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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Jan 24 2005, 05:18 PM
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(OOC: Just in case there is any confusion about my Hover Tank's EM Rail Guns, the following link will explain what I mean: EM Rail Guns )

LAF (Lamonian Air Force) Major General Gustafson watched as one of the many air wings left on their mission to destroy Novvs Atlantian military bases. What he didn't know is that as the Allied Air Forces conducted their air strikes, the Allied ground forces would be attacking Novvs Atlantis as well. Their objective was to get Novvs Atlantian forces off of the mainland, which would hopefully shorten the war.

Back in the Lamonian War Room, the computerized map table showed the ground attack getting formed up in preperation to strike. General-Colonel Bondarenko was handed a message by an aide, read it, and gave the message to President Stone. "So," he said, "the nation of Zagros has sent us 10,000 more troops. Add them to the Combined Corps when they arrive."

The Combined corps (Emagol, Chacor, and now Zagros) was currently being held in reserve for when the anticipated breakthrough was achieved.

The anticipated reply ("yes sir") came back from the General-Colonel. Together, the two men watched the ground forces reach the border, and start exchanging shots with the Novvs Atlantian border stations. Lamonian and allied special ops troops had been 'advised' to hole up and wait for the ground assault, then join the ground troops. Overhead, the five FMJphoenix air wings were standing Combat Air Patrol over the ground troops as best they could. The Lamonian Hover Tanks had never been tested in combat, and the Lamonian Army was eager to see how well their EM rail guns would perform in combat.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 24 2005, 08:34 PM
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"Are our forces almost in posistion Commander?"

General Wilson had been anticipating the question for days, and he knew that the Prime Minister knew what the answer was going to be. The order just needed to be given.

"Yes, sir. We've taken up posistion behind Novvs encampments, and are awaiting any information from the Imperator. We could move out within the hour if need be." he responded.

Tariskany looked at him sternly, and dismissed him from the room. If the plan was going along as hoped, it could be any day now...All out war had been avoided so far, with casualties only measuring in the thousands. Things were about to get interesting.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Jan 25 2005, 05:51 PM
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The Lamonian Hover Tanks came around the border mountain range (that THS created), and lined up as best they could on the (obviously) uneven terrain. They would be using the mountains to shield themselves during this attack, and it was not long until the first shot rang out against a Novvs Atlantian border encampment. LAF fighter-bombers could be seen attacking the emplacements, their bombs adding to the destruction caused by the hover tanks. As they were not expected to be needed at this stage, the infantry stayed behind the mountains as the hover tanks engaged with their rail guns; their 'bumpers' keeping them from smashing themselves against the mountains with their shots.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 25 2005, 07:47 PM
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"Imperator, the outposts are coming under fire from Lamonian forces."

"Excellent. Time to initiate phase I of the plan. Deploy the corpses and tell our forces to pull back to their designated retreat zones."


"Centvrion! Order your troops to move up to that forward bunker! I want SPNKR rockets covering those mountains as we fall back."

Tribvne Oppivs Patricvs pointed to a lonely bunker, partly entrenched in the rocky soil of the Lamoni/Novvs Atlantis border. The bunker resided in the halfway point of the first trench in the NA defenses. The Centvrion looked to his troops and shouted,

"Artillery! Let's move! Double time!"

Eighty legionaries ran forward to the bunker and its trenches; super dense tungsten shells shot by the troops as the Lamonian tanks continued their barrage. Several soldiers were lucky enough to take some of those rounds for the greater good of Novvs Atlantis. Their heads, chests, or legs shattered and exploded as the shells passed through and refused to stop.

For the most part the rush to the bunker was successful; casualties were taken but the majority of the artillery specialists made it to the bunker. The Centvrion ordered them to take positions and begin firing. SPNKR rockets shot up from the trenches and into the mountains.

All the whilel, the majority of NA troops were retreating as bombs rained down overhead. Several avxillary cohorts were left behind to set up the corpses. Bodies taken from the morgues, labs of universities, and abandoned graves were dressed up in NA uniform, sprayed with shrapnel, and dipped in a synthesized blood product. The avxillaries begun their operation as the sun started to set and just now at sunrise were they beginning to finish up.

The SPNKRs could still be heard in the distance as the last avxillary cohort began its retreat.


"All troops have retreated to their fortified bunkers, several miles from the target area."

"Excellent, excellent. Is it ready?"

"Not yet. Tests are still showing a 23% chance of failure. The seismic activity produced by the work and the tests could be enough to clue Lamoni in on our little secret."

"Hmm... How is it coming along with Abattoir and Xile? Are they ready for it?"

"Yes, they've also pulled what troops they have in the area back to the bunkers as well. Imperator, this is going to catch the Lamonians with their pants down. They won't even be expecting this type of attack. The worst they could do is prepare their military for it, and even then, there's not much you can do against something like this. No amount of lead, bio-suits, or vaccines will stop this!"

The Imperator looked at the Consvl and laughed.

"Marivs, always so optimistic. Let Nojika know that after we launch this, we're going to need them to hit Lamoni with everything they've got."

"Of course Imperator."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 25 2005, 08:21 PM
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*Sniper team Aplha Theta, mountains near the Lamonian Hover Tank group*
'What in Sam hell!? did those tanks really do that much damage? all I can see are dead bodies everywhere! Jesus. Mike, switch to thermal to check for casualties on their side.'
'Uh, sir, I only see faint heat signals from the front of the dead where we saw the SPNKR trails come from. Other than that these guys are deader than dead. Something doesn't feel right about this...'
'Thats right soldier... it takes at least several days of exposure for the body's temperature to comfortably lower... send word higher up Makresh, I think we may have a small situation on our hands. Surprise, what-have-you, I dont know, but send word.

*All accross Lamoni Territory, THS troops set up small defensive positions and prepared for the counter-assault from NA. They wanted to leave the real glory of combat to the Lamonians, it was their war after all, until THS aid was officially requested, other than the forward teams of course.*
Holy Saints
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Posted: Jan 26 2005, 05:30 PM
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As the Novvs Atlantian rockets landed amongst the Hover Tanks and the mountains; which caused quite a few casualties, General Maxwell Black (the officer in charge of the attack) looked through a thermal sight from his prepared mountain command bunker. He could see the thermal 'hot spots' from the rocket launchers, and ordered the FMJphoenix planes to take them out. After that vital task was completed, he had the Combined Corps take on a Lamonian Hover Tank company, and move forward to scout the terrain. One of the troops happened to look through the thermal sight of his tank in order to find the rocket positions, and noticed a remarkable abscense of heat from the dead bodies. He was about to say something when a Novvs Atlantian heavy anti-tank rocket hit the Hover Tank and destroyed it. In retaliation, a Chacorian tank shot at and destroyed the rocket launcher, which was cunningly hidden.

Back at the command bunker, the Civil Gaurd units were still on the Lamonian side of the mountains, but one order from Gen. Black started them moving in to join the fight. This was going to be a major fight that Novvs Atlantis and their allies would never forget.

Meanwhile, a Lamonian four carrier group task force (including eight submarines) set sail, and went into combat against the Novvs Atlantian naval units that would have been in the way of a still secret Lamonian operation plan.

In the mountain command bunker, they were experiencing an earthquake. "What in tarnation was that!?!?!? Natural or artificial?!!?!," Gen. Black demanded to know. When no one could tell him what he wanted to know, he sent a special ops team to find out, and sent the rest of his alloted special forces units toward the enemy defensive positions.

President Stone noted that THS forces were setting up defensive positions inside Lamonian territory, and decided that he'd leave them there for now, just in case.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 29 2005, 07:44 PM
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"Gods be damned! How long is this going to take Marivs?"

The Consvl, standing a considerable distance from the fuming Imperator, regained his posture.

"As you know, Roma wasn't built in a day. We must take our time with this, if we rush it, it could bring the gods' wrath down upon our own men as well. It will be ready within the week Imperator. The avxillary legions can hold their own while we prepare for the attack."

"Very well, but the fate of our nation is at stake here. We can't just sit around and wait while Lamoni and her allies are at our throats."

"Caesar... There is one more thing."


"The Equites Singulares have volunteered to spearhead the strike after the attack."

The Imperator chuckled as he turned his back to the Consvl and looked up at the ceiling.

"I expected such from them, always wanting to steal the glory from the legions. Not this time. There's too much to lose if they are lost. Tell them such and if they have any complaints they can take it them up with me. That is all Consvl."

"Of course."

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 31 2005, 12:39 AM
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Allied forces were moving farther into Novvs Atlantian territory, waiting for the retaliation that everyone expected, but no sane person wanted. Eventually, fortified bunkers were sighted. An encrypted radio call to Gen. Black, and the allied forces were attacking the line of enemy defenses.

Back in Lamoni, twelve Tomahawk cruise missles were launched against key Novvs Atlantian power plants. They stayed low to the ground, where there was less chance of them being shot down as they approached their targets. As with all cruise missles, there were some that missed the target. Two Lamonian cruise missles malfunctioned and went off course, causing them to eventually fly out into the ocean, where they slipped under the waves and fell to the ocean bottom. The other ten were still on course for their targets as yet.

A ten carrier group task force (including 20 subs) was gathered between the Lamonian mainland and Lemnos to escort troop transports with more Lamonian army troops and equipment inside them to another part of the enemy's (NA's) mainland strip. If they were successful in opening up a second front, then the enemy would have to pour more resources into the battle there, masking Lamonian intentions, as well as giving the Allies the upper hand in Novvs Atlantis.

Fresh Lamonian troops were sent to the first enemy line of defense, where they knew that most of the dead troops didn't really die here, thanks to THS's warning. The troops moved the corpses out of the enemy fortifications, and dumped them into mass graves; using engineer bulldozers to cover the graves with dirt. They were also to see what the enemy had left behind in those fortifications, including any possible boobytraps.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Feb 2 2005, 09:23 PM
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Again the Emperor's counsel sat around the room and again some of those around the table were holograms, including Lord Kahal who was still on his flagship somewhere off of Lamoni's coast. And again in the center of the table was an imbeded holographic map of the region with the locations of all Nojikan fleets and naval ships and all other known fleet and ship locations. Other icons on the mapped marked locations of military targets around the region and large cities as well as numerous other things.

Grand Moff Terek Kator of the South Cove region stood to speak.

"Nojika's allie, Novvs Atlantia requested our state's assistance in a conflict with Lamoni and we agreed to support them throughout their war. We expressed our intent to support N.A. in their war and we must uphold that promise." He paused as a blinking red dot appeared on the holographic map showing that Lamoni forces had moved further into Novvs Atlantia territory. Looking up he continued, "Just days ago, Novvs Atlantia sent yet another transmission requesting Nojika's support in an operation aimed towards Lamoni. And we have yet to reply. The time is now, we can not let our allies down and this is Nojika's oppurtunity to show off it's grand naval fleet and exercise its strength during waring times. Nojika must prepare for aggressive action against Lamoni."

"With all due respect, what if something goes wrong?" General Falco asked slaming his fist into the table while rising. " We could lose a great majority of our military strength in a war we shouldn't be involved in. There is no reason for Nojika to be involved in Novvs Atlantia's foreign affairs!"

"What could go wrong?" Kator, still standing looked across the table to Falco, "We have an incredibly disciplined and loyal military, and Nojika finally has the oppurtunity to expand our territory and show our military's might and you of all people would rather sit back and watch?"

"I understand the point you are making, but do you recall the South Cove war? Novvs Atlantia was our enemy!" The room instantly errupted and it seemed as though everyone was yelling at everyone else.

"Silence, all of you." And within an instant of this being said the room was silent. The Emperor stood as his counsel calmed down and sat back in their seats. "We will support Novvs Atlantia in this war. This is no longer just their war, but it is now our war too." The Emperor turned to the fuzzy hologram standing next to him, "Lord Kahal, you will contact Novvs Atlantia and submit to their requests. Novvs Atlantia will now have supervised control over all deployed fleets; However, you are still in command."

" lord." And with that Lord Kahal's image faded away.

This post has been edited by Nojika on Feb 2 2005, 09:24 PM
Senator in Training
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Feb 2 2005, 10:48 PM
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Imperator Tiberivs Sentius Siricvs paced about his chamber. He stopped, looked to the heavens, and heaved open his doors. The two Praetorians to either flank of the door brought their ornamental Hastae to the ground, tapping their spears three times to indicate the Imperator had left his room.

Commotion could be heard from the room directly down the hall from the Imperator's chambers, the Battle Room. Siricvs strode down the hallway and into the room. Generals, the Consvls, and aides were yelling at each other and pointing frantically to the holo-map. The Praetorians at the flanks of the door followed the ritual that their comrades had just performed, minus a tap, to indicate the Imperator had now entered the room. Silence ensued.

"What is it now?" Siricvs was agitated, news of the war was not coming well, pulling troops out of the fight to prepare for the attack was costing Novvs Atlantis countless denarii in pillaged land.

Consvl Marivs was the first to speak up.

"The Lamoni military has reached our tertiary fortified line. After that they will have reached the main body of troops and they may be aware of our plans. If they catch the troops before they are ready... They will either corner them or drive them into the sea. On the bright side... The napalm charges in the first fortified line and the nerve gas in the second line went off without a hitch. We incinerated quite a few Lamonians at the first line. Not so many were taken by surprise in the second line."

A general interrupted.

"Imperator, our forces are spread thin, we can't hold off the entire Lamnoi force while the rest of the military awaits the attack. The attack must be within the day or Novvs Atlantis will fall."

Consvl Decivs gasped in excitement as a message flared up on his datapad. The room turned to him.

"What is it Decivs?"

"A message from Nojika! They are ready to fight, their forces are under our supervision and they have agreed to attack as soon as we are ready!"

"How'd you get that before any of us?" A tech rat peered at the Consvl from behind his glasses and adjusted his pocket-protector.

"Well... uh... I upgraded my 'pad with some special components... You know... An XIX Broadband Transponder... The works!"

Sircvs sighed and turned to Marivs.

"How long Marivs? How long until we can attack?"

Marivs looked around at the faces of the generals and scientists, the aides and the Praetors. He checked his data pad once more, looked at several important looking generals who gave him and nod and responded.

"It's ready."

"Very well, order the Nojikans to take up position along our fortified lines to keep the Lamonians out. Make sure the Nojikans know to strike as soon as Lamoni begins to pull her forces out, if they do pull out that is. If they don't, make sure they remain on the defensive for us."

"Of course Imperator, any other orders?"

"Yes, begin the attack."

A cheer rang out from the room and orders were made to commence the attack.

500 miles from Nova Roma on the Lamoni/NA border, the mountains began to slightly shake. No satellites were turning however, no missile siloes opened and prepared to fire, no super-cannons or space-ships, just a slight tremor underneath the mountains and it moved slowly along the ground.

At the far north-western edge of Lamoni a fissure tore open the ground. The ground cracked and split... And an armored drill appeared. It erupted from the ground and drove along the grass out of the way of the hole. A man got out, surveyed the area with binoculars and took out his radio.

"All clear... for now."

A thunder could be heard from the hole and it grew louder and louder. Soon the smell of diesel could be distinguished and the sound of trucks could be heard. An APC crept up the earthen ramp created by the drill on its exit and pulled next to the drill, troops got out and also surveyed the area. No radio response however as a whole line of APCs and tanks started to pour from the tunnel like ants.

One of the men that got out of the first APC smiled and turned to a soldier to his left.

"Order up the anti-aircraft emplacements, setup a perimeter and sweep the surrounding forest. After a perimeter is established, setup camp. We'll move out at daybreak."

Thousands of troops started working, setting up AAA and putting together the pre-fab structures. Others patrolled in their Humvees. The legions worked diligently but they only had several hours until daybreak. However, the several weeks of nonstop drilling had given the legionaries a new look at "hard work".
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Feb 4 2005, 07:05 PM
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As seismology recording stations all over Lamoni recorded the 'earthquake' in northwestern Lamoni, President Stone ordered that the LAF would send some planes over the affected area to take a look for damage, and whatever else that they could find. He also ordered part of the Lamonian Marine Corps to enter the area to assist the residents with whatever humanitarian assistance that they needed.

After all, he reasoned, If the nation was further attacked, he could always call up more reserves, the rest of the Marine Corps, and he had the THS forces all over the country. It was most certainly better than nothing.

Meanwhile, Lamonian and allied forces were continuing to press their attack on the main enemy lines inside Novvs Atlantis. They seemingly had yet to meet enemy armor, but they kept a wary eye out for any potential suprises. Men fought and died, the enemy was attempting to keep the Allied forces occupied, and most of the bunkers were shot up by allied fire. It looked like things were going well, but no one forgot that combat was full of suprises.

The Lamonian naval task force was entering Novvs Atlantian waters, and was preparing to offload the forces that would open up a second front behind enemy lines. As Novvs Atlantis had used nerve gas on allied forces, the Lamonian military planners had reasoned that it was only fair that Lamoni retaliate in the same way. As the landing forces came off of their transport ships, multiple cruise missles with Sarin warheads were going to be fired at key enemy resistance points that were to be pinpointed by Lamonian satellites.

Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Feb 5 2005, 12:06 AM
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"A Lamonian naval task force has entered our waters, Imperator. An assortment of warships, carriers, and we're picking up echoes on sonar, possibly submarines. However, amphibious assault craft have landed... here..."

The admiral pointed to a point on the holomap and continued.

"We're redirecting Nojikan forces along with our own to counter the new threat. And Xile and Abattoir have their fleets en route and will begin shore bombardment and engage enemy naval forces within the day."

Siricvs turned to Qvaestor Archarivs.

"Production. Military production. How's it going?"

"Our factories are operating at near 100% efficiency, tanks are being produced everyday along with plenty of ammo for years of fighting. The shipyards are moving relatively slower but everything's moving along with training of troops. By the time we have a new ship up and running we have a new crew ready to roll. This isn't going to last forever though, sign up rates are slowing."

"Abattoir, Xile and Nojika?"

"Their production levels are similar from what statistics we have recieved. Even with help from THS, Lamoni has no chance. Their weak economy prevents them from mustering factories anywhere close to our production levels."

"Predator squadrons?"

"UAV Predators are currently making nightly runs over Lamoni. Nothing serious, as of yet. We've had several malfunctions, a couple run-ins with armed civilians but other than that... It seems Lamoni is unaware of them. Their operators are awaiting targets."

"Target anything that looks like a goverment building, anything that could be a provinicial, local, regional, national, whatever government facility. I want them reduced to rubble. We have to ta... What in the name of the gods is that?"

The Imperator spun to the holomap and a general shouted,

"Cruise missiles, inbound. They're targetting military fortifications. Infantry bases."

"Get them underground and into their bunkers immediately! That's a direct order general and let the boys know it's straight from my mouth to their ears. Activate the Ivpiter defense grid and take those missiles down!"

Shouts were made and officers scrambled to different parts of the war room, sending out orders, coordinates and data to other stations around Novvs Atlantis and to the Ivpiter Defense Grid. The anti-missile defense system around Novvs Atlantis.

"Defense grid is powering up but three missiles will already be over us by the time it is, the other three missiles will detonate above..."

The officer looked at his screen.

"One above the channel, one above a Lamonian coastal town, and the other above the border mountains."

"Well do you what you can damnit!"

Ivpiter Defense Grid


Stations around Novvs Atlantis came to life, their lasers pivoting about and focusing on the missiles. The first station, just outside of Ariminum, charged up and fired its MIRAC laser. Looking like a large spot light, the turret followed the missile with its beam. Five other stations came to life and tracked the last two missiles. As planned, one detonated over the bay and the other over the bordering mountain range. The first three missiles, however, were still en route to the NA infantry bases.


20 miles from NA/Lamoni border


Tribvne Marcellvs woke to the flashing of his data pad: an urgent message... from the Imperator.

"What could it be this time?"

He activated his pad and read the message.

Cruise missile attack imminent; prepare immediately.

"For the love of the gods."

The Tribvne slammed his fist down on the alarm next to his bed. Klaxons and sirens wailed throughout the camp. Soldiers lept from their beds and double-timed it to the underground bunkers where they could find refuge from even the likes of a nuclear fallout.

An avxillary engineer sealed the door from the camp to the bunker and ran down the stairs and into the mess hall where all the other soldiers were. A head count was made and it turned out that one man remained above ground, a certain Private First Class Rick James...

PFC Rick James ran to the door just as the engineer locked it. He banged on it several times, but to no avail. He heard the whine of a missile and looked up.

"Now that's just superfreaky. I knew I shouldn't have turned off my alarm today! But I'm Rick James. Bitch. Hoo-ah!"

The missile slammed into the command structure and detonated. Unfortunately for PFC Rick James, the explosion didn't vaporize him.

"Yeah! I'm Rick James! What now son?"

His exclamation of joy was followed by a quick pelvic thrust... followed quickly by a clutching of the chest as those muscles around his lungs froze and prevented him from breathing. Several muscle spasms later, PFC Rick James lay dead on the ground.

The last two missiles followed similar fates. The two other bases however weren't as quick to prepare for the attack and casualties numbered in the several thouands.


Nova Roma


"Reports confirm that the three targetted missiles were shot down. Marcellvs' base withstood the attack but Rvsticvs' and Secvndvs' bases weren't so lucky. Casualties are still coming in."

"And the tunnel attack?"

"Undetected so far. Lamoni is sending aid to the towns affected by the tremor and some patrol flights are in the area."

"Order them to move forward and begin crushing everything in their path."

"Of course Imperator."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Feb 6 2005, 05:25 PM
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"Hawk 571, come to course 052, 350 knots, angels 30, over." The Lamonian air controller directed the plane to fly over an area that the air patrols had yet to check on possible damage to.

A cool "Roger," was the F-80 pilot's response. Major Allen Harkabi of the LAF manuvered his fighter-bomber onto the proper course, and saw something shiny on the ground. 'No big deal, it's probably a small pond or something,' he thought. Still, he should probably give it a closer look. As he flew closer to the ground, he spotted what looked like... a giant bore?? He circled the area, trying to get a better look at what was going on, until he was shot at by anti-aircraft fire. Evading the fire for the moment, he made a report on his radio, but then the AAA got him, and he was forced to eject.

When his report reached the Lamonian war room, it gained quick attention, and the decision was made to send the Lamonian Marines in to do a recon mission, with a second 'main' body of armed Marines standing by in case it was the enemy. In the meantime, the FRLS Antigua; which was escorting the forces used to make a second front, was authorized to launch ten Sarin tipped cruise missles at the Novvs Atlantian capital, and another ten at other major Novvs Atlantian cities. These missles would stay as close to the ground as possible, so as to make them harder to intercept. These missle strikes were intended to occupy the attention of the enemy leadership more than to cause casualties, but quite a lot of enemy casulties were expected from Sarin exposure. More EMP weapons were also made ready in case the enemy made an expected attempt to attack the Lamonian expiditionary force (the second front). It was decided that the FMJphoenix fighters would make use of them to support the expiditionary force, as the LAF and Marine Air Corps would be busy elsewhere.

On the main front, things were going well for the allies. The Hover-tanks seemed to do well at destroying enemy fortifications, even if both sides had lost many men. Entire Lamonian Artillery Corps were even joining in on the action, making the ground shake so much that people would be forgiven for thinking that they were experiencing an earthquake.

The analysis of the enemy fortifications that had already been overrun was already providing important clues about enemy construction techniques, as well as a little bit of enemy technology. Captured enemy weapons, as well as technology were taken back to Lamoni for study, and enemy POW's were also sent to Lamoni for interrogation and jailing.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Feb 7 2005, 09:26 PM
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"We've broken groun behind Lamoni lines, sir. Major attacks will begin shortly."

The Prime Minister leaned back in his chair. Bad habit his mother always told em would get him.

The door slung open and startled him to a backward collapse. He laughed as his wife stared him in the face.

"What the hell do you want, Alisande?" he chuckled as he picked himself up from the floor.

She looked at him haughtingly, the fool probably broke something and didn't even realize it. Oh well.

"Dinner's been ready, served, and sitting on your plate for over three hours. Get your ass home and eat or I won't be there when you get home!"

Tariskany sighed, grabbed his jacket, and turned to General Adrian.

"You can handle things for a bit. If we get any urgent messages, forward them to my house and I'll be right in."

The general grinned at his leader's quick reaction to his wife's orders. If only the military were so well trained...
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Feb 8 2005, 06:04 PM
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On the main front, allied forces were passing the third enemy line of defense, and moving to join up with the Lamonian forces that were busily creating a second front. These forces would then push any remaining enemy forces in their theatre of operations into the sea.

Gen. Black was pleased with what the allied forces had accomplished in this theatre, but the reports coming back from Lamoni itself were troubling. It seemed that enemy forces had tunneled all the way from Novvs Atlantis to Lamoni, and were getting ready to attack. Lamonian Marines and THS forces would have to force them back, he decided. He also hoped that allied air power would be able to close the tunnel that the enemy was using, thereby cutting off supplies to the enemy forces.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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