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Delesa Embassy
Posted: Sep 29 2006, 07:07 PM
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St. Myhre City
Grand Opening of Foreign Embassy

user posted image
"Today marks a great day in Delesaian history. After our long and bloody war with Kreatyve, we have now celebrated by reloacting into a new wonderful region! Our citizens are proud and strong, we will only strive for the better Delesa of Tomarrow, and today is a giant step towards that!" Prime Miniser Lester Geddie paused fot the effect, and shuffled his papers, "Here I stand in front of that large step, the first ever Foreign Embassy, built here in the home of Delesa, the beautiful St. Myhre. Of course as of today, we have sent out letters to all those in the AO region to come and enjoy the splenders of the Commonwealth. Delesaians! YOU should be proud!" The crowd cheered and clapped as Lester turned and and nodded to King Edward, who pulled out his sword, and saluted to the crowd, then a simple slash of the sword and the ribbon was in two. The crowd errupted. The Dukes of Delesa stood and clapped, and shook the hand of the Prime Minister and headed in to inspect.

To all AO members;

The Commonwealth of Delesa has opened the new Foreign Embassy. Your Leaders are welcome to come and visit, and implace a Foreign Delegate. May you enjoy the spenders of what Delesa has to offer. Note the Embassy shall be guarded by the Delesa Old Guard, a exellent loyal unit. You may select a office from floors 1(which is the one just above the main floor) up to 6, with 10 large offices on each floor. Sleeping quarters for permant members is located in the outskirts in a large lodge.

Lester Geddie
Delesa Prime Minister

King Edward Myhre III
Delesa Supreme Leader

This post has been edited by Delesa on Sep 29 2006, 07:09 PM
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Posted: Sep 29 2006, 10:33 PM
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To: Lester Geddie
Delesa Prime Minister

From: Tanya Ley
Lamonian Foreign Minister

Dear Prime Minister,

The Free Republic would enjoy the chance to begin diplomatic relations with Delesa.  We are appointing Johannes Emmetovich to be ambassador to Delesa.  Johannes was formerly the Underminister for policy, and was asking for a foreign posting.  We hope that his credentials will be acceptable. 

Lamoni would like to request space on the first floor of Foreign Embassy, as well.

Attached to the end of this message is a photograph of the proposed Commonwealth of Delesa embassy in the Free Republic.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 01:53 AM
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Johannes Emmetovich will for sure be acceptable, and may have an office in the first floor. As for your embassy, the building is acceptable, and Wlliam Sharpe will be apointed to that embassy. He was the former liberal forgien minister until he switched over to the conservatives. He has been waiting for a chace to work in a different enviroment. Hopefully, Lamoni is what he his looking for.

Until next time;

Lester Geddie
Delesa PM
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 03:37 AM
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Dear Prime Miniser Lester Geddie,

We in Az-cz would like to establish relations. We invite Delesa to join the other Atlanitan Oceanian nations who already have embassies established in Az-cz. We would gladly welcome an ambassador into our country.

However for the time being we will not be sending an amabassador to Delesa. We have major concerns about the arrangement of the embassy there. We believe that each nation should have it's own embassy. Many nations in one place provides for many problems.

We are worried about the ability to maintain sovreign status of our embassy in an office building. Will each office have sovreign status. How will that work.

Also we have security concerns. The region is in a state of heightened alert at the moment and it looks like war could break out at any moment. That means that things like embassies could become very dangerous places. If someone were decide to take out their anger on one countries embassy all other nations would be at risk.

This is not to mention the amount of staff needed to properly manage all of the needs citizens living or travelling abroad in foreign countries have. To properly handle passport and visa services, legal aide, whatever translation services are necessary and other such functions we believe that sharing an embassy is an unfortunate idea.

We would like to establish relations with your country but we kindly ask that you provide each nation with its own embassy.

With respects,


Robber Captain Ug-Mt
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 04:12 AM
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"All nations in one building, eh? Interesting."

To: Prime Miniser Lester Geddie
From: Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko (
Subject: Re: Embassies

Prime Minister,

The Protectorate of Starblaydia, after our recent drive to codify our embassy listings, would like to be a part of your new great building. However, it appears that only a single ambassador will be provided for in the Embassy. We would like to enquire where our standard diplomatic staff of attaches, aides and embassy staff and guards would be stationed, as an embassy with nothing but a single office would be next-to-useless.

Feel free to locate an Ambassador in Starblaydia, for which you can apply here, but our needs require more than a glorified hotel for a single representative in your nation.

Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 08:55 AM
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To: Lester Geddie
From: Gerald Flowers (Minister of Internation Cooperation)

The Frozen North of Quakmybush. first and foremost, welcomes you to the region. Now, to the important stuff, we would like to apply for a spot in your embassy, prefferably on the bottom floor, but whereever you think is best works for us.

Best Regards
Gerald Flowers
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 12:24 PM
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QUOTE (Az-cz @ Sep 30 2006, 02:37 AM)
However for the time being we will not be sending an amabassador to Delesa. We have major concerns about the arrangement of the embassy there. We believe that each nation should have it's own embassy. Many nations in one place provides for many problems.

            We are worried about the ability to maintain sovreign status of our embassy in an office building. Will each office have sovreign status. How will that work.

            Also we have security concerns. The region is in a state of heightened alert at the moment and it looks like war could break out at any moment. That means that things like embassies could become very dangerous places. If someone were decide to take out their anger on one countries embassy all other nations would be at risk.

            This is not to mention the amount of staff needed to properly manage all of the needs citizens living or travelling abroad in foreign countries have. To properly handle passport and visa services, legal aide, whatever translation services are necessary and other such functions we believe that sharing an embassy is an unfortunate idea.

Fwd to all AO Nations,
Our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chase Surreal will now be recieveing all mail and emails from other nations, but I, Prime Minister Lester Geddie, will read the letters personal if i have time.


Lester Geddie

To Robber Captain Ug-Mt, Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko, Gerald Flowers, Tanya Ley and future nations;

Your questions could not have been anwsered from me personal so i went and had a conference with the Prime Minister and the Head of the Military, General Gordan Brigman. What i collected is that the building has now been changed to restrict the floors to only 5 offices, making the working spaces larger. But as for security, there will be 4 guards at the main gate, and another 6 patroling the walls. There will be 2 at the entrance and 2 at the elevators. Then on every floor there will be 3 guards. All guards are from the Delesa Old Guard, a highly experienced unit, with a high victpory rate. All members are eilte, except 2 at the main gate who my be rookies getting experience with guarding.

As for nations at war. If the war starts before the day begins, they will not be allowed into the building and be escorted to a 'safe house' where they will remain until the end of the conflict. There are several safe houses around Delesa on many of the islands. But locations can not and will not be exposed as for the safty of those members. If you think those buildings should be used for the embassies, you must understand that if you did have these ones, you would have no safe house to turn back to. Prime Minister Lester also must have all members of any nation to have there office in the capital city.

We thank you for your feed back and plans are already in the process. The building on the our skirts of St. Myhre is now being rebulit to make Hotel like building for those interested at this moment. As for nations will their own building, that currently is extremely hard for the Commonwealth, as he have just exited out of a long and terrible war, and funds are down for construction. But inthe near future, buildings will be given to all nations who apply. Plans have been drawn up for the buildings. They will be located in downtown St. Myhre close to parelment, with in walking distance. Each building has a underground parkade, and enough quarters for 50 people, not including the head man/woman apointed, which they will have the pent house up top. As for security, the street will be patroled by 6 men and 2 dogs at all times(from the old guard), 2 MP(military police) crusiers, and 4 members at each gate at either end. If the nation would like if would be possible to have 2 guards out front of your building. There is also a unmarked crusier from the Delesa Secret Police near by. It wouls be the same security process if a nation were at war.

Floor plans will be sent to those who apply for a building. Also if you like to now, select a house on the street. Starting from #1 right beside the gate on the east side on the north side of the street, and #2 on the east side, south side of the street. #3 beside #1 and so on and so forth.

Please fell free to contact us with further concerns.

Chase Surreal
Minister of Foreign Affairs

This post has been edited by Delesa on Sep 30 2006, 12:48 PM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 08:48 PM
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TO: Lester Geddie, Prime Minister
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron

On behalf of the Dominion and her peoples, we would like to be the next to welcome you to the region and wish you a long and prosperous life. We have noted that you have begun diplomatic relations with our allies in Lamoni and would like to follow suit.

We offer for you a splendid residence for your diplomatic team on Embasssy Row here in Archon City. Nothing but the finest materials and supplies are granted to those who choose to have an embassy with us. Furthermore we would like, in the same spirit of friendship and cooperation, to propose an exchange of knowledge between our two countries. Namely, that we exchange factoids and bits of history with one another about our respectives nations.

It is our belief that through suhc an exchange that all nations could come to a deepr and more peaceful understanding of one another.

Should you decide to take us up on the aforementioned offers, we offer as our ambassador, a Mr.Tristen Ansari. He is new to the Ministry of Foregin Affaris, but graduated at the top of his class at Imam Assad University in Aska, where he majored in International Relations and Diplomacy.

We await your reply.

In the name of the Patriarch,

Danielle Uram
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dominion of Khazaron
The Red Devil
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 09:54 PM
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QUOTE (Khazaron @ Sep 30 2006, 07:48 PM)
TO: Lester Geddie, Prime Minister
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron

On behalf of the Dominion and her peoples, we would like to be the next to welcome you to the region and wish you a long and prosperous life. We have noted that you have begun diplomatic relations with our allies in Lamoni and would like to follow suit.

We offer for you a splendid residence for your diplomatic team on Embasssy Row here in Archon City. Nothing but the finest materials and supplies are granted to those who choose to have an embassy with us. Furthermore we would like, in the same spirit of friendship and cooperation, to propose an exchange of knowledge between our two countries. Namely, that we exchange factoids and bits of history with one another about our respectives nations.

It is our belief that through suhc an exchange that all nations could come to a deepr and more peaceful understanding of one another.

Should you decide to take us up on the aforementioned offers, we offer as our ambassador, a Mr.Tristen Ansari. He is new to the Ministry of Foregin Affaris, but graduated at the top of his class at Imam Assad University in Aska, where he majored in International Relations and Diplomacy.

We await your reply.

In the name of the Patriarch,

Danielle Uram
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dominion of Khazaron

Dear Danielle Uram;

The Commonwealth would love for Diplimatic Relations to be started between our nations, and Mr.Tristen Ansari, and his team will be welcomed into our country. And likewise, Mr. Louis-César Paquet has been apointed to command the Delesaian Diplimatic team enroute to Khazaron. Mr.Tristen Ansari will have to stay and work in the buildings we currently have if he would like to come now, but he will be one of the first to have one of the building on the street being created as we speak.

Chase Sureal
Minister of Foreign Affairs for Delesa
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Posted: Oct 1 2006, 12:29 PM
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From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oslea:

We accept your offer of diplomacy and we are sending Robert Coddington as our delegate and ambassador to your country. We're a new nation here as well, and we want to get our feet wet in this region by extending diplomatic relations to all nations here. We, unfortunately, do not have an embassy program, instead we are sending delegates everywhere we can when we have time.

This post has been edited by Oslea on Oct 1 2006, 12:31 PM
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Posted: Oct 1 2006, 01:44 PM
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To Foreign Affairs Office of Oslea

Your new nation, like ours in this region will for sure have a spot in the Embassy Ave. May our nations connections and relations excel in the future.

Until Next Time;
Chase Sureal
Minister of Forgien Affairs of the Commonwealth
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Posted: Oct 1 2006, 02:37 PM
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The first of 3 installments of Embassy Aves (1 through 3) have been completed. Due to the lack of space on a single ave in downtown, 3 aves have been held in downtown for the new embassies. They are beside eac other(the aves) making acess to them easier between the diplimates.

Buildings are as follows with a flag pole outside and sign;
user posted image
(this is just the building, the surrounding whould more be like the sign back round, but downtown. Delesa likes to have plenty of trees in the Embassy Aves.)

and the sign;
user posted image

The Current Arangement;
user posted image

Oslea, upload your flag and then o can put you down and you will have your place. If any of the ones already put on there would like to move, please feel free to ask. But as of this moment, only one ave has been constructed.

This post has been edited by Delesa on Oct 1 2006, 02:38 PM
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 06:57 AM
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Minister Surreal,

In these newfound times of trouble, I personally believe that diplomacy could conquer all. Because of this I would like Starblaydia to be granted an embassy building on Embassy Avenue in downtown St Myhre.

May I make a few simple requests as to the location, what with the present events rocking our region still ongoing: a Starblaydi embassy should be on the opposite side of the street to the already existing buildings of the SDL members Khazaron and Lamoni. We would also like to be placed centrally along the length of the road. Perhaps the proposed Oslean embassy could be placed in between that of Starblaydia's and Quakmybush's.

Our dilpomatic servants are being prepared, and we would also like to invite you to name an Ambassador to Starblaydia, to be granted a building in Jhanna's diplomatic quarter.

May the word overcome the sword.

Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 08:37 AM
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ooc: so where? the top or bottom and in the middle? with Oslean's inbetween yours and the SDL members? i'll make the offical letter after school today, and update the street.

This post has been edited by Delesa on Oct 5 2006, 08:40 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 08:49 AM
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Bottom side, in the middle. On the same side that QMB is on, with Oslea's on my side, in between me and QMB.

Not the same side of the street that Lamoni and Khaz are on.
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