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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Jan 18 2005, 02:59 PM
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QUOTE (Novvs Atlantis @ Jan 18 2005, 02:52 PM)
OOC: The Romans were defeated more by internal conflict than by barbarians.

OOC: I know, but the barbarians didn't help them any either.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 07:15 PM
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QUOTE (Ainorpisp @ Jan 18 2005, 03:16 AM)
"...A carrier attack force will be sent to aide our allies - make it the ANS Enterprise..."

"Oh, no you don't," Admiral Clarke smiled to himself as he had the latest Sat. photos of Ainorpispian naval movements handed to him, "looks like we got some manouevres of our own to do."

Without delay he tapped a button on his desk.

"Captain? Clarke here. Indris is a go, proceed as planned."

<Aye, Sir.>

Yanosh Clarke sat back in his chair. The pride of the Starblaydi Navy, the Indris Navy Battlegroup, would now be setting sail and heading west, around South Osettia, at best possible speed. Headed by the Doujin-built Infusion-Class Trimaran Aircraft Carrier Tiberius, it was the most formidable weapon in the Navy's somewhat-oversized fleet.

Along with the Task Force already patrolling outside former-Krytenia, this would block both the direct and scenic routes to the conflict ground in the south-west of the region. Combined with the fact that Starblaydi-controlled airspace and territory was in the most-obvious path for any planes, not much of Ainorpisp's machinery would be making it to Lamoni any time soon without barging past one of the more-impressive navies in the Region. After all, the last thing this situation needed was an escalation. Right?

"Lieutenant," Clarke had pressed another button, "get me... oh, i dunno, Andrei Fokker on the dog-and-bone, A.S.A.P. Let's see if we can calm things down, some."

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Jan 18 2005, 07:28 PM
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 09:58 PM
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"Sir, we have a major problem here," undersecretary of the Ainorpispian Navy Junior Admiral Ilko Sterrence announced, entering the office of Andrei Fokker with a scowl on his face, "The Starblaydi navy is moving into positions that will undoubtedly block our paths to Lamoni. Why they're doing this I'm not certain, but unless we're willing to risk war with them, we won't be able to get through to our allies."

"That's horrendous... we need to get there in time to back up Lamoni," Fokker groaned, "The last thing we need right now is this deterrance..."

*Minister Fokker, Admiral Clarke of the Starblaydi navy is on the secure line,* Fokker's secretery informed him over the intercom.

"Thank you, I'll take it from here," Fokker responded, then picked up his end of the line and announced, "This is Fokker. Listen, you'd better have a damn good reason for getting in our way here. Our long-time ally has been assaulted for absolutely no reason, and we have promised to keep our pledge of alliance to them. Novvs Atlantis and its allies are perpetrating an illegal war for no reason whatsoever, and someone has to do something about it. Now either AORDO does something or we plan to on our own, but this war must be stopped before both sides slaughter each other."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jan 19 2005, 06:55 PM
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OOC: its sorta ironic that AORDO has completely failed at completing its goals of regional unification and protection... with its own members fighting each other.
Holy Saints
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Posted: Jan 19 2005, 07:25 PM
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Polar Command in the northern ice mass of Atlantian Oceania answered the red phone and recieved their orders. Jets were scrambled around the command to engage any enemy aircraft, and the anti-aircraft guns were activated.

A heavily dressed officer inserted a key into the tracking screen mounted on the wall. Two others inserted keys elsewhere in the machine. The last man in the command center inserted his key and opened the case covering the keyboard and quickly entered in a few codes.

The screen before him came to life, and he keyed in a few more entries, and immediately saw a myriad of white specks flying across the grid.

Missles screamed as they came out of the water, and raced quickly to the western half of Lamoni, less guarded because of its farther proximity from Novus Atlantis. Large explosions would be rocking power plants, oil refineries, sewer works and television broadcast stations throughout the west.

President Lauir recieved word and smirked. "Let's see how those bastards like seeing what a war is really about. Is our command prepared yet?"

"Almost Mr. President. You will be notified immediately when it is ready."

This post has been edited by Xile on Jan 19 2005, 07:27 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Jan 19 2005, 07:36 PM
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(OOC: THS, that's like saying NATO would have failed in its task if France went to war with Germany. Lamoni and NA seem perfectly able to defend themselves)

"Now, look here, Fokker, helping one side to slaughter another does not appear, to me at least, to be an effective way of stopping a war. An escalation in this Region is not what we need, and AORDO is not here to step in, kick some pre-defined booty and step out again."

Clarke went on to make it clear that the Indris Battlegroup would not be moving any time soon, and that the Starblaydi Navy would not suffer any agressive actions taken against it.

"The last thing we need here is for another fully-armed nation to step into the conflict that is already starting. There's nothing we can do to stop a war, but we sure can prevent it from going on longer than necessary."

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Jan 19 2005, 07:39 PM
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Posted: Jan 19 2005, 08:19 PM
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With notification that Xile's offshore missiles had been fired, it was time for Prime Minister Tariskany to act.

"Alright, prepare flights for a secondary run of the Novvs Atlantica targets, and hit whatever their pilots failed to target. I'm sure we'll take heavy losses, but the time to act is now." he commanded.

The Admiral left the room to order the strike, and Antoine began his usual pondering over the matters at hand. It was true that so far almost all the action taken had been against Lamoni targets. There had been a few air raids on some his allies major economic areas, but merely as an attempt to slow down their actions.

However, to inflict the most damage upon their major enemy at this time was essential. Perhaps it was time to prepare full military invasion.

Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Jan 21 2005, 12:49 AM
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"Mr.Chairman?" Defence Minister Gordon Mayeau inquired. His brow was glistening.

"For Christ's sake Gordon, we just got our people landed. What?!?"

"We may have picked a bad time for that. It appears that Lamoni ans Novvs Atlantis ar at war."

"Holy crap. Anything this end?"

"Xile appear to have joined the Atlantians...."

"Well that's a no-brainer!"

"...As have Abattoir."

Chairman Warzycha almost choked on his own saliva. "So lets see. That's Rock (The Chairman holds up his left hand at shoulder height), Hard Place (now the right), Us. (The Chairman cranes his head in between his hands.)"


"Bugger that. I'm not toughing this one with a ten foot pole. Ready a couple of SAM sites. Anything non-neutral enters our airspace, if it ain't a bird, blow it to smithereens. If it is a bird, smack it with some AA fire. I ain't putting anything past these guys."

"Right sir. I'll get on that straight away. Oh, and some good news..."


"LUCIFER has been sent to hell. NA messed up when they fired it."

"Send the Imperiator a ham as a condolence." The Chairman sighed in relief. Even if they were staying neutral, he didn't want his nation looking like an Olney frying pan*.

[OOC: Olney is a town in the UK famed for it's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race. No, really.]
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Jan 21 2005, 05:49 PM
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(OOC: I want to put the Chacorian force in charge of the Emagolian volunteers so that the Emagolians have some officers. Chacor and Emagol can TG me with what they think of that, and which of the two nations wants to RP that.)

"Lamoni had been hit with a lot of missles and air strikes. Xile and NA probably thought that they have us between a rock and a hard place," President Stone thought.

Turning to his Air Force General, he demanded "Why the hell did we NOT have Air Patrols above our cities during these attacks!?!?!?! Do I have to do all of the thinking myself!?!?!? You are fired!!!! Get out of here, and get your replacement in here NOW!!!!!!!! " Feeling somewhat better, the President told the now lone Air Force officer in the room (a Major), and ordered, "Get Combat Air Patrols into the skies above all likely targets right now. Deploy the SAMS and AAA in a effective pattern. You are now a Colonel." The newly frocked Colonel hurridly saluted, and ran out of the room to carry out his instructions. Looking at Colonel-General Bondarenko, he ordered, "Get the THS ground troops on the ground on the double." That sent the Colonel General off to carry out his instructions.

The Foreign Minister came into the room and handed the President a note. It was from Nivekllayr2, and it promised 200,000 'gangsta killas' to aid Lamoni in the war. The President groaned, thinking, "This is the LAST thing that I need."

(OOC: I sent NA a TG about the 'gangsta killas,' and we are going to negotiate something about them as I don't want them.)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 21 2005, 10:12 PM
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"What in the name of the gods is going on?" A crash resonated through the halls of the Citadel and the Praetorians grabbed the hilt of their blades as the Imperator questioned the Consvl.

"Apparently gangs of our more prominent cities including Nova Roma have been bribed to commit acts of domestic terrorism against us by Lamoni. Generally they fight amongst themselves but now they seem to be targetting military garrisons, government buildings and in the cities of Massilia and Genua they are going so far as attacking the fortified outposts."

"I want them all killed. If they don't like life here, they can die. PRAETORIANS, assemble, we have blood to spill."

From the shadows of the Citadel a cohort of Praetorians assembled at the feet of the Imperator. The Praetorian Prefect, Titvs Maximvs Regvlvs, handed the Imperator an mate and he led the way out of the Citadel and into the Forvm Romanvm of Nova Roma.

The Imperator ducked as several bullets whizzed by his head. He shot a sustained burst at the area and a scream sounded from behind a dumpster as the gun's armor piercing bullets struck a target.

"Spread out, no mercy. Spare one for every ten you kill."

Three hours had passed and over 5,000 bodies were returned to the Imperator. The ones who died were lucky, they were either shot in the abdomen or the face. The ones that were taken prisoner weren't so lucky.

"What do we have here?" The Imperator circled a thug who was being kept down on his knees by a Praetorian.

"Man yo, I ain't not be no disrespect you yo. I just be doing it fo' da bling, kaa, you know I'm say?"

"Yes, yes, I know what you're saying. What's your sign, kaa?"

The thug through up his hands and formed the word "BLOOD" with his fingers.

"A Blood, hmm... hmm.... Praetorians, send him through a meat processor, alive."

"What da hell yo? You a sick bastard yo, you sick -explicitive removed-. Imma I dislike your position, comrade. Maybe we can talk this over another time when my emotions are not so escalated? up yo, you can't do dis to me. I be tell niggahs all day yo. You can't do this! Naw yo, let me go and I be coo', I be coo'!"

"Dispose of the others in a similar manner. Eviscerate them, decapitate them, boil them alive, whatever you feel like. Be sure to record it however, and play it in the colosseums and in the major cities. In fact... Send recordings to each gang, the Bloods, the Crypts, all of them. Give them this ultimatum:

Either they surrender or they all die like their friends did.

Simple as that. Now go."

The Praetorians saluted the Imperator and carried off their screaming prisoners. The Imperator, however, walked back up the steps of the Citadel with the nine remaining Praetorians and muttered,

"Odd that Lamoni hasn't attacked yet."

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Jan 22 2005, 11:36 AM
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'Sir, Colonel-General Bondarenko is contacting us, he says he wants our forces ready to go on the double.'
'Tell him we're ready and rearing. Do not mention our forward forces, they are only known of to President Stone. None other. Tell him we can have 200,000 Royal Guards move forward within the hour, and at least 700,000 Regulars can be moved out within 2 hours. Our spec. ops are at his disposal, they were prepared hours ago.'

Holy Saints
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Posted: Jan 23 2005, 12:17 AM
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Looking at General-Colonel Bondarenko, President Stone asked "How are the preparations for the attack on Novvs Atlantis coming along?"

The reply came back without hesitation: "We are waiting for the troops from THS to arrive. Our forces, joined with the combined Chacor/Emagol corps, and the THS forces will roll into Novvs Atlantis in two days. It would be helpful if we had some special forces up ahead of the staging areas. I have many uses for them."

"That has been taken care of. You don't need to know how, but it has. However, you may surge as many Lamonian special forces ahead as you feel that you need. Just make certain that our special forces personell don't shoot people unless they are able to positively identify them as the enemy. Understood General?"

Out came the standard response of, "Yes sir."

As the thought came to him, the President asked the General about how the rogue gangstas were fairing.

"Well sir, they are doing about as well as can be expected. Their initial element of suprise is now rapidly fading, and we predict that they won't last long without it. After all, the are only armed with their own pistols and knives. There is nothing on them to tie them to us. We might actually have to thank Nivekllayr2 for adding them to the mix. They seem to be providing an excellent distraction. In fact, I would reccomend that we send out air strikes against Novvs Atlantis while they are otherwise occupied."

"Speaking of which," the President started to say, "where is the replacement for the Air Force General that I canned? He should've been here long before now."

"I honestly don't know, sir. I'll find out, though." With that, Bondarenko went over to a secure telephone and attempted to find the information that the President wanted. Meanwhile, the President had caught the attention of the Air Force officer that he had frocked to Colonel.

"Colonel, I want immediate air strikes against Novvs Atlantian military targets. We must use the distraction of the gangsters to our advantage while the gangsters are still alive. We already know that they've SAID that they will fight to the last man, but I don't trust them any farther than I can throw them, allies or not. Get going." Such were the orders of the President.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 23 2005, 08:19 PM
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"Imperator, the gangs have responded to our messages."


"The gang leaders have agreed to stop the violence; however, the prospect of money from Lamoni and whatever ally helped in this incident is too much for some of the gang members to ignore. Splinter gangs have formed, less powerful than the main gangs, but still an annoyance.

They don't seem to respond well to regular military personnel... Praetorians on the other hand... Well... I think you should look at this yourself."

Consvl Marivs handed the Imperator a data crystal which was promptly entered into his data pad. It was a video.

The static buzzed out and the recording was clear. The camera was behind two dark figures, as the light focused it was revealed they were Praetorians, the Imperator's elite bodyguard and police force. Molded cuirasses of gold-plated titanium were the only real visible feature on the figures; outside of the Citadel the Praetorians had disposed of their ornate helmets, greaves and cloaks and replaced them with more modern military clothing. Their cuirasses, however noticeable they were, would never be left behind in a time of war.

The lead Praetorian made a hand gesture and the rest of his squad moved through the alley. They reached a door, the point Praetorian opened it gently and they all crept in, bearing their MIX* rifles at their shoulders. They reached a set of stairs and climbed up. At the head of the stairs was a door, laughter and crude comments could be heard. The point man slid a fiber optic probe under the door, his data pad confirmed what they had all heard:

A group of splinter Crypts.

The laughter stopped as the door opened and a flashbang rolled in. The grenade went off and screams followed. The ringing died down and twelve bodies lay on the ground. Two of them were still alive.

"-explicitive removed- son, they missed us! We still alive! Yeah, -explicitive removed- yall punks! Yeaahhh!!"

The Praetorian with the camera grabbed the imbecile and threw him out the window, the man screamed and was impaled on a fence post.

The last thug crouched in a puddle of his own urine, too scared to do anything. A boot to the back of his head forced him down into the mess. The camera Praetorian took out his combat knife and cut the man's pants off. He ripped his boxers down and spread the mans legs. Three other Praetorians held the man down. The sound of velcro was heard on the camera and a cylinder shaped object appeared. CV, an explosive less powerful than CIV but more confined and precise. The camera Praetorian spat on the object and shoved it up the thug's rectum.

A detonator appeared in the camera man's hand; the Praetorians evacuated the room and left the building. Camera Praetorian knelt on the stairs leaving only the camera to witness the explosion. A bright flash accompanied the sound and bits of flesh and organ dripped from the ceiling and walls. The camera shut off.

"Excellent, is it bringing results?"

"Is it bringing results? I can't say. The thugs never have enough time to surrender, they either die not knowing what hit them or they aren't given the chance to plea. Regardless, your Praetorians know their stuff. We've yet to have a casualty among them. The grunts, however, are a different story. 2,567 are injured so far, and 23 are dead. Various drive-bys and nightly-missions are the blame. But with the progress your Praetorians are making, we expect to get rid of this problem by the end of the week."

"Any movement in Lamoni?"

"Some repositioning of their allied auxilias, more patrols over their cities, a few deviations in patrol flight paths over their bases, increased naval activity, and more ground movement are what we've been seeing. There's definitely been some movement recorded by satellite in several Lamonian mountain ranges. Nothing exact, but pixels that are seen in one shot aren't seen in the same spot in the next. Most likely special forces awaiting our arrival into the area, but we can't be sure."

"But no major counter-attacks?"

"No; other than their ships and submarines waging counter naval operations against us."

"Hmm... Odd. Continue the cleansing of the gangster pestilience, make sure our SAM grid is functional and keep those defensive gauss rifles prepped."

"Of course, Imperator."

Marivs scuttled off through the archway and into the next room. Siricvs watched the Praetorian footage again and chuckled to himself.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Jan 24 2005, 01:55 AM
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Sani Grotkoller moved forward at a snail's pace, incredebly cautious, in the mountains on the border between NA and Lamoni. According to his GPS, he would cross the border in 20 seconds at this pace. He had orders from above to moved into enemy territory, plant forward sensors, take out targets of opportunity, and place small thermite mines at enemy encampments to prepare for any future fights in the area, so spec ops could effectivelly slip in through a hole in the wall and take out the camps in the dark. He and his team of 4 snipers, spotters, and spec ops personell managed themselves quite well and the mission went off without a hitch. The thermite mines planted, incredebly small listening devices thrown into camps over the walls, and 4 enemy combatants taken out on patrol in the forest, one of them in quite an embarassing position at death, taking a piss while his throat was slit and a silenced bullet pierced his skull. They left the bodies there to rot as a psychological ploy on the enemy, hoping it might unnerve them enough to affect their combat ability in the future.
According to HQ, similar surgical teams were piercing enemy lines and completing similar missions. The teams had no national identifying marks, no dog tags, and if they were captured, each individual was trained to press a small sensor on the side of his neck, only activated while on missions, which promptly blew his head off with a small charge inserted in the base of his neck. So far only 3 or 4 reports of men getting captured had been reported, all the charges going off as planned, sighted by spotters several hundred yards from the incidents, trailing the teams with surveilance equipment for HQ to analyze.
Holy Saints
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Posted: Jan 24 2005, 03:10 PM
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"Special operations forces from our enemies have infiltrated our camps, Imperator. We captured several, but they promptly committed suicide."

"Obviously they aren't so special if we caught them."

"No, they killed about a dozen or so patrols."

"Again, not so special. True special forces on a mission like theirs would either kill no one or kill everyone. If you leave survivors, they find the bodies then they clue in to their command that something's going on. Alert is heightened and further spec ops missions are much harder, if not impossible. I was a Praetorian myself, Marivs."

"Indeed, your orders?"

"I want an order of 500,000 extremely sensitive motion tracking devices to be delivered to our forward bases directly from Nova Tech."

"Of course. Anything else?"

"Yes... I want a full investigative sweep conducted in all bases. Search for anything foreign, anything not documented under maintenance logs or base command logs is to be destroyed. Enemy special forces wouldn't infilitrate our camps to let us know they're around. They've left something for us."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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