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Leorudian Territorial Expansion: Part One
Posted: Nov 28 2012, 03:25 PM
PMEmail Poster
Foreign Secretary and halal butcher Tariq Hashashin was entertaining the ambassadors aboard the Wightling state yacht, the Armada Ship AS Red Herring. It was a hastily converted former fishing trawler that still had a fragrance of the open sea and Salamantic cod about it. The vessel was even now entering Turk Bay, the deep waters between the north and south arms of the island of Wath. It was also the deep water access to the Sa Tu'urk Naval Base, home of the Vegai's North Eastern fleet. They watched as a sea squadron of Vegai ships returned from manoeuvres in Turkish Bight with an impressive display of naval might, such that one might imagine the whole display was pre-arranged for some reason of political expediency. Fighter jets buzzed the tower of the lead carrier, cracking the air with sonic booms.

The Foreign Secretary paused momentarily in his monologue, allowing the diplomats of Warkus, the Inevitable Syndicate and Mantwenic time to take in the show of military strength.

"Here's the thing, good fellows," he continued, eventually, "all the big guns are on the move now. The Vanorans have been the first to blink, sure. But the Falcanians are in this up to their feathery necks, and we know the Vegai have wheels in motion, even if the wider world can't see them yet. As for Starblaydia? Mark my words, history will prove it was the Purple Empire that kick started this whole incident. If you think they are sleeping, you are very much mistaken. So there are four superpowers right there locking and loading. What chance us in the big game? None.

"I urge patience, my friends. We have a game within a game to play. Let us politick, and wage a war of intrigue. There is everything to be gained from playing off the giants one against the other, and nothing at all from biting one of them on the ankle."


President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste had joined President-In-Exile Donald Secladius down at the tent city of Little Leorudo. Despite having perfectly comfortable accommodations in the diplomatic quarter of the Cragoe District, President Secladius seemed to prefer to manage his administration right at the heart of his exiled people. Something which certainly impressed his host, the Dictablanda.

"Allow me to be honest with you, Donald. It's been terribly interesting having you about the place. Really shaken things up. You won't be surprised to hear you have a lot of international support, although the superpowers are - not unexpectedly - reserving judgement, presently. And that brings me to my good friends, the Vegai. I won't lie to you, we have an excellent relationship with them. They tell us what to do, we do it, they give us things. Protection. Information. Other things which I can't mention in polite conversation. It's win-win.

"Now I thank you for the offer of arms and of course we will gladly store a few things for such times as we actually have a military - probably when the scouts come of age in a few years - but I must be plain, we are not interested in taking a military stand on the Leorudan Crisis. We've got a big sister in a dragon outfit for that, and she's armed to the teeth. As various ambassadors are probably finding out, just about now.

"I'm trying to convince your new-found allies among the smaller states that we'd all benefit from taking a good step back right now. I feel I've set the cat amongst the pigeons - and falcons - by setting you up on our cold grey rock of a home, and your erstwhile countryman Balone is losing his grip on power already - there will be a challenge soon, mark my words - so the best thing we can all do here is watch with interest. Four superpowers knocking their heads together will provide opportunities for the smart ones, like you and I. You could inherit your little state, and perhaps even win some of the surrounding territories. Who knows? You may even get to keep one or two of these Falcanian city-states that Balone thinks are his!

"For your part, I think a few incendiary statements might stir things up a little more, and if we can get a superpower to back your government in exile, so much the better.

"Ah, Donald, don't worry about what's in it for us. We are but a modest island, with a modest people and no hunger for territory. For us, it's just the game."
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 06:47 PM
PMEmail Poster
"...and Valanoran naval assests expected to break the line within the next few minutes."
The President was being briefed in the Velvet Room. It was a war council.
The only person not in person in the room was Donut, the head of the LDI, and he was talking using a holographic head.
The President turned to the holographic head.
"You have anything of intrest?"
"Well, we have a couple elves as spies in the Valanorian military, but they couldn't really help us here. In New Mathdon we might have a few armed party boats, but our main evac out of there is fleeing to Jay Industries colony, then to Falcania."
"No secret projects?" The President asked.
"Not there." He responded.
"So, the LDI can't help us much here. The army is not in that area yet. The airforce has their hands tied, and the navy can't spare anything. Looks like its time for a little regional assistance. Boreli, type up a messege to send to our CCS allies and another to the World when the fighting starts. We need to be ready."
Captain Fredrick Meladius had been on the helm of his ship, observing his crew before battle. He had this blaring through the speakers, because his aide told him that was a common favorite of the men. The guns were armed, and the moment the Valanorian ships crossed the line, all of the ships in the fleet where going to fire multiple rounds at a single chosen target, and then proceed to the next one. He also had the evac boats ready, so that if Valanora wanted to observe international law, they would ride to shore, and then flee to Jay Industries along with all other major people. Meanwhile in the settlement, the civilians were preparing for a war. They had barricades and sandbaggs ready to go, with them holding the town hall as their stronghold. They had a few armoured divisions dug in for defense and a few Leorudian Army units. The civilians had been hastily equipped with shotguns and Molotov Cocktails to guard close quarters areas, while the few trained sniper pairs lined the evacuation lane for people to make quick exits of the settlement and head via plane to a Falcanian colony to the East. If the Valanorians attacked the city directly, it was going to be bloody.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 08:38 PM
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The thrum of the engines was deafening. But, as Thunderstrike mused, stealth aircraft never worked like you'd think they'd work.

"Vulture Nest, this is Thunderstrike, copy on preflight. Nightbirds ready to fly."

"Thunderstrike, we have Sharpstar on theatre, contacts confirmed. Three-Oh-Three PreyIIs bugged out, clear Vanorian anti-air supremacy. Those carriers have some mean tech."

"Copy, Vulture Nest. Clarify mission profile?"

"Flight Three-Oh-Three are holding a pattern around Sharpstar. We have supremacy over the coast surrounding Vulture Nest, but not, repeat, not over expected theatre of battle. Leorudian ships are expected to run the blockade just off sector 3. Sharpstar has AWACS coverage of this area but it outside theatre. If the Vanorians encounter Leorudian vessels, then - repeat, only then - will you be given the scramble order. Scramble profile: strike at Vanorian vessel Defiance. Three-Oh-Three will cover your retreat. Strictly a hit-and-run profile. Repeat, strictly hit-and-run."

"Roger roger, Thunderstrike copy."

He turned to Rainbow, his wingman, who was in the FX1 on the runway next to him. "What do you think, Rainbow?"

"Eh. Wouldn't want to tangle with an X-ray in this," he replied, referring to the state-of-the-art Vanorian fighters. "Those things are good. PreyIIs will mop them up, though, as much as I hate to hide behind Three-Oh-Three's skirts."

"If we had Starfires, I reckon we could take 'em."

"Could go either way. No, you heard Vulture Nest. We're playing bombers today. Drop the torps, light the burners, and go home. You ever killed a boat before?"

"Nope." Thunderstrike grinned inside his helmet. "First time for everything though."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 09:11 PM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: This RP has a fair dose of fluid time, so those dates might not be right for you, just ignore them and continue RPing as you were.)

The Emir, several of his advisors, and one of the leading Generals in the Naitpygian Army, were gathered at the Emir's private 18 hole golf course, par of 72.

The Emir pointed to one of the advisors, "Take the first shot mate. And in the meantime, General, could you give me the low down on this whole situation."

"I sure can," replied the General, as the advisor who was up first sliced his tee shot to the right of the fairway. Another advisor got ready to take his shot. "First off, let me start by saying that not long ago, Andossa Se Mitrin Vega and Valanora both expanded their own territory, in fact the Vegai took control of the South Wath Militarised Zone sometime in early September, located not far north of our own nation."

"Does that affect us?" asked one of the advisors, watching as his fellow advisor smashed his ball almost 250 yards. It was now the General's turn to take his first shot.

"Um, as far as I know, no. The Vegai have pretty much stayed up north, protecting their own trade from pirates I guess, I haven't seen any reports of issues up north. Now, as far as the whole Leorudian incident, it all started on October 20th, when then President David Secladeus of Leorudo stepped down as President, and new President Oliver Balone replaced him. Balone is, was, whatever, a member of the Expansion Party. New Tournet, one of several areas claimed by the Leorudians on October 24th, is located just to the northwest of Henderson Island. Apparently it was claimed to 'deal' with Northwestern trade."

"What do they mean by 'deal'?" asked one advisor, who was teeing up his ball following a 300 yard drive by the General.

"Well, originally we thought they meant 'deal' in a 'do away with' manner. But now we think they just want to take a chunk of our trade, and of other nations around us, and use it for themselves. And then there's also the Falcanians."

"You said the claim was to deal with Northwestern trade, right?" asked one of the advisors, after watching the other advisor take his tee shot.

"Clearly the Leorudians aren't masters at geography, and in addition, don't seem very good at formal writing either, or their spelling," replied the General, as he bent over to tee the Emir's ball up.

The Emir got ready to swing, but stopped and asked, "What next?"

"Well, on the night of October 31st, it seems the Leorudians tried to move several Battleships and Cargo Ships out of Lake Bekk and into the eastern portion of the Vilitan Cove. They did this with helicopters."

After watching the Emir hook the ball to the left of the fairway, and throw his club down in anger, one of the advisors spoke up. "Geography, F. Spelling, F. Language Arts, F. Foreign Diplomacy, F. Marketing & Economics, D-. Mathematics, F. And Military Arts, F. Quite a country if I do say so myself." The advisor then teed up his ball, he was the last to do so.

The Emir spoke up, "And we're taking this country seriously?"

"Darmen demands that we do. They say that Leorudo has some powerful friends, and that those friends have friends, who in turn have friends, and so on," answered the General.

"Continue," said the Emir, not really wanting to hear more, but knowing that he had to.

"Anyways, sometime between the 31st, and November 13th, when the ports were opened to international trade, the Falcanians, or at least we think it was them, must've offered help, because the areas claimed by Leorudo had been mostly finished and opened, and the Battleships and Cargo ships were out in open waters."

"How does this affect us?" asked the advisor who had just finished his swing, as the others in the party begin to move towards their balls.

"I don't believe that the Leorudian Navy poses any major threat to us, but if they wanted too, they could definately harras our merchant vessels and coastal areas."

"And what's the strength of our own Navy?" asked the same advisor.

"Enough ships that we could probably take care of them at the current time. In the future however, we would definately need more aid from Darmen. Anyways, on the seventeenth, Wight, one of our northern neighbors, and strongly reliant on Andossa Se Mitrin Vega for defense due to the handover of the Southern Wath Militarised Zone, declared that they considered all of the claims of land as illegitimate. They also welcomed David Secladius to form a government in exile in Wight. It seems that Secladius took them up on that offer. On the 20th, several Leorudian attack boats were destroyed by unknown forces. However that date corresponds with the date that Secladius left or came to Wight, suggesting that he might have been chased out of his hiding spot."

"Does this affect us?" asked the Emir, hammering his second shot to a point about thirty yards in front of the green.

"It doesn't seem so, but it certainly spices things up. On the 21st of November, Warkus joined Wight in considering the Leorudian expansion as illegitimate. And on the 22nd, the Inevitable Syndicate added their names to that same list. On that same day, Leorudo issued a communiqué stating that Balone was indeed the rightful leader of the nation, something the three previously mentioned nations all included in their statements. The communiqué also included two other points, that information on the relationship between Leorudo and Falcania would be released on request, and that information on the electoral process would also be released on request. I think that's something we should ask them to do."

"Has anyone already done that?" asked an advisor.

"If I recall correctly, no, no one has done that yet."

"We'll do that then," said the Emir, as he licked his finger and held it in the air to try to judge the direction of the light breeze.

"Well, on November 23rd, Civil War began in West Guiana. Other than a few preliminary reports from the nation, it seems pretty quite there right now. We expect Legalese to be a bit concerned, considering the first attack took place close to their border. But that conflict doesn't seem to be related at all to much larger conflict at hand, at least not yet. On the 25th, the Vanorians began a blockade of New Undavil and New "Pathdon", which is what they seem to be calling New Mathdon. The Leorudian Navy issued a cease and decist order, but by the 28th, we realised that the Vanorians were ignoring this order and pushing on. Between those dates, Zirakul declared independence from Andossa Se Mitrin Vega, which puts a bit of a strain on their resources should they get involved in this whole conflict. And 95X issued a statement on the 27th basicly supporting the Leorudian expansion, stating that it had been done before. But they said their position wasn't final, nor official."

The General paused to take his shot, which landed softly on the green, no more than 20 yards from the whole.

"Continuing on, we just learned today that the Leorudians are preparing for battle with the Vanorians, and that the Falcanians are joining them in this."

"And we know that the Falcanians are up to something how?"

"Satellite imagery provided by Darmen. They say that the movements being done by the Falcanians are looking pretty offensive, and that they don't look anything like normal peacetime maneuvers carried out by the Falcanians."

"So it looks like war, huh?" asked one of the advisors.

"Yes, and with the Falcanians most likely focussing on the Vanorians, any invasion by us against New Tournet would likely be between just us and the Leorudians."

"May I ask how we got all of this information?" asked another advisor.

"From SPIES," answered the General.

"Yeah, I figured we got them from spies, but who do they work for?"


"So these spies work for other spies?"

"No, no, no, SPIES. Security, Protection, and Intelligence of the Emirate State. It's basically our IG-2."

"Ah, never heard of them."

"You shouldn't have, they are spies after all."


"Never mind. What's our plan of action Emir?"

"After hearing what you and the advisors have said, I have made my decision. When is my next meeting with the Governor General?"

"Not for another two weeks," replied one advisor, as his putt found the mark.

"That's too long. The War may very well be over by then, and we'll have missed it. The All Island Balú Championship Final is tomorrow, correct?" asked the Emir.

"Yes, Sir," answered the advisor.

"Invite the Governor General to the match, I'll tell him then."

The advisor nodded, and made a note in his pocket book.

Meanwhile the General made a comment, which none of the others seemed to hear.

"My, my, this will sure put the CCS in a sticky wicket."
Scribe in Training
Posts: 44
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Posted: Nov 29 2012, 01:34 PM
PMEmail Poster
Officiall message from the Antalian empire(Antalien Reich)
His highness Emperor Franz Jospeh-Zontag of Antaly
states that:
The Zirakuli secession is legal and that the Reich recodises them.
Because of the will the Zirakuli have and the tyrany they live in they have every right
to seceede.

The territorial claims of Leorudo are recodnised as legal.
Every nation has the right to ake the lands they want but
cannot endanger a terrytortial integrity of other nations.

"Is zhat all mein Kaiser?"
"Can i ask a question mein Kaser?"
"Ja her Broomswick?"
"Gorovina and Zadovina the two provinces that are 89 percent inhabited by zhe Danubians.
Dont you fear zhat zhey will try to seceede from our nation?"
The man in a 19 century genersls suit and with lotds of medsls on his chest laughed.
"Well,zhat is not a problem at,all.We will erease them.As for my other plans we will finance another Umbrian uprising. Also i would like to contact Warkus,Syindicate und Wight,or even better,to invite them to Antaly."

30 years ago,The Kingdom of Savski Venac,the day on witch the civil war started.
Umbria was always an unsettleing place in Savski Venac.It was one of the six socialist states in Savski Venac and not long ago they wanted independence.The people there considered themselves as Umbro danubians or simply Umbrians(Danubian is a citizen of Savski Venac)
through storyes they created their nationality and so it began.
People all overthe streets of Ub were waving the flags of umbria with a sign U in front of Umbrian capitol in Umbrian capital city Ub.The governor of Umbria was smiling and waving twoards the public with their decleration of independence.''Our proud nation is going to get rid of their occupators'' said the president of Umbria Dino Peles ''There can be only one natyonality here and thats Umbrian!''
These words meant ethnic cleaning.During that hour the umbrian soldiers were destroying villages that were inhabited with Danubians.
Posts: 7
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Posted: Nov 29 2012, 06:43 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Emir finished the cerimonial duties which he was required to perform, and sat down to watch the final of the All Islands Balú Championship, between Henderson and North Goat. There weren't many fans from Henderson present, they were all preoccupied with the new Leorudian settlement not far to the northwest of the Island.

The Emir looked behind him, just in time to see the Governor General enter the Emir's private box. The Emir greeted the new arrival, and the men sat down next to each other just in time to view the kickoff.

"I hear you have made your decision," said the Governor General, who flinched a bit as the Ruck of Henderson put a huge hit on the Forward from North Goat.

"I have," said the Emir, after watching Henderson win the first ruck. "After consulting with one of the generals in my army, and a few of my closest advisors, I have decided to send the following ultimatum to Leorudo, and copies of it to all other nations in Atlantian Oceania, and of course a copy to Darmen."

"I wouldn't exactly call this an ultimatum, more like a World Assembly Resolution," noted the Governor General, carefully reading each point, while on the field, Henderson had just got out to a fast start and scored a deuce, going up 2-0.

"It's just buying us some time. I don't want to invade New Tournet, seems like it'd take a while and a lot of resources. Rather, I've decided to see if we can't settle this whole thing peacefully, and try to get a few deals done."

"Darmen won't like this as much as an invasion, but it's certainly a start in the right direction. They'll especially like the last point, leaves room for improvement if you catch my drift."

"I do," replied the Emir. "Shall we send the message out now, or wait a bit?"

"I'd say now," said the Governor General. "December 1st is in only two days, so if you want to allow time for delegates to arrive, I'd do it now. Just add a few details about the meeting to the end of the 'ultimatum' as you call it. That should do."

The Emir and Governor General stood up, and the Emir bid his counterpart farewell. Meanwhile the crowd errupted in a loud roar as North Goat scored a goal, taking the lead, 3-2.

NOTING that the nation of Leorudo has made several controversial decisions over the past several weeks,

FURTHER NOTING that these decisions have caused unrest throughout Atlantian Oceania,

BELIEVING that peace and order should be restored throughout the Region,

NOTING that the current government of Leorudo, whether legitimate or not, announced on the 22nd of November, 2012, that it would release information regarding several questions other nations had,

HEREBY ORDERS that the current government of Leorudo, whether legitimate or not, release information regarding its affairs and relations with the nation of Falcania

FURTHER ORDERS that the current government of Leorudo, whether legitimate or not, release information regarding its electoral system,

NOTING that the nation of Leorudo is a current member of the World Assembly, and is therefor required to follow its legislation,

FURTHER NOTING General Assembly Resolution #2, Section I, Article 3, which states: Every WA Member State has the duty to refrain from unrequested intervention in the internal or external economic, political, religious, and social affairs of any other NationState, subject to the immunities recognized by international law.

NOTING that the claims made by Leorudo may have disturbed the daily lives and wellbeing of any natives which lived in the areas claimed, should natives have lived there at the time of claiming,

FURTHER NOTING that the claims made by Leorudo have disturbed the economic and political affairs of many other "NationStates,"

NOTING General Assembly Resolution #130, Elections and Assistance Act, Article II, Section 2, which states: In all elections for public office, the aggregate results of the elections shall be made publicly available and open to scrutiny.

BELIEVING that while the results of the election of Oliver Balone may have been made available within Leorudo, they have not been made available to the World,

HEREBY ORDERS that an independent body within Leorudo, be tasked with collecting all information regarding the election, and make it available to the world,

NOTING General Assembly Resolution #208, Resolving World Assembly Trade Disputes, which we shall not quote due to the resolutions length,

BELIEVING that it is in the best interests of all parties involved to avoid any situation that might require mediation or arbitration by the World Assembly Trad Commision,

NOTING that although the nation of Naitpyge is not a World Assembly member, it may be represented by the nation and close ally of Darmen in any such mediation/arbitration talks,

HEREBY INVITES the current government of Leorudo, whether legitimate or not, to send a delegate to the Naitpygian Capital of Ulmak,

FURTHER INVITES other governments from around the region to also send delegates to the Capital of Ulmak,

DECLARES that such delegates which arrive in the Capital of Ulmak by no later than the first of December shall attend a meeting of all delegates,

FURTHER DECLARES that such meetings shall also begin on the first, and shall concern themselves with the situation at hand,

NOTING that delegates may not be able to arrive in Ulmak until after the first of December,

DECLARES that such delegates are also welcome to attend, but that they will be missing the begining of a great meeting/party,

DECLARES that the sovereign nation of Naitpyge reserves the right to use military action against Leorudo if a peacefull solution regarding the Leorudian claim of New Tournet can not be reached.


Delegates should first make contact with the Naitpygian government stating their intention of attending the aforementioned meeting, and should arrive via the Ulmak International Airport.  From there, they will be escorted by the Royal Guard to the Emir's personal residence, where lodging accomidations have been made available for use.

The meeting itself will take place in the Emir's personal library, with plenty of food and alchohol available for the delegates to enjoy.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 44
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Posted: Dec 8 2012, 08:48 PM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: Before you scream "God-Mod!" this was made with the help and approval of Warkus and done mostly in one post to limit drawn out interchanges, so when I roleplay as his characters and act for them, he has approved and edited what he thought fit. This is all because multiple storyline are beginning to develop within the roleplay, and it may become to difficult to follow if too many different pieces are inserted. Also, this is mainly a military roleplay, so if you don't feel like reading it all, just read the first paragraph and the last paragraph, and you should probably get most of it.)

Jerojane was a small but nice colony, spread out across a beachfront with a large infrastructure dominating more and more the further inland you traveled. It was one of the more advanced port cities in the Leorudian expansion, and was quickly a popular tourist destination. The city also was the second most defended colony of the seven, due to it being of strategically importance. Recently though, a small but armed force had arrived in one of the more shady areas or the city, and it was becoming to be a problem. The commander of the civilian police force had sent a team to investigate, and when only two of the men came back scared to death, a full scale military surpression operation was being put into action, Operation Doctor's Order, as it was being called, was the first major military operation in Jerojane.
"Gentlemen, I am Sergeant Timothy Mikita of the 13th Training Air Wing stationed at Jerojane, and I have been instructed, along with Commander Forelo of the Army, to demonstrate to you young men what service to your nation is about."
The commander turned his back to his new comrades.
"When I finish a statement a expect a response."
"Yes Sir!" Came the response. He could tell they were fairly new, as their formalities were coated with that fake excitement from soldiers who still are scared of their first drill sergeant.
"Well then, I am here to inform you that our fine city of Jerojane has a small problem on it's hands."
Silence. The Commander choose just to continue on.
"Well, we have confirmed a few hundred lightly-armed insurrectionists in the Vekilo District, and a join operation has been called into place."
He clicked a button, and his powerpoint presentation flashed on the board.
An outline of the district was done in red.
"We have these areas on lock down as we speak, no one gets in or out." The Commander said, pointing at the red lines.
"We also have a few locations of possible headquarters of this group."
Multiple yellow dots spread out across the map, all within the red lines.
"Now, I have been instructed to assign the commanders of each unit here with the plan concerning who hits which possible locations of the insurrections, meanwhile my air wing will encircle here, here, and here." He said again, four more blue circles appeared on the map, all overlapping.
"The individual aspects of each aircraft will be up to me, but they will be your eyes in the skies."
"So remember, these are not plastic dummies shooting training rounds at you, this is live stuff, so remember, don't die."
A few hollow laughs went out of the room. They were winning brownie points.
"Well, I've done my job, your dismissed." He said, sitting down in his office chair, watching the soldiers file out of the room.
"Alright guys, lets do this." Officer Pirini said to his unit.
They were being escorted through the streets in armored vehicles into the area.
His squad consisted of himself, the commander, a medic/engineer, and three standard infantry units.
"Tommy, what time is it?" He asked one of the soldiers, supposedly named Tommy.
"Around four, why?"
"Well, this is the squad's first real mission, I want to savor it."
"I hope it isn't our last."
"That's up to you and me, so, when this is over, I have a seat for you at Oleni's."
"That's good, the AOCAF is going on, right?"
"Yep, Leorudo isn't faring too well."
"I don't care about Leorudo, how is Starblaydia doing?"
Another Leorudian who still rooted for Starblaydia.
"How the hell do I know, The Roar is my team."
"Whatever, you know the Purp's would obliterate Leorudo if they ever placed face-to-face."
The driver leaned back over his seat, before saying something.
"Hey guys, I hate to break up this entertaining discussion, but we are almost at the infiltration point."
"Well, lets get on it." The Commander flicked off the safety on his weapon, before turning him back towards the door.
"Three, Two, One."
Daylight flooded into the vehicle as the door were slammed open, the team filed out.
The Driver took the vehicle and drove it too cover.
Their objective was set.
Erik Hogan had signed up in secret to Warkus' Gold Army in the hope that he could create a better future, but instead he was off in the middle of some foreign city defending a pointless building that was habiting something that was well beyond his clearance. Oh well, he had to just sit atop the warehouse with his sniper watching for anyone to trespass his street. He had never shot anything besides a dummy, and he hoped that for the duration of his tour he did not have to shoot anyone.
His walkie-talkie clicked and his commanding officer's voice crackled through.
"Benny, some soldiers are entering the area, get ready."
He cursed to himself, putting down his sandwich.
Just be careful.
He lifted his eye into the scope. It was going to be a while.
"It's clear, where are all these guys you were telling me about?"
Officer Pirini said into his communication.
"They should be up ahead. Just keep moving."
The team rounded a corner, they were slowly moving up the street towards their projected location.
"How did they recon all of those possible locations so quickly?" He asked, just trying to make conversation.
"Well, I think we just are taking all the buildings large enough to house a few hundred people." The medic said back.
"Oh joy." The Officer said.
Another street until their location.
"Alright, get into cover, meet up on the opposite of that street, you need anything, just say my name."
They filed out, getting into shadows and buildings.
Minutes later, they breached their projected building, and no one was inside.
"Patch me through to Command, will you Tom?"
"Sure thing, Officer." Tommy typed a few commands into his keyboard.
"Sir?" Officer Pirini said into the computer.
"What is it?"
"Me and my team have finished early, requesting permission to advance onto proposed location number two ahead of time."
The Commander was gone.
"Alright, you heard the man, lets get moving." He turned to his crew.
The engineer took the lead, and they moved down the street.
Another curve, and the engineer moved around the corner.
The next thing the Officer knew, a barrage of bullets flew past the corner.
Contacts. A lot of them.
"Smoke!" Pirelli called out.
Three smoke grenades rounded the corner.
"Frags!" He shouted.
More grenades filled the area.
"Move up!" He shouted, whipping his gun from around his shoulder. He dove to the ground as his soldiers streaked forward.
More rounds were fired off.
"Got one!" Tom shouted out through the chaos.
"How many contacts?" Pirelli shouted out.
"None! Two running, one down!" Tommy shouted back.
"That was a lot of bullets for three contacts!" The Officer replied.
"They have some heavy automatics." Tommy said back.
"Well they know we are here, might aswell tell everyone that we've got 'em."
"Already on it." One of the soldiers said.
"Let's move up." Officer Pirelli said.
"We've been compromised! Defending the warehouse is our top priority!"
The commander of the Gold Army units in the area was shouting out orders over the microphone. They were being dominated by the overwhelming air support by the Leorudian Air Force, but they were hitting their own buildings, so they were doing some damage to their targets. The commander intended on hopping on his helicopter and flee the area, which was being prepped as he spoke into the microphone. Meanwhile Erik Hogan sat on the roof, watching his street. It was then that a group of what appeared to be three armed Leorudian soldiers rounded the corner. His muscles sprang to action, quickly aiming and firing at the man who was in the middle, hoping it was the commander.
Ptt The silencer helped the noise factor as he shot again.
The soldiers instantly opened fire on him, and he scrambled back, reloading his gun, he started to crawl towards the edge of the roof.
They were gone, but there was blood on the street.
He had hit something, but then he scanned the skies, and a heavy plane was turning. So now he was going to run.
He dropped his weapon and ran for the building's exit.
The vision of black was replaced by one of red.
"Hit him again!" The medic ordered to the soldier who was standing over Officer Pirelli.
Another needle pierced his skin, and he would survive another few minutes.
In the background he could here that someone as taking command.
"Yes Sir, I repeat, This is Private Thomas Bulova of the 23rd Jerojane Infantry Company. My CO is down, I repeat, my CO has been shot by a sharpshooter."
Officer Pirelli's vision faltered again, but he could make out a reply from his comrade's communication, but that was all he could make out.
Then came more needles.
"Your going make it. Stay with me." The medic said as he put another towel on the Commander's wound.
It was just above the heart, through the shoulder blade, not fatal if he could save enough blood.
His hearing came back for a moment.
"Yes, I am requesting a full air strike on the building North of Melabe Street."
The voice came back louder this time.
"Oh, don't worry, we have all teams on the mission redirecting to your location, and all of our planes are-"
He began to fade again, but this time, his sense of smell helped him.
Burning gasoline and rubber mixed with the smell of blood as his vehicle had arrived.
"Let's get out of here!" One of the soldiers yelled, shoving an arm under his commanding officer.
"No. I'm going for that sniper." Tom stated.
"Are you kidding me?" The medic turned.
Then explosions lit up the warehouse roof, followed by a large ground attack aircraft flying overhead.
"Nevermind." Tom changed his mind quickly, and he pulled the Commander from his feet towards the vehicle.
Peter Lepane slowly guided his aircraft around towards the warehouse.
He was a member of the 1st Jerojane Air Wing, one of the more senior members of the squad. He had flown over Wicksteed in a multirole fighter, but he also flew strike fighters, interceptors, and ground attack aircraft, which was the one that he was flying today. He had been gliding in nice circles over his areas, but then some team found the warehouse, and he had to go and bomb the hell out of the place.
One of his multiple superior's contacted him in the cockpit.
"Lepane, you want another pass?"
He said sure, and veered around to go back at the warehouse.
He glided over, pushed a multitude of buttons.
Explosives flew out of his aircraft before making contacts with their targets.
He glided over, turning to go back to base.
In the distance, he saw a small round object floating in the distance.
He grabbed his microphone.
"Do we have any helicopter take-offs scheduled for today?"
A few seconds later the reply came.
"None from what I am seeing, get a shot of it."
Peter flipped his recording device on and captured images of the helicopter rising up in the distance.
"Patching them through to you now."
He sent off the pictures.
"Alright, fly toward it, see how it reacts."
He started to close ground between him and the helicopter, and before long he watched the helicopter finish it's initial takeoff and turn towards the ocean.
Then his superior's voice came back through the cockpit, telling him that he needed to chase it down.
Peter opened fire on the helicopter, but it was already gone, the turret's spray missed right of the aircraft. His superior called back to him.
"Get back to base, we need an interceptor squad."
"Am I involved?" Peter barked back.
"Your the best interceptor we've got."
That was high praise, but because Jerojane was mainly a training base, that wasn't as much as it might seem.
"Fine. Fill me in with the details." Peter asked.
"You will have about three minutes to load up, your plane is ready, and you will have about two minutes after that before it exits radar range.
He turned back towards the base, and he flew off into the sunset.
"Let's get out of here!" The Commander of the Gold Army yelled as he ran on foot to the helicopter.
His warehouse had been found, and he had to leave.
He had jumped in a car only seconds before the warehouse exploded and drove to the evac point.
He had made an almost clear escape until one of Leorudo's planes spotted him, but by the time the plane was within firing range, his helicopter was out of range.
He was not in the clear yet, but he could feel comfortable about his situation.
He had a lot of explaining to do when he got back, but that was what a private army was for.
"Sir, we have intercepting aircraft inbound."
He cursed to himself.
"How close are we to being out of range."
"Not far, I'm turning us towards the homeland, but it is going to be close."
Just then, the keypad lit up, missiles were inbound.
The Vanguard that Peter was flying now had some get up and go to it. It streaked over the crisp sea air, nearing it's target.
The helicopter was only a couple of inches out of range on Peter's screen, but he was gaining ground.
"How much more radar range do we have?" Peter asked.
"About a minute, but you can do it. This plane goes down, the mission is over. We've won."
So he kept pushing the plane forward.
The helicopter was almost in range.
Peter's index finger's held the button down, and missiles sped in front of his plane.
He waited a moment.
Another round fired.
Then it was over. The helicopter was either going to get hit by the missiles, or the helicopter would be gone.
He could only wait and watch.
"Right! Right!" The Gold Army's Commander yelled at the pilot.
He could see the missiles' trails coming towards him.
Then the missiles hit, and the helicopter spun out of control at the ground, and it was over.
Meanwhile, the Leorudian Military on Jerojane was celebrating it's first truly successful mission.
"Today, we showed the World that the Leorudian Military doesn't mess around!" Sergeant Mikita exclaimed, lifting his bottle of whiskey.
The men watched replays of the warehouse exploding, and then switched to live time were the pilot of the interceptor was firing off rounds into the night as celebration. It would cost a lot of money, but if any nations had decided to watch the day's events, they knew that Leorudo would protect it's colonies.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Dec 9 2012, 12:16 AM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Dec 8 2012, 09:10 PM
PMEmail Poster
"So, Morcavi is challenging me agian, eh?" President Oliver Balone sat in the Velvet Room, leaning agianst a mahogany table that had a history of it's own, but right now it was stuck making the history of others.
He had his top advisors with him, talking about the events of the day.
His question was followed by a momentary silence.
Then, one small advisory spoke.
"He is trying to run Sir-" another advisor interupted him.
"But you are in no danger, Sir."
The President nodded at this. The sad fact was, in reality James Morcavi had over 72% of the vote by some polls, and he only needed three more points to fully over-throw President Oliver Balone, but, most of his "advisors" wanted him gone. He was much to ambitious for most of their tastes.
"So, is that situation in Jerojane handled?" The President asked, trying to cover as many topics as possible.
"From what we are told, it went well." One advisor said.
"Okay, how about New Mathdon and New Undavil?" He asked.
"No change." Another advisor.
"Okay, and the reply to Naitgype?" The President asked.
"I thought you said you were agianst that." One advisor stated.
"No, now go get on it, in the meantime, I need some sleep." The President ended his meeting.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Dec 19 2012, 08:20 PM
PMEmail Poster
Aboard the Lamine, a Leorudian cargo vessel instructed to deliver much-needed supplies to New Mathdon.

The old grey vessel that was sailing the waters of Atlantian Oceania would not be one's first guess as a canidate to cause an international crisis, but that was of little importance to the crew. Times were hard, and this would get them payed. So they were hired by a private shipping company(whose name had not been revealed to them on basis of security) to proceed past the Valanoran naval blockade in New Mathdon and deliver much needed supplies to the colonists. The contents ranged from medical supplies to large amounts of iron ore, all of which were required for an upstart city. The question would be about Valanora. Would the fire on the vessel? If so, could Leorudo or it's allies have time to respond? Leorudo had ships guarding the port itself, and neither side had fired on the other, but that did not mean that the cargo vessel was safe. The sailors had been instructed not to let any non-crewmen to board the ship until they were safely anchored in the portgate, no matter what side they were on. So the ships continued through the murky blue waters, having little to no idea what would happen to them.
The citizens of New Mathdon were getting restless. They had been waiting in defensive positions for weeks, but no attack had come. However, they had been cut off from the usual noise of planes soaring overhead coming in and out of the airport. No matter what the messeges that were sent from the homeland said, they all knew the truth, Leorudo was scared of the Valanoran Armed Forces. This had led to small substance farms rising up outside almost every housing complex to keep the population fed, while the hydroelectric power plant that supplied the entirity of the colony with power churned out what was needed to keep fresh water running for most of the people. Nevertheless, it wasn't easy knowing that at any minute a hostile army could ruin everything that they had labored to produce for the past months. An intresting messege had been recieved by the colony in the recent days, however, and it said that a cargo ship was being sent through the blockade to help them. The messege also said to be ready incase things got messy, but help would be on the way. From whom? The citizens already knew Falcania had helped them out of an economic hole, but would the superpower extend it's own armed forces to defend them? Unless there was something they were not being told, it did not make much sense. No matter, the crops were not going to tend to themselves.
"And that, my fellow countrymen, is how we create a better Leorudo!" A single man standing alone in front of a microphone spoke defiantly towards a cheering audience. James Morcavi was campaigning with a vigor seldom witnessed in the Leorudian Quarterly Elections, and the public appreciated it. With the help of LDI public relations persons that seemed to dislike his opponent, he was taught how to appeal to people. From when to smile to how to dress, he was taught it all. Right now he was in the Viridus town square, and almost two thousand people had gathered to listen to his speech. He touted his personal success while tastefully bashing President Balone's blunders. He was doing all he could, and he could only wait and hope for President Balone to push his own supporters over the edge.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Jan 19 2013, 09:05 AM
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A knock could be heard on the door of Administrator Browne's office. He paused, wondered who the blazes it could be, and then let them in. About 25 members of the elderly community burst through the door.

'Erm, what do you want? Also, who are you?'

'Your Administrator Browne, aren't ya?'

'Well, yes, Of course I am. Haven't you seen me on the news? The posters?'

'Yeah, we have, and we've got a bone to pick with you!'

'Well, you can't just burst into my office like that, but I'll let you proceed. What is it you needed?'

An old man chimed in from the crowd.

'Well, we've been seeing on the news all this talk of Leorudo, and It's been ages since anyone's done anything. And we at the National Union of Retirees are sick of it! You should do something!'

'Union? I didn't even know there was a union... Regardless, what do you want me to do about it?'

'Get grabbin' some land! We want somewhere to go on holiday!'
'Yeah, what about that New Almintora place! That seems nice!'
'Yeah, how hard can it be! Send some soldiers in!'

Andrew slammed his hand on the table to attract attention, as the crowd of pensioners was getting distracted.

'No! That is NOT how we operate! And besides, you are a tiny fraction of the public! If more were on our side, then maybe. But I am NOT invading a city just so you can chill on a beach! Can't you go to Burgess?'

'Well, yeah, but it rains there. New Almintora is near Vilita. Ah, Vilita. I wanted to retire there someday. The weather is so much better!'
'Hear, hear!'
'Hey, why not invade Vilita?!'
'Ooh, yeah! Down with Vilita!'

Andrew had had enough of these overly patriotic pensioners.

'No. There will be no invading. No "Milita in Vilita". Enough. Please, leave.'

The party of old people left the building, escorted by guards.

'Blimey. Old people are far too opinionated. However, that has got me thinking...'

Andrew took out his dictaphone and made a mental note.

'Note: Syndicatians want a new holiday spot. Supposedly. Nothing has gone ahead in diplomacy talks. Seems easier to market Burgess, but we could try and assault Leorudo. Kick start something. Have a talk about it in The Forum. Speak to Chris and Steve about it too. But, how can I make this seem just? Fake attack? Maybe. Speak to SMOD.'
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 72
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Posted: Feb 6 2013, 05:47 PM
PMEmail Poster
Donald Secladius had felt some what "out of the loop" during his stay in Wight. He was thankful for his tent city, but he felt that the Wight government would sooner or later kick him out. He had not been told very much about what was going on and no real plans had come to his desk. Yet still, he had faith that the righteous nations of the region would come to his assistance. Reports of Valanora besieging one of Balone's colonies had come to his attention, and from what the Wight television was showing, these poor Leorudians looked like they were in little better shape than his fair citizens in Little Leorudo. Soon enough though, the situation became silent and life remained the same. He knew Wight was not much of a military force, but he thought that enough nations would be on Wight's side by now so that they could muster some force. Then he had an idea.
He called an assistant into the room. The man entered the room in a standard military uniform.
"Mr. President, what can I do for you?"
"Son, I need for you to contact Wight's foreign relations director, I need to contact the representative from Austenursey."

Austenursey was Leorudo's much larger neighbor to the north. While trade was in high demand during Secladius' time as President, he had a feeling that they would not be too happy with Leorudo expanding so quickly. While he assumed he would get a similar response from Starblaydia, the current information suggested that the Purple Giant was not interested in the little mountain to the West, and if they were, they would have done something by now. While he might have missed out on Starblaydia, Austenursey, he believed, he could still bring into the game.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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