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Election Time In Newi Cefn Druids
Posted: Jul 4 2004, 11:10 AM
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Election time in NEWI Cefn Druids is coming around again, and a number of presidential candidates have emerged...

Trevor the Druid (Absurd Party) seems to have been around forever, and probably has. He has been president of the nation since it was created, and therefore must be well over a hundred years old, perhaps more. Was very popular during the Druid period in the Axis of Absurdity due to some of the extremely silly things he used to do, but can now no longer rely on his old tricks as the country starts to take life a liitle more seriously. However, he is still adored by masses of the older generations who loved his presidential style, and is probably favourite to hold onto his post.

Trevor Garth (Ludicrously Right Wing Party) would be a serious opponent to the Druid if only he was as charismatic. Many of the policies he wants to imply are Absurd policies or overtly religious. This means his main voter base will be many of the religious types who oppose the Absurd Party line against religion.

Geraint Griffiths (People's Democratic Party) looks to be in a good position for this election. His stance is to take more notice of what the people say than his advisors, but only those educated enough to work out their own opinion, which, in a nation of such poor levels of education, is not many. Expect strong pro-business policies, yet popularity, as the people will think it's for their own good.

Trevor van der Haart (Socialist Party) is seen by many as being to much of a shift to have from the current regime, but will gain support from many who see him as the only credible alternative to the more right wing, pro-business candidates he is up against. He is, however, the least Mock Welsh of all the candidates, and many see this as a bit of a flaw in his challenge.

Finally, David David David (Druid Party) is staunchly racist. Kicked out of his post as Foreign Minister for insulting Lovisans, he was soon picked up on by the Druid Party. Still, doesn't really have a hope in hell, especially while Trevor the Druid is still around.

So there you have it, they are the main candidates, but some others on the ballot paper might well make a name for themselves during the campaign and push themselves into the running.

And how will the election be decided? Well, each of the 23 regions of NEWI Cefn Druids will go to the polls, each with a certain number of votes to give to the electoral council. The votes are given from each region roughly proportionately to their share of the vote in each region. The two with highest totals go into the second vote, from which the winner will be chosen.

So let the campaigns begin! If anyone would like to put a question forward top any of the candidates, please feel free to do so, and they will try to answer in due course.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 5 2004, 02:59 AM
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Media Outlets all accross Vilita and it's outlying islands seem to favor the campaign of Geraint Griffiths, and the Vilitan Government has gone on record stating it too would favor a neighboring nation run by Griffiths.

It is unknown if this will have any affect on the outcome of the race.
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Posted: Jul 5 2004, 03:23 PM
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"Today Imperator Tiberius Iulius Revius has endorsed presidential candidate Geraint Griffiths of the People's Democratic Party of NEWI Cefn Druids. A citizen of Druids responded, we link you with the audio uplink... NOW!"

"We don't care what no foreign, schmoreign, PEAR EATER has to think about who done should be running our country!!! It's our country and we gunna be making the decisions around here!! Ain't no foreigns gunna be living here so what's it matter to them? Best to leave us alone you dang-fangled, hairy-armpitted baboons!!"

"Certaintly an inspirational speech, although that was merely one voice amongst many! We can only hope the people of Druids make the right choice! Back to you Pontius!"

"And in other news, citizens are in upheaval over the privatization of our glorious beaches..."

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on Jul 5 2004, 03:24 PM
Nova Roma
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Posted: Jul 6 2004, 08:01 AM
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The Sarzonian government issued the following statement by Senior Vice President for External Affairs Mark Lorber:

Sarzonia will monitor the election closely, but it is our national policy not to get involved in the politics of other free countries.
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Posted: Jul 6 2004, 10:25 AM
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The Lord Protector of Starblaydia has stated that he has no place interfering in another nation's political choices, but he is sure the people of NEWI Cefn Druids will make the correct choice.

Ricardo Gomez,
Communications Officer,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
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Posted: Jul 6 2004, 05:49 PM
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The Daily Druid

Ian Question-Mark on the presidential race

President Trevor The Druid's Absurd Party today announced the shocking news that it would be merging with a rival for the forthcoming presidential elections. The President has now given his backing to the Ludicrously Right Wing Party's Trevor Garth, in what will now be called the Ludicrously Absurd Party. However, the Druid's supporters were from a range of political beliefs who had all come under the uniting factor of absurdity. With that factor gone, this race remains wide open. All three main candidates are in with a chance, now. We await the next few weeks with baited breath.

NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 7 2004, 03:21 PM
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The peoples of Nojika have shown support for Trevor van der Haart's capmaign for presidency of NEWI Cefn Druids. And today, on behalf of Emperor Brakiss, Grand Vizier Baskar has publically announced the government's support of Trevor van der Haart.
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Posted: Jul 8 2004, 09:09 AM
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The Daily Druid

Paul Connor on the continuing Presidential election race.

With the race for the Druid Presidency hotting up, we will take a look at the appeal, or perhaps lack of it, of the four leading contenders.

Trevor Garth (Ludicrously Absurd Party)

Geraint Griffiths (People's Democratic Party)

Trevor van der Haart (Socialist Party)

David David David (Druid Party)


Garth has little international support, but has found a lot domestically after gaining the support of President the Druid. However, not all of the Druid's support has transfered directly. Also supporting Garth is the Minister for Lost Thigs, though only because none of the other candidates feel that the ministry is necessary any more.

Griffiths has the support of both Vilita and Novus Atlantica, which, despite the lack of enthusiasm from some, has been noticed by many Druids, who seem to want to become more of a regional power by following the example of their more established neighbours. Domestically, has received support from the Minister for Sport, Leisure, Art and Dossing About, Trevor Brookley, one of the most famous faces in Druid society.

van der Haart has also received support from within the region, from Nojika, and this decleration of support seems to have strengthened his position. Support for van der Haart has also come from outside the region, with many nations more left wing in stance hoping for what would have once seemed an unlikely result come out.

David appears to have no mainstream support, and, despite his once high profile in Druid society, appears to be heading for a disappointing showing, even for a minority party.


The main feature of Garth's campaign is to keep an aspect of absurdity within NEWI Cefn Druids. This would be obtained by mixing individualist beliefs with such outdated ideas as using pies as the nation's main source of defence and keeping the chucking of various items of footwear as the national sport ahead of more popular options such as football and handball. It is also thought that he has a lot of his own interests at heart, and is nowhere near as absurd as his predecessor, without whom he would have no chance at all. With this in mind, expect low taxes, poorer public services, and an even greater variety of commercial products on offer at extortionate prices. Fun, eh?

Griffiths has many similar policies to Garth, but they don't seem quite as extreme in their wording. Taxes will be attempted to be cut, while the quality of services will try to be maintained. A balance between everyone's interests will hopefully be struck, with potential cabinet ministers coming from all aspects of the community, with varying political beliefs. Other noteable policies include campaigning for an independent Flexsys Cefn Druids in the east of the country, as well as aiming to bring more major sporting events to NEWI Cefn Druids, starting with AOCAF Cup III.

van Der Haart will be resting upon a different approach from his rivals, using traditional left wing policies of higher taxation and greater equality for all across a wide range of public services. If possible, all attempts will be made for the nationalisation of industries.

David seems to lack any real kind of policies. His basic ideas revolve around moving NEWI Cefn Druids to an all-Druid region, before cutting off all international links. About as popular as an ice cream van in a snowstorm.


The worry about Garth becoming president is that he appears to have no reedeeming character whatsoever. How he ever managed to become leader of a political party is beyond most people.

Griffiths is a man of the people, coming from a poor background to rise to the top, often listening to the people's needs on the way, and using them to his own benefit. However, the fact that he listens is much more of a decisive factor during this election, and, coupled with his down to earth nature, it will make sure he goes as long way.

van Der Haart is a leader of men, and didn't get into the position he is today without being considered the first amongst his party's equals. Druids looking for more a leader than a listener are more inclined to go for van der Haart.

David, despite his party's beliefs, has gained a small degree of popularity due to his public speaking. He is an axcellent speechmaker, though, it seems, precious little more. Though he considers himself a man of the people, the people, on the whole, have rejected him.


The latest polls show a very close race between Griffiths and van Der Haart for the first vote. However, their significant distance ahead of Garth in third place means that the entrants for the second ballot in a fortnight's time look like they have been decided already.

Current polls (average):

van Der Haart 36%
Griffiths 34%
Garth 26%
David 3%
Others 1%

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Jul 8 2004, 09:10 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 8 2004, 11:03 AM
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The Stralphian government supports van der Haart.

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Posted: Jul 9 2004, 09:29 AM
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A map showing the regions of NEWI Cefn Druids (using top artistic program, paint)

Goddammit, why won't it come up in the [img] brackets???

Votes are given in proportion to the population of each region plus one. This means that votes range from one for Coopers to 43 in Cefn-Mawr, the most highly populated area of the country.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 9 2004, 10:12 AM
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The first vote took place yesterday and, as expected, Geraint Griffiths and Trevor van der Haart will do battle in the second ballot next week. Of the 357 electoral college votes available, Socialist van der Haart won 122 (34.1%), while Griffiths, of the People's Democratic Party, received 104 (29.1%). Trevor Garth, of the Ludicrously Absurd Party, received 65 votes (18.2%), while Daviv David David, of the extreme right wing Druid Party, came a disappointing fifth, beaten even by the Anwir Cymru Nationalists' candidate Rhys Thomas. The only other candidate to gain any electoral college votes was Trevor Fielding, of the Flexsys Cefn Druids National Party, who got 11 votes from his homeland and one from teh many Flexsys Druids living in Cefn-Mawr. However, none of these were successful, and so Griffiths and van der Haart are the only remaining candidates.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 12 2004, 07:25 AM
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Presenter: "Welcome back to 'Election night special', with me, Paul Connor. It's been a tense night, as the battle to see who has won the Druid Presidency. The results have been coming in all through the night, with the leader changing frequently throughout the night. Only the two states with the largest voting populations, Eustyd and Cefn-Mawr, still to give their results, and with the current totals at 154 to Griffiths and 150 for van der Haart, it's still anybody's election... and I'm just hearing that they're ready with the results from Port Scadock, the capital of the Eustyd region, where the electoral college vote has just been announced, Trevor Willson is there..."

Trevor Willson: "Yes, Paul, and I can tell you that van der Haart is still very much a part of this race, he has taken sixteen of the thirty votes on offer from Eustyd, and, if my calculations are correct, that leaves him just two behind with only the result from Cefn-Mawr to come in."

Paul Connor: "Indeed it does. And if that is the case, then this could still be anybody's. Polls show that in Cefn-Mawr, van der Haart is favourite to receive more votes, but it isn't known by how many. There are 43 electoral college votes availabe, and van der Haart is thought to have woon between 22 and 24 votes there. He needs 23 to win, can he do it? We'll be back after these important messages."
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 14 2004, 05:09 AM
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Paul Connor: "...and now I'm hearing that we can go over to The Hole in Mawr, the only place big enough for all the votes in Cefn-Mawr to be counted. Let's go over to Wayne Ottgun-Irwin who is there."

Wayne Ottgun-Irwin: "Well, the result has just been announced, and van der Haart has won the regional vote, but not by enough to win the national vote. 22-21 the votes went, and so Geraint Griffiths is the new president of NEWI Cefn Druids!"

Paul Connor: "Well I guess there will be more reaction to this throughout the next couple of days, but we are unfortunately out of time for our broadcast, so from me, Paul Connor, goodnight!"

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Jul 14 2004, 05:10 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 14 2004, 12:52 PM
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The Vilitan Government has sent a welcoming team accross the cove to NEWI Cefn Druids to Meet with New president Geraint Griffiths.

It is believed that political pressure from the influential Vilitan Government may have been the spur that thrusted Griffiths past main challenger van der Haart, marking a rare absense of a "Trevor" in the NCD Hierarchy.

The Vilitan Government is expecting a long and healthy relationship with the Griffiths-Run Druid Government.
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Posted: Jul 14 2004, 02:02 PM
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The Lord-Protector of Starblaydia welcomes the appointment of Geraint Griffiths, and hopes to prosper healthy business partnership links acorss the unnamed lake to which we both adjoin.

Ricardo Gomez
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Protectorate of Starblaydia
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