom, sign for the national football team of Unreal Stereotypes!

We the undersigned......

This post has been edited by unreal229 on Aug 19 2009, 10:56 AM
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Posted: Aug 21 2009, 02:48 PM
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QUOTE (unreal229 @ Aug 19 2009, 10:48 AM)

The petition placed on the website of the Steryan Unity Party gained a massive 29,235 signatures in 12 minutes and 11 seconds. That was precisely the time the website overloaded from the strain of people trying to log on.

The Steryan Unity Party, seeing that it's message was popular; immediately presented the facts to the parliament of the semi-autonomous region of Unreal Stereotypes. The 52 member house; seeing the huge popularity of the bill decided to vote on the issue instantly (they were always a bit quick to decide on things, that was part of the reason why they were semi-autonomous). The entire house (possibly fearing losing their seat at the next election) voted in favour of the new national team for the nation.

The problem? Unreal Stereotypes had no legal right to vote, pass or enact such legislation. They were also not eligible to play in the world cup due to their status as a reigonal state and not a nation in itself.*

The bill sparked a televised debate on one of the main chat shows in unreal229, which will we join part way through now.


Dominic Steranyek (Steryan Unity Party deputy leader) - "We have elected to pass this legislation after huge pressure from the population, we do not feel part of Unreal229, let us have this team!"

Xang Huoi (Famous political advisor/author) - "Unreal Stereotypes is not a nation, how can it have it's own national team if it is not a nation? Besides, Steryan's were in the running for national team places just none of them were quite good enough."


Xang - "That's not w..."


Xang - "Wait, wha?!"

Dominic - "We know, as yet, we can't play in the world cup, but surely we can play at the AOCAF competitions, the only reason we can't is this, this RACISM!"

Xang - "Errr..."

Dominic - "We have the players to do this, we are already looking to send a team of Steryan's, managed by a Steryan, with their own kits, in Steryan colours, to Baptism of Fire 35 as an honourary position. We have the team, the only thing stopping us is people like this racist man here!"

Xang - "I am not racist, I have nothing against Steryans If you were your own nation it would not be an issue, you would be able to go to the world cup. But Unreal Stereotypes is part of Unreal229, it is given aid by the government, it's football league send's a team to the Globe Cup in the place of a team from the 1 Lien. It is not racist, I'm just saying that Unreal Stereotypes shouldn't have a team, just like Hainaci Calania doesn't have a team."

Dominic - "Well, we are autonomous.."

Xang - "semi..."

Dominic - "Whatever, the point is, we have more independence, we are a different people! We are not given representation on the national team. We are seperate, different. All we want is a seperate and different team, at least for when we are playing our reigonal neighbours, even if we can't play in the world cup."

Xang - "hmmm"

Dominic - "Besides, it's either that or the nation becomes fully independent. The people want a bit of room to enact their freedom.!"

Xang - "Well, maybe... but..."

Dominic - "But what?!? We have the right, we should do this!!!"

*[OOC: I am aware that they /could/ play but as I have Somewhereistonia as my main nation, Unreal Stereotypes will never play as my puppet in the world cup.]
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Posted: Aug 22 2009, 01:23 PM
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olhar sobre a Copa AOCAF - por Carlos Alberto Gujabre

So the Vahala Invitational has ended, and now the Cafundelense team commanded by Andreas Gilsoweller Veiga reaches its second and last challenge before the coach must choose who proceeds to the World Cup and who won't be part of the main National Team. That's why the AOCAF Cup is more than the opportunity of disputing a top regional competition for most players. It can also be the passport to the World Cup! Some players aren't in Krytenia, but are already guaranteed to play the cup, as they are the top Cafundelense footballers, but most still have to pass through this trial. We may even predict who are the favourites right now, but it is simply possible to be certain about who will Veiga choose for his team.

But let's get into the AOCAF. Two games have been played, and Cafundéu had opposite results. In the first game, a loss against Pacitalia, which clearly could be considered an expected result given our opponent's record on the competition. Cafundéu did a fine performance, with the Monopolists' goal being scored by Jean Carlo. The second game came with a good 3x0 win over The Bear Islands, in a game which the Cafundelenses managed to play without mistakes, in an efficient and enjoyable way. Once again Jean Carlo scored, but this time Kléber and André Diniz scored their goals too. This is just the beginning, of course, but the Monopolists are very motivated, and the qualification for the next stage is something the supporters are expecting.
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Posted: Aug 22 2009, 02:57 PM
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Now comes round two of the televised debate: the day afterwards.


Xang - "You see, the Unreal229 national team really gave Starblaydia a hard time, they had a go. Unreal Stereotypes in the Baptism of Fire? They lost. They are a single game away from dropping out. The player's at the time were not good enough for the whole nation's team."

Dominic - "We are different, it isn't about results. It's about having our own team! Anyway, I seem to remember that Unreal229 didn't do too well at their Baptism of Fire. We have only had one game, and we only lost 1-0."

Xang - "Steryan's could have been in the national team. One of them nearly made it in. Unreal Stereotypes is part of Unreal229. Without being in the national team, no Steryan's could be in the national team. You really want to restrict your people like that?"

Dominic - "We are not restricting them; maybe we have our own team in AOCAF and be part of Unreal229 for the world cup?"

Xang - "Then why do you even need a team for AOCAF?"

Dominic - "We need to show we are different. The Zzzentini tribes of the south will want to do their wardance for a start. The whole of Unreal229 look's down on that. We just want to show ourselves as different; is that so wrong?"

Xang - "But can we trust you? Remember; the governement of Unreal Stereotypes passed the legislation for this illegally. The entry to the Baptism of Fire isn't technically legal either."

Dominic - "You must understand that whilst many were pushing for our own national team, we did this under huge pressure from the public. We passed this the way we did because the people demanded it."

Xang - "Are you really so different anyway, we are all Unrealish after all."

Dominic - "Really? Didn't you just call me Steryan? Anyway, just look at our names. Dominic is not an Unrealish name now is it?"

Xang - "We all know that your name is due to the Steryan naming act, brought in by your party in Unreal Stereotypes only 50 years ago."

Dominic - "But the fact that it was passed and never repealed, does that not tell you something?"

Xang - "What? That your government is petty?"


Xang - *sigh*
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Posted: Aug 23 2009, 01:17 AM
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Beningrad Morning Star

Ó Raghallaigh breathes new life into Sorthern AOCAF Cup challenge

The Atlantian Oceania Confederation of Association Football Cup has long been a tournament neglected by the Sorthern national football team, a sign of this is that until the present minnow neighbours An Blascaod Mór took the competition far more seriously. The island nation never progressed past the group stage, but they at least went out on both their forays into Atlantian Oceanian football with their heads held high. Compare that to the Merginn Moffat reign which saw Sorthern Northland enter the previous two AOCAF Cup's. The first entry came in AOCAF Cup 25 hosted by Allemschen and saw Sorthern Northland eliminated after coming third in a group containing Pacitalia, 95X and Koseli Cumhuriyetler, third place coming in that group largely thanks to Koseli Cumhuriyetler being more inept than Sorthern Northland. The performance of AOCAF 25 was inept, a flash in the pan to be put down in inexperience at this competition. Then came the twenty sixth edition of the AOCAF Cup. The team should have come into it full of confidence having made it to the semi-finals of World Cup 45 just months earlier. Instead they put in a number of embarrassing performances , losing 4-1 to Norwellia and then 7-1 to Pacitalia, results that are thought to have been the start of the end of Merginn Moffat's largely successful managerial reign.

For while Moffat's reign is considered a success by the majority, the AOCAF Cup was never seen as worth bothering with to the Jeruselemite, much to the chagrin of the Sorthern Northland Football Association. Indeed if some conspiracy theorists are to be believed the fare dodging escapades that lead to Moffat's dismissal were a set-up by the SNFA to allow them to replace him with a manager who would take the AOCAF Cup seriously. The noises presently being made by Eoin Ó Raghallaigh and his team at present would certainly lend credence to that theory. As prior to the last AOCAF Cup, Sorthern Northland have come into the tournament on the back of a semi-final place at the World Cup. This time though, they've looked like a team who has wanted to be at the AOCAF Cup.

Three games into the present tournament and Sorthern Northland couldn't have asked for a better start. Each game has been won, and the only blot thus far has to be the goal conceded in the two one victory over perennial bogey side and powerhouses of global football, Valanora. Despite this however Ó Raghallaigh is refusing to allow his players feet from leaving the ground, warning his players after their two nil win over Northern Bettia that saw them take top place in Group A, “we've only made a good start, if we don't carry it on through the middle and end of the tournament it means nothing. AOCAF football is also vastly different to World Cup football, we can't get carried away with beating teams like Valanora at this level, the real hard stuff is still to come”.

A key perhaps to Sorthern Northland's good start in this AOCAF Cup is the relative weakness in the group compared to in previous tournaments. Whilst previously Sorthern Northland have been placed in the group stage along with sides of a similar rank, and AOCAF Cup powerhouse Pacitalia, the current edition sees Sorthern Northland with Starblaydia (ranked first) and Sarzonia (ranked sixteenth) for company from their group in the AOCAF rankings, with the other three group rivals, Northern Bettia, Unreal229 and Valanora all going into the tournament unranked. Whilst by no means an easy group, on paper it is at least less troublesome than in previous AOCAF Cups, something which Ó Raghallaigh is aware of judging by his comments.
Sorthern Northland
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Posted: Aug 23 2009, 09:07 AM
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Trịnh Dac Kien injured in win over elves, Steryan refuses call-up!

3-2 The final score and an impressive result for the Unreal229 national team, beating the world cup finalists in a thrilling game. However, no. 9 Trịnh Dac Kien had to be strutered off after an awkward fall on 66 minutes. The striker has now been ruled out for the remainder of the competition.

The management team have been left in an awkward situation without one of their main players. With permission from AOCAF organisers they called up a replacement, the Steryan; Wally Sterayanek.

Quite unexpectantly the Steryan turned down the offer sating that he "doesn't want to be a token player just to appease the people of Stereotypes. If they wanted me to play they would have selected me the first time around. This is nothing but politics. I have played for Unreal Stereotypes and that is who I wish to continue to play for."

After a stiff rebuttal from their chosen candidate as well as promising Steryan winger; Visma Tashilaninas the management team will have to work hard to find a replacement.

They can still look upon a fantastic result; pleased that they have done their job, despite the problem's surrounding the nature of the Stereotypes team.

[OOC: Coffee shop closing early... must finish rp...aarg]

This post has been edited by unreal229 on Aug 23 2009, 09:08 AM
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Posted: Aug 23 2009, 05:06 PM
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The pressure was squarely on Kevin Wilson.

Even though the Sarzonian national football team he took into the 27th edition of the Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football was the second choice national team and he was not the primary national team manager, he still faced the expectations of the Sarzonia kit.

Those expectations were familiar to him from his playing days donning the Navy and Silver. They were familiar to him as a colour analyst watching the Stars and assorted club sides. They were now a dark shadow that cast itself upon his side's training sessions and matches.

Thus, when Mike Lohman's 74th minute tally proved to be the only goal Sarzonia needed against world No. 1 and multiple time AOCAF champions Starblaydia, the weight of a world of expectations suddenly lifted from his team's and his shoulders.

Lohman could exult in knowing that his strike was the shot heard around the national team. He knew the history. He knew that Starblaydia only lost to the Stars once previously in AOCAF play. Now that the Stars pulled off this most unlikely of results against the Purple Peril, the team could afford to view its subsequent fixtures -- even one against perennially intimidating Valanora -- with a growing sense of confidence.

Somewhere, octogenarian first team manager Franz Braddock was smiling as he watched the match. A victory for the second choice Stars over Starblaydia, even if it were their second or third side, was a sign the Stars were building their depth players. The Under 21 national team's successes in Starblaydia portended well for the future of Stars football.

Now, the talk of Sarzonia's return to international football wasn't of a team that suddenly re-appeared out of nowhere. Now, the talk is of a team with expectations. It's a sweet sound that sometimes edges toward the bittersweet.

Except on nights like this.
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Posted: Aug 24 2009, 09:54 AM
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The TV debates over the Unreal Stereotypes football team have been very popular up to now, so popular in fact that a third has been set up. So, we go to that now...


Xang - "As you can see, Steryan's are welcomed into the national team, but they haven't accepted their place in the squad."

Dominic - "They were only offered the place as a token, that is why they refused. Had they been called up to begin with, maybe we could accept that, but they only called up the team because it suited them."

Xang - "Exactly, a player got injured so they called up the next in line. It is not a token. A Steryan was next in line. It suits the management team to call up the next best player if someone is injured. Now that two Steryans have turned down the offer, they are unsure who to pick. There is no one who immediately comes to mind."

Dominic - "So first Steryan's weren't good enough, now Unrealish player's aren't?"

Xang - "Er, that's not quite..."

Dominic - "We have the player's for a national team. We have had two wins on the trot, quite unexpectantly, in the Baptism of Fire. We are good enough and have the organisation to play in the next AOCAF tournament. There is no reason to stop us."

Xang - "The team that is winning is still technically illegal and remember, they will never be accepted into the world cup."

Dominic - "Even as we speak your government is working on a minor constitutional amendment that would allow us to submit our own team to the AOCAF competitions and this Baptism of Fire legally whilst the team going to the world cup with officially be named Unreal229 and Stereotypes."

Xang - "Really? News to me"

Dominic - "We expect an official announcement within the next few hours."

Xang - "Oh wow, things are moving quickly. Well good luck I guess."

Dominic - "I thought you were racist?"

Xang - "Maybe I am, heh"

Dominic - "WHAT?!"

Xang - "That was a joke, maybe some day you will nderstand."

Dominic - "RACIST!"
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Posted: Aug 24 2009, 10:33 PM
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Woodstock World-Review

Stars lose out after draw

By Noelle Langham
Word-Review Staff Writer

Their paths crossed rarely in international football. When Sarzonia first met a nation called Elves Security Forces, the Stars were on their way down from the mountaintop of elite footballing nations.

Sure, the Stars had a world championship trophy, but that came in World Cup 22. Sarzonia's final World Cup qualifying campaign, prior to World Cup 30, came around the time Elves Security Forces started their journey.

Fourteen cups later, Sarzonia started again, this time from the bottom. For the first time in their history, the Stars entered a World Cup competition unranked. Most prognosticators predicted the Stars would be on the wrong end of many historic thrashings. Also in their qualifying group was Elves Security Forces, now known as Valanora, now the dominant team in world football. The Marauders dominated the sport the way few others had, capturing three of the four previous World Cups.

With all that history as backdrop, the Stars possessed a strange statistic. They had never lost a match to the Marauders, either as Elves Security Forces or as Valanora. They won both matches against Elves Security Forces as the Stars barely broke a sweat en route to qualifying for World Cup 30. They nearly provided two historic upsets in playing Valanora to a 2:2 draw at Bryan Marshall Memorial Stadium, then a stunning 3:3 draw in Valanora.

More stunning than the scoreline in that away fixture was the fact the Stars actually led with 10 minutes remaining. The Stars were 10 minutes away from the biggest upset in the history of football.

Now, the Stars have the world's 25th ranking and are now ranked 16th in Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football rankings. In their first AOCAF meeting with the Marauders, the Stars continued their odd streak, playing to a 1:1 draw. The result kept the Stars out of the repechage round, but gave manager Kevin Wilson and his Stars a feather the senior team could continue to wear in its cap.

"That's unbelieveable," said forward Mike Lohman, who scored Sarzonia's lone goal in the 38th minute, giving Sarzonia a lead it would only relinquish with a 86th minute own goal by Lohman himself. "We don't back down from anybody, but I don't think anyone would have thought we'd have a long unbeaten streak against those lads."

For 84-year-old Franz Braddock, manager of the senior natioanl team, the results in this AOCAF don't matter as much as seeing the team play well. On that end, he was pleased.

"This team has shown the depth is much better here than people thought," he said. "And the streak against Valanora speaks for itself."
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Aug 25 2009, 10:46 AM
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Following the large debate over the status of the national football team(s), the government of Unreal229 felt that they had to do something to resolve the matter. In fact, the Steryan people had pretty much made up their mind and in some form or another, there would be a national style team for Unreal Stereotypes.

A draft was put before the parliament not long after the last of the TV debates had finished. It read:

Proposed Article 495. This partially amends Article 111 and overrules Article 244.

The Semi-autonomous region of Unreal Stereotypes is hereby given the right to send sporting teams to any of the regional competitions as they see fit. The State of Unreal Stereotypes is also given the allowance to send teams to world competitions following an agreement vote of the parliaments both of Unreal Stereotypes and Unreal229 in good timing.

There is also a formal recognition that wherever the state of Unreal Stereotypes does not send a team or it is disallowed entry due to its national status, any team sent from Unreal229 to that competition is open to membership of people from Unreal Stereotypes.

The vote passed 211-46 in favour. A huge victory for the Steryan people, but it clearly put its relationship as part of Unreal229 given this by Unreal229. Either way, the next AOCAF would see a separate teams from Unreal Stereotypes and Unreal229.

All the while, the management team of Unreal229, a man short, had somehow, managed to finish above Sarzonia and Valanora in the group stage, and now the nation found itself in the repechage round with Graziland and Hypocria. The people were now very hopeful of a quarter-final berth, but few were convinced of the team getting anything beyond that.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Atlantian Oceania, the now officially granted Unreal Stereotypes team kept on going in the Baptism of Fire. Given the nature of the team there, this was a major shock as they came up against big scoring Weegies. They were almost certain to lose, but a great run for the new team.
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Posted: Aug 26 2009, 05:41 PM
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olhar sobre a Copa AOCAF - por Carlos Alberto Gujabre

The current situation of Cafundéu in this edition of the AOCAF cup is very, very interesting. It wasn't expected for the Monopolists to do such a good job, but maybe it should. I will explain: this team can not be composed of the best players the country has to offer, but its members are full of motivation and will to do a good job, as playing well in this competition can send them to the team that will play the World Cup. So, these players learnt during the Vahala Invitational how to work together, and are now exploring their best ability in order to impress the coach, this way helping the team to win games and proceed in the competition. The Cafundelenses are grateful for the team, the coach Andreas Gilsoweller Veiga must be excited with the quality of the available players...

The beginning for the Monopolists in the AOCAF cup wasn't the best possible, surely, but it was almost certain that Cafundéu would have little chance against Pacitalia at that stage, having a weaker team in theory, tired from a trip from Valanora to Krytenia, and still adapting to Veiga's tactics. But everything that came after the first came was excellent for the team. The Bear Islands, Hypocria, Arroza and Nanwë, all unable to stop the Monopolists, who could then easily get to the next stage, the quarterfinals. If we take a closer look at the group, maybe the second position could even be considered a necessity, but it was great to clinch it anyway. Now the team has a difficult game against Starblaydia, and a good result can certainly improve the morale of the team and the supporters' confidence.

This post has been edited by Cafundéu on Aug 26 2009, 05:42 PM
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Posted: Aug 27 2009, 02:40 PM
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AOCAF27 Match Report
Thursday 27th August 2009

Foxes win Group C, face Unreal229 in quarterfinals
Perfect round-robin record has van Basten singing squad's praises

Alberto Vicente Marro

Ousevale, Krytenia

As the Blue Foxes gear up to defend their second-straight title at the AOCAF Cup, manager Marco van Basten was left Wednesday reflecting on the performance of his squad thus far.

"I think we have been absolutely fantastic so far, no question," van Basten said. "What more could I even say? I can't think of anything significant I would want to criticise. We have been tested where I was hoping we would be tested, we have come out stronger in response, we have successfully converted our opportunities at the right times and left nothing to chance."

"It has been a good, hardworking tournament for these boys," he added.

The Foxes compiled a 5-0-0 record in the group stage, scoring 18 goals and conceding just three. Pacitalia, though not the only undefeated side, was the only team to win all five of its matches in the first stage of the tournament. He credited Pacitalia's excellent defensive record in the round-robin to the changes he and assistant manager Veranace d'Amantano made before the start of the tournament.

"[Aurelio] Seriesta had really shown us in prior caps with this squad that he was ready for a starting role in future tournaments," d'Amantano said. "We are glad he continued to excel at the training sessions so we could feel one hundred percent comfortable putting him in at left back."

"He has proven our choice correct," van Basten agreed.

Seriesta has been absolutely integral to the Pacitalian back line during AOCAF27, accounting for 65 of the 154 successful shutdowns — 42.2 percent — the Blue Foxes made during the five group stage matches. Further, Seriesta has not been directly responsible for any of the three goals the Foxes conceded during the round-robin — one coming off a penalty shot, the other two off successful corners.

The other major change — replacing the injured Chimano San Sebastiano with newcomer Hermés Adiarche — has also been a good move for the Foxes, van Basten told Extra.

"He has shored up what has tended to be our most vulnerable point on the pitch," the Pacitalian manager said, referring to the halfback position. "We have always had confidence in Seba, and [Giordano] Muntefeora continues to grow in the role."

But, he said, Adiarche is ahead of the curve for both his age and expectations of his reliability at the international level, and the Blue Foxes, as a result, are "privileged to have that stable of a player on the pitch".

Pacitalian superstar Ambrosino Giurimano has once again lived up to his nickname. Il Sorcére has been absolutely magical for the Foxes at AOCAF27 — he has put away 11 of Pacitalia's 18 goals thus far, including, for the second straight tournament, a five-goal effort in their 7-0 drubbing of Nanwe on matchday three.

Left midfielder and perennial workhorse Andolfabio Vunghiasso, who has typically been the number two scorer behind Giurimano, is once again fulfilling that reputation. Vunghiasso has scored four times for the Foxes at AOCAF27.

Linemates Michelangelo Mascagnano and Massimo da Scupeta, each with a pair of goals so far, are responsible for the other successful conversions.

After a solid string of matches that van Basten admits left the Blue Foxes a "bit tired", their perfect record in the round-robin — and, therefore, first place in Group C — left them and five other squads with a bye to rest up and prepare themselves for the quarterfinals.

The three teams that placed third in their respective groups fought for the final two last-eight positions in a new twist to the tournament called the repechage round. As the Blue Foxes had the best record in the round-robin they face the runner-up from the repechage. Hypocria, which won the two-match round, faces host Krytenia.

Unreal229, a new entrant to the tournament, finished the round-robin 2-1-2 and came second in the repechage, splitting their two matches with a win against the now-eliminated Graziland and a loss to the Hyppos. That result means they will now face the defending champion Foxes in the quarterfinals.


More coverage of AOCAF27 online at Extra.pc

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This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Aug 27 2009, 02:43 PM
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Posted: Aug 28 2009, 04:25 PM
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AOCAF27 Match Report
Friday 28th August 2009

Masca's deuce sends Blue Foxes to semifinals
Pacitalia to face group rivals Cafundéu in last four

Alberto Vicente Marro

Bromham, Krytenia

Michelangelo Mascagnano was undeniable Thursday, scoring twice to lead the Blue Foxes to their fourth-straight semifinal appearance in a 4-1 victory over Unreal229.

Pacitalia's central midfielder, a fixture on the Foxes' starting XI since AOCAF15, struck gold in the 29th minute, and again in the 73rd, to bring his scoring total in this incarnation of the AOCAF Cup to four. Also scoring for the Foxes were Andolfabio Vunghiasso, who grabbed his fifth of the tournament, and Hermés Adiarche, pitching in with his first-ever international goal off a penalty shot.

Superstar striker Ambrosino Giurimano was given the match off to rest up for the remainder of the tournament; in his place manager Marco van Basten started Adrian Manoliu. Manoliu's last appearance was in two matches of the group stage in AOCAF25, standing in for Giurimano. The 24-year-old scored twice to help lead the Blue Foxes to the knockouts, where they eventually reached the final to earn their first championship title.

Manoliu was left off the scoresheet but he produced plenty of opportunities to score.

"It's a shame I didn't [score]," Manoliu said after the match. "But, I mean, I still felt good out there and it was nice to earn the cap and have a chance to start again for Pacitalia. I was just glad to be able to assist scoring in other ways."

"We got the job done and that's what matters," van Basten agreed. "I was satisfied with Adrian's performance tonight and he contributed very well in other ways so that the lack of scoring up front was not a concern for us."

Mascagnano's two goals were nearly identical; his first, half an hour into the match, caromed off the crossbar high and in. The second, coming in the 73rd minute, came off a wonky redirection that saw right midfielder Massimo da Scupeta, who had originally aimed a shot at goal, forced to shovel a surprise rebound to his left, where an open Mascagnano deflected the ball to the top left corner of the net.

Mascagnano's second tally restored a two-goal advantage for the Blue Foxes.

Vunghiasso's goal, ten minutes after halftime, was a successful corner conversion. In a surprising role reversal, Manoliu kicked the corner rather than Vunghiasso, and it was Pacitalia's left midfielder who headed the ball home to make it 2:0 at that point.

"We want Adrian to develop into a fine striker but we recognise he has the potential to be a world-class midfielder with his abilities to set up play," van Basten said.

Adiarche was ecstatic after converting his penalty shot, which came off an ill-timed tackle inside the 22-yard box with six minutes remaining.

"I couldn't believe it," the 22-year-old right halfback told a media scrum after the match. "It was a fantastic feeling — the notion of scoring your first international goal, it's just... hard to put into words how good it feels to be on the scoresheet and help out in that way, but also to have scored at the international level."

Đường Danh was the lone scorer for Unreal229, who, despite their elimination, can arguably exit the tournament with heads held high. The nation's footballers battled through a tough group stage and the odd new twist of a repechage round just to get to the quarterfinals, which, in itself, is no easy task for a new entrant.

Pacitalia's next task is to face Cafundéu in the last four — the two sides were group rivals during the round-robin and the Foxes emerged with a 2-1 victory on the opening matchday. The Monopolists are seeking their first final appearance at the AOCAF with a victory over the Foxes; meanwhile, the Foxes aim to defend their title from AOCAF26 with their own finals appearance.

From Bromham, Krytenia:
Pacitalia 4 : 1 Unreal229
PAC — Mascagnano 29, 73 / Vunghiasso 55 / Adiarche 84 (p)
UNR — Đường Danh 66

Next up: PAC v CAF (SF), UNR v n/a (eliminated)


More coverage of AOCAF27 online at Extra.pc

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This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Aug 28 2009, 04:41 PM
The best place on earth.
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Posted: Aug 29 2009, 10:55 AM
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olhar sobre a Copa AOCAF - por Carlos Alberto Gujabre

I, like most of you, have watched the game between Cafundéu and Starblaydia valid for the quarterfinals of the AOCAF. This was a widely expected game, as both teams are among the best in the World Cup rankings, although Cafundéu's team doesn't have this fame in the AOCAF, so clearly the Monopolists were far from being the favourites. Both teams had a mix of players who have experience in the National Team with some players who are battling for a spot in the World Cup team. Another curious point is the fact that Alfonso Di Angelo is the coach of this Starblaydi team. Di Angelo currently lives in Cafundéu, was a top player for Petardos S/A, and currently coaches Metropolitano. So, he knew the players he was going to face.

Although the Monopolists could be seen as the weaker team, Andreas Gilsoweller Veiga prepared an offensive strategy, willing to keep the ball in the Cafundelense attack and trying with this to stop Starblaydia to start a pressure. This worked fine in the first minutes, with Jean Carlo even having a good scoring chance which ended with a horrible finish. Later, the Cafundelenses seemed to get a bit tired, and Starblaydia gained terrain. It was near the end of the first half that they scored, with an incredible volley by Suntaran. In the second half, Veiga made changes to the formation, using three attackers with the entrance of Nando, and this improved the Monopolists' performance in the game. This resulted in a goal, scored near the fifteenth minute, by Mané with a header.

Even after the goal, Veiga maintained the offensive style with three attackers, but Tonhão's entrance in the place of Batoré showed that he was also worried with the defence, transforming Radicci in a defensive midfielder and changing the formation once again. Alfonso Di Angelo put Lazaro in the game, playing with three attackers too, and both teams had many opportunities to score the winning goal. But this didn't happen in the second half, and the game went to extra time. And it was a mix of luck and good positioning that gave the win to Cafundéu. Apostolos tried to send the ball to the attack, but the ball hit Mané during its trajectory. The midfielder then crossed the ball to the area, Ronaldo missed the header and the ball ended with Nando, who shot to score the goal.

It was a great win, in a very interesting game, full of emotions. It is good to see Cafundéu playing good football, without violence which was usual lately, and defeating a powerful opponent. This team commanded by Andreas Gilsoweller Veiga receives a lot of support and confidence from the supporters, at the level that some of them are even asking to Veiga to forget Alves, Serrano, Leonardo and the other famous players and send this same team that is playing the AOCAF Cup to the World Cup. I would say they are kidding, but this team defeated Starblaydia, which has defeated the Cafundelenses three times since World Cup 44, destroying our title hopes in that competition in all these events... so, maybe they have some reason to ask this.

Now the Monopolists reach the semifinals and will play against a familiar opponent in this competition: Pacitalia. In the group stage, the teams have met and the result ended being negative for the Cafundelenses: a 2-1 loss. At that time, the result wasn't seen as bad, as Pacitalia are the current champions. Now the supporters will surely see this game with a different point of view. Given the team's recent success, most believe that Cafundéu can upset. To conquer this outstanding result, Veiga announced that the team that will play the next game is the basic starting eleven, the one which played the first game: Murilo; Radicci, Batoré, Schmidt and Rodriguez; Mané, Kléber, André Diniz and Miguel Silva; Matoso and Jean Carlo.

Cafundéu x Starblaydia - line-ups:

CAFUNDÉU: Murilo; Radicci, Batoré (Tonhão 67'), Schmidt and Rodriguez; Mané, Kléber (Nando 45'), André Diniz and Miguel Silva (Nélio 79'); Matoso and Jean Carlo.
Coach: Andreas Gilsoweller Veiga.

STARBLAYDIA: Sophronia; Ronaldo, Avathar, Palanadu and Apostolos; dos Santos (Kaukonen 65'), Fanorin, Sharong (Lazaro 65') and Starblayde; Suntaran and Hyo-jin (Khazavari 90').
Coach: Alfonso Di Angelo.

Goals:CAF: Mané 62' , Nando 101'.
STB: Suntaran 32'.
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