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Second Rorçn Secession
Posted: Oct 8 2006, 11:11 PM
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When Ambassador Trautski reached the Presidential Palace, he was welcomed in by Foreign Minister Ley after his identity had been confirmed. After Foreign Minister Ley led the Ambassador to the presence of President Stinson, she shut the door behind her, and motioned the Ambassador to a comfortable chair in the Octagonal Office.

The President decided to speak first. "Greetings, Ambassador Trautski. Welcome to the Free Republic. I understand that the Socialist Union would be most interested in supporting a fellow socialist movement, such as the Rorçn revolutionary movement. At the moment, I have 200,000 Myrtannian UIC commandos, and an equal number of Lamonian Special Forces troops that I would be willing to send to Footballia in order to assist the Rorçn. The Myrtannian Commandos are in Lamonian uniform, and I trust that you can keep the secret that they aren't Lamonians. Now, is there anything that the Chief Socialist wanted you to pass along?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 06:35 PM
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Footballia, Back Road

Captain Smith was fairly pleased with the Rebals first attempt at an organized ambush, but didnt like the fact that one of his snipers need to finish the job. But thats what the troops were here for, to train and help the rebals.

Captain Smith and the officers of the Rebal group sat behind a bush closer to the road then lasttime, as he planned to get involved and 'Leader' as well. It had been a long wait, the trucks must have been delayed or something, they were several hours behind schedue, and Smith was about to pull out, when a familiar shape apeared on the distance, sppeding alond the road. It looked like the same sort of convoy with APC support in the front and rear.

"Here come those bastards Leader." Smith whipered. He pulled out his PDMS, and spoke softly into it. Squads prepare, Rocket teams, i want both of them to hit this time. Scott, are you in postion already?" A voice crackled over the radio,

"Yes sir."

"Dont you fire until i order, i want the Rorçn boys to fdo this one, all by themselves."

"Roger that sir. Standing down." Smith looked up into the hill, and just barely caught glimsp of a rock moving from a distance, but in truth, Smith knew it was Scott. As the trucks came closer, Sean noticed that even more troops were on guard, and probaly more in the rear of the trucks. But he didnt worry about the first APC, as several mines had been layed on the road, and the only way the APC wasnt going to hit them was if the APC decided they felt like going off road. But it remained on its course, and the soldier were getting more and more nervious, sweating and shifting in there hidding spots. The trucks were close enough that Sean had to keep his head down and couldnt watchthe APC hit the mines, but it wasnt liek he had not seen it before. But the Rorçn soldiers never had and kept peaking their heads up to get a view, and thats when the lead APC, attempted to stop, but at the speed he was goign, it was too late, as the dirt road refused the APC to slow down. There was a huge explotion as the APC was thrown up into the air by the force, the following truck slammed on the brakes and the driver, in a mad attempt to stop before hitting anymore land mine, turned hard left and the truck flipped onto its side, slidding, and stoping only feet from wheer the nest land mine was placed. The following truck wasnt soo lucky as he had less of a warning, and pulled hard right, with out even stepping on the brakes, sending the trucks zippinf into the bushes, where several Rorçn soldiers waited on there bellies for the order to attack. The truck came to a stop and the soldiers in the back jumped out and started to shoot at the conciled Rorçn soldiers they missed on the way over the bushes. The Rorçn on the one side of the road were forced to fall back to the other side from the presure and training of the Footballia soldiers. Meanwhile the last APC was able to slow down, not having to blow up or crash, or even drive through the ditch, but rather sat in the middle of the road, cutting down the Rorçn rebals that were fleeing from one side to the other.

The Rorçn rocket teams, enraged at the APC, fired 4 shots, 2 of which sailed to the otherside of the ditch, and the other two smacking into the side of the APC. Some of soldiers in the back of the turned over truck stumbled out of the truck and were shot down by either there own allies or the Rorçn Rebals on the other side of the road. The few that left in the truck, watching as there buddies dodnt even make it 5 metres before dieing decided to stay in the trucks rear.

On the outside, the Footballia Soldiers and Rorçn Rebals were shooting back and forth and tossing grenades at each other. Smith was in the ditch fighting, tossing grenades too, firing clip after clip at the Footballia troops from his modified C-7 assult rifle.

"SCOTT!" Sean yelled into his PDMS, "OPEN FIRE!" The only reason he gave the command that he was planing to refuse to order, was that nothing was goign according to plan, the truck that zipped behind the one side was not suposed to do that, giving the Footballia an advantage of attacking the rear of the one side. But was was unpredictable, and thats way he even brought Scott along. Smith didt see Scott, but he watcjed as the Footballia soldiers slowly, one by one fell victim to a bullet. And soon enough, all the footballia troops had been shot. There were no survivors, even those in the back of the truck, cause durring the heat of the skirmish, a grenade was thrown in and killed all those who thought they were safe from tha hail of raining metal outside. The weapons were collected and ammunition taken from the trucks. The trucks were blown up with grenades, and the bodies of the Footballia troops left as a reminder to the Footballia government.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 07:06 PM
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Army Group E HQ, Ñorçx, Empire of Footballia

To Army Group E:

You are to advance into Rorçnyun, and are to do whatever you need in order to pacify the guerillas.  The camps we set up in the province should prove helpful in this.


Majoir-Jenral Relç Çoñ, after looking through records of past wars, had decided on his course of action. His Army Group would advance into Rorçnyun, scorched-earth style. Shoot anyone male or caught with a gun. Send the women and children to the concentration camps. The half a million men he had in Rorçnkyo were still holding out, still keeping the city pacified. Unfortunately, the rest of the province was completely up in arms. Several convoys had already been mauled by Rorçn rebels, and, rumor said, foreign commandos. He needed to catch some of those. Prove that foreigners were interfering. Then again, that would require war, which would damage what already seemed to be a somewhat shaky situation in terms of balancing forces. But to the task at hand. He needed to draft orders.

From Army Group E HQ:
Army A-1 is to swing into Boña, avoiding Rorçnyun.  From there, reach Gorñar and follow the Kasamrí into Rorçnyun and then to Starblaydia.  Divide your forces as you see fit in order to follow the below global orders.

Army A-2 is to move along the Loçñalrí to reach Rorçnkyo.  From there you are to march east to the Starblaydi border.  Divide your forces as you see fit in order to follow the below global orders.

Army A-4 to reach Rorçnyun through Xetyun.  Divide your forces as you see fit in order to follow the below global orders.

General Orders:
You are to shoot any able-bodied Rorçn male you see, on sight, in addition to any women or children carrying a gun that is not obviously for hunting.  The others should be sent to the camps that are established.  Houses and fields to be burned.

Just inside Rorçnyun

Kernel Fot Byu watched as his regiment marched into Rorçnyun. His orders seemed insane. To murder civilians on sight appeared to him strange. Not awful, for they were Rorçn. Just He pushed it from his mind and marched on.

Miles later, through dusty back roads, Fot and his regiment came upon their first farmhouse. They entire regiment raised their rifles as one. A man came out of the house, curious as to their purpose. He fell immediately. A scream from inside, from the wife, or a child perhaps. He ordered a squad sent in. They were to give the women and children ten minutes to pack before being sent to a camp. A shotgun burst sounded, followed by a scream, a burst from an assault rifle. No more sounds were heard from the farmhouse until the squad came back. One short.

"What the -explicitive removed- happened in there?" yelled Fot.

"The Rorçn bitch fired on Priña Kiç, sir. We jumped and fired back. They're all dead now," replied the sergeant.

"That was not supposed to happen. Though excusable under the circumstances, I suppose. Right then. Burn the fields, burn the house. Pull out his body if you want." The regiment set fire to the house and the fields and marched on.

This scene was repeated throughout the countryside, albeit with slightly different details concerning the lives of the farmer's family.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 65
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 07:32 PM
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(OOC: In the above post, those should be Armies E-1, E-2, etc., not A-1, A-2, etc.)

Somewhere in Rorçnyun

The Leader sat huddled in his cave, surrounded by friends, subordinates, and Delesan commandos. They were discussing what to do with the rebellion. He preferred to sit silently brooding, determining a course of action laregly upon internal reasoning, and querying others to determine if it should be used, even if they were already in the middle of a discussion. He was the Leader, they obeyed. With the Imperial policy concerning his people, they would need new ways to survive. Perhaps attacking somewhere in the city.

"I think that our convoy assaults are doing well, but that they are not doing as much as we would like. I am of the opinion that we should infiltrate Rorçnkyo, and damage the Army stationed there, possibly by assassination," he began.

"Would assassination really do that much?" asked Smith.

"I believe it would. Footballia is already nervous as is. Without the commanding officer, the army would probably not function as well in keeping peace. If we were to take the city, it would aid the cause greatly and give the People a rallying point."

Rorçnkyo, Rorçnyun, Empire of Footballia

Several guerillas, aided by three Delesans, entered Rorçnkyo the next night. Patiently, they waited until morning, hunkered down near the Army HQ. The next morning the Majoir-Jenral walked briskly out to review Army A-3. The Rorçn and Delesans, from their spots atop nearby buildings, watched eagerly, barely managing to not fire. Finally the review ended, and the soldiers marched off, leaving the staff alone. The signal was passed along the line; at exactly 8:42, about two minutes later, all eight were to fire. The minute arrived as the staff began to go inside. Eight rifles fired. Two hit the Jenral, three hit various staff members, and three missed. The Jenral crumpled. The guerillas and commandos ran, hoping to escape. Two commandos and three guerillas did. One guerilla died. One Rorçn and one Delesan were captured. To be tried and killed.
Two. Two.
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 07:58 PM
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Imperial Palace, Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

Overlord Torm XV reeled backwards as if in pain.
"These damned Rorçn are becoming a gigantic pain in the ass. They jump all these -explicitive removed-ing convoys, now they've gone and shot my Jenral. And now the -explicitive removed-ing city people are rebelling, and E-3 is completely overwhelmed. What can we do, Markalk?"

"Your majesty, I believe our interests here are best served by bringing home an Army Group. And also by calling up H and I. Frankly, we can win in The Lowland Clans without D. And here without D. But it becomes significantly harder here, whereas the difference in the east would be negligible."

"I agree with the Markalk here, sir. If need be we can send one of the reserves to the front," chimed in Xet Kopiñas.

"Then it's settled."

To: Lord Ricardo Gomez (
From: Advisor Ruç Reñat (reñ

We in Footballia wish to inform Starblaydia that we are withdrawing Army Group D from the front.  This is due to internal conflicts which have escalated to an unpredicted height.  We hope to send a reserve group or more soon.  In the meantime, we apologize.

Ruç Reñat
Footballian Imperial Foreign Advisor

Official Press Release from the Imperial Palace:

In light of the recent situation in Footballia, the Imperial Military has seen fit to withdraw Army Group D from The Lowland Clans for further protection on the homefront.  In addition, Reserve Army Groups H and I are being called up and fitted.  Also, fleets A and B have been mobilized and are under way into Lake Bekk.

This post has been edited by Footballia on Oct 9 2006, 08:05 PM
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Oct 11 2006, 05:43 PM
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Rorçnkyo, Rorçnyun, Empire of Footballia

Priña Hort Byu looked around him. The entire city was in flames or rubble. The mobs had begun after the assassins had been hanged. Neither had said anything useful. Apparently, though, the Rorçn had hired mercenaries. He did not believe it. The Rorçn were far too poor. Too stupid too. It did not really matter either way. His embattled army was surrounded. Most dead, just a few thousand ringing the Governor’s Mansion left. The entire destroyed city seemed to scream out how sad it was, how it had been tortured. The riots had not begun too badly. Some people, some fires. Soon squelched. At least the fires were. The riots got bigger. Then bigger. Finally some dumb kid got the bright idea to fire on the FNA. The soldiers fired back into the crowd, killing dozens. Then nearly everyone living in the city came out to attack E-3. As they fell back, the NACGF came in and bombed the -explicitive removed- out of the Rorçn-held city. Which grew every day. Soon they held nothing but a bunch of rubble. More fires were burning as gas had been ignited. The army held only the Mansion, and the Rorçn were too scared of the planes to come out much from their basement. Except when they tried to retake some of the city. Then they got with grenades, with rifles, sticks, anything. It was maddening. Eventually the planes stopped bombing every day. Now they were just waiting for the Rorçn to come. They were running out of food, of water. A movement caught his eye, far over in the corner. Quickly turning his glance that way, he saw one Rorçn scuttling to another basement. He did not bother firing, too far. He would have missed. A few minutes later, an immensely loud roar burst from the area. The Rorçn were coming. This was the end of the Battle for Rorçnkyo. Everyone was panicking. Most had expected to be waited out. But now they had to fire. Machine guns, artillery, their personal assault rifles. Everything was emptied; everyone knew this was it. Win or lose, this would be the last time they fought for the city. Despite intense firing, the Rorçn kept coming. There seemed to be endless supplies of them, running, screaming, brandishing whatever they could scrounge up. Some actually had guns which allowed them to return fire. A few Footballians fell. As the Rorçn reached to where they were, the men received orders to fall back. Byu dropped back, firing before moving back a few more yards. He was one of the last men inside the Mansion, and as such was ordered with them to stand out and hold off the Rorçn masses as long as possible. As the door slammed shut, Gyu wished he had run faster. A dozen soldiers, three machine guns, six assault rifles. Probably several hundred thousand Rorçn. Not good odds. As they came closer, the stench became awful. Having lived in the open for days, without showers, compounded by having the guts of their slain comrades on them gave them a stench rivaled by little in the natural world. One, two of his soldiers fell. One turned to open the doors. They were locked. Bad. Knowing he was to die, Byu fought harder, spraying everywhere with his gun. Then came the hateful sound that said he was empty. He reached to reload, found nothing. He had time to swear once before a bullet hit him in the middle of the forehead. Thousands of crazed, starving, poverty-stricken Rorçn poured through the doors.

The bombing afterward was intense. Thousands of tons of napalm and explosives. The entire city was up in flames for weeks. The destruction was so intense, so final, that many believe an atomic bomb was detonated at Rorçnkyo. Estimates of the death toll range from one million to all roughly two million Rorçn that were left.

Imperial Palace, Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia
Torm threw one of the models across the room, with his good arm.
“Dammit! We lost the city too? Is that what you’re telling me?”

“Yes sir. They rioted and then stormed the Mansion. They broke through the doors, killed everyone. Half a million crack urban troops, dead.”

“Dammit! We lost the -explicitive removed-ing Mansion. And the city. I can’t believe this. Okay then. Back to the First Secession. Mass reprisals. Can’t be too tough. Any Footballian soldier shot not during a battle. Good then.”

“Yes sir, I’ll send it out right away.”

From the Imperial Palace:

From here on out, the death of any Footballian soldier during a period or in an area not determined to be a battle shall be punished by the death of ten Rorçn.

Overlord Torm XV
59th Overlord of the Footballian Empire

Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 65
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Posted: Oct 14 2006, 08:18 PM
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There were only four major urban centers in Rorçnyun. All four were essentially large slums, except for the Footballian Quarter of Rorçnkyo. The Battle of Rorçnkyo had killed nearly a third of the Rorçn. Without their major city, the Rorçn increasingly fled to the countryside, the three remaining cities losing between 50 and 80 percent of their populations in a week. The few left became increasingly desperate, willing to shoot Footballian soldiers if they saw an opportunity for food or money, never mind the consequences. As such, many mass reprisals were carried out. Several hundred Rorçn were murdered as a result of FNA deaths. Army Groups A and E ground on, killing thousands. This was shaping up to be the bloodiest Football-Rorçn conflict ever. Yet the resistance continued, guerillas hitting convoys, small groups, anything. All the while there was no news from the eastern front.

Somewhere along the Loçñalrí
Kernel Byu continued up the river. The entire regiment, the entire brigade, was exhausted. For days all they had done was march and kill civilians. He felt it was taking a toll on many of his men, which was why he had begun rotating the duties when farmhouses came up. He hoped this would be over soon. They had only a vague idea where they were, as the new-fangled satellite GPS systems they had did not work very well. Most thought they were nearing Rorçnkyo. According to official reports, the city of Rorçnkyo had been lost to rebels and bombed intensely. As the column marched onward, they could begin to see plumes of smoke in the distance. After determining that this was the ruins of Rorçnkyo, they went towards it.

As Byu entered the city, he was struck by the totality of the damage. The entire city was flat, except for slightly higher mounds of rubble in some spots. There seemed to be no one left alive, at all. It was incredible how a city of over three million people had vanished over the course of a week or two. It was incredibly eerie. He had been here once before, in a previous Army assignment, and had learned something of the city’s history. The city was millennia old, just how many, no one knew, though estimates ranged from over ten thousand years old to just under three thousand. And now it was gone. What had once been a primitive camp for the ancient tribal Rorçn and had then grown to a bustling medieval city before coming under the Imperial thumb and becoming a three million person slum was now heaps of rubble. The brigade combed the streets, looking for anything alive. A few roaches, some other pests. Once he thought he saw something man-like scuttling among the ruins, but on closer inspection he found nothing. All the men were jittery, and one almost died when his buddy heard something, whirled around and shot him. When the brigade moved out later that evening, there was a huge collective sigh of relief.


Official Bulletin from the Imperial Palace:
Army Groups H and I have officially been fitted and begun active service.  Army Group I will be stationed on the border with Neu Amerika, and H is to be sent to the Eastern Front.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 65
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Posted: Oct 16 2006, 11:04 PM
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Rorçnyun Rebal Caves

Captain Smith sat at the edge of the cave and watched as thunder clouds began to assemble overhead.

"Looks like its going to rain hard sir?" ask sergent Richard Harp. One of Smith's loyal friends in and out of uniform.

"Sure does. If its a heavy thunderstorm, we are going to have to resort to the older model of the PDMS. These new ones have problems with those damn heavy storms."

"Well, everyone has both, far back up and what not."

"Good, i want, no need to know whats going on all the time. Like right about now, the western patrol should be coming in." Smith pulled out his eletronic binoculars and peered into the western hills. "There they are."

"Where? I dont see them. Wait over there by the bush? Yep, must be i see their weapons."

"Yeah. Check the PDMS."

"Oh yeah, still getting used to them." Harp pulled out his from his vest. "Yeah it is." Several lightening cracks and thunder bolts shot across the night sky. "Whoa lost them there for a sec. Got them back. I swear, we should complain to the government."

"Rich, remember out here we have no government."

ooc: foot wanted to learn more about the my PDMS'.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Oct 16 2006, 11:18 PM
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user posted image

Kinda looks like this, but this would be a PDMS Mk.1, as its big and bulky, the two that are currently in service are the Mk.5 & Mk.6, Mk.6 brand new few bugs. Few regiments have them. Haven't got around to drawing them

This post has been edited by Delesa on Oct 16 2006, 11:19 PM
Royal Scribe
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