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Nojikian Spies Captured In Orichalc....
Posted: May 19 2004, 09:19 PM
PMEmail Poster
TO: Aron Lavinsky
FROM: Revan Uvirith
Dear Aron Lavinsky,

It has to come to my attention that you suspect the Novus Atlantian government to use the LUCIFER PROJECT against regions of Atlantian Oceania. You couldn't be further from the truth. The weapon would be used as regional defense.

You also believe the LUCIFER PROJECT to be some type of "missile", while I can't divulge the entire PROJECT, I can assure you, the LUCIFER PROJECT is no "missile", as you so call it. And if I were to use this weapon against your nation I can also assure you any anti-missile system would be of no use. But again, as I have said, I will not use, nor did I intend to, this weapon (which is not even completed may I add) on any nation of Atlantian Oceania.

Another issue that I must clear up is your belief that the Nojikan terrorist attack on the Praetonian stadium was not linked to the the Nojikan government. The data crystal enclosed with this letter is proof of such a link. It is 100% authentic, but you may run it through your finest scanners if you so wish and you will find no tampering of any sort.

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: May 19 2004, 09:48 PM
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-- Meeting Between Aidan Cannonite and Aron Lavinsky --

As a measure to ensure regional stability, the nations of Xile and Abattoir have decided to launch a joint effort to protect the nation of Nojika against foreign invasion. They hope to stave off war by holding on to these principles, and if war comes from it, plan on staying the course. President Cannonite belives that although Project Lucifer may not be designed for inter-regional disputes, that it will ultimately be used to advance Novus Atlantica in the tiers of Atlantian Oceania.

After reviewing the letter, Abattoir and Xile have decided that they will not take part in any pre-emptive strike against Novus Atlantica, but still plan to maintain and aid the defences of Nojika. They see this as a charade put in place to create a Novus Atlantian empire, and sadly Nojika stands in the way of their expansion.

Any attacks against Nojika will be viewed as attacks against Xile and Abattoir, and will be handled as such. They hope to maintain diplomatic relations as long as possible, and see war as a last, tragic resort.

(OOC: Is Holy Saints still in our region?)
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 19 2004, 09:55 PM
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Would an act of war on my part be excused if I were not to have an imperialistic agenda?

If I am to attack Nojika and if I do suceed in conquering it, I wouldn't plan on destroying it entirely. I would allow them to relocate to a different sector, all I want is land.

:Imperator Revan Uvirith
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 19 2004, 10:00 PM
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TO: Revan Uvirith
FROM: Aron Lavinsky

Mr. Uvirith,

I have examined the crystal, and must agree that it is obvious the attack was aided by the Nojikian government. However, I believe that this was the best pre-emptive strike they could muster, with such limited resources and finances. It was their last effort to foil the Lucifer Project before such a project could be completed, for fear it would be used against them. I believe that there is some truth in this assumption, as you may not have had them targeted at the moment, but for your colonial expansion as you said, they stand in your way. President Canonnite and I have discussed the situation and have concluded that we will in no way try to incite hostility between your nation and that of Nojika. Force, however, shall not be used as long as diplomocy is the only course that this situation ensues.

I will have to regretably maintain my current course of action, and hope that you will disarm your invading force and concentrate mainly on guarding from future attacks.

Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: May 19 2004, 10:06 PM
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There is no excuse for war except to ensure domestic freedom. Expansion does not fall into this category. Therefore if any action is taken against the nation of Nojika, we will retalliate. We will drive you back to the confines of your borders and keep you there. When you are subsquently conquered, we will make room for permanent military bases, where your actions and developments will be monitored until we see it fit that your nation can function in peace with those around you. Expansion is fine, but you should take a diplomatic approach at this time. Perhaps ask for a small territory of Nojika as retribution, where your expansion would not be blocked. I am sure delegates of Tachbe could draw out such a treaty, which should satisfy you, and keep war out of this region. This is of course, our main goal.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 19 2004, 11:13 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: Sorry for such a late reply to everything, I have been and still am very busy with school...

::A young man calmly enters President Kaiji's office...::

"Sir, the A.O.R.D.O. demands a response to their desired terms. What shall I transmit to the organization?"

"Transmit across open networks that Nojika will comply with all terms set by the Defense Organization. They may be our only hope in succeeding in a confrontation with N.A."

"Yes sir, I shall transmit the message immediately."

"Very well, dismissed."

::Minutes later, the same man enters the office again...::

"Sir, Holy Saints has sent to our borders their 132nd Heath and their 60th Airborne. Holy Saints has also sent in their elite special operation forces. Xile requests permission to deploy troops to our borders. Abattoir requests the same permissions. I believe Xile and Abattoir wish to stand as a defensive perimeter, so to speak, we are not sure if Holy Saints is doing the same. I assume we will allow these deployments?"

"Damn, I never dreamed we would receive this much support so ear..."

...interrupting the president...

"Sir, shall we allow the deployments of foreign troops?"

"Yes, yes of course. Dism...wait, when you go, get me General Kajerin on the phone, we may need to move our navy into position..."

"Yes sir."


This post has been edited by Nojika on May 19 2004, 11:14 PM
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Posted: May 20 2004, 03:56 AM
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OFC-May we take from that that you accept AORDO's terms, or you are not because you are getting plenty aid from countries acting on their own accord?
Experienced Senator
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Posted: May 20 2004, 05:42 AM
PMEmail Poster
I believe that this was the best pre-emptive strike they could muster..."

Interesting. A pre-emptive strike on innocent civilans having nothing to do with the LUCIFER PROJECT, surely they wouldn't be so naive to believe an attack on such civilans would stop the LUCIFER PROJECT, if anything it has only given me more reason to continue the PROJECT.

Perhaps ask for a small territory of Nojika as retribution, where your expansion would not be blocked. I am sure delegates of Tachbe could draw out such a treaty, which should satisfy you, and keep war out of this region. This is of course, our main goal.

This intrigues me... If Nojika would accept such a treaty then there would be no need for war...

:Imperator Revan Uvirith
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: May 20 2004, 05:59 AM
PMEmail Poster
Nojika, before you accept any agreement, look at your back up on the map now. And keep in mind the forces each nation sis contributing. I think the questing is moving onto, does Novus Atlantica accept the council request regarding banning lucifer and letting us set up shop?

user posted image

This post has been edited by Tachbe on May 20 2004, 05:59 AM
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 20 2004, 02:52 PM
PMEmail Poster
*Current THS support withdrawn from AORDO*

{<<Message Cypher Direction: AORDO HQ>>}
{<<Message Topic: Withdrawal of Support>>}
[The HS government finds the claims of Novus Atlantica Unacceptable and therefore sides with Xile and Abbotir on the situation report. Support is withdrawn from AORDO to more ably defend THS interests rather than regional interests and all current forces of THS standing are put on alert to attack Novus Atlantica at further provocation; current standing military in the region: 167,000 personell. Further away, in THS areas, there are many more men availiable for combat duty.]
End Message>>}

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on May 20 2004, 02:54 PM
Holy Saints
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Posted: May 20 2004, 03:21 PM
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"Imperator there is some very good news I must share with you..."

The Imperator sat up straight at this, closing his laptop.


"The LUCIFER PROJECT... We have made some astonishing breakthroughs... The research facility off-world free of power restraints has been able to conduct hundreds of tests. This has improved our rate of research considerably. We have enough cegitolium for one succesful use of the LUCIFER system on an area of land of approximately 2 square kilometers. Anything in that area will be crushed at a force of 1000 G's. That is 1000 times the gravity of Earth. While you promised not to use the LUICIFER system on any nation of A.O.R.D.O... It may be too late for negotiations, and even if we suceeded with them... The LUCIFER PROJECT will end up being shut down.

The other bit of good news is about the defensive gauss rifles. Due to the recently installed targetting AI's we can now fire across the Nojika Channel... It is estimated that we could hit targets in Rozier and even in sector Z12."

"Excellent news Deviath, however I will not permit the LUCIFER system to be used on any civilan target, strictly military. Prepare the Legions, make ready the LUCIFER system, have ALPHA and BETA teams on standby, have the defensive gauss rifles target any and all military forces in Rozier, have the secondary rifles target ships in the Nojika Channel, activate Anti-Air defenses, and put my Sardaukar on alert."

The Consul stopped writing notes on his data pad.

"Anything else?"

"Make ready the announcements."

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: May 20 2004, 03:42 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Tut tut, though I can't say I wouldn't when faced with certain doom. smile.gif


AORDO Headquarters

"?and with the forces from Xile guarding that region that should stop them landing across those beaches without a fight." The general said slowly moving flags across a 3D map projected over the conference table.

The Tachbian AORDO delegate stared over the model. It was 20 minutes before the meeting and they were still working out how to hold the peninsular. The bright lights flooding in through the windows from the bay on Lopinka. "What about the east coast?"

"They can?t land there sir, they would be bale to take the people from the front, nor have the naval power to make it round the peninsular without being spotted, the moment we see them we would engage their ships."

"What if they use Lucifer on the fleet? The satellite isn?t charged yet."

"To get that working before were prepared they would have to be working faster than rabbits can breed. Now, If we sent a force to the north coast we can break thought their lands and be in their capital before-"

"We are not invading them. At least not without support from the rest of AORDO. I just wish our air force was up to scratch.?

?If you go and waste money on the satellite we would have money for new planes."

"An air force won?t help us against Lucifer"

"Ah but it will! I have drawn up a plan, if we get enough planes we can level every possible place they could hide it."

"And if it?s underground?"

"Then we level the entrance"

"Just get a defensive plan ready, I need to gather the other representatives?
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 20 2004, 03:54 PM
PMEmail Poster
President Cannonite slowly raised his head from the papers he was scrutinizing to return his gaze to his array of generals.

"You are saying that this...Lucifer Project...can totally flatten anything in a 2 kilometer radius? And what is the time it takes to recharge this phenomenal weapon?"

General Mark Simonal gasped in exasperation. "Sir, the fact is, we know nothing more than what the weapon is capable of. Further investigation into the project had not commenced when relations between the two countries reached hostile levels."

Aidan turned and stared at the wall, his head swimming with doubts. "Alright, I want you to split our available troops into smaller legions, and place them three kilometers away from one another. Instruct the navy to encircle the island of Novus Atlantica, but give them the same warning. Do not let anyone, or anything out of that country, I want it totally locked down. Scramble the fighter jets. I want to be ready to annhiliate the nation if it has to be done. Await further approval of the AORDO before invading. However, if an offensive is launched against us, I want you to hold nothing back. Now go."

The generals hastily exited the room, and the president walked slowly to his war room, trailed by half a dozen aides and counselors.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 20 2004, 03:55 PM
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You need planes?
Samonina sends her entire airforce-its just the basics really. take what you need and leave what you dont. We will start building a back up force so you neednt worry about leaving us with no defense
Experienced Senator
Posts: 307
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Posted: May 20 2004, 04:11 PM
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AORDO Mobile Command, Tachbian Office, Rozier

"Sir, word from Lopinka command, looks like we have some more air cover. Samonina has sent her air force over" The young officer said pocking his head round the office corner.

The Tachbian general looked round away from his piles of reports. A change from the comfort of AORDO command the mobile offices set up were hardly spacious. "Excellent, some good news. Convey our gratitude to the Samoninan office." As the young officer left he looked round to the Xile general standing opposite him next to the table. ?2 kilometres you say. Contact the Nojikans then, with our army mounting they may be forced to use it against us. I will send a notification to Lopinka, we must have more transport to get the civilians out of the cities, and the country if necessary. All countries near by should send ships to get civilians to safety. I suggest we move position to, or at least set up a second command post 3 km from here. "
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