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Second Rorçn Secession
Posted: Oct 7 2006, 11:04 AM
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OOC: This is the thread for my rebellion RP, which takes place largely inside Footballia during the war. It's intended to make the original thread less cluttered, mostly I guess. Delesa is giving the rebels support, I suppose they'll take whatever other support they can get, in case anyone was wondering. First post has already been posted in the OG thread.


"Now that the evil Empire is officially at war, it will have its hands full. We can strike quickly and seize back our sovereignty."

"No, should we not wait, and allow the Army to get fully embroiled in the conflict? They are just beginning mobilization now, they could easily wipe us out on the way to Starblaydia, before it could get going, and we might not get back up this time. We must gather more support in the countryside."

Messengers were sent out from the cave then, to all the villages and cities in Rorçnyun, or all the loyal ones. These messages read:


Brothers and sisters!  We have been oppressed, segregated, and trampled upon ever since these evil Footballians came here 1300 years ago.  We must take the oppurtunity of this war to prepare, and to rise up!  This brief message will suffice for now, and we will send more when the revolution is ready.

-Rorçn Revolutionary Committee
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 11:30 AM
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Russograd, Delesa Intellegence HQ

Major Vinny Balche was sitting in his desk, going over hundreds and hundreds of papers about the nations involved in the recent war. He read backround checks on all the leaders he could get info and had worked through the night. He reached out for his coffee, not even bothering to look up from a sheet of paper and knocked the cup off the desk. He sprang up and un holstered his gun, aiming at the door, then the window, then to the vent, and back to the door. All these assasination attempts we're getting into his head. He wasn't sure why, he was just a major that had just been promoted from captain. Well he holstered his pistol and bent down to pick the cup, when a private ran into the room. The major wipped out his pistol once more, but once he saw it was his nephew, he holstered it.

"So whats up uncle?"

"Nothing, what are you doing here?"

"The regiment has been transfered for secerity detail of this HQ."

"Well then, get to it, i have some very important work to..." he was cut off as a corperal from intel had rushed in.

"Sir," he gave a crisp salute, "We just recieved this from contacts in Footballia." he handed over a peice of paper. The major read it over.

"Hey, this is a perfect chance." The major left his office, with his nephew and corperal still in there. He rushed to the comunications room, and ordered to be put through to General Gordan Brigman.

St. Myhre, PM Office

"Lester, this is the perfect chance to get in there. Just think, if this works, we could establish a forward base of operations for the allaince!" Gordan had been trying to convince Lester Gedddie for about an hour.

Lester was a little unsure, that if the plot was uncovered by the enemy, that his nation would be jumped on, and he knew that him armed forces were small. The equipment was exellent, tanks and naval craft, and the new deal for aircraft was a bonus, but sheer number wise, Delesa was going to be in trouble.

"We can issue a statement saying it wasn't us and that it was D3 Industries that was supplying them."

"And if they want men?"

"We'll claim they are mercs, and could be from anywhere."

"Well i seems you have figured it out. I guess you should send off a letter." Gordan stood up, and with a huge smile on his face, got up and walked out.

A letter was sent through several contacts in footballia until it arrived in the hands on on of the suporters.

To Rorçn Revolutionary Committee

The Commonwealth has just recieved word of your intentions, and would like to assist in any way possible. Please contact me directly with your request, and anything you need.

General Gordan Brigman
Commanding Officer of Delesa Armed Forces

This post has been edited by Delesa on Oct 7 2006, 11:32 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 12:16 PM
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The Leader laid back in the cave, ready to listen to whatever his subordinates determined he needed to hear. It had been a long day so far, and he was tired. As his assistant droned on about how much support they were to receive from the rest of Rorçnyun, his eyes began to close. Running a rebellion was tough. Especially with tight Imperial controls over the province. Light bounced off one of the walls facing a long corridor. The Leader blinked himself awake, prepared for anything to come around up to his little enclave in the back. As the footsteps grew louder, he noted that it was one man, running. Which would make it most likely someone to tell him something. He sighed. As the man came around the corner, the Leader could tell that he was one of his assistants, one he recognized.

“Leader, leader!”

“What is it?”

“Someone apparently leaked word of our plans to the outside.”

“What! Who did this?”

“Sir, we don’t know, but it appears it may have worked out for the better.”

“How the -explicitive removed- does that work?”

“Read this letter, sir.” With that, the Leader was handed a letter. As he read the letter, his eyes grew somewhat wide. He looked up.

“This is what we need. Finally, help from foreigners. We can make our own nation now, the Rorçn. No more Overlord. No more Footballians. No more repression. The freedom to make our own Socialist Republic. Now, let’s see…Delesa…Delesa. I haven’t heard of them. Where are they?”

“They’re new sir. They don’t appear to be on the maps. But neither does Footballia, so it’s still possible that they exist.”

“Good, we'll take our chances on it, we need all the help we can get. If this is a hoax by the Imperials or someone and it screws us up, you’re dead. Now help me draft a reply.”


To Gen.  Gordon Brigman:

We would be honored to take any help you can offer us.  We do not feel it is possible to transport anything large and armored to us.  In that case, we would request money, ammunition, weapons, and ideally men that could either train us or fight the Imperials alongside us.

The Rorçn Revolutionary Committee
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 12:42 PM
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St. Myhre, General Gordan's Office

There was a knock on the door. "Sir, we have a letter here for you. Its from... you know who."

"Give me that!" Gordan ripped out of the man's hand. "You dont need to know about this private, so beat it!" The general was tired and sick of all there prep for war. He ripped open the letter and scimed over it. He scrached his chin, reread it and placed it down on his desk. He picked up the phone and called the PM office.

"Lester here."

"Its Gordan, we got a reply from the footballia people. They want help. So we go through with it?"

"Yeah operation...."

"Helping Freedom, sir"

"Yeah Operation Helping Freedom is now officaly a go. Get in contact with Special Forces Command and lets send some boys over to train them."

"How many and how much?"

"Several crates of small arms and rocket launchers and 150 men from 1st Special Forces Airborne. That way some can lead squads and platoons, and other train them."

"Ofcourse sir."

"Any plans on how your going to get them over there?"

"Oh i got some ideas sir."

"Alright then, its in your hands Gordan, dont screw this up."

"Ofcourse sir." Gordan hung up and walked over to his door, put on his coat and peak cap and walked out. The only way he could contact the SFC was to go there personaly. So he got into his military issue g-wagon and drove off.

To The Rorçn Revolutionary Committee

We have recieved your letter and are assembling supplies. Please give us a location in your country that would have weak radar, and is possible to drop supplies and men. Its almost a go on our end, by the time you respond we shall have the forces ready.

General Gordan Brigman
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 12:53 PM
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To Gen. Gordan Brigman:

Here is a map of the Empire.  The best location would be where northeast Rorçnyun meets with Boña and Nova Britannicus.  We will await your men and supplies there.

-The Rorçn Revolutionary Committee
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 11:52 PM
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Chief Socialist Jeramy Kaminska was not at his desk; he'd already taken care of his administrative duties for the day. He was content to 'morally' support Starblaydia, as it would keep relations between the area's largest non elected government and the Socialist Union on good terms. There was just something about the idea of supporting a captialist dictatorship that did not sit right with him. Something would have to be done about that. Something special. Kaminska was just about to head out to a Party rally downtown when one of his most trusted generals came trotting up.

General Otto Drabble was commander of the Crimson Army's Spetznaz special operations division. Added to that, he was one of the Socialist Union's best all around soldiers and a faithful Party member. A good friend as well as trusted general, if Gen. Drabble wanted to discuss something it would be important.

"Comrade Kaminska," the man spoke, "The KCB just brought this to my attention. It is an important bulletin from northeastern Footballia - there is an uprising of the oppressed against the imperialist oppressors there."

"Really? This may be what we have been waiting for," Kaminska grinned meliciously as he read over the statement by the Rorçn Revolutionary Committee, "How did the KCB come across this?"

"They would not tell me, Comrade Kaminska," General Drabble replied honestly. The KCB liked to keep their secrets unless it was absolutely necessary to reveal the truth.

"Never mind that," Kaminska shrugged off the vague answer, "In the name of the international Proletariat, we have a duty to assist these freedom fighters. I want you to contact them immediately and offer our clandestine support. Offer them monetary and logistical support, maybe some military advisors."

"Yes, Comrade Kaminska," General Drabble agreed, keeping his thoughts to himself. If the boss said do it, it meant do it now.

To - The Rorçn Revolutionary Committee
From - General O. Drabble, Crimson Army of the Socialist Union

The Socialist Union of Neu Amerika has recieved notification of your intentions to shake off the yoke of Imperialist oppression.  In the interest of international Comradery, the Socialist Union wishes to support your cause.  This will be in monetary and logistical forms if you wish for it.  We also extend an offer of military advisors to assist in the training of your fighters.

The Socialist Union's military advisors would be experts in guerilla warfare, which we feel will greatly assist your movement in its struggle.  We wish only for the downtrodden people of your lands to be free and able to build their own nation.  Neu Amerika would be a lifelong ally of such a nation upon its independence.

Chief Socialist Kaminska has personally authorized me to extend all of this assistance on behalf of the workers, laborers, and people of the Socialist Union.

We await your response with trepidation.

General O. Drabble, Crimson Army of the Socialist Union
Neu Amerika
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 01:04 AM
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Boeing 747, Over Northeast Rorçnyun, Footballia
user posted image

A cargo jet from the East Delesa Trading Co. was flying high, and in an unsual flight pattern, but no one had so far noticed or cared to ask what they were doing. But the set up was perfect, just as long as they got the troops and supplies off before anyone decided to drop in and check on this plane. The planes radar and mapping systems were operational for the time being, but they hada timer that would go off soon, with no trace, that would disable the planes navigating systems, giving them a good reason to be flying over what they thought was allied airspace. In the back, 150 soldiers from the 1st Special Forces Airborne did final checks on their equipment and parachutes. Along with them were several crates filled with weapons and ammunition to supply an army. The co-pilot walked back from the cockpit to where the men were assembled.

"The captain says we are nearing the drop zone and you boys should be on your way. Now make sure you destroy any enemy forces that see you drop, although, the rebal forces should have taken care of that." This co-pilot was no civilian but Brigader General Ken Harris, 2nd in command of the Special Forces Command. He loved to see the men off. Captain Sean Smith, commanding officer of the unit gave Ken a hand shake.

"Well sir, i guess i'll be seeing you later."

"Yes, and you still owe me a round for getting you this operation."

"I'll buy it when i get back. First thing. Then you can buy me a round for doing the operation."

"Seems fair." A voice crackled over the PA system,

"This is your captain speaking, i hope you have enjoyed your flight, but you have reached your final destination, and its time to get off my plane."

"Good luck Captain!" The General saluted as the men started to up out the door. After the men the crates were then pushed out and the door closed. And with that the co-pilot returned to his seat at the front and tried to get contact with the local airport.

Sean looked to the ground below him as he desended and looked up at his men who gracefully floated above him. He swiched on his night vision googles and peered down to the ground and scanned to land for any signs of a force, enemy or allied. But nothing moved. He hit the ground with a thud, as his tucked and rolled. He took of the parachute and began to roll it up. He then pulled out a small hand held palm pilot thing, which showed his location and the crates, as well as all the other soldiers, as each one carried one of the PDMS'. He then grabbed his rifle and began to move towards the nearest crate, gathering men as he went. Either the rebals had to be here, or the force would flee through the border and would use the radios in the crates to contact Delesa and get a ride home, but thats only if the Rorçn Revolutionaries didnt show.

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Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 06:56 AM
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A cave somewhere in eastern Rorçn, Footballian Empire

"What's this you have here?"

"Another offer of aid, sir."

"Dammit, who doesn't know about our plans?"

"Well, sir, the Foot--"

"Rhetorical question, dammit."

"Sorry, sir."

"Right, anyway. Who's the letter from?"

"Neu Amerika, just to the south of the Empire."

"Interesting. They would risk themselves to help us to become free."

"It would seem so, Leader."

"We will take it. The FNA is larger than our population, we need whatever help we can get."

"Will do, sir."


To: Gen. O. Drabble

Our Committee would be honored to receive help from you.  We do not know how you would get anything to us, however, having the evil Imperials between our two glorious socialist nations.  We would also warn you that you should be willing to fight the Empire should your troops be discovered.  While more enemies for the Empire aid us, we would not wish our brothers to be attacked.  Therefore, we recommend sending only monetary aid and munitions, especially as we already have military advisors, probably enough to train our people.  We thank you again for your generous offer.

-The Rorçn Revolutionary Committee

(OOC: Just so everyone's aware, Footballia will most likely declare war on anyone caught aiding the rebels, unless we're in waaaaaaaay over our heads.)

Somewhere near the Nova Britannicus-Footballia border

The Rorçn were very careful. If they were discovered, the entire rebellion could be blown. And they would be killed. All of them, without trials. Such was the price of being caught in a treasonous action. Though they would probably more likely be lynched, being Rorçn. It was completely possible that this was a setup, the Footballians luring them out to cut down the movement before it began. Such was the chance they had to take.

As they approached the landing site, his scouts brought back word that there were troops there, and that they did not appear to be Footballian. He breathed a sigh of relief, allowing himself the assumption that they were Delesan. The main body of the force came upon the men soon.

"Who commands you all?" asked the Leader in a quiet voice.

"I do," came the reply from the Delesans, for it was now obvious that that was what they were.

"What is your name?"

"Capt. Sean Smith, Commander of this Force. And who are you?"

"Call me the Leader. Come, bring your men, the supplies. We have much to discuss." At this, Smith barked off a command to his men, they lifted some of the gear, motioning to the Rorçn to aid in carrying some of it. Just under two hundred men returned to the cave complex that night, carrying the supplies needed to bolster their stores and carry out the rebellion.

(OOC: I'd ask both of you to not add any names for the guys yet, as I haven't developed a pattern for them. I just know they'll sound really weird.)

This post has been edited by Footballia on Oct 8 2006, 07:19 AM
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 11:46 AM
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ooc: alright, so we can still create names for us right?

This post has been edited by Delesa on Oct 8 2006, 11:53 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 12:17 PM
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OOC: yep
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 04:52 PM
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(OOC: This is the name of the rebels' country. I figured it'd be better if I RPed as them when playing the rebels.)

Somewhere in Rorçnyun, Footballian Empire
"Anything we need to know about your men?" asked Smith.

"Not to much to tell. They're in high spirits, they want Footballian blood. You've essentially got every able-bodied Rorçn male on our side. Plus some women and children. The core group you'll be working with are mostly the children of guerillas from the last time, or even guerillas from then. You'll probably want to send a bunch of your men to distribute weapons to the farmers. We're incredibly poor, and so we can't very well afford weapons. At least not good ones."

"That's better than I thought then. I'll have my men send out the weapons and such right now, we can have them distributed rapidly."

"Excellent. There is our cave complex now. Home sweet home."
Two. Two.
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 05:08 PM
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"Exellent, so first things first, leys break out the radio kits and set up a HQ in your cave, then place on somewhere as a back up." Captain Sean clicked a button on his PDMS and spoke into it. "1st Sergeant, get your squad up here and report to me."

A man and ran from the rear-guard of the long line of soldiers and equipment. "Sir, Sergeant Arnot Grenier reporting sir."

"Take several weapons and give them to the local farmers, they are loyal to the cause. Take several of the Rorçnyun soldiers with you." The Captain looked back at Leader "Alright lets get the rest of the weapons handed out. I supose that none of you really know how to operate a Stinger or Law right? Well, i guess we can take you up into the hills and teach you. Also we can expect supply drops every so often. So Leader, do you have any officers that might lead sqauds or platoons? Bring them here, we have serval maps from our intellegence agancy. We are goimg to split up your forces into 2 groups and send them in different caves. Each teams opjective is to capture the other team's radio. We have rubber bullets here. So this will teach each team to remain silent, as each team doesn't know where the other is, but it will also teach you to find the other team. And to set guards and what not. We should do this a week. My officers will be in command of each team and teach them the basics of soldiers and ambushes and other goodies, while my remaining forces shall guard this here HQ. We have 3 sniper teams, so we wont bother training your forces in snipeing, yet. So i think to time to start."

ooc: we can fast forward a week and start the real conflicts
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 06:34 PM
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(OOC: Posted the relevant parts in this thread also. See main Galactica thread for Army movements.)

Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

Torm XV was somewhat nervous as he stepped onto the platform. He hadn't made many outdoor speeches, and knew that they were considerably less safe. He had also heard rumors that the Rorçn were soon to rebel again, which could severely injure the war effort. He took a deep breath before his last few steps to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen," began the Overlord, "yesterday our glorious troops captured Bellona. While many of you may think that this is trivial, due to the utter lack of Clannish armies in the area, you are wrong. While not even approaching a test of our Army, for even a Commie can take an undefended city, this event shows that we are here to support our allies in Starblaydia. Together, we shall win this war, and cast down our enemies, destroying their armies and their infrastructure. There will be a new Golden Age for Footballia, one in which we will live without fear of any other nation because of our might and our allies to the north. This city is merely the--" His speech was cut short by the fire of assault rifles. The Overlord was immediately slammed to the ground by a member of the Imperial Guard. Others, some disguised, some not, plunged into the crowd of terrified onlookers in order to try and take the assassins alive. Three Guardsmen reached the first assassin at the same time, and slammed him to the ground. The procedure was repeated rapidly on the other two. The Imperial Guard managed to calm the crowd and shepherd them away soon thereafter.


Imperial Palace, Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

The Overlord groaned as he awakened. His shoulder hurt like crazy. He slowly recalled what had happened at the speech, and thought to himself, No more outdoor speeches for us... as the door to the room opened. Helç Xort, his Internal Advisor entered, followed by Markalk Xet Reñat, Head of the Footballian Military.

"We have determined that the assassins were Rorçn separatists, sir. Also, an open revolt has flared across Rorçnyun, and is growing in magnitude as we speak," announced Xort. Anger, white hot anger, flared in Torm.

"Damn those -explicitive removed-ing Rorçn! Always in the -explicitive removed-ing way!" His screams of anger brought the doctor rushing in to get Reñat and Xort our, but Torm waved him off.

"Those sons of bitches are always there. Always! Ready to revolt whenever we need no distractions. They did it in my father's time, when we were rebuilding. They've done it now, with most of the FNA out in Legalese. Those bastards! Markalk!"


"I don't care what you do, get rid of the rebellion. And don't let it back up. Keep those damn Rorçn from -explicitive removed-ing with my Empire!"

"Yessir." With that, the two men left, leaving the Overlord tormented by his wound and by the Rorçn.


FNA HQ, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

"The Overlord said whatever we need to do to keep them down."

"That leaves a lot of interpretation."

"I don't care. Do what you need to, Jenral."

"Will do." Jenral Orwalç Fopelç turned away and walked to the next room. He ordered the Majoir manning the comm system to connect him to Majoir-Jenral Relç Çoñ, his subordinate in Army Group E.


"Yes sir?"

"I suppose you've heard of the uprising?"

"Yes sir, I was just about to comm you for orders."

"Good good. The Overlord says he wants no more rebellions. Do you know what this means?"


"Wipe them out. Destroy them. No more revolts. No more fear. No more savagery. They...will...not...come...back. At all. Ever. If any ever do, I will personally have your head. Do you understand?" Çoñ gulped.

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now, order your men in there, and get to it."

"Yes sir. Goodbye." He signed off. Fopelç stalked off, consumed with hate for the Rorçn, a hate far more passionate than that of most Footballians.


Official Press Release from the Imperial Palace:

Yesterday, an assassination attempt was made on our beloved Overlord, who will recover from his wounds.  The assassins have been determined to be Rorçn separatists.  In addition to this, a new Rorçn secessionist movement has begun in Rorçnyun.  Any nation caught aiding these unlawful rebels in any way, shape or form will be considered hostile to the Empire of Footballia and treated accordingly.

His Imperial Majesty, Overlord Torm XV
59th Overlord of the Glorious Empire of Footballia

This post has been edited by Footballia on Oct 8 2006, 06:35 PM
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 07:36 PM
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Chief Socialist Kaminska enjoyed the Party rally as always; the people of the Socialist Union were still as loyal as ever to the Revolution. If war ever came to the Socialist Union, the people of Neu Amerika would be ready to fight. As he was heading to KCB headquarters to discuss some discrete matters, the ruler of the SUNA recieved a call. Where was that ringing coming from? He didn't have a cellular phone - product of capitalist pigs that it was - so where could it come from? Then he recalled that his state-manufactured vehicle had a telephone built in for use only in emergencies.

"What is it?" he demanded.

"Sorry to disturb you, Comrade Kaminska," came the voice of General Drabble, "We have recieved a response from our Socialist brothers in north east Footballia. They welcome any support we can give them, but warn us that getting involved may risk war with Footballia."

"And by extension with the Strategic Alliance," Kaminska added, "Whatever the risks, we must - must - aid our comrades in their struggle against tyranny. Perhaps we can obtain some things for ourselves in the conflict, but the main objective is to be the independence of the Rorc... however you pronounce their blasted name."

"Do you think the people would support such a war?"

"The people will do what we tell them. Besides it's in the interest of international Socialism! Of course they'll support spreading Socialist influence in the area. What do we know about the Footballian military?"

"We slightly outnumber them in total strength, Comrade Kaminska. That and most of their front line troops are in former Legalese fighting alongside the Starblaydis against the Clans. With the bulk of their armies fighting in another land, a full scale invasion by the Crimson Army would be able to penetrate into Footballia proper. Of course, we'd need a sizeable force left in the Socialist Union to protect from any potential SAAS invasion."

"I have every confidence that we can repel an invasion should one come. Besides, the Starblaydis are busy fighting the SDL, why would they bother with us if everyone else in the region is at war with them? Prepare the first shipments of weapons and monetary support for the freedom fighters. And get the Spetznaz ready for a potentially high risk drop into hostile territory. We may have war sooner than we would've liked."

"Yes Comrade Kaminska," the general responded, then hung up.

Hanging his own end up, Kaminska took a deep breath. War would be a strong possibility now. The Crimson Army could smash the Footballians left defending Footballia, but that wouldn't be the end of things. If Starblaydia came for the SUNA, the game was up - Neu Amerika would have to sign a ceasefire. Or worse. Then he had an idea, and called up the Socialist Union's embassy in Nephi, Lamoni. Perhaps there was a way to work this out after all.

Meanwhile General Drabble sent Neu Amerika's response to the Revolutionary Council:

To the Rorçn Revolutionary Committee

Greetings again, Comrades!  The Socialist Union understands the risks it makes by supporting your glorious cause, but the struggle is too important.  Such risks are necessary in Revolution against Imperialist warmongers.  As such, the SUNA will be supplying you with monetary and weapons support beginning within the next 24 hours.  Continued drops will be made to further strengthen your fighting capablities.  The first will be under the guise of a foreign commercial flight not of Neu Amerikan origins.  In addition, the Crimson Army may soon be sending Spetznaz forces to reinforce your positions against the Imperial foe.

Should Footballia discover our involvement and declare war, the Socialist Union will strike them before any attack on Neu Amerikan soil can take place.  The Crimson Army and Air Force will be ready for war should it come.  Above all else, we will help our Comrades in their time of need.

-General O. Drabble, Crimson Army of the Socialist Union


Meanwhile in Nephi, the only recently arrived Socialist Union ambassador to Lamoni had arrived at the proper government facility to speak with the President. He didn't know the name of the building, that was for the driver or a tour guide to worry about. What mattered as that Chief Socialist Kaminska himself had informed the man of a top secret offer he was to relay to President Stinton. So, dressed in his best suit Ambassador Elfrentz Trautski waited to see Lamoni's head of state. Truatski had already called for an urgent audience with the man, and now waited to see if his request had been answered.

"It had better have been, or Comrade Kaminska will have my head," Trautski grumbled, "Even their Foreign Minister would be suitable, I suppose."
Neu Amerika
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 08:36 PM
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Back Road, Footballia, Rorçnyun.

Captain Sean Smith and 'Leader' and several officers where laying down, overlooking a back road, known to the rebals as a gun run route for Footballia. Smith scanned the road up ahead as a cloud of dirt rose from the road. It was a small convoy, with 2 supply trucks and 1 APC in the front and 1 in the rear. They were speeding along, not knowing what was lurkinh in the bushes ahead. As the convoy pulled every so close, at the point it was right on top of the rebals, rockets were fired at the lead APC. It went up in flames, and the rest of the convoy crashed into the ditches trying to avoid the destroyed APC. Men jumped out from the burning apc, their clothes on fire. Heave machine gun fire errupted from the nearby bushes and cut down the burning soldiers. A seconf rocket was fired as they tried to take out the 2nd APC, but it missed, and the troops jumped out and rushed the closest ditch for cover, killing the rocket launcher crew. The Rorçn troops ran over with there new AK-103s shooting the drivers of the cargo trucks, completly forgeting about the conceled Footballia troops in the ditch, which opened fire on the Rorçn soldiers on the trucks, sending several to the ground hard, others ducked and ran for cover, leaving their weapons on the ground.

"Christ, the first of fire, and these.. these... farm boys run. We are going to need more training. SCOTT GET UP HERE!" Smith called, and a Delesaian soldier crawled up beside him.

"Yes sir?"

"Finish those buggers off, if would please?" Smith all of a sudden with a mood change. Scott took the rifle off his back and worked on the dials on the scope, and placed the butt of the rifle to his shoulder. He squeezed the trigger and one of the firing Footballia soldiers dropped. He pulled the bolt back and the empty shell ejected from the barrel. He slide the bolt back and place the sights on another Footballia head, and once again, squeezed the trigger ever so softly and the man fell. The Rorçn soldiers, noticing that the Footballia troops were dieing, rushed the final three left inthe ditch and the Footballia soldiers, tossed there weapons to the ground.

Smith then got up and began to walk down to the road. He walked over to the newly captured prisoners.

"Should we kill them here? Where they stand? These Footballia killing &^#%!!"

"No, we might be doing the most uncivil way of fighting, but we will NOT kill any man who throughs down their arms. Tie them up and put them over there by the APC." Gesturing to the one that wasn't burning. He then walked over to the trucks, and threw the back cover to the side, to reveal several crates of weapons and ammuntion. "Well, this is a good sign of more training. LT! Get some Rorçn men to start to collet the crates, take the weapons and ammo out of the boxes, they might be bugged. Also, prepare to blow the trucks and APC." Sean then turned and face 'Leader'. "Well it was a good start. I have seen better and worse. You should be proud. Now lets get out of here before anyone comes looking for this convoy."
Royal Scribe
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