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Growing Unrest In Druidish Lands
Posted: Sep 10 2004, 02:47 PM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

The Rogue Nation of Druida, a peaceful, yet potentially rebellious group against the governments of both NEWI and Flexsys Cefn Druids. Around fifty million people have so far declared themselves "Druidan" instead of "Druidish", and the people who are making the switch are making it in protest at their treatment by their governments.

Leader of the Druidans is Trevor Smith, a former Druidish uranium miner who simply got fed up of his treatment. "The NEWI Cefn Druids government under Geraint Griffiths started out as if they were going to look after the masses, but it has just turned out like every other Druidish government in history, only interested in business and the rich, and ignoring the plight of the poor."

"The Rogue Nation of Druida was originally just people from NEWI Cefn Druids, but as news of it spread to Flexsys Cefn Druids, the people there began to join us in our protest. The people from Flexsys who joined were even more eager than us to show their dissatisfaction at their government. Who would blame them? Their country has gone right down the pan in recent times."

Though Druida is currently just a massive collection of people, there is such solidarity amongst them that, eventually, the "Rogue Nation" could soon have it's own lands. They have their own flag of eight coloured stripes and their own governmental structure already, and obtaining land would just be the next logical step. The only problem would be where it should be, as the Druidan nation is spread across the two Druidish countries that currently exist. But as Druida grows by the day, it could only be a matter of time before it appears on maps of Atlantian Oceania.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 21 2004, 07:54 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

The government of Flexsys Cefn Druids is coming under increasing pressure from an uprising by it's people that threatens to overthrow the whole government. Leader of the historical Druidish nation, Trefor Ivors, has now gone to the extreme measure of banning elections and declaring himself the leader of the nation outright.

Druida leader Trevor Smith lead the outcry against Ivors. "He's got to be stopped. Firstly, he has dragged this once proud nation right into the mire, and now, it seems, he wants to keep us there."

The people of Flexsys Cefn Druids definately want something to be done. "This nation can't survive under Ivors any longer," was the reaction of Trefor Geraint, one of the millions of unemployed across the country.

"If we can't get rid of Ivors in the conventional way of electing him out, then we'll just have to find another way. If that means helping Druida, then so be it."

Meanwhile, an independent poll carried out by The Daily Druid indicates that Ivors has an approval rating of only 14.3%, while Druida has the support of over 40% of the people. The remaining 45% or so either support other smaller splinter groups, or are simply too depressed by the state of their nation to speak.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Sep 23 2004, 07:14 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

After weeks of growing unrest, the Rogue Nation of Druida finally imposed themselves upon the government of Flexsys Cefn Druids and President Trefor Ivors. The final blow for Ivors came at around 7am yesterday, when Druidan military stormed Ivors' presidential palace. Ivors was seen leaving the building at around noon, after a brief resistance during the morning.

The majority of people seemed pleased that Ivors had gone. "We couldn't stand him, especially by the end." said Trefor Llewellyn, an unemployed lumberjack. "What he did to this nation is a disgrace. Hell, any bunch of people off the street would have been better than Mr. Ivors."

Flexsys Cefn Druids is now under the temporary leadership of Druida. However, the nation reamains Flexsys Cefn Druids for the time being, until the Druidan contingency plan, already drawn up by Trevor Smith and the rest of the organisations leaders, is announced in the coming days. This is expected to show that FCD will become Druida, along with the eastern side of NEWI Cefn Druids that was already partially under the control of FCD. It is also expected that Smith will become the new leader of Druida.

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Sep 23 2004, 07:14 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Sep 24 2004, 06:07 PM
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"So what does this mean for us, people?" the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia asked his Cabinet, with no answers forthcoming. "Do you even know who these Druida people are?" Yet more silence. "A nation, a mere stone's throw away on the other side of a lake, has had it's government overthrown and replaced by a group of extemist Druids! Why the hell did we not know about this?"

"We assumed the Druid movement was a little more..." Foreign Minister Chisoko searched for the right word, "a little more sensible."

"Will this obvious sensibility prevent them from doing anything else extreme?" L-POS asked, still with no reply. "Get some gunboats on excercise in the Bekk, keep an eye on them. Now go and do something productive..."
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Posted: Sep 24 2004, 07:18 PM
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While the Starblaydi government was discussing what was going on in Flexsys Cefn Druids, the Lamoni government was doing the same thing.

"What do we know of these 'Druidan' people?," asked President Matt.

NIA Director Johan Jorges stated: "We know that they started as an opposition group to President Ivors. Eventually, they obviously gained enough power to be able to overthrow President Ivors."

"Very good, Johan. Carry on."

"Yes, sir."

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Sep 24 2004, 07:19 PM
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Posted: Sep 27 2004, 08:39 AM
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I, Trevor Smith, on behalf of the Rogue Nation of Druida and on behalf of Flexsys Cefn Druids, would like to make our plans for the future of Flexsys Cefn Druids be known.

First of all, I would like to address the international community as a whole. Although we admit that the way we got here wasn't through democratic means, the truth is that we did this for the good of the people of Flexsys Cefn Druids. To prove this, we are to do exactly what we said we would do, and be only a temporary government. We promise our people, and the world, that in one month from this date, we will hold free and fair elections all across Flexsys Cefn Druids for both the Presidency and the House of Representatives. To guarantee that the election is free and fair, we would like to invite officials from the government of our neighbours NEWI Cefn Druids.

OK, to many, that may well seem like a sneaky way of doing things, but you must remember that the Rogue Nation of Druida was originally set up against the NCD government, and we continue with that opinion to this day. However, there are a number of reasons why we have done what we have here in FCD, not in NCD. For a start, elections are still being held regularly in NCD, while Ivors had stopped elections here. At the next elections, we expect to have Druidans running for office in every possible location in NEWI Cefn Druids, as we will in the up coming contest here.

We hope that this announcement will put everyone's minds at rest. Anyone with any questions, please get in contact with ourselves here at the Rogue Nation of Druida.
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Posted: Sep 27 2004, 04:23 PM
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The defense minister remained standing as Lord Virig pondered the situation, brow furrowing and knuckles whitening. The other ministers became uneasy as the minutes stretched on, glancing nervously back and forth in anticipation.

“Do it,” he snapped at long last, “I don’t trust those Druidan revolutionaries or their farcical democracy.”

The defense minister handed a portfolio to one of his aids, who scurried out of the room, eager to leave the presence of his violent master. Lord Virig faced his chamber,

“Get out. I need time to meditate on these new proceedings.”
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Posted: Sep 28 2004, 07:03 AM
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"You're listening to the Cefn Broadcasting Network, time for the news at 3 o'clock with Trevor Underwood."


TU: "Good afternoon. President Geraint Griffiths confirmed today that officials from his government would be located at "every polling station and vote count across Flexsys Cefn Druids" for their up coming presidential and representative elections. Trevor McCaig has more."

TM: "The request by the temporary government of Flexsys Cefn Druids, the Rogue Nation of Druida, for officials from their hated neighbours has been accepted, but is this what the Druidans wanted? Certainly, on the surface, it seems that the move, along with the accepting of the offer by the Griffiths administration is all in the name of democracy, but is that neccessarily so?

"Experts believe that this could well be a Druidan plan that has backfired. Professer Trevor Ypres, Department of Politics at the University of Neodzki:"

TY: "Well, what it looks like to me is that Druida were saying to the world, this must be fair, we're letting the people we hate the most in to regulate our elections if they want to, probably in the belief that they wouldn't be crazy enough to accept. But Druidish governments down the years have often shown that they don't always do the expected thing, so perhaps if this was the case, then it is a bad move by Trevor Smith and his Druidan colleagues."

TM: "However, if you go into the city of Bekkvuw in eastern Flexsys Cefn Druids, for example, you can see that perhaps the Druidish experts are in fact wrong, and that the Druidan takeover is not all that they make it out, or maybe just not what they want it, to be.

"The streets are as serene and peaceful as those anywhere in the world, perhaps even more so than under former President Trefor Ivors. People who lived in despair and squallor now look like they have hope, something that you would never have guessed would happen, especially considering the nature in which the takeover was conducted. Dr. Trefor Flynn of Bekkvuw College disagrees with the Druidish view:

TF: "People around the world seem to think that what is going on here is a military coup, but the size of Druida tells you otherwise. The people of Flexsys Cefn Druids under Ivors only had two choices before Druida came along, either put up with the terrible quality of life they had, or get out of here. In this sense, the Druidan takeover was more a neccessary popular revolution than a minority of power hungry ruffians taking over and running the show how they want it, without concern for the people."

TM: "And the Druidan revolution seems to be catching the imaginations of those who are disenfranchised with President Griffiths' policies. Latest polls by DIPDA show that Griffiths' approval rating has slumped to a low of just 46%, while Druida are doing well, scoring 21%, with their share growing all the time. It must all be worrying news for the Griffiths administration, especially as it seems likely that their neighbours could soon elect in a government that they would definately not class as an ally. Trevor McCaig, DBN News, Druid Tribune."

TU: "The Druidish Underpant Elastic Stretching Authority today decided to ban wearers of boxer shorts from their society..."

*At this point, our radio batteries run out, so we take them to our nearest battery throwing club.*
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Sep 29 2004, 11:48 AM
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"You think this changes matters? The people of Druida may be happy; the streets may be clean and the air may be fresh, but there is still more that lies unseen. Anyone who would forcibly seize control of a government is either a zealot or a prophet, and this...Trevor Smith...are all the people in Druida named Trevor?...this Trevor Smith yet looks to fall into the former category."

"But, Sir, the people are happy! Any system that encourages the happiness of all is a good one."

"While it may encourage their happiness now, all new governments begun by the people are initially greeted with joy. In a year, I may rethink my stance. Until then, these Druidans are nothing more than a group of rabble rousers." Lifting his coffee to his lips, Lord Virig took a contemplative sip.

"Beyond that point--which is irrelevant--the increase in military capacity on the Bekk by Starblaydia and Lamoni demands response, which we have given irrevocably."

"Send a messenger to Druida, warning them that, although we acknowledge their existence, no deviation from what is right will be tolerated."
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Posted: Oct 5 2004, 09:32 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

Trevor Smith was duly elected as President of Flexsys Cefn Druids in an election set up by his own temporary administration. However, the election was declared as "genuinely free and fair" by the NEWI Cefn Druids gowernment, who, despite this declaration, will not be best pleased with the result.

The anti-Druidish group stormed to power, winning the elections for both the Presidency and the House of Representatives with clear majorities. Smith polled over 55% of all votes cast for the presidency, with former president Trefor Ivors, who also stood, coming a lowly fourth with just 7%.

The full reults were as follows:

Votes for President
Trevor Smith (Druida): 57.5%
Trefor Mellor (Flexsys Cefn Druids National Party): 23.4%
Trefor Price (Socialist Party): 7.2%
Trefor Ivors (Peoples Democratic Party): 6.9%
Trefor Owen (Druidan Right) 3.1%
Garth Llancwm (Anwir Cymru Democrats): 1.2%
Others: 0.7%

Seates in house (Total 137)
Druida - 87
Flexsys Cefn Druids National Party - 22
Socialist Party - 11
Peoples Democratic Party - 9
Druidan Right - 4
Anwir Cymru Democrats - 2
Birthday Party - 1
Independent - 1

The results were confirmed throughout Flexsys Cefn Druids throughout the early hours of yesterday morning, while the final results were confirmed from the NEWI Cefn Druids capital Cefn by President Geraint Griffiths at 3:17pm local time, only after all scrutiny of hte results by the Druidish officials had taken place.

In a speech following the announcement, Griffiths said, "We would like to congratulate Druida on aquiring their new position in Flexsys Cefn Druids, and hope that the diplomatic relations between yourselves and ourselves here in NEWI Cefn Druids will be positive and for the uniter good of the Druidish lands."

However, these can only be hopes, nothing more. Druida are thought to be Griffiths' main threat in the NEWI Cefn Druids Presidential and House elections, due in a few months time. He should have enough to hold on for now, especially as the way that Druida have gotten to where they are in Flexsys Cefn Druids has put a lot of those in their northern neighbour off them. Support for Druida is also well spread across the country, so it will be more difficult for them to win a lot of seats in the House. But whether or not the Druidan support in future NEWI Cefn Druids elections will grow is open to question. The job they do in their new position in the historical Druidish land could go a long way to deciding it.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Oct 5 2004, 12:19 PM
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After viewing the results, the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia was said to be 'Nauseous'
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Posted: Oct 10 2004, 04:45 PM
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President Matt was said to be optimistic but cautious when he saw the election results.
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Posted: Oct 15 2004, 09:16 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Paul Commer

The results of the first ballot to decide the next President of NEWI Cefn Druids was completed yesterday, with current leader Geraint Griffiths winning convincingly due to the seemingly indecisive nature of his opponents. His nearest three opponents were all within seven electoral college votes of each other, with socialist Trevor van der Haart beating Druida's Trefor Turner and new Ludicrously Absurd leader to second place. However, Griffiths did not receive half of the Electoral College's votes, and so he will have to face van der Haart, his opponent at the last election, again in two weeks time.

The full results of electoral college votes was as follows:

President Geraint Griffiths (People's Democratic Party) - 112
Trevor van der Haart (Socialist party) - 74
Trefor Turner (Druida) - 69
Ryan Pieman (Ludicrously Absurd Party) - 67
Trevor Thomas (Anwir Cymru Democrats) - 27
Trefor Fielding (Flexsys Cefn Druids National Party) - 6
David David David (Druid Party) - 2

Griffiths is favourite to retain the presidency, with his significantly large advantage already, but van der Haart is expected to push him all the way, as very few Druida voters will vote for Griffiths. However, most of the other parties' supporters are expected to switch to Griffiths, so he should win comfortably.

Elections were also held for seats in the Druidish House of Representatives yesterday. Because of the different electoral system used, it meant that there was a different set of results, with the socialists improving compared with Druida. However, there will have to be a coalition, one that is expected to be between the PDP and the LAP, a coalition of 188 being more than enough to go past the half mark of 179.

Seats in representsatives:

People's Democratic Party - 119
Socialist party - 84
Ludicrously Absurd Party - 69
Druida - 58
Anwir Cymru Democrats - 25
Flexsys Cefn Druids National Party - 2

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Oct 15 2004, 09:19 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Oct 15 2004, 09:34 AM
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"Funny thing, these 'elections'" said the Lord-Protector as he sipped his drink, browsing over the news of the Druidish elections, "remind me not to implement any while I'm in charge."

"Oh, of course, my Lord, just like your father, you are."

"Get out."
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Posted: Oct 15 2004, 10:23 AM
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"So when is the last time we had an election for my office?" stated President Lauir.

"Well, according to law, we do not have an election for any office until approval ratings fall below 65%. You are hovering around 80% still, and until a major opponent comes to discredit you... the only thing that could remove you from office is assassination, impeachment, or resignation."

"Ah. Interesting."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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