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An Invitation
Posted: Jul 31 2006, 11:06 AM
PMEmail Poster
July 31, 2006
From the offices of Bn-Ck

An invitation to Atlantian Oceania

The nation of Az-cz would like to share one of our national sports with the world. This sport is known as Kleptochase. It is similar to an obstacle course race, although there are some differences between our race and a standard obstacle course race. We will be providing more information in the attached pamphlet.
We would like to send delegations to interested countries. These delegations aim to establish friendly relations and to teach the ways of Kleptochase to any interested nations. In these delegations we would send politcal officials, coaches, current professionals, as well as past legends. We are also willing to have people from the member nations travel to Az-cz to learn about Kleptochase, other Az-czid sports, and Az-cz in general.
Eventually we would like to open Kleptochase to international competition. In the early stages we would like to teach are neighbors in Atlantian Oceania first, to see how various countries take to the sport. At some point in the not-to-distant future we would like to arrange an exhibition contest consisting of non Az-czzer Atlantian Oceania members. Thank you for your time and consideration.

President of Az-cz National Sports Association

OOC: To learn more about Kleptochase please visit Kleptochase Wiki. If there are anythings on there that don't make any sense or any stylistic Wiki errors, please tell me and I will correct them. Thanks.
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 07:40 PM
PMEmail Poster
Mice to chase Klepto's

Due to the first strands of international friendship that have been formed between Az-Cz and Miceland due to the proposed football friendly potentially to occur during the World Cup Qualifiers or maybe before that but after the Baptism of Fire. We mice would like to extend an offer to Az-Cz to send a Kleptochase delegation with it's appropriate diplomatic delegation as well.

We expect to perform extremely well in Maze courses and would also like to set up a Micelandic Kleptochase association.

This has been an official government communique and public release

This post has been edited by Miceland on Jul 31 2006, 07:46 PM
Scribe in Training
Posts: 20
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 02:06 AM
PMEmail Poster
Az-cz Scroll
August 1, 2006
Az-cz City

Az-cz announces delegation to Miceland

On a historic day of burgeoning international relations for Az-cz, they have announced the original members of the delegation to Miceland. The headliners of the trip include such dignitaries as Art-Bob, legendary chaser, Zf-Brn, head designer of the Maze Masters course, Kch-Jim, Head coach of Az-cz University Kleptochase, and current top level professional Bg-Burl, who won three times last season and earned a second place finish in the Gnome Thievery Tournament last year.
Accompanying these dignitaries will be a collection of coaches, players and course designers who will establish a long term presence in Miceland. The dignitaries will spend two weeks performing diplomatic relations, holding demonstrations, meeting the public of Miceland and establishing the basics of the program. Although there stay will only last two weeks, other dignitaries from Kleptochase will travel to Miceland from time to time.
Along with these headliners from Kleptochase, top ranking goverment official, Tug-Wx, will be travelling to Miceland. Hopefully she can establish good relations with the Miceland government. If all goes well she hopes to establish embassies for both countries in the other's country. She recognizes this is an ambitious goal considering the differences between the two countries, but she is optimistic that they can take their friendship to the next level.
Miceland should feel honored to have such stars visiting their country. Art-Bob is one of the two greatest chasers of all time. Furthermore, as the Mice have expressed an interest in the maze events, to have Art-Bob, a 5 time Maze Masters winner as well as the designer for the Maze Masters is a great honor. To learn about the maze event you could hardly choose two better people.
Coupled with the success in the Baptism of Fire, this is a wonderful time for Az-cz sports.
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 04:29 AM
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Miceland Mazes Aided by Az-Cz Star chasers

The first Maze Kleptochase was a real successful event, many mice turned out to see the Az-Cz Kleptochase delegation including star Maze course chaser, designer for the Maze Masters, head coach of Az-Cz University's Kleptochase team as well as current Az-Cz professionals.

As the first exhibition game went underway the crowd started to scream support for both chasers it was a close game with both chasers getting to there goal close together, however one was slightly ahead of the other. As the players ran through the maze, one trying to get to a safe house, that is going to start getting called the mouse hole and as the other trying to catch the one that got to it's target first, which is now going to be called the cat. The game ended with the chasee getting to the mouse hole with the cat being just a centimetre away.

After the first demonstraiton officials from the Miceland Gaming and Entertainment Council which has initiated the Miceland Kleptochase Alliance(MKA), the MKA will use standard kleptochase rules but names for items will be changed for a more micey feel.

As for the proposed establishment of embassies, the government is not currently looking to end it's isolationist policies and so embassies are not something that will currently be considered but a decision to allow an exchange of diplomatic attaches which can represent both the view of either governments to each other or look after citizens of each nation in other's territory. This decision will be up for review after examination of our flirt if internationalisation.

This has been an official government communique and public release

This post has been edited by Miceland on Aug 1 2006, 04:30 AM
Scribe in Training
Posts: 20
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 11:36 AM
PMEmail Poster
Speech from Art-Bob

I'm very encourage by what I've seen from the Mice in their first exhibition to day. They raced well and it was a very exciting match. Their technique needs work, but it will come. For a species who has never competed in Kleptochase before they did an excellent job.

As for the designating of mouse terms, we have no objections. If they believe that using mouse terms will encourage interest, then we support their decision. We request that any players intending to compete in future international contests or visiting Az-cz to compete in Az-cz competitions learn the native Az-cz terminology, but for matches held within Miceland we think it is a great idea to use terms more comfortable to them. We encourage them to create an iconic goal object. It is easy to understand that a stuffed gnome is perhaps not the most exciting prize for citizens of Miceland and that something they more easily relate to would make a better prize. In relation to that we are opening up a contest for all citizens of Miceland to send in ideas for what they believe to be a good goal object. We will discuss these ideas with members of the Miceland sporting community and hope to have some new goal objects in the near future.

We'd also like to announce a travelling circuit of experiental events. At these events any interested mice will be able to compete in a round, or more time permitting of Kleptochase. At each trap or lock we will position a coach or player to aid players who are struggling to disarm the traps on their own. But we will give each player a chance to do things on their own. We will be visiting the four biggest cities of Miceland and demonstrating one course type each day. We will open the day with a live exhibition from two professionals with explaining commentary both pre match and during the chase. Then we will open things up to interested mice. So please check the schedule and come on down to experience Kleptochase.

One more note is that we are willing to accept any new ideas for traps, locks, obstacles, or tools. All suggestions will be taken by the Kleptochase rules comittee.

Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 3 2006, 11:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
An open letter to Bn-Ck:

Exhaulted President,

I fear our two nations have gotten off on the wrong foot, due to a minority of sadly misguided citizens who trashed the area near your stadium this past week. I am writing to deeply apologize to you on a personal level, and to your wonderful nation as a whole. As a gesture of goodwill we offer the following:

1) You may do with your prisoners what you wish. We advise you however, that if you deport them back to us, they will be tried for Crimes against Sport, which carries a maximum sentence of death. If you wish, we can televise their trials, and possible executions, to your country so you can see how Winchestian justice is done.

2) We would very much like to learn your game of Kleptochase. We here in Wnchestia are always looking to find new and exciting ways to express ourselves athletically. We can guarentee no more of our small minority of bigots will come to your country during this trip, as long as you do not announce the trip until our arrival.

We here in the government hope that this could be a new start between our nations, and look forward to your reply.


Ken Michales

Captain of Capital Players Softball Team
President of Winchestia

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Posted: Aug 4 2006, 02:40 AM
PMEmail Poster
August 4, 2006
From the Desk of Bn-Ck

National Matters

President Michaels,

Thank you for your warm greetings. I believe that Winchestia is a fine nation not accurately represented by the select few we are currently holding in detention.

As for those prisoners we would like to deport them back to Winchestia on two conditions. One that they be spared penalties of death or serious jail time. We believe that a large number of hours of community service would be a more appropriate punishment for their actions. We also believe that that is a fair way for the damages to be repaid. Your government can pay us for the damages they have caused and then recoup that money through the services they provide to your community.

As for Kleptochase we would be delighted to send a delegation to Winchestia. We will arrange a delegation and as soon as we have organized a willing party we will inform you at which time we can begin arranging the actual activities of their stay.

Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 5 2006, 03:15 AM
PMEmail Poster
Winchestia and the Kleptochase

The government of Miceland has still have serious reservations about the nation of Winchestia, involving the incident in Az-Cz and that newspaper article. However we notice the significance and potential for the mending of relationships between our two nations. As a result we welcome Winchestia's interest but as yet, relations with Winchestia are still cold.

We will wait and watch to see how the nation of Winchestia treats Az-Cz and will take that into account when we re-evaluate our foreign relations with Winchestia
Scribe in Training
Posts: 20
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 08:43 AM
PMEmail Poster
Exhaulted Sport President Bn-Ck,

I am delighted that you are still willing to come and teach us your fascinating game of Kleptochase. Perhaps, in time of course, we could have a tri-national series between us and Miceland. We look forward to accepting your delegation, and hope it will be a success.

As for the prisioners, as I had mentioned in my previous letter, you are free to keep them if you wish. However, we hold our laws very sacred, and will not change them by request of another government. That is not to say that we do not appreciate your sentiments, only that we believe in our own way of doing things.

As an explanation: Should the prisoners be found guilty of Match Fixing (which we mean to take as ANY action that substantially alters the course of a match in which you are not an active participant) the penalty is death. My prosecuters tell me that this is an unlikely result given your police forces swift and cunning response. What they tell me is more likely is crime of Sport Rioting, which was originally intended to cover over-reaction to celebrating. We feel the statute applies in this case, adn the penalty, if found guilty, is 10-15 years in a medium security prison.

We feel it is a must to send a message to these bigots who have done this, not only for our two nations, but to those nations we may meet in the future.

I thank you for your time and attention,

Ken Michales

Captain of Capital Players Softball Team
President of Winchestia
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Posts: 19
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 07:04 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Heck if they can do it we can do it"

"Fine, we'll see if we can drum up some support."

To all interested nations from the MSFA:

We also have our own little national sport called suicide footballer. And we would also like to share it with the world. While the rules are quite complicated so we really can't explain them in this telegram its a mixture of rugby, aussie rules football, American Football with our own little bit of Milchamian ingenuity mixed in.

If there are interested please tell us and we will be happy to help grow the game in your country.

We would also be interested in learning Kleptochase but only in exchange for suicide footballer.

Thank you and good night.

OOC: I don't have a wiki for it sorry.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 08:08 PM
PMEmail Poster
From the Minister of Sport and Recreation

The concept of Kleptochase intrigues us, we would be most happy to extend an invite for an Az-Cz Kleptochase delegation with an accompanying diplomatic entourage. We'd also like to introduce you to the sport of Bazalope Racing, he have a number of Bazalope Studs that we could import to Az-Cz. Combined with that after the Bazalope has gone past it usefulness in racing. Bazalopes make a nutritious and healthy basis for a meal.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 11:01 PM
PMEmail Poster
From the Desk of Bn-Ck,

President Michales,

We have arranged our delegation to visit your country. We will be sending a number of stars from the Kleptochase field. The most important of these is Tex-Mex, the greatest Chaser of all time. He has some idea of Winchestia, from the reports given by his son Bub-Rub, who competed there in the baptism of fire. We will also be sending the coach from Mil-Bax university Ki-Lo, and the head designer of the Orc Strength Showdown course, Md-Pt. This is not to mention the other coaches and players that will be visiting.

As for the prisoners, we have decided to give each prisoner the choice to return to your country and stand trial there or stay here and deal with our decisions. We will be questioning each prisoner and will inform you of the details as soon as we have collected all of the information.

President of Az-cz National Sports Association
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 11:03 PM
PMEmail Poster
From the desk of Bn-Ck

To the nation of Milchama:

Az-cz is definitely interested in learning about your suicide football. We are unfamiliar with Rugby, so people from your country will have to teach us about most of the game, but we have experience with American football and our willing to learn.

In exchange we will be sending a delegation to your country to teach about Kleptochase. We are excited for the opportunity to do such a thing.

President of Az-cz National Sports Association
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 7 2006, 11:06 PM
PMEmail Poster
From the desk of Bn-Ck

To the Bazalonian Minister of Sport and Recreation:

We are honored to send a delegation to Bazalonia. Bazalonia is an established country of Atlantian Oceania and we are pleased that such a country is willing to take up our sport of Kleptochase. We will work on arranging a delegation to visit your country and try to send them as soon as possible. We will inform you when the delegation is ready so we can make arrangements.

President of Az-cz National Sports Association
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 9 2006, 11:17 AM
PMEmail Poster
The Human Party
Official Release on Kleptochase:

We have been asked, by our members, to clarify our position as it relates to sports of other races. Our position has always been clear in our mind, non-humans should NOT be involved in football. As football is not spelled "Kleptochase", we have no problems with the fine beings from Az-Cz having a kleptochase exhibiton. In fact, as a gesture of apology for what some of our more "militant" followers have done, I intend to go to the Kleptochase match, whenever and wherever it happens.

Sam Waterton
Member of The Human Party
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